FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES - 16/28 ============================ This is the Second Foundation. Our purpose is to keep LRH's plan on track (ref: Asimov). CofS has gone off the rails. This is an announcement of our support of FZBA, Freezone, and The Pilot. We are posting the LRH EDs to make ammends for our long delay in taking action. ARC, PROGRAM DIRECTOR SECOND FOUNDATION ============================ LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES This is a complete copy of the "Original LRH EDs" or Blue Volumes as issued by Bridge in 1983. The full contents for all 28 parts posted is in part 1. The volumes were divided into the 3 numbering Series, and subdivided into the classes of EDs (INT = International, WW = World Wide, SH = Saint Hill, etc.) and placed in reverse order (latest first) within type. This was quite confusing because of some EDs being in multiple classes with different numbers in each class. We rearranged everything in date order (earliest first) to give a better historical perspective and make these easy to find by date. The original table of contents is included in part 2 and the original page numbers are in "[]" at the beginning of each ED. See IMB 5 in part 2 for an explanation of the 3 Series of ED numbers and a list of valid (but expired) EDs not included. See LRH ED 345 INT in part 28 for a list of cancelled LRH EDs that were not included. These are only the EDs that are in the Blue Volumes. ************************************************** FZBA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** Part 16 417 ED 120 INT 27 Aug 70 Auditors Association Project 418 ED 121 INT 29 Aug 70 STAFF TRAINING PGM NO. 2 419 ED 122 INT 4 Sep 70 GROSS DIVISIONAL STATISTICS 420 ED 123 INT 4 Sep 70 ORG MANAGEMENT Program No. 2 421 ED 124 INT 5 Sep 70 WHAT THE PUBLIC DEMANDS 422 ED 125 INT 6 Sep 70 THE TECH SEC PGM (HGC) No. 1 423 ED 126 INT 14 Sep 70 "PLEASE CONTINUE YOUR THURS RPTS..." 424 ED 126 INT 22 Sep 70 WHY ORGS SAG 425 ED 128 INT 27 Sep 70 THURSDAY REPORTS 426 ED 16 SH 13 Oct 70 NEW PERSONNEL ENHANCEMENT 427 ED 129 INT 4 Nov 70 ORG ABERRATION RESULTS 428 ED 130 INT 19 Nov 70 NEW COMMAND CHANNELS 429 ED 131 INT 8 Dec 70 LIFE REPAIR BLOCK 430 ED 134 INT 16 Dec 70 PERSONAL COMM LINES =========================== 417 ED 120 INT 27 Aug 70 Auditors Association Project [p. 417-20] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 120 INT 27 August 1970 URGENT To HCOES PES From: Ron Subject: Auditors Association Project In YOUR AREA for Class IV Orgs Reference: SO ED 41 INT THE SCN AUDITOR'S IMAGE. ASHO AUDITORS NIGHT PGM INFO: You will not succeed in your area unless you have the good will of your field auditors, the people you have trained or who have been trained. You can regain your stats and position if you do this and I mean you, your org, your staff. Quickie Grades killed your auditors and your org because they didn't have anything left to audit. Pc Procurement had to be too fast and often since no real hours could be given. Incomplete Cases were left all over the place. YOU DON'T HAVE MORE THAN A FEW REAL DN COMPLETES IN YOUR WHOLE AREA EVEN NOW. YOU HAVE FEW IF ANY SCN GRADE COMPLETIONS. All that has changed. DIANETICS is back. FULL GRADE SCIENTOLOGY IS BACK. Not only can a Class IV Auditor make it but so can a Dianetic Auditor and so can your org! The scene has changed. Does anyone in your area know it? SO YOU NEED AN URGENT DO IT DO IT PROJECT TO CULTIVATE YOUR FIELD AUDITORS, GET THEM INFORMED, GET THEM AUDITING, GET THEM AS FSMs, GET THEM HELPING YOU NOW NOW NOW. You must now open up on the third dynamic, into the Community. You need to support and help your auditors out there no matter how small or how big your org. You'll never make it without their good will and assistance. The enemy attacks are yesterday's news. He's dead. Now you HAVE TO OPEN UP YOUR AREA AND GO GO GO! PROJECT PURPOSE: TO GET DIANETICS SCIENTOLOGY INTO POWER IN THE COMMUNITY. MAJOR TARGET: To organise an Auditors Association and run it successfully for the Org. PRIMARY TARGETS: 1. HCOES with agreement of PES or HCO Area or LRH Comm (if other posts unfilled) must hire and put on post a part time personnel (not somebody already in org) who is a trained auditor and who can address groups of people. 