FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES - 27/28 ============================ This is the Second Foundation. Our purpose is to keep LRH's plan on track (ref: Asimov). CofS has gone off the rails. This is an announcement of our support of FZBA, Freezone, and The Pilot. We are posting the LRH EDs to make ammends for our long delay in taking action. ARC, PROGRAM DIRECTOR SECOND FOUNDATION ============================ LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES This is a complete copy of the "Original LRH EDs" or Blue Volumes as issued by Bridge in 1983. The full contents for all 28 parts posted is in part 1. The volumes were divided into the 3 numbering Series, and subdivided into the classes of EDs (INT = International, WW = World Wide, SH = Saint Hill, etc.) and placed in reverse order (latest first) within type. This was quite confusing because of some EDs being in multiple classes with different numbers in each class. We rearranged everything in date order (earliest first) to give a better historical perspective and make these easy to find by date. The original table of contents is included in part 2 and the original page numbers are in "[]" at the beginning of each ED. See IMB 5 in part 2 for an explanation of the 3 Series of ED numbers and a list of valid (but expired) EDs not included. See LRH ED 345 INT in part 28 for a list of cancelled LRH EDs that were not included. These are only the EDs that are in the Blue Volumes. ************************************************** FZBA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** Part 27 547 ED 339R INT 13 Mar 82 REVISION OF THE BIRTHDAY GAME 1982/83 548 ED 339R-1 INT 10 Oct 82 THE MAKE-BREAK POINT OF AN ORG 549 ED 340R INT 13 Mar 82 MISSION BIRTHDAY GAME 1982/83 550 RJ 34 13 Mar 82 RJ 34 THE FUTURE OF SCIENTOLOGY 551 ED 342 INT 9 May 82 RJ 35 FROM CLEAR TO ETERNITY 552 ED 343 INT 4 May 82 BOOKS STRAIGHT TALK 553 ED 343 INT 10 May 82 THE SO #1 LINE =========================== YEAR OF 1982 =========================== 547 ED 339R INT 13 Mar 82 REVISION OF THE BIRTHDAY GAME 1982/83 [p. 52-9] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 339R INT 13 March 1982 Revised CANCELS LRH ED 339 INT 30 July 1982 (Revisions not TO: ALL STAFF, in Script) WDC, IMO, FOLOs, ORGS-SO & CL IV, ALL CONTINENTS, INCL EU (Not BPI) FROM: RON SUBJECT: REVISION OF THE BIRTHDAY GAME 1982/83 (Note: Because of staff insistence, it is no longer legal for other people than myself to write LRH EDs. The line can be abused and so, as the birthday game LRH ED you have was written by others, the boards of directors have requested that I write one personally to supplant it. I am, as you know, not now an officer or director of these corporations, but, as a favor, consented to do so. After all, you are my friends and I am very interested in your prosperity and well being. So here it is.) HISTORY Birthday games began long ago when someone said, "What would you like from management for your next birthday?" Now, you've all heard such questions. The normal answer is "A tie," or maybe, "A chocolate cake." Well, I surprised them. I said, "5X the stats!" And, although, if I recall, it was already December, it went out as an LRH ED. And what do you know, the result was one of the biggest booms to that date! Stats soared so high, the graph paper went up the wall, across the ceiling and down the other side! Fact. A lot of your execs recall those graphs. But it had a drawback. The birthday came. And the stats CRASHED! Management put out a snowstorm of telexes, trying to find out what happened. The answer they got was that the birthday game was over: with it ended a personnel freeze. Staff wandered off to other posts, the zing had vanished from the lines. Management worked like mad to get the stats up and then had a bright idea. "Hey, what about putting out another birthday game?" And so a tradition was born. Orgs and continents go into competition with one another. There are quarterly winners, there are full game winners and there are awards and prizes and people, understandably, are very proud of them. And I have always been very happy with the resulting stats for it means Scn is expanding and we are that much closer to a cleared planet. And I am always very pleased with the gift. EXTENT OF ORGS The size and scope of Scientology today dwarfs the earlier networks and orgs. Success breeds growth and Scientology orgs are a success story that would make (and makes) other organizations and businesses very envious. Scientology orgs are well on their way to controlling their environment--a matter of hard statistics, not propaganda. The opposition has had about as much effect as a slingshot against a space ship. And, why not? For the first time in the history of this universe, a group has the technology to restore the abilities of basic life. Heretofore, all others could do was incapacitate it. Avalanches of success stories attest to that, it is not propaganda or advertising: it is a solid fact. (Don't try to tell a tech trained man it isn't true: he'd spit at you.) It would indeed be remarkable if that group did NOT succeed! Further, the group has another, additional technology: very advanced policy gleaned from experience that goes back so far it predates these galaxies like they happened a minute ago. And, why not? The technology developed for basic life would, of course, lead into organizational discoveries and developments. (And the proof of that is only on-policy orgs boom.) So of course the org network expands and will--barring some cataclysm--continue to expand. The only question is: how fast? Speed of expansion is the problem of management. And it IS a problem. Let me give you some facts: this planet, politically, is an anarchy of nations. These nations are armed with (of ALL things on a small planet) atomic weapons. This is catastrophe in the making in any whole track history book. To compound this, economic and social problems exist far beyond the norm for such a civilization and these edge a political scene toward war. And it isn't just atomic war: these same social and economic factors, with their attendant rising stats of brutal crime and ideological pressure, could bring about police states--as they are doing--in which no application of workable tech would be permitted and this whole civilization (as it has done before) could sink into a new dark ages that would swamp any forward motion toward freedom. And there are other factors which make speed imperative. We do NOT have any infinity of time to do the job. The future could make the past on this planet look like a holiday! But now another thing: if it's this bad, one can say, "Why don't I simply race--dynamic one--to get clear and OT and get off?" Well, there are two answers to that. The first is that you wouldn't make it on your own--it takes an org and staff to administer the tech and if there were no orgs and staff, it would be a VERY tough haul. And you don't want your planet and friends on your conscience. And you find me still around, don't you? So management has a real problem: expanding FAST enough to clear the planet. THIS is their basic concern with stats; this is why they tear their hair when your stats downtrend. No way! Wrong direction! So what, really, is a birthday game all about? You are giving me--and yourselves--another giant step on the road to a cleared planet. And some day--how many birthdays later?--you'll give meand yourselves and all your friends--a CLEARED PLANET! And I'11 go off with you to Target TWO and we'll clear another one! And some day--way, way up the track--we'll have this universe back in native state and impervious to the faults and traps of yesteryear. But that's tomorrow and many tomorrows. Right now the subject before us is THIS planet, YOUR continent, YOUR city, YOUR org. YOU. INGREDIENTS OF EXPANSION What does it take to make an org run? 1. ESTABLISHMENT. This also includes legal and defense, not just more hatted staff. This is Div 7 and HCO. And staff correction and enhancement in Qual. 2. BOOKS, CASSETTES. This is Div 2 and many other outlets including mail order. 3. MARKETING. This is Div 7, Div 2, anything that gets books, cassettes services and products known to and in public and Scn field hands. 4. AN ACTIVE FIELD. This is Div 6, field auditors, missions, WISE, and any other activity outside the org including the furthest reaches of possible publics. 