FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES - 20/28 ============================ This is the Second Foundation. Our purpose is to keep LRH's plan on track (ref: Asimov). CofS has gone off the rails. This is an announcement of our support of FZBA, Freezone, and The Pilot. We are posting the LRH EDs to make ammends for our long delay in taking action. ARC, PROGRAM DIRECTOR SECOND FOUNDATION ============================ LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES This is a complete copy of the "Original LRH EDs" or Blue Volumes as issued by Bridge in 1983. The full contents for all 28 parts posted is in part 1. The volumes were divided into the 3 numbering Series, and subdivided into the classes of EDs (INT = International, WW = World Wide, SH = Saint Hill, etc.) and placed in reverse order (latest first) within type. This was quite confusing because of some EDs being in multiple classes with different numbers in each class. We rearranged everything in date order (earliest first) to give a better historical perspective and make these easy to find by date. The original table of contents is included in part 2 and the original page numbers are in "[]" at the beginning of each ED. See IMB 5 in part 2 for an explanation of the 3 Series of ED numbers and a list of valid (but expired) EDs not included. See LRH ED 345 INT in part 28 for a list of cancelled LRH EDs that were not included. These are only the EDs that are in the Blue Volumes. ************************************************** FZBA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** Part 20 462 ED 168 INT 27 Jan 72 ESTABLISHMENT OFFICERS 463 ED 169 INT 27 Jan 72 IMPORTANT P/L 464 ED 171 INT 18 Feb 72 SUBJECT = SURVEY = RESPONSE 465 ED 173 INT 20 Mar 72 PROD-ORG SYSTEM and the EST O 466 ED 174 INT 29 Mar 72 STUDY AND TECH BREAKTHROUGH 467 ED 175 INT 4 Apr 72 TECH DIV PRIMARY RUNDOWN 468 ED 176 INT 24 Apr 72 AUDITOR RECOVERY 469 ED 178 INT 30 May 72 SUPER-LITERACY 470 ED 1 PUBS 29 Jul 72 CATALOGUE PROJECT 471 ED 181 INT 7 Sep 72 EVALUATION 472 ED 182 INT 11 Nov 72 A SUCCESS STORY 473 ED 205 INT 28 Sep 73 TRANSFER OF GUARDIAN FUNCTIONS 474 ED 214 INT 14 Dec 73 RON'S JOURNAL 4 FUEL AND THE WORLD 475 ED 1 UK 14 Dec 73 "...UTILIZE THE PUBLIC'S FREE..." 476 ED 215 INT 15 Dec 73 LARGEST PAINTING =========================== 462 ED 168 INT 27 Jan 72 ESTABLISHMENT OFFICERS [p. 274-5] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 168 INT 27 January 1972 To: C/Os EDs EXECUTIVES ALL STAFF SUBJECT: ESTABLISHMENT OFFICERS, An Answer to HCOs. SPECIAL OFFER Reference: LRH ED 159 INT Note: TEOs, QEOs are called for in LRH ED 159 INT. This requirement is relieved if the following program is done. The ESTABLISHMENT OFFICER is one who establishes a DIVISION. As a Deputy of the HAS but in the Division under its secretary, the Establishment Officer puts in the divisional personnel, lines, materiel and trains, hats and maintains and expands the established division to the benefit of the org and its staff. The majority of the EstOs trained so far have shown that this action has a direct and continual effect on stats and GI. There are now courses for Establishment Officers of each of the seven divisions: ExecEO, HCOEstO, DEO, TREO, TEO, QEO, and PEG. To relieve your org of much of the expense of sending TEO and QEO trainees to Flag you may accept the following alternative: 1. Take a staff executive who held the fort and kept things going while others were off being trained in 1971, or take your highest stat exec. 2. Send him to Flag for the Flag FEBC. 3. We will crash train him as a full Exec. 4. We will train him how to train Est Officers. 5. We will provide him with the full checksheets and packs of all seven EstOs. 6. We will return him as a missionaire to recruit and get in the EstO system in your org fully. 7. When he has done so successfully we will appoint him Flag Representative to your org with the duty of giving you the full benefit of Flag-CLO-Org system and the maintenance of the EstO system. In a small org it may require some time to build up to seven EstOs. BUT IT CAN BE DONE. Any on policy org in any area, by actual continual proof expands with prosperity and success to all. The main reason any division or org falters is that its divisional functions fall out. When these are not continually established the org ceases to prosper. At first the EstOs may have to be double or triple hatted - taking on two or three divisions. This begins the expansion and soon they become single division EstOs. This EstO program is developed as a Flag validation for those who stayed home and kept the store. Mostly SO people will now be trained at Flag in the higher Executive levels. The FEBC is being taught now at the SHs for top org executives. In applying for FEBC EstO on Flag it must be attested that the candidate 1. Actually held the fort successfully while others were trained (or if no one in the org was sent for senior Exec Courses, that the person was a mainstay of at least a division). 2. Must have return airfare. 3. Must have had case gain. 4. Must not be connected to antagonistic people or involved in problems or debts. This will make it easier for you to get TEOs and QEOs as per LRH ED 159 INT. If any TEO or QEO is enroute to Flag or at Flag, never fear, he will be trained and returned on schedule. This is just an extra something. A salute to those who kept the wheels going. We would not trust everyone to train EstOs. So treat this as a special offer that is not likely to be repeated. (Write or Telex Dissem Sec Flag via the Flag Reg at your nearest CLO.) L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal NOTE: LRH ED 159 INT was cancelled by LRH ED 236 INT =========================== 463 ED 169 INT 27 Jan 72 IMPORTANT P/L [p. 273] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 169 INT 27 January 1972 To: C/Os and EDs Executives References: LRH EDs 145R, 153, 154, 159, 161, 163, 165, 168 INTERNATIONAL HCO POLICY LETTER OF 26 JANUARY 1972 AD22 ADMIN KNOW HOW 29 EXECUTIVE SERIES 5 "NOT DONES, HALF DONES AND BACKLOGS" IMPORTANT P/L Any troubles you may be having with getting in the LRH EDs listed above are answered in the new P/L "NOT DONES, HALF DONES AND BACKLOGS". This policy letter was developed by carefully inspecting two major areas and body traffic in HCOs. The condition of many Dissem Div CFs is a striking example of this P/L. If your org has any areas of apathy in it or if any part of it is going frantic this P/L and the program in it is your immediate answer. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes:gal =========================== 464 ED 171 INT 18 Feb 72 SUBJECT = SURVEY = RESPONSE [p. 272] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 171 INT 18 February 1972 To: Div 2 Div 6 SUBJECT = SURVEY = RESPONSE Reference: LRH ED 161 INT of 18 Dec 71 "Surveys are the Key to Stats and Survey Promo Mini Hat." LRH ED 170 INT of 20 Jan 72 "Survey Campaign Project No. 1" A very convincing example of the VITAL NECESSITY of surveying if you want ANY response from your Promo is illustrated by a report just received from Celebrity Center. 