September 14th, 1985







(HASI Transcript)


[CBR's taped lecture, Technical Briefing 5, has been listened to and compared against the previous transcript available for this lecture. The transcript that was being compared, was sent to us by current Ron's Org terminals. Based on listening to CBR's lecture, the previous transcript was corrected as much as possible to more accurately reflect what CBR said, how he said it, etc. In some cases, pauses indicated in the form of comma's, dots, etc., were used in a non-grammatically correct sense to more accurately reflect CBR's pauses and also his speaking style.

Ok. This is the 14th of uh... September 1985, and it's just a... like a little uh... organizational and technical... briefing here which... Franz can... you can hear it later and ... Franz can translate to you anything you don't understand. All right? But, the data here we have is that.... uh.... the... people involved here uh... Franz and you and you and... the other, fellow. Which is like Klaus, right? - are wanting to make a technical team, all right? Am I right? That's what you, are here to do, right? - make a technical team, to... handle, not only the... point of getting people up the bridge and out... [laughs] out of the soup. The exit-point type of action here where we... really... handle people, and beings of all types, but also to... you want to uh... eventually have the skill, to handle these Implanter guys, right?

Well to do that, you'd have to confront a few things. That's a very good purpose by the way because I haven't found many people that have enough... uh... enough courage, to even want to do it or even to admit that they may still be around; but of course they are, because we're still around, [laughs] - and it's silly to think that just because... if we're around, the other guys aren't around; that's... that's not the way to think.

If you look at it logically, you will... look at uh... all... why are we doing Scientology here in the first place on this planet, and you find out that we're doing it here because this is a real, aberrated area of the universe. And WHY is it so aberrated and why did Elron Elray - or Ron - want to... make... this the testing place for the tech, is because, a lot of the - well, all the people here, have received one or more and... I would say, in most cases more... uh... Implantings, on the track, right?

And... they have been very confusing, and very... uh.... degradating to the Thetan. They make the Thetan very.... confused about who he is, uh... what he's doing, uh... why.... why does he think he's a meat body, why does he have to... uh... live on the planet, why can't he exteriorize and all of that stuff. In other words they FORGET that they're a spiritual being, all right?

Now that you all know from Scientology basics - but, the rest of it you can read in HISTORY OF MAN and... and uh... basic books like SCIENTOLOGY 8008, THE AXIOMS, those are all the things that tell you what happened to a Thetan and... what he should be like, when he's cleaned up, all right?

But here we're just dealing with a special thing, uh... and that is... logically, when you look at it - now take the viewpoint of the Implanter for a minute, this is the only way to see it ethically. You know, when you... when you're in Ethics you have to be able to confront evil, right? You have to confront evil, to handle Ethics. I mean you can't just sit there and think "everybody's great ... "

Ok. So to do that, you look at: What is the game of an Implanter, and what do they want to achieve, right? Well, it's pretty obvious that they want to achieve a... enslavement, or a control, over all... Thetans, for their own reasons, right? All right. So they want to... stay at the top, and make all the other people down here. That's the basic suppressive [hits table with hand] mechanism. All right? So, it's a game.

All life is a game. This is a very serious one, of course, at... that level it's... it's very serious. When you first contact it it's... it's... here's the Implanters and they're to trying to put other Thetans [hits table with hand] down here, so they can... control everything. Have all the... all the wealth, all the... Planets, all the... control-lines. All right? Now. If you were an Implanter and you were doing that, WHAT would be... the most DANGEROUS thing, to your game? That's what you must ask. You see?

Well first would be, a person... that understands... what an Implant is, and what a Thetan is. That would be very dangerous. All right? Because Implanting by it's very nature has to keep you in mystery. It has to [hits table quickly twice]... keep the person confused, and keep them: "what happened, what happened .... ?". See? It has to be secretive, has to be 1.1. So, it would be very dangerous for them, to know, that there was somebody around that understood what a Thetan really was and what... an Implant really was.