5. AN INFLUX OF PUBLIC. This is Div 6 in all its divisions and activities. 6. GROSS INCOME. Without money and an exchange with the society, you cannot operate at all. This includes the reges in Div 2, Div 6. It includes a continual keep up and work of Central Files and Addresso. It includes the Treasury Div--Div 3. And it is overseen by the FBO NW. 7. SERVICES. This means any and all services the org offers, major and minor. Without good and meaningful services to exchange, an org cannot long exist. Training and Processing have similar importance: you and the world need auditors who are trained. A processed person cannot go all the way without being trained. 8. QUALITY. Services anywhere in an org or field have to be kept up to high quality; otherwise you lose ground. And the quality of executive and staff member performance must be enhanced for expansion to occur. This is Div 5. 9. CALL IN. People must be called in for services fully or partially paid for, must be scheduled, recovered when fallen off lines and put into the pc chair or course rooms. This, in orgs, is the tech services department. 10. FILMS. For both training and public, films, properly used, can play a vital role. This is a visual communications age. 11. COORDINATION. An org or management body with all its different functions, with all its executives with different spheres of interest, as per the recent HCO PL 1 Jul 82 MANAGEMENT COORDINATION, must be smoothly coordinated. If not they impede one another. Coordination comes from the CO or ED and the Executive and Advisory Councils and in Divisional and staff meetings. The above actions are VITAL FUNCTIONS of an org. (Actually they are vital functions in any service organization if it is to persist.) At this moment there is a SENIOR EXEC STRATA COMMITTEE at Flag and it has an executive in charge of each one of those functions. You have a seven division org board (actually nine as the public div is triple). These are the separate areas of specialized actions that it takes to run any organization. There is no conflict between these divisional and departmental specialities and the 11 functions listed above. The 11 necessities straddle across the divisions for more than one division is usually concerned with each one but in a different form of the activity. The activities of the Academies, HGCs, Div 6 public training and processing, Qual, the Public E/O and even the chaplain offer SERVICES but you certainly could not put all those in one division. So, as to SERVICES, one takes an overall view of the org board and at each point where public service is delivered, one has to make sure that SERVICE occurs. It is similar with all the rest of those 11 points listed above. The Divisions DO them. The points above are what the overall org, via divisions, have to DO. It is one thing--and a vital one--to have divisions. It is another thing to ask, "What do they accomplish?" Well, the combined efforts of the divisions ACCOMPLISH the above 11 vital points. And if they accomplish them well, the odds go out the roof that you'll have a cleared planet. So all this has a lot to do with this birthday game. THE GAME This birthday game is 5.4X your 13 March 82 stats by 13 March 1983. It is accomplished by quota'ing each quarter so that the org stats increase 2X the first quarter, 3X the second quarter, 4X in the third quarter and reach 5.4X in the final quarter. As you are already on this game, all gains so far are credited. The points system already in use and well liked is continued. This is covered in full in SOED 1926R INT PLAYING THE 1982/83 BIRTHDAY GAME! You can say, Aha, the game is not changed at all except Ron is writing the LRH ED. True, true. Yet not a complete statement. For Ron is giving you some tips himself, personally, from that record of himself running orgs up to the moon with stats, SO THAT YOU CAN WIN THIS GAME! Aha, some tips! Yessir, some tips straight from the top jockey, to heck with what the horse said! THE BIRTHDAY PROGRAM 1. THINK BIG. Where you thought of 1 student, 1 pc before, where you thought of 1 book, THINK OF 100! Go BIG THINK! A thetan only gets what he postulates, so postulate BIG! 2. THINK IN FUTURES. Stats record what you did yesterday and in the past. They were that way, if they were bad, because nobody thought of the FUTURE; and if they were good, it was because somebody thought of the future and made the stats respond. You CAN control stats and determine them, but only if you take today's stats and stretch them into the FUTURE and do the things you have to do in order to have SOARING future stats. They don't occur because of luck. Future stats are made by doing the things that will make them rise in the FUTURE. That future can be an hour away, tomorrow, next Thursday or the end of this quarter or 13 March 1983! That applies to every post, every section and every department, every division and the org AND the immediate FIELD! So right now, take every org stat you have and draw it forward through the end of each quarter to 5.4X what it was on 13 March 1982 to what it will be--or what it must be to win this game--on 13 March 1983. Aha! Now we know where we are going and can PLAN in every part of the org to reach those quotas. The Ad Council should do these, the EC should check it over. But very importantly, the Ad Council should put, with each stat, a PLAN and exactly how they are going to increase this stat, giving numerical values (how many reg interviews, bodies in the shop and all the rest of it) for each week of the future. With the EC's approval, these quotas can be mini-programmed and the targets actually DONE. And lo and behold, you'll make your 5.4X. Oh, it will take a lot of hustle to do it and, of course, pgms will be debugged and revised and added to. But the point is, in doing this target of the birthday program (which I am sure management will put out in an SO ED to accompany this to help you get it done), you will have begun to do Target One above: thinking big. Now the next targets I am going to give you here may come as a surprise to you for it will seem to you that they violate or conflict with the nine division org bd. But the two fit together like a glove. You have on post right now in management some riches I have been beating the drum to attain for three years. And here they are: you've got them! Yum, yum! EACH ONE OF THE 11 POINTS I GAVE YOU ABOVE IS NOW COVERED BY AN INTERNATIONAL EXPERT ON THAT SUBJECT! They are called the SENIOR EXECUTIVE STRATA and are in fact the specialist staff of ED INT. There are some stellar stars on that list, many of whose names you know and trust. They do not supplant the normal international management command lines of the international management organization at Flag to FOLOs and orgs. They are there to help EACH POINT OF THE ECHELON FROM FLAG ON DOWN! They are there to PERSONALLY help every CO and EC and Division head, every staff member across the whole planet with solutions and programs for EACH of those 11 points. Yay! I am sure they will personally make themselves known to you. But do not wait for that. Just put "Snr Exec for" ahead of any of those 11 points and despatch and telex away! If you even think you need help on any one of those points covered in the 11, you can have it. They are your consultants. They KNOW their business. They can tell you what is booming stats elsewhere on each of those subjects. They are impartial and won't favor your rival org. They are hounds for green on white policy and red on white tech so you can trust their answers won't be squirrel. They're all evaluators and can spot a why a mile off--or eight thousand in some of your areas. They are AT YOUR SERVICE! 