2. He is given the title of Auditors Association Secretary in Division 8 Dept 23. 3. The HCOES (or whoever is hiring) employs a part time personnel who can keep records, logs, files, do mailings and the general admin. 4. She is given the title of Auditors Association Registrar, Div 8 Dept 23. 5. Places to work are provided. 6. Hours of work are agreed upon. 7. Stationery and equipment are provided. 8. FP is allocated. ALL THESE TARGETS ARE DONE BY THE PERSON WHO HIRED. 9. The person who accomplished these above Primary Targets reports them done to me in care of CS-6, Flag. 10. Both the Auditors Association Secretary and the Auditors Association Registrar write to me in care of CS-6 Flag, giving me their ideas and progress on this project. 11. Secretary and Registrar to check out on ASHO Auditors Night Pjt as per reference above and any new material on Auditor Night sent from Flag after this. 12. The exact name of the activity is the (Org name) Auditors Association, owned and operated by the org. Letterhead (Org Name) Auditors Association of (country or state) owned and operated by the (Org Name) Use only this letterhead. And only this name on membership cards. As it is operated under the Org's corporate status it belongs to the org. BEWARE OF SETTING UP AN AUTONOMOUS BODY as they get infiltrated, fail and cause upsets by past bitter experience. If there is no chance given to run away with it by dissident individuals none will try. This is important for org control. VITAL TARGETS: 1. DO IT. 2. REPORT PERSONS ON POST. 3. MAKE IT A HOWLING SUCCESS. 4. GET FIELD SUPPORT FOR THE ORG. 5. GET AUDITORS ACTIVE. OPERATING TARGETS: 1. Plan up the Admin necessary and obtain the cooperation of the org. (a) Get a list names and addresses of everyone ever trained by the org. (b) Get a list names and addresses of auditors in area trained elsewhere. (c) Design and print up Auditors Association cards. (d) Establish a place to meet. (e) Write up a Pgm and set a date for first night (refer to ASHO write up but adapt to your area). (f) Get the flyer printed or mimeoed. (g) Mail it. (h) Design and run off Application Forms to present at meeting giving name age sex Class etc. 2. Hold your first meeting. The theme of this no matter what you say in the flier is HOW DO WE GET THIS AREA ON THE ROAD? (a) Realize that you may have confusion to blow off, ARC Brks with org, old engrams etc. (b) Handle them and divert it all back to HOW DO WE GET THIS AREA ON THE ROAD? (c) Find out what activities would be most popular. (d) Propose (i) latest HCOBs and LRH EDs (ii) Tapes (iii) Coaudit arrangements for Auditors run by the Auditors Association to get their cases complete (iv) TRs (v) Live Auditing demos (vi) Enrollment for higher training etc. etc. (e) Get application handed out and form filled out (it's free). These are handed to an Auditors Association Registrar Dept 23 Div 8 who does (f). (f) Fill in the name and hand out membership cards (it's free). (g) Establish regular time for meeting as agreeable to the persons attending. This should be once a week. 3. From this experience the Auditors Association Secretary and Registrar refine the program and (a) exploit points found popular (b) Increase attendance (c) How to make LRH Image better and more real (d) How to improve. 4. Write up, mimeo and mail out the next meeting notice so it arrives in plenty of time. 4. Continue to press and expand this function. 5. Pick out Opinion Leaders amongst the auditors (people they listen to). 6. Cultivate opinion leaders and get them to push programs and expansion. 7. Begin to place news releases into local papers in societies section. 8. When the org's Auditors Assn is beginning to go along nicely (not at once) begin to guide it toward a professional body by working out what it can do to serve the community. 