FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES - 18/28 ============================ This is the Second Foundation. Our purpose is to keep LRH's plan on track (ref: Asimov). CofS has gone off the rails. This is an announcement of our support of FZBA, Freezone, and The Pilot. We are posting the LRH EDs to make ammends for our long delay in taking action. ARC, PROGRAM DIRECTOR SECOND FOUNDATION ============================ LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES This is a complete copy of the "Original LRH EDs" or Blue Volumes as issued by Bridge in 1983. The full contents for all 28 parts posted is in part 1. The volumes were divided into the 3 numbering Series, and subdivided into the classes of EDs (INT = International, WW = World Wide, SH = Saint Hill, etc.) and placed in reverse order (latest first) within type. This was quite confusing because of some EDs being in multiple classes with different numbers in each class. We rearranged everything in date order (earliest first) to give a better historical perspective and make these easy to find by date. The original table of contents is included in part 2 and the original page numbers are in "[]" at the beginning of each ED. See IMB 5 in part 2 for an explanation of the 3 Series of ED numbers and a list of valid (but expired) EDs not included. See LRH ED 345 INT in part 28 for a list of cancelled LRH EDs that were not included. These are only the EDs that are in the Blue Volumes. ************************************************** FZBA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** Part 18 440 ED 146 INT 20 Jul 71 THE BEGINNING AND MAINTAINING OF A BOOM 441 ED 147 INT 11 Aug 71 HAS AND HCO COPE OFFICER MINI CHECKSHEET 442 ED 148 INT 12 Aug 71 "...PUSHING OEC BOOKS..." 443 ED 149 INT 22 Aug 71 EDs REGISTRARING AND TOURS 444 ED 151 INT 25 Aug 71 WHY SOMETHING NEW EXPLAINED 445 ED 152 INT 26 Aug 71 FAST TRs, THE HIGHSTAT PGM 446 ED 152 INT 26 Aug 71 ON POLICY REGISTRATION 447 ED 153 INT 30 Aug 71 ORG CONDITION STAT CHANGE 448 ED 12 US 8 Sep 71 CANCELLATION OF ILLEGAL ORDERS 449 ED 13 US 9 Sep 71 Handling USLO and EC US Personnel 450 ED 145R INT 6 Oct 71 BONUS COMPLETION POINTS 451 ED 154 INT 7 Oct 71 TECH CERTAINTY and HIGH STATS 452 ED 155 INT 10 Oct 71 GOOD STAT NEWS =========================== 440 ED 146 INT 20 Jul 71 THE BEGINNING AND MAINTAINING OF A BOOM [p. 338-40] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 146 INT 20 July 1971 To: All staffs Executives URGENT CLOs Subject: THE BEGINNING AND MAINTAINING OF A BOOM GENERAL SITUATIONS SITUATION: The GI boom has well begun. Tours and other actions have been extremely successful. The bugs of "crush sell" and postulate checks have been ironed out. Tours courses and selling tech are in progress. This GI boom is excellent and MUST be continued. Therefore other situations and actions related to it must be rapidly brought up to keep pace with it. HANDLING: Continuing the successful actions of the GI boom. Taking those actions vital to continue the GI boom and expand it and making sure no other omissions permit the GI boom to break down. Fortunately a concentration on selling training constitutes the biggest part of the income gained and TRAINING should continue to be concentrated on as the main sales item. DELIVERY INCREASE SITUATION 1: GI is being pulled in heavily. Delivery stats not increasing to match it. This forecasts a rough time if delivery of what is sold is not also speeded up and increased. WHY: It does not take many staff members to get in a GI. It takes a whole org to deliver. One can work at the irreducible minimum of just getting in a GI without also putting an org there and delivering tech at high volume in high quality. HANDLING: It is splendid to get in GI. At least that is something done. The orgs must be strengthened up to actually deliver fast courses and good auditing so that it EARNS what it is paid and also expands its field by successful word of mouth. A plan is being worked out to credit the org only with cash for what it has delivered. The FBO system should be strengthened and the allocation system phased over to increase payment on a gradient for delivered services and decrease GI collected %s. Example: between such and such dates allocation will be weighted more to favor successfully delivered services. Then from such and such a date to such and such, the successful delivery allocation will again increase and the bulk GI collected will be held in reserve an even longer time to award successful delivery. This will arrive at a point where GI is allocated more heavily on successfully delivered services. To be worked out by CS-G, CS-3 and activated by FBO Continentals and FBOs in orgs. Heavy GI collection should be continued by CS-2 and EDs and C/Os and Dissem Divs. ESTABLISHMENT SITUATION: Musical chairs and unstable CLOs and orgs and even orgs dwindling in staff numbers are a subject broadly mentioned in debriefs. This impedes delivery and loses great amounts of work already done. For instance the SH area has lost all trace of last year's work in arranging staff auditing. Persons ordered to certain posts are found on other posts. Those on posts are seldom found knowing and wearing their hats. Ground is being lost. WHY: HASs, C/Os and EDs are often found operating as "disestablishment officers". They keep tearing up working installations. HASs are hit by a furious torrent of demands from EDs and Org Officers and give way and instead of recruiting and doing normal hatting and training actions are involved in catching up the backlog of unhandled actions. No HAS to date has been found doing the correct orderly cycle of recruit, keep a personnel "HCO Expeditor" pool doing SS I, SS II, and hatting and apprenticing posts. HASs are doing everything else but their own hat. Further, C/Os, EDs and Org Officers do not let or force an HAS to wear his actual hat and actually establish an org and hat the posts already there. HANDLING: HASs must at once appoint an "HCO Cope Officer" to deal with the mad scramble of backlog, must forbid internal transfers and forbid a rip up of what is already established. The HAS must then recruit or hire, make a personnel pool of HCO Expeditors that do their SS I and SS II and get fully trained and hatted and apprenticed and so build an org as well as preserve the org that is there. I am writing further know-how for this post and will soon be individually training HASs, Org Officers, Product Officers, C/Os and EDs as such after their FEBC as special courses. Meanwhile CS-7, LRH COMMS and GUARDIAN STAFF are to force in the correct HAS actions on the HAS by appointing an HCO Cope Officer to handle randomity, and then force the HAS to actually do THAT post and NO other. This is very URGENT. IF EVERY STAFF MEMBER WOULD INDIVIDUALLY ORDER VOLUME 0 THE OEC BASIC STAFF HAT FROM PUBS DK, a $16.00 value available postage paid to individual org staff members for only $8.00! AND BEGIN TO STUDY IT ORGS WOULD BEGIN TO STABILIZE. IT'S A LOVELY BIG BOOK AND ITS DATA IS MISSING IN ORGS. SITUATION: Tech delivery must be enormously improved in orgs in training and processing and volume and quality. WHY: Training tech has been out on courses and Interneships have been missing in