FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES - 17/28 ============================ This is the Second Foundation. Our purpose is to keep LRH's plan on track (ref: Asimov). CofS has gone off the rails. This is an announcement of our support of FZBA, Freezone, and The Pilot. We are posting the LRH EDs to make ammends for our long delay in taking action. ARC, PROGRAM DIRECTOR SECOND FOUNDATION ============================ LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES This is a complete copy of the "Original LRH EDs" or Blue Volumes as issued by Bridge in 1983. The full contents for all 28 parts posted is in part 1. The volumes were divided into the 3 numbering Series, and subdivided into the classes of EDs (INT = International, WW = World Wide, SH = Saint Hill, etc.) and placed in reverse order (latest first) within type. This was quite confusing because of some EDs being in multiple classes with different numbers in each class. We rearranged everything in date order (earliest first) to give a better historical perspective and make these easy to find by date. The original table of contents is included in part 2 and the original page numbers are in "[]" at the beginning of each ED. See IMB 5 in part 2 for an explanation of the 3 Series of ED numbers and a list of valid (but expired) EDs not included. See LRH ED 345 INT in part 28 for a list of cancelled LRH EDs that were not included. These are only the EDs that are in the Blue Volumes. ************************************************** FZBA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** Part 17 431 ED 135 INT 15 Jan 70 STATUS OF Worldwide Org 432 ED 136 INT 9 Feb 71 AUDITOR WINS 433 ED 137 INT 9 Feb 71 AUDITORS ASSOCIATION 434 ED 138 INT 28 Mar 71 MINI COURSE SUPERVISOR COURSE AND PACK 435 ED 140 INT 19 Apr 71 TECH DELIVERY QUALITY 436 ED 139 INT 22 Apr 71 VFP Ser. No. 2 EXT RUNDOWNS 437 ED 142 INT 9 May 71 POWER CONDITION 438 ED 143 INT 21 May 71 THE WORLD BEGINS WITH TR 0 439 ED 145 INT 4 Jul 71 WHY SOMETHING NEW? =========================== YEAR OF 1971 =========================== 431 ED 135 INT 15 Jan 70 STATUS OF Worldwide Org [p. 378-9] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 135 INT 15 January 1971 To: All Staff Scn & SO Orgs ECs WW Subject: STATUS OF Worldwide Org The Scientology Worldwide Management Control Centre was established at Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex in 1959. It is the organization to which Scientology Orgs over the world pay their administrative ten percents. It is the Commonwealth Centre and Board of the Church of Scientology of California. NOTHING HAS CHANGED IN THIS STATUS OR LOCATION. For administrative ease and to make a single channel of management of orgs (they did have 29 control points), WW is now the International Centre of the Management Bureau of Flag Liaison Offices and is part of the UK Liaison Office at WW. In every Continental Liaison Office the Management Bureau contains the SENIOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE CONTINENT. At WW there will be the Senior Executive Director International The pattern is as follows: The Senior Executive Director is helped by an Organizing Officer (HCO ES) and by a Product Officer (OES) and by a PR Officer (PES). This continues the tradition and form of EC WW. The exact same pattern is being established in Continental Liaison Offices. Wherever there is a Continental Liaison Office this pattern is being repeated. The Continental EC and all its staff and offices will operate as the Management Bureau of the CLO. THE PATTERN OF REPORT, 10%s, STAFFS REMAIN UNCHANGED. Where a Continental EC exists without a CLO, the Continental EC remains as before. When a CLO is established there it becomes part of the CLO's Management Bureau. As all orgs are now moving onto the Executive Director pattern, WW and Continental ECs must also assume that pattern. A Bureaux Liaison Officer will be established in your org. At the moment he double-hats also as LRH Comm. The Bureaux Liaison Officer (in the LRH Comm Dept) is the one channel to CLOs which are the one channel of command for orgs. The Management Bureau will be manned mainly by Scientology org personnel, not SO personnel. An Emergency Officer exists in the Management Bureau to handle hot and urgent cope actions. The Management Bureau coordinates with the CLO all projects and orders so that a single channel exists. WW REMAINS A STABLE TERMINAL AS ALWAYS. THE REPORT, 10% AND CONTINENTAL EC %s LINES REMAIN AS ALWAYS. NOT EVEN PERSONNEL HAS CHANGED. The significant change is the fact of a single channel coordinated control line to orgs. In this way an org does not have a multitude of seniors and is not battered by conflicting orders. The advantages are many. Being a part of a CLO trained SO Missions and the Action Bureau can be used by WW and Continental ECs to help put things right. So a single channel line and full coordination is the watchword. We are about to release the hottest Admin Tech ever developed. Behind that is waiting hot case tech. So get your house in order. And continue to answer up to Continental ECs and WW. The SO is right on the same line all over the world. I'm fulfilling a promise made to take so many seniors off the backs of orgs. Here it is: You to Bureaux Liaison (LRH Comm) in the LRH Comm Dept in your own org -- then straight to your nearest CLO and you'll reach all seniors at one go. You're welcome. Love, RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes:gal =========================== 432 ED 136 INT 9 Feb 71 AUDITOR WINS [p. 377] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 136 INT 9 February 1971 To: All Staff Subject: AUDITOR WINS A Class IX Flag Auditor, Liese Klingvall, after making several Clear OTs wrote me a comment on her estimation of Clearing the planet. Flag Auditors are averaging two or three Clear OTs a day amongst the many Flag Executive Briefing Course students and the three orgs on Flag - the Flag Bureaux, the Flag Admin Org and the Flag Ship Org. Flag Admin Org Tech Div HGC has the highest v.w.d. auditing hours in the world by about double. After a particularly swift astonishingly spectacular win amongst many wins Liese wrote me the following note which you may find of interest: REPORT Dear Sir, I will never again be afraid of causing an effect on a pc in auditing. I did not push him in to any of this - I just listened; duplicated and was willing to cause it. I see now I have been underestimating my pcs for too long - and that "Clearing the Planet" will take much "shorter" in "time" than I previously considered. With a Class X running LlOs and being willing to cause or receive any effect at all - we will "Clear" the planet in "no time" at all. I am V happy w/ this, sir. Love, Liese K. She was using the same processes you are. She uses them smoothly and perfectly. A bit of good news I wanted to share with you. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes:gal =========================== 433 ED 137 INT 9 Feb 71 AUDITORS ASSOCIATION [p. 376] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 137 INT 9 February 1971 To: PES DIST SEC & HES Subject: AUDITORS ASSOCIATION Reference: LRH ED 120 INT 27 Aug 70 SO ED 41 INT The Scn Auditors Image ASHO Auditors Night Pgm One of our most affluent orgs has made the furthest progress on AUDITOR ASSN targets. There is a direct connection between the org's success, its ability to deliver courses and well done hours and its progress on its AUDITORS ASSN. It was one of the first to say "Dear Ron, We're on post." It has now made the majority of its targets and it has a huge membership (not just staff) regularly attending. Its field is friendly. Its cash-bills is great, its HGC and Academy are well staffed. If you don't have your Auditors Association going, look around for the "We must not win" counter postulates in your org. Back up the guys on staff who want success for the org. You NEED your field auditors, you NEED your Auditors Association and you need it booming. The Auditors Assn is a winner. Get its targets fully DONE DONE DONE. Love, RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes:gal =========================== 434 ED 138 INT 28 Mar 71 MINI COURSE SUPERVISOR COURSE AND PACK [p. 368-75] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 138 INT 28 March 1971 To: LRH Comm HES Org Officer Tech Sec Qual Sec Subject: VFP Series #1. TRAINING AUDITORS Reference: MINI COURSE SUPERVISOR COURSE AND PACK. The final valuable product of your Training Department AUDITORS WHO CAN OBTAIN ROUTINE STANDARD RESULTS WITH STANDARD TECH AND GIVE PCs WINS. If you are having any trouble getting auditings in the HGC or getting results, if you are having any non delivery problems it goes back directly to a failure to train auditors well in the first place in your area. If students don't come to you, then students who can't use the materials are giving you bad word of mouth. YOUR ORG REPUTE DEPENDS ON AUDITORS WHO CAN ACTUALLY AUDIT. Any failure in this goes back to training. If training is off policy and poor, then a flubby product will result. SOON THERE WILL BE A FLAG COURSE SUPERVISOR COURSE AVAILABLE IN CONTINENTAL OFFICES AND MAJOR ORGS. You should arrange for people to attend it. MEANWHILE, to help you and get you going, I am giving you with this ED a checksheet and pack of a MINI COURSE SUPERVISOR COURSE. This is intended to be done AT ONCE on anyone you have connected with training, supervisor or administrator. This, if used and done, which I know you will do for me will snap your training level way up and get you started into serious fast training of auditors. A well run Training Department fills up with students. To get a well run Training Department check this MINI COURSE OUT ON YOUR TRAINING PEOPLE. TARGETS 1. Select your fastest study most skilled auditor who gets the best results. 2. Designate him as Temporary Mini Course Supervisor Course Supervisor. 3. Have him rapidly study the checksheet. 4. On a five hour a night basis, have him run a course teaching this course. 5. Push into the course every person even distantly connected with training. 6. See that the person selected to be Cramming Officer is a member of your Mini Cse Super Cse. 7. Get the course taught fully and fast. 8. Any person who can't get through it or doesn't turn up or blows it is not to be permitted to be connected with the Training Department thereafter. 9. Put the best student of this Mini Cse Super Cse on as your Director of Training. 10. See that any course you teach in your org is conducted exactly along the lines of this Mini Course. 11. Send someone to the Flag Cse Super Cse when it is conducted in your area as it is much more extensive. 12. Push Auditors auditing for your HGC through the checksheet HCO P/L 5 Sept 70 HGC Checksheet, using the Mini Cse Super Course skills. 13. Assemble packs for your courses or get them by air from Pubs Org DK which has Academy Courses. 14. When you have your training personnel and Cramming Officer fully trained on this course report compliance to me. 15. Return the auditor selected in Target 1 to his normal duties. MINI COURSE SUPERVISORS CHECKSHEET The following checksheet is done once through starrate. However the Supervisor TRs should be done several times until the student has total certainty on them. No item on the checksheet may be signed off as having been previously done on another checksheet. The end result of this Course is a Supervisor who is able to produce effectively trained people who can skillfully apply what they have learned and will apply it. It is also a Supervisor who can at least double or triple the point and completion stats of any course. This is a four day course full time. NAME DATE STARTED ORG POST HCO PL 15 Jun 70 Keeping Scientology Working HCO PL 17 Jun 70 Technical Degrades HCO PL 16 Mar 71 What Is a Course? Purpose of a Course Supervisor cleared on the meter. THEORY (Supervisor checkout ONLY) 1. HCO PL 4 Mar 71 How to Do Theory Checkouts and Examinations 2. HCO PL 24 Sep 64 Instruction & Examination Raising the Standard Of 3. HCO PL 4 Oct 64 Theory Checkout Data (reissued 21 May 67) 4. HCO PL 26 Aug 65 Scientology Training Twin Checkouts 5. HCO PL 12 May 64 Theory Testing Expiration Dates 6. HCO PL 3 Mar 71 Starrate Outpoints 7. HCO PL 14 Mar 71 On Giving Checkouts CLAY TABLES AND HOW TO DO THEM (Twin Checkout) 1. HCO B 10 Dec 70 Clay Table Work in Training 2. HCO B 11 Oct 67 Clay Table Training 3. HCO B 30 Oct 70 Clay Demo 4. HCO B 22 Apr 70 Clay Table Demo Checkouts CLAY DEMONSTRATIONS (Supervisor Checkout ONLY) Demo an example of each of the following: 1. What happens when a student misses understanding a word. 2. What happens when a checkout does not consult the student's understanding. 3. The end result of study showing how you help your twin achieve that. 4. What happens to the entire org if these policies aren't followed on giving checkouts. DRILL (Supervisor checkout ONLY) The student must now check the Supervisor out on at least a two page policy or bulletin. Flunks are thrown in by the Supervisor such as comm lags, glibness, poor definitions, bad demonstrations, etc. The student must say "flunk" immediately or the student is flunked and sent back to study the policies again. The student is passed when the student can give a 100% standard checkout without any hesitations. (The policy used may not be from the course.) STUDY TAPES The student is to take very careful notes on these tapes and must present full notes to the supervisor as proof, and must be able to quote all the laws of study as contained in these tapes. 1. 18 Jun 64 Studying Introduction 2. 9 Jul 64 Studying - Data Assimilation 3. 4 Aug 64 A Summary of Study 4. 6 Aug 64 Study - Gradients & Nomenclature 5. 11 Aug 64 Study - Evaluation of Information 6. 13 Aug 64 Study and Education 7. 22 Sep 64 A Review of Study 8. 18 Aug 66 Study and Intention ESSAYS (Hand in to Supervisor after twin OKs them) 1. How a supervisor detects and handles someone with a skipped gradient. 