FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST PURIFICATION RUNDOWN ISSUES PACK - PART 2/3 ************************************************** Issued and delivered in the 1980 - 1985 time frame, these are the issues that all persons doing the Purification Rundown were required to study prior to doing the actual Rundown itself. The checksheet was a separate issue which we do not have a copy of. If you have a copy of the checksheet please post it. NOTE: With the following exceptions, all documents are reproduced exactly as issued. All italicized or bold characters and underlines have been omitted from this reproduction. Only minor spelling errors have been corrected. If you have questions about the content of an individual issue please refer to the Tech or OEC Volumes (which were posted previously) for clarification. ************************************************** STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heretics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association - Unit 9 ************************************************** Part 0 CONTENTS: part 1 001 HCOB 11 OCT 1980 Drugs and Their Effects on Auditing Gains. 002 HCOB 3 JAN 1980R Purification Rundown and Atomic War 003 HCOB 6 FEB 1978RC Purification Rundown Series 1 part 2 004 PAB #74 6 MAR 1956 005 Ability #47 1957- Mid May Part 3 006 HCOB 3 JUN 1957 Explanation of the Aberrative Character of Radiation 007 PAB #119 1 SEP 1957 The Big Auditing Problem 008 HCOB 27 DEC 1965 Vitamins 009 HCOB 14 FEB 80R RESEARCH DATA ON NUTR. VITAMIN INCREASES 010 HCOB 29 FEB 80 THE PURIFICATION RUNDOWN: PREGNANCY AND BREAST-FEEDING 011 HCOB 13 MAR 80RA CONDITIONAL STEP AFTER THE PURIF 012 HCOB 21 MAY 80 PURIFICATION RUNDOWN CASE DATA ===================== 004 PAB #74 6 MAR 1956 P.A.B. No. 74 PROFESSIONAL AUDITOR'S BULLETIN The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology From L. RON HUBBARD Via Hubbard Communications Office Brunswick House, 83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London W.8 6 March 1956 OFFICE IN IRELAND Well, hello there. How do you like your PABs coming to you once a week? What really happened was that I felt that I was getting out of communication with people, and as I was getting out information under a heading called Operational Bulletins it seemed to me to be a good idea to use these as PABs. If you remember many years ago when the PABs started they were dedicated to setting up auditors and making them a healthy and respected class of professionals, and so with Issue 72 we immediately and abruptly resume this intention through this particular medium. In other words the PABs were dedicated to this in the first place and they go on now doing their best for the auditor. When the Queen asked me to tip my cap and leave England as an insidious and Communist influence intensely disrupting the very best plans of the Home Secretary, I might have gone straight back to America. However, the Founding Church of Scientology in Washington, D.C. has never been in better shape. With His Nibs as Executive Administrator the situation is under good control. With Ken Barrett running the best academy classes that have been seen in the past year and Julia Lewis doing a bang-up job at the Clinic, with John Sanborn teaching indoctrination, and Dick Steves rolling an HCA class in good shape and keeping the Washington politicos at bay, and with Don Breeding getting an intensive, things could never be better. I have a habit of turning up where I am needed or turning up data when it is needed, and as England is not yet in perfect shape there at Notting Hill Gate and as enough British brass has interceded on my behalf to permit me on occasion to pop into London, it seemed to me that I had better spend my time setting up an emergency station for Scientology in a country that wasn't likely to get atom bombed. So here I am in Dublin, Eire, ten days and one completed office in operation deep. The Irish spring shows signs of being late and we were freezing lately with the rest of you, even though we have a pretty and snug home here in the outskirts of Dublin in a fashionable suburb. Susie and the three kiddies are well and happy and the kids after being cooped up in a London apartment most of the winter are staggered and stunned at a huge yard to play in and are exuberant and boisterous along with the Irish wind. Downtown in the most fashionable square and professional address in Dublin we now have two large suites of offices. The address is 69 Merrion Square, South. Just across from one suite and just next door to the other is the American Embassy. In ten days, with the assistance of Bernie Green, we took an old spacious set of offices and painted them, laid in new linoleum, bought the 101 small items necessary to running things and exactly seven days from my landing had a going concern. We have two pretty Irish girls - 1 - and a smart Irish office boy, and that lovely Canadian, Margaret Tousaw, and the ubiquitous Dr. Green. During part of last week, Mike Walker, the English shipping department, was over here helping out, and what with American, Irish, Canadian, English and Texan, we are quite international. Eleven days from my landing we have somewhere between fifty and a hundred and fifty applicants for a course, practically none of the applicants having previously heard of Scientology. All this sounds too fast and exaggerated but it is factually and precisely true. What I am trying to do is this. I am trying to pilot a project in an area not previously noted for Scientology interests which can serve as a model for an auditor in any area of the world just to see how it is done and to pick up pointers. As Ireland has only 3,500,000 people in the total nation you can see that I am working in a relatively small population area which is at the same time noted for its poverty. I am of course taking advantage of the peculiar features of the place, such as the fact that the major export of Ireland is people, and am making all the shots count. However, we have a hurricane of activity going here without previous preparation. I am having to write all the little brochures, enrollment cards, descriptions and et ceteras which are handed out and I am packaging all the course materials and slants of the subject, and all this material is being shaped up so that it can be packaged not only for the public in Ireland, but for the use of auditors elsewhere. Accordingly, as soon as I am satisfied with this material and have the envelopes printed, I shall send one package of it, one of each piece, to every auditor in