9. When it has settled this somewhat (and not before) begin to sort out who has political contacts and get them used. 10. Take up any Flak you run into with the nearest Guardian's Office. 11. Work to actively recruit and make new auditors for the org. The Registrar should work up programs and contacts for referrals for training. 12. Get all auditors retreaded at cut rates when they are too rusty or having trouble. 13. Take responsibility for their cases in a co-audit to get Dn and lower grades fully complete - using the rule give what auditing you get. 14. Use these contacts as FSMs. 15. Build a strong numerous body of trained auditors who are an effective power in the area. 16. Write any and all findings and recommendations to me care of CS-6 Flag at any time. GOOD LUCK! PJT CODE NAME: AAPjt#l. PJT COMM: LRH Care CS-6 Flag LRH Comm WW Saint Hill Manor East Grinstead, Sussex. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal TBD =========================== 418 ED 121 INT 29 Aug 70 STAFF TRAINING PGM NO. 2 [p. 413-16] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 121 INT 29 August 1970 To: LRH Comm HCOES STO ALL STAFF From: RON Subject: STAFF TRAINING PGM NO. 2 Reference: LRH ED 27 INT 20 Sept 1969 LRH Comm Staff Pgm No. 1 The LRH ED 27 INT "LRH Comm Staff Pgm No. 1" is discontinued. By and large this was a very successful program. In all those orgs where it was applied - especially those where No. 1 Pgms were checked out on all staff and followed - a considerable gain was achieved. We made LOTS of HDCs, HDGs and OECs. I wish to thank all those who participated in it. COMPLETION Anyone on the HDC, HDG or OEC currently should complete his existing course. This ED does not "pull people off courses they are on." THIS ED RESTORES THE TIME HONORED STAFF STATUS ADMIN STUDIES STAFF STATUS 0, STAFF STATUS I, STAFF STATUS II, STAFF STATUS III FOR USE ON OLD OR NEW STAFF. PURPOSE: To improve admin and stats of orgs. MAJOR TARGET: To revive Staff Status 0, I, II, III on administratively untrained or new staff in your org. PRIMARY TARGETS: 1. LRH Comm or HCOES to accept this programme and get it in. 2. Qual Sec or OES to activate Dept 13 Div V, HCO PL 8 August '70 "Reorg of the Correction Div" so that staff can get training and processing. 3. HCO Area Sec to bring up to date or begin Staff Personnel Records, Dept 1 and open them to new Dept 13 information. 4. Staff Training Officer to take post in Dept 13 as per HCO PL 8 Aug '70 "Reorganization of the Correction Division" as a double or single hatted function depending on staff size. 5. Dissem Div to dig up and make available to HCO Dept 1 and Dept 13 adequate copies of HCO PL 4 January 1966 Issue V "Personnel Staff Status" and to redistribute copies of it to all staff members. 6. HCO to hand out HCO PL 4 Jan '66 to all new applicants. 7. Dissem Div to exhume all old study packs of Staff Status I, II and III and hand them over to Dept 13. If no packs available Dissem Div is to make them up from checksheets. Staff Status 0 - HCO PL 4 Jan '66 Issue V Staff Status I - SECED 196 INT (1966) Staff Status II - SECED 217 INT (28 Feb 1966) Staff Status III - Pack of staff member's Division as made up. 8. Division III Disb is to work out any pay scales and adjustments or bonuses to suit Staff Status, OEC completion and Tech Class, get them okayed by EC and distributed. OPERATING TARGETS: 1. Dept 13 is to draw up a staff list and establish status of each staff member. 2. OEC Grads are credited with all three Staff Status Classifications unless Dept 13 on examination decides in individual cases to require check outs before awarding. 3. Dept 13 is to programme each executive and staff member. (a) Administratively posted personnel, executives and staff, attain and use the knowledge and know-how contained in Staff Status materials and eventually OEC. (b) Technical personnel are not only technically qualified but also have a staff status, as they are also part of the org, and should be programmed. (c) Get courses on which a staff student is progressing, completed before pushing on with staff status. 