2. How you detect and handle someone with a misunderstood word or symbol. 3. The different ways we provide mass on a course to go with the significance. 4. The difference between education and schooling. THE MIND: 1. HCO Info Letter 2 Sep 64 "Anatomy of Human Mind Course" 2. Tape 6012C31 AHM-C "The Things of Scientology" DEMONSTRATE IN CLAY (save the demo) The body 3. Study axioms 1 and 2 with your twin. Theory coach them on each other. 4. Demonstrate in clay: Add to your demo now by looking up word "thetan" and adding it to previous demo of "body" 5. Tape 6101C21 The Parts of the Mind ACSA-2 Demonstrate in clay: Look up word "mind" and add it to previous demo of "body" and "thetan". 6. HCO B 23 Apr 69 Basic Definitions Demonstrate in clay 1. A chain containing a lock, secondary & engram. 2. The only thing in the reactive mind. Tape 6101C22 ACSA-5 "Cycle of Action, Time Track, Terminals, Stable Datums, Reactive Thought" Demonstrate in clay 1. A machine 2. A circuit ORIENTATION 1. HCO B 26 Oct 70 Definition of a Student 2. HCO B 27 Oct 70 The Intention of the Student 3. HCO B 13 Sep 65 Out Tech and How to Get It In 4. HCO B 28 Oct 70 Non-Application 5. HCO B 29 Oct 70 Demo Kits 6. HCO B 16 Oct 68 Supervisor, Duty THE BASICS 1. HCO B 21 Sep 70 Study Definitions 2. HCO PL 27 Jul 69 What is a Checksheet 3. HCO B 11 Jun 69 Materials, Scarcity of 4. HCO PL 30 Jul 69 Student Progress Board 5. HCO PL 16 Mar 71 What Is a Course? Practical Write an essay on each paragraph of "What Is a Course?" HCO P/L 16 Mar 71, telling what would happen if the tech in each paragraph were not applied. Be specific. (Hand in to Supervisor after twin OKs.) (100 pts.) 1. Supervisor TR-A 2. Supervisor TR-B 3. Supervisor TR-C THE BASICS (Continued) 6. HCO PL 20 Dec 70 Pink Sheets 7. HCO PL 21 Feb 71 Supervisor Checksheet 8. HCO B 16 Jan 71 Gradient Scales 9. HCO B 5 Sep 68 Handling Student Dope Off 10. HCOPL 24 Oct 68 Handling the Student 11. HCO B 10 Mar 65 Words, Misunderstood Goofs 12. HCO B 20 Sep 68 Glee 13. HCO PL 16 Sep 64 Understanding and tape Lectures (Reissued 21 July 67) Practical 1. Supervisor TR-D 2. Supervisor TR-E THE BASICS (Continued) 1. HCO PL 15 Dec 65 Students Guide to Acceptable Behavior 2. HCO PL 16 May 69 Course Administration 3. HCO PL 24 Oct 68 Running the Class 4. HCO PL 8 May 69 How to Teach a Course Practical 1. Supervisor TR-F 2. Supervisor TR-G 3. Supervisor TR-H THE BASICS (Continued) 1. HCO PL 19 Apr 65 Training and Processing Regulations 2. HCO PL 17 Jun 70 Technical Degrades 3. HCO PL 16 Apr 65 The Hidden Data Line 4. HCO PL 14 Feb 65 Safeguarding Technology 5. HCO PL 15 Sep 67 Supervisors Code Practical (50 pts.) Write a full essay on each of the points in the Supervisors Code. Mock up a situation for each and tell how you would handle it. (After twin OKs it hand in to Supervisor.) Supervisor TR-I TWO WAY COMM 1. HCO B 10 Feb 71 Tech Volume and 2 Way Comm 2. HCO B 13 Oct 70 Course Supervisor Corrections 3. HCO B 11 Jul 69 Supervision 4. SO ED 47 INT 9 May 70 Get 2 Way Comm in Training 5. HCO B 21 Apr 70 2 Way Comm C/Ses 6. HCO B 31 May 70 Interiorization Intensives 7. HCO B 3 Jul 70 C/S Series No. 14 C/Sing 2 Way Comm 8. HCO B 10 Jul 70 2 Way Comm A Class III Action Practical HCO B 31 Jul 70 Listen and Two Way Comm Drill TWO WAY COMM (Continued) 1. HCO B 6 Sep 70 Model Consultation for Hubbard Consultant 2. HCO B 13 Jun 70 Study Stress Analysis Practical 1. Do a doll drill with the 4 Stress Analysis of HCO B 13 Jun 70 Issue II. Drill on it with and without a meter. Each drill to be checked out by supervisor. (The level of training of the student supervisor must be taken into consideration.) 2. Supervisor TR-J THE BASICS (Continued) 1. HCO B 23 Dec 70 Fast Courses 2. HCO PL 14 Dec 70 Group Sanity (Section on Training only) 3. HCO PL 15 Jun 70 Keeping Scientology Working (with particular attention to paragraphs on speed of training and toughness) 4. HCO PL 24 Oct 68 R-Factor to Students 5. HCO PL 28 Mar 71 Successful Actions Taken on FEBC Practical Supervisor TR-K ETHICS & LINES 1. HCO B 31 Oct 70 Students and Duress 2. HCO PL 29 Apr 65 Ethics Review 3. HCO PL 22 Nov 67 Out Tech (revised and reissued 18 July 70) 4. HCO PL 20 Nov 70 The Students' Rabble Rouse Line 5. HCO PL 10 Jan 62 HCO Standing Order No. 5 (reissued as amended on 21 June 67) 6. HCO PL 12 Oct 66 Examinations 7. HCO PL 22 Jul 70 Tech Retreads and Issue III Retraining 8. HCO PL 27 Oct 64 Policies on Potential Trouble Sources (Reissued 23 June 67) 9. HCO PL 8 May 69 Enturbulative Student 10. HCO PL 1 Jul 65 Ethics Chits 11. HCO B 27 Sep 66 The Anti-Social Personality 12. HCO PL 5 Apr 65 The No Case Gain Student Practical 1. Write an essay on how you would spot a troublesome student on course whether he is SP or PTS or whatever. Give several examples and how you would handle each. 2. Supervisor TR-L 3. Supervisor TR-M I attest that I know and can apply the materials of this course so as to produce effectively trained people who can skillfully apply the data they have learned and will apply it. And that I can also double to triple the completion and point stats of any course not being supervised by a graduate of a Professional Course Supervisors Course. NAME DATE I attest that this student can apply the materials of this course so as to produce the above result. SUPERVISOR DATE EXAMINER DATE C & A DATE L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes:gal =========================== 435 ED 140 INT 19 Apr 71 TECH DELIVERY QUALITY [p. 359-60] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 140 INT 19 April 1971 To: ED's EC's Org & Product Officers All Tech & Qual Staff From: LRH Subject: TECH DELIVERY QUALITY TECH QUALITY My current concern is tech quality over the world. Whereas the majority of auditors do a good job, there are some who don't, and it is these who have our reputation at stake. The general outness has been traced (as usual) to outTRs and metering. Lack of a Cramming in &ual Divs and even lack of Qual Divs is what has brought this about. TRs and metering are out of the view of a C/S. He only sees what is written on the auditor report. A Cramming should exist in every org and every bog should cause the auditor to be sent to Cramming on the material missed. As TRs and metering are not visible to the C/S, Cramming should always add "Two hours TRs and metering" as a matter of course. This was the way it was when tech was more consistent. A TR 1 that can't be heard (or blows the pc's head off), a TR 2 that consists of "That didn't read. That read" and TR 4 that is pure Q and A, plus missed reads and by-passed F/Ns can wreck any program. A Cramming in every org and required verification of TRs and metering will go a long ways to improve tech quality. A lot of queer tricks get into a fad state in orgs and the field. The current batty one is don't ever ack anything, just tell the pc what did or didn't read on the meter. That means every session is turned into a Solo audit and the auditor is reduced to a meter reading relay point! The correct definition of "In Session" is "Interested in own case and willing to talk to the auditor." Queer tricks can alter this to "Wondering about the meter and own comm being refused!" We have at Flag two newly arrived auditors who are both doing this, so someone is teaching it that way somewhere. You never tell the pc about the meter. Never. Indicate F/Ns only. The original purpose of the SO was to put in Ethics and tech. We're now doing a great job on Admin. We must work verg hard on tech so as to increase DELIVERY QUALITY. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes:gal =========================== 436 ED 139 INT 22 Apr 71 VFP Ser. No. 2 EXT RUNDOWNS [p. 361-7] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 139 INT 22 April 1971 To: LRH Comm HES Org Officer Tech Sec Qual Sec SUBJECT: VFP Series No. 2 EXTERIORIZATION RUNDOWNS, Vital Correction of Reference: Checksheet and Pack Attached. It is absolutely vital that you do and deliver accurate Flubless Exteriorization Rundowns. Your repute and good name and community good will depends upon the volume and high quality of your Tech Delivery. Observing incoming folders, I am finding too many flubbed Exteriorization Rundowns. We have set up a special unit on Flag to correct them on incoming FEBC students. IT IS VITAL YOU CORRECT YOUR TECH AND THE INT-EXT RD IN PARTICULAR. If you are trying to operate without a Cramming in Qual, that could explain all. TARGETS: 1. Appoint a Cramming Officer in Qual at once. 2. Get him checked out on the MINI COURSE SUPERVISOR HAT so he knows how to check out. (See LRH ED 138 INT.) 3. Have him check out every auditor you have on staff whether in HGC or not on the checksheet on Int attached. 4. Have him give a stiff Dianetic Exam to every auditor who will do Ext RDs. 5. Have him cram any auditor who fails it on Dianetics until that auditor can run engrams. 6. Have every auditor whose pc does not get an F/N at the Examiner on any process or session sent to Cramming promptly and crammed on the material so he can DO it. 7. Send Compliance to me when this has been fully and thoroughly done. YOUR GOOD WILL FROM THE FIELD DEPENDS TOTALLY ON YOUR VOLUME AND QUALITY OF TECH DELIVERY. The Int Ext RD is just simple straight forward auditing. GET IT BEING DONE PERFECTLY! Class IV Auditors or higher who are also HDCs. Tech Hats Qual Hats Case Supervisors MINI COURSE EXTERIORIZATION INTENSIVE CHECKSHEET STUDENT ORG POST DATE STARTED This Checksheet covers the basic Exteriorization Intensive Data. All this data must be studied intensely, thoroughly, be understood with complete certainty, and at the end of this course be applied FLAWLESSLY AND WITHOUT FLUBBING EVER. PREREQUISITES: Mini Checkout Course, HSDC, Class IV. No person who is not an HDC AND CLASS IV, minimum, Auditor may take this course or run or C/S Exteriorization Intensives. FULL STUDY DATA APPLIES. This is a once through starrate checksheet but is to be gone through starrate check out as many times as required to get it thoroughly known. A. BASIC STUDY DATA 1. HCO PL 17 June 70 Technical Degrades 2. HCO PL 7 Feb 70 Keeping Scientology Working 3. HCO B 11 Oct 67 Clay Table Training 4. HCO B 30 Oct 70 Clay Demo 5. HCO B 10 Mar 65 Words, Misunderstood Goofs 6. HCO B 6 May 69 Routine 3-R, Revised Engram Running by Chains 7. HCO B 20 Feb 70 Floating Needles and End Phenomena 8. HCO B 27 Mar 71 Dianetic Erasure 9. HCO B 23 Apr 69 Dianetics Erasure, How to Attain 10. HCO B 27 May 69 Earlier Similar 11. HCO B 28 May 69 How Not to Erase 12. HCO B 18 May 69 Erasure 13. HCO B 1 May 69 Grinding Out Engrams 14. HCO B 2 Dec 69 Rising T.A. 15. HCO B 28 Apr 69 High TA in Dianetics 16. HCO B 27 Jul 69 High TA & Erasing 17. HCO B 7 May 69 Extracts from Earlier HCO Bs 18. HCO B 23 Apr 69 Dianetics Basic Definitions 19. HCO B 19 Jan 67 Manifestations of Engrams and Secondaries 20. HCO B 17 Jul 69 Dianetic Command Training Drills 21. HCO B 20 May 70 TR 103, 104 Rundown 22. HCO B 17 Apr 61 (Reissued 5 Jan 71) Training Drills Modernized 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. PRACTICAL: (TRs MUST BE FLAWLESS TO QUALIFY) 1. TR O (Non-Bullbaited) 2. TR O (Bullbaited) 3. TR 1 4. TR 2 5. TR 3 6. TR 4 AUDITORS CODE: 1. HCO PL 14 Oct 68 The Auditors Code AD18 2. HCO PL 2 Nov 68 Auditors Code (Addition to HCO PL 14 Oct 68) E-METER DRILLS: (OMITTING EM 25 - TRACK DATING) EM 1 EM 10 EM 19 EM 2 EM 11 EM 20 EM 3 EM 12 EM 21 EM 4 EM 13 EM 22 EM 5 EM 14 EM 23 EM 6 EM 15 EM 24 EM 7 EM 16 EM 26 EM 8 EM 17 EM 27 EM 9 EM 18 7. TR 101 (Done Triple and Quad Flows) 8. TR 102 (Done Triple and Quad Flows) 9. TR 103 (Done Triple and Quad Flows) 10. TR 104 (Done Triple and Quad Flows) EXTERIORIZATION-INTERIORIZATION DATA: 1. HCO B 5 Mar 71 Issue II Exteriorization and High TA (Revised) 2. HCO B 2 Dec 70 Exteriorization Summary 3. HCO B 11 Apr 70 Auditing Past Exterior 4. HCO B 6 May 70 Blows - Auditing Past Exterior 5. HCO B 30 May 70 Interiorization Intensive 2 Way Comm 6. HCO B 10 Jul 70 Interiorization Intensive Goof 7. HCO B 28 Jul 70 (Corrected 9 Aug 70) An Exteriorization Flub and False Declares 8. HCO B 20 Aug 70 Exteriorization Rundown Musts 9. HCO B 6 Jan 71 Starrate Checkouts For Exteriorization Intensives 10. HCO B 8 Jan 71 Issue II Use of L1-B in Exteriorization 11. HCO B 23 Jan 71 Exteriorization 12. HCO B 14 Nov 65 Clearing Commands 13. HCO B 27 Oct 70 Dianetic CS-1 14. HCO B 7 Mar 71 Use of Quadruple Dianetics (C/S Series 28) 15. HCO B 1 Dec 70 Dianetics Triple Flow Action 16. HCO B 27 Mar 71 Dianetic Erasure 17. HCO B 8 Mar 71 Precision Dianetics 18. HCO B 4 Apr 71 Use of Quad Dianetics (C/S Series 32) 19. HCO B 5 Apr 71 Triple and Quad Reruns (C/S Series 33) 20. HCO B 11 Apr 71 Dn and Ext Rundown Repair List L3-B 31. HCO B 12 Apr 71 Exteriorization Errors (C/S Series 35) 22. HCO B 21 Apr 71 Quad Dianetics Dangers Of (C/S Series 36) 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. PRACTICAL: (Refer HCO B 21 Apr 71 Quad Dianetics, Dangers Of) A. 1. Do a clay demo of when you run Ext Rundown Single. 2. Do a clay demo of when you run Ext Rundown Triple. 3. Do a clay demo of when you run Ext Rundown Quad. 4. Write a brief essay on when and why each is run. (Turn in to Supervisor.) B. Do exactly as per HCO B 6 Jan 71 "Starrate Checkouts For Exteriorization Intensive" including later data. C. Do in clay the following five demos of a person: 1. Going through a door into a room. 2. Going into a building. 3. Going into an automobile. 4. Going into an airplane. 5. Going into a submarine. D. The student to actually go into a room several times until he cognites that "went in" means only the action of going in. E. DOLL DRILL: The student does a Dianetic CS-1 on a doll who is going to have an Exteriorization Intensive. The CS-1 is to be done exactly as per HCO B 27 Oct 70 "Dianetic CS-1." F. DOLL DRILL: Clear "Exteriorization" on a doll - as given on page 1 HCO B 4 Jan 71 "Exteriorization and High TA" "- as the act of moving out of the body with or without full perception." G. DOLL DRILL: Have a doll "do" all the clay demos in "B - 1 to 5" above. 