3. EXPANSION. It is upon expansion that victory depends. But how much expansion is EXPANSION? Well, to give you a hint, you all know how big and busy Saint Hill was in the mid-60's. Well, I ran it up from six staff to that in very short order indeed. It was the last org I ran directly as its ED. The bulk of policy in the OEC volumes is concerned with how and why sh became SAINT HILL! And later policy has only built on that and refined it to fit all. It was not magic: it was just know-how and EVERY staff member knowing and wearing his hat and doing his job. SPECTACULAR! Ask anybody who was there! (Oh, yes, you say, but SH had the new tech of the CLEARING Course. It was CLEARING people in droves. Haha, the laugh's on you: you've got EASIER CLEARING tech right this minute in a CLASS IV ORG!) So, be quiet and listen and no groans: I expect you, yes you, right down to Keokuk, to put an org there as statistically great as the mid-60's Saint Hill! It's not even an unreasonable request. The FSO, when I was coaching it, was much bigger than SH. So I have to conclude that you can at least make it up to Saint Hill Org size. So look around you as you read this: do you see anything as big as booming SH in the 60's? No? Well, the policy in your OEC volumes gives you the map. So follow them and MAKE THE SURROUNDS YOU JUST LOOKED AT AS ORG-BIG AS SH! You've got big bonuses SH did not have: even easier tech, and the ADVICE AND DIRECTION OF THE SENIOR EXEC STRATA. Riches! And here is how you can use them: 4. Take a layout of a nine division org board for your org. Oh yes, you have one or can get one (if you haven't got one or not a complete one, that's a why right there for any struggles or failures to expand). 5. With EC and Ad Council, go over the 11 points above, like this: Take each one of those points in turn and mark its number on EVERY point on the nine division org board that is concerned with it. Don't leave out a single one of the 11 points and don't leave out ANY point of the org board which directly concerns that point. I leave it up to you to get all of the subjects in the list of 11 above to every point on the org board to which it applies. This is quite a game in itself and it's going to open your eyes. You're going to see your org is wasting pcs and students and public and GI like crazy! Every one of those points not covered in the org you have one way or another is keeping you SHRUNK! And you DON'T want that. So, oh, my! we haven't got an org, we've got a SIEVE! For these are the points losing you the birthday game like pumping, severed arteries. Including staff pay! 6. Now compare what you did in Target 2 above and change your futures programs for your stats as needed TO INCLUDE BEEFING UP THOSE POINTS! See, I told you I would give you some top jockey tips. It'll pop your eyes when you do it. But my oh my, you will say. Expansion takes a lot of bright ideas and everything. Well, those you don't furnish yourself, YOU CAN GET ADVICE ON ANY ONE OF THOSE POINTS ON YOUR ORG BOARD FROM THE SNR EXEC STRATA MEMBER RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SUBJECT. And I'll bet, right this minute, he's got programs he can zip to you that will send its stats out through the sky. 7. Get each one of the org points you spotted wearing its hats and doing its job and I guarantee it, your horse will come lickety split down the track to the big horseshoe wreath, the silver cup, the flashing lights of TV crews and the grinning, cheering, kissing girls! And they'll put your racing silks in the museum proudly labeled, "THE ORG THAT WON!" Wait a minute, Ron. We appreciate those points and we sure want to win and we'll do it. But you got us worried. We're living on a time bomb. Confidentially don't you think I personally--this is just between us--should spend most of my time--personally I mean--getting to be Clear and OT? You see, if I'm on org staff, I can't get to an SH or AO or Flag and well, er, ..... I'm certainly glad you brought that up! Here we are, staffs all working like mad to clear everyone else, but what about the guys doing the job? In the first place, if you have a booming org and MATTED, WORKING STAFF, you'll soon have enough staff to have plenty of staff enhancement off hours and no need to moonlight. And every deserving staff member can make it up to Clear and Solo Part 1 if the org is really staffed and running., Ron. But what about Solo Part 2 and OT? That's what it will take for us to really give you a hand on Target TWO. Thought you'd caught me out, didn't you? Well, lean closer as I don't want even the horse to know this, but there is a plan in the wind that will get staff members up to the top of the Grade Chart right there in your own org. WHAT? You MEAN I COULD MAKE OT RIGHT HERE IN MY OWN ORG? Ssh, ssh, ssh! Don't yell so loud. Oh, gee, I'm sorry. But the idea is so exciting, I couldn't keep from yelling. WHAT IS THE PLAN? Quiet, quiet. This is not for public. It applies only to org staffs. Do you remember when the staff of every org in the world could get Power there for staff only? Yes. Good. But today, every org in the world is making clears, right? Yes. Please, Ron, go on, this suspense is going to make me explodel Be calm, be calm. If they are making clears, that ranks them with the old Saint Hill, doesn't it? Well, yes. But that was a BIG ORG, Ron.! I know, know. But with every staff member wearing his hat and doing his job, there is no reason whatever that your org could not be as big and busy as old Saint Hill at its peak! Well, y-e-s-s. I suppose if we marketed and delivered and everything, it could be. All right, this is the deal: I can use my influence to form up a Universe Corps. A UNIVERSE CORPS? Ssh, ssh. This is confidential. People are looking. Lean closer. The Universe Corps would consist of personnel--auditors and so on--who would go to an org and deliver Part 2 Solo and right on up the chart to OT for org staffs only. This is not for public. It's like the old Power Auditors who went around. It's staffs only. HOLY SMOKE, RON, SEND THEM AROUND! Hold it, hold it. Not so fast. This is the deal: if YOU and your staff made your org as big and busy as old Saint Hill and it was stably so --not just one peak--the Universe Corps could come in, set up business in your Qual Staff Section and start pushing the staff right on up to OT! WOW! Yes, it's wow' But a lot of this depends on YOU! Your staff would have to wear their hats and your org couldn't just become a staff clinic. They'd have to do their jobs as well as get their auditing. And it would be up to the org to have most of its Staff clear before the Universe Corps would have anything to do. Your stats would have to be way up, the org as big as old Saint Hill at its prime. But if it were, then management could be prevailed upon to send In the Universe Corps and there you'd go - right up to OT! WOW! WOW! WOW! I LOVE IT! I thought you'd like it. That's where these Birthday Game are headed. Gee, Ron, you just made target one of this program yourself. You got us THINKING BIG! Well, good, thanks, three cheers and gosh! You're acked. Now get on with the REST of the targets with a vim! You'll have to excuse me now. I'm going up in the grandstand and watch this race. I sure hope that you win! Much Love, RON L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Adopted by the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL CSI:LRH:gal Copyright c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED =========================== 548 ED 339R-1 INT 10 Oct 82 THE MAKE-BREAK POINT OF AN ORG [p. 48-51] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 339R-1 INT 10 October 1982 TO: ALL STAFF (Staff Only Not BPI) FROM: RON REFERENCES: LRH ED 339R REVISION OF THE BIRTHDAY GAME 1982/83 HCOPL 3 DEC 71 EXECUTIVE SERIES 4 EXCHANGE HCOPL 20 AUG 82 ORGANIZATIONAL BASICS HCOPL 10 SEPT 82 FINANCE SERIES 36 EXCHANGE, ORG INCOME AND STAFF PAY SUBJECT: THE MAKE-BREAK POINT OF AN ORG I suppose you may have wondered why the exact figure of 5.4X was chosen for the Birthday Game? Why not 4 or 6? Well, the origin of that figure was a calculation of average of stats. And it vitally concerns the make-break point of an org. What is a MAKE-BREAK POINT? This is the point, in terms of Gross Divisional Statistics, below which an org STRUGGLES. It does not have money for vital things like equipment or even postage. Staff pay is low. The org is selling more than it is delivering and backlogging its advance payments. It does not have money to broadly promote. In short, it is STRUGGLING to keep going. ABOVE the make-break point, there's lots of money for things. Staff pay is good, tech staff is adequate not only to catch up backlogs but to keep up the present sales. There is a good HCO to keep ethics in and the staff can afford a Qual not just for the public but for staff enhancement. There are many examples of this in orgs. One time Boston Org was below the make-break point. It only had a few staff. It could not do much by way of dissemination. Everyone was working hard but the org was getting nowhere. Then a Sea Org command team went in as its execs. They hired more staff, promoted, actually regged properly, booted interference