1. Three BIG names were to appear for a Scientology show on a big college campus. The campus was flooded with promo for which no survey was done. Only 80 people turned up for their show. 2. One week later another Scientology show SURVEYED and found the tone level (ANXIETY) and put up posters only. (Far less promo than the first show.) THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY PEOPLE TURNED UP for the show and six raw public promptly signed up. SURVEY DONE AND SURVEYS USED STATS UP One org with Power Trend has done nothing without survey. The closed door against which some orgs are banging their heads is lack of surveys. GET A SURVEY TEAM. HAT IT WITH THE ABOVE EDs. GET BIG AND PROSPEROUS! Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes:gal =========================== 465 ED 173 INT 20 Mar 72 PROD-ORG SYSTEM and the EST O [p. 269-71] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 173 INT 28 March 1972 To All Staff Subject: PROD-ORG SYSTEM and the EST O BACK-UP SYSTEM References: FEBC Tapes Est O Series Policy Letters It is vital to clarify the relationship between the Product Org Officer System and the new Establishment Officer Back-Up System. THE ONLY THING CHANGED IN THE PRODUCT-ORG OFFICER SYSTEM IS THE ROLE OF THE HAS. All other parts and duties of the Prod-Org System as taught on the FEBC and as contained in FEBC tapes up to and including Tape No. 7 IS TOTALLY VALID and is still in FULL USE. FEBC Tapes 8, 9 and 10 are cancelled. They deal with the HAS. These tapes (FEBC 8, 9 and 10 only) are replaced by the ESTABLISHMENT OFFICER TAPE SERIES. The situation was this. The Product Org System would send an org into a boom. In the scramble to get the Product, the Product Officer and Org Officer would disestablish the org. The HAS was unable to put an org there fast enough to expand, being only one secretary and being hit by all divisions. In actual fact, HCO never had full Establishment duties before this. (Tech for instance hired and trained its own auditors, divisional sees trained their own staffs.) This sudden overload of new duties plus the overload of trying to Establish an expanding org being hammered by the Product Officer and Org Officer, collapsed HCO. HCO has its own duties and products as given by the org board and policy. Having here been unburdened IT MUST NOW MAINTAIN THESE. HASes who tried are thanked. They should get busy and get HCO producing its products per org board. EST Os The Establishment Officer Back-Up System puts enough personnel into the org and its Divisions (the Establishment Officers) to solidly maintain the form of the org and its divisions rapidly enough to keep up with the Prod Org System. They post and hat toward production, take care of spaces, lines, files and generally keep the form there. They do not get out the products of the division. They keep the staff well enough hatted and handled to do so. ORG OFFICERS A new situation has just been exposed to view. Where an org's Org Officer or a division's Org Officer is removed, the division, no matter how upstat, promptly collapses. This has happened uniformly each time it has happened. THIS MEANS THE PROD-ORG SYSTEM IS A SUCCESS. It is responsible for increasing production and the state of the org or division. By adding an Establishment Officer to each division, whose duties are wholly Establishment, the Product and Org Officers are freed up to produce and work on production and are not pulled down the org board. When the org officer is transferred over to be an Est O, then production is defeated. Only when the Org Officer is left on post to do his job of organizing production for the Product Officer does the division or org maintain its stats. When an Org Officer also has to handle staff as individuals he is thought to "move too slowly" to keep pace with the Product Officer. The org officer was overburdened. BALANCE The two systems do not conflict. They hold Production and Organization in balance so that progress can be made. HCOP/L 7 Mar 72 Est O Series No. 1 is being revised to retain the Org Officer and to mesh the Prod-Org System in with the Est O Back-Up System. The changes are the Deputy ED role. He will remain the Org Officer. SUMMARY These advices are released to (1) Tell you what is the Est O System and (2) To preserve the Prod Org System (3) To settle any confusions that might exist. (4) To point out the way to increasing stats without undue org stresses setting in. In essence, if you read "Est O Back-Up System" for HAS in the FEBC tapes you have a rough conversion and the scope of the change. To this is added a valuable fact, the Est O Back-Up System includes valuable never before known administrative tech for the handling of orgs and staffs and is valuable in its own right. And so is the Prod-Org System! That has suddenly been proven in reverse! When you tamper with it, a collapse can occur! The Est O system by itself, with no Prod Org System, can push up Stats but at once all seniors overload from increased production and the only remedy is a fast use or resumption of the Prod Org System as taught on the FEBC (less tapes 8, 9, 10 and 11) plus the Est O tapes just made. With these TWO forces, the Prod-Org working behind production, and the Est O working behind Establishment THE SKY IS NOT HIGH ENOUGH TO GRAPH THE STATS. Use Both! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes:gal =========================== 466 ED 174 INT 29 Mar 72 STUDY AND TECH BREAKTHROUGH [p. 265-8] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 174 INT 29 March 1972 HIGHEST PRIORITY To: Executive Directors Assistant/Guardians for Tech Deputy Guardians Tech Sees Directors of Training Qual Secs Cramming Officers Subject: STUDY AND TECH BREAKTHROUGH References: HCO PL 7 Feb 65 Keeping Scientology Working HCO B 21 Jul 71 Word Clearing Correction List (Revised 9 Aug 71) HCO B 31 Dec 71 C/S Series 53RRR (3rd Revision 22 Mar 72) HCO B 4 Feb 72 Study Correction List (2nd Revision 25 Feb 72) HCO B 22 Feb 72 Word Clearing Series 32R (Revised 26 Mar 72) HCO PL 7 Mar 72 Course Supervisors Issue II HCO PL 16 Mar 72 High Crime - What is a Course Issue V LRH COMMS OR A/Gs TO ENFORCE AND COMPLETE RAPIDLY. The QUALITY of Auditing and Administration BOTH depend on STUDY OF MATERIALS. Therefore the accurate application of STUDY TECH REGULATES THE QUALITY OF Auditing and Admin results. An on policy, on tech org booms. This has been proven continually. LONG TERM OBSERVATION: When Study Tech is in full use without any misses the Student completes and is a successful graduate and uses the materials studied. SITUATION: Some failures in Tech and Admin in some areas. DATA: Investigating failed students and blown students it has been uniformly found that THEY WERE IMPROPERLY COURSE SUPERVISED. A further investigation showed that in some courses the Course Super was (a) not present at all or (b) popped in occasionally or (c) was there but doing admin or his own work at his desk or (d) that even if he observed his students he did not use Study Tech on them. Further investigation found that when a student asked a question about the meaning of his materials the Course Super would try to answer it and WISHED HE WAS AN EXPERT ON THE SUBJECT OF THE COURSE! But he did not know enough Study Tech to get the student cleaned up on words the student had not understood. When forced to clear up such missed words on a meter, it was found he did not know enough to look at the meter when asking a question, did not know his TRs, and could not recognize when a student was cleaned up and had very good indicators and so kept on asking the question. Search then revealed that behind each failed or blown student traced, Study Tech had not been known or used by his Course Supervisor. An inspection of Supervisors