4. Dept 13 to coax and two way comm staff up through their programme. 5. HCO Dept 1 to make the staff status of each staff member and any tech class visible on the main org org bd after his name. 6. Dept 13 to keep HCO informed of Staff Status, case completions and technical advances of each staff member. 7. HCO Dept 1 to keep Org Bd statuses in PT. 8. HCO Dept 1 to keep staff personnel files in PT. 9. Certs and Awards Dept 15 to issue certs based on staff study achievements. 10. HCO Dept 1 to RECRUIT (see HCO PLs Personnel Series 1970). 11. HCO Dept 1 to follow Staff Status HCO PL 4 Jan '66 Issue V in hiring and in Staff Status and to ADVISE DEPT 13 CONTINUALLY ON NEW PERSONS. 12. Dept 13 to follow through to programme new personnel for Staff Status. 13. Div III Disb to follow through with pay changes or bonuses based on status achieved. 14. WARNING - When this programme re temporary staff (HCO PL 4 Jan '66, Issue V) was first put in the temporary status was let drag on, undesirable new hirings that could not achieve Staff Status were left on post and not routed off staff. Also they were often left in temporary status by neglect. The ETHICS OFFICER and HCO ES must see that: (a) Newly hired people are not left to accumulate as Temporary. (b) New personnel are either routed off staff or up in status. 15. Dept 13 is to programme any person sent off staff to improve his employability for the future. 16.THE CHAPLAIN or Pub Div personnel are to inform and handle any person routed off staff using the data from Dept 13. THE LINE IS HCO DEFT 1 WRITES DISMISSAL OF TEMPORARY OR OTHERS, PASSES IT TO DEFT 13 FOR PROGRAMME, PASSES IT TO CHAPLAIN OR PUB DIV FOR INFORMING THE PERSON. 17. THE CHAPLAIN (or PUB DIV PERSON) is to see that HCO PL 4 Jan '66, Issue V is not violated in dismissals as violations upset both staff and field. 18. The ETHICS OFFICER handles all BLOWS, gets them back or dismisses according to his own and Dept 13 data and HCO PL 4 Jan '66, Issue V. 19. EXECUTIVES CONSISTENTLY NOT ON POST are turned in to the nearest Guardian's Office by the ETHICS OFFICER or failing that the LRH Comm. 20. HCO Dept 3, Inspections and Reports, which handles stats, advises HCOES, OES, HCO Dept 1 and Dept 13 of all EXTREME CONDITIONS of personnel, meaning very high upsurges and low falls so that personnel and staff training actions can occur. 21. Dept 13 dates all beginning and ends of all checksheets and keeps track of Staff Status overdue completions and advises HCOES and Personnel of all overdue completions. 22. Dept 13 posts or releases to the org all completions of all staff, completions as to Staff Status and other studies and case completions. 23. When this programme is fully and honestly in the LRH Comm (or HCOES) will advise Flag via LRH Comm WW. THE ULTIMATE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ACHIEVING STAFF TRAINING PGMNO. 2 LIES WITH THE LRH COMM OF THE ORG OR THE HCOES WHERE THERE IS NO LRH COMM. Program Code: STPGM No. 2. Program Comm: LRH Comm Flag. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rr:bk =========================== 419 ED 122 INT 4 Sep 70 GROSS DIVISIONAL STATISTICS [p. 411-2] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 122 INT 4 September 1970 To: All Staff All Executives From: RON Subject: GROSS DIVISIONAL STATISTICS Gross Divisional Statistics of an org are INTERNALLY CONTROLLED. The management and staff of an org can send GDSes up or down at will. There is no stat in an org under public control. All all all all are under the org's own control. Every one. Your Gross Income comes directly from your GDSes. Your pay comes from your GDSes and personal stats. If your GDSes are going down you will shortly be in GI trouble. The common reasons for a declining GDS are: (1) INADEQUATE STAFF HIRED. (2) Using the existing divisions as personnel pools and stripping them. (3) Non Production. An analysis of data received at WW shows such ridiculous things as 7 hours auditing per HGC auditor per week! Yet with pc backlogs. The production of an auditor must be 25 actual well done auditing hours per week or he