Scientology. If the weather is cold the Irish heart is warm. The country and the people could not be improved upon. Unlike Communist-infiltrated England, where Russia has been active with anti-American propaganda in order to rob the crown of its only powerful ally to ready a later banquet for the Russian bear, Ireland is enthusiastically pro-American. Lacking things to fight, the Irishman has been shooting up Communism quite enthusiastically and so we don't even find the medical profession here antipathetic to Scientology. It's all good roads and good weather. Probably the greatest oddity of the Irish adventure is that aside from one year's office rent, some transportation and shipping expenses, and a small loan from London, the entirety of the operation will be supported by Mary Sue's and my salary from the Founding Church in Washington. As these two salaries amount to slightly less than $200 a week you can see that the Irish operation is not big in terms of staff or offices. However, pay is very low in this area and rent is quite cheap. We can then support this activity for some time but strangely enough, without actually paying any of our bills yet aside from office rent and a couple of other items, we have income in sight adequate to take care of the activity. It does the old heart good to see people swinging in toward Scientology at this rate. I could always get an operation started and get things wheeling, but we have made so much progress in technology and know-how in the past few years and since I last had to start anything from scratch, that I had not realized the pulling power of Scientology itself. I could be very mean at this point and say that if we have within eleven days of my landing a hundred and fifty people lined up for a course who have never before heard of Scientology, that somebody somewhere in some group or another has been loafing like hell. I might also say that the bulk of the calluses collected in the field must be on a private portion of people's anatomies, not on their palms and thumbs, for this operation has not in any way depended upon my own identity and reputation. It is Scientology itself and what it can do that is creating the stir. Ireland being somewhat out of the way has not heard my name. Furthermore, no public lecture has been given in order to attract people in and no other mechanism or device has been used that would be peculiarly mine, except perhaps the ability to know how to do things and to make words work effectively, so I am sitting here at this - 2 - moment wondering why there aren't eight to ten thousand member groups under the charge and control of every auditor, since there would certainly be a fifty thousand member group directly under the Dublin office within five months if I continue the experiment in earnest. Perhaps the main difference here is complete security on my own behalf as far as Scientology information and capability is concerned and the fact I will freely admit that our auditors all too often lack initial financing capital. The Dublin operation duplicated in any large city would cost about $800.00 done up well, the $800 including the living expenses of the auditor and his while he got going. However, $800.00 is not very many preclears, so it seems to me that an auditor could have immediately gotten some preclears and done some auditing -- until he had $800 or $1000 and then could have launched into a wider operation on this pattern, or he might have talked his friends out of an investment in his venture. This, I say, with perhaps a superiority of know-how and ideas, would be the chief difference in starting up the Dublin operation and somebody starting an operation say in Chicago. Well I could say all these things and it would be very mean of me so I won't say them. I will simply go on shaping this mock-up up until I have gained as much know-how out of it as possible and will let you have a blow-by-blow account of how it happened. What you should know first is that the Irish adventure is your adventure being conducted on your behalf to help you square away Scientology in your area and put you on easy street, and what is more important to the rest of us, to put mankind in a position of self-defense for the first time on a planet confronted with atomic fission. THE ATOMIC FIZZLE Wouldn't it be very funny if the moguls and high mucky-mucks of the higher insane wards of government were to have their favorite threat -- atomic fission -- turn into an atomic fizzle. This would be the joke of this or any other century. Because we're all professionals here, well schooled in Scientology, let me talk a little bit about past track. This is not the first time that a planet has been threatened by the development of atomic technologies. It is on the past track many places and times that planets have been scorched and made uninhabitable to all forms of life. This tells us as we read our E-Meter that life is capable of abandoning a planet and going to another planet, setting up the painful process of making lichens and moss to make soil out of the stones and building a gradient scale on up to moving beings. Atomic energy has always been a tragedy. Atomic radiation burns savagely and furiously, and life so burnt in this age and time then is incapable of procreating. In other words, an atomic burn hits mainly at the second dynamic. The reason it does is the number of times planets have been wiped out in the past. When atomic radiation came all procreation became pointless. The genetic line was over-ended and done. There was no use making new cells or new babies. There was no future into which they could go. Thus the appearance of radioactivity tends to aberrate the second dynamic. Its actual use brings about a total apathy on procreation. Radiation first and foremost when it burns is effective simply because the hemoglobin no longer makes new cells and so a person dies of acute anemia. The blood cells are, it is true, the most cowardly of all the body cells. Blood cells lake into the center of the body in a moment of fear or terror. They give up quickest when struck by atomic radiation. I have been conducting a series of experiments, one of them almost fatal to myself, on the auditing of radiation burns. I have found that we can make an enormous effect upon radiation burns and can cure them in a milder form. That means we are the only agency, the only people on the face of Earth who can cure the effect of atomic radiation. I expect to make further progress in this direction and the whole answer is not yet gained, for the whole answer would be to