FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES - 19/28 repost ============================ This is the Second Foundation. Our purpose is to keep LRH's plan on track (ref: Asimov). CofS has gone off the rails. This is an announcement of our support of FZBA, Freezone, and The Pilot. We are posting the LRH EDs to make ammends for our long delay in taking action. ARC, PROGRAM DIRECTOR SECOND FOUNDATION ============================ LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES This is a complete copy of the "Original LRH EDs" or Blue Volumes as issued by Bridge in 1983. The full contents for all 28 parts posted is in part 1. The volumes were divided into the 3 numbering Series, and subdivided into the classes of EDs (INT = International, WW = World Wide, SH = Saint Hill, etc.) and placed in reverse order (latest first) within type. This was quite confusing because of some EDs being in multiple classes with different numbers in each class. We rearranged everything in date order (earliest first) to give a better historical perspective and make these easy to find by date. The original table of contents is included in part 2 and the original page numbers are in "[]" at the beginning of each ED. See IMB 5 in part 2 for an explanation of the 3 Series of ED numbers and a list of valid (but expired) EDs not included. See LRH ED 345 INT in part 28 for a list of cancelled LRH EDs that were not included. These are only the EDs that are in the Blue Volumes. ************************************************** FZBA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** Part 19 453 ED 156 INT 10 Oct 71 RON'S JOURNAL NO. 3 WE'RE MAKING IT 454 ED 5 EU 4 Nov 71 TAPE TRAINING PLAN 455 ED 159 INT 28 Nov 71 REGISTRATION PROGRAM NO. 1 456 ED 160 INT 10 Dec 71 LIMITED UPPER LEVEL TRAINING OFFER FOR ORGS 457 ED 161 INT 18 Dec 71 SURVEYS ARE THE KEY TO STATS 458 ED 163 INT 27 Dec 71 RAISING STUDENT POINTS 459 ED 165 INT 29 Dec 71 WELL DONE AUDITING HOURS 460 ED 166 INT 1 Jan 71 PLANS FOR 1972 461 ED 167 INT 16 Jan 71 YOUR DISSEM DIVISION =========================== 453 ED 156 INT 10 Oct 71 RON'S JOURNAL NO. 3 WE'RE MAKING IT [p. 306-7] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 156 INT 25 October 1971 To: All Staffs BPI Subject: RON'S JOURNAL NO. 3 WE'RE MAKING IT In looking over the International Scn org Stats of last Thursday I was struck by a new observation: THE HIGH GI STATS OF 1968 WERE IN THE RANGE OF THE LOW GI STATS OF TODAY. In other words what was a peak in '68 is looked on as a collapsed stat in 1971. Because stat graphers change the scale this might be missed. Our "collapsed" stat range of 71 is the peak high range of '68. So much for Smersh and bans and other nonsense! This increase represents a lot of hard work by a lot of people over a long time. Coming right up is the paid completions stat. This means these Scn orgs over the world are DELIVERING more and more flubless tech. To this will be added soon the 12 1/2 hour intensive which will give these Class IV orgs several times the present income when added to training. Seeing auditing getting delivered (no one out there has been really audited for years) people will enroll more easily as students. Our Continental Liaison Offices in UK and US are on the ball. The AF-ANZO OTLs are getting their roots in. Seeing actual production and achieving it will increase staff morale. The SHs are doing well and the NEW ASHO in Los Angeles is getting set up for a boom of its own. Highly workable TRs are in full action in orgs. Word Clearing is running at high popularity over the world. New Academy Checksheets, much shorter, are being sent out. Model Session tapes made for each level - O to IV - made by Class XIIs let the student auditor know how TRs and a session really should sound. This will make new quality auditing in Class IV HGCs. Pubs DK has them. ALL books are in print now in the ASHO US Pubs. TAPES are available in good quality from Pubs DK. The Meter threat has vanished and there are plenty of meters available for immediate delivery in all countries. Our biggest US government opponent recently resigned in a panic under our savage pressure. And the three top attackers of Scientology in the UK just turned themselves in to an insane asylum. Our technology is the ONLY workable tech in the field of the mind, drugs and insanity. We have never had tech so clean, so good and so well presented. We are rapidly repairing any damage to our image anywhere. Highly trained FEBCs are in charge of our orgs. So we are now building strongly and firmly. It's time to get very busy and clear this planet. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:bk =========================== 454 ED 5 EU 4 Nov 71 TAPE TRAINING PLAN [p. 615-8] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 5 EU 4 November 1971 To: All EDs & C/Os Europe. All Staffs EU URGENT FOR EUROPE TAPE TRAINING PLAN (Overall Coordination CS-2) SITUATION: Due to language differences there is a problem in getting proper dissemination and good tech into European orgs. Until this happens they will not be fully viable. WHY: The cost and time involved in printing all materials in each language is beyond the finances of Europe at this time. HANDLING: Translating all books and materials onto magnetic recording tape for use as magnetic recording tape training materials. A Translations Unit was founded and materials are being translated onto tape. Pubs Org DK is making Production Masters and making tape copies for sale to EU orgs. All the above is underway and in operation. SITUATION: Some EU orgs using the course and admin materials to play to raw public and upsetting the public. WHY: Improper and inadequate groove in on how to use tapes for study. HANDLING: 1. Training and Services to do a full rundown on how to use tape machines with earphones and footpedals Method 3 and Method 2 Word Clearing, very simple and explicit. TR & SERV _____ 2. Training & Services to do a rundown on what course materials are and how they are used on courses sold to public. TR & SERV _____ 3. Training & Services to do a rundown on what Admin and Hat materials are and how they are used to train staff. TR & SERV _____ 4. Each of the above three items to be written/translated into each language of the Tapes and typed for photo stencil copy and mimeo. TU TRANSLATORS _____ 5. Materials as in 4 to be mimeoed off and made available in quantity to EULO and each EU Org of that language. FLAG BUREAU MIMEO _____ 6. Pubs Org to place a label on each tape box headed "IMPORTANT - Not to be played to the public. Not to be transcribed in written form. These are your valuable course and Admin materials so you can give courses and train staff. These tapes are used on tape players with earphone and footpedal by the enrolled student in the org or by staff." In the language of the tape. Labels translated by Translations Unit. _____ Labels printed Pubs Org. _____ 7. A Tape Sales and Usage Officer to be appointed by SO PCO and put on post in Pubs Org who can groove in orgs on tape use and sell tapes to orgs. SO PCO _____ SITUATION: Checksheets of courses do not carry tape numbers and so may confuse students who then think they have to have bulletins not tapes. WHY: No