HGCs. The word clearing data of the study tapes was not in full use, making slow courses and poor auditors. The full value of word clearing was not realized or used. HANDLING: Full write ups of WORD CLEARING are now being done. Full drills are being worked out for immediate forwarding to orgs. Full Course Supervisor Drills are nearly compiled. TR AND SERVICES must get this tech checked out and in full use in every org. An HCO B 19 Jul 71 C/S Series 52 "Internes" has been written and must be checked out on every C/O, ED, Product Officer, Org Officer and HAS and C/S and Ds of P by the org's LRH COMM. Students coming off courses must be Internes and their certs will only be provisional unless they do Interne. This is true for EVERY org. NEW PEOPLE SITUATION: Div VIs are undermanned and by report not bringing in enough new people. Also Div IIs are not working to assemble and handle their full CFs and so take advantage of the field. WHY: Concentration on Hot Prospect files only by C/Os and EDs. HANDLING: TR Courses and actions by Div VI to contact new people and get them in are ordered. Div VIs must be manned up. CS-6 is to get in full Div VI actions. Dissem Sees are being pushed to get CFs being filed up and used and any "ARC Broken field" handled. WHAT TO SELL LRH ED 145 INT "Why Something New?" is the subject of several projects now going to Bureaus and Orgs. Sales People must be briefed on what orgs can deliver so they can sell it. The Grade Chart is the subject of what's sold and delivered. This program is currently in full blast. COMMAND INTENTION It should be clear from this what I am trying to do. I am trying to stabilize orgs and get them expanded and delivering while they sell. In this way the GI boom now well begun will continue. It is quite urgent that this line of approach - Big GI, Stable Org - good delivery - new people - big GI - stable org good delivery - new people continue over and over. Those things which break this cycle down in any way must be gotten rid of. If we keep that cycle up we will attain a Power level adequate to Clear the planet. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dz:gal =========================== 441 ED 147 INT 11 Aug 71 HAS AND HCO COPE OFFICER MINI CHECKSHEET [p. 335-7] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 147 INT 11 August 1971 URGENT IMPORTANT To: All HCO Area Secs Org Officers From: RON Subject: HAS AND HCO COPE OFFICER MINI CHECKSHEET Reference: LRH ED 146 INT The vital role in firmly establishing orgs played by the HAS has become visible through the havoc played in some areas by musical chairs. The reason behind falling GDSes is usually the inability of the HAS to establish the org. Frantic demands made on the HAS by Execs causes her to unstabilize and not establish. The answer to this is the immediate appointment of an HAS Cope Officer to handle the noise while the HAS firmly establishes the org, retains and reenforces what is there, recruits, trains posts and hats staff. This Mini Checksheet is vital to an understanding of the HAS and HAS Cope Officer post and should be locally assembled as a pack and checked out on. The first product of an Org Officer is an HAS. So the Org Officer must do a thorough checkout, with demos, of his HAS on this checksheet and pack. Volume Zero (Basic Staff Hat) and Volume 1 (HCO) of the OEC Volumes should be ordered from Pubs quickly by HASs and HCO members and form the full checksheet to which this mini checksheet must be added as it contains new P/Ls not yet in the book written to handle the situation now visible in many orgs. THIS ACTION IS VITAL TO SAVE YOUR STATS AND EXPAND YOUR ORG. MINI CHECKSHEET HAS & HAS COPE OFFICER Name Org Date HCO P/L 28 Oct 70 Org Series No. 9 Organizing and Hats HCO P/L 16 Feb 71 Org Series No. 23 Issue II Lines and Terminals HCO P/L 14 Sept 70 How to Organize an Org Issue II HCO P/L 9 Mar 71 Posting an Org Ed Issue II HCO P/L 12 Mar 71 Putting an HCO There HCO P/L 29 July 71 Org Series No. 28 Personnel Series No. 21 WHY MATTING? HCO P/L 7 July 71 Org Series No. 27 HCO Establishment Functions HCO P/L 21 July 71 HAS STANDARD ACTIONS Issue I HCO P/L 21 July 71 HAS Apprenticing Actions Issue II HCO P/L 7 Feb 71 FEBC Org Ed Div I Issue II HCO P/L Mar 13, 65 Divs 1, 2, 3 The Structure of Organization What is Policy? MCO P/L 28 July 71 Admin Know How No. 26 HCO P/L 10 Aug 71 HCO Cope Officer HCO P/L 11 Aug 71 Basic Staff Hat Pack Issue I HCO P/L 11 Aug 71 Don't Unmock a Working Issue II Installation HCO P/L 11 Aug 71 Infinite Expansion Issue III HCO B 23 June 71 Word Clearing Series No. 1 HCO B 24 June 71 Word Clearing Series No. 2 Word Clearing The following HCO Bs are included. HCO B 23 June 71 and 24 June 71 are to be starrated on the HAS or Cope Officer. The remaining HCO Bs are to be star-rated by the auditor on himself and then audited on the exec by a qualified auditor who then signs he has done so. HCO B 30 June 71 Word Clearing Series 8R REVISED Standard C/S for Wd Clearing Method 1 Audited to a win F/N VGIs at Examiner HCO B 21 July 71 Word Clearing Correction List REVISED HCO B 4 Aug 71 PURPOSE CLEARING Audited to a win F/N VGIs at Examiner I certifg I have checked out star-rate the HAS or HCO Cope Officer with Demo Kit and Clay Demos Signed, Checker I attest I have completed to total mastery this Mini Hat Pack and have had run on me Word Clearing Method 1 and Purpose Clearing to total satisfaction and promise to do my job. HAS or HCO Cope Officer Attested as factual Certs and Award Org RETURN THIS CHECKSHEET WHEN COMPLETED TO LRH COMM FLAG via your nearest Cont'l Liaison Office. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb:bk =========================== 442 ED 148 INT 12 Aug 71 "...PUSHING OEC BOOKS..." [p. 333-4] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 148 INT 12 August 1971 To: All Staff From: RON 26071R RLY PUBS DK VIA CO TO KEN DELDERFIELD. I AM PERSONALLY PUSHING OEC BOOKS EVERY CHANCE I GET. VOLUME ZERO SHOULD BE OWNED BY EVERY STAFF MEMBER IN EVERY ORG. IF PACKAGED SO A SHIPPED ZERO INVITED PURCHASE OF THE REST YOU'D SELL LOTS. THIS WHOLE SET IS VERY OPPORTUNE TO SUSTAIN THE BOOM. YOUR LONG TERM GOAL IS SPLENDIDLY BEING ACHIEVED. HIGHLY COMMENDED. RUSH THE REMAINING VOLUMES INTO PRINT. ADVERTISE GLOSSILY AND HEAVILY. THEIR VALUE IS PRICELESS. WE'LL GET GOING NEXT ON ALL HCOBS IN RED BOUND SIMILAR IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER WITH DICTIONARY. THEN TAPE TRANSCRIPTIONS SIMILARLY. SO MAKE ALL YOU CAN ON THESE OECS AND BEGIN PLAN NEXT ACTION. I AM VERY PROUD OF YOU AND ALL WHO HELPED. LOVE = RON. 26071R2 COMMODORE DEAR SIR, I AM DELIGHTED WITH PGM, ESPECIALLY GETTING OEC BOOKS INTO HANDS OF EVERY STAFF MEMBER. DESIGNING EASY ORDER PACKAGE TO GO WITH EVERY ZERO SOLD STAFF. WHOLE SET EVERY STAFF MEMBER ALL ORGS INCLUDING SEA ORG IS GOAL. SPEEDING COMPLETION. HAVE HAD HCOB ACTION UNDER WAY FOR SOME TIME AND HAVE 840 HCOBS (2/3 OF TOTAL) CAMERA READY FOR PRINTER. PLANNING PRODUCTION NOW TO FILL IN MISSING DATES. CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER VASTLY SIMPLIFIES. HAVE CAPTURED ALL DICTIONARY MATERIALS AT PUBS STUDYING YOUR PAST ORDERS THIS VITAL ACTION. THEN TAPES. ALSO HAVE EXCELLENT CROSS REFERENCED INDEX AND GLOSSARY TO WHOLE OEC