actually proof a body against radiation itself. - 3 - It is rather foolish to believe that a flash of light which actually goes through and is not stopped by ten feet of concrete can yet do things of hideous magnitude to a body. That is all that alpha and gamma and the rest are- -a flash of light. There must then be some cooperation on the part of the body to stop the flash which is not present in concrete. True, a newspaper held before the body interposed between it and an atomic flash can keep the body from being severely burned, but remember the actual destructive rays do actually go on through the newspaper and unless stopped by the body itself would go on through the body. On such reasoning I began to experiment to discover what the body was doing in connection with atomic radiation and discovered that it was actually stopping it. I found out further the procreative aspect of atomic radiation came about because atomic radiation on the early track was used as a punishment mechanism. At first it appeared that atomic radiation was the basis of the second dynamic and its various wavelengths, but this is not true. They were so identified because radiation was used in second dynamic punishments and activities. Radiation is the only thing capable of reaching into the mock-up strata of a thetan and on this high wavelength knocking apart his bank. There are many black fives around whose black screens are actually radiation hunger. On the basis that the only havingness difficulty is under the heading of "not enough" I caused atomic radiation to be wasted (until the thetan could accept it). The difficulty was trying to operate with radiative mock-ups in the vicinity of bodies. Evidently the thetan has to change his mind very thoroughly before the body can be coaxed into letting radiation pass by. The body is apparently anxious for radiation punishment, since it then no longer has to continue a genetic line. The problem on which I am working is the actual proofing of a body against damage from bomb flash. That is between us auditors. To publication, however, it is actually factual that we are the only people who can do anything to alleviate or cure atomic fission. No serums or other mechanisms have proven effective. The most effective means of cleaning up radiation or radioactive dust in an area is the common water hose. That is the high tide of anti-radiational research. In Scientology, using standard procedures and including in them an address to radioactive masses, we can cure by remedying havingness with it radiation burns. Indeed, it requires a very skilled piece of auditing with a great deal of havingness remedy, but we can do it. Now I want you, and by that you I mean you, not a general editorial "you," to send me at once any article in whatever publication or any book or pamphlet of whatever simple or complex nature you have, know about and can get, to me here at the Scientology Emergency Station, address "Scientology, 69 Merrion Square S., Dublin, Ireland." Please send me as well any horror material you have. I do not even have a copy of John Hersey's book on Hiroshima or any newspaper accounts on it. You can help by taking upon yourself personally the responsibility of being the only person who is going to send me any material here. As Ireland is well removed from any such threat, the material extant at this point is very poor. I need this material in order to draw upon it for a book. This book will be called "Atomic Burns, Their Danger, Cure and Prevention," and it will be, we hope, in all the major book stores of the world and will be, I assure you, translated into the various languages. You see, the most frightening aspect of atomic radiation is that it is the very most basic ingredient in insanity, and people close to it, handling it or restimulated by it can be no better than totally insane. You see the threat we are up against? Now it may well be that the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission outlawed psychiatrists from its ranks and precincts simply because these, who do at least know insanity when they see it, might have been urging institutionalization of every leading atomic scientist on grounds of paranoia, megalomania, and other psychotic symptoms. My own experience with these - 4 - people would confirm it. The atomic scientist in the world today on grounds of security is removed from any skilled mental observation of any kind whatsoever. Nobody knows whether they are sane or not. Researches demonstrate that the stuff they are handling would bring about insanity in them in very short order. A light look at the subject demonstrates that they have a craving for the destruction of all life. They are totally careless and conscienceless when questioned on the subject of destruction of men, women and children in cities. They are equally conscienceless concerning the injury of their fellow workers. A symptom of this insanity visible to us every month or so from Enid, Oklahoma, is a man who was, for a long while, closely connected with atomic energy, and who between attacks on Scientology has horrible writhings concerning his own sanity and alternates attacks upon his auditor with grovelling begging to be relieved of the awfulness of his life. Nothing could be done for this man previously in Scientology, as no research had been done on the peculiar aberration from which he was suffering -- overdoses of radiation received while an observer at Eniwetok. The screens which covered his vision were radiation hungry. No one auditing him connected his past experience with atomic energy and his case, since it was not known that there was any relationship. So we have had at least one case in our own midst demonstrating various types of insanity simply by reason of having been connected with atomic energy earlier in his career. There may be others. We know now that these surrender as cases if by auditing they are brought to create and destroy radiative masses in mock-ups. It is, however, a very dangerous piece of auditing and must be done very gently. You may, by the way, have wondered why I never really attacked this particular vilifier in Oklahoma. It was only that I was aware of the fact that his case was unsolvable and that Scientology had indeed failed him, and because I felt sorry for him. I am not the sort of a fellow to kick a dog when he is down and I knew what desperate shape that person was in. I am rather relieved now to know exactly what was wrong in his case, and sometime or other an auditor can be sent down there. But if we have been caused lies and upsets