FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES - 28/28 ============================ This is the Second Foundation. Our purpose is to keep LRH's plan on track (ref: Asimov). CofS has gone off the rails. This is an announcement of our support of FZBA, Freezone, and The Pilot. We are posting the LRH EDs to make ammends for our long delay in taking action. ARC, PROGRAM DIRECTOR SECOND FOUNDATION ============================ LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES This is a complete copy of the "Original LRH EDs" or Blue Volumes as issued by Bridge in 1983. The full contents for all 28 parts posted is in part 1. The volumes were divided into the 3 numbering Series, and subdivided into the classes of EDs (INT = International, WW = World Wide, SH = Saint Hill, etc.) and placed in reverse order (latest first) within type. This was quite confusing because of some EDs being in multiple classes with different numbers in each class. We rearranged everything in date order (earliest first) to give a better historical perspective and make these easy to find by date. The original table of contents is included in part 2 and the original page numbers are in "[]" at the beginning of each ED. See IMB 5 in part 2 for an explanation of the 3 Series of ED numbers and a list of valid (but expired) EDs not included. See LRH ED 345 INT in part 28 for a list of cancelled LRH EDs that were not included. These are only the EDs that are in the Blue Volumes. ************************************************** FZBA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** Part 28 554 ED 344R INT 10 May 82 THE RIDGE ON THE BRIDGE 555 ED 347 INT 31 Dec 82 RJ 36 "YOUR NEW YEAR" 556 ED 345 INT 11 Jan 83 LRH ED LINE USE 557 ED 348 INT 13 Mar 83 RON'S JOURNAL 37 =========================== 554 ED 344R INT 10 May 82 THE RIDGE ON THE BRIDGE [p. 27-33] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 344R INT 10 Mag 1982 Revised Org & Mission 21 October 1982 Execs & Staff, FSMs THE RIDGE ON THE BRIDGE I am very pleased that Book One seminars and Book One auditing are getting going again. The Scientologists who are actively working on these are greatly appreciated. Their efforts are helping to get new people started on the Bridge. Many years ago I observed this: A new public person reads DIANETICS: THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH. He gets all steamed up about Dianetics and the Reactive Mind, goes to an org and runs into Scientology. He takes it there has been a change or that he is being thrown off course. He backs off. Sometimes staff members would tell Book One buyers that Dianetics wasn't done anymore and try to sell the person some different service. Because the person wanted Dianetics, this created a ridge. My solution was to reinstate Dianetic services and courses in Div 6 and I advised various executives to get a Book One campaign going. Book One began the boom in 1950 and that residual impulse has started up again. In those days, Book One seminars were done by all sorts of people; they filled whole convention halls and got people co-auditing. The 1950 Book One boom moved forward until it got sidetracked. By preserving the successful actions of Book One and by avoiding the pitfalls that some have gotten into, we can turn the current resurgence of Book One into a mighty boom and keep it going. WHY BOOK ONE? The success of Book One in dissemination is largely due to the REALITY LEVEL of a large sector of the public; their first potential reality is on the mind and the Reactive Bank. By survey, the most successful introductory services are those that give an immediate reality on the Reactive Mind and that something can be done about it. The most frequent initial result from Book One is a reality on the Reactive Mind and that something can be done about it. Thus Book One is very successful, as a dissemination tool. STARTING A BOOK ONE BOOM The way to start a Book One boom is to market and sell lots of copies of DMSMH to raw public. That's how the Book One boom got started in 1950--massive sales of Book One to the public. AND THE AMAZING THING IS, DESPITE THE MILLIONS SOLD, AFTER THE FIRST MONTH OF 1950, BOOK ONE HAS NEVER BEEN TRULY MARKETED! AND MUST BE! People who buy and read Book One want Dianetic auditing; they want to get their locks, secondaries and engrams run out and they want to go Clear. If these persons are contacted and offered Book One services (training and auditing), they will take those services and they will want to disseminate Book One to their friends and contacts. These persons must be told that the way to disseminate is to sell copies of DMSMH (or they will get losses by trying to explain what Dianetics is all about). Ensure that they have copies of DMSMH to sell to others. Persons trained to audit Book One will audit others on Book One. It will help their pcs to own and study Book One so that they understand what is being done in the auditing and so they understand more about other people and life and the mind. Book One auditors must know to sell DMSMH to their pcs. By doing the above you will have an ever-increasing number of people who, through reading Book One, want Book One auditing and training and who will in turn sell copies of Book One to their friends--it will snowball. RIDGE ON THE BRIDGE Late last year as a result of my research I developed the New Streamlined Lower Grade Chart. People needed their Scientology Grades in order to go Clear on NED. That gave us a better, faster Bridge for Scientologists already on the Grade Chart. It also raised the question: How do we smoothly phase people on Book One (Dianetics) over to Scientology for their Grades and then to NED where they could go Clear? (I have had many letters and reports from Scientologists over the past couple of years telling me of their wins and successes with Book One seminars and co-audits, yet there wasn't the expected flow from Book One on up the Grade and Class Chart. So apparently there was a ridge on the Bridge. Solving this would give Scientologists greater success in getting Book Ones moving on up the Bridge to Clear.) Book One seminars and the successes and bugs that people were running into were looked into. The first thing that showed up was difficulties being caused by quickying. In one area they first of all dropped out having Book One auditors do any Book One auditing and graduated