off the lines, began to deliver like a whirlwind and voila! -- the org soared up above the makebreak point! The staff, despite increased numbers was far better paid than they ever had been before. Booksales soared. The org grew so prosperous it had money to burn and was still sending more to Flag than many SO orgs! They shot, in just a few weeks, from well below the make-break point to well above it! And how did they do this? It's all in the OEC volumes PLUS the Product-Org Officer tapes. They simply hired more staff, got them on post, put the full form of the org there in an instant hatting blitz, demanded and got real production from every post. They didn't even use gimmicks! They drove the public in with the usual. They delivered good tech like mad. Boston soared. It got above the make-break point rapidly and after that it was all roaring lines and clover. So how about this 5.4X? NO org in the world today, including SO orgs or even the FSO is above the make-break point. WHY? Because inflation raced ahead while the orgs stood still. The make-break point rose. In some cases, notably a few Class IV orgs, being below the make-break point now, they began to fall apart. It became harder and harder for the org to buy the things it needed. The delivery backlogged further and further. Staff numbers grew less. Staff pay began to fall more and more. Disestablishment became more pronounced. They were harder to run and harder to work in. In a few cases, not knowing what was wrong, they began to seek advice from wrong sources and look for crazy shortcuts and gimmicks. But the real why was that they had fallen below the current make-break point in each one of their Gross Divisional Statistics AND then began to have a hard time of it. So where does this 5.4X come from? It is the multiple of the GDSes to get every org in the world back up just above their make-break point in relation to the current economic scene. That is why the comparison was made to old Saint Hill. It was above the make-break point of its day, WOW! And it is very interesting that it went from SIX staff to over 250 in just a few weeks! They were not all Scientologists -- they were "wogs". But they went onto a real org board, post by post. They were instant hatted -- oh, my god! They were product-officered to get the products of their hats. The back door was open through Qual for those who could not pull their freight while the front door kept recruiting. The functions of the org listed in LRH ED 339B went in, in roughly the same order as they are given in that LRH ED and the volume of those functions was increased over and over by going through that same sequence over and over, increasing each function in turn. There was an allocation board for hiring and each applicant who came in was slotted into that board and put on the next needed post. And as a note this is FAR easier to do today, with worldwide unemployment at a near highest ever, than it was to do then. These "wogs", through hatting and production on post and good cramming, very rapidly became Scientologists! And of their own volition! Existing field auditors were quick to join the winning team and rapid, hard, in-tech training of new ones quickly had the org up to its ears in competent Tech and Qual staff. The major pluspoint was PURPOSE. We wanted a big, booming org and we got one. Anything that did not contribute to that was cast aside and everything that did was pushed in fast. On every post there were no other fish to fry. And there was another point -- it is a different idea: The consideration that it takes a long time to build something is not true. That itself is an aberration, an effort to discourage destruction by pretending creation takes a long time. It took only a few weeks to build the old Saint Hill org. That they did the same thing a few years later in Boston shows that it is not just I who can do it. The difference between not doing it and doing it is simply having the purpose of doing it and then doing it! There is refined tech, there are many more things to sell today, more ways to promote them, more books, more cassettes, films, a better org board, all the OEC volumes and even reference indexes to them. These did not exist then. Every org, in every city or its area, can draw on countless numbers of raw public as well as a greatly enlarged Scientology public. Today's org has riches neither old Saint Hill or Boston ever had -- and would have drooled over! So let us put it this way: Are you and your org going to continue to struggle and flounder OR are you going to flourish and prosper? The answer depends completely on whether individual execs and staff get their org above the make-break point or not. That make-break point is roughly calculated at 5.4X EACH Gross Divisional Statistic and this means roughly 5.4X each Departmental stat. Standard admin and standard tech will get any org there. One simply gets the vital slots of the org board filled and each post doing its own hat and the lines in and flowing and there it goes -- EXPANSION right up to and past the make-break point. One cannot clear a planet with struggling orgs, too enmeshed in their own woes to look outward. One cannot bring about OT staffs with orgs who can't even establish HCO's and Quals. An org is a coordinated team and terminals with lines working together to achieve a common purpose. And the purpose right now, the purpose of LRH ED 339R, is to get each org in the world expanded up to and beyond the make-break point. At this moment of writing, the applied conditions formula -- save only where an affluence of a stat exists which then takes the Affluence Formula -- is EMERGENCY. And that formula is precise. Oh yes, all the factors that can shrink an org are problems: outside interests that prey upon the org and seek to rip it off, a very widely out-ethics planet, economics being run by idiots in governments, people who interfere and tell you lies. Poof! All these factors were present in the days of old Saint Hill and Boston but it wasn't until those orgs themselves went out-ethics that they shrunk. Only then could outside influences affect them and prevent their own prosperity. Only this can prevent continued expansion. There is at this time brand new corporate structure in International Management. Hard, experienced hands now newly have the helm. Some who were saying Management was poor were -- surprise! -- themselves the managers they criticized. They are no longer on post in such positions of power. The new team in both Management and Tech are old hands, smart and tough. A new day is dawning. They are stringing out their lines and YOUR ORG is at the other end of those lines. So have no fear that you will not get support. From my observation now, there is no obstacle of any kind that stands in the way of any org's expansion if it will itself get its ethics in, follow the Emergency Formula and Affluence when it applies, use standard admin and standard tech and work together with the purpose to EXPAND! It has everything to do with you as a staff member, a Scientologist AND an inhabitant of this planet. This is no rah-rah or pep talk. It is bitterly cold hard fact. Expand and make it into the future up the track. Don't expand and you won't. It is as simple as that. LRH ED 339B has the purpose of expanding EVERY org on this planet above and beyond the size of old Saint Hill. Below that you struggle; above that you win. I'm not asking for a birthday present. It would be very nice and I would love it. I'm really asking you to save your own future life. That would be the biggest present of all. The International org structure of Scientology is the only structure which has persevered without faltering for three decades. All others have ebbed and vanished in time and cannot be depended upon in the future to get the job done. Field auditors, centers and even missions are totally dependent upon the orgs keeping going, remaining strong, expanding, being prosperous and flourishing. It is the orgs who straighten out the admin, the tech, who handle broad promotion, who majorly service the field. And anyone who infers otherwise has other fish to fry. It is the org staffs who are the professionals. It is the individual org and the International org structure that the field and, yes, the planet, depend upon. Any quick buck rip-off artist or activity will not be there when push comes to shove and neither will those who played footsies