And of course LRH understood both of those. So of course they had to attack LRH and his family and Scientology. And you notice they really went after LRH. I mean knocking off Quentin, throwing his wife in jail, law-suits against him, uh... several attempted assassinations that we prevented in the Sea Org, uh... a lot of things, right? Uh... this is - would happen to anyone that tried to... say: "You know, hey, I know what Thetans are and I know what Implants are." Right?

You have to be a little bit... careful. Cuz... you don't have to stop doing what you're doing, but just be... ready to watch for these guys trying to come along the lines and... stop you from doing that. See? Ok. Now that's... one thing they would be afraid of is an individual that knows about Thetans and Implants, all right?

Now, what's even MORE dangerous to them? You see, cuz they're organized... Implanters are organized - they have Implants like you have... cassette records and books in your... [hits table] in your shelves. All right? I mean if they want to say: "Ah, we're gonna... handle the population of England. Ok. What's the Implants we have here that would... be very useful to restimulate in England? Ah, here's some good ones about uh... the coalmines, ah, here's the 'Coal Mines Implant' for instance, you know. So let's put all this on television. A lot of these pictures on television. Key everybody in. HAHA, blowing up coalmines, people dying from gas in the coal mines, that's good" - [unintelligible] See?

They might even send out a terrorist team to blow up a coalmine, just so they can have pictures on television. I mean that's the way they operate, you see? They actually think like that, you see? "Oh, these guys are getting unruly, you know, they're not paying their taxes and stuff, ah, get some coal mine implants and let's... key them in."

Or if it's rain, you know, rain, they say: "Oh, we got any good rain pictures, rain pictures of Implants here let's key them in on rain, yeah, here's one where they get sick when it rains. Ok, let's put that on television."

Somebody write a story -that's.... here's a guy who wrote a story about... rain, making people die from pneumonia and all that and they and... this... the 40... 40 days of rain in the Bible - "Let's put a lot of that on television and key everybody in." They do that! Implanters think like that, right? That's their files. They know what pictures you're... people have already - of course as you're Clear you don't have pictures but... the composite case has pictures. The body might have them stickin' to it, whatever. Ok.

But what's more dangerous than one person - that knows about Implants, and knows about Thetans - is a group. Mm-Hm. cuz they're organized and they know they can't be really hurt by anything except an organized group. All right? And they know, also, that that organized... if any group is organized - they can handle anything, if it's just on the body dynamics. If it's just a group that's... out... for money, if it's a group that's out for... uh... control of the land, if it's an army, if it's uh... uh... you know, business, trying to take over their businesses, they can uh... they can handle that. cuz they can restimulate those... the... Thetans, that are doing that, because those guys are operating, on a BODY dynamic, and they're operating on a... Thetan, dynamic. So they can handle them by keying in their Thetan, and that's it.

So don't worry about that too much. And they'll even print that in the newspapers. And... you know: "This guy tried to take over IBM and... he failed and now we're putting him in jail" - and stuff, discourages... people, yea? From trying to do something against the... [laughing] Implanters.

Anyway, what they're really afraid of is a group that is... on the 7th Dynamic in other words. Thetans, that understand this, and are organized and trying to handle it, all right? They're afraid of that. So the first thing they try to do is make it... seem that there's not such a thing happening, and nobody should believe 'em and they're all crazy and they're all hallucinating. That's what they tried to do... - or it's all "Science Fiction". [unintelligible] tried to do that with Scientology and... so on. You... you know all the stories, you know - "Oh, Scientology is just Science Fiction" - see? Ok.

But the group - when you look at it in present time and right now today - when they... see a group in present time, they're also afraid of another thing: that that group might have existed before. Cuz they know THEY existed before, this might be the SAME group coming after them that came after them before, and often... got them! [laughs] And often won, breaking up their Implants or arresting the top guys in it or whatever.

Like LRH did in... "Revolt in the Stars". He ended up arresting the... and capturing the guys who were doing the... Implants, and the destruction of the populations. He arrested them. Brought them to court, to trial. Ok. So, they're afraid of that.