them after a mere seminar. Then they dropped out having them read DMSMH! But still "graduated" them as Book One auditors. It had gotten to the point where only ten of these quickie "Book One auditors" were being made per week in an area where previously one hundred real Book One auditors were being made per week. The same was true of other Div 6 services. When the Anatomy of the Human Mind course was quickied, the subsequent sign-ups for major services dropped from near 100% to about 25%. The quality, as well as delivery of Book One and other Div 6 services was found to be very important. Pier Paderni (who has been running the Anatomy of the Human Mind course on Italian TV) attributes his success mainly to how well the public on Intro services are handled. He has been very successful, often getting near to 100% sign-ups after Book One, Anatomy of the Human Mind course and HQS course. Pier also found that the Anatomy of the Human Mind course (AHMC) was one of the best services to bridge people over from Book One to Scn services. He starts each AHMC lecture with an introduction about L. Ron Hubbard and LRH books. Then proceeds with the AHMC lecture and demonstration. Since the subjects covered in those lectures are not only the Analytical and Reactive Minds, but also the Thetan, Mind and Body, Communication, Tone Scale, Cycle of Action, ARC Triangle, etc., this gives an introduction to Scientology. Other areas have reported that the success and re-sign up rate from Intro services depended mainly on who was supervising these. Closer inspection showed that it wasn't anything mysterious about the supervisor, it was how much ARC the supervisor used and how thoroughly and well he or she handled the public that determined how many of these completed successfully and went on to other services. A search was made for successful statements, explanations, posters or signs that had been used to phase people over from Book One to Scn services, with little result. Then an important discovery was made! People who had read Book One and wanted Dianetics, when delivered enough Book One auditing, training or co-auditing, then started to reach for Scn services. Given sufficient quantity and quality of Book One, these people naturally started to WANT and reach for Scn services! The only times when there was a ridge between Book One and Scn services were when there was an attempt to shunt someone all fired up about Book One, over to Scn services before that person had had his Book One auditing or training. The "ridge" on the Bridge was a totally internally created situation! It was being installed by non-delivery. By report, in LA Fdn (where they are doing a very good job of delivering Book One), it generally takes about 5 hours of Book One auditing before the person WANTS Scn services to move on up the Bridge to Clear. If at the end of 5 hours the person isn't ready for Scn services, the handling is to sign him up for more Book One and deliver it until the person is ready for Scn. The amount of Book One auditing needed before the person has had enough wins and reality to be ready to move on up the Bridge is not a great number of hours BUT it must be delivered. Thus the secret of success in getting people onto the Bridge with Book One is: DELIVER BOOK ONE TRAINING AND AUDITING TO PEOPLE INTERESTED IN BOOK ONE IN SUFFICIENT QUANTITY AND QUALITY AND THEY WILL WANT AND REACH FOR THEIR NEXT SERVICE. I have known over the years that people buying and reading Book One were often caused to ridge by being told that Dianetics was no longer available and being told to buy something else instead. That's why I reinstated Book One training and auditing. Provided that service is delivered and with good quality, it is an excellent means to get book buyers onto the Bridge and on their way up. DELIVERING BOOK ONE People who have read Book One and are all fired up about getting Dianetics MUST be given Dianetics. They MUST NOT be shunted toward another different service. Scientologists, being themselves somewhere further up the Grade Chart and having a higher reality level, need to keep alert to the fact that new people have a different reality level. Otherwise, Scientologists can easily make the mistake of going out gradient (too steep) on new public, in their enthusiasm to get them up the Bridge, too. However, as we know, you can only audit a pc on what is real to the pc. If you do that the pc will make gains and attain a higher reality level. Most people introduced to Dianetics will do best if they follow the original research and development line. It began with Book One, then in researching using the materials of Book One, I found that one was really handling the human spirit and it took a whole new aspect of research to settle that completely and so Scientology was developed. Then, as I went on building a better Bridge as mentioned in the end of Book One and, in NED, advances were made that were so powerful that the auditor has to know Scientology before he could handle them. The same is true for preclears: after good Book One auditing, they need their Scientology Grades in order to be able to run NED successfully. Having come up through the Scn Grades one can then go into upper level Dianetics (NED) and make miracles and Clears all over the place. If you try to jump the gun and tell someone all fired up about Book One that what he really needs is some other, different service, you will create a ridge. But by delivering Book One, the person will come to want Scn. He is following the original development line. For example, as a Book One auditor goes along auditing Book One he may realize that his auditing would be better if he could handle communication better. He has just run into awareness of the need for what we know as TRs! At that point put him onto the Success Through Communication course. He'll be more successful in his Book One auditing and in life. Book One auditors will encounter the same phenomena on their pcs that were encountered years ago in early Scn research: pcs who need assists; pcs whose ruds need to be gotten in; pcs who need setting up with Introductory processes. The Introductory and Demonstration processes and Assists were developed to handle each of the situations that the Book One auditor may encounter on his pcs. After the Book One auditor has had wins using Book One and Introductory processes, he is going to WANT