found that they were not using Study Tech, each one for a different "reason" and each of the reasons traced back to their ignorance of it. WHY: STUDY TECH NOT IN USE FOR INDIVIDUAL WHYS FOR EACH SUPERVISOR AND STUDENT. STATS: In those orgs where Study Tech is not in full use the stats are low. In areas where Study Tech has been in full continual use the Stats have remained high. Stats of areas have declined after Study Tech dropped out. Stats of training activities where Study Tech began to go in rose. IDEAL SCENE: Every student completing every course he entered and becoming a high quality successful graduate using the materials he studied. HANDLING: 1. There have been many WHYs found on the subject of students and discarded as not leading to full correction. But amongst these a fact emerged THAT STUDY TECH IS THE ONLY DIANETIC OR SCIENTOLOGY COURSE MATERIAL STUDIED BEFORE STUDY TECH IS KNOWN. It has therefore been studied without the student (or the Supervisor) being given Study Tech. This is one of the more general Individual WHYs and can be remedied by this requirement: The Student Hat and the Study Tapes are required to be done TWICE before the student begins to study any other materials on any course. The first time through, each word in the Student Hat or Study Tapes he does not know, he must look up and use and Method 4 word clearing must be used thoroughly the first time through the Student Hat or Study Tapes. He is then checked out for misunderstoods and these are handled. He must then go through the materials a second time, USING Study Tech throughout them. He must then pass an examination that will disclose any further misunderstoods. If these show up he must again do the Student Hat and Study Tapes. Any student now in study who is slow or glib to do this without proceeding further. (His study thereafter should be much more rapid and successful - providing Study Tech is still used. The Product here is An Able Student Who Knows How to Study.) COURSE SUPERVISORS, D of T _____. 2. The C/O or Executive Director of the org WITHOUT REDUCING COURSE SUPERVISION must directly and at once find the Why on EACH Course Supervisor and D of T that he is not using Study Tech to the fullest extent and remedy that WHY. Avoid any PR or "that's not the Why, it's these students." Get a Study Correction List HCO B 4 Feb 72 reissued 25 Feb 72 done on each Supervisor and the D of T and fully handled. If a high or low TA prevents this get a C/S 53RRR HCOB 31 Dec 71 revised 22 Mar 72 done and handled first. (Sample WHYs actually found on Supervisors: Super A: Off Source, learned from watching another Super and not from Study Tech. Remedy: As in 1 above. Super B: Misunderstood word at start of tape. A word never looked up. Blanked out the rest of the series. Remedy: Get this and every other word on tape defined and then listen to to them using Study Tech. Super C: Big button on Control and does not want to control others. Remedy: Objective Processes especially SCS. Super D: Studied HPCSC with only Intention to apply Study data to self and not to others. Remedy: Hidden Standard Handling. - note that each Super has a different reason not to use Study tapes and materials and each requires specific handling of that WHY.) Includes TR and Advance Course Supervisors. ALL Supervisors in the Org. EST O or QUAL SEC _____. 3. Groove in a Dept of Personnel Enhancement that can Word Clear 1 and CAN AND DOES USE A WORD CLEARING CORRECTION LIST HCO B 21 July 71 Revised 9 August 71. Make sure the word clearers have good TRs, can use a meter and assess and everything. QUAL SEC _____. 4. Require Word Clear 1 as a prerequisite of any and all Course study on students. This comes before Study Tapes or Student Hat and does not waive the requirement in one. It can be at Student rates and at a locally set price but in any case not less than $250 net. WC Correction List is Free. REGISTRARS _____. 5. Get more Course Supers. HAS _____. 6. Word Clear 1 the Course Supers and remembering to use a WC Corr List. D OF T and CRAMMING OFFICER, QUAL SEC _____. 7. Do a Study Correction List on Course Supers and D of T and Cramming Officer and Handle. QUAL SEC _____. 8. Check out Course Supers, D of T and Cramming Officer on Meters and Instant Reads and HCO B 22 Feb 72 Revised 26 Mar 72 (do not use the original issue but use the Revised one), WC Series 32R. QUAL SEC _____. 9. Check out Course Super, D of T and Cramming Officer TRs and be sure they can do them. QUAL SEC _____. 10. Put Course Supers, D of T and Cramming Officer through Study Tapes and Student Hat twice as in 1 above. QUAL SEC _____. 11. Find the WHY on Students and keep the points of this program in on all tech and Admin Courses. D OF T & COURSE SUPERVISORS _____. NOTES: Programs to keep this in and assist Course Supervision and assemble all Study Tech are in progress of preparation in the Training and Services Bureau and will be issued routinely. The stat will eventually be changed to validate the product of a successful graduate who applies the materials learned. MEANWHILE THE STUDY POINT STAT MAY BE FINED 50,000 POINTS FOR EVERY MISUNDERSTOOD WORD FOUND IN MATERIALS STUDIED ON COURSE ON ANY "COMPLETED" OR BLOWING STUDENT AFTER 1 MAY 1972 BY A QUAL SEC, CRAMMING OFFICER OR STUDENT EXAMINER. WARNING: In doing this Investigation and making these remedies the Course Supervisors who had been flubbing, outspokenly rejected this WHY and it was not until the Individual WHYs on them had been found that they heartily began to cooperate. Therefore you should not be surprised at initial resistance to this program. When it is done your tech and Admin problems in the org will rapidly decline and your stats will soar! A good Academy or Class fills up! Even if you think your Courses are great, DO IT. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes:bk =========================== 467 ED 175 INT 4 Apr 72 TECH DIV PRIMARY RUNDOWN [p. 263-4] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 175 INT 4 April 1972 To: Executive Directors Assistant/Guardians for Tech Deputy Guardians Tech Sees Directors of Training Qual Secs Cramming Officers Subject: TECH DIV PRIMARY RUNDOWN References: HCO PL 7 Feb 65 KEEPING SCIENTOLOGY WORKING HCO B 21 Jul 71 (Revised 9 Aug 71) WORD CLEARING CORRECTION LIST HCO B 31 Dec 71 (3rd Revision 22 Mar 72) C/S Series 53RRR HCO B 4 Feb 72 (2nd Revision 25 Feb 72) STUDY CORRECTION LIST HCO B 22 Feb 72 (Revised 26 Mar 72) Word Clearing Series 32R HCO PL 7 Mar 72 Issue II COURSE SUPERVISORS HCO PL 16 Mar 72 Issue V HIGH CRIME - WHAT IS A COURSE? HCO B 4 Apr 72 PRIMARY RD It is not intended that all basic study actions (Primary Rundowns) be off loaded on Qual. If you note, the Qual RD is the PRIMARY CORRECTION RUNDOWN. You do not correct until something has been done that needs to be corrected. Thus the Tech Div (containing Dept of Tech Services (10), Dept of Training (11) and Dept of Processing (12)) is and must continue to be able to deliver all training and processing for which the org is classed (i.e. what level on the Grade Chart it is allowed to train to and audit to). Word Clearing of all types and kinds must be an HGC auditor skill or else a frequent change of auditors will occur and line jams will occur. There is a tendency on the part of some Divisions to offload their duties onto other areas of the org. Example: One org "offloaded" 506 public pcs by sending some of them to medical doctors, some ethics and