A theta being can be de-aberrated by ridding him of his chains of facsimiles and restoring to him his knowledge of identity.
A theta being can enjoy existence and emotional impact, he can plan and act. His activities lie about 8.0 on the tone-scale. He is very high aesthetically and devotes most of his time to aesthetics.
Theta beings associate socially with theta beings and have a high sense of justice.
A theta being can be made visible by certain electronic flows; he can be pinned down by certain flows. The wave lengths of these flows are not known to homo sapiens at this time and methods of emission of them have not been invented on Earth.
MEST beings of the class of homo sapiens are composite beings motivated by a theta being, entities, the GE and the environment. MEST beings, fallen away from being theta beings, incapable of regaining a theta state in the absence of Dianetics, dislike theta beings (whom we will call THETANS from here on, meaning a theta being who has not been forced to have a MEST body). MEST beings, trying to inhabit an area of THETANS are commonly balked and fought by the thetans and the MEST beings then begin to trap and harass the thetans and will use them to motivate new bodies when the thetans have been reduced to little or nothing in power. The THEY which you will discover in incidents are MEST beings. The current homo sapiens is a THEY. Theta beings (amnesia and a MEST body) attack thetans who menace him. Thetans can kill MEST bodies by throwing a charge at them. Thus a war develops between thetans and MEST beings. Given electronics and hitherto unconquered thetans, MEST beings can and have won.
Thetans communicate by telepathy. They can move material objects by throwing an energy flow at them.
They can travel at very high speeds. They are not bound by atmospheres or temperatures.
Thetans quarrel with each other by showing each other facsimiles or throwing energy flows at each other, but they are not very quarrelsome.
Thetans do not die. They grow in that there are young and old thetans. Decaying, they obtain MEST bodies and eventually pass out in the form of a solid, apathetic slumber.
A thetan can feel pain. He can be crippled and dismembered, but this requires force which would blow half a town off the map.
Thetans live on some planets. They consider these to be "outside the MEST universe" by which they mean outside areas inhabited by… [the composite beings, the "races" which use electronics and need bodies.]
When he loses some of the environment he conceives that he has lost some of his ability
to control. We get then a dwindling of control along all the dynamics throughout the lifetime until he finally cannot even control all the MEST body but only some small part of it. A thetan without aberration could safely enter into and control the whole environment, lose widely and reassume control. A thetan very aberrated will get restimulated when he loses some control of the environment and won't thereafter try to control that type of thing or person again. These control transfers and their losses will be found widely in any case and are almost as important as auditing control of the first dynamic.
As you run facsimiles you will find that there are those seen by the preclear as though within himself and those seen by the preclear as though outside himself. Audit the latter to audit the thetan. Audit the former and you audit only entities.
CONFUSION OF IDENTITY is a primary problem with preclears. Now that WHO the preclear is can be established and WHERE he is can be seen by the preclear as he runs facsimiles, this confusion can be resolved. But do not expect to solve it for the preclear rapidly. And do not expect to be right yourself the first time.
TECHNIQUE 88 is an E-meter technique. It can be run without an E-meter but this permits all manner of dodging and evading. And there are usually six or ten entirely different banks in any preclear beside his own-- lots of places to dodge into. But SCIENTOLOGY 8- 8008 solves all this for you.
The entities all have banks. Now these are either stolen banks (from some other thetan long ago as in BORROWING) or they are the identity of this entity.
We aren't much interested in auditing entities except when auditing one can reduce rapidly a physical somatic or physical ill-easily done for the entities hold these in present time and they will audit in present time. A thetan high enough to be outside the body to a normal control distance is not going to hold a fascimile in restimulation just to hurt or injure his body. Only an entity will do this or a thetan who has transferred all the way into the body--which makes him an entity and thereafter he will behave like one (no work, high ARC with groups in order to upset them covertly, etc., etc.)
You will find an understanding of your thetan's goals a little helpful in making sure you are auditing the thetan. He was quite old when he first fixated on the idea of controlling MEST bodies. That was not too long ago if he is still operating just outside the body (about arm's length). One of the reasons he fixated on a MEST body was because he was terribly bored.