Now, do you think, in the long history of the universe which has gone on a long time, that... anything that's happening now on this planet is the first time it happened? Or the first instance of that? It's not. Because the group, which is getting together to fight Implanters, on this... particular, planet NOW, probably was the same group, or one of the same groups that... did it before. Yea? You understand... ? Now, some of the times they won, and some of the times they lost. Any game - you win some and you lose some, right?

Now we got a real good Tech, see? We can win, all the time, I guarantee you, we can win all the time now, if we can just get the Tech done. So...

Ok. But... sometimes you did lose. Now what happens when you lose, what is an Im... Implanter going to do if you're the one that gets captured, and you're one of these... dangerous group members, right? They're gonna give you a special treatment, right? The special treatment is gonna be, to prevent those two dangers from coming up. They're going to... give you a special treatment - let's call it PDH, or Implant. Pain, Drug, Hypnosis. Implant. All the same area - but they're going to try and make you believe, first of all, that you're not a Thetan. That you're a body, or a - you know - just... something, but not... a Thetan.

Second thing they're going to make you do - try and to make you believe - is... that... you very... suspicious of anybody, that... talks to you about Implants or... anything like that and you don't believe them - in other words: they try to keep the group from getting back together. They're trying to make you... totally stay by yourself, hm? They try to keep the group split apart, they might even install false Overts & Withhold Mechanisms between the group. See? Putting a guy... here, and... somebody over here uh... uh... that he believes is a member of his group, and then saying: "Now, you just did this, to this person and that person... did that to you... " - and Overts and Motivators and all that - "you're gonna to be punished for it now... " - and then - zapp, zapp, zapp - with the big electricity shocks, so that the persons then go: "Ha, ooh! I must have done something bad. I got a really bad shock" -you see? And the next time they meet that person in another lifetime or... on down the track - you know - and they go: "Ooooh! I don't want nothin' to do with that person". Feels withholdy, you know? "I don't wanna get shocked again!" [laughs] You understand? That's... the second thing they're gonna try and do is keep the group from getting back together.

First thing is they'll try and make them think they're not Thetans. Now, uh... I know that all of us - at one point we didn't really have the idea of what a Thetan is. I think in early this life I was going along: "Yeah, there is something more, something more." I don't know what to call it exactly. You know - "ME uh... I feel... more than just a body... " - but I didn't know exactly what it was. You know?

But everybody's got the State of Clear you know? So they do understand that they're a being, right? Thanks to LRH. So we got out of that first trap. We, have now, realized again, that we are Thetans. Second thing, is we realized that there are other members, of the team that we want to handle things with. You know, to handle the Implanters.

Then, then the third thing they will do. And that is simply distraction. A distraction, you see? Uh... you know what I mean? To take your attention away from doing this, and put it over here. Yea? Q & A! To make you Q & A. That's what it is. They say: "Well, IF they realize they're Thetans" - this is the Implanters thinking though - "IF they ever realize they're Thetans, and IF... they ever get back together as a group, and IF... they... run out this... stuff about they... have this, conflicts between themselves, well let's get them uh... let's give them something else to worry about. [laughs] You know? Let's give them something else to worry about. Let's give them some uh... distractions, all right?" PTPs, ARC Breaks, Problems, Missed Withholds, you know everything...

Now one of the easiest things to give people, to distract them, is of course anything to do with the body. Yea? If they figure they gonna... have you in a body, or you're gonna to be operating from a body after they knock you... with the Implant, then any distraction with the body. So... "Let's give 'em a whole thing of programming them to get sick. Let's give 'em a whole thing of programming to have 2D troubles. Let's give 'em a whole thing to have 'em programmed to have... trouble with eating. You know, they can't eat certain foods and... and uh... must eat-can't eat, uh... food, I'm worried uh... disease, uh... I don't know whether I should eat... " you know? "Let's give 'em a lot of problem with: food, sex, bodies, sickness - yeah - illness, that's good. What else? Uh... how 'bout air? Let's give 'em some trouble with air. Breathing - yeah - all right, pollution - ahh - that's a good thing." Worry, worry, worry. Huh?