SERIES IN ACTION. THANK YOU SIR FOR COMMENDATION OF PJO TEAM. GREATLY APPRECIATE YOUR BACKING AND AM HONORED TO DO IT FOR YOU. LOVE DELD. 26071R3 LRH DEAR SIR DK ORG IS FIRST ORG TO REPORT COMPLIANCE. ALL STAFF HAVE VOLUME ZERO ALL EXECS FULL SET ON ORDER. THEIR GI ON STEEP UPTREND HIGHEST EVER AT DOLLARS 4600 = 4 TIMES PREVIOUS RANGE ED PETER JORK SAYS "IT IS A RESULT OF PUTTING IN STABLE OEC DATA." LOVE DELD. 26071R4 DELD VERY VERY WELL DONE. COMMENDABLE TO DK. RUSH PROMOTE THIS WIN TO ORGS FAST. YOUR WORK OF YEARS TO MAKE POLICY KNOWN SURE IS PAYING OFF. LOVE = RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb:bk =========================== 443 ED 149 INT 22 Aug 71 EDs REGISTRARING AND TOURS [p. 330-2] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 149 INT 22 August 1971 TO: C/Os, Exec Dirs SUBJECT: EDs REGISTRARING AND TOURS There has been no legal order that Executive Directors must act as Registrar's Hot Prospect Registrars. Also there has been no legal order that EDs must go on tours. An Executive Director should be able to train Registrars easily enough. And Tours Courses have been available for some time in Continental Liaison Offices. DUTY The specific duty of an ED is to run an org that is established and delivers. ESTABLISHMENT The concentration on production alone or the concentration on organization alone are both destructive to an org. There is a happy middle ground. DELIVERY An org MUST deliver what it sells. It cannot do this if it only sells. Also it cannot deliver and not sell at all. Once more there is a happy middle ground. An org only STAYS viable if it sells and delivers. BALANCE The ED or the Ad Council are there to see that the org both sells and delivers. VOLUME Delivery must be in the volume that is sold. You can't deliver more than you sell and you will have trouble if you sell far more than you can ever deliver. QUALITY The Quality of delivery is your best advertisement. The first part of quality is delivering at all. If you don't deliver at all you get very bad word of mouth. If you deliver on policy, in-tech courses and make auditors who can audit and will audit you will build an org and field that people will flood into. Don't downgrade the Power of tech. Tech done correctly produces fantastic results. VIABILITY So if you sell courses (and auditing) in volume and make auditors (and pleased pcs) of high quality, you will be VIABLE. VIABLE means CAPABLE OF LIVING. We are not here for a short run. We have lived through 21 years of yesterdays and we will live through 21 centuries of tomorrows. The ONLY threat to an org's existence is to fail to sell in volume what it can deliver and deliver it in high volume with high quality. PLEASED PUBLIC The volume of pleased individuals in the public that have received high quality service in your org determines the FUTURE expansion and ease of operation of your org. ON-POLICY IN-TECH Courses and auditing delivered in volume makes a big pleased public. That we do please our public is the only real safeguard we have had against all attacks. So don't ever drop that life saving shield. EASY TO DO It is EASY to get ON POLICY and IN-TECH. It is only hard when you don't. BEGINNINGS It is true that in the beginning I registrared and I went on tours. BUT I also taught courses and audited and delivered. So if an ED were going to registrar and go on tours, it would only be reasonable to expect he would ALSO teach courses and audit pcs. But please note I did not do this very long. I got someone to registrar and grooved them in. Then I got people to teach courses and grooved them in. And as soon as I had auditors trained I let them audit. We did not move up into an International movement until I established permanent orgs that sold, trained and processed and let other people help! So if you must registrar and tour, remember you must also, at the same time be prepared to teach courses and audit. I think it's much easier for you to train or procure registrars and tours specialists to go out for you and establish Course Supers and auditors and C/Ses, in your own org, don't you? That's what an ED is for. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:bk =========================== 444 ED 151 INT 25 Aug 71 WHY SOMETHING NEW EXPLAINED [p. 327-9] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 151 INT 25 August 1971 To: All Execs URGENT All Staff All Auditors (Not for Public Distribution) Subject: WHY SOMETHING NEW EXPLAINED References: LRH ED 145 INT HCO B 25 Aug 71 C/S Series 56 How to Get Results in an HGC On 4 July 71 in LRH ED 145 INT I asked the Question WHY SOMETHING NEW? In actual org surveys the answer was really found. Orgs have a wrong target. They think they need more tech to solve cases and so try to increase their tech. Actually they MUST increase the Div IV and Div V organization. The answer is C/S Series 25 on the formation of HGC lines. Instead of improving their Div IV and V organization orgs try to get new tech. Got it? It is organization that gives results at the Examiner. It is having the proper lines and terminals in IV, having a Qual with a library and cramming. It is NOT a new process needed. It is A FULL ON POLICY ADMINISTRATIVE DIV IV and DIV V. Other instances of this exist but here is a success story that proves it. On 24 July 71, Asst Gdn Toronto returned from Flag. He found a situation - the org was not doing well for the amount of trained personnel in it. He found these major outpoints (1) Out Tech on pc's from folder inspection, also evidenced by too many refunds, local attacks, low pay, roller coaster morale. (2) HCO Not fully in with a long way to go as evidenced by counter-policy continually cropping up, no expeditor pool, unhatted personnel, etc. As he had in addition to FEBC gotten his Okay to Audit Dianetics and Class VI on Flag, he put the Okay to Audit in the HGC system in (Interneship system). Per C/S Series 25 he was also Senior C/S. He began sending Auditors to Cramming for out tech, bringing their morale up by blowing their uncertainties. The F/N at the Examiner ratio gradually increased from 65-70% to 80%. (He also helped HCO by referring the HAS to policy to get him un-interiorized and performing vital functions. As the org had never seen a real HCO this is taking some time but is improving.) Now two weeks after that comes a report from the Tech Sec Toronto. "Dear Sir: I really wanted to send you a daily report on what we are doing here in Toronto. A/G Canada came back, and our standards for tech rose 500%. We have put real flubless auditing IN IN IN sir, and I bet you we are one of the first outside of Flag on the Planet. So the last week it's been cram cram cram cram audit audit cram word clear literally for both auditors and C/S. Wow, it's such a lot of fun, and already our new pc's on lines are trebling so we hardly have enough room for them. I wish wish wish that this whole planet could really know that the real basic of a successful expanding org IS totally FLUELESS tech. While on Flag I really thought deep down that no org could achieve the standard of Flag for flublessness. I was so wrong. It is so incredibly easy. You simply do it flublessly, and cram every goof however minute on HCOBs tapes, books. So our 350 hours