Science of Survival - book 2 Producing results in processing and it's relation to education. page 9-10 The second process which is valid in producing results is education. Education, if defined as the process of making new data available to the individual and causing his mind to attend to and use that data, itself brings reason into the case. Education usually provides new areas of concentration in the environment of the individual and translates many of his unknowns into knowns. Unreason could be classed in two categories: too wide a zone of attention, and too fixed a zone of attention. In the first, the mind wanders over large areas unable to select pertinent data. In the second, where the mind is fixed, it cannot wander far enough to find pertinent data. In neither case can the mind resolve the problem about which it is concerned, due to the absence of data. Superstition is an effort, for lack of education, to find pertinent data in too wide a zone or to fix the attention upon irrelevant data. Personal experience in one's environment gives one what might be called personal education. A man has become embroiled with MEST, has freed himself, solved problems, has become embroiled again, has drawn back and solved problems anew, so that he has accumulated a fund of personal data about his task of living. Education might be said to be the process by which the individual is given the accumulated data of a long span of culture. It can, no less validly than personal experience, solve many of his problems. Free theta, confronted by too many problems, can, just by this, become enturbulated. Good education can in this way convert some of the entheta of an individual into theta, with a consequent rise on the tone scale. A very sharp proviso, however, must here be entered. Authoritarian teaching, by which the facts are impressed upon the individual and his self-determinism in his utilization of those facts is suppressed, can reduce the free theta in the individual by involving it in a fixed state in the memory bank. Theta is reason. Fixed theta is entheta. Many a man with a college education hammered home by authoritarian professors has been reduced so far down the tone scale that he behaves in life more or less like an automaton. His self-determinism, and hence his persistence and ability to handle responsibility are so reduced as to unfit him for his role in life. Further, concentrating on educational processes past the mid-teens, after which a person should be solving problems of living, has an inhibitive effect upon the mind. An artist specifically is hindered by authoritarian education, since his must be the highest self-determinism if his work is to have any value. Authoritarian education has more or less the same effect upon the individual as hypnotism, depressing him down the tone scale, and indeed, at this time most education is levelled as hypnotic commands rather than an invitation to reason. An education which invites reason and the comparison of taught data with the real world can raise the individual on the tone scale.