with them or ethics standards. The org structure is not only there now but will be in the future and so will be its loyal staffs. That structure today is in good hands that mean business and is surging ahead full speed. Although I am not managing you today, please hear me. 5.4X and expand your org! Quick! RON L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Adopted by the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL CSI:LRH:iw Copyright c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED =========================== 549 ED 340R INT 13 Mar 82 MISSION BIRTHDAY GAME 1982/83 [p. 43-7] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 340R INT 13 March 1982 Revised TO: ALL STAFF ALL MISSIONS 17 June 1982 INFO: COs AND EDs OF ORGS Revisions not in Script FROM: RON SUBJECT: MISSION BIRTHDAY GAME 1982/83 ***+ 1982/83 MISSION BIRTHDAY GAME **** (Note: I would be very pleased if you would care to do the following as an improvement on the existing Birthday Game which was not written by me. All targets so far made can be considered valid.) I am calling on my friends and pioneers of the Scientology world, Mission Holders and their staff, to play the biggest game there is - Clear Earth! In 1959 when I wrote HCOB 28 July AD9 OUR GOALS with a fledgling Mission Network extant then, I set this goal for Missions. Now, more than ever, it applies. The upper part of the Bridge has been expanded through the new super OT levels, the lower parts of the Bridge have recently been smoothed out and a clear route has been marked from Book One onto Scientology services. You have my red on white tech and green on white policy. There's nothing to stop us now! It's time we moved in! Planetary dissemination on a scale never before seen is what is needed. We can clear Earth! Missions are Scientology's spearhead into society. Without them we would fail. I count on Missions to hold wide open the gates at the entrance of the Bridge, to flood their communities with books and to drive people onto the Bridge so that they can go up the line to Clear. For every Org on the planet there should be ten Missions, reaching out into the public and driving them in and up the Bridge. More than any group, Missions can and do have a direct effect on the speed at which planetary clearing takes place. Now, to move up to an effective planet-clearing body, the Mission Network must 20 times its size as quickly as possible. This means expansion not only in existing Missions but the setting up of hundreds of more Missions. At ten Missions for each Org in the world at today's Org count this would mean at the very least another thousand Missions need to be formed up and made operational. This is no small task. It may even seem mind boggling to some. Lesser beings would flinch when confronted with this game. I'll give you a tip on how to do it with ease. Make the game not only yours and your staff's but include your public too. Get them helping clear their community. Give them hats. Brush off any reasonable think you run into. Get them active. Use them. You'll be surprised at the magnitude of the untapped resources in your field. They just need to be included, given a hat and some direction. You can clear your community! BIRTHDAY GAME This is the game for Missions for this year until 13 March 1983: ******************************************************* * 20 TIMES THE VOLUME OF COMMUNITY CLEARING IN EACH * * MISSION'S AREA AS EVIDENCED BY 20X-ING THAT AREA'S * * MISSION PRODUCTION BASED ON W/E 13 MARCH 1982 STATS.* ******************************************************* As you can see, not only is this an individual Mission game but it is also a game that each region of the world can play to 20X their own region's production and thus the volume of community clearing. They can do this by encouraging and getting more Missions set up and delivering; by combining resources for regional advertising campaigns and by finding other ways to connect up and push power to their regional neighbors. Regions should be designated by SMI. They can also keep you briefed on individual and regional standings, good news and successful actions. BIRTHDAY GAME POINTS To play this Birthday Game, the whole Mission has to function as a tough team. It requires every staff member operating at Tone 40, including in the game their public while servicing that public in increasing volume. I have seen to it that all areas of the Mission have a chance to contribute to their Mission's overall success in the game by making a complete range of stats the Birthday Game stats. These statistics are: FULLY MATTED AND FUNCTIONING STAFF GROSS BOOKSALES GROSS INCOME VALUE OF SERVICES DELIVERED WELL DONE AUDITING HOURS WELL DONE AUDITING HOURS IN THE CHAIR STUDENT POINTS NUMBER OF BOOKS SOLD TO INDIVIDUALS NEW NAMES TO CENTRAL FILES FIRST SERVICE STARTS PUBLIC REG PAID STARTS DIV 6 COURSE COMPLETIONS (PAID SERVICE) Points are awarded for three week rising trends on each of these stats. Size of Mission doesn't count. How much you expand is what you get in points! The system for counting Birthday Game points for Mission stats is as follows: Starting from week ending 18 March 1982 and using HCO PL 9 Nov 1979 HOW TO CORRECTLY DETERMINE A STAT TREND work out the condition of the Mission stats (above) on a three week trend. Birthday Game points are counted as they were in the last game: FOR EACH of these stats in NORMAL ON 3-WEEK TREND = 1 POINT FOR EACH of these stats in AFFLUENCE ON 3-WEEK TREND = 3 POINTS FOR EACH of these stats in POWER ON 3-WEEK TREND = 6 POINTS The points earned for each stat are added up and this gives the total Birthday Game points earned by the Mission for that week. This is done at the end of every week throughout the game. Regional points will be computed based on the contributing production of all Missions within that region as measured by their combined Birthday Game points. AWARDS At the end of the 1982/83 Birthday Gameon 13 March 1983, the most expanded Mission, region and continent will be announced and special awards will be made. Special Birthday Game certificates will also be awarded at the end of each quarter of the game (every three months) to the Mission, region and continental winners and to Missions and Mission staff members and regions who have made their quarterly quotas of 2X, 5X, 10X and 20X. BOOKS - BOOKS A special Birthday Game award will be presented to all Missions who 100X their Gross Booksales and Number of Books Sold to Individuals stats during this Game. Remember the key to doing this is to have single-hatted Bookstore Officers on post backed up by all book outlets in the Mission flat out selling books! If we are to reach out to the public we must do so through booksales. Books contain the lifeblood of what you are delivering. We created a boom in 1950 with the release of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health and it remains today our best seller and our most effective dissemination tool. Use your public and your FSMs to push this vanguard into the society and the planet will be ours in no time! Books make booms but they have to be sold first. Let's get cracking! SPECIAL MATTING GAME Per HCO PL 29 July 1971 WHY MATTING, "HAVING A HAT, BEING MATTED, AND DEMONSTRATING COMPETENCE MAKES A PERSON FEEL CAPABLE OF HOLDING HIS POSITION IN SPACE AND HE BECOMES MORE STABLE, CONFIDENT IN LIFE AND MORE POWERFUL." During this game you will need the increased ability to hold a position in space and the increased power which hatting gives you. Green on white policy applies very firmly to Missions. As a game from 13 March 1982 until 13 March 1983 any Mission staff member who becomes fully hatted, upon notifying SMI INT of this achievement together with an attest from that Mission's Qual, will be awarded a special award from SMI INT. Any Mission whose entire staff become fully hatted during this same period, upon application to SMI INT with an attest from the Mission Holder, will be awarded a very special award from SMI. SMI will announce these awards by separate issue. STEPS TO THE 1983 GOAL These are recommended steps to take to achieve the 1983 goal. They may be added to from time to time by other LRH EDs and campaigns from SMI INT. 0. Don't drop anything that you have been doing that has been successful in raising stats and helping you expand. Make a list of these and work out how you can strengthen them and improve them even further. Those are your successful actions, so cherish and build them up! 1. Realize the fact that 100X booksales to raw public is the key to 20X expansion. Using booksales policies, my recent EDs and your own successful actions, get a campaign underway to 100X booksales to raw public. 