Special Tape Course Checksheets done. HANDLING: 8. Tr & Serv to do EU tape checksheets conversion for Tech and Admin for EU. TR & SERV _____ SITUATION: Tape recording and playing equipment relatively unknown in EU orgs. WHY: Insufficient information given. HANDLING: 9. Pubs DK to locate an inexpensive tape player model that has footpedal and earphone (more than one pair needed for WC 2) that also, preferably will rewind on the footpedal and will play but not record. Speeds 3 3/4 inches and 1 7/8 inches. To contact the manufacturer, make distributor arrangements to orgs EU and world and get them into orgs. Also with an instruction book in each org's language. CO PUBS DK _____ SITUATION: Too many reels of tape needed for a given body of data. WHY: Too thick tape and too fast tape speed. HANDLING: 10. Originals to be done at 7 1/2 inches per second on tape 1 1/2 mil thick tape. Production Masters to be done 7 1/2 inches per second on 1 1/2 mil thick tape. Copies to be done on 1/2 mil mylar 1 7/8 inches per second. TRANSLATIONS UNIT, FLAG AUDIO, PUBS AUDIO UNIT _____ SITUATION: No one really trained in EU to teach by tape. WHY: Insufficient importance given to project. HANDLING: Cope meanwhile. 11. Set up a tape cramming course on Athena under a fully genned in Pubs representative with all equipment available and gen in Supervisors called in briefly from orgs. C/O EULO, PUBS DK, C/O ATHENA _____ SITUATION: Tapes not always being paid for. WHY: Tapes not being used to give sold Courses, train staff and train auditors to audit pcs so orgs can make money. If the data isn't available in the language the org won't be able to deliver and make money. Without the data they cannot deliver the service. HANDLING: 12. C/O EULO to give this plan the attention needed and coordinate it and get it in rapidly. C/O EULO _____ SITUATION: Not enough auditors being turned out fast enough to deliver. WHY: Tape project not in. HANDLING: 13. AOSH DK to use tapes as per this plan. To be set up to give an excellent example on use of tapes in their training and speed up auditor training. C/O AOSH DK _____ 14. All heads of EU orgs to be fully aware of this plan and working to get it in. CS-7 _____ L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:dr:gal =========================== 455 ED 159 INT 28 Nov 71 REGISTRATION PROGRAM NO. 1 [p. 299-305] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 159 INT 28 November 1971 C-A-N-C-E-L-L-E-D URGENT by LRH ED 236 INT To: Executives All Staff Subject: REGISTRATION PROGRAM NO. 1 LRH Comm or HAS: Requires an Immediate checkout on ED or C/O, Product Officer Org Officer HAS, Dissem Sec and Dist Sec and Registrars. According to Flag Bureaux Data Letter Evaluation (138 of 23 Nov 71) an unfavorable difference between high Pd Completions and low GI is caused by Registration failures. During the period of high GI in orgs there was also an additional Registrar in Division 6, the Public Reg. When this function was abandoned in July 1971 the GI collapsed and leaving this post empty or doubling Dept 6 Registration with it is the probable cause of any low GI. Thus we have a GI recovery program based on Registration reform which has these steps for an already functioning org, done by the ED and Org Officer: 1. Get org delivering and the Paid Completions Stat going well. 2. Put back in the PUBLIC REG. 3. Strengthen the Public Division. 4. Organize the Dissem Division. 5. Continue to organize Tech and Qual and Deliver more of even better quality. 6. Strengthen Dissem. 7. Strengthen Public Div. 8. Strengthen Tech. These eight steps are sure to maintain an increasing Completions stat and boom Gross Income. 1. PAID COMPLETIONS The new Completions Conditions HCO Policy Letter 24 Nov 71 shows where an org's Paid Completions stat has to be to be viable. By actual application these Conditions are found to be accurate. They apply to the org and its Exec Director or Commanding Officer. The best way to get Paid Completions up at first is Cope locally and send a Tech Establishment Officer trainee and a Qual Establishment Officer trainee to Flag. The TEOs (who took only a month to train plus travel time) who have so far returned to their orgs has each one shot completions up-up-up, making auditors and happy pcs. The QEO can get in a Mini Qual, with word clearing, iibrary, Interne training, Cramming and Certs and Awards and operate to boost the volume of high quality delivery up-up-up. There is lots of material published to help cope locally with Paid Completions. LRH ED 125 INT (6 Sept 70 - Tech Sec Pgm No. 1), LRH ED 138 INT (28 March 71 - Mini Cse Super Hat and Pack), LRH ED 147 INT (11 Aug 71 - HAS and HAS Cope Officer Mini Checksheet), LRH ED 145R INT (6 Oct 71 - Bonus Completion Points), LRH ED 154 INT (7 Oct 71 - Tech Certainty and High Stats), HCOB 5 Mar 71 C/S Series No. 25 The Fantastic New HGC Line. So, coping while you get a TEO and QEO, you have delivery occurring. BUT THE MOMENT YOU GET THE DELIVERY LINE MOVING AND PAID COMPLETIONS UP YOU HAVE TO SPEED UP REGISTRATION TO FEED THE LINE. OTHERWISE YOU WILL SOON RUN OUT OF ADVANCE PAIDS, BLOWN STUDENTS GOTTEN BACK AND BACKLOGS AND YOUR GROSS INCOME WILL FALTER. 2. PUBLIC REGISTRATION A Public Registrar must be gotten on post. HCO P/L 26 November 1971 DIVISION 6 PUBLIC REG REINSTATED has just been issued. This Registrar is in Division 6, not Division 2. The PUBLIC Registrar sells HAS Courses, HQS, books, etc. to new people brought in by the PUBLIC DIVISION from their ads, personal contacts, FSMs. The Public Reg also sells higher services to people taking basic courses. This Reg is encouraged by a BONUS SYSTEM HCO P/L 27 Nov 71 Public Reg Bonus. The Public Reg is NOT the only Reg in the org. The post earlier got in trouble because it was so successful! Dissem Regs were promptly discarded and orgs lost about 75% of their potential income. A Public Reg can't keep a CF in use or resign up persons in the Tech Div. She sells mainly little sales with an occasional major one. When the Public Reg came off, the org's Div 2 Reg promptly started interviewing for little services and became in effect the Public Reg in the wrong division. So a Public Reg is VITAL. One must be posted. An excellent Program to do this has been drawn up and is with you as SO/WW ED 62 (INT) REGISTRATION PROGRAM NO. 1 drawn up by the Dissem and Distribution Aides at Flag. This straightens out any line confusions. GET THE PUBLIC REG ON POST NOW NOW NOW! And get your GI up. It's costing you the Earth to have the post empty. 