in our own ranks by the side effects of atomic radiation, then imagine what it would do when close up against a government which is being advised on atomic matters by persons who have long since passed the sanity point. Therefore it looks like thee and me have some work to do. Fortunately Scientology is already well entrenched in many atomic energy areas and many atomic scientist connections know of it and the materials which are developed concerning radiation cure can of course be applied to this particular problem with considerable benefit. Well all entheta aside, please get that material to me fast. IMMEDIATE CASH FOR AUDITORS Associate memberships are now available for sale by auditors to their groups. The associate member is a member without time limit of Scientology. An associate member does not receive publications but does receive a pin and membership card. An associate membership costs five shillings in the United Kingdom and areas under the London office, and one dollar in the United States. The auditor can purchase from the organization the pin and application form already assembled in lots of 25 with brooch backs or button backs for two shillings and sixpence in the U.K. and its areas, or fifty cents in the U.S. The auditor sends in to the U.K. #3.2.6 to Scientology, 69 Merrion Square S., Dublin, Eire. He will receive in return 13 button-back and 12 brooch-back pins - 5 - mounted on application cards. An auditor in the U.S. can send $12.50 to Scientology, Washington, or for quicker delivery at this stage to me in Dublin, Eire, and he will receive the same lot. The auditor then sells these associate memberships to anyone, but we hope to people who are taking or have taken a basic course. He keeps the totality of his receipts. The person to whom he sells the pin and card fills in the application form addressed to the organization provided with the card and has returned to him at once his membership card. The total clerical work on the part of the auditor is sending the order here, receiving and directly selling the card. The associate member newly made by the action is the one who sends in his application. This makes for minimal bookkeeping. The pin is the lovely little S-and-double-triangle pin designed by Bob Hollanbeck in Phoenix, Arizona. Some of you have already seen them. The design was taken originally from the dust wrapper of Science of Survival's earliest editions. Arrangements will be made at a later date for the sale of subscriptions to our improved publication line for general and special memberships, all of which can assist the auditor in financing his activities in Scientology. The reason we want this membership to be widespread in existence is that the power of an organization is counted by the number of members it has. We must have a membership class which includes everybody and which permits people to be in no doubt as to whether they are with us or not. A particular oddity of the associate membership card is that it is not renewable. It has no termination date and does not expire every year. It might be a good thing if some other classes of members also became associate memberships if they have any fear of lapsing, since they would at least be an associate member at all times. This, however, would not bring them publications or services. You must be aware that at this price we are actually selling the card and pin at the actual cost of production. As this is announced, the manufacture of the pin and card is already arranged and in the works. Acts of God, perils of the sea or strikes could delay the filling of your order for a few days, but this is only an eventuality, and by the time your order gets here the pins should be ready to ship to you. As a point of incidental interest, I just happen to have by accident in my jewel box where I keep the keepsakes of value that people often send me from various parts of the world the original solid gold S-double-triangle pin made by Bob Hollanbeck. He sawed this out for me personally as a gift in Phoenix last year. If I owe him anything for copying it for everybody's benefit, I wish he would let me know since I don't have his address here in Dublin. There was another slightly smaller S-and-double-triangle pin made and issued from Phoenix a year ago, but it was not from this handmade design of Hollanbeck's which he intended for my personal wear. By the way, Bob Hollanbeck will make you a Mexican tie-tie with the S and double triangle in solid silver and very beautiful for I think $15. When I have his address I will insert it in a PAB. AUDITOR INCOME FROM BASIC COURSES All auditors everywhere in good standing with the academy or London are authorized to teach a basic course in Scientology. - 6 - In its program of assisting the auditor to finance himself and the advance of Scientology the central organizations will do all possible to assist him in the teaching of this course. The course should be a minimum of twenty hours, including some eight hours of group processing and some twelve hours of instruction. The instruction should be precisely cycle of action, the 8 dynamics, ARC and what each element means, the tone scale, something about havingness and its relation to the tone scale, and how to do an assist. The principal stock in course should be the most elementary and should be repeated often so that everyone in the course actually knows these principles. No other material such as past track, past lives, thetans, clears, or any other data should be introduced into the basic course. The essence of teaching a basic course is to make sure that everybody in the unit understands very well these basic elements. I am at work at this moment on a Basic Course Manual. However, you need not wait for it. At the end of your basic course you should give an examination to all persons who were in it covering just exactly these points above and their definitions and uses. You should then ship with the address of this person that examination paper to London or Washington, depending whichever is your most immediate area. The central organization in London or Washington will immediately execute, if the exam was passed, a basic course certificate and send it at once either to you to give to your student or to the student directly as you indicate. Warning: These certificates will not be sent unless the examination paper and the student's address are included. The organizations make no charge for this service. It is expected that a basic course would cost at least #3.10.0 in the U.K. or $10.00 in the U.S. It is also expected that this charge