is statless. A reported Org's Course Supervisors are said to be geting only 136 points per student per week. That is one day's part time study for a student on Flag after a long full day's work! If a student gets only 136 points a week there's hold ups or lack of twins or wild departures from use of 2 way comm with students or no course. Many orgs are doing better, of course. But what have we got in those that aren't? Psychiatrists? A. GET THE ORG MANNED UP. B. GET HATS ON. C. GET TO WORK. D. PRODUCE EXCELLENT VERY WELL DONE PCS IN QUANTITY. E. PRODUCE WELL TAUGHT STUDENTS IN QUANTITY. If your GDSes are trending down you and your org and Dianetics and Scientology in your area will be endangered. Each division has a statistic. They become tomorrow's GI. I am doing my best to do my job. Please do yours. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb:bk =========================== 420 ED 123 INT 4 Sep 70 ORG MANAGEMENT Program No. 2 [p. 404-10] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 123 INT 4 September 1970 URGENT IMPORTANT To: LRH Comm - HCOES From: RON Subject: ORG MANAGEMENT Program No. 2 Reference: Data Series PLs Personnel Series PLs This Program contains the WHY of orgs departing from their Ideal Scene. Although this material will be covered very fully in future HCO PLs and HCOBs it is SO IMPORTANT TO YOUR ORG THAT I MUST GET IT TO YOU AT ONCE. ELEMENTS OF DESTRUCTION Our culture and society has bred into it certain exact elements of destruction which are the psychoses of our modern world. These elements by contagion can enter into our orgs. If we can identify and recognize these elements and handle them we can expand our organizations so swiftly that we have every chance of achieving planetary freedom. On the third dynamic certain definite factors are the subject of enormous aberration. If we can handle these in our orgs we will rocket up to third dynamic pre-eminence. 1. HIRING The society is running a massive can't have on the subject of people. Automation and employment penalties demonstrate an effort to block out letting people in and giving them jobs. Confirming this is growing unemployment and fantastic sums for welfare - meaning relief. 50% of America within the decade will be jobless due to the population explosion without a commensurate expansion in production. Yet production by US presidential decree is being cut back. War, birth control are two of many methods used to reduce population. THIS THIRD DYNAMIC PSYCHOSIS IS A REFUSAL TO EMPLOY PEOPLE. 2. TRAINING Education has fallen under the control of one-worlders, is less and less real. Data taught is being taught less well. Less data is being taught. School and college unrest reflect this. Confirmation is the deteriorated basic education found in teenagers such as writing. Older technologies are being lost in modern rewrites. THIS THIRD DYNAMIC PSYCHOSIS IS A COVERT REFUSAL TO TRAIN. 3. APPRENTICESHIPS The most successful industries, activities and professions of earlier centuries were attained by training the person as an apprentice, permitting him to understudy the exact job he would hold for a long period before taking the post. Some European schools are seeking to revive this but on a general basis not as an apprentice system. THE THIRD DYNAMIC PSYCHOSIS IS A DENIAL OF ADEQUATE EXPERIENCE TO SUCCEED. 4. UTILIZATION In industries, governments and armed services as well as life itself, personnel are not utilized. A man trained for one thing is required to do something else. Or his training is not used. Or he is not used at all. THE THIRD DYNAMIC PSYCHOSIS IS FAILURE TO UTILIZE PEOPLE. 5. PRODUCTION Modern think is to reward downstats. A person is paid for not working. Governments who produce nothing employ the most people. Income tax and other current practices penalize production. Countries which produce little are given huge handouts. War which destroys attains the largest appropriations. THE THIRD DYNAMIC PSYCHOSIS IS TO PREVENT PRODUCTION. 