Academy training so that he can run Grades on pcs and produce even bigger wins. His experience with Book One will stand him in good stead as in order to be successful as a Scientology auditor, one needs a grounding in Dianetics. It is also true that in order to succeed with NED, one needs to know his Scientology. So deliver Book One to those who are interested in Book One. Sooner or later they are going to want Scientology, too. Often, after a mere 5 hours of Book One auditing, pcs have signed up for the rest of their Bridge up to Clear! KEEPING BOOK ONE WORKING History seems to have made a habit of repeating itself and so some points bear watching. People tend to push what is real for themselves. An amusing example of this is that there were some in 1950/1951 who would take what was real for them and push that. But often totally independent of source. Some had a mania to put out, as a NEW SUBJECT, things which had been developed for their own cases! This was when--after Book One was published--I was doing personal auditing. I would work with a guy on a chain and he'd get a computation he thought was a brand new general therapy and would push it off on each pc he had! Sometimes people try to run their own cases on others and some will only push what is real to themselves. Some of these points have shown up again in recent times. For example: concentrating on things like Cancellers. Repeater technique and attempts to do Lock Scanning instead of sticking to mainline Book One of running lock, secondary and engram chains. One guy tried to get his own brand of Book One going by taking a section out of Science of Survival and trying to run only pleasure moments on people. Most new public pcs do best when run on lock chains on Book One auditing as they are not yet sufficiently unburdened casewise to be able to run secondary chains, let alone engrams. Lock chains and running out recent secondaries are the best to run on Book One, especially to start with. Remember that you are not trying to handle the whole case on Book One. You can give people a reality on the Reactive Mind and a reality that auditing works with Book One and often many other wins, too. However, the Grade Chart, being the result of some thirty years of research into building a better Bridge, is what will handle cases. The probable best sequence of services after Book One is: Anatomy of the Human Mind course, then Success Through Communication course, then the HQS course and on to major HGC and Academy services. But that is not a rigid sequence and often a person will reach straight from Book One to HGC auditing or Academy courses. In locations where Book One is run, other Dn and Scn books must also be available and sold and cassettes must be sold, too! Posters and signs including a copy of the Grade and Class Chart and the Tone Scale must be displayed. Fliers must be available and used. Don't forget that other materials are vital to continued public interest. These create want for further services and show people the route. Provided the above points are kept in, Book One will spearhead a boom. Seminars and auditing, other books, cassettes and services will keep the boom rolling. These other things were mainly missing in 1950. INITIATIVE There is plenty of room for initiative on the following points and this is where Scientologists should be encouraged to show how resourceful they can be. Selling books to raw public is such an area. Example: Franz Schuler became a legend in EU selling books to the public several years ago. He sold thousands of books to raw public, rapidly expanding the CF of Switzerland. Example: Spain is a rapidly expanding Scn area today with two orgs and several city offices. It was opened up a couple of years ago by a few Scientologists who sold books any way they could--over the radio, on the streets, in person--and they rapidly built up a CF of book buyers and took off at a high rate of expansion. Example: a very successful ad could be undertaken to push Book One so attendance of Book One seminars can be increased. Place the ad as follows: "The unconscious, sub-conscious or reactive mind underlies and enslaves Man. It's the source of your nightmares, unreasonable fears, upsets and any insecurity. LEARN TO CONTROL YOUR REACTIVE MIND. Buy and read DIANETICS: THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH by L. Ron Hubbard. It contains discoveries heralded as greater than the wheel or fire. Available at your local bookstore or the Church of Scientology (address)." Be sure Book One is available in book outlets for your area before the ad appears. Any other local marketing adjunct can be added. The object is: A) To get Book One into public hands in your area and B) Follow up with Book One seminars in that area. (Possibly a later ad in the same media and channel some two or three weeks later would assist in the follow-up.) The wording can be varied, particularly the second paragraph which depends on local survey buttons. The rest of it is pretty straight. The target in all such ads is: "Your reactive mind" And "LEARN TO CONTROL IT!" These are very deep buttons and should accompany every Book One ad. By also featuring the Church it keeps it religious and steers people into Book One seminars. A big Dianetics symbol should be in the ad, not a picture of the book. THIS AD IS A VERY SUCCESSFUL AND USEABLE ONE. THERE ARE ALSO OTHER WAYS TO PROMOTE BOOK ONE. THE NORMAL METHODS OF PROCUREMENT OF PEOPLE MUST NOT BE OVERLOOKED OR ABANDONED BUT ALL FORMS OF DIVISION SIX AND DEFT FIVE PROCUREMENT ACTIONS MUST BE ENGAGED IN TO HAVE A SUCCESSFUL ORG. DO NOT HOBBY-HORSE ON JUST ONE LINE OR TYPE OF ACTION, DO NOT THINK THAT A SPECIALIZED PROMOTION CAN DISPENSE WITH THE NORMAL PROCUREMENT ACTIONS OF AN ORG. FAILURE TO FOLLOW THIS WELL KNOWN FACT AND HOBBY-HORSE ON JUST ONE TYPE OF PROCUREMENT GAVE SCIENTOLOGY A STAT CRASH UNTIL FOUND. Sometimes people ridge on the idea of self-improvement, because they are not up to the Awareness Level: Need for Change. One Scientologist had been trying to get her mother to read DMSMH on the grounds that it would help her and others in the family, without success. Then the mother expressed that she was puzzled about the mind, had always had questions about the mind that had never been answered. The Scientologist told her that DMSMH would help her to understand the mind better and clear up the mysteries