FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES - 22/28 ============================ This is the Second Foundation. Our purpose is to keep LRH's plan on track (ref: Asimov). CofS has gone off the rails. This is an announcement of our support of FZBA, Freezone, and The Pilot. We are posting the LRH EDs to make ammends for our long delay in taking action. ARC, PROGRAM DIRECTOR SECOND FOUNDATION ============================ LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES This is a complete copy of the "Original LRH EDs" or Blue Volumes as issued by Bridge in 1983. The full contents for all 28 parts posted is in part 1. The volumes were divided into the 3 numbering Series, and subdivided into the classes of EDs (INT = International, WW = World Wide, SH = Saint Hill, etc.) and placed in reverse order (latest first) within type. This was quite confusing because of some EDs being in multiple classes with different numbers in each class. We rearranged everything in date order (earliest first) to give a better historical perspective and make these easy to find by date. The original table of contents is included in part 2 and the original page numbers are in "[]" at the beginning of each ED. See IMB 5 in part 2 for an explanation of the 3 Series of ED numbers and a list of valid (but expired) EDs not included. See LRH ED 345 INT in part 28 for a list of cancelled LRH EDs that were not included. These are only the EDs that are in the Blue Volumes. ************************************************** FZBA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** Part 22 498 ED 246 INT 6 Aug 74 PAID COMPS AND GI 499 ED 234R INT 22 Aug 74 REGISTRATION 500 ED 245R INT 27 Aug 74 FINANCIAL PLANNING CHECKLIST 501 ED 247 INT 27 Aug 74 CONT'L CONDITION 502 ED 248 INT 30 Aug 74 "...FAST FLOW..." 503 ED 245R-1 INT 2 Sep 74 "...FBOs..." 504 ED 249 INT 2 Sep 74 "...EMERG YR MAJOR CHANGE OF OP..." 505 ED 250 INT 14 Sep 74 "WITH NEW QUAL STAT..." 506 ED 231R INT 15 Sep 74 EXPANSION TARGETS - REVISED 507 ED 253 INT 23 Oct 74 FBOs REVERTED TO FLAG FROM GO 508 ED 254 INT 11 Nov 74 STAFF PAY 509 ED 255 INT 14 Nov 74 PHONE COSTS 510 ED 179R INT 30 Nov 74 STAFF PAY 511 ED 257 INT 1 Dec 74 DELIVERY REPAIR LISTS =========================== 498 ED 246 INT 6 Aug 74 PAID COMPS AND GI [p. 192-202] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 246 INT 6 August 1974 FLAG PROGRAMME ORDER 80R Cancels FPGMO 80 URGENT IMPORTANT For: Scn and SO Orgs To: Cent LRH Comms Area LRH Comms From: RON Subject: PAID COMPS AND GI RELATIONSHIP PROGRAM PROGRAM INFORMATION: FPGMO 80 gave 7 reasons why GI could be down while Paid Comps are up. That pgm stated 7 reasons and converted them into targets, which, if done exactly, would effectively recover the GI and DID. IT WAS HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL. THIS PROGRAM FPGMO 80R REPLACES IT. PROGRAM PURPOSE: To maintain a high rising GI, comparable to Paid Comps or a high rising Paid Comps comparable to GI. MAJOR TARGET: To effectively implement those LRH orders designed to remedy conditions resulting in downtrending GI or downtrending Paid Comps or both. PRIMARY TARGETS: 1. Accept responsibility for activating and getting this pgm done in times of GI dive OR PAID COMPS SLUMP. 2. Study, starrate and M4 WC this LRH ED/FPGMO in Qual. 3. Study, starrate and M4 WC the LRH issues referenced in this pgm prior to activating that particular tgt, to gain thorough familiarity and understanding of the target. 4. Clay demo how you are going to achieve your pgm Purpose and Major Target. VITAL TARGETS: 1. Look, don't listen. Personally inspect and verify all reported targets done on this program. 2. Follow these orders exactly. 3. Thoroughly familiarize yourself with the existing scene in your org as it relates to this pgm. 4. Do not be reasonable or accept any justifications on why this pgm cannot or should not be done. 5. Use the procedure outlined in HCO PL 24 July 73 NEW LRH COMM STAT in re-activating needful LRH issues in getting pgm targets carried out. OPERATING TARGETS: O. Meet with the GO/ED and let him know you are working on an LRH ordered pgm and will need his full cooperation in getting any target swiftly and honestly done whenever needed. 00. Push LRH ED 153RC and ensure it is being done. 000. If GI is down whilst Paid Comps are up or vice versa, with the GO/ED do an inspection, and isolate which of the points is most out. Once located, proceed with the appropriate target which handles that point. 0000. Get the targets selected done each time! A. Failure to return the completed pc or student to the registrar for re-signup. This line goes out every three months in any normal org and as it probably has received no attention for years it is probably completely forgotten. The remedy would be at once to compile (not 7 months, more like 7 hours) the pack and get it off to Reges. And see that the line gets in by penalty of the ED with time limit and report by tlx. IN THE EVENT THAT THE RE-SIGNUP LINE IS OUT, DO THE FOLLOWING: 1. Give the ED a time limit of 48 hours to get it back in, with a fine of $5.00 levied on Reges for each day thereafter that it is not in. 2. Get all Reges checked out starrate and WCed on the Re-Signup Line Hat Checksheet. (HCO PL 23 July 1973RA Revised 8 December 1973) NB: If Reges have done checksheet previously, a review of materials is still required, cleaning up MisU words. 3. Telex report when this target is done and the resignup line is fully in. B. Advertising and selling only small packages. Reges will solve their sales problems by only offering something cheap and quick and will thus be able to make a sale. This is all right for a starter but when the re-signup line is also out this will break an org. The remedy is to get Reges drilled with TR O and Big League Sales; to analyze what they are selling and provide a list of things available that pcs and students can get hold of. I doubt there has been any brochure put out or mailed out for years so maybe even Reges don't know what's for sale. IN THE EVENT THAT REGES ARE TRYING TO SOLVE THEIR SALES PROBLEMS BY ONLY OFFERING SOMETHING CHEAP AND QUICK, DO THE FOLLOWING: 4. Get Reges drilled with TR O. 5. GET LRH ED 236 INT IN IN IN. 6. Get an analysis done on what Reges are selling. 7. Provide a list of things available that pcs and students can get hold of and have them mailed to the public in brochure form. 8. See to it htat Reges do know what is for sale. 9. Drill the Reges on the Gradation Chart. 10. See that the Reges are informed of pc and student wins as some Reges, getting all the complaints, begin to believe their selling is an overt which is not true. C. Brush off tech delivery which results in no repeat business: remedied by a very fast beef up of tech INTEGRITY and QUALITY. REMEDY BRUSH OFF TECH DELIVERY WITH A VERY FAST BEEF UP OF TECH INTEGRITY AND QUALITY. 11. Use the applicable LRH issues to handle: Reference Issues: HCO B 23 Aug 71 C/S Series No. 1 (HCOB 24.5.70 Revised) AUDITORS RIGHTS HCO B 16 June 72 C/S Series No. 80 "DOG PCs" HCO B 16 June 72 C/S Series No. 81 AUDITORS RIGHTS MODIFIED HCO B 12 June 70 C/S Series No. 2 PROGRAMMING OF CASES HCO B 16 June 70 C/S Series No. 6 WHAT THE C/S IS DOING HCO B 19 June 70 C/S Series No. 7 C/S Q & A HCO B 21 June 70 C/S Series No. 9 SUPERFICIAL ACTIONS HCO B 6 April 71 C/S Series No. 34 NON F/N CASES LRH ED 180 INT HONEST TRs HCO PL 7 March 66 Iss II URGENT - STARRATES ON TECH AND QUAL STAFF HCO PL 8 March 66 URGENT - HIGH CRIME. D. Dishonest tech stats. Has been epidemic at times in various orgs. Remedy is inspect and verify and add penalties for falseness. HANDLE ANY INSTANCES OF DISHONEST TECH STATS, BY INSPECTING AND VERIFYING, AND ENFORCING PENALTIES FOR FALSENESS. 