They're trying to restimulate with all this stuff, that's all. So, if you give a person a body enough to worry about, you know, and you can do it in many ways, by sickness, ill... or illness, good health... uh... good food or bad food, good... good air or bad air, uh... 2D problems. You know, should it be this person or this person. Uh... "I'm jealous." Missed Withhold - all this kind of stuff, you know? Sex flows. All of that.

And... they can give, also things to do with uh... uh... disci... uh... - what do you call it - uh... "bodies killing each other". See? So, keep showing a lot of pictures of wars, bodies killing each other in movies and stuff like that, and that gets people worried about they might die. You see? That distracts them.

So they have to buy life insurance, and then you get down to the BIG distraction which is they have to have money to do all this: to go to the doctor, to go to the... buy the food, to uh... to uh... uh... have 2Ds, to have uh... uh... good air around, to uh... keep from getting in wars you gotta have weapons to defend yourself, you've got to... you've got to have a house to... protect yourself, you've got to have locks on the doors - all of this. So you make an economic... trap, to hold all this together, you see? You got a nice economic trap, and then people are totally distracted. They have to keep getting the money, to handle all these problems all the time.

And if they're doing that, then, they can't realize - they hope, they hope - that they can't realize, that they're Thetans. They should be... working together as a group and they should be... organizing to knock out the Implants, you see?

Now. All of this goes on, all the time! - on planet Earth. It's going on continually, it has been going on. When you're... at the effect of it, you don't even notice it, as... a plan. When you come... above the level - realizing that a Thetan (a Clear) starts looking around and then realizes: "Hey, this is crazy". And they only do what they... have to do - to do basic survival, and so on - and then, always keeping some attention going on the purpose. you see? And then as you get more and more ability - like if you guys all get trained as auditors - then you can be more full time on the purpose, you see? And you get stronger and stronger and stronger. Klar? Alles klar?

You see? So training auditors is another thing, that Implanters wouldn't like. You see? Cuz... people can't get out of those traps, by just reading a book. They have to be audited. You see? They can maybe get part way out but they can't get all the way without... some real good... solo auditing. All right? So. If you have the purpose to get trained and so on like that then realize all these other distractions, are what is meant, to keep you from doing that! It's the Q & A mechanisms, you know?

So if you want to get trained, then... get together, have your common purposes and so on, and just take the other stuff and just laugh at it and say: "Well, that's probably some shit the Implanters laid on us, man, let's just go ahead and get trained. Or let's just go ahead and [unintelligible] enjoy life. " You know? Enjoy it here but... first give an example of what is life, to be Clear, to be... more or less.... knowing what the game is, so that other people can see, that you're not affected by it, you see? So you have a duty as an auditor, and as a... OT or a Clear, to give an example, to people that: "Hey, you don't have to be Qing & Aing and restimulated by all this stuff." Right?

Yeah, as you get up there, you know that: "Hey, man, the attacks are getting really heavy on the 7th Dynamic!" Take it as a win! You weren't even getting attacked ten years ago, by the 7th Dynamic. They had you totally under control. All the way down pushed down to think you were a body and you were probably... going back and forth between the hospital and the job and the... the food store and the television, you know? Now you're becoming an auditor. Oh boy. See? "Hey, look man, I must be winning! The Implanters are attacking me, that's great!" you know?

And then you pop through that, and you'll finally just pop right through it. As you go through the Solo Course, you do the... Clearing Course, you do the... the uh... OT Levels. You come through that and you just look at: "These guys are crazy. They're just... crazy, aberrated Thetans, that are doing this game, on Earth, to just keep people... keyed in and so on."

That's it, it's all it is. Then you can pick out what is the good parts, of the civilization and what is the... not the good parts of the civilization. In other words, the not the good parts are the ones controlled by the Implanters, but they don't control everything. Cuz there's too much Theta around. There's too much Theta... eh... because people do survive. And they survive because of their Theta not because of the Implanters...

So there is some good things around. You know, good ARC, good friendships, good groups, good culture, good uh... uh... environments, there is good places around. Good things, good people.

