FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES - 21/28 ============================ This is the Second Foundation. Our purpose is to keep LRH's plan on track (ref: Asimov). CofS has gone off the rails. This is an announcement of our support of FZBA, Freezone, and The Pilot. We are posting the LRH EDs to make ammends for our long delay in taking action. ARC, PROGRAM DIRECTOR SECOND FOUNDATION ============================ LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES This is a complete copy of the "Original LRH EDs" or Blue Volumes as issued by Bridge in 1983. The full contents for all 28 parts posted is in part 1. The volumes were divided into the 3 numbering Series, and subdivided into the classes of EDs (INT = International, WW = World Wide, SH = Saint Hill, etc.) and placed in reverse order (latest first) within type. This was quite confusing because of some EDs being in multiple classes with different numbers in each class. We rearranged everything in date order (earliest first) to give a better historical perspective and make these easy to find by date. The original table of contents is included in part 2 and the original page numbers are in "[]" at the beginning of each ED. See IMB 5 in part 2 for an explanation of the 3 Series of ED numbers and a list of valid (but expired) EDs not included. See LRH ED 345 INT in part 28 for a list of cancelled LRH EDs that were not included. These are only the EDs that are in the Blue Volumes. ************************************************** FZBA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** Part 21 477 ED 222 INT 17 Feb 74 GO-ANZO-GO! 478 ED 223 INT 19 Feb 74 LETTERS TO RON 479 ED 225 INT 20 Feb 74 BOOM POSTULATE 480 ED 227 INT 16 Mar 74 "...CONDITION OF POWER..." 481 ED 233 INT 10 Jun 74 FBOs TRANSFER TO GO 482 ED 235 INT 2 Jul 74 "...CONTINUING THE BOOM..." 483 ED 236 INT 5 Jul 74 REGISTRATION PGM NO. 2 484 ED 237 INT 6 Jul 74 "...THE BOOM IS ON..." 485 ED 238 INT 6 Jul 74 ADDITIONAL REGES 486 ED 235-1 INT 16 Jul 74 CLARIFICATION OF TGTS 487 ED 9 EU 17 Jul 74 PTS HANDLING 488 ED 10 EU 19 Jul 74 LANGUAGE BARRIERS 489 ED 11 EU 20 Jul 74 THE TECH OF STUDY 490 ED 12 EU 22 Jul 74 "...TAPE TRANSLATION TGT..." 491 ED 13R EU 22 Jul 74 STAFF PAY 492 ED 241 INT 22 Jul 74 POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCES 493 ED 241 INT 22 Jul 74 ADDENDUM 494 ED 242 INT 24 Jul 74 PUBLIC HAS COURSE 495 ED 243 INT 25 Jul 74 BOOKS MAKE BOOMS 496 ED 231-1R INT 27 Jul 74 EXPANSION TARGETS DATE MODIFIED 497 ED 244 INT 28 Jul 74 RAISING GI STAT =========================== YEAR OF 1974 =========================== 477 ED 222 INT 17 Feb 74 GO-ANZO-GO! [p. 238-40] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 222 INT 17 February 1974 BPI ANZO To: ANZO From: Ron Subject: GO-ANZO-GO! If Scientology US can take off as it is doing, if Europe can soar the way it is going, if the UK can fly cloud high with the current True Battle of Britain and if Africa can roar on up the track to new records, then Anzo can borrow some kangaroo habits and get going. Even a kiwi, while it cannot fly, can run. For a long time psychiatry used Anzo as a battleground. And for years Scientology was under heavy fire there. But let's look at what the hard-working Guardians Office and dedicated Scientologists in Anzo have achieved: New Zealand: There are absolutely no restrictions on the teaching or practice of Scientology in New Zealand. Australia: Federally, we have been recognized as a religion for the whole of Australia, and we have now had Ministers registered to perform marriages. Further, we have been granted our non-profit status. Western Australia: The Act banning Scientology was repealed. South Australia: The Act banning Scientology is due for repeal when a new Psychological Practices Act is introduced into Parliament. This is expected to be done around March 5th of this year. Victoria: The Act banning Scientology is still on the books. The Government there has made no move to repeal it. However, the recognition of Scientology as a religion by the Federal government of Australia has made this Act ineffective legally. Scientology is openly taught and practiced in Victoria. New South Wales: No law was ever passed or proposed against Scientology. Queensland: No law was ever passed or proposed. Tasmania: No law was ever passed or proposed. Well! That means Anzo is free to GO-GO-GO! Psychiatry lost. Scientology won. When you have won you take advantage of your victories. Psychiatry wanted joyless, apathetic people, totally controlled and suppressed. Scientology wanted friendliness and freedom for Anzo's people. Scientology won. Therefore Scientologists in Anzo should now deliver friendliness and freedom to all Anzo. People in Anzo want physical health. Scientology ministers can help deliver that. People in Anzo want personality improvement. Scientology Organizations in Anzo can deliver that. The people of Anzo want intelligence and knowledge. Scientology churches can deliver that. The happiness Anzo people want can be obtained through Scientology. If every org in Anzo were to begin to train volunteer ministers to take the messages of friendliness and freedom to the people of Anzo, the future of that continent and island would be a far far happier one. Scientology has a mission to rescue all of Anzo from the darkness that was spread by the Nazi philosophies of psychiatry and psychology. This great area is well worth saving, well worth having. This is no time for withholding vital tech and admin data from the people. That one would be shy during the times of attack is understandable. That one should whisper only and not cry the message aloud was prudent. But those times are PAST. The ALL CLEAR has sounded. It is time to come out of the dugouts and trenches and occupy the won land. ANZO IS ALL OF IT FREE TERRITORY. The war is over. We won. Rejoice. Spread the word. And GET THE SHOW ON THE ROAD!!! As of NOW! Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ams:bk =========================== 478 ED 223 INT 19 Feb 74 LETTERS TO RON [p. 236-7] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 223 INT 19 February 1974 To: MY FRIENDS From: RON Subject: LETTERS TO RON You will be very glad to hear that the lines which bring me letters are under heavy re-organization. The volume, which has been very great all these years, is on a sweeping upswing and has now totally exceeded all facilities to handle it. Therefore every effort is being made to: (1) Increase the facilities to handle these lines, (2) Get your letter to me rapidly and (3) Get the answer going back to you within three days of its receipt by me. SO NO. 1 The line to me is known as the "SO No. 1 line". This is because the arrangements for it are laid down in STANDING ORDER NUMBER ONE. The actual order, re-issued on 18 December 1961, follows: "All mail addressed to me shall be received by me." CURRENT SCENE Scientology is expanding so rapidly that it has been very difficult to keep pace with the tremendously increased traffic flows. Probably Scientology is the only world wide organization which is going UP while the rest of the world goes down. Authoritative books and sociologists have recognized for the last several consecutive years that Scientology was the world's fastest growing religion. And now the expansion is going at tremendously increased speed. All this means more volume of flow on the SO No. 1 line. Yet the basic principles of the SO No. 1 line remain. Despite increased flow volume (by the mail bag) your letter is going to get better and faster attention. You are my friends and I like to hear from my friends. Therefore the lines are wide open to your comm and from me to you. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ntm:gal =========================== 479 ED 225 INT 20 Feb 74 BOOM POSTULATE [p. 235A] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 225 INT 28 February 1974 To: All Staff From: RON Subject: BOOM POSTULATE WE ARE GOING UP WHILE THE WORLD IS GOING DOWN. By every sign and national statistic this civilization, as it is, is doomed. We are going to beat world contraction by expanding rapidly. Already we are the only church in the world that is expanding. The rest are contracting. That has been true for three years and was even in the Encyclopaedia Britannica World Book for 1972. Remember this: NO GREAT NEW MOVEMENT IN THE WORLD EVER MADE HEADWAY IN NORMAL OR PROSPEROUS TIMES. THEY EXPANDED ONLY IN TIMES OF CIVIL UNREST AND DECLINES. This was true of every major movement including the Christian rise in Roman times. And how are we going to do this? By being more causative, wearing our hats and engaging in a totally coordinated push. We are probably the only people on the planet absolutely sure of where we are going. WE ARE GOING UP WHILE THE WORLD IS GOING DOWN. WE ARE BOOMING. I AM COUNTING ON YOU TO PUSH TOTAL EXPANSION NOW! This is OUR planet. MOVE IN! Love, RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ams:bk =========================== 480 ED 227 INT 16 Mar 74 "...CONDITION OF POWER..." [p. 235] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 227 INT 16 March 1974 TELEX TO C/O FLEU C/O FLEUS C/O FLAF C/O FLANZO C/O FLUK C/O FLWUS 160301R VIA STAFF CAPT CONTROLLER, AIDES AND CO FB IMPORTANT URGENT LRH ED 227 INT. TO CO FOLO, LRH COMM CONT, FR CONT, D/G CONTL AND STAFF, STAFF FOLO AND FOR IMMEDIATE TLX RLY TO CO/EDs LRH COMMS FLAG REPS A/Gs ALL EXECS STAFF AND FSMs ALL ORGS. BY 6 WK INT STAT TREND YOU ARE IN AN INTERNATIONAL AND SO CONDITION OF POWER ON FIVE CONTINENTS. REPEAT POWER! DON'T DISCONNECT. EXPAND. KEEP PUSHING AND MORE SO WHAT YOU ARE PUSHING WITH ORG AND STAFF AND PUBLIC. DON'T DISCONNECT. EXPAND. YOU'RE REALLY GOING UP WHILE WORLD GOES DOWN. THIS PLANET IS OURS IN TRUTH. DON'T DISCONNECT. EXPAND. MOVE IN. MY HEARTFELT THANKS AND CONGRATULATIONS. ALL SYSTEMS GO GO GO. LOVE = RON. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:act:ntm:gal =========================== 481 ED 233 INT 10 Jun 74 FBOs TRANSFER TO GO [p. 230] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 233 INT 10 June 1974 To: GO Staff Int FBO Execs and FBOs Int All COs and EDs Org Staffs From: Ron Subject: FBOs TRANSFER TO GO Reference: AO 496-6 This ED transfers the FBO Network under the Guardian Office. Hereafter the Flag, Continental and Org FBOs will take their orders from the Deputy Guardian for Finance WW, D/Gs, A/Gs and A/Gs F in the GO chain of command. This will facilitate the making of more accurate records, better training for FBOs, better collections and interest in making orgs make money and better economic conditions. While this ED does not envision dismissal of FBOs, or abolishing the Network, no Continental or Org FBO or FBO staff may leave post from this date unless he has (a) Collected or taken total action on all bounced checks ever received, and (b) Settled his accounts in full, and (c) Completed his records, and (d) Signed off his bank accounts. All FBOs are to acknowledge the authority of the GO. The chain of Command on FBOs is Guardian WW, Deputy Guardian for Finance WW, FBO Int I/C, FBO Int Org Officer, Continental FBOs, Org FBOs with a parallel line D/G F WW, D/G F Continental, A/G or A/G F (where posted) to Org FBO. This includes as well SO Orgs. This order is issued as an ED because it is a temporary arrangement and EDs expire in a year unless renewed. This order transfers as well all FBO materiel and physical property, records and FBO Network spaces to the GO. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:clb:bk =========================== 482 ED 235 INT 2 Jul 74 "...CONTINUING THE BOOM..." [p. 227] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 235 INT 2 July 1974 020701R ALL ORGS VIA FOLOS: LRH ED 235 INT THE MAGIC FORMULA FOR CONTINUING THE BOOM IS A. PULL IN AND SIGN UP LOTS OF STUDENTS AND PCS. B. DON'T ACCEPT OR COLLECT ON ALL BOUNCED CHEQUES. C. QUAL RECOVER BLOWN HASES WITH HCOB 15 AUG 71 AND HCOB 16 AUG 71. D. PUT ON AUDITORS AND SUPERS AND PUSH PAID COMPS OUT OF SIGHT. E. MAN UP AND HAT YOUR ORG. F. GET OUT AREA MAGS FAST WHETHER OR NOT YOU HAVE BOARDS. G. MAN ALL REG POSTS. H. MAN ALL EXEC POSTS. I. WEAR YOUR HATS AND PRODUCE THE SERVICE REQUIRED OF EACH POST. PSYCHIATRY IS COLLECTING MORE THAN $44,107,306,153.00 A YEAR FOR RUINING HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS. THIS IS REPEAT IS YOUR PLANET. YOU ARE SALVAGING THREE BILLION PEOPLE. YOU ARE ENTITLED TO MORE THAN PSYCHIATRY. SO GET GOING. LOVE = RON. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal =========================== 483 ED 236 INT 5 Jul 74 REGISTRATION PGM NO. 2 [p. 218-24] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 236 INT 5 July 1974 Reissued 22.10.82 Cancels all LRH ED 159 Int Series URGENT IMPORTANT (LRH Comm to Get Done Fast) To: C/Os, EDs, all Registrars, Dissem Sees, Dist Sees, Ltr Regs, ARC Brk Regs, Phone Regs, Tours I/Cs, Tours Personnel, any and all Execs and Staff concerned with any public sales or money collection. From: RON Subject: REGISTRATION PGM NO. 2 References: HCO PL 28 September 71 SELLING AND DELIVERING AUDITING HCO PL 11 October 71 CORRECTION SELLING AND DELIVERING AUDITING BIG LEAGUE REGISTRATION POLICIES: HCO PL 2 Nov 72R "Big League" Reg Series 1 (Revised and Reissued Ist Dec 72) USE OF SALESMANSHIP TECH AND SKILLS HCO PL 1 Dec 72 "Big League" Reg Series 2 SALES DATA SHEET HCO PL 1 Dec 72 "Big League" Reg Series 3 PROSPECTING AT THE CLOSE AND THE ADMIN INVOLVED HCO PL 1 Dec 72 "Big League" Reg Series 4 SIGN-UP MADE SIMPLE HCO PL 1 Dec 72 "Big League" Reg Series 5 HANDLING THE PUBLIC INDIVIDUAL, OFFER HIM A CHOICE HCO PL 1 Dec 72 "Big League" Reg Series 6 Cancels HCO PL 26 Nov 71R THE PUBLIC REG POST SIMPLIFIED AND STREAMLINED HCO PL 1 Dec 72 "Big League" Reg Series 7 Cancels HCO PL 26 Nov 71R "Public Reg Interview Admin" REGISTRATION CARDS, UTILIZATION OF HCO PL 1 Dec 72R "Big League" Reg Series 8 THE "BIG LEAGUE" TRAINING OFFICER HCO PL 1 Dec 72 "Big League" Reg Series 9 DUPLISTICKER-INFO PACK ASSEMBLY LINE BPL 1 Dec 72R "Big League" Reg Series 10R (HCO PL 1 Dec 72 Revised 2 June 74 and reissued as Board Poi Ltr) COMPETITIVE REGISTRATION COMMISSION SYSTEM BPL 1 Dec 72R "Big League" Reg Series 13 HOW A REGISTRAR TALKS MONEY (Cancels "How the Cashier Goes Big League") References (cont'd): CHECKSHEET SERIES BPL 5 Jul 74 Iss I TECHNIQUES OF SELLING - Checksheet O "Big League Sales Closing Techniques" Book BPL 5 Jul 74 Iss IA LEARING HOW TO LEARN - Checksheet 1 "Applied Scholastics Study Manual" BPL 5 Jul 74 Iss II THE KEY BASICS OF SELLING - Checksheet 2 BPL 5 Jul 74 Iss III CONFRONT AND COMMUNICATION TRAINING DRILLS Checksheet 3 BPL 5 Jul 74 Iss IV CLOSING TECHNIQUES - Checksheet 4 BPL 5 Jul 74 Iss V PROSPECTING AT THE CLOSE - Checksheet 5 BPL 5 Jul 74 Iss VI PROSPECT BACKOUT - Checksheet 6 BPL 5 Jul 74 Iss VII BASIC MUSTS - Checksheet 7 BPL 5 Jul 74 Iss VIII CLOSING ERRORS AVOIDANCE - Checksheet 8 BPL 5 Jul 74 Iss IX TAG-TEAM CLOSE - Checksheet 9 BPL 5 Jul 74 Iss X DOUBLE-TEAM CLOSE - Checksheet 10 BPL 5 Jul 74 Iss XI SHOW AND TELL - Checksheet 11 BPL 5 Jul 74 Iss XII BRICK OVERCOAT REMOVAL - Checksheet 12 BPL 5 Jul 74 Iss XIII BIG LEAGUE GO-BUTTON - Checksheet 13 BPL 5 Jul 74 Iss XIV BUYER TYPES CLOSING - Checksheet 14 BPL 5 Jul 74 Iss XV QUALIFYING THE PROSPECT - Checksheet 15 BPL 5 Jul 74 Iss XVI PROFESSIONAL CLOSING - Checksheet 16 BPL 5 Jul 74 Iss XVII HUBBARD PROFESSIONAL SALESMANSHIP COURSE CHECKSHEET (which is complete when all above checksheets are done as they are credited on it) A situation exists in some orgs where sales are very low. A second situation exists in several orgs where only very tiny payments are made by the public on the "sales" that are made. Data is that many orgs have been without Reges. This was under handling by the LRH Comm network getting in LRH ED 234 INT and a general push to get Reges on post. Further data is that Big League Sales has not been pushed for a year. The Why of this scene is that Reges are not closing because they do not know or do not use Big League Sales. To handle this it is necessary to activate the tech given in the above references and to get it checked out and patrolled so that it is actually and properly used. Just as auditors or a tech division will fail if they do not know or use the tech and if no one is making sure it is in use, so will Registrars fail if they do not know or use the tech of selling. Every specialized activity has its tech. Many people do not recognize that. Even washing a car has a tech and if it is not known and used, it takes hours to "wash the car" and the "product" at the end is a messed up car. Building a brick wall or digging a ditch or writing symphonies, each activity, if it is going to result in a real product that has any value, has a specialized tech. Selling, closing deals, getting the money is a highly specialized tech. I have seen a Reg actually offer credit or suggest a tiny payment when the prospect was sitting there with the full price in his pocket, ready to hand it over. Some sales people can't have money. Some have no reality on or don't believe in their product. Some are so PTS to persons who invalidate their product that they go into unconscious agreement and prevent its sale. You don't put PTS people on Reg lines. On the other side of the scene, there are Reges who seem utterly magical. People walk in and people buy in droves, the money mounts up to great heights. One could say these magical people may have a "knack" for selling, a talent. And leave it in mystery. It is no mystery. They use the tech of selling and use it straight. They are not in doubt about what they are doing. They do it. They do not alter the tech or squirrel. They just plow right ahead and SELL and CLOSE and take the money in full. This program will bring you expansion and a prosperous org. 1. Those Reges now on post must AT ONCE begin to sell BLOCKS of 12 1/2 hour Intensives (such as 6 or 8) and BLOCKS of Courses (such as HSDC up to Class II or IV or highest courses of the org). The ED is to require this and stress to Reges that this is not only possible but was the way things were done in top level orgs. Each Reg convinced and doing it. C/O OR ED _____ 2. Each Reg to get paid cash in hand in full for what is bought at the time of the close, giving financial advice, bank loan advice or any other advice needed. C/O or ED to get any disagreement, HE&R or apathy out of the way on this. C/O OR ED _____ 3. Dig up the org copies (every org had copies in 72) of "Big League Sales" and "The Language of Salesmanship" by Flag or if not found order copies of both by telex from Pubs US or Pubs DK. LRH COMM _____ 4. Have all Reges simply read "Big League Sales" using "The Language of Salesmanship" and a standard (not dinky) dictionary, and have them meter checked or word cleared on the words they may have missed. This is Board Policy Letter 5 July 74 Checksheet Zero. This is the first checksheet on the new Sales Course and they get credit for it on the full course. There are no drills or complications at this stage. Just read it. LRH COMM _____ 5. Post all the 6 Reges called for in LRH ED 234 INT of 13 June 74 without tearing up other working installations in the org. HAS _____ 6. Do tgts 3 and 4 on newly posted Reges and gen them in as needed as staff