will be made and collected by the auditor and that the auditor will keep for his own uses and the financing of Scientology in his area the totality of basic course fees. The only way you are going to accumulate a group that will stick with you and forward Scientology is by teaching that group a basic course. Group processing without training doesn't work. We are very shortly going to publish a book as possessing the only effective cure for atomic radiation known to man. You will hear more about this later. The best and first thing to do is to create a large group and to teach it a basic course. Let's get this one out of the way fast. People are talking Scientology and demonstrating its adequacy in their own spheres. One of the ways of gathering groups for a basic course is to teach for the first week something you will call a free course and which contains perhaps four hours of auditing and six hours of instruction, and give this free course to everybody but don't let anybody take the same free course twice, and then simply continuing the free course on up into another twenty hours or two weeks, covering these essentials much more precisely, teach a course that you charge for. Remember, the organization does not care how much money you charge for this basic course. It would actually be surprised if you did not charge at least five guineas, or $25.00. There are plenty of ways of accumulating groups. For such basic courses you will learn these as I tell you more about the Irish adventure in later PABS. - 7 - TRAINING COST CHANGE After years of no alteration it may come as a bit of startlement to announce that it will shortly be generally announced and is effective immediately that training costs and charges are changed in the central organization. For five years the cost of a professional course in the United States has been $500. In London the same course has cost you formerly #125. It is rather interesting how these two figures were arrived at. The $500 fee was set by Parker Morgan in Elizabeth, New Jersey at the end of May in 1950. Parker Morgan, besieged by requests of people who wanted to take a closer look at Dianetics, invented a status whereby that person could hang around the office and watch what was going on in the Foundation as an intimate observer for one month for $500. There were ten in the first professional course. The only chair case there was Ted Ottison, recruited up from St. Mary's College. After a few days I took pity on these ten, since although they were interested they were getting very little know-how, and began to give them a daily lecture, and so started the first professional course in Dianetics and Scientology. The figure was set in London at #125 because that was the cost of maintaining an instructor and quarters for a minimum class of two students over a period of two months and the general one-month hangover of training. As I could not stand by London forever and had no idea that it would have many students, it was necessary that the school remain solvent. It was also necessary that a central organization continue to exist, and that needed finance. Actually the #125 charge was not too far in error, since the London office just barely did remain solvent during my long absence in the U.S. Commie critics, which exist in vast profusion, swept Scientology into its group propaganda about American dollars and was long active in pummelling this #125 fee as demonstrating that Scientology was a get-rich-quick scheme. The actuality is that in both cases the central organization has to be maintained or auditing itself would go all to pieces everywhere and there would be no way of disseminating new processes, and that it takes far longer than a month or two months or three months to train a professional auditor. He has to be trained by experience as well as formal instruction, and the central organization always has the responsibility for this. As an example, in Australia where an inadequate financing was done the HASI office has been in continual difficulty trying to maintain itself, and as it has failed to maintain itself adequately, the professional auditor in the area of Melbourne has had a rather hard time of it. Part of that squirrel cage of course is the activity of squirrels in the area who always reduce the effectiveness of Scientology and blunt its progress, unable to understand evidently that not everybody shares their own enthusiasm for kicking the bucket. Of course a few of these squirrels were on the side of the allies during the late war. They evidently didn't get their fill of death, like the most of us who are more intimately connected with the hostilities. A squirrel has used these fees as a target rather continuously, but this is not the reason they are being changed. Because we can train an auditor today in the eight weeks allowed without having to pay for a great deal of continued training, thanks to the invention of the indoctrination week and dummy auditing -- of which I am quietly proud -- we can actually afford to train now for less in the United Kingdom. We are going to extend U.S. training into a later retraining period and we are going to do several additional things for the U.S. auditor than we have done before, so the training cost will remain the same for considerable additional service in Washington. In London the fee is dropped to #75. In view of the fact that we have the basic course planned for auditors in the field and the shortness of distance in the U.K., no rights to train to the level of HCA or HPA will be issued in the United Kingdom. This is actually a kindness, since the grind of training auditors is not remunerative to the individual auditor and actually inhibits his - 8 - income, which should be much greater by reason of basic courses than it ever would be from teaching professional courses by our experience. This is heightened by the fact that there has only been one application to train made to us in England, which denotes no field enthusiasm for professional training on its own behalf anyway. In the United States all those rights to train which have been granted to auditors who have not at this date returned in full their percentages and fees to the central organization can be considered cancelled. The organization will certify persons in training to such persons after this date, but only those persons who are at this instant in training actually. No further persons should be enrolled. As soon as auditors with these rights to train engage upon the basic courses they will understand that the teaching of basic courses is