So you... can recognize that and sort of.... "pull them over to your side", so to speak In a auditor that would be getting PCs, yea? And getting people on Comm Courses and things like that. You just.... :"Hey, come on, you know, we can help you." - but... you want to... you want to always remember that... you are the prime subjects of... the game, on the Implanter's side, right?

The Implanters, are looking, for people popping up above the level of confusion, to become: "HEY!" - you know - "Wow! That's Implanters over there. Look what they're doing" - you know - "Haha... ". Do you see that they will see then - "Uh, oh! There come some people that could... could knock us out" - Cuz they're easy to knock out.

All their power is... is... is... obtained by restimulation of the earlier... earlier stuff they've done with Thetans. That's all the power they have. Nobody..... everybody would laugh at 'em if... if it wasn't for their... ability to key in people. You know? I mean it's true. You get to the point on the OT Levels where anything they can throw at you you just laugh at it. It's so so silly, you know?

Even if it's horrible flows and... beams and... horrible pictures and so on, you know? I mean they try to key people in with horror movies and stuff like that. Some people can sit there and look at a horror movie and say: "Yeah! Ok. Great! That's a good... I see how they did that in Hollywood." you know? It doesn't bother them. Other people go: "Aaaaah... " - like that. Well they're more... effect of the... of the uh... restim. You see?

So anyway, when the Implanters see you coming up above the uh... level of the... Humans, and you're now up here as a Thetan and you're organized, then they say: "Uh oh! Those guys are playing against us."

So you... on a... on a game level now: 7th Dynamic - it's like a chess game, you know - 7th Dynamic: here's the Implanters, here's the guys trying to free people. Eh? So, then you just have to realize that once you get there, and once you realize you're there, the best thing to do is get more able, than the Implanters.

And you can do that very... very quickly. A solo auditor, that goes on through OT III and onto NOTs, is more able than an Implanter. He knows more about it - I mean just knowing LRH's data you know more about... the mind and the... Thetan than the Implanters do. Cuz we can undo them. We can... get people out of them. All right?

But remember, you're not here... you... you should be now, as a... as a team, above the level of getting restimulated, by these... Implants and things like that, right? And don't fall for their silly games.

Uh... Now. The other thing I want to mention... is don't, try to... get somebody to Itsa, about things which are above the case level, or should be handled in session. You understand? In other words: there's some things that ... can only be handled in session. All right? And that are the things that... well, as Franz can tell you - they... have to do with... with the... the case data, and the ability of the solo auditor to handle it, and the level he's on. Right?

So, I can talk about Implants, cuz all of you have seen them in your folder, and you know what... LRH says about 'em and so on, right? But then, to go in and... try to figure out every little thing that happened in that Implant, right? - let me tell you, some of them are very, very tricky. If you've got the thing F/Ning, and it's... not bothering you anymore, leave it. It'll come up later. You'll... handle it on a... a higher level. But they have - but it's not bothering you anymore, ok, it won't... it'll still be there - if you have attention on it - it'll still be there later, to handle.

You don't have to - you know, if somebody comes in and says: "You know, oh God, I've got this... pain here, I think it's, you know, from an old... thing they drilled into my head or something... "

"Yeah, well, tell me about it."

The guy says: "Ohhh... well, I don't know, it feels like a drill... in my head, you know, oh, maybe it was an Implant, you know, they... they implanted me, put me on a pole, and drilled a thing... through... through the body I was uh..... .a doll body, that's what it was, and they drilled this thing through, but something else... eh,eh... "

But you don't have to go and [unintelligible], you don't HAVE find out ALL the details in the Implant because that will come up later. You'll find that you'll be more experienced on Implanting than anybody in the world, when you run through OT III and NOTs. You'll... understand Implanting better than anybody.

But, you don't have to find out how they did this whole thing. All you have to do is: date it and locate it - [snaps fingers] and it'll key out. Or it'll be... even... some of the charge may... erase, and blow. All right? So all the guy has to really know is that: "Oh, it isn't now. It happened back here, on the track. Oh yeah, over there... " - POOM - "Ahh... " - and it relieves.