2. INCLUDE your on-lines public and CF public in this game. There's no such thing as an inactive Scientologist, they simply need a hat and for someone to ask them to join in! 3. Continue to Flourish and Prosper even more. 4. Step up promotion to the public as never before. Get Scientology broadly advertised and make yourselves known and the services that you offer available to your entire community. 5. Start a campaign to get every Scientologist in your area to select and bring at least one new person per month into the Mission and then make sure that person is well handled by Div 6 so that he continues up the Bridge. 6. Get Dianetics and Scientology books sold in volume by FSMs, students, pcs, staff members, Scientologists and also in all public bookstores and outlets. 7. Contact every Scientologist in your Central Files. Brief them on RJ 35 FROM CLEAR TO ETERNITY. Get them revitalized enthused and made active. Get them moving faster up the Bridge, through your Mission and up the Bridge to your local Org or AO/SH. 8. Realize the need for trained auditors to handle the floods of new public you will get in on your lines. Think ahead! Get staff who are good students sent off for their O-IV Academy training and Saint Hill courses. Deliver snap and pop courses at your Mission and get lots of graduates off the Hubbard Basic Career Auditor Course. This is vital to making the expansion quotas within this game period. 9. Connect up with your regional neighbors in other Missions. Arrange to meet together regularly so that area problems can be tackled as a team and overcome. Assist the smaller Missions in your region. 10. Make every Scientologist in your area an FSM for your Mission. Get them actively selecting and bringing old and new people into the Mission for services. Run FSM rallies, competitions, training seminars and furnish them with materials that they need to do the job. 11. DELIVER, DELIVER, DELIVER 100% STANDARD TECH on every public person from the moment they walk in the door. Get results that your public rave about and move mountains to ensure those results occur. Your best promotion is word of mouth! 12. Look after your on-lines public and they will look after you. 13. Reach out into society by making hundreds of Book One auditors in your Mission. In 1950 we began everything we have today with Book One and groups and individuals running Book One on each other. Thousands of Book One auditors are still vitally needed as ever! 14. Set up standard staff training courses and staff co-audits outside production time and get the staff hatted, audited and winning so that they too are moving up the Bridge. 15. Remember that the continuing keynote to handling any antagonistic element is FLOURISH AND PROSPER. Realize that there is no more deadly way to get even with a suppressive or an antagonis tic person or a downgrading society than by FLOURISHING AND PROSPERING. SUMMARY SO there it is! The Mission Network's own and very special game for 1982/83. Community clearing! This is a game for both individual Mission and region. You are quite capable of bringing it off. Your wins are wins for the entire planet. To the greatest Mission game ever! Good luck! Love, RON L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Adopted by the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL SMI:LRH:gg:dr Copyright c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED =========================== 550 RJ 34 13 Mar 82 RJ 34 THE FUTURE OF SCIENTOLOGY [p. 39-42] L. Ron Hubbard RON'S JOURNAL RON'S JOURNAL 34 Birthday March 13, 1982 BPI THE FUTURE OF SCIENTOLOGY There comes a time in all the great movements of mankind when they get attacked. When one reviews the history of religious wars which laid the bulk of Europe in ruins time after time across the centuries, one gets some idea of the passions of Man. The primary passions are two-fold: one stems from the decent impulses of Man, the effort to do and be something good, to accomplish a resurgence and reforms that are worthwhile; the other is the evil hatred of the status quo who, in their violence oppose all who would question their right to oppress and maim and kill. The first impulse comes from the very heavens, the second is born in the depths of hell. All things worthwhile have to be fought for: every decent impulse in Man's history has been opposed. The fate of the entire civilization is decided on the issue of which one wins. No single human being can stand aside from the fray, a spectator wondering who is going to win. It is his OWN fate that is being decided: will he in the future have a decent life or will he be crushed down into the mud? Will the decent impulses of the civilization triumph or, in defeat at the hands of evil, have to wait again for another chance, another time? The travails of the religion of Scientology may seem great but, frankly, they do not compare to those other faiths have gone through. Time and again since 1950, the vested interests which pretend to run the world (for their own appetites and profit) have mounted full-scale attacks. With a running dog press and slavish government agencies the forces of evil have launched their lies and sought, by whatever twisted means, to check and destroy Scientology. What is being decided in this arena is whether mankind has a chance to go free or be smashed and tortured as an abject subject of the power elite. The issues are extremely clear-cut, there is no argument there. But what is the result to date of enemy action? Hah! Honestly, my friends, a review of these battles over the past thirty-two years moves one to contemptuous laughter. The enemy, perched in their trees or swinging by their tails, have been about as effective as one of their psychologist's monkeys peeling a policeman's club thinking it is a banana and then throwing it only to hit the chief ape in the face. Oh, the furore has been very loud. The AMA, pouring lies into the press through gnashing teeth persevered for years-and then went bankrupt. The psychiatrist, riding high in 1959, hoping to place one of his ilk in a blackmail position behind every head of state, hoping to consign any citizen at his whim to a psychiatric Siberia, trying to preserve his right to kill and maim as a profession above the law, is today a butt of comic strips. And what of the FDA that, for fifteen years snarled and snapped about the E-Meter? One hardly hears of them today. And what of the mighty Interpol, that tool of CIA? It was found to be a nest of war criminals hiding out from the law itself. Oh, one could go on but in each case the enemy has gone down to defeat in the end. You do not hear much about this from the running dog press because, of course, they were the tool of the enemy in the first place. They lose because they traffic in lies. But, because they told their lies so broadly, even when they were disproven, they still tend to hang around and make one feel there is--there isn't--an adverse public opinion. The enemy and their press are not the public: you could ask yourself why, year after year, fewer and fewer people buy and read newspapers: people don't believe them anymore. I once checked, in the 50s the effect on org stats of howling bombasts of a running dog magazine called TIME. Its owner, a man named Luce, was said to be an LSD addict, both he and his wife were carefully controlled by his psychiatrist. Of course he published blasts against anything which would expose his rotten condition. What I found was that not one of those lying bombasts had had the slightest effect upon org stats. Luce is dead now, a good testimony to his drugs and the psychiatrists. There are a dozen orgs today for every one that existed in Luce's time. And so it goes with these attacks. Oh, yes, we've had some casualties. Oh, yes, we've had some trouble. But that is the way with wars: not only combatants but innocent bystanders can get wounded. That's this universe: we didn't make it that way but that's no reason we cannot, bit by bit, correct it. Certainly, for mankind, there's no escaping it and if there is a battle, there is more to do than simply duck one's head: the bombs are no respecters of uniforms or identities. It