Science of Survival page 14-20 CHAPTER TWO The Auditor's Code The first thing any auditor should know and know well about processing is the auditor's code. This has been called the code of how to be civilized. Much more important than knowing mechanical techniques is knowing well the attitude one should have toward a preclear. This is not for courtesy but for efficiency. No preclear will respond to an auditor who does not adhere to the auditor's code. It must be remembered that the mission of the auditor is not to reduce engrams, not to run out secondaries, not to eradicate psychosomatic illnesses, psychoses or neuroses, but to raise the preclear on the tone scale. It happens that these incidentals of removing neuroses, psychoses and psychosomatic illnesses as well as increasing the persistence and general responsibility of the individual follow in due course so long as the auditor attends closely to his primary mission of raising his preclear on the tone scale. If he does not give this his first attention, he is not freeing theta and converting entheta, and if he does not do this he cannot efficiently accomplish the other goals. The index of how well he progresses with the preclear's case is the tone scale. Mechanical, lackadaisical, and careless auditing can actually remove psychosomatic illnesses and yet not raise the preclear on the tone scale. This may be paradoxical, but what happens is that the entheta in the engram causing the psychosomatic illness is converted into another type of entheta which is not 15 physically painful to the preclear. It is, nevertheless, entheta, and the preclear is not raised on the tone scale. Thus, the auditor must closely attend to every means which will raise the preclear on the tone scale and should disregard the immediate and short-term goals of the eradication of specific "illnesses," bad habits, neuroses, psychoses, obsessions, and compulsions. The auditor must remember that even such a degraded practice as hypnotism can, by the implantation of positive suggestions, suppress certain physical and mental disorders. Though these are suppressed in one quarter they will manifest themselves as something entirely different. A person is saner to have "psychosomatic illnesses" than he is to have mental aberrations. Hypnotism can in a small percentage of cases eradicate the "psychosomatic illness" but will produce in its stead a lowered tone in the individual. Electric shock and psychosurgery may alter the behavior pattern of the individual and may suppress him into some tractable condition, but the result is inevitably harmful to the ability, efficiency, and general worth of the subject, with the further detraction that they cause damage to the brain from which the individual never completely recovers. Simply by addressing processing from the viewpoint that one is changing entheta to theta and freeing up all available theta in the case one will make the most rapid progress with the preclear. Experience in the field has demonstrated that irascible, authoritarian auditing can continue for as long as five hundred hours, that actual "psychosomatic illnesses" can be removed and that some small improvement can be seen in the general tone of the preclear and yet that neglect of emphasis on raising tone might permit such a case to continue on another thousand hours without producing a clear, the entheta being transferred from one part of the bank to another, endlessly. The auditor should give attention to the environment of his preclear. Cases have been observed in which the preclear was in the vicinity of a marital mate who produced such constant tension, so many invalidations, and who had so little 16 thought for or belief in any possible gain for the other that the processing was only of small benefit and the auditor was wasting ten hours of auditing time for every one which was effective. In such a case the auditor has every right to recomment a change of environment for the duration of the processing. The auditor should not draw back from educating his preclear, so long as the education is not on a command basis but is done as an invitation to the self-determinism of the preclear to manifest itself, an invitation to the preclear to reason things out on a basis of his own adjudication. This is particularly beneficial with children. Indeed, children are surrounded by such ordering about and restrictions that their self-determinism is often too slight to cope with anything like their personal situations. In such a case it is definitely the role of the auditor to invite the child to think things out for himself, occasionally redefining words or situations for the child. Actually, an auditor can take two or three preclears and form an educational group wherein mutual discussion of their own problems will result in a rise of tone in the preclears. The third method of processing, of course the most lasting method, is auditing, or individual processing, wherein the auditor concentrates on freeing all available theta in the case and converting as much entheta as possible to theta. The auditor's first step towards accomplishing this, should he consider the environmental situation compatible, is to promote affinity, communication, and reality with his preclear and to found a group of two - himself and his preclear. The auditor must recognize that he is dealing with a person, in every case, whose conduct is not as good as it will be. Thus, the auditor must practice much self-restraint and must form an example for his preclear. To do this the auditor must never under any