Because what they're doing is trying to restimulate, the earlier ones, in present time, by... doing different beams, radiations, uh... television programs, uh... news stories, etc. like that. They try to... keep that... restimulated.

You can also at a lower levels, key it out. Not even by Date locate, but just finding when it keyed in: "Oh, when did you start feeling that?"

"Oh, yesterday about 3 o'clock."

"Ok, yesterday, 3 o'clock. Where were you yesterday 3 o'clock?"

"Well, I was at my house, and I was watching television."

"Oh, Yeah! Yea, yea, what did you see on television?"

"Oh! Yea! Yea! I saw [unintelligible] get shot in the head. Oh yea, that's what it was. Haha... "

So a lower level, he can get it just by getting the lock of the restimulation off. Eh? For a person that's Clear they can Date Locate... the Implant, itself, and that blows it even... further away. It doesn't - not likely to even restim again, you see? So a lower level guy gets it off as a lock and the... and the Clear gets it off as a ... well sort of like a... uh... a date/located engram, and then on NOTs, and OT III, you actually, can find out, EXACTLY everything that happened. [laughs] Right? And you erase it, and anything connected with it.

And it's not, advised for a lower levels, cuz you have to be a solo auditor. You have to be trained, and you have to... be able to... handle, this stuff very fast, and understand what it's... what it's all about, all right? So the best thing you can do when you... get together as a group is to get yourself... up the bridge to that point, all right?

Now, I don't want you to think that... a whole... the whole of OT Levels is "negative gain", which means, only things being... done to you that go away, right? You also... get, a lot of abilities back, and you find out WHY you didn't - weren't able to hol... hold those abilities and they come back to you as "positive gain", as well.

So those are the two sides of it: You find out - yes - what has been done; but you also find out what YOU did, and also... your ability comes back as these... things which were blocking your abilities leave, all right? - or get as-ised. So there you... you come out of it, having a lot more ability.

You all have... experienced telepathy and different things turning on as you go up the bridge. Right? You get more telepathic... control. You get more knowledge of that your... whole track. You get more certainty of your... beingness, and your identity, you don't... particularly feel you're a body anymore. You may even... find your... you have a preferred name as a Thetan, rather than as a body, you know? So all of this, shows that you're coming... along, up the bridge.

But I just want to caution you, don't get too diggy into the... into the details of these things because they ARE very complicated, they HAVE to be complicated otherwise any guy walking on the street could suddenly read a funny-book about it or something or a... or an LRH book and.... [snaps fingers] totally... get out of it. But he doesn't. Why not? Because it does need auditing and it does need training and it does need the... special, handling of the whole complexity of it, all right? That - then you can get through. I guarantee you, all right? Now is there any questions about all this? Huh? So as a group, you can operate very well. Just keep into comm, but don't try to dig in, on it. Just... date/locate - psst - blown - out.

Or: "When did... when did you first notice that?"

"Ah, this day", and you can do it by the lock, when the lock keyed in, which restimulated the earlier one.

Or in session you can do a Date Locate - as you know. The date-to-blow-locate-to-blow... the thing, eases off. Doesn't mean it's totally gone - something's gone though - it does... it does... relev... relieve it, and erase that... part that was sticking to you.

You will find out on OT III and OT... and NOTs that... there is maybe more to it and then it'll be totally gone when you... handle it there. It will be totally gone and never affect you again. You'll never be restimulated by the Implanters again either - that's the interesting thing on... those levels. Once... you handle it on those levels, it can never be restimulated, again. Cuz it isn't... there anymore. You understand?

And that's why they're afraid, and that's why they had to take over the Church very quickly after they started getting the NOTs tech, you see? Because if the people got through - if a lot of people came through and got out... and got... and got through NOTs - they wouldn't be able to... restimulate them anymore, you see? They would lose... very badly. They... they couldn't... couldn't CONTROL THESE PEOPLE ANYMORE!.