1. Going through a door into a room. 2. Going into a building. 3. Going into an automobile. 4. Going into an airplane. 5. Going into a submarine. H. DOLL DRILL: Have a doll go into a room several times until the doll "cognites" that "went in" means only the action of going in. I. DOLL DRILL: Audit a doll on the full Exteriorization Intensive procedure using all flows and the correct commands and going earlier commands as given in HCO B "Exteriorization and High TA", HCO B 5 Jan 71 "Going Earlier in R3-R and Exteriorization Intensives" and strict R3-R procedure as given in HCO B 6 May 69 "Routine 3-R Revised Engram Running by Chains." REHABILITATION THEORY: 1. HCO B 30 June 65 Release, Rehabilitation of Former Releases and Thetan Exterior 2. HCO B 21 July 65 Release Rehabilitation EXTERIORIZATION REHAB METHOD: 1. HCO B 6 Dec 68 Release, Rehabilitation Of PRACTICAL: A. DOLL DRILL: Rehab by getting or counting the number of times "pc" exteriorized on a doll. (Use number of times method - per HCO B 6 Dec 68 "Release, Rehabilitation Of.") B. DOLL DRILL: Rehab '65 Rehab method Exteriorization on a doll. TWO-WAY COMM HCO Bs: 1. HCO B 21 Apr 70 2-Way Comm C/Ses 2. HCO B 3 July 70 C/Sing Two-Way Comm 3. HCO B 10 July 70 2-Way Comm - A Class III Action TWO-WAY COMM CHECKSHEET: HCO PL 20 July 70 Two-Way Comm Checksheet This checksheet is included as part of this pack with all of its materials. IT IS DONE IN FULL. CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS: 1 3. COMPLETION: CHECKSHEET ATTESTED COMPLETE: DATE: (Student Name) STUDENT OK TO TAKE EXAMS: DATE: (Supervisor Name) STUDENT HAS BEEN EXAMINED ON ALL THE THEORY AND PRACTICAL OF THIS CHECKSHEET: THEORY EXAMINER: DATE: PRACTICAL EXAMINER: DATE: OK TO AUDIT EXTERIORIZATION INTENSIVE CHIT ISSUED TO STUDENT: DIR PRODUCT VALIDITY: DATE: EXTERIORIZATION INTENSIVE MINI COURSE CERTIFICATE ISSUED: CERTS AND AWARDS: DATE: L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:JR:mes:nt:bk =========================== [p. 357-8] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 141 INT 9 May 1971 To: All Staff Franchise Subject: CURRENT NEWS We have a runaway boom in the US. For several weeks in a row the Continental GI has risen a quarter of the whole per week. The UK Continental GI has just doubled. And that in the teeth of the threatened release of their so-called "enquiry" at which we never testified and which had no witnesses. The International GI is four times its pre-February 1971 highest ever. Many factors went to make up this boom. Great people. Brilliant executives. Loyal orgs and Franchises that stood rock steady during the years of threat. The Administrative Breakthrough called the Product Officer-Org Officer System as taught on the Flag Executive Briefing Course, following the various Series of 1970 and policy since 1950 all wound up in a rocket takeoff. The case levels of FEBCs are usually Clear-OT, a state higher than previous grades. This has been achieved by the fabulous L-10 Rundown. Backed up by willing and growing staffs these FEBCs are taking the roof off. It's a runaway boom. Here on Flag and in orgs we are under terrific pressure to deliver and get there with the delivery before we break down with backlogs. At Flag and in orgs we are making auditors fast and furious. Backing up the effort is the mini Course Super hat and the new Executive Cramming Course and the Course Super Course about to be started in CLOs. Supervisors are desperately needed to turn out auditors. WHO CAN AUDIT. It's a fast race! Simultaneously with all this we found the exact WHO that muddies our names in the press and WHY Scientology was attacked in the first place. In short our boom coincides with the beginning of the end for the opposition, UK enquiry findings or no UK enquiry findings. You'll know all about this soon enough. We don't want to tip our hand as we close in. These FEBCs think big. Like what whole city will we use for US Hq. They do big. They send stats skyrocketing. With the small percent who don't don't, we recall at once. Suddenly we have wizard execs. Suddenly a wide open field gapes ahead of us. Suddenly we are on our way. Here we go. We'll have to run like everything just to keep up. We lived through yesterday, so we will live today. are expanding like an explosion today. We will own all tomorrow. That's the way things are. Here we go. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes:bk =========================== 437 ED 142 INT 9 May 71 POWER CONDITION [p. 355-6] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 142 INT 9 May 1971 To: All Staff Franchises BPI Subject: POWER CONDITION POWER The International stat continuous repeating upsurges in the US, UK and EU with ANZO and AF about to follow shows that we are now leading from Power. It is one thing to be in Power. It is another to lead from Power. It means a wide sweeping public agreement that is expanding with a roar. This makes a big difference to Guardian attitude for instance in their dealings. They are leading from Power and should start saying so. When this happened in 1950, we were hit by an unsuspected enemy and hit very hard. We have him located now and under heavy pressure from experts. We had no organizational pattern worth the name. We were dependent upon "business methods" and "professional PRs". We now have streamlined admin tech. We had no real executives. We sure do now. The technology would go as far as it works. It is now complete and it is working. We were isolated in one country. We are now international. As the weeks have gone on with continual fabulous advances of stats it has become very obvious that we are in POWER. Back of that there's enough esprit and dash to bowl over any and all obstacles. A very close attention to terrific high quality training and delivery and high regard for service MUST back up these stats. We are in Power. Act like it. Speak like it. You are provenly, by stats, the wave of today and of the future. You are in Power. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes:gal =========================== 438 ED 143 INT 21 May 71 THE WORLD BEGINS WITH TR 0 [p. 352-4] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 143 INT 21 May 1971 To: All Staff All Auditors All Course Supervisors All Case Supervisors Subject: THE WORLD BEGINS WITH TR 0 In a recent review of Tech, I traced the cause of course failures case failures directly to out-comm. Further search revealed HCOB 17 April 1961, Training Drills Modernized was not in! Nowhere in the world! This means HAS Comm Course failures, HDC auditing failures, Supervisor failures - you name it, any failure in an org is traceable to SOFT TRS. This can get so bad that London once had "Permissive Public TRs" going! They wanted a rewrite so the TRs would be pale and patty cake enough for the public! Oh wow, oh wow. There went London! An FEBC has just told me that she and her twin in an Academy were once ordered to cramming "because they had been six hours on TR Zero without completing it." Oh wow, oh wow. There's where that org went. TRs THE HARD WAY Hard Way TRs demand for a start 2 hours of no twitch, no blink, no eye redness, no unconscious, no wiggle TR Zero. That's been required since 1961. But who did it. Only a few. So there went our elated Scn public coming Whee! off an HAS. There went our auditors. There went all upper courses. A while ago I got hold of our toughest course supervisor and I told him, "You get TRs in the hard way on every Interne!" And he began. Really real TRs beginning with Zero. Like the bulletin. Using a photo timer (a 12 hour timer with a button on top you hit to restart it) and restarting it at each twitch, flunk, wiggle, eye redness, wobble or wander, TR Zero has started a wave of wild enthusiasm and case gain and established auditor skill that brings an avalanche of Success Stories at Tone 20. Just TR Zero! Done "the hard way." It's taking up to 50-60 hours on some to get in a real 2 hours of blinkless, twitchless total confront TR Zero on field veterans. Explains all. When people can't confront they flub! Here is a list of TR Zero phenomena (even before bull bait is done) just given me by the current TR Course Supervisor here on Flag: "During the past week I have observed a pattern that emerges on a person when he sits down to do TR-0 the "hard way. " The phenomena is uniform in every person observed; 1st The person dopes off, goes anaten or goes to sleep. 2nd Eye watering, redness, a burning sensation. This manifestation is usually the worst for the student to confront and is resisted the most. It may last for a few hours or several days. This is the period when most students attempt in some covert or overt way to blow course even if for only a few moments. 3rd Glee hysterical laughter. This comes in waves. The student will laugh long, hard and loud for periods, or in line charge. 4th Student becomes very solemn and in a state of "hopelessness" or it can't be done thing. 5th Student exteriorizes, has Cogs and VGIs. Changes observed on specific students: (1) Student A (SO Executive) - Laughed for 4 days almost continually. Enormous Reality change. Eyes much brighter, face features changed. Certainty. (2) Student B (A Key Scn Exec with former case trouble) Went through a very heavy body motion thing for 6 days severe jerking of the shoulders - almost like a coma. Yesterday he came out of it with tremendous Cogs. Said he felt great and his machinery was broken down. (3) Student C (An FEBC Grad) - Took off his glasses, and has not put them back on, said he didn't need them. Looks extremely bright. This happened his second day on TR-0. (4) Student D (An FEBC Grad, OT) - Turned on somatic in the neck - it blew. Said he was totally exterior, not worried about his body and was practicing just being there. Eyes very clear. (5) Student E (An ex school teacher) - Notable case change much more at cause although at this time he needs more work on his TRs. (6) Student F (A famous celebrity) - From social facade to certainty. Much more causative. Lost 10 pounds. (7) Student G (A veteran Course Supervisor) - Changing valence often heavy anaten running off - large resistance to being controlled. Doing well though." So right in your hands you have a magic tool IF YOU APPLY IT. This means it will take some enrollees on an HAS Course weeks just to get through plain Zero. But when they do, wow, have you made a Scientologist! You have to level with them "Now look," you have to tell the newcomer, "this isn't an easy course. In fact, it's hell. But when you've managed it, you wouldn't sell the result for a million." On brand new people (HAS) you get TRs in on a gradient. TR 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 round and round, each time a little more exacting. First time he reads the HCOB and does Zero. You ignore the blinks etc., give him a win of being able to sit in a chair! Then 1, 2, 3, 4. If he fails 3, back to Zero. Keep him winning. Keep it getting more exacting. Finally, no blink, no swallow, no red eyes, no twitch 2 hour zero. And the hard way with the rest of the TRs. You keeping him winning but you don't let him off the HAS until he's made it up to TRs total bull bait. TRs the Hard Way means your auditor courses will begin to produce stellar auditors fast because your Academy (and SHSBC) (and Class VIII) Zero must be passed, really passed. And so must the other TRs all the way to 9. All the total hard way. Look, begin to use TRs the hard way on Public, Tech and Admin beings and you'll drop out 80% of your troubles and begin real org expansion. The Mini Course Super Hat should have this. TRs are now being taught this way to Course Supervisor students on that course. We're in Power on the Planet with stats. We have to deliver, deliver, deliver. Your first org step to big production is TRs THE HARD WAY. There is no more important org step that you can take to get your products soaring! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb:bk =========================== 439 ED 145 INT 4 Jul 71 WHY SOMETHING NEW? [p. 344-351] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 145 INT 4 July 1971 To: All staff (Not for Public Distribution) Subject: WHY SOMETHING NEW? I have just seen where several orgs were working like mad to make themselves eligible for L10. And I have word that several orgs are already selling it to the public. Why? What is this obsession with something new? It is not an idle question. It is a vital one. YOU DON'T HAVEONE SINGLE PERSON IN YOUR CFs ELIGIBLE FOR OR READY TO RUN ON L10! To be able to run on L10 a pc would have to have the following: TRs the Hard Way Life Repair GF + 40 Method 5 & Handled Hidden Standard Handled All Drugs handled R3R Prior Drug Assessment R3R Interiorization Rundown Dianetics Quaded Quad Dn Completion Quaded Lower Grades Further, in amongst all that would have to be full list repairs, full handling of every flubbed Dianetic chain. I don't think you have a single pc in your whole CF who can qualify. You can't include all the above in an L10 price. It would be org suicide. Pricing by result that's several thousand dollars. Even by the hour (which is too cheap) it is a lot of auditing and a packet of income. I don't think any org has the auditors to assembly line deliver even the minimum preparation steps as above. So here are oddities. If you cannot and are not delivering the basic steps required for L10, then how can you deliver L10? It takes from 50 to 200 hours of auditing to actually deliver L10. THE QUESTION Let me tell you why I am asking this question, why something new? In four cases randomly chosen not doing well, I checked and found that none of them had had a drug rundown. Two had Prior Assessment, which is silly. It takes a Drug RD on R3R before prior assessment. So the cases weren't doing well and didn't run well. For the past three years I have been working to recover lost pieces of tech. Great big chunks of tech. When these are not done on a case the case doesn't get up and shine. So by not doing the