last week were I believe the most honest hours ever seen in a field HGC. I expect you too wondered when the hell we would ever get around to Flubless tech perfectly by the book. Well we are leading. It is SO FANTASTIC to run an HGC like this. Let me tell you that just last week quite a few of our pc's were Dial wide FN's or Floating TA's....standard Tech by the book can be applied by anyone anywhere, not just at Flag. Let this be known. It IS all in the HCOB's and books and tapes. It is easy to have flubless tech and a really high standard. And it feels just great! Love, Caroline Trollope Tech Sec, Toronto" So there's the Answer to WHY SOMETHING NEW? It is confirmed in other orgs. It was the correct administration that was needed, not a new process. In Dianetics and Expanded Lower Grades, Power, Solo and OT Levels you have a whole route. It's on the grade chart. But if you sell it, then really deliver it! Get Auditors, get C/Ses, get the admin set up straight. You may have a long way to go. But you can begin. I have written C/S Series 56 (HCOB 25 Aug 71). We have a new Tech Establishment Officer Course on Flag that takes only 3 weeks. We have a new "Mini Qual" set up we are exporting to CLOs and thence to orgs. The new Word Clearing Series HCOBs, Mini Course Super Hat, the CLO Course Super Course, and "What is a Course?" P/L are all there for you to make students into auditors. The whole Interne layout and checksheets exist to make auditors into HGC auditors. Flag and CLOs are doing their level best to help your delivery. You have enough right in your hands to begin. You can recruit auditors and C/Ses. You can send a Tech Estab Officer candidate to Flag. You can in fact get in C/S Series 25 at once and build up in an orderly program as you go. To begin you need a C/S, auditors and a Qual Cramming Officer and C/S Series 25. You can build from there. Train more C/Ses and auditors. Get in more admin personnel. Send a TEO candidate to Flag. Hey, don't you want good processing on yourself and the staff? Flubless auditing is what you want. That means organization! You CAN achieve it. Begin now. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 445 ED 152 INT 26 Aug 71 FAST TRs, THE HIGHSTAT PGM [p. 325-6] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 152 INT 26 August 1971 URGENT To: All TR Course Supers ALL COURSE SUPERS Exec Director Dissem Sec LRH COMM FOR ACTIVATION Subject: FAST TRs THE HIGHSTAT PGM Reference: LRH ED 143 INT 21 May 71 "The World Begins With TR O" HCO B WD CLEARING SERIES NO. 1 to NO. 14 HCO B 15 Aug 71 TR COURSE BUGS HANDLED HCO B 16 Aug 71 BREAKTHROUGH TR COURSE SO/WW ED 46R INT 20 July 71 IT IS VITAL that you are aware of and can use the HCO Bs on Word Clearing and TR Course Breakthrough. ALL COURSE SUPERS AND AT LEAST TWO CLASS IV AUDITORS MUST BE FULLY CHECKED OUT ON ALL THESE HCO Bs. The LRH Comm or anyone double-hatted as an LRH Comm or in the absence of an LRH Comm, the Exec Director of the org must personally see to this. (Note: There is a Mini Wd Clearer Checksheet SO/WW ED 46R INT 20 July 71 which is SO/WW ED 46 Int of 20 July 71 with HCO B 15 Aug 71 and HCO B 16 Aug 71 added.) 1. ASSEMBLE PACKS. All these materials have been sent directly to your org. They are available right where you are now. 2. CRASH TRAIN ALL SUPERS AND TWO CLASS IV AUDITORS ON THEM. 3. Be certain that the Class IV Auditors understand and can do HCO B 15 Aug 71 TR COURSE BUGS HANDLING as to meter check and rehab. 4. Be certain the Class IV Auditors can do Method 1 using HCO B 30 June 71 REVISED Word Clearing Series 8R, and its correction list HCO B 21 July 71 REVISED. 5. Get all Course Supers fully checked out on all the Word Clearing Series No. 1 to No. 14 and HCO B 15 Aug 71 TR COURSE BUGS HANDLED and HCO B 16 August 71 BREAKTHROUGH TR COURSE. 6. Get all overdue for completion TR Course Students rehabbed promptly as per HCO B 15 Aug 71 and 16 Aug 71. 7. Designate someone (should be the ARC Brk Reg but any assigned person will do). Have him dig up the names and and addresses of all blown TR students and begin to call them in. 8. Man up Dept 13 with the two Class IVs (this is your Mini Qual going int see HCO P/L 14 Aug 71 Issue II for its Org Ed) and get them swinging on the called in blown TR students to rehab them. 9. Get all Supers using Method 3 and Method 2 on all existing students and speed them up. 10. Get your Registrar Selling WORD CLEARING METHOD 1. It takes 8 or 9 hours. It is worth at least $500. There is no Treasury set price. Get what you can. Don't undervalue it. 11. Have your Dissem whip out Promo for an UNDERSTANDING INTENSIVE (the public name for this). This Intensive cannot be oversold. It produces the most fabulous success stories when done right. High School and College students can actually pass exams they have flunked. People recover whole educations. I.Q. goes UP. Knowledge increases. They feel clearer, brighter, lighter. They speed up. 12. Get a Cramming Officer into Dept 14 Qual and every time a session doesn't F/N send the auditor to restudy rapidly. (See LRH ED 151 INT.) This is a second part of your Mini Qual. (See HCO P/L 14 Aug 71 Issue II, Qual Org Ed for the org bd of this Mini Qual. Note that the Dissem Div Registrar signs up public for Qual Services for cash not credit in a Mini Qual.) 13. Get your student points soaring with wd clearing. 14. Have the ARC Brk Reg (or designated person) call in all blown course students for a Method 2 wd clearing in Dept 13 free and get them back onto course. Then sell them a Method 1 if they bog again. 15. Program - you write it - a full action to get training sold re-sparked and whizzing in your org. 16. Put HDC and Acad Course grads on as Internes on the Interne Pgm so you'll have auditors. 17. Use Cramming to make them flubless. 18. Send a Tech Establishment Officer candidate to Flag SO you can expand your delivery. (3 weeks, he gets no auditing, positive fast return.) WHEN YOU HAVE DONE THIS PROGRAM SEND WORD OF COMPLIANCE TO A/LRH COMM AIDE AT YOUR CLO. If you do this your stats will soar. (Note HCO P/L 27 Aug 71 makes Academy Certificates Class I to IV valid at an SH so a student only needs to take Class V there. Class IV Orgs thus can make more auditors locally.) Get this Word Clear Program going despite all noise and can'ts. Don't dismantle your org to do it. The street out there is full Of walking bodies. Love , Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:bk =========================== 446 ED 152 INT 26 Aug 71 ON POLICY REGISTRATION [p. 322-4] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 152 INT 26 August 1971 To: EXEC DIRECTOR DISSEM SEC DISSEM PERSONNEL LRH Comm check this out on Execs and all Dissem Subject: ON POLICY REGISTRATION I have ;just learned with absolute horror that the Registration Lines in Orgs have been squirreled by an offpolicy tours mission and that "Hot Prospect" has been misdefined to mean "somebody with Loot" and, which is the real shock, that letter reg and CF functions have been abandoned in some orgs and the Ltr Reg cut off from the Registrar. Now I've seen it all. If your org stats are down you have been off or been put off Div II Policy. If your stats are down, they are down for one of five reasons: 1. Improperly organized delivery (C/S Series 25, C/S Series 56 and LRH ED 151 Int). 