6. PROMOTION Promotion activities are subverted to unworthy activities. True value is seldom promoted. What one is actually achieving gets small mention while other things are heavily promoted. Reality and PR are strangers. THE THIRD DYNAMIC PSYCHOSIS IS UNREAL OR NON FACTUAL PROMOTION. 7. SALES Sales actions are unreal or out of balance. Clumsy or nonfunctioning sales activities penalize producers and consumers. In areas of high demand sales actions are negligible even when heavy advertising exists. This is proven by the inability to sell what is produced even in large countries so that production cut-backs are continual threats to economies and workers. A population goes half fed in times of surplus goods. With curtailed car factories a nation drives old cars. With a cutback construction industry people live in bad houses. Sales taxes are almost universal. THE THIRD DYNAMIC PSYCHOSIS IS THE IMPEDING OF PRODUCT DISTRIBUTION TO POTENTIAL CONSUMERS. 8. FINANCE One's own experience in finance is adequate to demonstrate the difficulties made with money. THE THIRD DYNAMIC PSYCHOSIS IS THE PERVERSION OF FINANCE. 9. JUSTICE Under the name of Justice, aberrated man accomplishes fantastic injustices. The upstat is hit, the downstat let go. Rumours are accepted as evidence. Police forces and power are used to ENFORCE the injustices contained 1 to 8 above. Suppressive justice is used as an ineffectual but savage means of meeting situations actually caused by the earlier listed psychoses. When abuses on 1 to 8 make things go wrong, the social aberration then introduces suppressive injustices as an effort to cure. Revolt and war are magnified versions of injustices. Excess people - kill them off in a war. THE THIRD DYNAMIC PSYCHOSIS IS THE SUBSTITUTE OF VIOLENCE FOR REASON. 10. MORALE A continuous assault on public morale occurs in the press and other media. Happiness or any satisfaction with life is under continuous attack. Beliefs, idealism, purpose dreams are assaulted. Any action which would lead to a higher morale has to be defended against the insane few. THE THIRD DYNAMIC PSYCHOSIS IS A DETESTATION OF HIGH MORALE. The COMMON DENOMINATOR of all these insanities is the desire to SUCCUMB. Insanities have as their end product self or group destruction. These ten subjects gone mad are the main points through which any group SUCCUMBS. THEREFORE, these ten points kept sane guarantee a group's SURVIVAL. EXAMPLES Seeing all this in one example permits one to see that these third dynamic insanities combine to destroy. A. Believing it impossible to obtain money or make it, a firm cannot hire enough people to produce. So has little to sell, which is badly promoted and is not sold so it has no money to hire people. B. Needing people for another job the firm robs them from a plant which then collapses and fails to make money so no new people can be hired. This reduces production so people have to be dismissed as they can't be paid. C. Persons are in the firm but are kept doing the wrong things so there is little production and no promotion or sales so there is no money to pay them so they are dismissed. D. A new product is put in. People to make it are taken from the area already making a valuable product which then collapses that area and there is not enough money to promote and selling fails so people are dismissed. The examples are many. They are these same ten factors in play upon a group, a firm, a society. SANITY A group's sanity depends on these ten points being kept straight. Just as they decay a group run wrong so they will build a group to POWER if run right and kept in good action. In a period of "population explosion" a group which can continue to RECRUIT, TRAIN, GROOVE IN, UTILIZE, PRODUCE, PROMOTE, SELL, FINANCE ITSELF, HOLD UP REAL JUSTICE AND MAINTAIN HIGH MORALE will rise to power above any other group. The theta of a group (its life or esprit) grows in survival and power if it can keep these points in. Therefore it is of vast importance to (a) Push these points of aberration out of a group and (b) Enhance the ten survival actions which perpetuate and increase the group. Our first action is concerned with eradicating the bad side and deaberrating the group. PURPOSE: TO DEABERRATE YOUR ORG. MAJOR TARGET: TO ISOLATE AND ERADICATE THE POINTS WHERE THE SOCIAL ABERRATIONS HAVE SUPPRESSED YOUR ORG. VITAL TARGET: To get this done and reported on to me at once. PRIMARY TARGETS: 1. The LRH Comm or HCOES in the absence of an LRH Comm for the org is to undertake and do this survey. 