some to Cramming! And then its ED said it had no pc backlog! It had of course 506. Not one of those pcs should have gone anywhere else. They should have been processed fully in the HGC! There went their satisfied customers and their GI! In other words, the Division that dumps its functions dumps the org! There are a billion ways to do something wrongly. There is usually only one way to do it right. The right way is the one that is sensible and effective and gets the product. All the variations are complicated, involved, consume valuable time. PRIMARY RD The Tech Div's PRIMARY RD is NOT the Primary Correction RD. The full Tech Div's Primary Rundown is given in HCOB 4 April 72. LRH ED 174 INT IS AN EMERGENCY ACTION TO GET COURSES AND STUDY ON THE ROAD. As per Tgt 11 of 174 INT, the Dept of Training at once gives students and all new students the full correct clearing of words on the Study Tapes and Student Hat and the HGC gives Word Clearing No. 1 as routine auditing. Qual is supposed to catch dropped balls. When they are caught the function returns to its proper division. ETHICS In Investigating situations on this matter, I have come up with a basic why on all org troubles with staff and tech. WHY: WORD CLEARING IS NOT USED ON ORDERS AND MATERIALS BY STUDENTS OR STAFFS. THE GENERAL SOCIAL LEVEL OF EDUCATION IS SO POOR THAT STAFFS ARE UNSUSPECTEDLY WALLOWING IN UNCLEARED WORDS. THUS THEY FAIL TO FOLLOW ORDERS TO GET IN STUDY TECH BECAUSE THEY HAVE MIS-U WORDS ON THE ORDERS! This would be a consequence of Study Tech being out. Orders to get it in also go out before it is in. Therefore HCO PL 4 April 72 is being issued that makes it an Ethics offense to study without study tech or to fail to clear words in orders or issues that have not been understood. STUDY TECH MUST GO IN STRAIGHT OR THE SCENE WON'T IMPROVE. So get Study Tech in fully and correctly right away. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 468 ED 176 INT 24 Apr 72 AUDITOR RECOVERY [p. 261-2] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 176 INT 24 April 1972 To: C/O, ED Tech Sec Subject: AUDITOR RECOVERY Reference: LRH ED 174 Int Study and Tech Breakthrough HCO PL 9 Apr 72 Correct Danger Condition (Issue III) HCO B 30 Mar 72 Primary Correction Rundown HCO B 20 Apr 72 C/S Series 78 Product Purpose and Why and WC Error Correction SITUATION: It quite often happens that an org has an auditor that stops producing or doesn't produce or blows or ceases to audit. Investigation has revealed that the auditor situation is similar to that of students who blow for lack of study tech. Each auditor who lets down has a WHY and has misunderstood words or has not really checked out on his current tech. Thus they foul up, let down or blow. As orgs sometimes find it hard to get auditors, the situation can be very hard on the C/O or ED and Tech Sec unless it is handled. STATS: Well Done Auditing Hour stats very low in some orgs and backlogs in many. WHY: Auditors can ease off or cease auditing for Individual WHYs for each auditor. Ideal Scene: All Auditors auditing more than their minimum and happily on post. HANDLING: 1. Compile three lists of auditors (a) who have left but are still in area or (b) who want to leave the org or (c) who are not getting out their hours. HAS _____. 2. M4 and study the Data Series so as to know what a WHY is, and the above references. DIR OF PERS ENHANCEMENT (or Qual Sec or as designated or done by the C/O or ED) _____. 3. Call in Auditors on lists (b) and (c) whether on Tech posts or Admin. Assess both Trouble Area Lists in the P/L 9 April 72 Issue III. Fly each read with 2 Way Comm and Earlier Similar and keep a worksheet of the auditor's answers. Find the WHY of the letdown in auditing. If not directly apparent from answers given, and is not obvious (such as PTS or missed words or no Study Tech or has not read materials or other very apparent reasons, then you can list to a BD F/N Item the Question "What Reason do you have for not auditing?" The BD F/N Item will be their Why. Write it below the Trouble Area Assessment in the space provided. DIR OF PERS E or the C/O or ED Designated Person _____. 4. See that action is done to remedy the WHY, whatever it was. It will be the Ist Dynamic Danger Formula of that P/L completed. HAS _____. 5. Do the same with list (a) in 1 above. Same person who did 3 above _____. 6. See that they apply Ist Dynamic formula. HAS _____. 7. Try to get some of list (a) to join the org staff. HAS _____. 8. Get all Org auditors and Supervisors through the Primary Correction Rundown HCO B 30 Mar 72, allowing for those steps already done previously on LRH ED 174 INT or lists (b) and (c). QUAL SEC _____. 9. Correct any wrong Whys found using C/S Series 78 HCO B 20 April 72 by correct C/Sing and handling. ORG C/S _____. Completely aside from remedying any out tech you may have, and the personal benefit the auditors will receive, this should solve any auditor scarcity problem. It is a very effective Program. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes:bk =========================== 469 ED 178 INT 30 May 72 SUPER-LITERACY [p. 255-60] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 178 INT 30 May 1972 To: All Staff All Auditors All Students All Scientologists BPI Subject: SUPER-LITERACY Reference: LRH ED 174 INT Study and Tech Breakthrough LRH ED 175 INT Tech Primary Rundown SUPER - Superiority in size, quality, number or degree. LITERACY - the ability to read and write. Almost everyone these days is able to read and write. This was not true a century ago but, with modern stress on education, it is true today. But is this enough today? It is an instruction book world. The civilization in which we live is highly technical. Education today goes into the twenties. That's a third of one's life. And what happens when one leaves school? Can he do what he studied? Does he have all his education or did it get left behind? Literacy is not enough. Today's schools and today's world require a new ability - the ability to look at a page without any strain and absorb what it says and then apply it right now without any stress at all. And is that possible? Am I talking about speed reading? No. That is just being able to read rapidly. It does not improve the comfort of reading and it does not improve the ability to apply. What is really needed is the ability to COMFORTABLY and QUICKLY take data from a page and be able at once to APPLY it. Anyone who could do that would be SUPER-LITERATE. WHAT HAPPENS? The average person - literate - is able to read words and mentally record words. [Drawings on this ED have a circle around the "mind", shown here as boxes] Like this: WORDS SAME WORDS now in his mind ======== xxxx |xxxx | xxxx |xxxx | xxxx <---------> |xxxx | xxxx |xxxx | ======== When he writes he writes: WORDS WORDS ======== xxxx |xxxx | xxxx |xxxx | xxxx <---------- |xxxx | xxxx |xxxx | ======== In his mind words are "understood" as other words like this: WORDS =========== |xxxx yyyy| |xxxx yyyy| |xxxx yyyy| |xxxx yyyy| =========== When one is Super-Literate, this is what happens: Words Concepts ========== |xxxx OX| |xxxx OX| |xxxx OX| |xxxx OX| ========== Therefore as he is dealing in concepts (ideas or understandings) this can happen: ==== |OX| ACTION <--|OX| |OX| |OX| ==== And he thinks in concepts to which he can fit words easily and so can write clearly. In other words, when one is Super-Literate, one reads not words but understandings. And