12. HANDLE WITH: Reference Issues: HCO B 30 August 71RC PC COMPLETIONS SECOND REVISION Revised 6 February 74 BTB 30 August 71RA STUDENT COMPLETIONS - REVISED Revised 11 March 74 HCO PL 26 October 71 TECH DOWNGRADES HCO B 22 October 73 C/S Series 88 TECH DEGRADES HCO PL 1 May 65 STAFF MEMBER REPORTS HCO PL 7 March 65 OFFENSES AND PENALTIES Iss II E. Completing past sales by call-ins and not doing new promotion or getting new prospects. This is a Div 6 fault. This is a cannibalizing of the CF and existing customers with no addition of new people. Orgs do this sporadically. WHEN DONE IT WILL BE FOLLOWED BY SINKING PAID COMPS EVENTUALLY AS WELL AS GI. PREVENT CANNIBALIZING OF CF AND EXISTING CUSTOMERS BY ENSURING THAT: 13. New promotion occurs regularly. 14. New prospects are being gotten into the org. 15. CF filed up to date. 16. Letter Reges writing on-policy letters in high volume (OEC Vol 2 pg. xi index P/Ls). Reference Issue: HCO PL 18 June 65 Iss II AREAS OF OPERATION F. Oversell so that there is continual refund which is not then subtracted from Paid Comps. One checks refunds and if high, traces the why with Reges who often suggest when selling to get a refund. IF CONTINUAL REFUNDS ARE OCCURRING, DO THE FOLLOWING: 17. Trace the why with Reges. Investigate and find out what they are saying or doing that would encourage refunds. Stomp it out hard. 18. See that the Paid Comps stats are corrected by subtracting refunds. 19. See that Reges repay any bonus obtained which was then followed by a refund. G. A bonus system for tech but none for Reges. Remedied by reviving bonus policy. HANDLE BY: 20. Ensure that Reges are receiving their current authorized bonuses routinely. 21. Be sure that bonuses collected on bounced checks and refunds are repaid, otherwise the Reg is left with W/Hs. H. A central order exists or has been which seems to forbid processing or training in some way and is being used, misused or misapplied. HANDLE WITH: 22. Find what the order is. 23. Read it carefully to see if it is being applied incorrectly. 24. See if it seeks to prevent some dangerous abuse that must be prevented and if so get it applied. 25. If it does not seem necessary, write and despatch a full report on it to LRH as it may be an illegal cross order to command intention. NOTE: IT IS VITAL THAT THE ABOVE TARGETS ARE CARRIED OUT WHENEVER GI IS DOWN AND PAID COMPS ARE UP. GI MARKEDLY HIGHER THAN PAID COMPS These are the main reasons for the Gross Income being markedly higher than Paid Comps. Thus when Paid Comps are low and GI is higher (it won't be very long!) this latter part of the program is done. I. Reges or EDs or Tours trying to sell only big deals and ignoring the people brought in on basic courses or books and already in the building or grounds of the org. 26. Get the Reges away from their phones or desks and contacting people in the org or waiting room. 27. Get CF being written to with on-policy letters per Vol 2 OEC, pg. xi index. 28. Get the CF in standard condition. (Vol 2 OEC, pg. xi) 29. Get the CF filed into up to date. (Vol 2 OEC, pg. xi) 30. Boom the Letters out stat with more Letter Reges. (See also HCO PL 19 Aug 59 Vol 2 OEC pg. 365) 31. Boom the Letters in stat by on-policy Vol 2 OEC letters and Letter Reges using CF folders. (OEC Vol 2 pgs. 352 to 386, especially 362 & 363) 32. Put on more letter reges. 33. Get LRH ED 153RC FR section going strong. J. False GI stat in that the CGI is much much less, meaning bounced checks, refunds or even loans are cutting the actual GI to pieces. 34. Call in the A/G. 35. See if there is some "reward" involved in falsifying GI such as never making Reges on bonus repay commissions on refunds or bounced checks. If so make the FBO or Treas Sec enforce bonus repayment. 36. See if persons already refunded are being signed up again. Enforce refund policy by which any person receiving a refund must sign an attestation that he will never again ask for training or processing. (Vol 1 OEC pg. 579, 581, Vol 3 Refund Section Page xii of Vol 3 OEC.) 37. Check the Refs in No. 36 out on all Reges and Execs. 38. Get sign up forms, waivers furnished by A/G. (HCO PL 1 Dec 72 Issue IX BLS 4, also in Vol 2 & 3 OEC.) 39. Stat personnel missing in Dept 3 HCO. Get one posted and all org stats kept accurately. 40. Nobody in Treasury Div or Div incompetent. Man it up. Get it functioning to furnish accurate figures and records. (Vol 3 OEC.) 41. Invoice system not in use or off policy. Pgs 255 to 268 Vol 3 OEC. Get them known and in use. 42. Find any other reason GI stat may be false and correct. K. People not being pulled in for auditing or a mess on Tech Services lines. 43. Force the Tech Sec or OES or Chief Officer to get hold of sold service invoices and begin a call in of pcs. 44. Get the D of P or higher authority to get auditors. (Pg 80 OEC Vol 4, Vol 1 pgs 113 to 117.) (Contact old graduates, recruit up Internes, call in fieldauditors.) 45. Do a heavy call in of pcs. 46. Get the auditors auditing 5 Well Done hours a day minimum, 25 WD hours a week minimum. No 25 WD hours, no pay. 47. Get a Dept of Tech Services functioning. (OEC Vol 4 Index vii.) 48. Get an Examiner on post in &ual who can read a meter and who does not ARC brk pcs. (OEC Vol 5, pg. 155 also PC Examiner section.) 49. Get a Case Supervisor who is qualified. (OEC Vol 4 Index xx. HCO B Case Supervisor Series.) 50. Get a D of P on and/or really functioning. (OEC Vol 5 Index pgs xviii, xix, xx.) 51. Get a Tech Sec on and/or producing. 52. Get the Tech Sec through OEC Vol 4, to get the Tech Div on policy and producing. 53. Find why WDAH are down and get them up. 54. Find what dishonesty or stops may be occurring on the Auditor-Examiner line that is falsifying completions but preventing re-sign ups and driving pcs and students out of the org because they really aren't getting the results attainable. 55. Auditor scheduling or pc scheduling unreal so it can't happen efficiently. Handle scheduling. 56. Get ethics handlings handled fast so pcs get on with it. L. Course Supervision and handling so bad that it is blowing off or slowing students. 57. Get the students rounded up and studying. 58. Get in "What is a Course" P/L. (HCO PL 16 Mar 71 pg. 217 OEC Vol 4.) 59. Get a Course Administrator. (HCO P/L 16 May 69 Vol 4 OEC pg. 209.) 60. Get courses being sold in heavy volume. 2 to 1 over processing. 61. See why courses are taking forever to complete and debug it. 62. See if all the courses you are allowed to teach are being taught and promote and get those taught that aren't. 63. Get all course materials books, dictionaries available in sufficient quantity to make study fast and effective. 64. Get all course materials - tables, chairs, recorders etc, to accomodate more students. 65. Get more training space. 66. Target student points for each student each day at start. 67. Get Study Tech in full use. 68. Get a word clearer in the Academy. 69. Get the Supervisors on strict schedule. 70. Get the Supers away from their desks and handling student individuals. 71. Prevent Supers bugging students who are doing well. 72. Make Supers be alert to students doping off and making them clear up passed mis-Us. 73. Debug the Supervisor of basic courses and make it excellent. 74. Train up Supers on the Course Supervisor Course. 75. Get all Tech people through Vol 4 OEC as tech people are seldom aware of the policy that speeds their lines. 76. Get a campaign going to sell training to pcs who are near complete in the HGC. Get all HGC invoices and get the letter reges going on it. Make it the thing to do for a Grade IV pc to get trained as a Class IV. Or an OT III to get trained as an SHSBC. (OEC Vol 2 pg. 69.) M. Get Paid Comps being counted right and fully. 