obvious things and doing them well, the case does not progress on anything new. SO ALL NEW THINGS ARE SET UP TO FAIL BECAUSE THE USUAL THINGS WEREN'T DONE FIRST. So why this obsession with something new? REG BREAKDOWN Recently I noticed that neither Div VI nor Div II had a clue of what the Tech Division could or should do or was delivering. The most magnificent results on the most basic processes were utterly disregarded by both Div II and Div VI 'in their public utterances. Div IV can turn out a stream of new, polished beings. Yet Div II and Div VI (despite Div VI having Success Stories) never seem to notice. This happened on my own C/S line! I had to begin to PR Div VI and the org to get any awareness of results. And even that didn't alert Div II or Div VI. They just went on muttering. The Registrar has one person in a dozen chopping away while eleven win. The winners make no real impression for some reason. The chopper does. The Registrar really has no idea, usually, of the scope of tech he can sell or its value. We used to show the Reg every week the OCA graph improvements of pcs. Just to encourage some Reality. True as well of letter reges. Div VI, battered by a confused public does not really know what well applied tech can do. So neither Div II or Div VI ever really guides people onto the Grade Chart. Neither really says with conviction, each person MUST get so and so and so and so. The result is a lot of half processed people, raggedly programmed. THE PROGRAMMING DIVISIONS FOR THE PUBLIC ARE DIV II AND DIV VI. If these haven't a clue, they misprogram. They start talking about something new and wonderful and don't say "What they CAN do in Tech IS wonderful." Tech, then, getting no customers for usual rundowns loses touch with things like drug rehabs, CCHs and Op Pro by Dup. Since people are always being shoved on for something new, Tech gets the idea IT has to have something new. Tech then begins to neglect its basic fundamental actions and THE NEW RUNDOWNS ARE BEING DONE ON PEOPLE NOT PREPARED FOR THEM. If I were letter regging, I would KNOW what people in my files have had. I would force tech to give me an FES, a pc assessment form and a complete program of BASIC actions for every one of these CF people. Then I would NOT write airy fairy letters or sales talks. I would say, "Dear Mrs. Jones; According to our records you have had several incomplete Dianetic cycles. These have not been handled and your Dianetics has never been taken to Quadruple Flow Dianetics. There is this matter to be handled as well as other steps to achieve the results required. Please call in to see the Registrar....." I would be sure that the Reg had a full and informative folder. And that a result, not hours, would be sold at a price adequate to make the action viable to the whole org. With success and attest copies regularly filed into the folder, I could keep track of the case and keep it going. And if I got complaints of wait I'd telex a CLO that "Our Tech Div refuses to deliver." Those stats would go out the roof on actual GI and satisfied delivery. ARC BROKEN FIELDS The silliest reports I get is, "Our field is 1/3 ARC Broken," as a reason not to use CF. A "field" ARC Brks when you don't take an interest in individuals. Failure to Comm to people, failure to lead them upward, failure to handle their upsets or get flubs repaired all lead to "ARC Broken field." If you don't do the basic usual case and training actions, if you ignore those people, if you don't write them and care what happens to them you will ARC Break them. LACK of a CF, LACK of letters, failure to handle then brings about a desire NOT to comm with you. Not giving people the training and processing they wanted and not even seeming to care gives an org an "ARC Broken field." Neglect the field and it will ARC Brk it. Insist only on doing something new, forget to do the usual rundowns on cases and they won't make it. MODERN C/SING Every time I get hold of a case from orgs, I find it full of omissions of the usual. No Dn completion, Int RD not repaired, grades never completed. And what do I as a C/S do? I find every incomplete cycle and get it completed before I let the case be done on anything "new"! And what happens? The case comes up brilliant and shining! Every time! Looks utterly magical! The processes and rundowns I am ordering completed as a C/S are do-able in any org in the world! NEW REALITY I'11 give you a new reality on this. Look around your own org staff. How many org staff members who have been on drugs have had a full Dianetic or Class VIII Drug RD and a prior assessment? How many have then had complete Dianetics to EP? How many have a hidden standard never handled? How many have done TRs The Hard Way? Worse than that, how many have had an accident or operation that has never been run out by R3R? All right, you DO have Dianetic Auditors. Yes, we know, we know - there has to be a Class IV or VI fly ruds before Dianetics can be done etc, etc. etc. But you DO have Dianetic Auditors. I'll bet on your own staff you have hundreds if not thousands of hours of Dianetics to do. Unless he's been to Flag, you don't have one person eligible for L10 casewise on your whole staff! So what does your field look like? How many hundreds of thousands or millions of hours of undone auditing exists in what your CF should be? TRAINING Of course you should mainly be training. If you are training heavily, I trust you are using correct word clearing and have a "What is a Course" P/L in full effect. And these auditors, when trained, will they be able to do a flubless session? They better be. So you will have auditors. And they are being trained to do the usual. They have hundreds of thousands of hours of auditing to be done out of any CF. Something new? The most use you could make of something new would be to tell people to get up the Grade chart so they are eligible for it. You don't have anyone on staff or in the field eligible for it now. That's for sure. You only have potential products for the usual actions. THE NEW DOES WORK If you become eligible for L10 your customers will have to be made eligible. And not for free. It will take some hundreds of hours, some only dozens. But it is expensive time, expensive to the org. Preparation has to be sold and it has to be delivered and it is valuable in its own right. The new does work! And how it works! But ONLY ON THOSE WHO HAVE DONE ALL THE RIGHT THINGS BELOW IT FIRST. The new won't work if the old isn't done. That's a technical fact. And it explains why this obsession with the new can defeat what you're doing. The new works when the old is done. Take the Int RD. To Exteriorize people who had never been, some orgs used the Int RD. They didn't do the Dianetics and Grades that would Ext people. The Int RD was just a remedy to handle Ext when it happened and to cure the resulting high TA. Then, as few had ever Exteriorized in the first place, the Int RD got overrun. The RD is usually flat long before the full RD. (When we repair it, we