may appear that the enemy suffers no casualties for they hush them up. With no great pleasure, I used to keep a roster of them. Through no will or fault of ours, many of them are dead. Some died from things that we have tech to help: it is rather poetic in justice that they were fighting what they themselves could have used. Many others, when the battle cleared, lost their jobs: and that is a precious thing to a suppressive, his garnered rights to do others in: it is sad to say there are many in governments who are there just so they can have this right: so when one gets fired for failing in his attacks on us, that's very close to the end of his life. They do not care if you hurt the government or their association or their publication: threats against those things are part of their own plans to cause trouble--typical of the insane. There they can be hurt and practically the only place, is losing their job or position. And their casualties in this respect would fill some very long bread lines: when they fail, their mentors fire them. They have lost power. They have been hurt. And in any contemporary attack, no matter how violent it may seem, the result predictably will be the same: failures and casualties in enemy ranks. Not because we harm or touch them--we wouldn't. They are mad monkeys and they blame and shoot each other. Now when you hear of some new attack or an old one, you could get the idea that we're losing and are likely to winnow away and vanish. The enemy keeps saying that. But just remember a maxim: if the papers say it, it isn't true. Hearing such things, one may think that, as a Scientologist, it doesn't matter what you do: it doesn't make any difference now since all is lost. That's silly. In or out of Scientology, one is on these firing lines. The crime-ridden, drug-crazed, misgoverned mess out there which they call civilization is no place at all to escape to. That's surrender. And it DOES matter what one does on post, particularly when the shots are flying hottest. If you think it's bad in a Scientology area, look at Ulster or Detroit! And those poor guys are just innocent bystanders being mowed down. At least the Scientologists are DOING something about it. They're handling people, they're making inroads on crime, they're salvaging addicts, they're even quoted, often unknowingly, by beleaguered business. All you have to do is look at where Scientology was in terms of numbers of orgs and missions even a few years back and where it is now to know. All you have to do is count the additional countries using it year by year. All you have to do is count the memberships of the Churches. And you know conclusively that while the enemy goes down, whatever the bombast, Scientology is going UP. It DOES matter what you do on post or in the field or in the world. This scene called Scientology is not going to end. Time after time the enemy, in our blackest hours, has told itself, "We've got them now! We've stopped them! They're through!" They were just praying past their own graveyard. Each time, there we were again, stronger, expanding, working better. And at this very moment of writing, that's where we are at right now. The last enemy attack is winding down. And there we still are all over the world, doing good, getting stronger, getting more numerous. And in the coming decades so it will be again. The guys in the white hats--with the S and Double Triangle --are winning. They are winning because they mean well. They do good. They know their business. And the enemy is losing and will lose because they mean bad. They do evil. They are incompetent. Remember the principle of Flourish and Prosper. It works! And the next time you see an attack, remember the old truth, "This too shall come to pass away." But not Scientology. We're here and will be here for all the decades and centuries that this civilization has left to it. And right now I am workine on plans so that it will be here even when the madmen, in some possible last convulsion of evil, have blown this civilization away. We are saving beings, not men. And the evil die within their own generation. We don't. So the next time you feel blue, read this. The enemy can't even plan for tomorrow. We work in eternity. Love, RON L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:bk:iw Copyright c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED =========================== 551 ED 342 INT 9 May 82 RJ 35 FROM CLEAR TO ETERNITY [p. 36-8] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 342 INT 9 May 1982 RON'S JOURNAL 35 FROM CLEAR TO ETERNITY As I continue to research, I never cease to be amazed at the amount of gain potentially available to an individual. There are six rough divisions of case gain. 1. From raw public to a realization Scientology works and should be continued. 2. The realization that, through his auditing, one will not get any worse - an arrested decline. 3. The whole band of gains we call the lower Grades. The very least of these gains (and there are many by pc testimony), is stated to exceed by far any advance in personal gain ever before achieved in any former practice known. (A simple flying of ruds can get more gain than ten years of psychoanalysis!) 4. The band that achieves in a final burst of glory and freedom, the state of Clear. 5. The pre-OT levels, leading to personal spiritual freedom. These carry up through all NOTs, audited and Solo. What is amazing here is that each one of these levels, according to rave reports, has, each one, its own spectacular level of gain. 6. The actual OT levels beginning now with New OT VIII and going on up. According to the spiritual research records and pre-OT and OT reports, the AMOUNT of gain available to one person is never really conceived, in an aberrated state, to potentially exist above him. It is a never-ending source of wonder to people, going truly on this route, that there could be such QUANTITY of gain available to one being. Thus in an aberrated state, the person is not likely to turn his eyes up very high and still keep a reality on it. In the age of speed, people may conceive it all should happen in a minute. Or maybe a minute and a half. Or as the result of a needle jab which will make them free forever. Alas this universe isn't built that way. This universe is based on QUANTITY. There's an awful lot of it. The number of electrons in an atom, the number of atoms in a molecule, the number of molecules in a drop of water is awesome arithmetic. The number of planets in systems, the number of suns in a galaxy, the number of galaxies add up to mind-boggling figures TIME, on this very short-lifed and hectic planet, is hardly conceived of at all. Just recently geologists concluded that Man might have been here for a million years. HAH! Little do they know! The age of this and other universes is very, very long. It is not eternity but almost. So, without getting into questions as to how long you've been around (the brain theory boys might object since they are TERRIFIED of spirits) let's ask this question: If a being had half an eternity to louse himself up, how loused up could he get? Right. Go to the head of the class. Plenty! And you now can get an inkling of how much spiritual gain might be available. And this could explain why, at each one of the six levels, there are so many new gains according to testimonies collected. All right. Got that? Good. We now come to the next question, since one and all are being very bright this morning. If it took a being half an eternity to louse himself up, how long would it take to unlouse him? Now before your mouth turns down at both sides and before you collapse with apathy considering it, let's look at the miracle of Dianetics and Scientology. It doesn't take half an eternity. It doesn't take millenia - though this could be reasonably expected. It doesn't take centuries. It only takes years. That's right. Years. The above six rough divisions of gains are sort of an expanding scale. The first one could take, with an intro or assist, maybe half an hour plus a few evenings reading books. The next level (consisting of formal auditing and Purif), possibly could take a week or two. The third level, consisting of the lower Grades and more books could, due to scheduling of time and all that, consume a month. The fourth level, depending on the case, might take a bit longer. But it can result in Clear. The fifth band now begins to really lengthen. To