circumstances or for any reason break any part of the auditor's code with the preclear. Breaking the auditor's code, at first glance, may not appear to be a very great sin. But an auditor has undertaken to aid 17 a fellow man, and his dedication to that purpose must be sincere to the point of sacredness. An auditor, by misusing his position through what he knows about the human mind, can bring havoc upon an unsuspecting preclear. Carelessness alone, if it is backed with good intention, can seldom do much harm. But malicious intent, wherein an auditor expects to "gain" heavily by use of deception and misuse of the sacred trust he has taken unto himself in helping his fellow man, can cast a preclear far back down the tone scale. If one does not feel that he can keep the auditor's code wholly and completely, he should not under any circumstances audit anyone, nor should he permit himself to be persuaded to audit anyone, and any preclear should be very wary of permitting himself to be audited by anyone who potentially would break the auditor's code. The preclear who finds himself confronted with an auditor code break should instantly and finally terminate his processing with that auditor and should find another who can keep the code. A man who will break this code once will break it many times, and the preclear should never persist in the arrangement out of the argument that he can get only one auditor. Anyone who breaks this code is under 2.5 on the chart and should not be auditing but should be in process of being audited himself. An open-hearted and sincere effort to practice Dianetics, after a thorough study of the principles contained in this book, should the student adhere to these principles, will produce marked and beneficial effects upon human beings never before attained in man's history. To produce these effects the auditor must embrace the auditor's code and keep these principles as sacred as if they were the vows of priesthood. The auditor conducts himself in such a way as to maintain optimum affinity, communication and agreement with the preclear. The auditor is trustworthy. He understands that the preclear has given into the auditor's trust his hope for higher sanity and happiness, and that trust is sacred and never to be betrayed. 18 The auditor is courteous. He respects the preclear as a human being. He respects the self-determinism of the preclear. He respects his own position as an auditor. He expresses this respect in courteous conduct. The auditor is courageous. He never falls back from his duty to a case. He never fails to use the optimum procedure regardless of any alarming conduct on the part of the preclear. The auditor never evaluates the case for the preclear. He abstains from this, knowing that to compute for the preclear is to inhibit the preclear's own computation. He knows that to refresh the preclear's mind as to what went before is to cause the preclear to depend heavily upon the auditor and so to undermine the self=determinism of the preclear. The auditor never invalidates any of the data or the personality of the preclear. He knows that in doing so he would seriously enturbulate the preclear. He refrains from criticism and invalidation no matter how much the auditor's own sense of reality is twisted or shaken by the preclear's incidents or utterances. The auditor uses only techniques designed to restore the self-determinism of the preclear. He refrains from all authoritarian or dominating conduct, leading always rather than driving. He refrains from the use of hypnotism or sedatives on the preclear no matter how much the preclear may demand them out of aberration. He never abandons the preclear out of faint-heartedness about the ability of techniques to resolve the case, but persists and continues to restore the preclear's self-determinism. The auditor keeps himself informed of any new skills in the science. The auditor cares for himself as an auditor. By working with others he maintains his own processing at regular intervals in order to maintain or raise his own position on the tone scale despite restimulation of himself through the process of auditing others. He knows that failure to give heed to his own processing, until he himself is a release or a clear in the severest meaning of the terms, is to cost his preclear the benefit of the auditor's best performance. 19 This is the auditor's code. It has been discovered that the two most important aspects of the code are the preservation of the preclear's sense of reality and the trustworthiness of the auditor. An invalidation of the preclear's data, no matter how outrageously that data may assault the auditor's own sense of reality, can be severe and will go so far as to shut off the preclear's sonic and visio, all in a moment. Most preclears are uncertain enough in the presence of their own past. They quite commonly invalidate themselves, a practice from which they should be discouraged. When the auditor invalidates the preclear's data the shock to the preclear can be very great. In the matter of trustworthiness, the auditor must never take advantage of the preclear, either in using his data or in using a temporary state of apathy, propitiation, or restimulation in order to possess himself casually of the preclear or to gain materially. Any two people in constant association who will conduct themselves according to the auditor's code will soon find not only that they are clear or almost clear as a group of two but also that their knowledge of, and joy in human relationships have been immeasurably increased.