Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead Sussex

Issue I
(Only change is signature)



Edited and taken from
1 January 1959

     What do we mean by an origin of the preclear? He volunteers something all on his own; and do you know that is a very good index of case-whether the person volunteers anything on his own? An old-time auditor used this as a case index. He said, "This fellow isn't getting any better. He hasn't offered up anything yet." You see, he didn't originate-he didn't originate a communication.

     So remember that the preclear is as well as he can originate a communication. That means he can stand at Cause on the communication formula. And that is a desirable point for him to reach.

     But how about in the walk-away world-the world that is ambulant and moving around and spinning quietly, or noisily, as the case may be? Do you ever have to handle an origin in it? Well, I dare say that every argument you have ever got into was because you did not handle an origin. Every time you have ever got into trouble with anybody, you can trace it back along the line you didn't handle. If a person walks in and says, "Whee! I've just passed with the highest mark in the whole school," and you say, "I'm awfully hungry, shouldn't we go out and cat?"- you'll find yourself in a fight. He feels ignored. He originated a communication to have you prove to him that he was there and he was solid. Most little kiddies get frantic about their parents when their parents don't handle their originations properly. Handling an origination merely tells the person, "All right, I heard it, you're there." You might say it is a form of acknowledgment, but it's not; it is the communication formula in reverse. But the auditor is still in control if he handles the origin-otherwise, the communication formula goes out of his control and he is at effect point, no longer at cause point. An auditor continues at cause point.

     So let's look this over. The handling of an origin has a great deal of use and, until recently, it was the least pat step in Scientology. How did you handle an origin? And we finally found out. I finally had a cognition myself. I tried for a long time to communicate this to people and they still blundered on it occasionally. And I finally found out something that did seem to communicate.

     There are three steps in handling an origin. Here is the setup: The preclear is sitting in the chair and the auditor is sitting across from the preclear, and the auditor is saying, "Do fish swim?" or "Do birds fly?" and the preclear says, "Yes." Here is the factor, now, entering: "Do fish swim?" The preclear doesn't answer Do fish swim, the preclear says, "You know-your dress is on fire," or "I'm eight feet back of my head," or "Is it true that all cats weigh 1.8 kilograms?" You see, wog-wog-where did this come from? Well, although it is usually circuitry or something like that at work when it's that far off beam, it is, nevertheless, an origin. How do you handle it? Well, you don't want the preclear to go out of session, and he would if you handled it wrongly, so (I) you answer it; (2) you maintain ARC (you don't spend any time at it, but you just maintain ARC); and (3) you get the preclear back on the process. One, two, three. And if you spend too much time in (2), you'll be doing wrong.

     What is an origin? All right, he says, "I'm eight feet back of my head." It's an origin; what are you supposed to do with it? Well, you're supposed to answer it In this particular case, you would say to him something in the order of, "You are?' (You mean something like, "I've heard the communication - it's made an effect on me") Now, in maintaining ARC you can skimp that second one if you handle the third one expertly enough. The least important one is the second one, but the most deadly thing you can do is utterly to neglect the second one of maintaining ARC. That's deadly. But you can skip it if you really punch it into the third one, which is to say, get him back into session. So he says, "I'm eight feet back of my head," and you say, "YOU ARE???" (What he said really hit, you know.) He's kind of wog-wog about this-he's not sure what this is all about. You say, "You are?" and the fellow says, "Yes."

     "Well!" you say. "What did I say that made that happen?"

     "Oh, you said 'Do birds fly?' and I thought of myself as a bird and I guess that's the way it is, but I am eight feet back of my head."

     "Well, that's pretty routine," you say - reassure him, maintain the ARC what was that auditing question?"

     "Oh, you asked me 'Do birds fly?'"

     And you say, "That's right. Do birds fly?"

     Back in session, you see.

     You can't do this: You can't put it into a can and put a label on it and say "This is how you do it always," because it's always something peculiar; but you can say these three steps are followed.

     I will give you another example. You say, "Do birds fly?" and he says, "I have a blinding headache."

     "You do?" you say. "Is it bothering you (that's the ARC) too much to carry on with the session (and you've reached number three at once)?"

     "Oh no-it's pretty bad though."

     "Well, let's go on with this, shall we?" you ('.'~y. "Maybe it'll do something with it (maintaining ARC)."

     He says, "Well, all right," and you're right back onto it again: "Do birds fly?"

     One of the trickiest of these is "What in my question reminded you of that?" The fellow says, "Well, so and so," and he explains it to you and you say, "Well, good. Do birds fly?" and you're right back in session again.

     Three parts, and-that is the important thing-you have to learn how to handle these things.




Copyright (c) 1959, 1973, 1974
by L. Ron Hubbard