so one can act. PRIMARY RUNDOWN Super Literacy is the end product of a Primary Rundown or a Primary Correction Rundown. How these are done are covered in HCO B 4 April 72 Revised 30 May 72 Primary Rundown and HCO B 30 Mar 72 Revised 30 May 72 Primary Correction Rundown. Basically they consist of a Method One Word Clearing. This is the action taken to clean up all misunderstoods in every subject one has studied. It is done by a Word Clearing Auditor. The result of a properly done Method One Word Clearing is the recovery of one's education. This in itself is quite astonishing. This makes one a WORD CLEAR. The next action is to do the Study Tapes word by word, each word looked up in a good dictionary or simple grammar. There are booklets of the words in alphabetical order for each tape, as they appear newly on each time. These were compiled on Flag for this purpose. When one has done the booklet fully one listens to the tape. He is then checked on a word clearing meter for any misunderstood words. If any are found he gets them defined and then hears the tape again. In this way he goes all the way through the Study Tape Series. As these tapes also contain all the basics of study itself he is at once in possession of the first real data on how to study something. He now goes through the Student "Hat" in the same way. In doing this he has raised his understanding of words and through words up to about ten times that of the average college graduate. And he has done it. He will find some remarkable things have come about. He can read comfortably. He can place What he reads into immediate action. His IQ will soar. He will be able to put his thoughts down on paper with ease and clarity. And there's more case gain in it than many other actions. He is SUPER-LITERATE! PRIMARY CORRECTION RUNDOWN For those who have had a hard time in schools, the Primary Correction Rundown adds correction of the past brutalities and invalidations of education and finds the reason he is "against study." The end results are the same. So it even works for tough cases! HONESTY Honest action on the Primary Rundown is required to obtain the result. Any skips, cheats, short cuts all deny the person the real result. The earliest batches of students found this out the hard way and had to be sent for a Correction Rundown! Honesty is, after all, the basis of sanity. The road to truth is only for the truthful. But even these, once corrected, made it! And became Super-Literate. BIG WIN So this is a big win in the world of study and ability. The first real data on how to study lies there in the rundown, waiting for the student to have it. And he sure isn't disappointed once he's sweated his way through it. It's like getting born. Horrible while it's going on. But oh, it's great to be alive! And able to really Communicate with the world. SUCCESS Read these Success excerpts from the first 14 students: ..A full return of the ability to read and understand without skips and non-confronts... Years and years of fogginess -- school after school after school -- have lifted... An incredible discovery -- again... Reached a new plateau in the area of education... With the words out of the way, the true meaning came through loud and clear... A whole new world opened up for me... I'm a new born citizen in a new born civilization, combat ready and able minded. ..Great feeling to be able to understand what I read... Wins are many -- communication level is different... Really handled words terminatedly... Rehabbed my study ability... Have busted through the "fear" of study... Totally changed my whole attitude to being a student and a staff member... No confusions!... Stellar attainment of knowing how to study... Ability to observe, duplicate, understand and judgement... Extra step up in awareness and confront of people and MEST. .,,Undercuts the whole field of gaining knowledge... Study has become very easy and I now enjoy it.., Vocabulary has increased to no end.., I have never learned so much... Really feel clean about studying now... Most rewarding cycle completed to date.., Opened up an incredible world of detail and meaning previously hidden -- blew tons of mass on words and significances... The greater joy of actually learning and being able to do can be reached. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ne:bk =========================== 470 ED 1 PUBS 29 Jul 72 CATALOGUE PROJECT [p. 688-9] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 1 PUBS US AND DK 28 July 1972 1 ASHO 1 AOSHDK URGENT To: Pubs Executives Subject: CATALOGUE PROJECT SITUATION: I have been examining merchandising catalogues to find what in catalogues makes people buy or not buy. WHY: Catalogues which do not fully describe materials or offer all items available do not get public purchases. IDEAL SCENE: Catalogues which fully describe and list all merchandise, are easy to read and elicit org and public purchasing in high volume. As this applies to PUBS: HANDLING: An inspection of the 1971 Catalogue of SPO A/S No. 1 1971 finds the following outnesses: "SPO A/S" at top of cover gives a Mis U to start with. The gold printed Ist page with a poem on it can't be read at all. There is a lie on the next page saying all these items are in stock and will be shipped in 24 hours. It does not start with the first 2 books (Original Thesis and Evolution of a Science) but with 1956 Fundamentals of Thought. THERE IS NOT ONE DESCRIPTION OF ANY TAPE. The Wash DC Congress in Color is not mentioned. The second catalogue, the current one, has no catalogue number. It is slanted only to orgs and starts with the words on pg 1 "BOOK INCOME" so can't be used to individual buyers. Its books are listed out of sequence. It mentions NO TAPES AT ALL. IT MENTIONS NO FILMS. If you cut the order blank the book would go to pieces. These are the faults. They have cost Pubs a fortune. THE PLUSPOINT IS THAT THE CATALOGUES EXIST AT ALL. 1. At once the C/O Pubs in US and DK are to independently assign personnel to get the Catalogues redone. _____ 2. TWO separate catalogues are to beone for, issued by both US and DK. One for orgs, one for public. A dummy is to be made with each fault listed above remedied. _____ 3. The public catalogue is to be very thin No. 10 envelope size, (same size as the SPO A/S No. 1 - 71) and easy to mail. It is to have no items the public or Franchises would not buy (like certs, pro course books, etc.). Each item is to be the subject of a short sales talk including tapes and films. The cover is to be red. CATALOGUE PROJECT. _____ 4. The org catalogue is to be in a yellow cover, able to go in a No. 10 envelope (same size as the original SPO A/S No. 1 - 71). It also describes every item and tape and film and includes all items orgs would buy, with all descriptions of how to buy. CATALOGUE PROJECT. _____ 5. A separate order form on yellow paper is to be mocked up for orgs of a size to fold several loosely into a catalogue. These give adequate quantities and discounts. CATALOGUE PROJECT. _____ 6. An order form on pink paper is to be mocked up for loose stuffing in the public or Franchise catalogue. This has the time honored form "check off the items you have" and gives a column for it and "I order these" giving column and cash price etc. for it. (This is the successful SH mailer form.) CATALOGUE PROJECT. _____ 7. The dummies are to obtain I/A as per this ED from Flag. CATALOGUE PROJECT. _____ 8. Print enough for mailing and for stock. CATALOGUE