usually just date where it went flat. Flow 3 Recall in some cases!) So the Int RD was new. But lots had never exteriorized in the first place. Omitted was the R3R Dianetics and Grades. So the Int RD was thought of as difficult and touchy. But it was only a remedy. It took an hour or so. It usually went F/N Cog VGIs by F2 Secondary. And it got run on people not ready for it. And they didn't Exteriorize! It is working well now. But it's for people who went Ext on Dianetics and Grades! Omit these and there's trouble. In anything new, when you omit the steps that come before it, you get failures. HAPPY CASE One recent case I C/Sed for was the saddest most hard luck character ever. For twenty years she had been run on everything in the book without any real wins or improvement. All we did was correct every one of about 200 incomplete cycles and former programs. Dianetics was out. We corrected by list and completed. Grades were out. We corrected and completed. Even Power was out. We corrected and completed. AND THIS WAS THE HAPPIEST PC YOU EVER SAW. We didn't do a thing the Dn & Scn auditors of a Class IV org couldn't do. Except we did it flublessly. And we let her have her wins. All the cleverness consisted in studying the case out. Then, we did run something new. But it took only a few hours. It took dozens and dozens of hours to get the early omissions completed! Nine tenths of the auditing old and new was on usual Dianetic and Grade actions. Another case was put on something new without being prepared and had to be hastily sent back for nearly 200 hours of Dianetics! THE REAL WHY So what's the real WHY of all this. WHY always something new? Get this well. It has taken two years to find it. It is important to your survival as an org. SALES PERSONNEL ARE SO BADLY BRIEFED AND SO UNINFORMED AS TO THE PRODUCTS THEY ARE SELLING THEY NEVER OFFER THEM TO THE PUBLIC. Tours personnel usually know nothing of what's for sale. Registrars haven't a clue what to sell. Div VI people has no idea whatever of the actual tech product. People writing promotion try to deal in catch phrases that communicate something to the uninformed public and don't actually promote What's for delivery as they don't know. Example: Salesman for the Wheatie company is not briefed on the name or the product or what it does. So he goes up to someone and he says "Would you like to buy - anyway, it's good stuff and it's only $20. Would you like. er....ah...." Looks pretty silly. Or a Hamilton Watch Company salesman isn't briefed in any way about watches and goes out and sells "a Hamilton." A Hamilton what? Er....ah..... The additional data on the real WHY could be stated as, THE SALESMAN DOES NOT KNOW HE HAS MANY VALUABLE PRODUCTS TO SELL AND WHAT HE DOES KNOW IS THAT THEY AREN'T HIGH ENOUGH PRICED TO MAKE SELLING THEM ATTRACTIVE SO HE DOESN'T BOTHER TO FIND OUT ABOUT THEM. He also dimly believes the public must have had all the "old ones" so to play safe and cover his ignorance he pushes only NEW things. Why Something New? Because few sales people on the front lines of the org have any idea of what's for sale. Auditors are willing to audit. They best audit what they have been trained for. Yet no sales people know the product well enough to offer it. Thus they leave auditors idle. They also sell things the org's auditors can't deliver, so backlogs occur. In startling support of this, a Grade Chart was not to be found on the Tours Course. Tours personnel were not briefed by any C/S or competent tech person. So they didn't sell what tech divs could deliver. Also, sales people, listening to the small percent of failures believe this includes all and so sell only HOPE. Which means some Rundown no one ever heard anything about except that it's wonderful. In 1968 Class VIIIs couldn't convince several Exec Councils they should sell Standard Tech. Well, it didn't communicate. The Exec Councils did not know that every line on a Grade Chart from bottom to Top is a package in itself, a SALEABLE PRODUCT. The idiocy of selling "Lower Grades" as a package becomes obvious. It is five or six packages. It does not communicate. Each one of those lines can be sold as an Intensive! Yet what sales personnel ever off erred a Communications Intensive? Or a Problems Intensive? Or any other line. Yet every line expanded is an intensive! And further EVERY ONE OF THESE LINES RUN IN ITS PROPER SEQUENCE AND IN FULL FLUBLESSLY PRODUCES FABULOUS GAINS. So "Quickie Grades" were sold. That was five intensives and 25 to 50 hours of saleable auditing blown up and wrecked in 20 minutes of brush off for a small fee. Pure treason not only against the public but the org and the auditors. REMEDY Anyone writing promotion, anyone engaged in Reg or letter reg or Div VI work WOULD HAVE TO BE FULLY BRIEFED ON THE GRADE CHART AND WOULD HAVE TO HAVE READ THE C/S SERIES HCOBs AT LEAST ONCE WITH MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS ON TECH ALL CLEARED. If that were done industriously this whole situation would remedy rapidly. Any line on that Grade Chart is something new to the customers. He has to have it all, each line anyway. With a catch name and a package price high enough to make it worth selling and doing in the org. For instance what sales personnel know what modern Dianetics can actually do? Or know people have to have it to handle drug effects and alcohol. Or know that accidents and illnesses and giving birth MUST have it. Not that it would be nice. That it is VITAL for their lives! What sales personnel know we can spot a person whose Grade I is out a mile away? By his constant worry. And so it is with the whole parade of glossy products that CAN be delivered, not brushed off. By failing to sell the actual product that CAN be delivered by the auditors trained for it, the org and the auditors fail. Sales personnel MUST be briefed. They MUST have an idea of what C/Sing is. They must know what is expected to happen to a case and the results that CAN be attained AT GRADE LEVELS. That is the remedy. If you don't feed tech the raw materials it can handle, it will collapse. The results we can sell and deliver are fantastic. We have NO PR man who could get flowery enough to describe them. The R, man, the R. Sell the Real that can be delivered by the auditors and C/Ses as they are trained to do. Then you get public R. Then you expand and with A and C. So all sales personnel must be briefed on the Products. Briefed on the Grade Chart "Each Level a Saleable Package." Briefed on the C/S Series so they can themselves give offhand advice. And pricing people and promotion people must back it up. Then we deliver what we sell and sell what we can deliver and get some products. IT'S ALL NEW TO THE PROMOTION AND SALES PERSONNEL AND THE PUBLIC. IT WILL ALWAYS BE NEW TO THE NEW PERSON ON LINES. So that's the WHY and the Remedy. The sooner it's programmed and put into effect by executives the sooner we will Clear the Planet. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:bk ===========================