far more remunerative. We have had nothing but complaints from auditors with individual rights to train concerning their difficulties with finance. Students do not pay them. Central organizations can cope with this fact but the individual auditor cannot. It is beyond his means to train on charity or on the receipt of a third or half of the professional course fee. The central organization can struggle along with this or collect. The chief reason the U.S. fee is not dropped is because the auditor being trained now is going to be sent into specific areas and is going to have placed in his hands any and all literature he will need to start things booming and will be assisted by special mailings to the area concerning him from Washington, all of which takes money and which had better come under the course fee. However, as this service will cost about $150, the Washington fee is actually reduced to about $350 to be available for the actual training. We feel it is better in Washington to collect the total fee and use part of it to give the auditor a big push in the area assigned when he leaves, than to leave it to his initiative to scrape up enough money to get the literature and material and make the mailings. BOOKS IN PROGRESS I am writing or have scheduled the following books: 1. The Elements of Scientology -- Basic Course Manual. 2. Atomic Burns -- Their Danger, Cure and Prevention. (This is the one we mainly need the bookstore list for.) 3. Scientology -- The Modern Science of Ability (a rewrite of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health). Abilities by the half-ton, each one of them defining a word in Scientology or pertinent to life. ACTUALLY HERE I am actually and factually in Dublin, Eire. There is a terminal here. There are some mailboxes and desks to receive your communication. My body just now is in rather indifferent shape, thanks to an auditing experiment on radiation, but it nevertheless will sit in a chair and hold your communication in its hands and read it over very carefully. When you stamp on the floor or the street of Dublin, there is solid earth there, and the wind blows and the air circulates and there are live people around, and in short this is really a terminal and your communication will be acknowledged at once if you write. I will see if there is anything else I can think of to reassure you as to the communication formula. The truth of the matter is the swarms of people around here aren't Scientologists and I am a bit lonesome, and you don't look around very good when I tap you on the shoulder, so write me a letter and let me know your reaction to Associate Memberships and teaching a basic course, and in turn every week I will keep you posted on the material from various parts of the world and in particular on the - 9 - Irish adventure, which may win or lose -- see next week's installment -- and upon the progress of several other mock-ups in which you have a very tightly vested interest. CABLE FROM WASHINGTON "HOUSE BILL 6376 PASSED JANUARY 18TH STOP GOES SENATE NEXT WEEK STOP BILL PERMITS ADMISSION OF PERSON TO MENTAL INSTITUTION BY WRITTEN APPLICATION OF INTERESTED PERSON BEFORE JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS ARE HELD STOP DISPENSES WITH REQUIREMENT THAT PATIENT BE PRESENT AT HEARING STOP ANYONE CAN BE EXCLUDED FROM HEARING STOP BILL PERTAINS TO ALASKA AT MOMENT STOP BILL SETS UP ONE MILLION ACRES SIBERIAL IN ALASKA FOR INSTITUTIONS STOP LETTER AND BILL FOLLOW STOP WHAT ACTION YOU WANT TAKEN. KEN NIBS DICK - 10 - L. RON HUBBARD ===================== 005 Ability #47 1957- Mid May Ability Issue 47 [1957, ca. mid-May] The Magazine of DIANETICS and SCIENTOLOGY from Washington, D.C. The Radiation Picture and Scientology L. Ron Hubbard The country has become very involved with radiation in the past year or so and as we in Scientology have achieved a much clearer understanding of this I think I owe you a rundown on Scientology and radiation. At the outset let me assure you that our total interests in radiation at this time are two only: that radiation can create hysteria, and Scientology handles hysteria, and secondly that hysteria, because of radiation, puts people in rather poor condition and Scientology can rehabilitate them. We have no political or international interest in radiation. As you can remember, the HASI in Phoenix, Arizona, was there at the time when a great deal of bomb testing was being done in Nevada only 250 miles away. At that time we had some vague interest in radiation, but it was more in the direction of locating any deposits of uranium which might have escaped notice. Being in possession of instruments which could measure radiation, we were quite shocked to discover that the atmosphere and the grand pianos began to count somewhat alarmingly. This was immediately after an H-bomb had been buried under nine feet of dirt and had been exploded. These radioactive dust particles swirled around the Southwest for quite a while before they separated themselves out. We were worried. We were worried because the amount of radiation was obviously alarmingly great and I was as worried as the rest, perhaps even more so because of my responsibility for our people in the Phoenix area. I felt that we could not go on in the immediate vicinity of a great deal of testing and so I came East to give a Congress and establish offices somewhere away from that area. There were other local reasons but this radiation reason was more or less primary. Back East we made no further tests but we continued to be impressed. We read about radiation in the public press, we read how the government was saying how it was not dangerous, and we read apparently responsible scientists on the subject saying that it was very dangerous. But because we had seen grand pianos counting like uranium mines, we were, of course, of the opinion that radiation was an extremely dangerous thing. Without further examination of this subject and paying attention only to what was printed in the public presses, we saw no reason to change our attitude concerning - 1 - radiation. But some things have happened recently which have brought about a considerable change. I have just completed a Congress in London and was in communication with Members of Parliament through a HASI representative on the subject of radiation. It was clearly and cleanly stated by an authoritative Member of the British Government that Russia was making full use of the hysteria factors inherent in radiation in order to stop England from constructing H-bombs and to impede her defenses in other ways. He