2. Out Tech off policy training (see recent Wd Clearing Series, What is a Course P/L). 3. A screwball Div II and off policy registration. 4. An unstable HCO (see new HAS P/Ls as listed in LRH ED 147 Int of 11 August 71). 5. Your org is off policy. Programs, HCOBs, P/Ls are in your hands to remedy these. DIV II The sudden upsurge of stats gotten by tours was not backed up by a complete filed into Central Files and Letter Regs writing on policy letters to develop ordinary prospects into real hot prospects. A "Hot Prospect" is somebody who wants training and processing. That's all. He is DEVELOPED by competent Letter Registration and Advance Registration. We have now found Registrars with as few as 25 people on their lists. All this and anything NOT on policy is off policy. Needless to say the people in question have been taken off these lines. Your sudden high stats collapsed because the field was bled of "hot prospects" without developing any more (and because auditing not training began to be sold). There may very well be more to all this than is yet known. But I can give you a fast fast program to save your stats and put them into an honest solid climb. 1. Improve your delivery. (See LRH ED 151 Int.) 2. Get VOLUME 2 (Div II) of the OEC series on order in quantity. 3. Get your whole staff to individually Order Vol O OEC Series Basic Staff Hat from Pubs. 4. Grab any Div II hat packs you have that consist of only policy and cram cram cram your Div II personnel. 5. Get Div II personnel working. 6. Hat your HAS (LRH ED 147 Int). 7. Get Div II recruited and trained. 8. Get your CF filed into fully and its folders useful. 9. Get letter regs operating. 10. Finish up your existing students by using Word Clearing (see HCOB Series just released). 11. Get your Qual organized so it crams and word clears. 12. Get an Auditor Interneship going in Qual with the existing checksheets just released. 13. Get an LRH Comm on Post. Put him as head of the Advisory Council. 14. Start operating on written programs and projects only. 15. Get your whole staff starrated on the Vol O OEC Basic Staff Hat. 16. Get Division II checked out fully on Vol II OEC. 17. Get your org on Policy with the LRH Comm as head of the Ad Council demanding only on Policy actions. IMPORTANT A. To preserve income keep any tours actions going that you have. B. To preserve honesty deliver the very best high volume high quality service you can. C. Sell Mainly Training and train well. D. Stabilize your Org and hat them and quit musical chairs. Realize that you will never come off cope unless you get on policy. Realize your org must retain its reputation. Realize that you are selling valuable services that are wanted if they are delivered and delivered in high quality. The whole world wants your service. They do not want bad service. You can give service. Good service. Flubless. It's all in the HCOBs and P/Ls. There is a way to do this right. So do it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:iw =========================== 447 ED 153 INT 30 Aug 71 ORG CONDITION STAT CHANGE [p. 320-1] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 153 INT 30 August 1971 To: C/Os CLOs Commanding Officers of Orgs Executive Directors Subject: ORG CONDITION STAT CHANGE Reference: HCO P/L 29 Aug 1971 Your attention is urgently drawn to this Policy Letter which makes a change in the org condition assignments and Commanding Officer Executive Directors commendations and removals. The org Conditions stat is now PAID COMPLETIONS ACCOMPANIED BY AN ACCEPTABLE SUCCESS STORY. To Implement this Policy Letter two separate sets of targets follow; one for CLOs, one for orgs. LRH Comm CLO to Activate these CLO Targets: 1. Continental Liaison Office Management Bureau is to be formed up on the pattern of the previous GI expeditor units of ECs. C/O or HAS CLO. 2. The unit is at once to begin contacting orgs daily to get their Paid Completions Statistic accompanied by Success Story. IT IS FORBIDDEN TO CONTACT AN ORG DAILY FOR GI OR ANY OTHER STAT. The contact is done by or in the name of the Senior Executive Director in the Management Bureau of the CLO. 3. Using the Data Bureau of the CLO WHYS for a down condition are to be found and used. 4. Using the Action Bureau trained Missionaires are to be sent out on exact MOs to remedy the situations found. It is forbidden to send an untrained Missionaire without orders. 5. The C/O of the CLO and Condition of the CLO has two stats - one for Scn orgs, one for SO orgs. 6. When this machinery is fully known set up and in use the LRH Comm Aide CLO reports compliance. LRH Comms (or HAS or ED) of an ORG reports Compliance with these Targets. 1. Set up lines to receive daily and furnish the PAID COMPLETIONS WITH SUCCESS to the CLO daily. 2. Hold an Ad Council Meeting and inform them of this stat change and read them HCO P/L 29 Aug 71. Explain that to raise this stat: (a) Requires rapid set up of Tech and &ual Divisions. (b) Demands new people coming in. (c) Demands from Registrar and Letter Reg a real knowledge of what their own tech and qual deliver, not a theoretical idea of what they some day might. That tech works. That it is real. And CAN be delivered. Review them on LRH ED 145 INT. (d) Informs any tours personnel to sell hard but only sell what the org can deliver. (e) Requires Flubless delivery. (f) Read them LRH ED 151 INT. (g) Requires of each Division a project for their div to raise this stat fast. 3. Get in LRH ED 152 INT of 26 Aug 71 Fast TRs. 4. Get in a Staff Staff Auditing action so this Pgm will not deny auditing to staff members. 5. Signify compliance with the above to LRH Comm Aide CLO. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal:jw ========================== SEE LRH ED 153RK of 14 June 77 (final revision of the original 153 first issed in this time period. See also 26 Dec 76 Cancellation of 153RJ and earlier versions. =========================== 448 ED 12 US 8 Sep 71 CANCELLATION OF ILLEGAL ORDERS [p. 657-660] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 12 US 8 September 1971 URGENT IMPORTANT To: ALL STAFFS Subject: CANCELLATION OF ILLEGAL ORDERS FLAG'S ACTUAL ACTIONS Reference: Any verbal or telexed orders received by orgs from ECUS or USLO by phone, telex or mission to this date, cancellation of. Plus Flag programs and actions. SITUATION: Orders by phone, telex or USLO Missions have been issued for some months and attributed to myself or Flag which are not factual. WHY: False Reports to orgs and to Flag substituted for the factual comm lines which were cut have left executives and staffs in orgs with false data. HANDLING: 1. ECUS has been disbanded. 2. USLO is under the direct control now of Flag Missionaires. 3. All data is now in the hands of Flag. 4. Direct orders are being issued by LRH EDs, SO/WW EDs, Flag Mission Orders, Flag Divisional Directives, as well as Policy Letters and HCOBs. 5. A Flag Representative is now fully on post at USLO. 6. All needful action is being taken by Flag to establish the integrity of these lines. 