about the mind. The mother promptly decided to read DMSMH. The "go button" in this case was not doing something to improve conditions (and attempts along this line had resulted in the person being offended that it was considered that there was something wrong with her), it was clearing up the questions, mystery and puzzlement about the mind. There may be other points of appeal. Many people are largel "victims." Maybe approaches that exploit inflow could be found. "Wouldn't it be nice to know how the media is manipulating your mind?" "Wouldn't it be interesting to find out how people make you (sad) (unhappy) (subject's tonescale position)?" New approaches should be looked for. Scientologists discovering new buttons and new approaches could communicate these to the FIELDS EXPANSION AIDE at Flag. Such successful actions can then be passed on to other Scientologists. BUT REMEMBER, PUBLICLY MARKETING BOOK ONE ITSELF MUST BE DONE! GAME FOR SCIENTOLOGISTS I thought of a game that Scientologists could play. Helping to Clear the planet by getting people onto the Bridge. Scientologists love to disseminate and getting new people onto the Bridge is a very rewarding game. There could be awards for: a) Successfully used approaches and methods of selling books to the raw public, b) Newly developed and tested ways to sell books and cassettes to different publics, c) The number of books sold to public individuals, d) The number of new people started on the Bridge. And the final product will be a Cleared Planet! How about it? COMPILED FROM THE NOTES OF L. RON HUBBARD by LRH TECHNICAL RESEARCH COMPILATIONS for the BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL BDCSI:LRHTRC:LRH:iw Copyright c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED =========================== 555 ED 347 INT 31 Dec 82 RJ 36 "YOUR NEW YEAR" [p. 3-4] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE RON'S JOURNAL LRH ED 347 INT 31 December 1982 RJ 36 "YOUR NEW YEAR" Hello. The sun is in the sky The stars are in the heavens Life lives. And I am here to wish you a happy holiday season. With inexorable promptitude 1983 is upon us! What will it bring? For some, I trust, a revitalized purpose and shining life. For others not so fortunate, another step deeper in the black pit of oblivion. Some conceive they are in the toils of fate. But others, having achieved insight know that is not so. It is you who will determine whether in 1983 you will go upward or down, whether your life will be happier or worse. I could tell you many airy things of no consequence. But, out of friendship for you and all men, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that you are the one who determines your own destiny. It is you who choose your future, it is you who holds firmly to your goals or lets them slip. It is you who insists upon receiving standard tech or tolerates shoddy substitutes. When all is said it is you who will be with yourself at the end. And it is you who will ask yourself, did I do right or did I do wrong? And the state you find yourself in will be the answer. Will you become a brighter person or a cinder? I cannot tell you to arrive at some high state. I cannot order you to be well or happy or affluent. I can only point out to you the route to what your innermost self desires. I have, through half a century of work, found the road out. I've done all I could to point the way. It is you who choose or not to achieve a higher state. Standard ethics will keep you and your friends on the straight road. Standard policy will give you a powerful organization, expanding and prosperous. Standard tech will take you into states of beingness where nothing can strike you down. In this minute particle of time we have the opportunity to reverse the downward spiral of life. It is you who will avail yourself of it or not. There is no longer any question if it is the right road. Countless people now have followed it with success. It is no longer a question whether standard ethics and policy work. It is only a question of whether or not you apply them. Possibly you find this a somewhat grim holiday message. Ah, there are happy things I could tell you. Book One, again, as it has before is climbing the bestseller list in the bookstores this very moment. And in a number of languages too. There are also new Dianetics and Scientology books coming out. Oh, yes, I've been busy! I also amused myself writing a book Battlefield Earth and I have gotten out a new music album Space Jazz. And they are both selling in avalanches. I've always worked in all the arts. It keeps my hand in, amuses people and whiles away the otherwise idle hour. It's better than playing video games! The secret is, I get no money from students or pcs and research costs a great deal of money which I myself have always funded with my writings. And a top publisher just said he had a million dollars for my next fiction work. They seem to think I'm more popular than ever. So you must have been saying nice things about me and also telling people to read my books. So thank you. But my main time today is spent polishing the higher levels of research so you will find the data you need when you reach that stellar point. I am well, indeed so, and I thank you for asking. But I do have a concern. Will you take advantage of the carefully marked trail upward? I hope you do, my friends. For if you don't, it will be very lonely in the sky. Love, RON L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Adopted by the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL CSI:LRH:iw Copyright c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED =========================== YEAR OF 1983 =========================== 556 ED 345 INT 11 Jan 83 LRH ED LINE USE [p. 6] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 345 INT 11 January 1983 To: All Staff From: Ron Subject: LRH ED LINE USE Hereafter it is forbidden to anyone but me to use the RED issue line. The RED line is not an official issue of any Church or organization. It developed when I was Executive Director and continued as a tradition even though I resigned in 1966. It is a personal line and contains advices and tips that help. You can be assured hereafter that a RED came from me. Therefore the following REDs are cancelled: See attachment No. 1. In addition to this list of cancellations: A second list has been prepared of REDs which were already cancelled prior to this issue. See attachment No. 2. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Adopted by the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL CSI:LRH:iw Copyright c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED =========================== [p. 7-21] LRH ED 345 INT ATTACHMENT #1 The following is a list of LRN EDs, not written by LRH. As of now these issues are cancelled. Many of these are revisions to original REDs. The revisions are cancelled, and the original versions by LRH are fully restored. LRH EDs INT ED 15 INT A NEW ANGLE 25 Aug 68 LRH ED 24 INT "As a special offer...." 12 Oct 68 LRH ED 27 INT CLASS VIII ORG SET UP DRILL 21 Oct 68 LRH ED 30 INT "It seems no rights needs...." 24 Oct 68 LRH ED 32 INT EXEC COUNCILS AND FINANCIAL PLANNING 26 Oct 68 LRH ED 34 INT PRICE SAVING 21 Oct 68 LRH ED 36 INT "THE FINAL DECISION AND FINDINGS.... 26 Oct 68 LRH ED 41 INT "In order to clearly delineate...." 5 Nov 68 LRH ED 46 INT SEA ORG PERSONNEL 11 Nov 68 LRH ED 48 INT APPOINTMENTS 25 Nov 68 LRH ED 63 INT A NEW TARGET CF EXPANSION 15 Dec 68 LRH ED 68 INT DISSEM DIVISION DEPARTMENT OF 14 Dec 68 PROMOTION LRH ED 71 INT INTERNESHIP 27 Dec 68 LRH ED 76 INT LRH COMM LOG 8 Jan 69 LRH ED 78 INT "As some confusion has arisen...." 15 Jan 69 LRH ED 79 INT "The 60% Discount offer...." 16 Jan 69 LRH ED 81R INT A VITAL TARGET 20 Jan 69 The original LRH ED 81 INT Rev. 1 Oct 74 20 Jan 69 is fully restored LRH ED 6 INT STAFF MEMBERS SENT BY ORGS FOR FOR 9 Mar 69 CLASS VI OR CLASS VIII LRH ED 12 INT INFO ON SCARCITY OF TRAINED AUDITORS 21 Apr 69 LRH ED 27R INT IMPORTANT STAFF LRH COMM STAFF 20 Sep 69 PROGRAMME NO. 1 Rev. 23 Aug 81 LRH ED 27 INT (also renumbered LRH ED 33 INT) remains discontinued by LRH ED 121 INT. LRH ED 28 INT SCIENTQLOGY: A RELIGION THE LEGAL 25 Aug 69 PROOFS OF SCIENTOLOGY AS A RELIGION LRH ED 29 INT DIANETIC AUDITING 23 Aug 69 LRH ED 30 INT MISSION U.K. TECH (Also numbered LRH ED 40 INT) 15 Oct G9 LRH ED 34 INT THE ROLE OF THE CENTRAL ORG 18 Nov 69 LRH ED 36A INT ORIGINATIONS TO LRH 19 Nov 69 LRH ED 39 INT ETHICS PROGRAM NO. 1 (Also numbered The original LRH ED 39 INT LRH ED 39A 69 INT) 23 Nov 69 is fully restored. 23 Nov 69 Rev. 18 May 71 for FEBC LRH ED 49 INT ORGANIZATION PROGRAM NO. 1 9 Dec 69 The original LRH ED 49 INT 9 Dec 69 Rev. 18 May 71 for FEBC is fully restored. LRH ED 49R INT ORGANIZATION PROGRAM NO. 1 9 Dec 69 As noted above, the original LRH ED Rev. 19 Mar 75 (FSO Only) 49 INT 9 Dec 69 is fully restored. ED 51 INT "Please fill in...." 10 Dec 69 ED 52 INT LRH PROGRAMMES, CLARIFICATION 10 Dec 69 LRH ED 54 INT SUPERIOR SERVICE IMAGE PROGRAM NO. 1 10 Dec 69 The original LRH ED 54 INT 10 Dec 69 Rev. 18 May 71 for FEBC is fully restored. LRH ED 55 INT SO SPECIAL FINANCIAL PLANNING PROGRAM NO. 1 21 Mar 73 The original LRH ED 55 INT 10 Dec 69 Reissued 12 Apr 82 is the valid issue on FP #Is. ED 60 INT ALL CHECKSHEETS REQUIRED 14 Dec 69 ED 61 INT FREELOADER COLLECTION PROGRAM 15 Dec 69 ED 62 INT CORRECTION OF ED 32 INT INCOME AND 15 Dec 69 STAFF PROGRAMME NO. 1 LRH ED 63 INT ETHICS UPSTATS 16 Dec 69 The original LRH ED 63 INT 16 Dec 69 Rev. 18 May 71 for FEBC is fully restored. ED 64 INT ORG COMPENSATION PROGRAM 14 Dec 69 LRH ED 66 INT INSTANT SERVICE PROJECT 16 Dec 69 The original LRH ED 66 INT 16 Dec 69 Rev. 18 May 71 for FEBC is fully restored. ED 68 INT TREAS. PROGRAM REPORTS 19 Dec 69 LRH ED 69 INT SEA ORG ETHICS 15 Dec 69 LRH ED 73 INT ETHICS PROGRABIME NO. 1 PROJECT 9 Jan 70 The original LRH ED 73 INT 9 Jan 70 Rev. 18 May 71 for FEBC is fully restored. LRH ED 74 INT SOLVENCY 14 Jan 70 The original LRH ED 74 INT 14 Jan 70 Rev. 18 May 71 for FEBC is fully restored. LRH ED 75 INT THE USES OF AUDITING HANDLING WITH 17 Jan 70 AUDITING REGISTRAR ADVICE FORM Rev. 18 May 71 for FEBC The original LRH ED 75 INT 17 Jan 7 is fully restored. LRH ED 79 INT FINANCIAL PLANNING PROGRAMME NO. 1 30 Jan 70 ADDITION Rev. 18 May 71 for FEBC The original LRH ED 79 INT 30 Jan 7 is fully restored. LRH ED 81 INT EC UK ANZO (Also numbered LRH ED 82 INT) 5 Feb 70 LRH ED 95 RA INT FLAG EXECUTIVE BRIEFING COURSE 8 Apr 70 The original LRH ED 95 INT 8 Apr 70 Re-rev. 9 Sep 81 is fully restored. LRH ED 97 INT FREEDOM TO REMIMEO 18 Apr 70 LRH ED 106R INT WHAT WAS WRONG 3 Jun 70 The original LRH ED 106 INT 3 Jun 70 Rev. 16 Sep 80 is fully restored. LRH ED 107R INT DIVISIONAL ACTIONS FOR IMMEDIATE 3 Jun 70 COMPLIANCE Rev. 23 Sep 80 The original LRH ED 107 INT 3 Jun 70 is fully restored. LRH ED 110 INT REGISTRAR PGM NO. 1 WHAT TO PUSH 10 Jul 70 The original LRH ED 110 INT 10 Jul 70 Rev. 18 May 71 for FEBC is fully restored. LRH ED 112 INT URGENT AND IMPORTANT REGISTRATION: 25 Jul 70 BREAKTHROUGH LRH ED 11S TNT CASE AND LETTER REG PROJECT NO. 1 26 Aug 70 The original LRH ED 118 INT 26 Aug 70 Rev. 18 hIav 71 for FEBC is fully restored. LRH ED 120R INT AUDITORS ASSOCIATION PROJECT IN 27 Aug 70 YOUR AREA Rev. 16 Jan 75 The original LRH ED 120 INT 27 Aug 70 is fully restored. LRH ED 121 INT STAFF TRAINING PROGRAM NO. 2 29 Aug 70 The original LRH ED 121 INT 29 Aug 70 Rev. 18 May 71 for FEBC is fully restored. LRHED 125R INT CANCELLED CANCELLATION OF THE TECH SEC PGM 6 Sep 70 (HGC) NO. 1 Rev. 18 Apr 75 The original LRH ED 125 INT 6 Sep 70 Cancelled 8 May 75 is fully restored LRH ED 138RA INT VFP Series No. 1 TRAINING AUDITORS 28 Mar 71 The original LRH ED 138 INT 28 Mar Re-rev. 11 Jun 81 71 is fully restored. LKH ED 144 INT RON'S BRIEFING '71 28 Jun 71 LRH ED 159R-1 INT CANCELLATION OF LRH ED 159R-1 INT CANCELLED REGISTRATION PROGRAM SO SPECIAL NO. 1 16 Jun 79 LRH ED 159R-1 INT was already cancelled by LRH ED 236 INT (by LRH). LRH ED 160 INT ADDITION PROJECT ORG TECH: LIMITED UPPER 18 Dec 71 LEVEL TRAINING OFFER FOR ORGS LRH ED 165RA INT WELL DONE AUDITING HOURS, HOW TO 29 Dec 71 INCREASE Re-rev. 3 Oct 74 The original LRH ED 165 INT 29 Dec 71 is fully restored. LRH ED 168R INT ESTABLISHMENT OFFICERS, AN ANSWER 27 Jan 72 TO HCOs. SPECIAL OFFER Rev. 8 Feb 72 The original LRH ED 168 INT 27 Jan 72 is fully restored. LRH ED 170 INT SURVEY-CAMPAIGN PROJECT NO. 1 25 Jan 72 LRH ED 172 INT US SURVEY RESULTS 5 Feb 72 LRH ED 172 INT ADDITION MORE US SURVEY RESULTS! 