had incontrovertible proof that the hysteria campaign being conducted by Russia in side England and the United States was totally an effort to impede their national defense. Russian campaigns you must understand are of the mental, brainwashing type. Radiation is tailor-made to their agent provocateur tactics. When I returned to America two things became very obvious. The first of these was that only the press of Russia and the United States did not report my remarks made at the Nuclear Radiation and Health Congress at the Royal Empire Society Hall in London. Other newspapers the world around carried the remarks as headline news. These remarks were to the effect that the greatest danger of radiation was hysteria. At the Congress I said that the H-bomb was not a weapon because it was far too powerful, it would not coerce obedience but only terror. These remarks are more or less complete in a book now being published called All About Radiation, for the British market only. Another thing that happened is that I remembered why I left the Author's League of America some years ago. Its Board had begun to offer prizes to deify minorities and it was taking other party-line data and trying to foist it off on American writers. The Newspaper Guild, so far as I know, is not entirely clear of this influence. The other thing I did was to take a Geiger counter and make a test of Washington. A little earlier this Geiger counter had been giving false evidence because the stick used with the counter, as will happen, evidently had some uranium stuck to it. But with the counter in good operating order and clean, it was discovered that the background count of Washington, D. C., was the same as it was in 1932 when I was going to George Washington University and studying radiation. In other words, there has apparently been no general increase of count in London or Washington because of bomb testing. I did more than this. I made a calculation of the amount of gamma and cosmic rays which fall on Earth's surface daily and compared this to the amount of test radiation waste which would be thrown into the atmosphere yearly. The figures do not compare. The added man-made radiation will probably never add up to your luminous dial watch. On the whole track, radiation was dangerous for the good reason that there was more radiation in those times that could be exploded. However, radiation is a half-life matter and the older the universe gets the less radiation there is available to throw at people. And a good thing, too. While we have no doubt whatsoever of the actual dangers of a bomb dropping on a city, we are now in a position to doubt rather thoroughly the vaunted harm from test bombing which is being sold the populations of Earth, evidently by the Communist propagandists. The U.S. population is being stampeded by Russia toward leaving the U.S. defenseless. Already this has accomplished a defective U.S. civil defense and is gaining momentum toward a public demand for no bombs. This is how Russia works. Russia works on the population imagination. Russia uses any knowledge of the mind she has - 2 - to instill fear and bring about destruction. She is an unworthy purveyor of scientific information. Russia has already succeeded rather well in this field of seizing control of the mind. There is no essential difference between dialectic materialism and Wundtian psychology. Yet, Wundtian psychology is taught in all the universities of the United States. England, being an older and more mature government than the United States Government, has already awakened to this and is taking active government steps to halt this matter of public panic. England, for instance, is not buying Wundtian psychology. England is buying Scientology in rather large amounts. But this is not yet true of the United States. That it will come about in the future is more or less a certain thing, but that it does not exist at the time is a fact. Only the better IQs of the U.S. as yet buy Scientology. We can be assured on the score of fallout -- it isn't dangerous at this time. It does not compare to the amount of "natural radiation" with which we are being bombarded. If you went down to Florida to live you would increase your radiation count much more than it would be increased if you stayed well North and the government blew off ten thousand more test bombs. In other words, just exposure to a clearer view of the run will give you more radiation than you could be hit with in the near future because of test bombs. It's just a fact that there isn't enough uranium around to actually thoroughly contaminate the atmosphere at this time. I know that this is in controversy to my own statements on the subject -- which is very interesting. My own statements were made in the light of our earlier experience. We had experienced test fallout in Phoenix and I had not made further tests or calculations. In other words, I myself had been swept up in this campaign to frighten the populace half to death. The reaction to radiation is thus entirely, completely, and wholly mental! Dianazene depends for its reaction upon whole-track radiation incidents, and x-ray and sunburn in the current life. By taking away the engram which can react to the worry about radiation, worry about radiation is then made non- painful. If you add all this up you will clearly see that scare talk about radiation is the source of radiation sickness in our present world. The Atom Bomb is too powerful a weapon to be used for control of human beings and is therefore not a weapon. But it does promise the population no future, and so promising, it damps out efforts toward survival. This itself can bring on sickness. But we should not delude ourselves in thinking that actual radiation in dangerous quantities is adrift in this atmosphere at this time. It is not. All I invite you to do is to get a Scintillometer or Geiger counter and test around. There is probably an ionospheric flash which gives a tiny sudden shock of radiation for the briefest instant of time -- less than the amount you would get from a simple x-ray -- and this acts as a restimulator to whole-track incidents. But it isn't true that radiation is drifting around biting you at this time. On the subject of strontium-90 it is interesting to note that a sufficient intake of calcium renders a person completely immuned to any effects of strontium-90. A child should be made to drink more milk and probably should have his diet fortified a little bit with calcium if anybody is truly worried about it. This fight, then, is in the propaganda field. It is