77. Get the Tech Div and Qual Div fully familiar with HCO B 30 Aug 71R Issue I Revised 16 Nov 72 and HCO B 30 Aug 71RA Issue II Revised 21 Oct 73. Get them word cleared on the exact definition of Paid Completions as given in these HCO Bs. 78. Get SO ED 144 INT known to and understood by the Tech Sec, OES and ED or C/O. 79. Get in the report line or logs necessary for Paid Comps to be rapidly added up. These include HGC auditors log, Qual examiner log, Success stories and log, Academy roll book and log. 80. Get the report SO ED 144 INT actually being done regularly and routinely. N. Lots of students and pcs seem to be around but GI high no high paid comps resulting. 81. Look for invoices for each pc and student there. Should be in D of P and D of T hands. Look for pcs and students present but not actually invoiced or paid. Find who and why, get it straight and take ethics action. 82. Look for part pays in invoices and get them properly paid in full and recorded in the logs or off lines. 83. Look for stops on lines such as "needing review but no review auditor," "needing ethics handling but not handled" and get them moving again. 84. Look for auditor repairs and repair of repairs and repair of repairs of repairs and if found get TRs the Hard Way in on auditors and daily TRs and cramming on C/S and auditors per C/S Series HCO Bs. 85. Look for flubby course supers and get in "What is a Course" P/L. Cram and correct them. 86. Get more Supers. 87. Get more admin staff into Tech Div and get them hatted and producing. 88. Look for some arbitrary locally set "policy" or rules or think that stops students or pcs. Get it cancelled. 89. Get in C/S Series 80 and 81 to get auditors accepting pcs and handling. 90. Improve the course and HGC materiel scene. 91. Get more staff people through general procurement by checking out Reges and Letter Reges in Div 2 and all Div 6 personnel on the key HCO P/L 26 Oct 56 "Gradient Scale of Personnel Procurement" Page 1 OEC Volume 2. It is the key to getting more students and pcs also. 92. Get HCO busy recruiting from those already present. Vol 1 OEC, LRH ED 153RC INT. 93. Get in low pay, higher bonuses for auditors and supervisors so they have to produce acceptable products to get paid. 94. See that all the staff get paid regularly, that bonuses get paid regularly, and that the org is solvent. 95. Solve space problems such as auditing rooms and classrooms so production can occur. 96. Recruit and hat people who replace trained tech personnel who have gotten over onto Admin posts. 97. Do an "all hands" training and processing project where all trained people in the org give some of their time to catch the backlog but only until step 96 is done or tech personnel can be procured (without injuring org solvency). 98. Get a pool of staff supervisors and auditors on Full Time Training but only under contract that begins after completion of their courses and only put people already trained to some level on it who have proven their capability already. 99. Handle backlogs of pcs with an "all hands" as above. 100. Begin an out of production hours training period for all staff to get them qualified to higher classed auditors and C/Ses and Admin people. O. There is an "ARC Broken field" who have purchased or had auditing but will not come in. 101. Get an ARC Break Reg on post at once. (OEC Vol 5 pg. xiii.) 102. Get an auditor on post to act with the ARC Brk Reg. (OEC Vol 5 pg xiii and HCO Bs: C/S Series 1 of 23 Aug 71 Rev 24 May 70, 3 May 62, 11 April 74, 23 Sept 68, 14 Mar 71, 15 Apr 69, 14 Mar 71, 17 June 70, and 31 Jan 70. Also C/S Series 80 and 81.) 103. Getthem collecting names and addresses from CF where the persons seem ARC Broken with service. 104. Get them out of the org and traveling rapidly. 105. Get them pulling W/Hs and overts when "ARC Brk" seems too hard to handle. 106. Make them keep a log of calls and results. 107. Send out a mailing for a free ruds flying offer. 108. Have ARC Brk Reg and Auditor see that those responding to the mailing get handled fast and signed up. 109. Set targets of people to be seen and signed up. 110. Hat them on PTS policy, 3rd Party and Refund Policy, pages xii and xiii of OEC Vol 1. 111. If ARC Brk programme slacks off, fly the ruds of the ARC Brk Reg and Auditor and de-PTS them! 112. Handle with ethics the persons whose out-tech ARC broke the field. Get them retrained. (Vol 1 OEC.) 113. Handle with ethics the Admin people who ARC Broke the field. Get them hatted. (OEC Vol 1.) QUAL STATS VERY HIGH WHILE PAID COMPS VERY LOW. 114. Find out if anyone in Qual is invalidating people's gains and handle. 115. See if the Examiner is doing things while examining (looks, expressions, gestures) that upset pcs. Cure the Examiner. (Pages viii and ix OEC Vol 5.) 116. See if the Student Examiner is actually flunking when a student should be flunked and passing when the student should be passed (a wrong indication either way will mess up students) and get the Student Examiner hatted and correctly examining and indicating. (OEC Vol 5, vii and viii.) 117. Make and train your own C/Ses and auditors that do it RIGHT. 118. (In AOs) Get a Public Review Consultant. 119. Find and handle the out tech. BOTH GI AND PAID COMPS LOW. 120. Do LRH ED 153RC INT. 121. Get those on post actually working and producing. 122. Make every post have a production stat and keep it and assign conditions only by stat. 123. Man the org from the top down. 124. Keep the staff busier. TREASURY COLLECTIONS LOW. 125. Man up Treasury. (Vol 3 OEC.) 126. Hat Treasury. (Vol 3 OEC.) 127. Send out monthly correct statements. 128. Get Treasury on policy. (OEC Vol 3.) ASR APs HIGH AND NOT BEING USED OR PAID COMPS LOW. 129. Get a Tech Services there. 130. Collect invoices of and call in paid pcs and students. 131. Get in LRH ED 153RC. TO LRH COMM Note that each numbered target is credited as a compliance when fully verified. When Paid Comps are UP and GI low you do targets in the first part that apply to the situation on the section up to and including H 25. When GI is UP and Paid Comps down you select the target that applies in the Sections I to O 113 as they apply. When Qual stats are high and Paid Comps down you can do any 114 to 119 inclusive as they apply. When BOTH GI and PAID COMPS are LOW you press on with any of 120 to 124 inclusive. When TREASURY COLLECTIONS are low you do any of 125 to 128 or all as needful. When the Advance Scheduling Reg has High Advance Payments not being used or Paid Comps low you do 129 to 131 as they apply. SO HERE IS THE POLISHED UP REVISION OF THE FAMOUS FPGMO 80. Good luck with FPGMO 80R. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:act:gal =========================== 499 ED 234R INT 22 Aug 74 REGISTRATION [p. 228-9] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 234R INT 22 August 1974 Cancels LRH ED 234 INT "Reg Bonuses." To: COs, EDs, Scn & SO Orgs, HAS, TREAS SEC, A/Gs, A/GFs, DIR DISB for Action, LRH Comms for Execution. From: RON Subject: REGISTRATION Reference: AO 483-12 "Telephone Eval" by LRH. BPL 1 Dec 72RA. Reg Bonuses as laid out in BPL 1 Dec 1972R Issue VIII are not popular. This has been most carefully surveyed in various SO and Scn Orgs. In small orgs they deny the Reg adequate pay and in big orgs they deny the staff adequate pay. BPL 1 Dec 72R lays down a scale of bonuses. This is being changed and reissued, to the benefit of all concerned. However: 1. REG BONUSES ARE OPTIONAL WITH THE ORG, TO BE ESTABLISHED BY STAFF MEETING. 