PROJECT. _____ 9. Mail to the appropriate mailing lists with order forms in them. CATALOGUE PROJECT. _____ 10. Send Orgs quantities of the individual (red) booklets and order forms. CATALOGUE PROJECT. _____ 11. Report Pjt complete to CS-7 Flag. C/O. _____ L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:iw =========================== SEE LRH ED 179R 30 Nov 1974 (the original 179 was issued 19 August 1972). =========================== 471 ED 181 INT 7 Sep 72 EVALUATION [p. 251-2] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 181 INT 7 September 1972 To: Execs Subject: EVALUATION Missions when they go into orgs, find that execs do not use the Data Series at all. Execs apparently just push and push to get stats up and when they don't go up, the Exec goes into apathy. The missing action is Evaluation. Like one org C/O yelled and yelled to get the place clean. It was filthy. And it didn't get cleaned. And the exec finally quit trying. An evaluation was done by an outsider and the real why was found: There were no brooms, mops or soap available. The simple handling was to make the materials available in central places and get them restored after use and a supply line kept in. Well, to do that Evaluation the Exec would have had to 1. Know the Data Series (Study it, get it Method 4ed). 2. Listen to what people tried to tell him or read the reports. (TR 4) 3. Observe. (TR O) 4. Find the real why. (Apply what's studied.) 5. Handle what's found. (Do some work: Get actual compliance.) Now that's a ridiculously simple example. But the solution is the same for the most complex problems. Here's an example: The ED tearing into Div 2 weekly to get GI. And ripping the place apart to get GI. Yet no reg on post to collect any! Here's another. No GI. Why? Tech Sec telling Reg all the pcs are PTS so the Reg sending all pcs to Ethics instead of signing them up! And the Tech Sec's why: wouldn't permit auditors to audit because they all needed training but there was no D of T or any Cramming to do it! So an ED could yell and yell but if he didn't know how to evaluate the entire scene would elude him utterly. The biggest barrier to Evaluation is that the Evaluator seldom believes anything could be that stupid. Yet all Whys are huge stupidities. This is so much the case that an Evaluator can't ever be reasonable. He has to evaluate by outpoints. In short, to find a real why an Evaluator has to learn to think like an idiot. And to get a bright idea an Evaluator has to be a genius. There is no successful middle ground. I know one ED who is a great guy and a fireball. But he doesn't evaluate. Right now he is C/Sing and auditing while holding the post of ED and is working himself ragged trying to keep his stats up. But he has not noticed an omitted terminal. If he is C/Sing and auditing and is ED, then there is no ED! And that's his Why. His handling would be, if he's the only C/S and top auditor, to get a Deputy ED to run the org. It's not that he is not working. It's that he isn't evaluating. Another org's Div 7 does only Div 6 actions. So again, nobody is running the org. In another day all this would have been okay. But today we have the sharp tools of the Data Series. The virtue of the Data Series is that in its use one enormously increases one's effectivenss and enormously reduces the worry and stress. The Data Series is the key tech of organization. When it's used the stress comes off and the stats go up. The day you find your first real dead on Why that really opens the door, you become a Data Series convert. Wow, what a wonderful feeling! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb:bk =========================== 472 ED 182 INT 11 Nov 72 A SUCCESS STORY [p. 247-50] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 182 INT 11 November 1972 To: All Scientologists BPI MAGAZINES. Subject: A SUCCESS STORY Ref: PRIMARY RD The following success story is of great interest to those who are hammering away at the Primary Rundown and those who wonder what it is, those who flinch and those who are trying to skid through it on pretense, and those who are honestly trying. "Dear Ron, For what seems like many a year and is but a few months, I've been wondering what I was going to say to you when time came to sit down and write. I knew the time would come. I didn't know when, but I knew that when it did, it would be a very special occasion for me. I've been in Scientology a little over a year now, and as the wins began to mount up, many questions passed across my mind. How to thank a man whose discoveries have given me back the love of my family, who made it possible for me to leave behind a fistful of grinding somatics, who threw wide the doors of communication, love, knowledge. As problems dissolved, as lumps and pains evaporated, I wondered, "Is it time for 'the letter'?" Each time, 'til now, the answer was, "Not yet." About a week or ten days ago, I felt the time coming. Thoughts began to crystalize. Ideas took form. Let me explain what happened, along with some background. In early June, I started the Student Hat portion of the Primary Rundown. I had completed Method One, Life Repair, Straightwire and the Drug Rundown. I imagined that the course would be time consuming, but inasmuch as I was a writer, (a professional wordsmith, I imagined), I anticipated no difficulty at all. Wrong. The seemingly endless lists of words became one big glop of mass. Somewhere along the way I'd heard about the "Wall of Tapes" on the Briefing Course. Well, I coined a term, "The Wall of Words." To really convey what a shock this was to me, there's a bit more background needed. I was graduated from College Phi Beta Kappa, with Highest Honors in Economics, and in the top 1% in my class. I was awarded fellowships to attend Harvard, Stanford, Columbia and the University of Virginia. I chose Virginia, and my first semester I was one of a handful of people in the Graduate School to make straight A's. To put it mildly, I was a 'bright' student. Of course I never understood why I had those long, terrible periods of 'rotting' when I could barely drag my body to class. And I never understood why, when I sat down to write something, I would feel as if someone had slipped a syringe in my ear to fill my head with molasses. I tried all kinds of unusual solutions to this latter -- changes in diet, working nights, working early mornings, exercise, plenty of sleep (12 hours a night), and on and on. Finally, I got fed up with graduate school after 2 1/2 years of working on a PH. D in Economics. I left for New York City with my sights set on becoming a writer. Within 6 months I had published my first article in Barron's, a sister publication to the Wall Street Journal. In this article, I published the 'inside story' on what was going to happen in Chicago at the Democratic Convention. When the riots and chaos I predicted in fact occurred, the article suddenly received nationwide publicity, was reprinted in the Congressional Record, and was quoted in a Senate document and reprinted in a book. Cocky was I? You can believe it. But there was still this other side to it. The week in which I wrote that article was literally one of the most agonizing weeks of my life. I worked over 100 hours, rewrote the article ten times, and pulled in every somatic and undesirable condition ever experienced by man. Writing was not fun. So along came the Student Hat. My Method One had been great and had located