3. STRENGTHEN PUBLIC DIVISION A new Mini Div 6 Org Board has just been released. HCO P/L 14 November 1971 MINI PUBLIC DIVISION ORG BOARD. For the first time the exact essential actions of Division 6 have been boiled down into a simple org board. Division 6 can have more people than this but if it doesn't have people on the posts given on this org bd YOUR GI WILL GET INTO TROUBLE. The Org Board's posts are pretty self evident. The Dist Sec is a PR post that doubles as head of Dept 16. Surveying is a vital skill. What does the public want. What should be getting promoted by Dept 4. PR Area Control actions and every other PR and public advertising function comes under this head. Success stories are collected by a Success I/C who also helps PR with Clerical actions. This post of success is part of public lines and in desperation can be held also by the Examiner in Qual. The Thomas package, the original or as locally adapted for handout is handed out by students or volunteers or as a part time duty, all hands, of the Dist Division. Tours exists as a section so it won't be lost. Any tours are run by the Dir of Public Controlling. In Dept 17 you have Demonstration and raw public registration and HAS and HQS Courses. In Dept 18 the Dir of Clearing makes and handles field staff members, forms and keeps going groups, keeps an Auditors Association alive. This is an outside working Division except for Success, Reg and Course Supers. Div 6 gets around. It isn't a desk division. Its promo and handouts are done for it by Dissem. DIV 6 REACHES INTO THE PUBLIC. WITHOUT THAT REACH THE ORG BECOMES A WITHDRAWN ISLAND OUT OF COMM WITH THE WORLD. DIV 6 FUNCTIONING KEEPS THE ORG AT LEAST A GRADE ZERO RELEASE. DIV 6 IS THE ORG'S REACH. 4. ORGANIZE THE DISSEM DIV A new Mini Div 2 Org Board has just been issued. It is the minimum org board of a functioning Dissemination Division. It is HCO P/L 14 Nov 1971 Issue VI. MINI DIV II DISSEM ORG ED. It has all the VITAL functions of the Dissem Div posted on a minimum basis. The Dissem Sec is the Director of Registration. Under the Director of Registration are the Div 2 Registrars. These are covered in HCO P/L 28 Nov 71 THE TYPES OF DEFT 6 REGISTRATION which gives the various Dept 6 registration types in full. In a small org at least two Dept 6 registrars are needed, one as Letter Registrar who is now also in charge of CF, Address and bulk mail. The other reg, in a small org, covers Advance Schedules, Body Reg, Call In Reg-ARC Break Reg are handled by the other Reg. At least one if not two clerks are needed to handle CF and Address to straighten it up and get it functioning. The other two Depts of the Division are Promotion and Publications. Promotion does all the layout, printing, magazine and flier for the org based on surveys and for all the org departments including Division 6. All publications are procured by Dept 5 and all hats and packs are made up in it. It runs a mail order book business and operates a book shop and sells books (as well as training and processing) through ads in the magazine or placed VIA Div 6 in public magazines and papers. The promotion pieces, bulk mail, fliers etc., are made up in Dept 4 and printed through Dept 5 which often operates a photolitho machine. The work of the Departments of Promotion and Publications is devoted to serving the Registrars (and furnishing Course materials and hats for the org). The Public Division handouts are planned in Dept 16 but they are laid out and printed by the Dissem Div. In other words the sale of books, issue of org magazines, fliers, questionnaires SERVE REGISTRARS. They serve Dept 6 Registrars and they serve the Public Registrar. Dissem puts out the particles with which the org reaches. And Dissem Registrars the already buying clientele. The bulk of an org's GI IF IT FURNISHES QUALITY COMPLETIONS PUNCTUALLY comes from re-sign ups. If the Dept 6 Registration actions are not all on the ball, it shows up in lost GI. Normally at least 50% of any week's income comes from Dept 6 (the rest from the Public Reg). If these Dept 6 actions are not done at all, the org loses half of its GI and a lot of good will. If one of the five Dept 6 actions is in and four are out the org loses 40% at least of its income. Providing of course Div 6 is really functioning and getting half. If 2 are in the org only loses 30%. If 3 are in the org only loses 20%. Etc. ECONOMY IN DEFT SIX IS VERY WASTEFUL! IT COSTS REAL MONEY. SO GET IN DEFT 6. 5. CONTINUE TO ORGANIZE TECH By this time you will have back your TEO and QEO if you sent them. If you didn't you will be up to your ears in Cope. But by this time you should also be graduating some auditors. New shorter Academy checksheets are now in your hands. Word Clearing speeds the study. Your Dianetics Course should be giving you auditors. Get auditors to interne in the HGC. HCO should be recruiting 1 tech for every Admin by this time. So if you haven't sent your TEO and QEO do so now! YOU CAN'T CONTINUE TO SELL UNLESS YOU DELIVER WHAT YOU SELL. 6. STRENGTHEN DISSEM Now get in the Dissem Mini Org Board in earnest. Get Volume 2 of the OEC into the hands of both Dissem and the Public Reg and get it studied well. Get Volume 0 of the OEC bought by every staff member and read so they can also get the word and know how an org really works and begin to back up Dissem and the Public Divisions and Tech. POST A BIG VERSION OF THE MINI DIV 2 ORG ED in the Dissem area and in HCO. Fill in any missing posts. Get the Body Reg so she never misses when a pc finishes his program and the auditor just goes on auditing the pc who has not paid. Get the re-sign up line from success to Registrar. Keep the Registrars informed of the results you're getting in Tech so they can talk with Confidence. Make sure your Registrars all get processed to good case gain. Run them on the money process. Get their confront way up. The money will be rolling in and happy pcs sailing out. 7. STRENGTHEN THE PUB DIV Fully post your Mini Pub Div. Display its Mini Org board in big size in Pub Div area and HCO. Get the promo needed, the descriptions of services, for the Public Registrar. Get your Dist Sec really surveying and getting the angles on public appeal. Brighten the org's appearances, dress the staff better. Get the Public Reg run on Objective Processes and money processes. Hat the whole division. YOU WILL NOW BE WONDERING WHERE YOU'LL GET BIGGER QUARTERS TO HANDLE THE PUBLIC DIV TRAFFIC. 8. STRENGTHEN TECH By now your tech div will be functioning with a rush, if you got your TEO and QEO. If not watch it as your delivery failures will collapse your income. Your Tech and Qual will only bear the strain if you have people there trained to organize and expand them. Registration and reach are the keys to GI and Paid Completions. This program has been carefully worked out with its basic materials and should be very successful if put into full effect. The C/O or Executive Director, the Execs of the org, particularly HAS, Dissem and Dist Sec should do the following checksheet to get the full rundown of registration and tech lines as they join registration. THIS WILL GREATLY INCREASE GI AND PAID COMPLETIONS IF FULLY UNDERSTOOD. The Registrars should do SO/WW ED 62 INT and all materials named in it as well as the Registrar Checksheet. The back up materials of this program are: Name Date NEW REGISTRAR PACKAGE MATERIALS 1. LRH ED 159 INT Registrar Pgm No. 1 of 28 Nov 71 2. HCO P/L 26 Nov 71 Division 6 Public Reg Issue II Reinstated 3. HCO P/L 26 Nov 71 Public Reg Interview Issue I Slips 4. HCO P/L 14 Nov 71 Mini Public Division Org Board 5. HCO P/L 27 Nov 71 Public Reg Bonus Issue II 6. HCO P/L 27 Nov 71 The Types of Dept 6 Registration 7. HCO P/L 14 Nov 71 Mini Div II Org Board 8. SO ED 131 INT Dissem Registrar Bonus 9. HCO P/L 27 Nov 71 Free Service = Free-Fall Issue III 10. SO/WW ED 62 INT Registration Pgm No. 1 of 28 Nov 71 10a. HCO P/L 29 Nov 71 Registrar Checklist for