2. THE TELEPHONE BILL RUN UP BY A REG IS DEDUCTIBLE FROM THE AMOUNT OF MONEY ON WHICH THE BONUS IS PAID, WHEREVER THE BONUS SYSTEM IS USED. 3. THE EXPENSES OF A TOUR ARE DEDUCTED FROM THE GI COLLECTED BY THE TOUR WHEREVER BONUSES ARE PAID ON IT. 4. THE SO-CALLED GI PRODUCT OFFICER IS HEREAFTER DESIGNATED THE DISSEM PRODUCT OFFICER. (GI Prod Off was never a legal post.) 5. THE C/O OR ED WHO DOES NOT HAVE ALL REG POSTS COVERED AND ACTIVE, WHO DOES NOT HAVE AN UP-TODATE WELL ORGANIZED CF IN USE, AND WHO DOES NOT HAVE VOL 2 OEC LETTER REG POLICY IN AND ON-POLICY LETTERS FLOWING OUT AND WHOSE DIV 6 IS INADEQUATELY MANNED AND EFFECTIVELY ACTIVE IS SUBJECT TO COMM EV AND THE ORG SUBJECT TO A $10,000 FINE PLUS MISSION EXPENSES. The key to high GI is heavy booksales to the public, an excellent Div 6, an operating CF and Reges on post and trained in selling (Big League Sales), plus excellent and rapid tech delivery. There is no lasting short cut to any of these actions. As to BONUSES, where the system is to be used, THOSE RECEIVING THEM CAN CONVERT THEM TO DOUBLE THEIR VALUE IF THEY PERSONALLY TAKE THEM IN ORG SERVICES OUT OF PRODUCTION HOURS. PROGRAM 1. Get this LRH ED known to the Execs and Staff by reading it to them. LRH COMM _____ 2. Hold a meeting on receipt of BPL 1 Dec 72RA, read and explain it and get a majority vote yea or nay. LRH COMM _____ 3. If "yea" check Treasury to see if they understand how to subtract phone expenses and tours expenses from GI earned by a Reg or Tours to compute the bonus. If "nay" then abandon this tgt. LRH COMM _____ 4. See if the stipulations in paragraph 5 are present or absent in the org. Check them off as there or not there. LRH COMM _____ 5. Show C/O or ED the list of things missing in 4 and get him to work out a program right now and publish it as an Org ED as to how he is going to remedy it, all tgts assigned. LRH COMM _____ 6. See the HAS and debug ideas on inability to recruit enough to fill CF, Address and Reg posts. LRH COMM _____ 7. See if there is a resistance in Tech to having too heavy an inflow of pcs and students and if so debug it. Debug also any idea of costly tech staff that makes an org insolvent. LRH COMM _____ 8. Push the program in 5 above. LRH COMM _____ 9. Get in LRH ED 236 Int wherever it has fallen out or not been gotten in. (Note Tgt 10 will not apply in orgs not on the bonus system.) LRH COMM _____ 10. Signify Pgm progress and completion to CS-7. LRH COMM _____ L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:bk =========================== 500 ED 245R INT 27 Aug 74 FINANCIAL PLANNING CHECKLIST [p. 205-9] [The original shows revision in script, which we have enclosed in <>] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED <245R> INT <27 Augunt 1974> URGENT To: DGF WW, A/GFs, FBO Cont'ls, FBOs, FP Comm Hats From: RON Ref: LRH ED 244 INT, Raising GI Stat < HCO P/L 20 Nov 65 Pg 84 Vol 0 OEC HCO P/L 28 July 74 Addition > FINANCIAL PLANNING CHECKLIST FOR THE PROMOTIONAL ACTIONS OF AN ORGANIZATION <(THIS LRH ED IS URGENT FOR A/Gs, A/GFs, FP COMMITTEES AND FBOs.)> I have asked MSH to organize the following checklist. She did this as a highly successful function in handling SH finances in the 60s. It is a tried and true GI raiser. This checklist is gone through and checked off by the Financial Planning Committee, the FBO, and the AG Finance to ensure that Financial expenditures are properly made for promotion and that POs have actually been made to FP to acquire things needed for promo. If no monies have been allotted for a particular item, an attestation is required from the Divisional Secretary that he has inspected and found that there is a sufficient quantity of the item to last until the next FP or an ethics chit is written on the concerned Divisional Sec for failure to perform the promotional activities of his Division and money is allocated for same. In allocating monies the concerned terminals will have to know how many names are in CF and how many names in different categories. (Numbers refer to HCO P/L 20 Nov 65 Pg 84 OEC Vol O and HCO P/L 28 Jul 74 Addition.) HCO AREA SEC (1) 4: INTRO LECTURE HANDOUTS FOR RECEPTION. 5, 7(i): Sign board, lettering equipment, poster paint, brushes and pins for Reception book displays and public notice signs. 7 (ii): Auditing promo and training promo for public notice boards. 8: Routing Forms and routing signs. 8a (i): Sign board, lettering equipment, poster paint, brushes and pins for recruiting signs. 8a (ii), 8b, 8c. RECRUITING PROMO FOR STAFF, AUDITORS, SUPERS. 8d. Colored tape for Org Board and colored dymo tape. 9: Address plates, tabs, ink, stickers, cards, etc. 10 (i): Envelopes, wrappers or staples for magazine. 10 (ii): POSTAGE MONEY FOR MAILING MAGAZINE. 11: Comm Baskets and labels. 13 (i): ORG STATIONERY AND ENVELOPES. 13 (ii): POSTAGE FOR ORG'S LETTERS OUT AND BUSINESS REPLY POSTAGE. 10 (iii): POSTAGE FOR PROMOTIONAL MAILINGS. 13 (iii): FRANKING MACHINE RENTAL. 12: TELEPHONE COSTS. HCO DISSEM SEC (18) 19: MAGAZINE PRINTING COSTS (OR MIMEO PAPER, STENCILS AND INK FOR MAGAZINE). 20 (i): PRINTING COSTS FOR AUDITING PROMO. 20 (ii): PRINTING COSTS FOR TRAINING PROMO. 21, 23, 22. Paper, shooting board, press type (Letra Set), art erasers, art pens, ink, and other make-up supplies. 25 30 32: BOOKS (CHECK THE ORG'S WEEKLY STOCK LIST TO ENSURE THERE ARE ENOUGH BOOKS OF EVERY TITLE IN STOCK, PLUS TAPES, E-METERS, PINS AND INSIGNIA). < 25, 30, 32: IMPORT, SHIPPING OR CUSTOMS DUTIES FOR BOOKS, METERS, TAPES. > 31 (i): PRINTING COSTS FOR BOOK FLIERS. 31 (ii): PRINTING COSTS FOR BOOK PRICE LISTS AND ORDER FORMS. 27: SHIPPING AND WRAPPING SUPPLIES FOR BOOKS AND E-METERS, STRING, ETC. 26: MIMEO PAPER, INK, STENCILS AND MIMEO SUPPLIES. 34, 37: LETTER REG QUESTIONNAIRES. 35 (i): CF FOLDERS. 35 (ii): ADDRESS STICKERS. 36: Gradation Charts. 38: ADVANCE REGISTRATION PACKS. 39: TELEPHONE REGISTRATION COSTS. 40: REGISTRATION FORMS. TREASURY SEC (41R) 43a (i): Statement envelopes. 43a (ii): Statement copy paper and machine supplies. 43a (iii): STATEMENT POSTAGE COSTS. 42, 44: INVOICES AND INVOICE CARBON ROLLS. 45: DISBURSEMENT VOUCHERS AND CARBON ROLLS. 46: Staff pay envelopes. 47, 47a: RENT OR PURCHASE PAYMENTS OF QUARTERS IN HEAVY TRAFFIC AREA. 45, 48a: Cleaning costs and supplies. 50: Staff uniforms (where provided). 50a: Maintenance and repair costs and supplies. TECH SEC (51) 54 (i): COURSE CHECKSHEETS FOR ALL COURSES. 54 (ii): COURSE PACKS FOR ALL COURSES. 54 (iii): TAPE MACHINES AND TAPE MACHINE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE. 54 (iv): COURSE TAPES FOR ALL COURSES. 54 (v): Clay supplies. 54 (vi): Student chairs and tables. 54 (vii): Auditor Report Forms. 54 (viii): Auditor worksheet paper. 54 (ix): Auditor Assessment Lists required in auditing. 54 (x): C/S forms and supplies. 54 (xi): Auditing chairs, tables and auditing room requirements. QUAL SEC (72) 73: Examiner forms and routing forms. 77: Auditor Report Forms, worksheets and supplies. 80: ARC Bk Reg supplies and forms. 82 (i): Certificates for all courses and all grades. 82 (ii): Release pins. 82 (iii): Minister Cards. 84: RELEASE LITERATURE FOR ALL PRECLEARS WHICH TELLS THEM WHAT THEY HAVE ATTAINED AND WHAT THEIR NEXT STEP IS. 85a (i): MEMBERSHIP PROMOTIONAL MAILINGS. 85a (ii): MEMBERSHIP CARDS. DIST SEC (86) 88 Revised (i): Tape play handouts. 88 Revised (ii): Tape play advertisements. 88 Revised (iii): Open house supplies - i.e., mailing costs, and tea, coffee and such supplies. 87: BASIC COURSE PROMO AND HANDOUTS. 90: Lecturer expenses. 91: Bookstore displays or posters. 94 (i): CARDS FOR BOOKS PLACED IN BOOKSTORES GIVING ORG'S ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE, ETC. 91b, 95: Book ads in magazines. 92: Purchase of new mailing lists. 93 (i): INFO PACKS FOR 3 MAILINGS SCHEDULED FOR EACH PERSON AND ENVELOPES FOR SAME. 93 (ii): Address stickers. 93a: INTRO LECTURE INVITATION CARDS. 94 (ii): TESTING HANDOU?'S. 94 (iii): TESTING SUPPLIES. 94 (iv): BASIC COURSES PROMO. 97 (i): LOCAL MAILING TO LOCAL FRANCHISES IN ORG'S AREA. 97 (ii): MONTHLY FSM MAILING. 102 (i): FSM SELECTION SLIPS. 101: FSM COMMISSIONS. 102 (ii): FSM and Franchise dissem materials. 103 (i): EXTENSION COURSE MATERIALS. 103 (ii): Extension Course advertisements. 