18 US ADDITION LRH ED 174R INT STUDY AND TECH BREAKTHROUGH 29 Mar 72 The original LRH ED 174 INT 29 Mar 72 Rev. 11 May 73 is fully restored. LRH ED 176 INT Reissued AUDITOR RECOVERY 11 Apr 77 The original LRH ED 176 INT 24 Apr 72 is fully restored. LRH ED 179RA INT STAFF PAY 30 Nov 74 LRH ED 179R INT 19 Aug 72 Rev. 30 Nov Re-rev. 15 Jun 81 74 (by LRH) is fully restored. LRH ED 180 INT HONEST TRs 3 Sep 72 LRH ED 185 INT THE 23RD ANNIVERSARY OF DMSMH 2 May 73 LRH ED 185-1 INT "The second award mentioned...." 9 May 73 LRH ED 235 CANCELLED LRH ED 235 AND 235-1 CANCELLED 235-1 CANCELLED LRH ED 235 INT and 235-1 INT, both 3 Sep 74 by LRH are fully restored LRH ED 236R INT REGISTRATION PGM NO. 2R 5 Jul 74 The original LRH ED 236 INT 5 Jul 74 Rev. 13 Feb 81 is fully restored. LRH ED 241R INT POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCES 22 Jul 74 The original LRH ED 241 INT 22 Jul Rev. 26 Sep 77 74 is fully restored. LRH ED 246RA INT PAID COMPS AND GI RELATIONSHIP 6 Aug 74 PROGRAM Re-rev. 1 Mar 81 The original LRH ED 246 INT 6 Aug 74 is fully restored. LRH ED 256 INT THE ROLE OF COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP 28 Nov 74 LRH ED 258 INT Reiss. HOW ARE YOU LIMITING THE SIZE AND 17 Jan 75 INCOME OF YOUR ORG Rev. 3 Apr 80 The original LRH ED 258 INT 17 Jan 75 is fully restored. LRH ED 258-1 Reiss. HOW YOU CAN INCREASE THE SIZE AND 15 Mar 75 INCOME OF YOUR ORG Rev. 3 Apr 80 The original LRH ED 258-1 INT 15 Mar 75 is fully restored. LRH ED 259-1RA-1R REGISTRATION PROGRAM #3 1 Dec 75 LRH ED 270-1 INT FLAG FSM COMMISSIONS FOR TRAINING 5 Jan 76 LRH ED 284-2 INT THE SOLUTION TO INFLATION--AMENDMENT 28 Oct 77 FOR UK LRH ED 284-6 INT THE SOLUTION TO INFLATION--FLAG 30 Jun 79 SERVICE ORG LRH ED 284-7 INT THE SOLUTION TO INFLATION--UNITED KINGDOM LRH ED 284-8 INT BOOK PRICE INCREASES 18 Mar 80 LRH ED 284-9 INT THE SOLUTION TO INFLATION 30 Apr 80 LRH ED 284-10 INT BOOK PRICE INCREASES 17 Sep 80 LRH ED 284-11 INT SOLUTION TO INFLATION 15 Oct 80 LRH ED 284-11 INT SOLUTION TO INFLATION 1 Feb 81 FOR FRANCE LRH ED 285R INT LRH COMMS AND FRs AS ADDITIONAL 26 Sep 76 PRODUCTION EXECUTIVES (REVISED) The original LRH ED 285 INT 26 Sep 76 is fully restored. LRH ED 286 INT CANCELLATIONS 10 Oct 76 FBDL 632-1 LRH ED 259-1RC AND BACK-UP PGMS and LRH ED 259-1RC HOW YOU CAN GET YOUR 1000 AUDITORS, SUPERVISORS C/Ses BY 13 MARCH 1977 (neither of which was by LRH) remain cancelled by LRH ED 283 INT. LRH ED 209 INT HONEST STAFF MEMBERS 24 Feb 77 LRH ED 296-1R INT NEW ERA DIANETICS 15 Oct 78 LRH ED 296-1 remains cancelled as Rev. 2 Mar 80 it also was not by LRH. LRH ED 305-1 INT ANZO, WEST US, EAST US, UK AND 12 Oct 79 AFRICA STAFF AMNESTY PROCLARIATION ADDITION LRH ED 311R INT HOW TO EVOLVE THE 3 DIV PUBLIC 13 Feb 80 DIVISIONS Rev. 23 Dec LRH ED 311 INT Same Title remains cancelled. LRH ED 311R-1 INT ADDITIONAL PUBLIC DIV TARGETS 11 Oct 81 LRH ED 311-1 INT FOR FSO HOW TO EVOLVE 3 DIVISION PUBLIC 25 Feb 81 DIVISIONS FOR FSO LRH ED 312RB INT HOW TO ESTABLISH AND EXPAND YOUR 26 Feb 80 DISSEM DIVISION 2 Re-rev. 16 Feb 81 All previous versions of LRH ED 312 INT Same Title remain cancelled. LRH ED 312-1 INT HOW TO ESTABLISH AND EXPAND YOUR 9 May 80 DISSEM DIVISION 2. ADDITIONAL TARGET TO LRH ED 321 INT ATTACHMENT 1R--PROGRAM LRH ED 313R INT HOW TO ESTABLISH AND EXPAND YOUR HCO 4 May 80 DIVISION 1 Rev. 3 Apr LRH ED 313 INT Same Title remains cancelled. LRH ED 313-1 INT ADDITION TO LRH ED 313 INT "HOW TO 19 Jul 80 ESTABLISH AND EXPAND YOUR HCO DIVISION 1" LRH ED 316R INT BACKING UP THE BOOM WITH AN EFFECTIVE, 15 Sep 80 FUNCTIONING QUAL Rev. 11 Mar 81 LRH ED 316 INT Same Title remains cancelled. LRH ED 317R INT EXECUTIVE DIVISION 7--LEADING THE 20 Oct 80 WAY TO EXPANSION Rev. 13 Mar 81 LRH ED 317 INT Same Title PILOT A PILOT A remains cancelled. LRH ED 317R INT EXECUTIVE DIVISION 7--LEADING THE 20 Oct 80 WAY TO EXPANSION Rev. 13 Mar 81 LRH ED 317 INT Same Title PILOT B PILOT B remains cancelled. LRH ED 319 INT DELIVERY--THE ESSENCE OF A BOOM 4 Mar 81 LRH ED 320R INT TREASURY-AN INCOME MAKING DIVISION 20 Nov 80 LRH ED 320 INT Same Title PILOT Rev. 7 Apr 81 remains cancelled. PILOT LRH ED 322RA INT HOW TO ESTABLISH AND EXPAND YOUR 22 Jan 81 HCO DIVISION 1 (Sea Org Orgs) Re-rev. 22 Jul 81 All previous versions of LRH ED 322 PILOT INT Same Title PILOT remain cancelled. LRH ED 323 INT YOUR LETTERS TO RON 21 Jan 81 LRH ED 324 INT BACKING UP THE BOOM WITH AN 11 Mar 81 FOR SEA ORG EFFECTIVE, FUNCTIONING QUAL LRH ED 325 INT HOW TO ESTABLISH AND EXPAND YOUR 24 Mar 81 FOR SEA ORG DISSEM DIVISION 2 LRH ED 327 INT FOR AOLA HOW TO EVOLVE THE 3 DIV PUBLIC 18 Jun 81 DIVISIONS FOR AOLA LRH ED 328 INT HOW TO EVOLVE THE 3 DIV PUBLIC 18 Jun 81 FOR ASHO FDN DIVISIONS--ASHO FDN LRH ED 329 INT FOR ASHO HOW TO EVOLVE THE 3 DIV PUBLIC 18 Jun 81 DIVISIONS--ASHO DAY LRH ED 330 INT HOW TO EVOLVE THE 3 DIV PUBLIC 18 Jun 81 FOR AOSHes DIVISIONS--AOSHes LRH ED 332 INT DELIVERY--THE ESSENCE OF A BOOM 21 Mar 81 FOR SEA ORG PILOT LRH ED 334 INT EXECUTIVE DIVISION 7--LEADING THE 13 Mar 81 FOR SEA ORG WAY TO EXPANSION PILOT #1 LRH ED 334 INT EXECUTIVE DIVISION 7--LEADING THE 13 Mar 81 FOR SEA ORG WAY TO EXPANSION PILOT #2 LRH ED 335 INT SPECIAL SO STAFF PROGRAMME NO. 1 25 Mar 81 LRH ED 336 INT DIV IVA--HANDLING THE TOP OF THE 1 Apr 81 FOR SEA ORG BRIDGE PILOT LRH ED 337 INT TREASURY--AN INCOME MAKING DIVISION 7 Apr 81 FOR SEA ORG PILOT LRH ED 344 INT THE RIDGE ON THE BRIDGE 16 May 82 This issue is replaced by LRH ED 344R INT 21 October 82 which is compiled from the notes of LRH by his permission. (ATTACHMENT #1 cont) LRH EDs AF LRH ED 5 AF THE VOLUNTEER MINISTERS PROGRAM 5 Dec 79 (ATTACHMENT #1 cont) LRH EDs ANZO LRH ED 9 UK 1 ANZO ORG PATTERN, UK AND SHIP 5 Feb 70 SEA ORG STATION SHIP U.K. LRH ED 3 ANZO ACTIVATION OF ANZO'S NEW COMMAND 15 Dec 70 CHANNELS LRH ED 4 ANZO ANZO VIABILITY 26 Jan 71 (ATTACHMENT #1 cont) LRH EDs EU LRH ED 6 EU 10X GI (Also numbered LRH ED 1 EU) 27 Mar 74 LRH ED 9R EU PTS HANDLING 17 Jul 74 The original LRH ED 9 EU 17 Jul 74 Rev. 12 Apr 81 is fully restored. LRH ED 10R EU LANGUAGE BARRIERS 19 Jul 74 The original LRH ED 10 EU 19 Jul 74 Rev. 31 Oct 79 is fully restored. LRH ED 12R EU "As BLS and Reg Salesmanship...." 22 Jul 74 The original LRH ED 12 EU 22 Jul 74 Rev. 11 May 81 is fully restored. LRH ED 13RB EU STAFF PAY 22 Jul 74 LRH ED 13R EU 22 Jul 74 Rev. 15 Sep Re-rev. 19 Mar 80 76 by LRH is fully restored. LRH ED 14R EU CANCELLED EU BOOKSALES AND PRPS 19 Dec 74 LRH ED 14 EU and 14R, neither of Rev. 11 Jul 76 which were by LRH, remain cancelled. Cancelled 13 Jan 77 LRH ED 15R EU EUROPE SPECIAL STAFF AMNESTY 26 Nov 79 PROCLAMATION AND AWARD! Rev. 18 Apr 81 The original LRH ED 15 EU 26 Nov 79 is fully restored. LRH ED 18 EU EUROPE CONTINUED EXPANSION! 