There is a considerable liability to being a thetan from the standpoint that one is quite immortal. Even death cycles will look good to a thetan whose aberrations have reduced him down from the goals
and hopes he once had. Now he begins to have hopes for a MEST body. This body will grow and die but at least it will change. Aberrations cut this thetan down to a point where he couldn't see any change possible, could not see his own goals would ever be attained; so he fixated on a MEST body, became involved in the pure mechanics of operating and caring for one, became more aberrated by contagion from the entities in that body and the uncertainty of life in a mortal being, lost his goals as a MEST body, finally became pretty sordidly sick of the whole thing.
Now, magically, you uncover for this thetan six or eight banks full of seventy trillion years or less of incident. The thetan is a wizard at liking to act at being somebody else. That got him into believing he himself was a MEST body. Well, it will also get him into believing he is any one of the entity banks you uncover.
And he will let you audit these things until doomsday. Vicarious existence, better than a motion picture. But ask this thetan to confront the existence which he shudderingly forsook? Never! It was boring. He's been through all that. He actually knows what happened to him but it was bad enough to make him wish to forget it until he forgot it. He'll say he's this entity or that. He'll be happy, in preference to facing his own past, to just go on and perish as a MEST body.
There are two remedies for this. The first is the Emeter. That is an unequalled remedy. You can find out the identity of every bank in the preclear and know that the thetan isn't any one of them. You can find out the first to last transfers. You can discover the location of every incident the thetan should run.
Now in using the E-meter you will discover something strange with regard to the thetan. At first the meter will be much more active on the entities than on the thetan himself. For one thing, the thetan should be OUTSIDE the body. For another, the thetan would rather look over and shove into view incidents he himself has never before seen. He'll help you audit these entities endlessly. People who keep running incidents without any recourse to an Emeter will achieve much with the body, very little with the thetan--hence there is no rise in tone although the auditing hours continue to stretch out. In people who continually self-audit without direction, the thetan is just being very propitiative toward MEST bodies and is giving the entities a wonderful work-out.
The body gets better sometimes. The thetan never gets better. And he is "I." The behaviour of the thetan in the past was often copied after something he took from the entities. He found an entity role would
restimulate, he became the actor and performed the role. He left his own bank alone and neglected although there were aberrations to dramatize there too. (And by the way, you will find the thetan occasionally trying to stop the body from dramatizing out of entity banks).
The thetan bank, the one you want, will give you less active needle response than the entity banks when you first start auditing. This is a sort of negative sorting. But you may have to audit an entity or two because of the way the entity has the body stuck on the track.
The point is to find the thetan bank and audit it. The conflict in this person derives from the ambitions of the thetan being balked by the laziness and stupidity and desire for death and destruction on the part of the entities. You can audit any side of this conflict you want. But by simply making the thetan sufficiently strong, the entities become cowed and won't act up or even drop out and leave.
The other answer is to clean up present life with attention to all transfers in it, all switch transfers, all control transfers. Audit the thetan handling the body until you have the current life well up.
You will find that you will have to start by giving the preclear a drill to locate where the thetan is. Simply run him up and down the track through various incidents, with good attention to attention unit running, each time locating the thetan outside the body and handling it. The preclear will get a dim concept of the handling but he will get a good concept of the location of the thetan.
Now, in the current lifetime, locate the thetan being distracted from his task by noises or arguments in the environment.
Run the sympathy of the thetan for the body, the refusal of the thetan to feel sympathy at times. And run in particular antagonisms or angers from the body at other bodies, from the other bodies at the thetan's body.
Get all the DED-DEDEX computations out of the way and then audit the thetan entrance somewhere around the time of birth. It isn't an entrance, it's a possession of the motor controls.
When you have this thetan in good shape for this lifetime he will be strong enough, usually, to tackle NIPS, BLANKETINGS, BORROWINGS. But don't be amazed when you run your first of these to find that the thetan has been using an entity bank. Any borrowing, however, is good to run. Any blanketing on the second dynamic shows your preclear once and for all that he IS a theta being without a body by showing him an incident to that effect.
If the case is incapable of finding the thetan in current life, then take the youngest entity and audit it.
It generally is the thetan but transferred inside the body.
How long it will take you to audit a preclear to theta clear one cannot say. The route reaches high very quickly. Using this know-how and 80 you will attain a MEST clear in a very short time. Aside from inaccessible persons and psychotics in general, most cases should become MEST clear in a few weeks of hard auditing.
Note: Dropped font on page 75 paragraph 1 is taken from scamizdat version as it is ommited in this uk version.
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