104: Promo inviting Scientologists to send names and addresses of friends for Info Packs. 106: Mailing to local groups. 108, 109: Postage for student and pc follow-up letters. 110: Printing of Success handouts. 117: Public Membership cards. 121a: AUDITOR ASSOCIATION A4AILING. < THAT AN ITEM IS NOT IN CAPS DOES NOT MEAN IT IS UNIMPORTANT. THE ONES IN CAPS MUST BE FPed FOR. > L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:bk =========================== 501 ED 247 INT 27 Aug 74 CONT'L CONDITION [p. 191] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 247 INT 27 August 1974 270802R FLEU FLUK FLEUS FLANZO FLWUS (NOT AF) TO: ALL STAFF SCN ORGS UK, EUS, WUS, EU, ANZO FROM: RON SUBJECT: CONT'L CONDITION BY CONT'L STATS UK, EUS, WUS, EU, ANZO ARE ASSIGNED A CONDITION OF EMERGENCY BY RECENT TREND. FOLLOW EMERGENCY FORMULA PAGE 190 OEC VOL O. PUSH LRH ED 245 OR 245R INT AND LRH ED 246 INT AS WELL AS 153RC OR 153RD. Rs HAVE SLIGHT CHANGES. ORGS HAVE OPERATED WITH PD COMPS WELL BELOW GI SO PREPARE TO DELIVER CONSISTS OF GETTING AUDITORS AND SUPERS AND CRASH HANDLING ALL BACKLOGS WHILE CURRENT PC'S STUDENTS PROMPTLY HANDLED. INDIVIDUAL ORGS WITH PD COMPS AND GI IN NORMAL FOR PAST THREE MONTHS EXEMPTED. GET THE EMERGENCY FORMULA FULLY DONE AS FIRST PRIORITY. CONDITION ENDS IN AN ORG WHEN PD COMPS IN NORMAL FOR SIXTY DAYS AND NO BACKLOGS AND GI IN NORMAL SIXTY DAYS. LET'S CANCEL THE CROSS ORDERS AND GET THE SHOW ON THE ROAD AND BEGIN TO CLEAR THIS PLANET. RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 502 ED 248 INT 30 Aug 74 "...FAST FLOW..." [p. 190] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 248 INT 30 August 1974 300801R FLEUS FLWUS FLANZO FLUK FLEU LRH ED 248 INT TO COS EDS PGM CHS LRH COMMS FAST FLOW REGGING IS RESTORED. FAST FLOW TRAINING IS RESTORED. PRD AND PCRD ARE SUSPENDED AS REQUISITES FOR ACAD AND OEC COURSES. TWIN CHECKOUTS ARE SUSPENDED. REFS: P/LS 29 MAR 65 ISS II, 6 FEB 68 PGS 78, 79 OEC VOL 5, P/LS 5 AUG 72, 29 JUL 72 ISS II, HCOB 15 AUG 72R. SELL TRAINING HEAVILY. HAT YOUR HAS AND ACAD SUPERS FAST. REF P/L 11 DEC 71 ISS II LRH COMMS GET A STAT FOR EACH POINT OF THIS ED THEY GET IN. LOVE = RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs:gal =========================== 503 ED 245R-1 INT 2 Sep 74 "...FBOs..." [p. 203-4] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 245B-1 INT 2 September 1974 To: DGF WW A/Gs A/G Fs FBO CONT'Ls FBOs FP COMMITTEE HATS From: RON Ref: LRH ED 244 INT (FBOs Responsible for Raising GI Stat by getting Promo Actions FPed for) LRH ED 245B INT (Checklist of Promo expenses of an org) HCO P/L 20 Nov 65 pg 84 of Vol O OEC (Promo Actions of an Org) HCO P/L 28 July 74 (Addition to above P/L) HCO P/L 21 Dec 69 Guide to the Function of Printer Liaison (Nothing in these EDs 244, 245B or 245B-1 relieves the A/G or A/G F from duties assigned by DGF WW regarding GI.) In a meeting of FBOs in the PAC area, it was reported that FBOs had a misunderstood on their function regarding getting the actions of the FP Promo Checklist IN. The LRH ED is NOT just a checklist. One doesn't just see if the actions are in. ONE SEES THAT THEY GET DONE. In other words, one forces the area to properly PO for the promotional expenses required and forces FP to handle them and forces the money to be spent and the action DONE. Before an FP Meeting one sees the proper POs for the actions needful are worked out and submitted for FP. One sees that these POs are present at the FP Meeting and if not gets them made up and submitted right then! One sees that what is okayed is then appropriated for. And finally one makes very sure it gets spent on the exact thing for which it was appropriated. And that it doesn't get spent on something else. It is not enough to say "Well, it wasn't here" or "submit it next meeting." YOU HAVE TO KEEP THE ORG RUNNING AND PROMOTING. That's why you have that checklist. You are making up for other people's omissions. In addition you have to be sure that the PO is based on THE BEST PRICE. This requires that at least 3 firms or sellers like printers have made a bid for the work. You can uncleverly spend all your promo money on a bad buy. Like a mag for a dollar each copy when you could get one done for eight cents each that looks just as good. Or flyers that could have been bought for 3 a cent each being POed for at 10 cents each! Promo quantity can be cut to nothing by bad pricing and bad buying. (I have had a Dissem brightly offer a poster PO at $7.25 each! To be distributed by the thousands for free! When the real cost was 10 cents when proper bids were put out. The bug was wrong size paper being asked for!) Promo money has to cover everything and has to be s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d! If it isn't - no real promo. That means low priced buying. One org "to save money" went insolvent by cutting its mag mailing list to 700 from 6,500. No income! Another left goofy mail addresses by the thousands on their address plates and spent a fortune on never reaching the majority of their real CF. You catch these things in FP. Yes, it's the job of the FBO to see that promo actions get POed for and get DONE! That will result in GI. It always has, always will. You can break an org with no promo DONE. You can break an org with stupid, badly priced, wrong targetted promo actions. In accordance with LRH ED 245R INT, this is what the FBO has to get DONE in order to get the org promoting properly but economically and get the GI up. It is more than a checklist. No GI = No money for the FBO to collect Promo = GI! How to Make an Org Promote = LRH ED 245R INT and HCO P/L 20 Nov 65 and HCO P/L 28 July 74 Addition. Busy FBO getting this DONE = GI Where the GI does not go up we know the FBO is not doing this. Where it does, we know he is. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 504 ED 249 INT 2 Sep 74 "...EMERG YR MAJOR CHANGE OF OP..." [p. 189] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 249 INT 2 September 1974 020901R LRH ED 249 INT FLEUS FLWUS FLANZO FLUK FLEU CO FOLO LRH COMM CONT'L KT CONT'L FR CONT'L PGM CHs COs EDs LRH COMMS FRs. RE EMERG YR MAJOR CHANGE OF OP BASIS IS: A. LRH ED 248 INT P/L 31 AUG 74 ISS 2 FAST FLOW REGGING, TRAINING. B. P/L 30 AUG 74 ISS 2 QUAL STAT CHANGE TO CRAMMING STAFF P/L 31 AUG 74 KEEPER OF TECH. C. P/L 2 SEPT 74 DIV SECS CAN RECRUIT HIRE PERSONNEL AND RETAIN IN ORG AND DIV. D. HCO P/L 30 AUG 74 BLS 10RA REG BONUSES. E. LRH COMMS AND FRs ARE TO ZERO IN ON QUAL AND SET IT UP FOR WCING WHY FINDING WITH LIBRARY WCING PACKS ETC. VOL 5 OEC. F. OBTAIN AUDITORS SUPERS SEE REDO LRH EDs 120, 125, 138R, 165R, 176R INT. G. YOU ARE UNDER DIRECT ORDERS TO CLEAN UP ANY OUT TECH AND TO GET AUDITORS SUPERS AND CALL IN CLEAN UP EVERY BACKLOG FAST. H. LRH COMMS ARE TO GET HONEST ACTUALLY DONE TGTS ON LRH ED 236 INT INCL TGT 5. I WILL KNOW THIS OR ANY PGM ACTUALLY DONE ONLY WHEN THE GDS TO WHICH IT IS ADDRESSED RISES FOR THE ORG AND KEEPS GOING UP. LRH COMM STAT GETS 5 FOR EACH LRH PGM TGT DONE AND 20 FOR A COMPLETE LRH PGM. COMPLETE THIS CHANGE OF OP BASIS FOR THE EMERG FORMULA. THIS PGM IS LESS OVERWHELMING THAN CRASHING STATS. WE HAVE A PLANET TO CLEAR. GET GOING. LOVE = RON. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 505 ED 250 INT 14 Sep 74 "WITH NEW QUAL STAT..." [p. 188] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 250 INT 14 September 1974 140901R LRH ED 250 INT FLEUS FLWUS FLANZO FLAF FLUK FLEU WITH NEW QUAL STAT TECH DIV BECOMES RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING AT ONCE ALL RED TAG AND FLUBBED PCS. ALL C/Ss AUDITORS WHO RED TAG OR FLUE PCS ALSO TO BE CRAMMED ON RELATED MATERIALS. PENALTY LINES 45, 46, 47 OF PD COMPS HCOB 30 AUG 71RC APPLY FULLY IN PD COMPS CALCULATION. QUAL SEC IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENFORCING THAT TECH DIV HANDLES RED TAGS AND FLUES AND FOR CORRECT CALCULATION AND REPORTING OF PD COMPS. LOVE = RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 506 ED 231R INT 15 Sep 74 EXPANSION TARGETS - REVISED [p. 234] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 231R INT 15 September 1974 Cancels LRH ED 231 INT URGENT/IMPORTANT To: All Staff From: RON Subject: EXPANSION TARGETS - REVISED TELEX TO CO FLEU, CO FLWUS, CO FLEUS, CO FLANZO, CO FLUK, CO FLAF 150901R VIA STAFF CAPT, CONTROLLER, AIDES AND CO FB IMPORTANT LRH ED 231R INT. TO CO FOLO, LRH COMM CONTL, FR CONTL, D/G CONTL AND STAFF, STAFF FOLO AND FOR IMMEDIATE TELEX RELAY TO GO/ED, LRH COMM, FLAG REP, AG, ALL EXECS STAFF AND FSMS EACH ORG. THE NEW REVISED INTERNATIONAL EXPANSION TARGET FOR ALL ORGS IS 10x 27 DEC '73 STATS BY 13 MAR '75 WITH INTERIM TARGETS OF: 6x = 24 OCT '74 7x = 28 NOV '74 8x = 2 JAN '75 9x = 6 FEB '75 10x = 13 MAR '75 IMMEDIATELY GRAPH YOUR PAID COMPS, GI AND OTHER GDSES FROM 27 DEC '73 TO THE INTERIM TARGET FIGURES FOR EACH OF THE ABOVE DATES TO GIVE YOU WEEKLY QUOTAS AND MAKE THOSE QUOTAS. USE LRH ED 153RC INT AND CURRENT LRH EDS FOR MAXIMUM EXPANSION TO MEET YOUR WEEKLY QUOTA FOR EACH GDS AND TO ACHIEVE THOSE TARGETS. WE ARE GOING FOR TOTAL EXPANSION NOW. THIS IS OUR PLANET. MOVE IN. LOVE = RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:iw NOTE: All LRH ED 153 series (153 through 153RJ) were cancelled by LRH in December 1976. The current issue of this series by LRH is LRH ED 153RK in this pack. =========================== 507 ED 253 INT 23 Oct 74 FBOs REVERTED TO FLAG FROM GO [p. 187] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 253 INT 23 October 1974 To: GO Staff Int FBO Execs & FBOs Int All COs & EDs Org Staffs From: RON Subject: FBOs REVERTED TO FLAG FROM GO Reference: LRH ED 233 INT of 10 June 74 and AO 496-6 This ED reverts the FBO Network to Flag and re-establishes it under the Finance Aide at Flag. The purpose of placing the Network under the GO has been achieved. The FBOs are better trained, policy has been gotten in and the FBO Network is more effective. The GUARDIAN OFFICE, in particular DG/F WW Herbie Parkhouse, his seniors and juniors are thanked for their effective assistance in this matter. The Finance Aide is returned to Flag by this order. All FBO traffic is now to be sent to Flag. My good wishes and hopes for their future and appreciation for the work they do is extended to all members of the FBO Network over the world. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 508 ED 254 INT 11 Nov 74 STAFF PAY [p. 185-6] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 254 INT 11 November 1974 To: All Staffs COs EDs From: RON Subject: STAFF PAY Ref: HCO PL 15 Dec 66 FINANCIAL PLANNING It has come to my attention that in a few orgs the EDs are not seeing that their staff gets paid. In some others, Auditors receive very high pay indeed, to the exclusion of the rest of staff. In Sea Org orgs I have intervened in some areas to be sure staffs are fed and paid. In Europe I issued a Directive that staffs must be paid 30% of CGI. Therefore all org staffs should receive 30% of Corrected Gross Income in either pay or, where the org feeds and houses them, in food, clothing and shelter with some spending money. It is silly not to pay one's staff in my opinion. In these days of inflation it is hard for anyone in any country to make ends meet. Some time ago I advised some orgs to house and feed their staffs instead of a great deal of pay. Some staff members moonlight - which is not too bad when it doesn't cut into their staff hours or production. But it's a lot easier just to deliver good service and by that make more money. Unemployment in most countries is growing. It is easier to build up strong orgs than to scatter around trying to make extra money. In those orgs where tech quality is high and which run on policy, there is no lack of money, recession or no recession! Your best fort is your org. And an org should deliver better and more, see that NO failed pcs or students exist in their field and thus (and only thus) make more money. And pay their staffs. On-policy orgs and staffs are making it. And paying their staffs. This can be true anywhere. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 509 ED 255 INT 14 Nov 74 PHONE COSTS [p. 183-4] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 255 INT 14 November 1974 To: C/Os, EDs Phone Regs Dir Comms From: RON Subject: PHONE COSTS, OR HOW TO GET WIPED OUT In 1973 orgs spent a third of a million dollars on phone calls! Right now several orgs are involved with call ins of unused Advance Payments. If they do this on the phone they could worsen their cash-bills badly. These rules apply: (1) Let the public phone in. (2) Keep your switchboard free to receive calls. (3) Use good looking letters that impinge. (4) Get a staff understanding of the expense involved in phones and what it does to org solvency. The public will phone in if told to do so in letters and promo. Some orgs use their phones and switchboards internally and to other orgs. THIS TIES UP THE LINES SO THE CUSTOMERS CAN'T REACH YOU. The right thing to do is get an independent intercom inside the org and where there's comm to another org to get it hooked up to an intercom there. If you put a lock on the dial of a phone, it can receive calls but you can't use it to call out. That lets public call in on it. A nice letterhead well designed - easy to run off on photolitho - or even an airletter will impinge as a communication. Even an air postcard or a first class postcard will get there! The way the letter is written is everything. One can't just turn out a form letter. It has to be to that person with his CF folder and any invoices to hand and studied before writing. That letter will be responded to by its receiver! I am writing a P/L on how to save on phone costs as there are many tips. But the main thing is learn to live without it. A staff, with phones handy, gets used to using them and the more they use them the more they use them. "Phone Regging" is highly unprofitable when the phone bill and the few sales made per 100 calls are looked at. When a Reg is out of the org making contacts the phone is used for appointments, NOT for sales. You can't sell very well over a phone. But if you want phone call sales, then tell the person by mail or a cheap form of telegram to call you. There are a lot of post office arrangements for cheap messages. Some are simply put on the telex to a local exchange and are delivered in a far city by the mailman. You have to ask your local post office and/or Western Union or RCA for such fast message bargains. They exist. The first place I ever saw "phone regging" was Johannesburg 14 years ago. They had originated it. And they were going broke. I got in Letter Reges and a real CF and Address unit and got it used like it says in Vol 2 OEC and the place boomed. And the telephones gathered cobwebs. SUMMARY If you are engaged in a heavy contact and call in, let the public do the phoning. Use other means of contact than the phone. And in just plain regging, a really good lot of hatted Letter Reges and a CF beats all the telephones in the world. Some say their "CFs are ARCBroken". What a generality! If an experienced ARC Brk and Auditor Team in Division 2 Dept 6 had such a CF available (and an org that really delivered) the Pd Comps would go out the roof and the GI follow. A wise and prosperous staff leaves the phone on its cradle except when the public calls in. And a telex from FOLOs to Orgs and back is miles above any phone as it can remember! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 510 ED 179R INT 30 Nov 74 STAFF PAY [p. 253-4] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 179R INT 30 November 1974 To: Executives All Staff Org Flag Officer Bulletin Bd Staff Bulletin Board From: RON Subject: STAFF PAY Ref: LRH ED 153RE INT HCO P/L 12 Nov 71 Issue II STAFF PAY DEPENDS UPON YOUR ORG DELIVERY. Your pay, no matter what your post, drifts down in direct ratio to the degree you don't deliver. The GI you get in can be eaten up by repayments if you don't deliver. Fixating your attention on the org's GI instead of putting a massive push on handling the public destroys your pay! It will get less and less and vanish if you don't agree to and see the necessity of: (a) Pushing delivery. (b) Pushing good tech. (c) Handling the public well through letters and personally and in the Academy and HGC. We are in a surging inflation. Yet where an org is run well, on-policy and is delivering very well, the staff is getting paid well. FORMULA The way to calculate your pay is by students and pcs in the Academy, HGC and beginning courses. Not by GI. How many does it take? Let's work it out for the US. A staff of 50, to get $200 a week average at 30% of CGI would be figured like this: STUDENTS: INTO course number maintained. 10 HSDC (full pay) 10 Academy (all levels) (full pay) 30 INTO basic courses. PRECLEARS: 13 pcs undergoing 25 hour Intensives in the week. Tech Admin ratio would be slightly less Tech than Admin. If those levels were minimum and maintained, past paids would gradually be eaten up and staff pay would rise. This means, however, that each staff member would have to be doing his job from Div 1 to 6 and especially Div 7. It's all in the OEC Volumes. If no exec or "indispensable" auditor or C/S was hogging the pay, that would give around $200 a week average to staff. That staff could produce more delivery than the above! And keep all departments running. Figure it out for yourself. For your org and in your currency. How many students, how many pcs. INTO service each week. Delivery is the keynote. You'd have to keep that many customers replenished into the Tech Division each week. Somebody that's screaming around for GI GI GI! and not "Finish up those pcs to VVVVGIs! Train those students until they could audit blindfolded in their sleep!" is killing your pay. You have to learn to think in terms of handled public not in terms of dollars, pounds, rands and other devaluing currencies. The public is the only gold. You take care of them, they'll take care of you. Capitalism is folding up in smoke. Communism won't win either. Socialism is taxing itself onto the rocks. Your currency is serviced public. In-tech, on-policy service. THINK IN TERMS OF DELIVERY WHEN YOU THINKOF PAY. So how do you compute your staff pay? Try it as above. AND THEN DO IT! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 511 ED 257 INT 1 Dec 74 DELIVERY REPAIR LISTS [p. 177-82] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 257 INT 1 December 1974 To: C/Os, EDs LRH Comms All Staff All Tech Staff All Qual Staff From: RON Subject: DELIVERY REPAIR LISTS THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH YOUR CF, YOUR PC, YOUR STUDENT, STAFF MEMBER OR YOUR OWN DELIVERY THAT A PREPARED LIST WON'T HANDLE. "ARC Broken CFs", blown students, demanded refunds, low success stories, withdrawn auditors, ineffective staffs are pretty silly problems to have these days. Many years ago I developed a system called "Prepared Lists" These isolated the trouble the pc was having in auditing without taxing anyone's imagination and sending the auditor into a figure-figure on the pc. These prepared lists were assessed on an E-Meter. One took up the biggest read first and then cleaned up all other reads. Time has gone on. The system of prepared lists has been expanded to include not only pcs but students and staff. It may have gone overlooked that such lists now include anything that could happen to a pc or student. In other words, prepared lists have become very thorough. WHO CAN USE The only reason ever found for prepared lists not working was an auditor's weak TR 1 and inability to read a meter. Even this difficulty has been handled by "Qual Okay to Audit" Checksheets. Before an auditor should be let near a prepared list he should be put through at least six "Okay to Audit" short Checksheets in Qual. Qual is not fast flow. Things done in Qual are Method 4 Word Cleared and starrated, with all demos and drills. Only if this is done can you have some certainty that a prepared list will read on the pc and that the pc or student will get handled. These Qual "Okay to Audit" Checksheets are done AFTER a student has been trained and classed as an auditor. The "Okay to Audit" is for auditing in an orff whether staff or interne. The checksheets are: (1) Board Policy Letter 14 Nov 74 Issue I QUAL OKAY TO OPERATE AN E-METER (2) Board Policy Letter 14 Nov 74R Issue II QUAL OK NO. 2R, QUAL OK TO ASSESS PREPARED LISTS (3) Board Policy Letter 14 Nov 74 Issue III QUAL OK NO. 3, QUAL OK TO AUDIT LISTING AND NULLING (4) Board Policy Letter 14 Nov 74 Issue IV QUAL OK NO. 4, QUAL OK TO CORRECT LISTING AND NULLING (5) Board Policy Letter 8 Nov 71RA QUAL OK NO. 5, QUAL ELECTRONIC OKAY AND ELECTRONIC ATTESTATION FORM (6) Board Policy Letter 20 July 70R Issue III Revised 25 Nov 74 TWO WAY COMM CHECKSHEET Only when these have been thoroughly and honestly studied, drilled and done should an auditor be permitted to assess prepared lists on pcs and students. It takes standard auditor training to handle the points found reading on a list. CASE SUPERVISING A C/S who is trained as a C/S must know what lists to use. And he must see to it that his auditors are trained via the above checklists. Otherwise the lists just won't read and the C/S, the pc and the org are left up the creek! LOTS of "lists that didn't read" are found in folders. I used to make a practice of just having them nulled again by an auditor whose metering and TRs were good and THEY READ AND THE CASE RESOLVED. PC LISTS 1. HCO BULLETIN 24 NOVEMBER 1973RA, C/S SERIES 53RI, "SHORT HI-LO TA ASSESSMENT C/S." This is a famous list. It solved the long long problem of high and low TAs and really solved it. Unfortunately it has a name of being done for high and low TAs. In truth it practically handles the whole repair of any difficult case today! One assesses it Method 5. One handles the reads from the top down. It can also be reassessed several times until it F/Ns on a whole M5 assessment. It is quite remarkable what it will do for a case that has been running badly or is bogged, quite in addition to handling high and low TAs! 2. HCO BULLETIN 1 JANUARY 72RA, "L1X HI-LO TA REVISED." This is the same list as C/S 53RI above. It has been brought up to date. It gives the whole question for each subject as in C/S 53RI and the same handling. It is easier to use on a pc whose attention wanders or who is not very familiar with terms. 3. HCO BULLETIN 29 OCTOBER 1971R, "INT RUNDOWN CORRECTION LIST REVISED." As Interiorization-Exteriorization problems (when they exist) have to be handled before any other thing is handled, an auditor sometimes assesses another list and then finds himself doing this list. "Int" appears on many other lists and when it reads one does this list. One has to go back and complete the original list of course. "Int" problems cause high TA, headaches and general upset. I've begun to think after seeing a lot of headache cases that maybe only Int-Ext problems cause headaches! Instead of repairing Int, sometimes auditors will run it again and again. Also Int can go flat to Cog VVGIs on an early flow, even a recall flow. Then if one insists on finishing the Int RD, one has trouble and I mean trouble. So this is a valuable list. 4. HCO BULLETIN 15 DECEMBER 1968R, "L4BR" "FOR ASSESSMENT OF ALL LISTING ERRORS." An out list (meaning one done by Listing and Nulling, not a prepared list) can raise more concentrated hell with a pc than any other single auditing error. The amount of misemotion or illness which a wrong list generates has to be seen to be believed. When a pc is ill after a session or up to 3 days after, always suspect that a listing action done on the pc had an error in it. It MUST be corrected. This prepared list L4BR corrects lists of the Listing and Nulling variety. It can be run on old lists, current lists, general listing. There has been no reason to revise this since 2 June 1972. It really works! 