8 Mar 81 LRH ED 258RC-1 EU HOW YOU ARE LIMITING THE SIZE AND 17 Jan 75 INCOME OF YOUR ORG Re-rev. 23 Sep 78 (ATTACHMENT #1 cont) LRH EDs PUBS LRH ED 66 WW 9 PUBS "1. A Central Accounting...." 1 Jan 69 (ATTACHMENT #1 cont) LRH EDs SH LRH ED 53 WW 35 SH AOUK MONIES RECEIVED AT SH/WW 23 Oct 68 LRH ED 9 SH SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE 31 May 70 LRH ED 12 SH SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE (Also numbered LRH ED 13 SH) 9 Jul 70 LRH ED 35 WW 14 SH WW SH PROGRAM (Also numbered LRH ED 36 WW 15 SH) 20 Jul 70 (ATTACHMENT #1 cont) LRH EDs UK LRH ED 7 UK FSM PROGRAMME UK 17 Dec 69 LRH ED 9 UK 1 ANZO ORG PATTERN, UK AND ANZO 5 Feb 70 SEA ORG STATION SHIP U.K. LRH ED 32 WW 16 UK UNITED KINGDOM PRICE LIST 31 May 70 (ATTACHMENT #1 cont) LRH EDs US LRH ED 7 US 12 WW PROMOTION US 2 Dec 69 LRH ED 9 US 19 WW ORG IMAGE 20 Dec 69 LRH ED 17 US US SURVEY RESULTS 5 Feb 72 LRH ED 172 INT 18 US MORE US SURVEY RESULTS! ADDITION 8 Mar 72 (ATTACHMENT #1 cont) LRH EDs WW LRH ED 16 WW "ARE ALL ORGS PROPERLY MANNED.... 1 Jul 68 LRH ED 22 WW SEA ORG ACTIONS 8 Jul 68 LRH ED 52 WW "LRH COMM WW is responsible...." 21 Oct 68 LRH ED 53 WW 35 SH AOUK MONIES RECEIVED AT SH/WW 23 Oct 68 LRH ED 66 WW 9 PUBS "1. A Central Accounting...." 1 Jan 69 LRH ED 26 WW MANAGEMENT 1 Apr 70 LRH ED 32 WW 16 UK UNITED KINGDOM PRICE LIST 31 May 70 LRH ED 35 WW 14 SH WW SH PROGRAM (Also numbered LRH ED 36 WW 15 SH) 20 Jul 70 =========================== [p. 22-6] LRH ED 345 INT ATTACHMENT #2 The following is a list of LRH EDs which were already cancelled prior to this date. It is included here with RED 345 INT to provide you with complete information as to all REDs that are cancelled. An asterisk (*) means the issue is not an original RED (was not written by LRH). Any LRH ED without an asterisk (*) was cancelled by LRH himself. ISSUE CANCELLED BY LRH ED 17 INT LRH ED 31 INT (Also Flag Order 1292) (Also Flag Order 1467) 5 Sep 68 14 Oct 68 LRH ED 26 INT * LRH ED 29 INT * 29 Sep 68 22 Oct 68 LRH ED 38 INT LRH ED 65 INT 29 Oct 68 13 Dec 68 LRH ED 15 INT LRH ED 42 INT 26 Apr 69 29 Nov 69 LRH ED 27 INT LRH ED 121 INT (Also numbered LRH ED 33 29 Aug 70 INT) 20 Sep 69 LRH ED 93 INT LRH ED 99 INT 30 Mar 70 27 Apr 70 LRH ED 95R INT * LRH ED 95RA INT * 8 Apr 70 8 Apr 70 Rev. 19 May 81 Re-rev. 9 Sep 81 LRH ED 125R INT * LRH ED 125R INT CANCELLED * 6 Sep 70 8 May 75 Rev. 18 Apr 75 LRH ED 138R INT * LRH ED 138RA INT * 28 Mar 71 28 Mar 71 Rev. 14 Oct 71 Re-rev. 11 Jun 81 LRH ED 153R INT * LRH ED 153RA INT * 30 Aug 71 30 Aug 71 Rev. 30 Oct 72 Re-rev. 21 Sep 73 LRH ED 153RA INT * LRH ED 153RA INT CANCELLED * 30 Aug 71 2 Nov 73 Re-rev. 21 Sep 73 (As ordered by LRH) LRH ED 153RD-1 * LRH ED 153 Series CANCELLED * 8 Nov 74 26 Dec 76 LRH ED 153RG INT * LRH ED 153RH INT * 21 Mar 75 21 Mar 75 Re-rev. 6 Apr 75 Re-rev. 14 May 75 LRH ED 153RH INT * LRH ED 153RI INT * 21 Mar 75 21 Mar 75 Re-rev. 14 May 75 Re-rev. 30 May 75 LRH ED 153RJ EU * LRH ED 153 Series CANCELLED 17 May 76 26 Dec 76 Rev. 12 Jun 76 LRH ED 153RJ WUS * LRH ED 153 Series CANCELLED 13 Sep 76 26 Dec 76 LRH ED 159 INT LRH ED 236 INT 28 Nov 71 5 Jul 74 LRH ED 159R INT * LRH ED 159RA INT * 28 Nov 71 28 Nov 71 Rev. 28 Oct 72 Re-rev. 23 Sep 73 LRH ED 159RA INT * LRH ED 236 INT 28 Nov. 71 5 Jul 74 Re-rev. 23 Sep 73 LRH ED 159R INT MINI * LRH ED 159R INT MINI CANC * 1 Mar 73 6 Aug 74 LRH ED 159R INT MINI CANC * LRH ED 236R INT * 6 Aug 74 5 Jul 74 Rev. 13 Feb 81 LRH ED 159R-1 INT * LRH ED 159R-1 Cancelled * 18 Feb 73 18 Feb 73 Cancelled 16 Jun 79 LRH ED 159R-1 INT Canc * LRH ED 236B INT * 18 Feb 73 5 Jul 74 Cancelled 16 Jun 79 Rev. 13 Feb 81 LRH ED 165R INT * LRH ED 165RA INT * 29 Dec 71 29 Dec 71 Rev. 26 Sep 73 Re-rev. 3 Oct 74 LRH ED 176R INT * LRH ED 176RA INT * 24 Apr 72 24 Apr 72 Rev. 10 Nov 72 Re-rev. 22 Feb 75 LRH ED 176RA INT * LRH ED 176RB INT * 24 Apr 72 24 Apr 72 Re-rev. 22 Feb 75 Re-rev. 7 Nov 76 LRH ED 176RB INT * LRH ED 176 INT Reissued * 24 Apr 72 11 Apr 77 Re-rev. 7 Nov 76 LRH ED 179 INT LRH ED 179R INT 19 Aug 72 19 Aug 72 Rev. 30 Nov 74 LRH ED 228 INT * LRH ED 153RC INT 24 Apr 74 30 Aug 71 Re-rev. 30 Jul 74 LRH ED 231 INT * LRH ED 231R INT * 9 May 74 15 Sep 74 LRH ED 231-1 INT LRH ED 231-1R INT 16 Jul 74 16 Jul 74 Rev. 31 Jul 74 LRH ED 232 INT LRH ED 232R INT 10 May 74 10 Mav 74 Rev. 24 May 74 LRH ED 234 INT LRH ED 234B INT 13 Jun 74 13 Jun 74 Rev. 22 Aug 74 LRH ED 243R INT * LRH ED 243 INT REINSTATED 25 Jul 74 21 Aug 75 Rev. 6 Apr 75 LRH ED 245 INT LRH ED 245R INT 28 Jul 74 28 Jul 74 Rev. 27 Aug 74 LRH ED 246R INT * LRH ED 246RA INT * 6 Aug 74 6 Aug 74 Rev. 19 Oct 74 Re-rev. 1 Mar 81 LRH ED 258R INT * LRH ED 258RA INT * 17 Jan 75 17 Jan 75 Rev. 31 Sep 77 Re-rev. 24 Dec 77. LRH ED 258RA INT * LRH ED 258RB INT * 17 Jan 75 17 Jan 75 Re-rev. 24 Dec 77 Re-rev. 18 Jun 78 LRH ED 258RB INT * LRH ED 258RC INT * 17 Jan 75 17 Jan 75 Re-rev. 18 Jun 78 Re-rev. 23 Sep 78 LRH ED 258RC INT * LRH ED 258 INT Reissued * 17 Jan 75 17 Jan 75 Re-rev. 23 Sep 78 Reiss. 3 Apr 80 with some revision from original LRH ED 258R-1 INT * LRH ED 258R-1 INT Corr. * 12 Oct 77 12 Oct 77 Corrected 19 Oct 77 LRH ED 258B-1 INT Corr. * LRH ED 258-1 INT Reissued * 12 Oct 77 15 Mar 75 Corrected 19 Oct 77 Reiss. 3 Apr 80 LRH ED 258B-1 EU * LRH ED 258RA-1 EU * 17 Jan 75 17 Jan 75 Rev. 11 Oct 77 Re-rev. 24 Dec 77 LRH ED 258RA-1 EU * LRH ED 258RB-1 EU * 17 Jan 75 15 Jan 75 Re-rev. 24 Dec 77 Re-rev. 19 Jun 78 LRH ED 258RB-1 EU * LRH ED 258RC-1 EU * 17 Jan 75 15 Jan 75 Re-rev. 19 Jun 78 Re-rev. 23 Sep 78 LRH ED 259-1 INT * LRH ED 259-1R INT * 6 Apr 75 6 Apr 75 Rev. 13 May 75 LRH ED 259-1R INT * LRH ED 259-1RA INT * 6 Apr 75 6 Apr 75 Rev. 13 May 75 Re-rev. 28 May 75 LRH ED 259-1RA INT * LRH ED 259-1RB INT * 6 Apr 75 6 Apr 75 Re-rev. 28 May 75 Re-rev. 17 May 76 LRH ED 259-1RB INT * LRH ED 259-1RB INT Corr. * 6 Apr 75 6 Apr 75 Re-rev. 17 May 76 Corr. 19 hlay 76 LRH ED 259-1RB INT Corr. * LRH ED 259-1RC INT * 6 Apr 75 6 Apr 75 Corr. 19 May 76 Re-rev. 16 Jun 76 LRH ED 259-1RC INT * LRH ED 283 INT 6 Apr 75 10 Oct 76 Re-rev. 16 Jun 76 LRH ED 259-1RA-1 * LRH ED 259-1RA-1R * 24 Nov 75 1 Dec 75 LRH ED 293 INT * LRH ED 293R INT 19 Jun 78 19 Jun 78 Rev. 23 Oct 78 LRH ED 296-1 INT * LRH ED 296-1R INT * 15 Oct 78 15 Oct 78 Rev. 2 Mar 80 LRH ED 297 INT * LRH ED 305 INT 16 Jul 78 5 Oct 79 LRH ED 300 INT LRH ED 300R INT 30 Sep 78 30 Sep 78 Rev. 