gobs of misunderstoods and blew them. But it only does what it does, and never came close to clearing up the thousands of 'not-understoods' or 'partly-understoods'. I should add, parenthetically, that from the time I left the 8th grade until I started the Comm Course, I used the dictionary less than a dozen times. So, with this as my intellectual history, I collided with an unresounding 'thunk' into the "Wall of Words". I spent nine hours on the word 'of', a week on 'time'. And synonyms -- my God, they drove me crazy. I'd look up a word, and the dictionary would give me a definition and then some synonyms. I knew that there are very few words in the English language with identical meanings, so I set about differentiating synonyms. To do this, I required large sheets of paper: 'flow charts'. I'd write five or six which I used to make synonyms at the top of the page; then under each, the words in that definition I didn't understand; and then under those, more words. Some word chains went 200 or more words. When I'd finally get all the words written down, the mass from each would be sitting on me. The only way I could get through one of these lists was for my supervisor to put me on the cans, and do Method 5 word clearing on me. The first tape list took two months of night and some weekend study. Then slowly, things began to pick up. The second list took less than a month. Some nights my points would rise to 180, but it seemed that shortly thereafter, I'd run into a nest of not-understoods and my points would plummet to 9 or so. The third tape took less than three weeks; the fourth a week; then three days, two days. When I hit the seventh tape list, I came flying out the top and essentially was superliterate. I did the seventh tape in a day, and the 8th in a day. My points were four and five hundred per hour. The rest of the course took six days, six long ones to be sure, but just six. Last night I finished the Primary Rundown and received an incredible round of applause from my classmates at Celebrity Centre who, like me, knew what it took to confront the Wall of Words. As I stood there with the warm waves of applause rolling over me, I knew the time had come to write. I feel that in the area of writing and study, my doingness is restored. It is now quite easy for me to do what I want to do -- which is write. No longer do I feel the need to gulp a quart of coffee to get a running start on my work before blahs envelop me in their sticky goo. At the first sign of a blah now, I get that hunted look and head for the dictionary. I find it such an incredible win to be able to do this. I've always known my ability was there. And a lot of doingness has been too, but it's always been so uncomfortable just to do. I knew things did not have to be that way -- and that kept me going -- but at times, I was very discouraged. As a young child, I had an insatiable lust and love for learning. Probably the first word I learned was 'why'. Yet by the third grade, the love was gone. In its place a compulsion to know. With completion of the Primary Rundown, that love is back. I feel a big part of me has been restored. As for the future? Given the incredible velocity of change in Scientology, I really don't know what I'll be doing more than two or three years from now, at least in terms of specifics. I'm now Freedom Associate Editor at the U.S.G.O. and will be building that into a weekly paper. I'll do my tech training to Class IV and then OEC and FEBC. Meantime, I'm finishing two books on Scientology celebrities (you'll hear about them when they're done), and there's a screenplay and novel I've outlined. And, of course, Clear and O.T. In a couple of years, I want to take six months, come to Flag as a paying customer, train up to Class 24 or whatever's tops by then, and get my case terminatedly handled. Looking longer run, I know I'm in Scientology for the duration. But as well, I have strong purpose lines in the arts, in education, and in fact have outlined plans for a school to be called the Renaissance School which would have study tech as its foundation and Renaissance Men, men who are masters of the arts, ideas and action, as its product. Rather than just a "Thank you", I'd like to close this letter with a little poem I wrote some months ago. I think it says what I want to say. THE PHILOSOPHER It has been said, by poet and sage alike, that within each man burns the fire of ten thousand different suns. "Then tell me why?", pleaded the poet, "Why has man grown dim?" "Yes, tell me why?", sang the minstrel, "Is there so much less of him." "I know why," uttered the sage. "There is a blotch on the souls of men." "Don't tell me why," said the philosopher. "I'll find out."...and he did. With love and appreciation, Bill Good" L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== YEAR OF 1973 =========================== 473 ED 205 INT 28 Sep 73 TRANSFER OF GUARDIAN FUNCTIONS [p. 244-6] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 205 INT 28 September 1973 To: All LRH Comms Info: Guardian Office GO WW D/Gs A/Gs From: RON Subject: TRANSFER OF GUARDIAN FUNCTIONS IN TECH AND POLICY TO LRH COMMS Reference: HCO PL 27 May 1970R, Revised 25 September 1973 The Tech Bureau and Policy Knowledge Bureau of the GO have just been phased out. At GO WW and GO US the Tech personnel are being transferred to a GO Housekeeping Unit but in all other Guardian Offices, these Tech Personnel are to be transferred to the Office of the LRH Comm. It is of the utmost urgency not to lose these Tech personnel or let them be pirated into the org, and it is vitally important that their hats and functions also be transferred. The LRH Comm UK Continental and the LRH Comm US Continental must obtain new personnel in the field of Tech and add them to their offices, and must salvage the hats and functions even though they do not get the actual personnel which were in the UK and US main Guardian Offices. Any personnel posted in the Policy Knowledge Bureau in any Guardian Office are transferred to the LRH Comm Office. It is a vital thing for LRH Comms to get in on-HCOB Tech. This is best done by having a Deputy LRH Comm for Tech for that office or org. LRH Comms are now responsible for the correct use and the actual use and application of Policy in orgs. Therefore any GO personnel or materiel or hats on this subject should be transferred to the Office of the LRH Comm. The duties of the Tech Bureau mainly concerned checking refunds, following up out-Tech on persons, and assuring that celebrities received correct and standard Tech. These functions are contained in the GO hats for the Tech Bureau. All these functions and hats now apply to LRH Comms. The main purpose of this transfer came from an evaluation in which it was found that Policy responsibility was transferred to the Guardian Office and that this is primarily an internal org function. Externalizing the attention of the Guardian Office takes some of the weight off of its lines, and this slack must be taken up by the LRH Comm Network. LRH Comms are therefore responsible for the Tech quality and the exact application of HCOBs. They are also responsible for Policy Knowledge and use. To the degree that Tech is exactly and precisely applied, per HCOBs, books and tapes, orgs expand and prosper. To the degree that Policy Letters are in active use in the org, the org expands and prospers. These two facts have been proven repeatedly in many orgs Another factor