Regs in Dept 6 & Dept 17 11. Volume Zero Org Exec Course 12. Volume Two (Dissem Div) Org Exec Course TECH COPE ACTIONS 13. LRH ED 125 INT Tech Pgm No. 1 6 Sept 70 14. LRH ED 138R INT Mini Cse Super Hat and Pack 14 Oct 71 15. LRH ED 147 INT HAS and HAS Cope Officer 11 Aug 71 Mini Checksheet 16. LRH ED 145R INT Bonus Completion Points 6 Oct 71 17. LRH ED 154 INT Tech Certainty and of High Stats 7 Oct 71 18. HCO B 5 Mar 71 C/S Series 25 The Fantastic New HGC Line Attest L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:bk =========================== 456 ED 160 INT 10 Dec 71 LIMITED UPPER LEVEL TRAINING OFFER FOR ORGS [p. 296-8] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 160 INT 10 December 1971 To: EDs HES TECH SECS From: RON Subject: PROJECT ORG TECH: LIMITED UPPER LEVEL TRAINING OFFER FOR ORGS To help out your tech delivery: If an org staff member will join the Sea Org and serve in his own org for 5 years and then report to the Sea Org for further assignment, this offer can be taken advantage of at once. HUBBARD PROFESSIONAL COURSE SUPERVISOR The candidate will receive at a Sea Org org: 1. Case repair including C/S 53, GF 40R, C/S 54. 2. PTS Rundown. 3. Sea Org Member Hat. 4. Basic Staff Hat. 5. The Hubbard Professional Course Supervisor Course. CLASS V AND VI The candidate must have had his HDC and new shortened Zero to IV Academy Courses. The candidate will receive at a Sea Org org: 1. Case repair including C/S 53, GF, GF 40R, C/S 54. 2. PTS Rundown. 3. Sea Org Members Hat. 4. Class V. 5. Class VI. CLASS VIII AND IX CASE SUPERVISOR The candidate must be a Class VI with auditing experience. The candidate will receive: 1. Case Repair including C/S 53, GF, GF 40R, C/S 54. 2. PTS Rundown. 3. Sea Org Members Hat. 4. Class VIII. 5. Class IX and Case Supervisor. CLASS X The candidate must be a Class VIII. The candidate will receive at a Sea Org org: 1. Case repair including C/S 53, GF, GF 40R, C/S 54. 2. PTS Rundown. 3. Sea Org Members Hat. 4. Class IX if not covered already. 5. Case Supervisor. 6. Class X. OTHER QUALIFICATIONS The candidate must have an OCA graph with no points in the unacceptable range. An I.Q. above 100. No R/S history. His return ticket to his org, all fares paid by the org. Money to keep him during training. An intention to keep the contract. QUOTAS HPC SCs - 2 per org Class V-VI - 10 per org. Class VIII-IX - 2 per org. Class X - 2 per org. CONDITIONS Only one of the above units is open to any one person, requiring a year's service at the org before a second unit can be taken if still being offered. The person will be on normal org units during his service at the org. The status of the person will be "Sea Org Member on loan." If the person is not used on a proper Tech post he is subject to recall as "unutilized." The candidate signs a personal note for all services given and another note for any expenses to the org, both becoming due if the person does not honor his Contracts. At any time this offer may be cancelled but if so it is not to affect those already on this program. (Routing Forms, checklists and project orders are being released from Flag to Sea Org orgs and Registrars on this limited offer.) This offer is to help orgs deliver tech now. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:bk =========================== 457 ED 161 INT 18 Dec 71 SURVEYS ARE THE KEY TO STATS [p. 289-95] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 161 INT 18 December 1971 To All Staffs Div 6 Secretaries Directors of Promotion (LRH Comms to see this checksheet is Word Cleared and Checked out on related personnel.) SUBJECT: SURVEYS ARE THE KEY TO STATS * SURVEY-PROMO MINI HAT * We can do too much. By just flying ruds on people we could cure what often passes as insanity. By word clearing we could change the whole educational picture. We could handle the whole problem of psychosomatic (mentally caused) physical illness, We could lower industrial absenteeism from illness. We are the only people who can cure drugs. We could do a thousand other things with our tech. That makes us unbelievable. Nobody on the whole track could ever do these things. So when we broadly offer everything we can do it is too much. Surveys To find out what people want or will accept or will believe one does SURVEYS. HCO Policy Letter 5 December 1971 Issue II PR Series #13 tells you how to do a survey. HCOP/L 2 June 71 Issue II PR Series #10 tells you how to phrase survey questions. It is not hard to do surveys. When you have one done the data should be USED. The real fault in doing surveys is not using the result in promotion. EXCHANGE You and your org are involved in exchanging valuables for valuables. You offer a valuable service in return for valuable money. (See HCO P/L 27 Nov 71 Executive Series 3 MONEY and HCO P/L 3 Dec 71 Executive Series 4 EXCHANGE for further infermation on what exchange is.) So in surveying you are in actual fact seeking to know WHAT SERVICE THAT YOU CAN DO WILL PEOPLE CONSIDER VALUABLE ENOUGH TO GIVE MONEY OR VALUABLES FOR. STATS When you have this answer you have the answer to prosperity stats. Promotion Promo done without survey, magazine ads without survey, flyers without survey, you are going it blind. It's pathetic to realize that you might be within an eighth of an inch of the right offering without making it. Sort of like digging two feet away from the gold vein and getting an empty hole when you could have a million dollar mine. Working without surveys you could spend thousands a month on promotion and lose it all. Or working WITH surveys you could spend hundreds on promotion and make hundreds of thousands. It all depends on knowing how to do surveys, doing them, really tabulating the results and USING what you find. Invoices You can even do a survey out of invoices. You can see what book sells best, lately and then look into the book to see what it seems to promise and then promote that you do that and you'd increase your delivery volume. Or you could find the popular book by invoices, find who'd bought it and survey the buyers as to what they would consider valuable in it and promote that service and you'd increase delivery sales. You could review invoices to tabulate what part of the town or state your customers came from and saturate (fill up) the area with promo and increase your delivery sales. You could see by invoice survey what they bought and do a flyer on that and use that flyer to saturate that area. Invoices are very useful. It is a must to set up an invoice counting project to see what to put in the next bulk mailing. Success Stories Taking all back success stories, particularly from an affluent period and finding out what the people were most appreciative about and then converting that to a training or processing offer and using it for promo is a vital action. Not to quote the Success Stories - we do that and it's fun. But to SURVEY the Success Stories to find out what to offer. Examiner Reports A survey of past Examiner reports for Exam Comments after certain specific actions or courses have been completed is very revealing. This gives you what you can offer with confidence. It gives you a promotion base on which to build a campaign. PAST PROMOTION One also Surveys past