not in the field of actual science. I am extremely surprised at some of the scientists who are saying that radiation is dangerous. These men professionally should know their business and they are not - 3 - expressing the true data. On the other hand, neither is the government making actual data available. The government is seeking to convince the public on the score of opinion. Opinion has no validity in science. If you want to know about radiation, why, go and look for some radiation in the atmosphere and if you cannot find more than the usual background count then you must assume that there isn't any extra radiation in the atmosphere. I am not saying that the scientists who have been beating the drum on the dangers of radiation are Communist-inspired. I am not saying that these men are Communists. I am merely saying that they are aiding and assisting a Communist campaign. We will not assist Commie propaganda aimed at stampeding the U.S. public into revolt against U.S. defense. The U.S. can bargain her way out of this. I am very hopeful that a general control of radiation the world around will be achieved and I am sure that if it is not achieved, national governments are dead. I am also fairly sure that there will never be such a thing as an atomic war. I have looked this over rather carefully and I personally don't believe that national governments will last long enough at their present rate of non- survival activity. Our cue is to make nothing out of radiation, if we mention it at all. People who are worried about radiation are worried because enough talk about it has thrown enough engrams into restimulation to make them actually quite ill. We can do something about restimulation. But we have no business aiding this public hysteria in any way. We are the people who take care of hysteria and not the people who stir it up. What we are doing is a bit bigger than one of Man's new destructive toys. Our campaign is to sell Scientology. If we sell it well, psychiatry and psychology will collapse. For instance, one of the most unfortunate things that psychiatry and psychology have ever engaged upon has been this mental health campaign of this spring. These people are not capable of withstanding public scrutiny. Their general activities are sufficiently harmful to their patients that if they stick their head up just a little bit further, even people in the government will be able to see that there is a swindle involved there. I expect within the next two or three years to see a complete and thorough congressional investigation of "charity rackets" and would expect to see psychiatry and psychology leading the van in those who are being investigated. Before you begin to advertise that you can do something, you should be able to do it. We ourselves are suffering from a comm lag of seven years. Not for seven years were we able to train auditors uniformly up to a level to get the maximum possible results out of Dianetics and Scientology. We, accordingly, experienced a considerable public kickback. Now we are making our promises good. It is possible for us to withstand the most minute and searching scrutiny on the subject of what we are doing and how we are doing it. The Validation Program of all Certificates which we are now entered upon is a very worthwhile step in this direction. We can today train an auditor. We can train him very very well. We have the processes which make an auditor able to audit. And this will accrue into our attaining dominance in the field of the human mind rather easily. All psychiatry and psychology need to do is to fight us a little harder, to advertise themselves a little more strongly, and the public and the government will see to it that they collapse. Furthermore, psychiatry and psychology are playing it too close to the government. And if people begin to turn away from the government because of the government's promise to extinguish them with an H-bomb, they will also turn away from anybody who supported the government in the field of brainwashing. We have gone a little off track here with radiation, danger of; with politics, the need to do something about; and we are not off track any more. We are in the business of Scientology. And Scientology rises considerably above the tinkerings of a few somewhat deranged scientists and the bickerings of a few misanthropic men wearing political crowns for the moment. - 4 - We have today very easily the most powerful "weapon" extant in the fourth dynamic. That weapon is Scientology. We are not using it for evil, we are using it for good. Therefore, we will win with it. The answer to all this is to sell Scientology to individuals. Don't try to sell it to groups. One doesn't easily talk to a group. One should sell it to individuals and he should use the skills of Scientology to bring about a better understanding on the part of individuals of themselves and of himself. I am not saying that the various governments might not do something dangerous with testing. I am not saying that H-bombs are good weapons. I am only saying we can survive it. I am only saying that we have one case-me-who has had 502 times the "allowed" amount and is surviving nicely, thank you, and other cases that are in like condition because of good processing. I am saying that with good, modern auditing a Scientologist can survive it -- so why worry about it. As an organization and as individuals we're going up-tone faster than others are going down. And Man faces many enemies more dangerous than Radiation. I am giving you all this in explanation of what you will now begin to see come from the central organization and that will be Scientology -- good auditors -- validation of old certificates -- good processing -- bona fide clears -- other things which we have waited to see all these years. We are making the grade now rather easily. We are doing things that we never thought were possible before. We are living up to any optimism which I ever gave out. I knew I could do it. I am afraid that I was over-confident in some other directions, but there is one thing that I have never done. I have never told you other than what I believed implicitly and completely. I have been as honest with you as I knew how to be and I have been as honest about my shortcomings as I have been about my victories. You can count on that, you know you can -- for you always have. I invite your cooperation in this new campaign of ours -- a brand-new campaign: To sell Scientology, Sanity and Survival to the individuals alive on Earth today. Thank you. L. RON HUBBARD - 5 - =====================