which has prevented Policy from going in fully in some areas has been the existence of Flag Mission Orders in the hands of posted executives, which did not necessarily keep the org on policy. These are being cancelled and supplanted by policy programs to be executed by LRH Comms. PROGRAM 1. Obtain the Tech hats, files and Policy Knowledge Bureau hats, files and library from the Guardian Office in your area at once. EVERY LRH COMM _____ 2. Excepting only Continental UK and Continental US Offices, transfer at once any Tech or Policy Knowledge Guardian personnel to the LRH Comm Office with the title D/LRR Comm Tech and D/LRH Comm Policy, followed by the area name. LRH COMM _____ 3. In UK and US Continental areas, appoint new Technical personnel to the Continental Office, with the title Deputy LRH Comm Tech. LRH COMM UK, LRH COMM US _____ 4. In the UK and US Continental Offices, have the former Tech Bureau personnel hat the new Deputy LRH Comm for Tech. LRH COMM UK, LRH COMM US _____ 5. By hatting, posting, making sure they have a desk, and generally putting the Deputy LRH Comm Tech and Deputy LRH Comm Policy Knowledge on post, assure that they are now carrying out the same duties as were carried out by the GO so that nothing of this is lost. LRH COMM _____ 6. Survey your org or area and with or without the assistance of the Deputy LRH Comm for Tech, see what HCOBs must be put in first and write a program to do so, which will best inhibit refunds in your area, and which will be executed by the Deputy LRH Comm Tech where one now exists, or by the LRH Comm. LRH COMM _____ 7. With the assistance of any Policy Knowledge personnel, now Deputy LRH Comm for Policy, or without it, survey the org and see what Policy Letters should be gotten in first to make the org prosper, and get into production. LRH COMM _____ 8. When received, post the new org board HCO PL for the LRH Comm Office. LRH COMM _____ 9. Compose and conduct a PR campaign so that staff members are aware of the new functions of the LRH Comm Office, in order to get their cooperation. LRH COMM _____ 10. Compose and conduct a campaign to make staff members aware that by following Policy and precise HCOB Tech, the org will be saved enormous sums in refunds, thus justifying this program. LRH COMM _____ L. RON HUBBARD for the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY BDCS:LRH:rhc:nt:bk =========================== 474 ED 214 INT 14 Dec 73 RON'S JOURNAL 4 FUEL AND THE WORLD [p. 242-3] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 214 INT 14 December 1973 RON'S JOURNAL 4 FUEL AND THE WORLD You are hearing doubtless that calamity and catastrophe are setting in over the world at a rapid rate. You know of course that fuel has been made very scarce while there is more fuel actually available in the wells and mines than ever before. And you probably also know that Englishmen face a 3 day week with a L400 fine and/or three months in jail for turning on one electric light. Inflation is grinning gleefully out of the bank windows and stealing the savings of the old. Russia is pushing rockets at the US base in Cuba, massing armies on the border of Vietnam and pointing (from Egypt) nuclear rockets at Tel Aviv. And that it is plain she engineered the fuel shortage and, by forcing constant preparedness for decades, inflation. Russia for all that will lose because the US and Canada were feeding the Russians on wheat, because these actions will bring on a hard faced fascist attitude in the West and open her back to an eager hostile China. An apparently panicked leaderless West is taking it out thus far only on their own people and handling nothing sensibly. Well, it's a pretty gloomy scene. London and US stock markets plunging, production chopped, trade deficits soaring. People without transport or heat or lights and soaring unemployment. In most areas people would play hell getting a job now. It's the sort of a thing that happens when people insist on wrong whys and mishandlings. The sort of thing that comes from financing killer psychiatrists and teaching German psychology to the school kids. BUT it's not all gloom! While the world goes down OUR statistics are going UP! All International stats are hitting so high that even when they momentarily slump they come down to yesteryear's highest evers! They are POWER stats! And in a month (December) when we usually have crashes! We are going UP while the world is coming down! It is the subject of sociology statistics that we are the fastest growing religion in the world. And that when all orthodox faiths are in steep decline. Of course there's a certain amount of plain hell managing things in the hail of falling currencies, commodities and institutions. But all that takes a hard line professionalism that keeps on going brilliantly despite the failures around us. We are in actual fact booming during a worldwide crash! Well, sociologists have been predicting for years that when things went to pieces culturally a new religion would pick up the pieces. That's us. What we're doing about it all and what you can do about it is 1. Take full advantage of the enforced idleness of others in the society to pack them in and get them processed and trained. 2. Be more professional and skilled in management and tech than we ever dreamed of being before. 3. Keep right on plowing through the rubble of modern culture to new attainments for Scientology. Now listen: This is OUR planet. Nobody else owns it nor wants much to do with it. The Coca Cola civilization has busted its bottle. So what? So what's that to us? We rolled forward with the existing culture dead set on stopping anyone who tried. Well, we can certainly roll forward while the Powers-that-were run around in futile panics. This is OUR planet. Maybe this cultural collapse is just saving it from total pollution. Keep this in mind: We CAN and ARE rolling forward and UP while the world comes down. We not only can do it, we are doing it. No great new movement ever progressed in times of plenty. They are bred and strengthened in disaster. We are not pleased at all the Powers-that-were made such a mess. But we can take full advantage of it. And we are doing so. This is OUR planet. We have the tech, we have the know-how of admin. We can use it fully and effectively. We might as well move in! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal =========================== 475 ED 1 UK 14 Dec 73 "...UTILIZE THE PUBLIC'S FREE..." [p. 670] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 1 UK 14 December 1973 141205R LRH COMM UK RLY EDS STAFF AND ISSUE AS LRH ED 1 UK UTILIZE THE PUBLIC'S FREE TIME BY GETTING THEM IN. YOU TURN THIS GOVT ACTION INTO A BOOM FOR US. LOVE = RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 476 ED 215 INT 15 Dec 73 LARGEST PAINTING [p. 241] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 215 INT 15 December 1973 LARGEST PAINTING I have just been informed that the famous painter KNOX MARTIN is currently at work on the largest painting in the world. It is on a building near Chambers and Church Street in New York City. On Dec 9 there was a half hour TV show on him on Channel 4 New York. Knox is Clear and OT I. The title of the painting is "THETA WOMAN". Evidence is beginning to come in that it IS OUR Planet. We are not only cleaning up its people but we are painting it beautifully as well! Love, RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:clb:gal ===========================