promotion. What gave the largest % of response? Promo which returned 11% or 16% is phenomenal. You judge the accuracy of your survey by the success of the Promo based upon it. If the success is not great you resurvey. Saturation When you are serving only the same people all the time you can hit a saturation point (all filled up) by never offering their next action. This next action requires a survey. And new people must be fed in. An example is an AO that got fat selling OT VII to old customers and neglected promotion to get new customers and eventually saw its stats begin to sink. So surveys of old customers and new customers have to be done and each promoted to. Thus, you have different PUBLICS which have to be surveyed. In this case "old Public" and "new public". Each requires a different survey and a different survey action and different promotion. Total Effect Desperation often leads one to try for a TOTAL EFFECT. (See Effect Scales.) One has sometimes seen a student trying to push home a full HDA Course in fifteen minutes to his non-Scn friends. His R is wrong. He sometimes doesn't even get an ack in exchange! If, perhaps, he demonstrated a touch assist expertly, explaining body comm, they would look on him as a wizard! Some student can make his whole audience depart by talking about past lives and OT states when if he explained that people often led sad lives after a family member died he might have an awed audience. But to be sure how to have an awed audience, even the student would have to "survey" a little bit. He'd have to ask them what they wanted handled or something and then talk about that. In that way he would be certain of attention. A student or an org can get desperate and try for a total effect by telling or offering everything they know - and fly right out of the reality of their audience. MISSION You as a Scientologist have a certain mission toward the world. It is not a very civilized world. You can bring it friendliness, peace and understanding. How do you find an entrance point into this unfriendliness and lack of love? The answer is surveys. Hereinafter Issue Authority must be given only when Promotion can cite What Survey it has based this upon. Survey, lack of, is the weak link in all promotion. To better your stats you must get this in. Failure to survey can cost you thousands in ineffective promo and tens of thousands in lost stats. So the word is SURVEY! KNOW BEFORE YOU PROMOTE! SURVEY-PROMO MINI HAT NAME: ORG: POST: DATE: This checksheet is to be Method 2 Word Cleared and Starrate Checked out in Qual Dept 13 by the following: - DIST SECS DISSEM SECS ALL PROMO STAFF DIV 2 ALL PROMO STAFF DIV 6 ALL PR STAFF DIRs CLEARING ALL SALES STAFF DIV 2 & 6 (so they know the subject and can demand such actions go in or bypass as needed) Note: M2 stands for Method 2 Word Clearing and items designated with "M2" means that they must be Method 2 Word Cleared and signed off by the Word Clearer. This can be done with your twin or by a Qual Word Clearer if you or twin are not trained in Word Clearing. START: A. MONEY AND EXCHANGE vs SURVEYS SECTION *1. HCO PL 27 Nov 71 Exec Series 3 MONEY M2 *2. CLAY DEMO: What is money. *3. CLAY DEMO: What is economics. *4. CLAY DEMO: How DEMAND is achieved. *5. HCO PL 3 Dec 71 Exec Series 4 EXCHANGE M2 *6. CLAY DEMO: What is exchange. *7. ESSAY: Why does one do surveys and how this function relates to exchange. *8. CLAY DEMO: Continual Public contact based on a survey. B. BASIC THEORY ON SURVEYING SECTION *1. HCO PL 5 Dec 71 PR Series 13 HOW TO DO A PR SURVEY: First Section of First Page M2 *2. CLAY DEMO: What does the word SURVEY fully mean. *3. HCO PL 30 Jan 69 PUBLIC DIVISIONS ORG BOARD M2 *4. ESSAY: In surveying any public on any subject, what are you basically trying to find out? *5. CLAY DEMO: When you have made continuous public contact based on a survey: What happens to that public? *6. HCO PL 13 Aug 70 PR Series 3 WRONG PUBLICS M2 *7. ESSAY: Why couldn't you use successfully a survey done on one public for another different public? *8. HCO PL 23 Nov 69 INDIVIDUALS VS GROUPS M2 *9. HCO PL 18 Dec 68 WARNING - GUNG-HO GROUPS M2 *10. ESSAY: In doing a survey why wouldn't you approach the "leaders" and "officials" that had their own "solutions". *11. LRH ED 161 INT SURVEYS ARE THE KEY TO STATS M2 *12. ESSAY: The reason for and use of surveys. C. SURVEY TECH SECTION Note: You will be doing fast practical surveys in this section. The numbers surveyed are kept small for sake of speed. In real life you'd do far more people to get results. Keep the questions you make up and the survey results you get as they're used in the next section. *1. HCO PL 25 Jul 69 PUBLIC RESEARCH AND REPORTS M2 *2. HCO PL 25 Oct 69 SURVEY FORM FOR ALL SURVEYS M2 *3. HCO PL 21 Nov 69 ETHNICS M2 *4. PRACTICAL: Write up questions for a broad survey of Scientologists to find out what they consider most valuable and want from the org and Scn. *5. PRACTICAL: Write up questions for a broad survey of raw public to find out what they consider valuable and want. *6. ESSAY: Write up how you would conduct a big broad survey (Div 2 staff - for Scientologists Div 6 staff - for raw public). *7. HCO PL 5 Dec 71 PR Series 13 HOW TO DO A PR SURVEY M2 *8. ESSAY: The points to keep in mind while doing a survey as a surveyor. *9. HCO PL 28 Oct 69 HOW TO TABULATE A SURVEY M2 *10. PRACTICAL: You want to do a survey. Say you didn't need a Tone Level or no one was trained to spot Tone Levels: Take either set of questions you did above in 4 or 5 and conduct it on 20 people. Tabulate results. *11. PRACTICAL: You want to find out what the public thinks a top grade professional staff would dress like: Make up a question and survey 10 raw public. Tabulate results. *12. HCO PL 2 Jun 71 PR Series 10 BREAKTHROUGH M2 *13. PRACTICAL: Make up be-do-have questions and translate them over to A-R-C for survey use. *14. HCOB 25 Sep 71 TONE SCALE IN FULL (Revised 15 Nov 71) M2 *15. HCOB 26 Oct 70 OBNOSIS AND THE TONE SCALE M2 *16. PRACTICAL: Go out onto the street and spot Tone Levels using your HCOB Tone Scale in Full for reference and then not referring to it. *17. PRACTICAL: Go out onto the street and ask people questions, any questions and spot their chronic tone. *18. PRACTICAL: You want to know what people want to achieve (be), what is bugging them that they're trying to resolve (do) and what they consider valuable (have) plus tone level overall. Make up the A-R-C questions and do a survey on 20 people. Tabulate results for answers and overall tone level. *19. LRH ED 161 INT SURVEYS ARE THE KEY TO STATS *20. ESSAY: On the 4 other types of surveys invoice, success, Examiner reports, past promotion, what you can find out from each, how to conduct and use them. *21. PRACTICAL: Conduct an invoice survey of 30 invoices to find out where customers are coming from and what is selling most. D. SURVEY AND PROMO SECTION *1. HCO PL 23 Dec 58 QUALITY OF PRESENTATION M2 *2. HCO PL 8 Oct 64 ARTISTIC PRESENTATION M2 *3. HCO B 30 Aug 65 ART M2 *4. CLAY DEMO: The importance of promotion quality and its communication factor. *5. HCO PL 30 Jul 68 GROSS INCOME SENIOR DATUM M2 *6. HCO PL 6 Jul 59 OUTFLOW M2 *7. HCO PL 7 Mar 64 DIRECTOR OF ENROLMENT M2 *8. CLAY DEMO: Why quantity is important. +9. HCO PL 17 Nov 65 THE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF PROMOTION M2 *10. CLAY DEMO: Driving in more business than the org can waste and why you do this. *11. HCO PL 16 Apr 65 HANDLING THE PUBLIC INDIVIDUAL M2 *12. HCO PL 13 Aug 70 PR Series 2 THE MISSING INGREDIENT M2 *13. HCO PL 10 Feb 65 AD AND BOOK POLICIES *14. HCO PL 13 Aug 70 PR Series 3 WRONG PUBLICS *15. ESSAY: Take items 11, 12, 13 and 14 above and list the ingredients of a good promo piece and ways you can statisticize response. *16. PRACTICAL: Take the survey results you got in section (C) item 10 and make up a promo piece on it. *17. PRACTICAL: Take the survey results you got in section (C) item 18 and make up a promo piece on it. *18. PRACTICAL: Take the survey results you got in section (C) item 21 and do a promo piece on it and state to what area it will go. *19. PRACTICAL: Take the survey results you got in section (C) item 18 and write up what your PR Campaign should push. E. SUMMARY SECTION *1. PRACTICAL: Write up the ideal scene on the relationship of surveys, promo, PR and exchange. *2. CLAY DEMO: Surveys are the key to your org's stats and how and why. *3. CLAY DEMO: How survey functions are used on and relate to your job. I attest I have completed this mini-checksheet and know and can apply the data on it. STUDENT: DATE: I attest student knows and can apply the data of this minichecksheet. SUPERVISOR: DATE: Student issued provisional Cert as Survey Specialist. CERTS AND AWARDS: DATE: (Checksheet made up by CS-6.) L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal =========================== 458 ED 163 INT 27 Dec 71 RAISING STUDENT POINTS [p. 286-8] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 163 INT 27 December 1971 To: EDs Tech Secs Directors of Training Course Supers Course Admin Subject: RAISING STUDENT POINTS Reference: HCOP/L2 April 71 Issue III How To Push Up Student Points and Get the Targets I have lately received remarks that seem to indicate a wrong Why is being used on student points by EDs and Ds of T. Believing it is new students in that raises points and old students out that drops them is a sure way to kill course efficiency. This belief puts student points outside the control of course people. "If they'd give us more students the points would go up." "If the points went down it's because we graduated some students" are both false reasons. Any student body of a well conducted course should remain at about the same level. Goings and comings do not greatly affect it. THE REAL WHY FOR UP OR DOWN STUDENT POINTS IS THE QUALITY OF TRAINING. PUSHING POINTS HCOP/L 2 April 71 Issue III "How to Push Up Student Points and Get the Targets" tells all about how to push for points. It was written by the Flag D of T at my request in a period of soaring affluence resulting in Power. Any D of T or Supervisor who gets this data into action will accomplish 3 to 4 times his present point level. Why should this be done? A. AN ACADEMY THAT DOESN'T EMPTY WILL NOT FILL. B. This means that slow-low graduate courses do not sell well. C. THUS SLOW POOR COURSES WRECK ORG INCOME. D. If you do not make auditors you will not be able to deliver processing. E. If you DO make auditors who are well trained your field will expand. PROGRAM 1. Get a Course Supervisor on each major course full time. (See HCOP/Ls 16 March 71 What is a Course?, 1 Feb 66 Staff Auditor and Supervisor Procurement, 10 June 71 Hatting Course Personnel.) HAS or in default TECH SEC, or in default LRH COMM or in default ED _____. 2. Hat with at least a Mini Course Super Hat. Means get it fully checked out. (HCO P/L 11 Dec 71 Issue II Mini Course Supervisor Course - LRH ED 138R INT Revised.) HAS or in default TECH SEC or in default LRH COMM or in default ED _____. 3. Get a Student Admin on on each major course. See HCOP/L 16 May 69 Course Administration, 16 March 71 What is a Course?, 10 June 71. Hatting Course Personnel _____. 4. Hat with HCOP/L 26 Dec 71 "Student Admin" Mini Hat Checksheet. HAS or in default, the COURSE SUPER _____. 5. Get in WHAT IS A COURSE?, HCO P/L 16 Mar 71. TECH SEC or COURSE SUPER with the aid of the STUDENT ADMIN in collating etc. (Materials available from Pubs DK.) _____. 6. Get in HCO P/L 2 April 1971 Issue III "How to Push Up Student Points and Get the Targets." ORG OFFICER or ED _____. This is a simple program. Like all programs one has to DO it. If it is done, student points will soar and the training area will fill AND empty and you'll have auditors. 7. Get in a Mini Qual. (HCOP/L 14 August 71 Issue II Revised 19 Nov 71 Mini Qual Org Ed.) ED _____. 8. Get in an Interne Pgm. (HCOB 19 July 71 Internes, HCO P/Ls : 6 Nov 71 Issue III Interneships Line-Up, 16 March 71 What is a Course?) ED _____. Now you will have flubless HGC auditors. Obviously you won't be able to raise student points with no hatted Course Super and no Student Admin and with no materials available. Hence these steps must be in. Then you PUSH for POINTS and it all will come out beautifully. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 459 ED 165 INT 29 Dec 71 WELL DONE AUDITING HOURS [p. 281-5] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 165 INT 29 December 1971 To C/Os & EDs IMPORTANT TECH SECS Ds of P C/Ses The LRH Comm of the Org is responsible for getting this Program in and keeping it in. If there is no LRH Cormn it is up to the C/O or ED. Subject: WELL DONE AUDITING HOURS, How to Increase Reference: WDAH Checksheet and Pack HCO PL 1 Jan 72 (Supplies of the pack will shortly be available from Pubs DK) Auditing hours depend upon: A. Having auditors B. Having pcs C. Having auditors audit. And to have Well Done Auditing hours: D. Having auditors who are well trained. E. Having auditors who audit well and in volume. In other words there are several steps involved. These make a gradient one to the next. A. HAVING AUDITORS 1. The fastest way of getting auditors is to search out, through Academy roll books and personal contact or by other means auditors who are already trained and getting them on staff. You need HDCs, Class IIIs and IVs, Class VIs and one or more Class VIIIs and preferably an HSST. This is a basic HAS function but in default of that is done by the D of P. See: HCO PL 17 Sep 70 HAT CHECKSHEET, PERSONNEL PORTION - a pack for this checksheet was sent to all HESes in Sept 1970. HCO PL 6 Jun 71 II DIR PERS HAT - Sections C, F, J. TECH SEC OR ED. _____. 2. Offer Word Clearing to such old already trained auditors. Get them WC1, then WC2 on first materials studied or heard and WC2 on earliest course and they will be back with it fast. See LRH ED 154 INT TECH CERTAINTY AND HIGH STATS. Also: SO/WW ED 46R MINI WORD CLEARING CHECKSHEET; LRH ED 152 INT FAST TRs, LRH ED 120 INT AUDITORS ASSOCIATION PROJECT IN YOUR AREA. QUAL SEC. _____. 3. The Registrar must be grooved into selling Training. She must have a reality on it, that it is needed to handle life and other people and must know what results an auditor can get. Any doubt any Reg may have, any misunderstood about what Training is, how it is done, must be resolved by Word Clearing, the Classification Chart and expert guidance from a Tech Trained person, not by HCO Hatting. Lengths of time on course, what is planned, rates must all be cleared up on any and all Regs. Preferably they should also be run on the "Money Process'' HAS assisted by the TECH SEC or an auditor. _____. 