So when you look at it from the viewpoint of the Implanter: they want, to have happen, exactly what the non-optimum or the... the problems or the... the distractions you're having - they like that. They think that's great. You know, if we're poor and don't have money - they like that. If we uh... if we have problems with uh... 2D or with.... body problems or... physical injuries - they like that - that's wonderful, for them. All right?

So, remember, in the game - look at it : what would be good for an Implanter? "Hey, let's don't... validate that around here." Yea? If it's a key-in, just say: "OK. Well, that's good for the Implanter but now that... now what is the date that this keyed in? When did it key in? Yesterday, the day before?" Ok. Get the... get the thing and... blow it out, or put him in session and do a Date Locate on the actual... doingness, the incident. That's the simple way to handle it, until you... get together.

I don't recommend this for everybody but a Tech-team should be knowing this, huh? Because they have to keep a total auditor attitude toward the public, toward new people, toward uh... PCs, etc., etc. Ok? You have to be totally uh... able, to do that, otherwise you... you... you can't hold your uh... your position, very well, as a... auditor, you know, if you can't even communicate to the people you're... doing the business with, [unintelligible] that are auditing with you, or the PCs that are... on your lines, or whatever, you know?

You have to look at each of them, as a person that's... coming up there to realizing they're a Thetan, realizing they're... a member of a group with a purpose - or at least they... certainly want to go free - and then, helping them get there. And that's all you're doing in auditing and you're doing a lot more of it on the OT Levels than... you're doing, at a lower levels. That's why we want you to get up there.

If there's no other questions then I... I think that that's... the game uh... and LRH laid out very well and it is, as he says, on one of his tapes uh... on the Class VIII Course - it is booby-trapped at the upper levels. You should know that, that... no one, is going to get out of the upper levels unless they do it... the right way. They can't get through. All these guys that are still... on... uh... in the Church or... on OT Levels, having a long time and not... getting through and so on like that, they're not going to get through - they can't get through. You know why? Look at it from the viewpoint of the Implanters: they can't get through, because they're not, even in the right game! [laughs] You see these OTs coming along and they say: "Yeah, I'm OT. I've finished my NOTs."

"Well, ah, what are you doing to handle... help handle the 4th Dynamic and the condition of the Planet?"

"Oh, I don't have to do anything about that, I'm totally f r e e... !"

He's still walking around in a body, he's still on Earth, you see? No responsibility for... handling the... the things, he should have found out about, no responsibility for handling the... situation of other beings, that are also in the same trap.

He's still in the trap himself, cuz he's not even confronting, what an Implanter's game would be, you see? - or if they tell you: "Oh! The Implanters! Oh, no! That's all - haha - that's Science Fiction, that... LRH... yea, it was there the track, but it's NOT anymore, it's ... [mumble]... it's all COOL in PT, man, look at the Prime Minister, he's such a nice guy. And IBM, I work at IBM, that's a great place, man, we got water fountains and air conditioning, it's FANTASTIC! You know? Yeah, I know we... we're the biggest... computer company in the world, I mean, we've taken over everybody... ah, I mean, ah... yeah, well... [audience and CBR laughing] yes, well, I have my SUCCESS, I mean, my STATUS, I... yeah."

If you hear a guy is talking like that that says he's finished he ain't finished nuthin'! He got to a release point, on the 1st Dynamic, and he said: "That's it! Ah... I feel g o o d ... I'm gonna stay that way. I'm not gonna confront anything else, because if I do it might be... d a n g e r o u s... !!"

That's all you got, he's a guy that... has a little more... 1st Dynamic Ability to... sort of uh... make his own survival. But he's not going to help anybody else. So he hasn't really found out what the game is yet, that he's still in, and still the effect of. Ok?

So don't worry about it. We're making the real OT guys here, in Frankfurt. And the guys associated [unintelligible] because you know why? If the other areas were making OTs, they would have come here and said: "We wanna... carry on and help!" because... the Sector 9 Book has been around, for about a year, and a lot of people - everybody knows about it in... Australia, New Zealand, America, Canada, England...