7. NO ORDER ISSUED BY ANYONE HAS ANY VALIDITY IF NOT FOUND IN LRH EDs, POLICY LETTERS, HCOBs, SO/WW EDs, FLAG DIVISIONAL DIRECTIVES OR DIRECT COMMUNICATION IN WRITING FROM FLAG AIDES, OR FLAG MISSION COMMUNICATION AND COMPLIANCE NOW HANDLING USLO. This means that any order or demand received from USLO or ECUS during the past several months or to date is CANCELLED. THE FOLLOWING SITUATIONS DID NOT HAVE FLAG APPROVAL AND DID NOT OCCUR BY ORDERS FROM FLAG AND ARE CONTRARY TO FLAG POLICY. A. POSTULATE CHECKS. B. CRUSH SELL. C. CONCENTRATION ON GI ONLY WITH NO HEIGHTENED DELIVERY. D. TRANSFERS AND UNMOCK OF STAFFS. E. The use of my name to get enforcement of orders I had never issued. F. Return of many persons to Flag. G. Other orders issued in various ways that impeded stability. THIS IS WHAT IS BEING DONE BY FLAG. 1. SO Estates section in LA is being reorganized and improved. Building rearrangement is being done. 2. Mimeo Distribution lines are being straightened out. 3. The LRH Comm Network is being restored. 4. The Finance scene is under heavy attention to iron it out. 5. The USLO image is being improved by getting it in good hands and on target and in other ways. 6. On policy actions are being established and POLICY is being applied and put in. 7. Lines from orgs to Flag are being cleaned up. 8. Hiring and recruitment is being stepped up. 9. Personnel transfers are forbidden without Flag approval. 10. Posts and lines illegally added to the org bd are abolished. 11. USLO demands to send personnel for training have been eased off. 12. All hands actions in orders are being forbidden. 13. Tech Admin ratio is being adjusted to a proper 2 Admin 1 Tech. 14. Blown persons are being recalled and handled. 15. The use of "It's an LRH Order" is forbidden as a false enforcing action. 16. Unjust staff dismissals and off line Ethics actions are being remedied. 17. A proper HCO USLO is being formed. 18. Training is being gotten in as what to push by Registrars. 19. ARC Brk programs have been set up for field. 20. Tape quality of those tapes being made in the US will be brought up to Flag and Pubs DK quality. 21. TR Course pricing unstabilization now being stabilized at the org's own option. 22. Collection agencies, use of, is forbidden for Scn public. 23. Orgs are being re-advised on City Offices. Expensive premises are to be let go. 24. Franchises are to be restored to proper ownership with C of S Mission status. 25. Div IIIs are to revert back to On Policy Div IIIs and stable Treasury actions. 26. USLO demands for money from orgs for its own services has been channeled back to Flag for review and billing only from Flag. 27. Employment and utilization of Tech staff must be beefed up fast. 28. L10 must cease to be sold by orgs not qualified. 29. PCs must be gotten in and audited. 30. Course materials must be complete and full materials must be on courses and "What is a Course?" Policy Letter gotten in fast. 31. The HCOBs remedying TR Course, how to rehab, are now in org hands as well as LRH ED 152 Int of 26 Aug 71 FAST TRs for immediate activation in orgs. 32. Hot Prospect Reg System is abandoned reverting to routine On Policy Registration. 33. MINI Congresses are cancelled. 34. Day and Foundation combination was illegal and off policy. These are being separated out into separate Day and Foundation orgs. 35. Public Divs to cease to operate as Hot Prospect Registrar and get back to duty for usual actions and New Public. NONE of the above actions were in accordance with Flag policy or orders or mine. If you are interested in how this got off the rails this far, and why, read 9CO Policy Letter 31 August 71 THE EC NETWORK DISBANDED. FLAG PROGRAM Having stabilized its lines, Flag's program for handling the current scene is being very successful. 1. DELIVERY. The key to salvaging any boom is delivery of what is sold. The Org Condition and Exec Dir Stat change is in HCO P/L 29 Aug 71. The full program is in LRH ED 153 Int. Delivering what was sold is a MUST. Selling without delivering is dynamite. Your integrity depends on it utterly. Thus if we race ahead and work HARD HARD HARD to deliver what has been sold we can salvage this boom. Hire auditors, hat case supers and deliver. All Flag's support is rushing forward on cleaned lines to help you do that! 2. Get your finances in order. Knock off needless expenses. 3. Sell more training than processing. 4. Make your training ON POLICY and better. 5. Get in FDD 12 Qual INT of 7 Aug 71 and FDD 10 DISSEM INT and clean up any ARC Broken Field. 6. The Tech of Word Clearing, more fantastic than you will ever believe until you see it in action on your students and in hatting your staff is already in your hands as per LRH ED 152 INT of 26 Aug 71. 7. Coming your way this very moment is Rocky Stump, Class IX HSST, a trained Flag Auditor and Tech Establishment Officer graduate to take over Tr and Services USLO and help you get in Tech Divs. 8. Coming your way right now is Louise Kelly, former Qual Sec AOLA, as a Flag Missionaire with a Flag Mission to get in a Qual Bureau at USLO and Qual Divs in Orgs to get your staffs word cleared and your students really going and your auditors crammed to Flubless. Everyone on Flag has been working flat out for weeks to handle this situation. And the results should now be materializing in the US. We didn't talk about it much or issue any complex orders until we knew exactly what it was and exactly how to bring it straight. So don't be alarmed by the bad news. It's all yesterday's bad news. Flag is handling and with velocity now that all the facts are in. We never dreamed ECUS had been re-activated and we never dreamed anyone would push GI without an heroic push on deliver. At least we have solved the 1968 crash. And the 1967 one And why the society gets booms and depressions. It's pushing GI harder than delivery. That's the real WHY. So you push delivery hard hard hard now and continue then to push GI and you'll be all right. I hold to my record of being the first to tell you. SCIENTOLOGY WILL GO AS FAR AS IT WORKS. So make it work. As a final note, the UK, Europe and Africa did not go down like the US. They stayed in Comm with Flag. Delivery did not wholly fall out and they are well on the mend with Students Points. Well Done Hours and Success Stories soaring. And their GI is moving right on up too! So the US can make it. But DELIVER. That's the only honest thing to do. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 449 ED 13 US 9 Sep 71 Handling USLO and EC US Personnel [p. 655-6] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 13 US 9 September 1971 To: All Staff For Information Subject: Handling USLO and EC US Personnel Reference: LRH ED 12 US SITUATION: As given in the WHY of LRH ED 12 US, the ECUS and USLO area were cutting lines from Flag to orgs and orgs to Flag and were sending false reports and orders both to Flag and to orgs including false stats. WHY: Qualifications requirements for hiring and recruitment have been out for a long time in the LA area. A third of a hundred staff in the area have non-passing qualifications. HANDLING: 1. Four Flag Missions have been working for many many weeks to investigate and uncover and handle situations in the area. 2. A Course Correction Mission has just completed straightening out USSO courses and is now working at AOLA and will move on to ASHO. 3. ECUS has been disbanded and its quarters emptied and turned over to the Guardian. 