5. HCO BULLETIN 19 MARCH 1971, "LIST l-C." This is the updated version of the earliest list ever compiled. It is used during sessions at the auditor's discretion and in other ways. It also prevents some pc from insisting "it's an ARC Brk" (which never clears) when it's really a withhold, a common error. It can also be addressed to life. Usually when a session blows up, an L1C is used fast rather than just sit and ack! 6. HCO BULLETIN 11 APRIL 1971RA, L3RD "DIANETICS AND INT RD REPAIR LIST." This is the key list of Dianetic Auditing and is the Dianetic standby in case of trouble. As the Int RD is also Dianetics, while doing it, one uses L3RD for trouble. 7. HCO BULLETIN 2 APRIL 1972RB ISSUE II, EXPANDED DIANETICS SERIES 3RB, "L3 EXD RE." This is the prepared list for Expanded Dianetics. 8. HCO BULLETIN 29 FEBRUARY 1972R, "FALSE TA CHECKLIST." This was a very important discovery about TAs. One uses this when another list indicates a False TA or one is suspected. Auditors have been known to get so desparate about a pc's TA that they falsified worksheets. This (and C/S 53RI) make that totally needless. I've seen this change a case from despair to VVVVGIs! 9. HCO BULLETIN 16 APRIL 1972, "PTS RD CORRECTION LIST." It also gives the expected actions of a PTS Rundown. Doing PTS Rundowns without this prepared list handy can be risky. 10. HCO POLICY LETTER 7 APRIL 1970RA, "GREEN FORM." This was the earliest Qual Saint Hill weapon (26 June 65) for case cracking. It is modernized up to 29 Sep 74 in the above issue. If you were to do a C/S 53RI Method 5, all handled and to an F/Ning list and then do a GF Method 5, all handled, reassessed to an F/Ning list and a "GF 40X" below you would "crack" most cases to a point where they ran well. There's power in those Green Hills! 11. HCO BULLETIN 30 JUNE 1971R, "EXPANDED GF 40RR." Called "GF 40X." This is the "7 resistive type cases" at the end of the Green Form expanded out. This is how you get those "earlier practices" and other case stoppers. This done well gives a lot of extensive work in Dianetics. It's lengthy but really pays off. 12. BOARD TECHNICAL BULLETIN 28 MAY 1974R, "FULL ASSIST CHECKLIST FOR INJURY AND ILLNESS." While you don't put the pc on the cans for this one, you mark it as to the state the pc is in and it says what you do for illness and injury. This one, done correctly, is how the minister runs the medico out of business. STUDENT LISTS 13. HCO BULLETIN 15 NOVEMBER 1973R, "FEAR OF PEOPLE LIST R." Thjs is for the handling of timid tech staff who back off from handling rough pcs. 14. HCO BULLETIN 15 NOVEMBER 1974, "STUDENT REHABILITATION LIST." This is the one that gets a bogged student sailing, gets a blown student back, gets an auditor back auditing. It even cures the revolutionary student! This is the master list for students - even students in grammar schools and colleges! A real winner. 15. HCO BULLETIN 27 MARCH 1972 ISSUE I, "STUDENT CORRECTION LIST, STUDY CORR LIST - 1." A list for correcting students on course. STAFF LISTS 16. HCO BULLETIN 27 MARCH 1972R ISSUE II, "COURSE SUPERVISOR CORRECTION LIST, STUDY CORR LIST 2R." This is to get the Course Supervisor going well. 17. HCO BULLETIN 27 MARCH 1972, "AUDITOR CORRECTION LIST, STUDY CORR LIST 3." This one corrects Auditors who are having a rough time. 18. HCO BULLETIN 27 MARCH 1972 ISSUE IV, "CASE SUPERVISOR CORRECTION LIST, STUDY CORR LIST 4." This one corrects Case Supervisors, gets them back on the rails. 19. HCO BULLETIN 27 MARCH 72 ISSUE V, "EXECUTIVE CORRECTION LIST, STUDY CORR LIST 5." This prepared list locates an executive's troubles and indicates handling. 20. HCO BULLETIN 4 FEBRUARY 1972RC 5 OCTOBER 1972, "STUDY SERIES 7." A real long work out for a person who won't study or who is having real trouble on a course. Goes after it in depth. Can be used as a second list to Student Rehab List above or by itself. 21. HCO BULLETIN 21 JULY 1971RC, WORD CLEARING SERIES 35R, "WORD CLEARING CORRECTION LIST REVISED." Usually written "WCCL." This is the famous list that goes with Method 1 Word Clearing or with any Word Clearing bog. Also corrects high and low TA WHEN it occurs in a Word Clearing session. This is the Word Clearer's friendly friend. 22. HCO POLICY LETTER 9 APRIL 1972, "ETHICS, CORRECT DANGER CONDITION HANDLING." Locates the trouble area that got him into a Danger Condition. Goes with the famous "3 May P/L" HCO PL 3 May 1972. 23. HCO POLICY LETTER 13 MARCH 1972, "ESTABLISHMENT OFFICER SERIES NO. 5." An invaluable text and List for PRODUCT CLEARING. It's a list of what you do to clear products. From it a prepared list can be made. 24. HCO POLICY LETTER 23 MARCH 1972, ESTABLISHMENT OFFICER SERIES 11, "FULL PRODUCT CLEARING LONG FORM." 25. HCO POLICY LETTER 12 JUNE 1972, DATA SERIES 26, ESTO SERIES 18. A list you assess to locate trouble an evaluator might be having. Also for slow evaluators or slow students on a Data Series Course. 26. HCO BULLETIN 28 AUGUST 1970RA "HC OUT-POINT PLUS-POINT LISTS RA." This is a prepared list that locates the outpoints in a person's own thinking. When people can't seem to evaluate (or think brightly) this list will do wonders. Some Data Series Course students make no progress at all until they are assessed on this list and handled. 27. HCO BULLETIN 2 DECEMBER 1974, "DYNAMIC SORT OUT ASSESSMENT." (Revised from BTB 4 Dec 71 Issue II, Replacing HCOB 4 Dec 71 Issue II R-1C Assessment by Dynamics.) This gets those dynamics that are charged and handles them. Increases social personality and even can shift valences. WORD LISTS FOR PREPARED LISTS Nearly every prepared list has all its words on a separate sheet, ready for word clearing on the pc. All the words on a list are cleared on a pc without repeating the same word or asking the list question. Such lists are issued for auditor convenience. A list of these word lists is being issued as HCOB 1 Dec 74 so that you can match them to the prepared lists in this LRH ED. OTHER LISTS There is a whole package of processing, mainly by prepared lists, in Integrity Processing, issued as its own series and now being reissued. There are great Solo Lists for Solo Repair used on Advance Courses. And from time to time when a need for a prepared list is found new ones will be issued on different subjects. One can REPAIR a pc or student or staff member. One can also FORWARD a case into new areas with other prepared lists. MIMEO Some orgs backlog their mimeos. The AVAILABILITY of lists to auditors is something which should NOT be neglected. It is highly uneconomical as one loses re-signs and students and staff when prepared lists are in non-existence in an org or even short supply. Tech is the atomic fuel an org runs on. KEEP PREPARED LISTS IN SUPPLY FOR USE. TRANSLATED ISSUES In non-English speaking orgs lists must be very carefully translated and mimeoed for use. In such orgs, more than any others, great care must be taken to have and use lists as they keep tech straight where it tends to go hearsay and verbal. So, that's quite an array of prepared lists, isn't it? If they are not in full use in your org don't wonder about your Delivery Stats Why. Or your org and CF problems. It's a lack of full use of this tech. Hidden in these prepared lists is a wealth of tech that explodes into wins for your org, your CF, your pcs and students. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal ===========================