And I haven't seen anybody coming over here and saying: "HEY, I see what you wrote in "Sector 9", man, we wanna help handle these guys!" You know why they haven't? Because none of them have made it. None of them have gotten it. I don't even think they got through OT III, [laughs] but I know none of them have gotten through NOTs. Or the first thing they would have realized is: "God, we better go and help Captain Bill, he's the only fucking guy on the Planet that's trying to get us out of this fucking mess!"

Because you can't handle those levels, without running INTO that game! You can't finish the levels without... running into that game and handling that game, and it's effects on you all the way back the track. You can't... do it. Now all you can get is a sort of a guy, like I said, sliding out and being a sort of a 1st Dynamic - "Hehe... " - but... you can't, finish the levels, without... confronting that game. So no one has finished those levels, because if they had finished the levels they would have confronted the game and realized that by the writings and data I've been putting around that we're... we're the guys that are... handling that game over here. And nobody's come around, except the ones we already know. You know, like the guys in Spain, and.. a few... in Vienna, Harry Mason, a few other guys around - yea, there is a few.

But... nobody from... David Mayo's lines, nobody from uh... the uh... lines of the other... independent groups over there, nobody from the English AC's, nobody from Langenthal [sounds like] nobody from... uh... the Australian group. Although there's some good guys down there that might be playing the game. There's a few, and they're getting more and more, keeping in comm and so on and really... appreciating what we're doing.

But the big groups, the Independents, that I don't see them on that game level yet, but they will HAVE to be, or... they're not gonna make it. You see? The Implanters will just say: "Haha! Get 'em!"

Well how can they handle it? Only if they're not effect of it anymore. Only way they can do that is complete their levels, that's it. Once you've finished uh... uh... our bridge, of... OT III up through... and up to - through NOTs, you won't be at effect of any Implanter game at all. You'll be able to... make a game to handle the Implanters. You'll be able to... find out what they're doing just by knowing... what they're doing, wherever they are on the Planet. They can't even hide, there's no way they can hide, you know, just... telepath... telepathically you can just spot 'em and... and then we can... you can even audit them if you want, or you can put Ethics in on them if you want, you know? It's very simple, ok?

So, that's... that's what I'm saying - it's not... it's not ok, to dig in at the lower levels until you have the tools, to do it, that you get on uh... III and NOTs, right? - to... handle, the effects of the whole... the whole effects of the Implanting, right?

It is ok, to find... when it keyed in - key it out - it is ok to date/locate it, right, and a little... Itsa, that's ok. But NOT to dig in, right? Because you're gonna get into something that you can only handle with the processes, of ... OT III and above, and if you... don't have them and you're not sitting there trained as a solo auditor and able to do it then it makes a lot of trouble for the auditor, right? Ok?

And I appreciate everybody's eagerness and so on, and I know that - it's just like - you know, take your attention off of it, and put it on something else, and uh... pick up... study or... do something or... listen to music - good New Civilizations Music - and so on, or... read a book or something. Get some HATTING, on things you may need hatted on. You see? That's another thing that's interesting. I mean there's... a LOT of data being collected, that uh... Maria's... helping me collect and... we're reading all this stuff all the time about all the different scenarios that's going on on the Planet. You know? All the ones still evolving with Outer-Space-People and... uh... Secret Societies and the Masons and the... these, Secret uh... Mystery Groups and Black Magic and... weird Medical uh... Practices and... Hypnotism, and weird Mind Control Practices that are going... there's a lot of stuff going on.

That, we're collecting a lot of data about. That show just how crummy the old civilization is. But you get interested in that - then you'll start to see that: "Hey, you don't have to go back, to your earlier incidents and find out how complicated that is. Just look how... they're trying to restimulate it on this Planet" - then you'll see: "Hey man, that's all they're doing!" You can spot all the... all the points of restimulation, on the Planet today. And you also... it also helps you get... released, on this stuff. Knowing how it's being kept in... in restim today, ok? So... End of lecture.

Thank you.