4. All commands in the area have been relieved. 5. All previous US orders have been cancelled by LRH ED 153 INT. 6. Emphasis on delivery and the new paid completions stat per LRH ED 153 INT is being received with very very good indicators in the LA area and SO orgs and those so far reported. 7. Those previously in area and now on Flag have been transferred to tech study and Interneship and are having their cases handled. 8. A Tech Establishment Officer Rocky Stump is enroute to USLO to set up Training and Services Bureau and Tech Divs in orgs. His target is to help increase tech delivery volume and quality. 9. A Qual Missionaire Louise Kelly is being sent to USLO to set up a Correction Bureau and Qual Divs on a new basis in US SO and Scn orgs that does heavy word clearing on staffs and hats and students. Her target is to word clear and hat by word clearing Method 2 all org staffs. 10. Flag is in action restoring "city offices" to Franchises and off loading excess buildings and taking care of numerous outnesses in the Continental area. 11. AND THE MAJOR ACTION now about to be launched is a special Flag mission. THREE Flag Class XII Auditors under an I/C are being fired to rapidly handle the 33 non-qualified cases in the EC-USLO Area. These cases are being transferred off lines and to a project force during the period of fast case remedy. 12. LT TONY DUNLEAVY is being debriefed as a Flag Missionaire and briefed as Acting C/O USLO. W.O. KIMA JASON DUNLEAVY is being debrief ed as a Flag Missionaire and is being posted as Acting Org Officer USLO. All Orgs should give full attention to and comply with LRH ED 151 INT, LRH ED 152 INT and LRH ED 153 INT and get VERY active hiring auditors, delivering splendid on policy word-cleared courses and flubless tech. An org must exchange valuable service for all the money it receives or it will go out of communication with its environment. We are racing to prevent this from happening. Flag could become very cross about all this US breakdown. Instead it is being very calm and efficient. It is slamming the lines back in straight and working day and night to get good delivery to occur in time to catch public opinion in the US. You see none of this happened in the rest of the world. We are salvaging USLO people with Class XIIs instead of shooting them. This will come out all right. Make satisfied students and satisfied pcs, make them fast and in volume with top quality. You can and must follow the new stat of Paid Completions accompanied by an acceptable Success Story. You must hire auditors and get in decent courses and hat your Course Supers and Auditors using Word Clearing Method 2. And turn out a quality product you can be proud of and in volume. You have the materials. Using Word Clearing Method #2, clearing off the Misunderstood Words from HCO P/Ls and HCO Bs and C/S series and staff hats and course students and dawn will break all over the place. Skip the nonsense of "only produce, don't organize." Get in there and deliver. And you'll be all right. We have the general situation under control. Now you get your situation under control and MOVE FAST. Let's get a REAL show on the road. Right in your org. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ks:iw ==================== 450 ED 145R INT 6 Oct 71 BONUS COMPLETION POINTS [p. 341-3] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 145R INT 6 October 1971 TO: ALL STAFF (Not for Public Distribution) SUBJECT: BONUS COMPLETION POINTS REFERENCE: LRH ED 145 INT Why Something New? HCO P/L 28 Sept 71 SELLING AND DELIVERING AUDITING HCO B 7 Oct 71 Intensives Added Points I have found a more basic Why of difficulty of selling auditing. It is contained in full in HCO Policy Letter 28 September 1971, SELLING AND DELIVERING AUDITING. This policy letter outlines the 25 hour and 12 1/2 hour one week intensives. When Class IV orgs departed from this pattern, started to deliver small irregular amounts they became non-viable and selling auditing ceased to be profitable and the pcs of these orgs did not buy enough auditing. There are two reasons for this: 1. Auditing delivered consecutively with minimum time periods between sessions gets the pc up faster than life can knock him down. 2 1/2 hours a week barely keeps the ruds in. 2. A pc has to buy enough auditing to get someplace. The reason for refunds was traced to not enough auditing. This came in with Quickie Grades. Before that we almost never heard of refunds. In the 25/12 1/2 hour intensive action, the Reg signed up hours but was not allowed to estimate a case. The Reg sent the case for a 5 minute Tech check and Tech sent the pc back to sign up "for 6 intensives" or no acceptance. In intensives the pc actually can go on up the grade chart. 3. The handling of the case is left up to the Case Supervisor and the Registrar and pc, by specifying what is bought, are not C/S ing. By delivering auditing in big chunks the auditors are kept busy. Scheduling is very easy. The auditors are on a comfortable routine. The org has a chance to get viable. PROCESSING The org should sell processing. Any order that training must be 5 to 1 over processing is not correct. In the 50's they used to have about 1 student per 1 intensive. SELLING Selling auditing hours only is easy. It lets the C/S do the C/Sing. Whatever the person has to have, he gets in the session. BEGINNING AN INTENSIVE The pcs all begin on Monday regardless of when the auditing was sold. PILOTING As the 25 and 12 1/2 hour intensive in one week was the pattern during all the years Class IV orgs were very prosperous, the matter has been fully piloted. All Dissem Div and Tech Div Policy was built on the 25 and 12 1/2 hour intensive. Even CJS Series 25 which gives the lines of an HGC works best on the 25 and 12 1/2 hour intensive. PLANS Right now a price is being piloted in LA on the 12 1/2 hour Intensive and the re-introduction of a 12 1/2 hour intensive given in one week is being tested out. By dividing the auditing day into 3 periods, 0930 to 1200, 1300 to 1530 and 1900 to 2130 and giving tests on Sunday night, omitting that 1900 to 2130 period one has a 12 1/2 hour intensive mornings, Monday to Friday, Afternoons Monday to Friday, Evenings, Monday to Friday. One also has a weekend intensive by using all three periods on Saturday and morning and afternoon on Sunday. The auditing is sold in "numbers of intensives". These are given in chunks exactly scheduled by Tech Services Monday to Friday. Today we would call the 12 1/2 hour intensive given in one week "An Intensive". It would be easy to sell. The probable US price would be $500 with membership, student and professional auditor discounts. (Member would be 10%, International and local Member 20%, pro auditor or pro student 50%.) PERSONNEL London Day used to have 6 full time auditors plus D of P and Registrar. Washington used to have about 15 full time auditors, D of P, Asst D of P (Tech Services). They all kept very busy. SMALL LOTS It was VERY illegal to sell bits or schedule in bits. So long as only big blocks were sold the orgs were very solvent. Pcs fit easily into such a schedule. This is not an order to activate this. IT IS PERMISSION TO DO SO AS IT GIVES YOU BONUS COMPLETION POINTS (see HCO B 7 Oct 71). You need auditors FAST. You need to get your CF in shape FAST. It does not change your lines in any way. HCO B 6 Oct 71 to give you the change in Auditing Completion points is being issued. LRH ED 153 INT would still hold. I think the above is the real Why for demanding something new. Selling a result by name requires too educated a public. Psychiatry and psychology never produced even one good result in a century. Result is above the public on a selling level. But by selling blocks of intensives you can give them results that show. And result after result! Leaves you selling auditing in big blocks and delivering results! It takes time to get a result. Even word clearing can be delivered by Intensive but just as part of what the C/S orders. A C/S can't C/S with the Reg ordering it. And the public will buy Intensives. We know that. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:fw =========================== 451 ED 154 INT 7 Oct 71 TECH CERTAINTY and HIGH STATS [p. 310-2] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 154 INT 7 October 1971 URGENT To: All staff Auditors Tech Sec Qual Sec Class VIIIs Subject: TECH CERTAINTY and HIGH STATS For Immediate Activation by the Qual Sec or in absence of one, the LRH Comm or ED. The answer to achieving technical certainty and to obtain flubless F/N VGI results, and the high stats that follow is contained in WORD CLEARING. If all Qual ever did was Word Clearing in Dept 13 and Dept 14 Cramming, you would have it made. ALL TECH UNCERTAINTY STEMS FROM MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS. And Surprise! They are seldom the words of Dianetics and Scientology. They are "of" "from" "the" "an" and the basics of language! In itself, word clearing Method No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 return case results hard to credit. BEGINNINGS The way you begin this in an org is to have 2 Class IIIs or higher do the Word Clearing Checksheet materials given in SO/WW ED 46R using Method No. 2 Word Clearing on the materials on each other. Then they do Method 1 Word Clearing on each other (using the Wd C1 Correction Sheet on any flub). This makes them trained Word Clearers. They can do it flublessly if they complete this action. TECH STAFF Now put these 2 auditors in Dept 13 and have them begin on the org's C/S or C/Ses. On the C/S do Method No. 1 Word Clearing. Then do the first Dianetic or Scientology book or materials the C/S ever read done Method No. 2. Now do Method No. 2 on the whole C/S Series. You have the C/S straight. Work right along on the Auditors 1. Word Clear Method No. 1. 2. Ist book or materials Method 2. 3. Their early materials on their first course. 4. Auditors Rights C/S Series No. 1 Method 2. And on the Course Supers and course personnel. 1. Word Clear Method No. 1. 2. 1st book or materials Method 2. 3. Mini Course Super Hat including "What is a Course?" P/L Method 2. POLISH While all this is going on order fastest the ready for delivery Tape Series "Class XII Model Auditing Sessions." These are a series of sessions, pro quality recording, of Class XIIs auditing lower grade processes. This gives a model of what real flawless auditing, flawless TRs sounds like. (Usually Auditors' jaws drop when they hear these, they never heard real auditing before.) (These tapes available at once from Pubs DK, the whole set for only $150 cash air post paid, worth tens of thousands to you in improved quality in your own HGC.) UNCERTAINTY Uncertainty comes totally from lack of understanding. Understanding is barred out by the misunderstood word. ALTER-IS All alter-is comes after the misunderstood word. NEW AUDITORS You can put new Auditors in on your Interne Course in Dept 14, handle them with word clearing as above and train them by making their own tapes on pcs and comparing them to Class XII tapes and MAN will you have 1. Auditors who WANT to audit. 2. Auditors who CAN audit. TOPPING THE CAKE Now to really top the cake, to really get frosting on it, A. Send an auditor to Flag for the Tech Establishment Course. He'll be back in a month able to give you the organization you need for fine quality. B. Send a red hot Class IV to Flag to be trained fully as a Flag Interne. He'll come back with certainty auditing can be flubless. A Class XII Flag Mission just returned from LA begged me to tell you "Please tell them to get an auditor to Flag for Class IX so they can really groove in to handle their Pcs." Yes, that would really put the frosting on the cake. While your TEO and Class IX are getting trained DO THE ABOVE. Get a Qual Sec. Get the Qual Sec to put this program in. FAST FAST FAST. It's the easiest most pleasant program you ever got in. There's your Flubless Tech and high stats! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes:bk =========================== 452 ED 155 INT 10 Oct 71 GOOD STAT NEWS [p. 308-9] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 155 INT 10 October 1971 To: All Staff Subject: GOOD STAT NEWS References: LRH ED 153 INT GREAT NEWS. The July August-September downtrend of stats has reversed and is on a healthy climb. For the first time in years the delivery of orgs is on a solid basis of Quality and Quantity. The WHY of this (there can be good whys) is getting in the new PAID COMPLETIONS ACCOMPANIED BY AN ACCEPTABLE SUCCESS STORY statistic. Orgs are being handled to sell and deliver QUALITY IN QUANTITY. The push for GI only the way the old EC network did (as described in HCO P/L 31 Aug 71) had strained public image with crush sell and postulate checks. But whereas in former years the stat would have just gone on down, WE CAUGHT IT by shifting attention and work to delivery with LRH ED 153 INT. And IT IS WORKING! That's the clear plain message rolling in over the telex machines from around the world. WE'RE WINNING. The Letters in and Registrar Interview and New Names to CF International stats show conclusively that public image was not hurt by postulate checks and crush sell. We got it out of the way before permanent injury was done. It has long been said that SCIENTOLOGY WOULD GO AS FAR AS IT WORKS. Well, that new PAID COMPLETIONS stat is making it WORK. This has been a long haul since July, finding out what went wrong and putting them right. The Flag Bureaux, Continental Liaison Offices and orgs have been working LIKE MAD getting the new stat in and orgs functioning. We have a long way to go. We have a lot of work to do. But we know now what made stats crash (pushing only GI) and how to make them recover fast (Paid Completions accompanied by an Acceptable Success Story). I want to thank everyone on these long lines over the world who got the trend reversed! And who now have a clear road to push it right on up. JUST GO ON WORKING ON LRH ED 153 INT. Get auditors. Get in Word Clearing and get your students points up (LRH ED 154 INT). You've got it moving up again all over the world! PUSH like mad and it will go right out the top. And don't forget that PAID is part of that stat! Get your Dissem Div in and working ON POLICY to get in that GI. Boy, do I feel good! We're a howling Success every one of us! Love, RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes:bk ===========================