become a Solo Auditor and go up through the levels to OT III could take months. And through OT III can stretch out considerably. And then audited NOTs and Solo NOTs really adds time on. The gains of each point of progress can make, according to reports of pcs, progress at the lower end look like inches. Yet the lowest of these bands is above any progress Man has made before. Now when we get to band six, get ready for a long haul. It won't happen in a minute. So what we're looking at here is time proportional to reported gain. Once one has gone Clear and gets to Solo, one has to plan one's time to each day put his auditing time In and just keep at it. Some balk when they have gone a week. Life looks too interesting. Or they bog and are "too busy" to get a repair to get them going again. They are, after all, moving at a much faster pace personally - their interests may have multiplied. But if they will just keep at it and make the arrangements necessary to be able to do it, according to the rave reports, it is very worthwhile. So what is one really looking at? The higher the level, the longer the time - because one is handling a higher band of potential gain. And what is one rising to, after all? One is rising to eternity. You think time is behind you? Have another thought. Look AHEAD. There's eternity! And you'll be in it. You'll be in it in a good state or a bad one. Really, I'm sorry to have to tell you, there's no choice. One may be able to step off the planet. One isn't going to step off life. In this time and in this place - for possibly just a little while, we have this chance. To go free and to make it. Planets and cultures are frail things. They do not endure. I cannot promise you that you will make it. I can only provide the knowledge and give you your chance. The rest is up to you. I strongly advise you work hard at it - don't waste this brief breath in eternity. For that is your future - ETERNITY. It will be good for you or bad. And for you, my dearest friend, I've done what I could to make it good for you. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Adopted by the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL CSI:LRH:dr Copyright c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED =========================== 552 ED 343 INT 4 May 82 BOOKS STRAIGHT TALK [p. 34-5] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 343 INT 4 May 1982 TO: COs, EDs, FBOs, D/FBOs, Bookstore Officers, All Org Staffs, FSMs FROM: RON SUBJECT: BOOKS STRAIGHT TALK Books are the first line of dissemination. If you're not marketing and selling books to raw public in volume, you will have no eventual customers. Book One seminars are booming orgs where used. If you want Book One seminars to work you've got to be sure Book One is in every possible public outlet. You can't fill up Book One seminars with no people. You can't get word of mouth in the public without books marketed and sold. People who have not read Dianetics and Scientology books are harder to sell. People who have read them become eager for service. If books are not marketed and sold to the Scientology field, they cannot go up the Grade Chart. Your booksales predict your future GI. If you are worried about your GI today, you'll be frantic tomorrow unless you've marketed and sold books to raw public. So part of your promo monies must always go, not to just BMO but to promoting raw public booksales. If you have only one book or one meter in a bookstore people aren't likely to buy it. If you have far more sitting on the shelf or available they will. Scarcity of book stocks make no sales, abundant books do. Every book should have in it a return address card to the org. Books are your best ambassador and spokesman. Get them out into public hands. And don't be running out of book stocks, or let your inventories be ripped off. Books are assets. Safeguard the stock and the money you get for them and order new books with it. While you can make a profit on books, the service GI they bring in is far greater. Your org can run and pay its bills without also absorbing the money you get for books. So pay your Pubs bills and order more books with booksales funds. The cycle is (a) lots of books in public hands, (b) lots of good service delivered in org, (c) more books in public hands, (d) more service demand on org. When you don't use the money gotten for books to buy more books from Pubs you won't have any books and very soon will have no GI or staff pay either! Don't fool with this or fool yourself or short-circuit the org's first dissem line. They say Book One has started every boom since 1950. But Book One since 1950 (although it sold millions) has never been really marketed. I'll bet you can't even buy one in the corner drugstore! It's your responsibility to get them into every outlet in your area! You need the rest of the books also sold to back Book One up. Don't look on books as a sideline. They're your front line troops. Books, cassettes, films, meters are a planet-wide assault on the reactive mind. No one wants a reactive mind but a psychologist. So everyone else will be your friend. I'm not saying this just because I want books sold. No. I'm saying this because I want to clear a planet. Do you? Good! Then market and sell books and use the money to buy more books. And market and sell those. And you'll be making a real approach to getting people in for service and clear the planet. Money I get from booksale royalties helps to pay for research. Any money over is destined for a non-profit foundation to keep Scientology working. Any money you get from booksales should go to buy more books. And marketing and selling them will get people in for service and put your org in clover. There's no real profit anyone is making from books. It's no sin to make a profit from them. But it is a sin and a big one not to push them. And it's a real suppressive crime to cut the line or rip them off. Books are the spearhead of a planetwide offensive against the reactive mind, the unconscious part of the mind that enslaves the souls of Man. So only a very reactive person would stop this vital flow of Dianetics and Scientology books. You want public in? You want GI? It will happen only if you're clever in marketing and selling books. And at about 100X the volume of past years. Books are your shells and ammo in a planetary assault. They're also your infantry and ambassadors. Put attention on them! It is far from an unrealistic goal, short term, to get Book One into the hands of 1% of all the people in your area. That's a start. A longer term goal is to capture 5% of the world book market. We can do that too. And if we did it, sheer momentum would clear the planet. Are you with me on this? Good! Do it! L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Adopted by the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL CSI:LRH:bk:iw Copyright c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED =========================== 553 ED 343 INT 10 May 82 THE SO #1 LINE [p. 5] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 346 INT 10 May 1982 TO: MY FRIENDS FROM: RON SUBJECT: THE SO #1 LINE Church executives and staffs now run the Churches and such organizations. They have been very good about handling mail, even though I am no longer connected to the Church and it is not my legal address. But the other day I suddenly noticed there were only two mail bags full for the week. I asked what this was all about and was informed that earlier, an unauthorized person, using my lines, had inferred I did not ever see your mail. I almost wept. What an awful ARC break to hand you! And for no valid reason! The person who did that now has blown - understandably. What an awful thing to do to you! Don't think these lines are out--they aren't. I am always happy to receive communication from you as to how you are doing in Scientology and progressing on up the Bridge. I love your letters and I would miss them. I look on the SO #1 line as the only way I have of hearing from my friends. I am interested, man! Why else do you think I work so hard? YOU! A man is as rich as he has friends--and that makes me the richest man in the world. So don't get the idea you are not heard and are out of comm with me. It isn't true. You are heard. And appreciated. Love, RON L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH:bk Copyright c 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ===========================