members (such as Staff Hat). LRH COMM _____ 7. Do targets 1 & 2 on the new Reges. C/O OR ED _____ 8. Smooth out or put in the lines of Reception to Reg in Divs 1, 2 and 6 including Cashier. SUPERCARGO OR HES _____ 9. See that there are no bonuses paid if 6 Reg posts are not filled. TREAS SEC _____ 10. See that only half bonuses are paid (per Board Policy Letter 1 Dec 72R Issue VIII Revised 2 June 74, Big League Registration Series 10R) each Reg until he or she has completed the full Big League Course in the Academy and been certified. TREASURY SEC _____ 11. Get each Reg indoctrinated with the slogan "SELL THE CUSTOMER IN FRONT OF YOU" (Ltr Reges and ASRs "SELL THE CUSTOMER YOU ARE WRITING OR PHONING"), pull any disagreements and HE&R or reservations about it. C/O OR ED _____ 12. Paste the slogan inside, near the front edge and big in a drawer the Reg has to open occasionally in his desk. DISSEM SEC _____ 13. Get the Academy fully grooved in on the Sales Course with books, packs, checksheets as in above reference. "What is a Course" P/L applies in full. This is part time staff study for the Reges. It is not to be sloppily done. D OF T _____ 14. Hold a brief meeting before business hours daily with the Reges, Dist Sec and Dissem Sec ana set targets. Tech Sec and Qual Sec to attend very briefly and show Reges Success Stories and tell them of pc and student wins so Reges know what they are selling is worthwhile and so they have fresh data to toss in to sales talks. Reges often hear entheta. Much oftener they don't hear of the big wins and mistakenly think they are committing overts by selling courses and intensives. C/O OR ED _____ 15. Each week select the "Reg of the week" based on volume of sales and see that the name is posted on the staff board. DIST SEC _____ 16. Have a florist deliver a flower every day to the "Reg of the week" for the last week and place it in a vase on the Reg of the week's desk. (The recipient may be different every week.) TREASURY SEC _____ 17. Put at least three persons full time on the Sales Course as reserve Reges (in addition to the 6 on post). HAS _____ 18. Get several Supervisors recruited and trained. D OF T _____ 19. Get extra C/Ses in training. D OF T _____ 20. Get twelve Staff Auditors in full-time training under full contract on a crash basis. D OF T _____ 21. Pull in C/Ses and Auditors to handle pcs. D OF P _____ 22. Get all courses well covered with Supervisors NOW. D OF T _____ 23. Man up the Admin posts of the Tech Div. HAS _____ 24. Get everyone in the Dist Div to do the checksheet of Vol 6 OEC Course. HAS _____ 25. Get everyone in the Dissem Div to do the checksheet of Vol 2 OEC. HAS _____ 26. Get everyone in the Tech Div to do the checksheet of Vol 4 OEC. HAS _____ 27. Get everyone in the Qual Div to do the checksheet of Vol 5 OEC. HAS _____ 28. Get everyone in HCO to do the checksheet of Vol 1 OEC. HAS _____ 29. Get everyone in the Treasury Div to do the checksheet of Vol 3 OEC. HAS _____ 30. Get everyone in Div 7 to do the checksheet of Vol 7 OEC. HAS _____ 31. Work out staff study hours so as not to hurt production time. HAS _____ 32. Indoctrinate Public Reges not to sell a book or HAS when they can sell anything up to Class IV Expanded Dianetics or the full offering of the org. C/O OR ED _____ 33. Put more of a type of Reg on where there is overload. HAS _____ 34. Have Reception or the Reg's Communicator keep a log of all persons interviewed. Have each marked where a service is sold and paid for. Give I&R the job of going over these logs and getting the ratio of interviews to sold for each Reg. This is a SALES % RECORD. Have these graphs made up and posted each week near the crew notice board out of public but in staff view. HAS _____ 35. Consider EVERY failure to close and get paid in full a REG GOOF and cram the Reg, getting Mis Us, disagreements off. QUAL SEC _____ 36. Weed out or get PTS Reges handled terminatedly. Replace at once if weeded out. A/G _____ 37. Watch the Reg graphs and clean up the lowest Reges finding Why they are unable to close with full payment and handle. QUAL SEC _____ 38. Make sure Reges have case wins on their own cases. QUAL SEC _____ 39. Have an electronic system installed in the org with a mike that looks like a calendar or ornament on the Reg's desk and a listen-in switch-board system in the ED's office so he can overhear at any time any interview in progress. Have a tape recorder that can plug in to the box and tape any interview. This is a duplicate of the listen-in system that cured bad auditing in DC before C/Ses existed. C/O OR ED _____ 40. Tell Reges that if any excellent interview is taped it will be sent to Flag and commended. C/O OR ED _____ 41. Have the phone company hook a phone listen-only connection to the Phone Reg's phones and available in the ED's office so that at any time a phone interview can be monitored but not interrupted. C/O OR ED _____ 42. Pressure Reges to get their full Big League checksheets done and debug any stalls such as "He has to have his PRD first" or "there is no Super now" or "there is no time" etc. LRH COMM _____ 43. Indoctrinate Reges that "One customer walking out without buying something is a goofed Reg action." C/O OR ED _____ 44. Any HAS grad who does not buy further service is a goofed Super and goofed Reg action. When "Goof Sheet" (Sales %) is low, cram HAS Super and Public Reges. QUAL SEC _____ 45. Any HAS who blows is a goofed Super action. Cram the Super. QUAL SEC _____ 46. Indoctrinate Reges into thinking big in terms of sales. But not to go after only some rumored big pkg and lose the rest. C/O OR ED _____ 47. Repeat tgts 3 to 5. HAS _____ 48. Repeat tgts 1 & 2. C/O OR ED _____ 49. Obtain new prospects by appointing 2 trained Reges (not those on key posts) and have them (a) go over old invoices of people who have successfully had services, (b) contacting them and getting them to recommend at least 2 persons who would benefit from auditing or training, (c) contacting the people recommended, (d) using the recommender's name and (e) selling them services. DISSEM SEC _____ 50. Now that your Sales Course (Big League) is fully grooved in, (a) appoint 2 trained Reges who are skilled (not those on post), (b) equip them with literature, (c) have them contact large businesses that employ numbers of salesmen, (d) have them sell a package of full training on salesmanship, (e) handling downstat salesmen, to be given to their sales employees or store clerks at a flat not small price. They are to sell salesmanship but stress new fast methods of study, as piloted in universities (Applied Scholastics Study Tech) and basic sales technology plus the ability to confront customers well. These courses are Academy courses and taught as such. DIST SEC _____ 51. Sell any such students personally (in tgt 50) basic auditing in addition to the course "to handle personal problems" and basic Auditor Class training "to know all about the mind" when they are well along in the course. DISSEM SEC _____ 52. Balance up org by recruiting, not musical chairs or dismissal, to 2 to 1 Admin-Tech ratio. SUPERCARGO OR HES _____ 53. Redo the whole Program, catching newly posted persons or holes or omissions or targets dropped out. LRH COMM _____ Good luck and prosperity. The planet is ours. Grow up big enough to handle it. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER Adopted as Official Church Policy by the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL CSI:LRH:clb:bk:iw Copyright 0 1974, 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED =========================== 484 ED 237 INT 6 Jul 74 "...THE BOOM IS ON..." [p. 217] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 237 INT 6 July 1974 060703R ALL ORGS LRH ED 237 INT LRH COMMS. INT STATS SO AND SCN ARE SOARING AGAIN. THE BOOM IS ON. PUSH IN LRH EDs 234, 235, 236 INT HARD AND WELL, FAST! ALSO GET DONE AND IN HERE LONG RANGE ESTABLISHMENT PGMS FOR YOUR ORG AS IT IS GOING TO GROW AND GROW. THE PLANET IS OURS. LOVE = RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:clb:gal =========================== 485 ED 238 INT 6 Jul 74 ADDITIONAL REGES [p. 215-6] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 238 INT 6 July 1974 To: LRH COMMS Subject: ADDITIONAL REGES Ref: LRH ED 234 INT REG BONUSES LRH ED 235 INT MAGIC FORMULA LRH ED 236 INT REG PGM NO. 2 LRH ED 237 INT TELEX TO LRH COMMS TO GET THESE EDs IN PLUS LONG RANGE ESTABLISHMENT PGM. BODY REGES In any org where the volume of public traffic is large, additional Body Reges and Public Reges must be posted. The point which establishes need is whether or not there are any people waiting for interview. Where public waiting is constant, more Reges are needed so that instant service occurs. LTR REGES Where the volume of letters requires it more than one Letter Reg should be posted. The point that establishes this is whether there is a backlog of incoming mail PLUS is anyone writing to CF correspondents. Letter Reges are added so that there is no backlog occurring or building and there is a program of writing to CF independent of day to day inflow. Letter Reges should be able to get one for one answers to their letters. I do, even when using another name, just by applying Letter Reg policy. Form letters do not get answers. A letter written with the person's current letter in hand AND the CF folder to consult, lets one write a warm, interested letter TO THAT PERSON. These get answers. CF AND ADDRESS When a CF is not kept filed up to date and is incomplete or not available, the org loses thousands of dollars a week in Div 2 only. A Central Files clerk (or a team when it is all backlogged) is a vital necessity. Address must be manned up to match the CF and to keep address changes going. It must be manned up or it makes promo useless and over-expensive. Vol 2 OEC gives the know-how of CF and Address. It is very wasteful to put out promo to an inaccurate Div 2 mailing list. It is almost impossible to write good letters to a nonfiled CF. These have usually been neglected points. SUMMARY In manning up Reg posts per LRH ED 234 INT these points above must be kept in mind. LRH ED 234 INT is an absolute minimum of Reges. And Reges require back up. Also when Ethics files are not available or not up to date, errors can be made in accepting people and result in needless refunds. There are additional Reg posts and there are back up posts like CF, Address and Ethics files which are vital to stats. There's nothing like doing the routine and standard to get stats up. The most on-policy orgs are always the high stat and most stable and expanding orgs. The policies are in the OEC volumes. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:clb:gal =========================== 486 ED 235-1 INT 16 Jul 74 CLARIFICATION OF TGTS [p. 225-6] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 235-1 INT 16 July 1974 From: Ron Subject: CLARIFICATION OF TGTS B, D AND H LRH ED 235 INT Ref: LRH ED 235 INT Don't accept, or collect on all bounced cheques. Due to tlx brevity the comma was missing after accept. The target means not to knowingly accept a cheque you know will bounce - BUT if you do get one that bounces, collect it. All tgts of LRH ED 235 INT were the result of direct evaluation of the current scene. Orgs' Corrected Gross Income is falling way below GI in most orgs mainly because of bounced checks and partly because of refunds. Sometimes a person will give a Reg a check and ask the Reg not to cash it and the Reg turns it in to Treasury and it gets deposited with a resulting ARC Break. The best way to handle is request cash - but if that is still not forthcoming accept only a post-dated (future date) check and say service begins on that date. Refunds are covered in D. for a Paid Completion has to be accompanied with a Success Story. Delay of paid service is caused by lack of auditors, C/Ses and Supervisors. C/S Series 81 has also raised its head in refunds. Auditors should only be paid low pay and a WDAH bonus. A WDAH requires an F/N at the examiner. Some orgs paying for completions have had their auditors push harder pcs over to Ethics and label them "dog cases" Auditors are supposed to take any case today, not just easy ones. Target D. therefore avoids refunds. Target H. must NOT cause musical chairs in an org. This can crash stats. If it has happened, then iron it out, revert to posts, get on new staff, require full hat turnover before moving up. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:clb:gal =========================== 487 ED 9 EU 17 Jul 74 PTS HANDLING [p. 613-4] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 9 EU 17 July 1974 To: All EU Scn and SO Staff EU PCs and Students From: RON Subject: PTS HANDLING References: HCO P/L 31 May 71 PTS AND SP DETECTION, Issue IV ROUTING AND HANDLING CHECKSHEET HCO B 10 Aug 73 PTS HANDLING HCOP/L 5 Apr 72 PTS TYPE A HANDLING Issue I Several instances have come to my attention lately where staff members have been routed off staff because they were "PTS". It is almost never necessary to route anyone off staff because they are PTS. It is too easy to handle. HCOP/L 5 April 1972 Issue I "PTS TYPE A HANDLING" gives data on this. HCOB 10 Aug 73 "PTS HANDLING" is the usual procedure. Bad listing and wrong items can mess up a person. When a person doesn't recover from "PTS handling" one has a wrong item. It is easily checked on a meter. "Was it a wrong person that was indicated?" Or do an L4B to correct wrong lists. One should not audit a PTS person on other things than being PTS. One does NOT HAVE TO put the person off auditing. It is just something that is there to be handled. Therefore ANY STAFF MEMBER MOVED OFF STAFF "FOR BEING PTS" IS RESTORED TO STAFF. ANY PC OR STUDENT THAT HAS BEEN SUSPENDED FROM AUDITING "FOR BEING AN ETHICS CASE" OR "BEING PTS" IS RESTORED TO AUDITING AND THE PRACTICE IS FORBIDDEN. PUBLIC I have just ordered that "Fundamentals of Thought" be translated into every European language and published quickly. People who are "anti-Scientology" usually know nothing about it. If a basic book in their own language is given to parents or husbands or associates by the Scientologist they are invalidating, some understanding can result. Any press attack on Scientology or its orgs contained nothing hut falsehoods. These are under heavy suit and the suits one after another are being won. The attacks were generated by psychiatry because it sees its existence threatened. Psychiatry was the scourge of Europe, an extension of the Middle Ages. Psychiatry murdered over six and a half million people to help Hitler. How many Europeans they damage or kill a year is their close kept crime. Thus they attack anyone who seeks to help others and do so through their more unsavory connections. Thus a certain number of parents or friends are exposed to this barrage of lies. They invalidate the Scientologist and he may or may not become PTS to them. PTS means "Potential Trouble Source" We are cleaning up psychiatry - they are losing every battle. We are the winning side. PTSness is easy to handle. And anyway, why be PTS to losers? When you can be a winner? With Scientology. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal NOTE: Many different basic books in Danish, Dutch, German, Swedish and French are available to every org and individual from Pubs DK. =========================== 488 ED 10 EU 19 Jul 74 LANGUAGE BARRIERS [p. 610-12] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 10 EU 19 July 1974 To: C/Os, EDs and All Staffs Europe From: RON Subject: LANGUAGE BARRIERS Refs: LRH ED 5 EU, 4 Nov 71 TAPE TRAINING PLAN HCO Admin Letter of 6 Feb 74 TRANSLATIONS ISSUES CHECKLIST Board Policy Letter 15 January 74 Issue II TRANSLATOR HAT CHECKSHEET Millions of people in all countries that speak English agree that Scientology is THE new way of life and that Scientology works. This is because those millions can read the books of Scientology, study the tech and admin courses and receive the benefits of fully trained Auditors. In the early days of Dianetics and Scientology, when not much written material existed and all the tech and admin was not yet there, orgs and Scientologists had troubles not unlike those they have had in Europe. The difference today is that ALL the books, tech and admin are available to English speaking countries, but only a tiny fraction of these are available to countries that do not speak English. Thus European Orgs have troubles like those of the very early days in other countries. The interest of staff members and Scientologists in the subject is not understood by the public. Auditors in orgs only train up to Class Zero. Bilingual Auditors are few. So here is a whole mountain of tech and knowledge that has not yet wholly found its way into Europe. It could not, despite the efforts of European Scientologists to translate bits of it. Thus European Orgs and public are being denied know-how that would change their whole lives for the better. This was all solved some years ago by a plan of translating basic books into each language for public interest and putting all the Academy and Admin (student and staff) materials on recording tape. Every org must stock, put in bookstores and sell these translated books. Every Class IV org needs many sets of all tape materials up to Class IV being used in its Academies to make good Auditors. Every org needs all admin materials in tape form for staff and public admin courses. THESE are the knowledge you need and want. With this knowledge available in your Academies and to your staff you can expand easily. The above referenced checklist materials tell all about tape. The following books are available to orgs so they can sell them and get them into local bookstores. Danish: Basic Scientology Picture Book Evolution of a Science - hardback Fundamentals of Thought - hardback Problems of Work - hardback What Are People For - (booklet for dissemination) 20th Century Religion - (the GO book) - hardback Abridged Dictionary Dutch: Evolution of a Science - hardback Axioms and Logics German: Dianetic Picture Book Scientology Picture Book Evolution of a Science - hardback Fundamentals of Thought - hardback Problems of Work - hardback Swedish: Scientology Picture Book Evolution of a Science - hardback DMSMH - hardback Fundamentals of Thought - hardback Problems of Work - hardback 20th Century Religion - hardback Abridged Dictionary French: Problems of Work - hardback Scientology Picture Book DMSMH - hardback Issued by Paris. Dianetics '55 Evolution of a Science Fundamentals of Thought Axioms and Logics ORGS MUST GET AND SELL AND PUT IN BOOKSTORES THE ABOVE BOOKS. Long, long lists of translated and taped materials are available from Pubs DK. The org must send for them. And on arrival they must be put to correct use in Academies. The language barrier is solved. Use the books and tapes. This is your key to a booming Europe. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:ks NOTE: LRH ED 10R EU 19 July 1974 (now cancelled as LRH did not write it) gave an updated list of translated works. Since the first issuance of this RED (10 EU) many, many more works have been translated: books, tapes, cassettes, courses and films. A catalog of translated works is available from New Era Publications, Denmark for your use. =========================== 489 ED 11 EU 20 Jul 74 THE TECH OF STUDY [p. 608-9] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 11 EU 20 July 1974 To: C/Os, EDs TECH SECS Ds OF T COURSE SUPERVISORS PGM for Activation by LRH Comm EU and EU Org LRH Comms. From: RON Subject: THE TECH OF STUDY Ref: BASIC STUDY MANUAL A wider dissemination and use of correct tech depends largely upon the Technology of Study. This material exists in a condensed and simple form for use by students in universities and on our own basic courses. Staff hatting is very hard to do unless the Tech of Study is known. Lower courses are hard to get through unless the student knows how to study - students never did before Study Tech was developed. The Tech of Study is new and is part of the Tech of Scientology. It is vital that it is known by staffs and students. Therefore this program for Europe is laid down: 1. Pubs DK Translations Unit is to put the Basic Study Manual (including the checksheets in the book) on small reels of tape of good clear quality in flawless German, Danish, Swedish, French and Dutch. TU CHIEF. _____ 2. At least a dozen of the Basic Study Manual Tapes to be shipped to each org in the language of that org. TU CHIEF. _____ 3. The LRH Comm of the Org is at once to put the whole staff part time out of production hours through this short course using the tape and checksheet on it. LRH COMM ORG. _____ 4. Any low points Tech Course Students or any Admin Course Students are to be put through the Short Basic Study Course (it is assumed that Tech Students of higher courses will do the full Student Hat Tapes, this is in addition). TECH SEC. _____ 5. Any very slow student is to be made to read aloud so his hesitations or omissions will detect misunderstoods so they can be detected and defined. Then they are put through the Basic Study Manual fully. TECH SEC. _____ 6. Signify completion of this LRH ED to LRH Comm EU. ORG LRH COMM. _____ L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal/dr =========================== 490 ED 12 EU 22 Jul 74 "...TAPE TRANSLATION TGT..." [p. 607] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 12 EU 22 July 1974 220701R FLEU A/G EU LRH ED 12 EU ATTN: LRH COMM, FREU, C/O, PGMS CHIEFS, ALL STAFF FROM: RON REF: LRH ED 236 INT TGT 10. AS BLS JUST NOW UNDER TAPE TRANSLATION TGT 10 236 INT IS MODIFIED FOR EU TO TAKE EFFECT SIX WEEKS AFTER RECEIPT BLS TAPES AND TAPED BASIC STUDY MANUAL. LOVE = RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:iw =========================== 491 ED 13R EU 22 Jul 74 STAFF PAY [p. 606] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 13R EU 22 July 1974 Revised 15 September 1976 [Bullets 3, 4, 8, 9, and 10 below are in script indicating that they have been revised - Ed.] 220702R FLEU LRH ED 13 EU TO: ALL STAFFS, TREAS SECS, A/GFs FROM: RON SUBJECT: STAFF PAY REF: P/L 15 DEC 66, P/L 21 JUL 66. HEREAFTER: 1. NO SCN ORG STAFF MEMBER MAY GO UNPAID. 2. A MINIMUM OF 30% OF CGI MUST GO TO STAFF PAY. 3. DELETED. 4. THE PAY SCALE OF BPL 74 JULY 75R-I (RE-REVISED 28 AUG 76) IS TO BE PUT IN. A/G PAY IS EXCEPTED OR PER DGF WW. 5. ANY DISPUTES OR ADJUSTMENTS TO BE SETTLED BY AGF CONTINENTAL EU. 6. THIS SYSTEM AND ORDER APPLIES ONLY TO FULLY CONTRACTED STAFF. 7. PERSONS MOONLIGHTING IN ANY WAY THAT INFLUENCES THEIR ORG PRODUCTION HOURS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE. 8. IT IS A COMM EV OFFENSE TO NOT COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ED. 9. IT IS A COMM EV OFFENSE TO PAY HIGH SELECTIVE UNITS OR TO GIVE OUTSIDE AUDITORS HIGH PAY SO THAT STAFF IS BEGGARED. 10. BONUSES ARE TO BE PAID PER BPL 14 JULY 75R-I RE-REVISED 28 AUG 76 "PROPORTIONATE PAY PLAN 1976". DESPITE ITS PILOT STATUS THIS BPL HAS THE FULL FORCE OF POLICY IN EU. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:iw =========================== 492 ED 241 INT 22 Jul 74 POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCES [p. 213] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 241 INT 22 July 1974 220703R To: ALL STAFFS, GO, A/Gs, HAS, EOs, Ds Of P From: RON Subject: POTENTIAL TROUBLE SOURCES Ref: HCOB 10 AUG 73 HCO P/L 5 APR 72 Issue I AS THE ACTUAL TECH OF PTS IS NOT WELL UNDERSTOOD OR USED: 1. NO STAFF MEMBER MAY BE DISMISSED FOR BEING PTS. ANY STAFF MEMBER PREVIOUSLY DISMISSED AS PTS MUST BE RESTORED TO STAFF. 2. A COMM EV OR CONDITION MAY BE ORDERED ON ANY STAFF MEMBER REFUSING OR FAILING TO HANDLE PER ABOVE REFERENCES. 3. NO HGC PC MAY BE ROUTED OFF LINES AS PTS BUT MUST BE HANDLED BY THE AUDITOR USING ABOVE REFS. 4. ONLY WHEN THE ORG HAS A GRADUATE OF GO JUSTICE CSE ON POST MAY 3 ABOVE BE RELAXED AND ONLY THEN WHEN PTSs ARE ACTUALLY BEING HANDLED BY HIM. PTSNESS IS ACTUALLY A PTP AND CAUSES ROLLER COASTER AS IT IS DIFFICULT TO AUDIT OVER A PTP OR WORK EITHER. BUT IT ISN'T ALL THAT HORRIBLE. AND IT CAN BE HANDLED, USUALLY EASILY. LOVE = RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:bk =========================== 493 ED 241 INT 22 Jul 74 ADDENDUM [p. 214] ADDENDUM LRH ED 241 INT Since this LRH ED was originally issued, reference dates for the PTS handling issues noted at the top of the issue have changed, and the PTS Cassette CAN WE EVER BE FRIENDS has been made available. The Reference lines of the issue should now read: "HCOB 10 Aug 73 "HCO PL 20 Oct 81 "PTS CASSETTE - CAN WE EVER BE FRIENDS" Additionally, the course named in Point 4 has changed. Point 4 should now read: "ONLY WHEN THE ORG HAS A GRADUATE OF PTS DETECTION, ROUTING AND HANDLING CSE ON POST MAY 3 ABOVE BE RELAXED AND ONLY THEN WHEN PTSs ARE ACTUALLY BEING HANDLED BY HIM." Flag Mission LRH EDs Authorized by AVC Approved by WDC for the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL CSI:WDC:AVC:SW:iw =========================== 494 ED 242 INT 24 Jul 74 PUBLIC HAS COURSE [p. 212] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 242 INT 24 July 1974 To: EDs Div 6es ALL STAFF From: RON Subject: PUBLIC HAS COURSE References: HCO Policy Letter of 12 Sept 65 "Foundation Course Change" Page 204 OEC Volume 6 LRH ED 235 INT, Step D Orgs that have gotten this new Course in fully are highly commended. Only about 10 orgs (about 10%) do not yet have this course in. Those orgs which have it in now very fully are doing splendidly. Vancouver had 8 Grads last week, no blows, 100% re-sign up, $10,300 GI from Grads plus 2 new staff and 20 starts for this week. San Diego has 18 attendees and no blows first time ever (former blow rate was 80% to 100%). Saint