4. The Public Division should get grooved in, not just in bringing in new people but bragging up the status of an auditor and get "Be an Auditor" signs posted around. The Public Reg should be grooved in as in 3 above so Training gets pushed. See: PR Series 53 WRONG PUBLICS, No. 6 OPINION LEADERS, PROMO-SURVEY MINI HAT on LRH ED 161 INT. HAS and TECH SEC. _____. 5. The TR Course is the first "auditing experience" a person gets as an auditor. Therefore the TR Course should be producing happy graduates who get wins. And those who are very good and fast should be told "You'd really make an excellent auditor. You ought to be trained." TR Course Pack and HCO PL 15 Apr 71 HAS COURSE CHECKSHEET. DIST SEC. _____. 6. The most certain way of having auditors is to have a good training department and enroll them and train them. See LRH ED 163 INT RAISING STUDENT POINTS and HCO PL 9 Dec 71 WHAT? NO AUDITORS? As eventual auditing will be as good as they are trained and no better, training quality must be good and thorough and fast with no blows or misunderstoods. See also: LRH ED 138R INT TRAINING AUDITORS and HCO PL 11 Dec 71 Iss II MINI COURSE SUPERVISOR COURSE. TECH SEC and DIRECTOR OF TRAINING. _____. 7. To make sure that a student makes it through there should be a Mini Qual and Word Clearing and Cramming readily available, no wait. See: HCO PLs 19 Nov 71 I MINI QUAL ORG ED, 6 Jun 71 QUAL DIV DEFT 13 CHECKSHEET, 31 May 71 I THE CRAMMING OFFICER CHECKSHEET, Cramming Series HCOBs of 12 Dec 71. HAS. _____. 8. The C/O, ED and D of P should keep an eye on all courses and spot the better auditors and make it known this is being watched and should groove in the HAS to get these recommended names approached to be taken on by the HGC, any financial actions to be done by the Treas Sec at low pay, decent bonus. HCO PL 1 Feb 66 STAFF AUDITOR AND SUPERVISOR PROCUREMENT. HAS. _____. 9. The better high hour auditors should be sent to an SH so VIs, VIIIs and HSSTs can be made rapidly for the org. See: LRH ED 160 INT PROJECT ORG TECH, HCO PL 6 Jun 71 XVI DEPT OF PROCESSING CHECKSHEET. TECH SEC. _____. 10. All available auditors should be gotten on and in the chair. D OF P. _____. B. HAVING PCs 11. Registrars should be grooved in on selling processing. The Grade and Class Chart (with the symbols meaning HCOB beside it) should be well posted (and any order to take it down cancelled). The Registrar should have a reality on what processing can do, what it can handle, and should be coached on the meaning of personality graphs, I.Q.s. A state of mind of being a chaplain to the whole area and responsible for their cases should be brought about in each Reg, Div 2 or Div 6. See Pack SELLING AND DELIVERING AUDITING (SO/WW ED 160 INT, 11 Nov 71). Also: LRH EDs INT: 159, 153, 151, 145, 118, 117, 112, 110. HCOB 20 Aug 71 II CLASSIFICATION & GRADATION CHART - ABBREVIATIONS EXPLAINED, HCO PLs 15 Feb 61 EVALUATION SCRIPT, 3 Nov 70 II CONFIDENTIAL - GUIDE TO OCA, IQ, APTITUDE AND LEADERSHIP TESTING, Public Activ. Admin Letter 16 Apr 69 SCIENTOMETRIC TESTING. HAS, TECH SEC. _____. 12. Coaching should be given the Director of Promotion. Factual in Reality ads and fliers in the org magazine, based on SURVEYS should be set up to be done continually so that processing as well as Training is offered. See LRH ED 161 INT l8 Dec 71. HAS and TECH SEC. _____. 13. Issue Authority should never be granted on any promo unless a SURVEY backs it up and is presented and cited with the promo. The LRH Comm must get this line in. LRH ED 161 INT 18 Dec 71. C/O or ED. _____. 14. Public Lines and Routing Forms must be set up and run so a prospective pc can actually get into the org, pay for service, get tested and audited promptly and get to Success and back to the Reg. See HCO PL 6 Jun 71 III DIR COMM HAT CHECKSHEET, Section C. HAS. _____. C. HAVING AUDITORS AUDIT 15. D of P to be genned in on Interviews, getting pcs assigned to auditors and impressed with the way a backlog can ruin income or an unhappy pc ruin the field so he demands service of his auditors. See C/S Series 57, 1 Sep 71 I C/S AS A TRAINING OFFICER, 56, 25 Aug 71 HOW TO GET RESULTS IN AN HGC, 25, 5 Mar 71 FANTASTIC NEW HGC LINE, Flag Promo re TEO. TECH SEC. _____. 16. Pc Admin to be genned in so pcs are brought in on time and that no auditors are ever without pcs. Pc boards up and in use. Folders cared for and ready. Traffic flowing without interruptions or lost hours for auditors. See C/S Series 56, 25 Aug 71 HOW TO GET RESULTS IN AN HGC, 25, 5 Mar 71 FANTASTIC NEW HGC LINE, HCO PL 27 Dec 71 PC ADMIN MINI HAT CHECKSHEET. TECH SEC. _____. D. HAVING AUDITORS WHO ARE WELL TRAINED 17. Get the C/S to spot every flub and send any flubbing auditor to Cramming. See C/S Series 57 1 Sep 71 I C/S AS A TRAINING OFFICER. TECH SEC. _____. 18. Set up a Cramming Officer who knows the material, who handles rapidly any outnesses in the auditor without excessive invalidation and from HCOBs and tapes. Specialize Cramming actions as basically TRs, Metering, Code, drills and HCOBs and Tapes. See HCO PL 21 May 71 I CRAMMING OFFICER CHECKSHEET, LRH ED 151 INT WHY SOMETHING NEW EXPLAINED, LRII ED 140 INT TECH DELIVERY QUALITY and Cramming Series HCOBs of 12 Dec 71. QUAL SEC. _____. 19. Set up Word Clearing very thoroughly so an auditor going to cramming is meter checked for misunderstood words and this then handled before Cramming begins. See Word Clearing Pack, SO/WW ED 46R MINI WORD CLEARING CHECKSHEET. QUAL SEC _____. 20. Set up Dept 13 as a full going concern that requires and delivers WC #1 to every new Dianetics or Academy student before course begins with never any delay. Required case repair should be a rapid liaison with the HGC. See: LRH ED 163 INT RAISING STUDENT POINTS, LRH ED 158 INT MINI QUAL ORG ED SUCCESS, LRH ED 154 INT TECH CERTAINTY AND HIGH STATS, SO/WW ED 46R MINI WORD CLEARING CHECKSHEET, and pack. QUAL SEC. _____. 21. Institute a Qual Interneship and feed all new HGC candidates through it and all old auditors as they can be spared. See HCO PLs 14 Aug 71 INTERNES; 6 Nov 71 III INTERNESHIPS LINE UP; 24 Aug 71 INTERNE CHECKSHEETS; 7 Aug 71 I-VI INTERNE OK TO AUDIT CHECKSHEETS. QUAL SEC. _____. 22. Institute Electronic Attestation in the Interneship for each level. See HCO PL 8 Nov 71 ELECTRONIC ATTESTATION FORM. QUAL SEC. _____. If this program is gotten in step by step, the well done auditing hours of an org will rise and rise. When they falter, go over this program again, putting back all the bits that have fallen out and the stat will again rise. When the WD Auditing Hours get to 700, a full new HGC #2 will have to be gotten in while the old one is kept going. To do this, just repeat this program for the new HGC #2. It is understood that in some orgs there will be missing posts such as Tech Sec or D of P or Pc Admin or D of T. Where one of these posts is missing it is understood that the HAS will get it filled rapidly and if not the LRH Comm or C/O will get it filled even if double hatted. THE INTERNAL ACTIONS OF THE ORG DETERMINE ITS STATS AND INCOME. They are not determined outside the org or even much influenced. The state of mind of the staff can be influenced by outside influences but if this state of mind is handled, then not even severe outside influences determine stats or income. A 700 well done hour HGC in the US would gross over $17,000 even if all paids were at discount. So this program is well worth getting in thoroughly. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal =========================== YEAR OF 1972 =========================== 460 ED 166 INT 1 Jan 72 PLANS FOR 1972 [p. 278-80] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 166 INT 1 January 1972 To: All Staffs Subject: PLANS FOR 1972 As we greet AD22, a general sort out is in order of where we stand. 1971 ended with a resounding win, the lifting of the UK ban and a turn of press to our side. Here, then is a general summary of where we stand and what we're doing. BY CONTINENTAL AREAS The situation as we greet this year is that we've made it with EU and AOSH DK. ANZO is surviving and the UK ban lift will affect its stats. The GO Anzo should use this UK win to kick off the Anzo bills. OTL Anzo in Sydney is doing well. But Anzo orgs need more guidance to get on policy. AF is surviving. Its "enquiry" is reported favorable and should be published soon. OTL (OT Liaison Office) Africa is doing well. UK (United Kingdom) Continental, particular old London, is doing fine. AOSH UK (Advanced Org-Saint Hill) has been spending more than it made since August and must be brought up to a more optimum state. A new C/O is on. The AO line will be improved. SH Fnd did a spurt up with the last Flag graduate's arrival. Surveys are in order and new campaigns are in order. Just lifting the ban will not increase GI necessarily unless surveys and new promo are done. US is moving up in paid completions in its Scientology orgs. Income is bettering in these orgs. The Sea Org orgs in the US could be doing much better, the whole Pac (Pacific) area is overmanned, underorganized and financially unsound. But we've unloaded three white elephant buildings. We will transfer USLO Mimeo to Pubs US so they can make and sell packs. A new Command team is being readied for AOLA (Advanced Org Los Angeles) and the org is being reduced In size to just an AO to increase the flow of OTs. Courses and the main HGC will go to ASHO. "Asia" the US Station Ship will become a tech training vessel, running just the ship and training to make up auditor and officer deficit in the SO. This area is going to get the most change. Excess people will come to Flag or go to the Asia for SO Tech Training. WEAKEST POINT HCO is the weak point in Pac and over the world. LRH ED 147 INT was never gotten in at all. This makes untrained unhatted staffs, unmanned tech areas and is a major influence on GI and Paid Completions. Some orgs don't even have org boards. This is our most important org division and at present our weakest one. For some reason few HASs perform the duties of the post, put an HCO there and get on with it. GENERAL PLAN Thus general planning consists of 1. Getting a functioning HCO into each org (LRH ED 147 INT, 11 August 71). 2. Surveying as per LRH ED 161 INT "Surveys Are the Key to Stats." 3. Getting Div 6 and Div 2 functioning fully. LRH ED 159 INT "Registration Program No. 1." 4. Increasing the number of trained auditors and trained course supervisors LRB ED 163 INT. 5. Increasing the well done auditing hours of an org. LRH ED 165 INT. SUMMARY As you can see the planning for individual orgs is all in LRH ED form. These EDs indicate that PACKS have to be made up as they refer to other issues. So the primary target in all this is to appoint someone even if a temporary in-org mission, to MAKE UP THESE PACKS. These issues are all in your org or just now arriving. We are also putting Pubs orgs into the pack business so you can get packs. And whether you have an HCO or not, the C/O should see directly that these packs are checked out on the people concerned. Thus the org will build up to prosperity in 1972. THE FUTURE So this is how we start 1972, AD22. We came out of the "war" as the winners. World Press turned favorable. Our orgs over the world are intact and ready to be expanded. Now the thing to do is get busy and organize and deliver and get the show on the road. An amnesty has wiped the slate. A twelve line express highway is wide open. So HAPPY NEW YEAR! Good luck and God bless. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:bk =========================== 461 ED 167 INT 16 Jan 72 YOUR DISSEM DIVISION [p. 276-7] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 167 INT 16 January 1972 To All Staff Subject: YOUR DISSEM DIVISION Reference: LRH ED 159 INT LRH ED 161 INT HCO P/L 15 Jan 72 RICHES OR POVERTY Sometimes a staff in some org that isn't doing well wonders why its Gross Income is low, why staff pay is poor, why there is a rough time about money. The staff member himself may be working hard and yet the org doesn't seem to be doing well. One could assign this to having walked under a ladder or seen a black cat but that doesn't give a real WHY. The WHY needed would be one which showed the way to more closely approach an ideal scene. There are TWO divisions that directly influence income. These are the PUBLIC DIVISION and the DISSEMINATION DIVISION. The difference between these two divisions is that The PUBLIC Division contacts NEW people who have not before bought anything from the org. This Division now should have its own Registrar and should be signing up new people for major or minor services. The DISSEMINATION Division handles people who have already bought something from the org. An org which is delivering should be getting most of its income from the DISSEM DIVISION. The Public Division should be very active. It must be manned and functioning. It gets in mobs of new people. On it depends any expansion of the org. If the org is depending almost exclusively on the Public Division - new people - for its income, the org is losing about 2/3rds of its GI. The Public Division must be backed up by an able Dissem Division. I have just reviewed the Dissem Division ideal scene. This has been put in the form of a DISSEM DIV inspection checklist for routine use by higher executives. However, this Checklist can solve some of the mystery any staff member may have about the org's income. Any staff member is authorized to do the following actions as his pay or bonuses and his status depends in no small part upon the Dissem Div. 1. Obtain a copy of HCO Policy Letter 15 January 1972. 2. Go to the Dissem Division and look it over item by item from the checklist from beginning to end through all three qualities given. 3. Determine the condition of your own org's Dissem Div for yourself. 4. At a staff meeting require that the outpoints found be remedied quickly. ALL stats are controlled by the org itself. They do not depend on outside conditions. The results of your look around in the Dissem Div should tell you what percentage of the org's potential income is actually being made. And it should help answer some of the mystery you may have. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes:gal ===========================