8 Dec 78 LRH ED 311 INT * LRH ED 311R INT * 10 Feb 80 10 Feb 80 Rev. 23 Dec 80 LRH ED 312 INT * LRH ED 312R INT * 26 Feb 80 26 Feb 80 Rev. 8 Apr 80 LRH ED 312R INT * LRH ED 312RA INT * 20 Feb 80 20 Feb 80 Rev. 8 Apr 80 Re-rev. 1 Sep 80 LRH ED 312RA INT * LRH ED 312RB INT * 20 Feb 80 20 Feb 80 Re-rev. 1 Sep 80 Re-rev. 16 Feb 81 LRH ED 313 INT * LRH ED 313R INT * 4 May 80 4 May 80 Rev. 3 Apr 81 LRH ED 316 INT * LRH ED 316R INT * 16 Sep 80 16 Sep 80 Rev. 11 Mar 81 LRH ED 317 INT * LRH ED 317R INT * 20 Oct 80 20 Oct 80 PILOT Rev. 13 Mar 81 PILOT A and B LRH ED 318 INT * LRH ED 318R INT * 26 Oct 80 26 Oct 80 (Amnesty issue) Rev. 3 Dec 80 (Amnesty issue) LRH ED 319 INT * LRH ED 319 INT * 9 Nov 80 9 Nov 80 PILOT Rev. 4 Mar 81 LRH ED 320 INT * LRH ED 320R INT 20 Nov 80 20 Nov 80 Rev. 7 Apr 81 LRII ED 322 INT * LRH ED 322R INT * 22 Jan 81 22 Jan 81 PILOT Rev. 25 Mar 81 PILOT LRH ED 322R INT * LRH ED 322RA INT * 22 Jan 81 22 Jan 81 Rev. 25 Mar 81 Re-rev. 22 Jul 81 PILOT LRH ED 324 INT * LRH ED 324 INT FOR SEA ORG * 5 Feb 81 FOR SEA ORG 5 Feb 81 PILOT Rev. 11 Mar 81 LRH ED 325 INT * LRH ED 325 INT FOR SEA ORG * 13 Feb 81 FOR SEA ORG 13 Feb 81 PILOT Rev. 24 May 81 LRH ED 326-1 INT * LRH ED 326-1R INT * 13 Mar 81 13 Mar 81 Rev. 26 Aug 81 LRH ED 327 INT FOR AOLA * LRH ED 327 INT FOR AOLA * 1 Mar 81 1 Mar 81 PILOT Rev. 18 Jun 81 LRH ED 328 INT * LRH ED 328 INT FOR ASHO FDN * 1 Mar 81 FOR ASHO FDN 1 Mar 81 PILOT Rev. 18 Jun 81 LRH ED 329 INT * LRH ED 329 INT FOR ASHO DAY * 1 Mar 81 FOR ASHO DAY 1 Mar 81 PILOT Rev. 18 Jun 81 LRH ED 330 INT FOR AOSHes * LRH ED 330 INT FOR AOSHes * 1 Mar 81 1 Mar 81 PILOT Rev. 18 Jun 81 LRH ED 13 EU LRH ED 13R EU 22 Jul 74 22 Jul 74 Rev. 15 Sep 76 LRH ED 14 EU * LRH ED 14R EU * 19 Dec 74 19 Dec 74 Rev. 11 Jul 76 LRH ED 14R EU * LRH ED 14R EU CANCELLED * 19 Dec 74 19 Dec 74 Rev. 11 Jul 76 Rev. 11 Jul 76 Cancelled 13 Jan 77 LRH ED 15 EU * LRH ED 15R EU * 26 Nov 79 26 Nov 79 Rev. 18 Apr 81 LRH ED 28 US * LRH ED 28R US * 5 Mar 80 5 Mar 80 Rev. 16 Mar 80 LRH ED 20 WW LRH ED 20 WW Corr. 21 Jan 70 21 Jan 70 Corr. 21 Jan 70 LRH ED 28 WW 15 SH LRH ED 31 WW 18 SH 1 Aug 68 1 Aug 68 LRH ED 7 US 70 WW LRH ED 7 US 70 WW Corrected 9 Mar 69 and Reissued 9 Mar 69 =========================== 557 ED 348 INT 13 Mar 83 RON'S JOURNAL 37 [p. 1-2] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 348 INT Birthday RJ 13 March 1983 RON'S JOURNAL 37 Hello! And thank you for your good wishes on this 13 March 83. I am well and doing very fine indeed and I sincerely hope you are the same, and, believe me, earnestly, that is the only reason I have done the work I've done this last half century. If at a breath I could wish the whole universe right as you too may have dreamed, it would be wonderful. But it takes a lot more than breaths or wishes to accomplish that and it requir that you also do your part in it if you and those dear to you ar going to make it fully. So I have a Birthday gift for you to return the flow of the avalanches of good wishes and remembrances that you send me. And as I accept them gratefully, so I hope you will accept this legacy. It is the tech. You see, despite inferences to the contrary, this tech has not been available before anywhere and was not even known. I say this as no boast, but with something of amazement for you see researches by most others in the past have not been aimed at bettering man but making him more suggestible and obedient. As a proof of this, any trouble Dianetics and Scientology had is traced to those who engage in suppression of individuals and man. They use numerous ways to attempt the eradication of this tech. Denying it is the first. Invalidation is the second. Corrupting it is the next. But all these efforts in whatever guise, boil down to just one thing: to prevent people frnm achieving and enjoying freedom. Those who attempt to suppress our tech do not themselves have the faintest clue of how to better anyone. This they cannot do. And this is your ace in the hole. You see, truth must exist before lies and truth blows the lie away as it is later on the chain. And any suppressive person or group seeking to dissuade you or invalidate you deals only in lies. These lies are quite easily spotted if you know the Data Series. Most people get so confused by all the lies around, they come to believe anything they're told and that's the reason the suppressive lies. But with the Data Series, one can spot bad data so easily it is itself a sort of relief to know it. And as you burrow your way down through the layers of lies, you come to truth. And truth blows the lies away. So we come to this legacy of tech. It is the route, which if purely used, uncorrupted and unperverted, will bring you at last to the vast free vistas of freedom and truth and the glory of being really you. But this is not all, and this is my true message to you this Birthday: IF YOU KNOW THE TECH, IT WILL PROTECT YOU. You do not even have to believe it works. If you really know the true tech, no one and nothing can hurt you or demean you in the ages to come. So it is not just freedom that is the goal; it is the maintaining of it one must assure. Those who do not let you have it, twist it, invalidate it and pretend it is something else that's meant, are seeking to deny you not just the road out but the armor of knowledge that will guard you. So this is my gift to you this Birthday in return for all your well wishing: the legacy of tech. The policy is there to guard and deliver the tech as well as to help make a better society and this is also yours. It means of course that you yourself must more than whiff at the bouquet of tech. It means hard and earnest study and precise application for only those will bring it into full bloqm in your life. It is true that paths are sometimes rough and that travel can be tiring and long. But wait! There are vistas never dreamed of, there are joys never even known, there are glories no past glory ever surpassed. These wait for you but only if you accept my legacy and help bring these things about. And in the years to come and the ages that follow, the hosannas will be for your Birthday, not mine. My Love, RON L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Accepted by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL BDCSI:LRH:iw by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ============================== END OF LRH EDs ==============================