Louis's initial phase over gave them no blows and 100% re-sign up. Some orgs have had a bit of a rough time getting adjusted staff-wise so they had a Supervisor for it. They would be very wise to get the Super scene handled well and quickly. The success of this course has considerable dependence on a good, straight forward, in-tech Supervisor. The course was the original LRH designed course, rechosen over the later courses (1971 and the 9 May checksheet). The newer ones, written by others and added to had a very high blow rate and low re-sign up and were successful only when brilliantly supervised. The "new" course has been very well received around the world. Scn Basic Course Completions are in International Affluence. Hey, could this be the next boom? L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 495 ED 243 INT 25 Jul 74 BOOKS MAKE BOOMS [p. 211] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 243 INT 25 July 1974 260701R TOP PRIORITY TO: EDs COs DISSEM SECS ATTN LRH COMMS FROM: RON SUBJECT: BOOKS MAKE BOOMS REF: VOL 2 OEC, AO 504 EVAL SHOWS WAY PAVED FOR BOOM BY EARLIER PUBLIC BOOK SALES. WHEN BOOK PUSH FALLS BOOM FALTERS. 1. GET AREA MAG OUT AT ONCE THAT HARD SELLS BOOKS METERS TAPES AND MAJOR SERVICES. 2. ENCLOSE BOOK FLIERS IN ALL LETTERS OUT. 3. MAN UP BOOK SECTION. 4. STOCK UP ON BOOKS METERS TAPES. 5. GET RECEPTION SELLING BOOKS. 6. SELL HAS STUDENTS BOOKS. 7. DISPLAY BOOK SIGNS. 8. GET CF AND ADDRESS STRAIGHT BY RECRUITING POSTING MATTING. 9. MAIL MAJORS TO MEMBERS MINORS TO WHOLE CF. 10. GET BOOKS IN LOCAL STORES. 11. GET FULLY IN VOL 2 OEC MAG BOOK METER TAPE POLICY. RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 496 ED 231-1R INT 27 Jul 74 EXPANSION TARGETS DATE MODIFIED [p. 231-3] [This has changes in script, shown by placing them in <>] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 231-1R INT <27 July 1974> To: LRH Comms Cont'l All Staff From: RON Subject: EXPANSION TARGETS DATE MODIFIED AND RE-PROGRAMMED FOR <153RC> Ref: LRH ED 231 INT EXPANSION TARGETS 9 May 74 HCO P/L 8 Feb 72 EXEC SERIES 7 Issue II <(LRH Comm Cont'l to get this programm done and fully in fast. Tgts on original 231-1 count on this.)> <(Changes in Script.)> I have reviewed the expansion targets of this ED and find that it would be better to proceed from the original target date of 27 Dec 1973. 0. Telex all orgs that their 13 Mar 75 target date for 10x is based on 27 Dec 73, per this LRH ED. LRH COMM CONT'L. _____ 1. Therefore: Immediately draw all Continental GDS expansion graphs from 27 Dec 73 to <13 Mar 75> for <10x>. FOLO MR. EXPANSION. _____ 2. Do the same for each org. FOLO MR. EXPANSION. _____ 3. Have it done at each org. LRH COMM ORG. _____ 4. Have your Continental Mr. Expansion post the graphs in Programs. LRH COMM CONT'L. _____ 5. Have each org post their graphs in their OIC. LRH COMM ORG. _____ 6. On a weekly basis have Pgms Chiefs target orgs on a weekly basis, using the line that passes that week for that GDS. FOLO MR. EXPANSION. _____ <6A. Have the sums picked off on a DAILY BASIS for daily phone quotas from FOLOs. MR. EXP. _____ > 7. See that Pgms Chiefs are checked out on HCO P/L 8 Feb 72 Issue II Exec Series 7, all Mis-Us pulled, starrate and demos. LRH COMM CONT'L. _____ 8R. Have Mr. Expansion require weekly quotas of the Org CO or ED LRH COMM CONT'L. _____ <9R. Rochet the ED or C/O whose Paid Comps, GI or other GDS goes down and name the LRH ED 753RC ED's on C/O's Tgt that applies and demand he get it in. PGM CH fOLO. _____ > <9a. Rochet the FR if Paid Starts, PRPS or Booksales goes down and have him handle the appropriate 153RC Tgt and DO it. PGM CH FOLO. _____ > <9b. At the first sign of personnel scarcity, musical chairs, space scarcity, off policy actions, out ethics or high refunds, rocket LRH Comm to get the appropriate LRH Comm 153RC Tgt in. PGM CH FOLO. _____ > <9c. Use telex whenever posible as it has a memory and is cheeper. PGM CH FOLO. _____ LRH COMM FOLO. _____ FR CONT'L. _____ > 10. Forbid invalidation and HE and R on phone or long distance comm lines and limit the calls to one a day at a prearranged time. LRH COMM CONT'L. _____ 11. Get in the 3rd Dynamic TR 2 and TR 4 on Pgms Chiefs and Mr. Expansion. LRH COMM CONT'L. _____ 12. Push LRH EDs to compliance by LRH Comms in orgs. LRH COMM CONT'L. _____ <13R. Push Flag evaluated Pgms for the org to priority completion via FRs in the org. FR CONT'L. _____ > <14R. Keep the stat books, promptly kept up to date, for all key stats and especially those of 153RC for use by Mr. Exp & Pgm Chs. FOLO DATA AIDE. _____ > <15R. If no Single Hatted LRH Comm in org, get one there. LRH COMM CONT'L. _____ > <16R. If no Single Hatted Flag Rep in org, put one there. FR CONT'L. _____ > <17. If inadequate Pgm Chiefs in FOLO get them posted and hatted. LRH COMM CONT'L. _____ > <18. If no adequate Ext Comm Aide or Personnel or Data Aide or personnel, get them posted and hatted. COMM CONT'L. _____ > <19. If telex or phone line showing up in illegal, off policy orders, get the personnel hatted, trained or replaced. LRH COMM CONT'L. _____ > <20. If no LRH Comm Cont'l Single Hatted, appoint one who is SO and qualified. CS-7. _____ > <21. if no FR Cont'l Single Hatted, appoint ane. FFR. _____ > <22. If no functioning ED in org, appoint one. SUPERCARGO FB. _____ > <23. If no functioning C/O FOLO, appoint one. SUPERCARGO FB. _____ <24. Get FOLO Recruiting successfully. FPPO. _____ > <25. Get the whole FOLO enrolled on and attending a Data Series Course. LRH COMM CONT'L. _____ 26. Start up an OEC Course in a neanby org and begin to make trained Execs. LRH COMM CONT'L. _____ L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal NOTE: All LRH ED 153 series (153 through 153RJ) were cancelled by LRH in December 1976. The current issue of this series by LRH is LRH ED 153RK in this pack. =========================== 497 ED 244 INT 28 Jul 74 RAISING GI STAT [p. 210] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 244 INT 28 July 1974 280710R TO: DGF WW, A/GFs, FBO CONTLS, FBOs FROM: RON SUBJECT: RAISING GI STAT REF: HCO P/L 20 NOV 65, PG 84 OEC VOL 0 AND 28 JUL 74 ADD. (NOT 15/4/73.) (1) DEMAND FBOs GET IN REF P/L AS THEIR ORG PUSH ACTION. (2) REQUIRE FP BE CONDUCTED AGAINST REF P/L FBO ADDING FINANCING TO GET PROMO IN P/L DONE. P/L IS CHECKLISTED AGAINST FP TO BE SURE THEY ARE PROVIDED FOR. LOVE = RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:bk ===========================