2. Full notes are to be taken. 3. Staff members are to be interviewed. 4. The org lines are to be inspected. OPERATING TARGETS: 1. Recall and write down any instance known to you or mentioned by another in your org where: (a) People were taken from a busy post to fill another post rather than hire someone new? (b) An untrained person was placed directly on a post without any training first? (c) A person was transferred to a newly vacated post without any time spent under the departing person to learn the post first? (d) A person was trained as a high level auditor but not trained on the OEC and then was given an Admin post with the result that his training was not utilized? (e) Production in the org was curtailed by taking people off training and processing posts thus reducing production? (f) The good work being done in the org was not promoted? (g) The available services of the org were not competently sold? (h) Finance was used to prevent hiring so the org could produce fully? (i) Where ethics or justice were used suppressively? (j) Where there was resistance or apathy to auditing or training staff and raising its morale? 2. Interview three staff members chosen at random and ask and briefly write down the answers to the above (a) to (j) questions. 3. Inspect the org personally and by looking personally into things, get the answers to the following questions. A. (1) Does HCO actively hire people needed to fill admin and tech posts or does it take people from the org when it needs new posts filled? A. (2) Has HCO ever dismissed people to save money or raise units? A. (3) Is HCO actively hiring anyone at this time? A. (4) How many org posts are empty? B. (1) How many persons are on full time Admin OEC training to qualify them for executive positions? B. (2) How many persons are on full time tech training to prepare them for Tech or Qual posts? B. (3) How many persons are on part time Admin training? B. (4) How many executives in the org have had an OEC? C. (1) How many posts in the org have an extra person assigned to them in training for the post to take it over? D. (1) How many trained auditors do you have on Admin posts who are not SS II trained? D. (2) How many people do you have who are not producing? E. (1) Is your org's main concentration on training and processing? E. (2) Are your Divs 4 and V fully manned with lots of auditors and supervisors? E. (3) Are there any pcs waiting to be scheduled? E. (4) Have any students blown? E. (5) How many students in Div 4 are there per staff course people (Supervisors, Administrators)? F. (1) Is your ability to produce heavily promoted? F. (2) Are there any lapses in promotion? F. (3) Is your promotion real? F. (4) Does promotion use your current triumphs? G. (1) Do you have a Division VIII? G. (2) Do you have some one personally handling FSMs single hatted? G. (3) Are your Div VIII and Div II Registrars fully briefed in what you are actually doing? G. (4) Do your Div VIII people sell hard and successfully? G. (5) Does the Registrar have brochures and flyers for everything she sells describing each one? G. (6) Are your FSMs given literature? G. (7) Are there any stops on your sales lines? H. (1) Has finance ever been used to prevent hiring needed people? H. (2) Has finance ever been used to slow promotion? H. (3) Has finance ever been used to stop training? H. (4) Have there been any pay difficulties? H. (5) Do you have any finance troubles? I. (1) Has anyone ever emptied out a division of people and then used Ethics to correct its falling stats? I. (2) Has Ethics ever been used against an upstat? J. (1) Has finance, personnel or any other reason been given not to train and process staff? J. (2) Has anyone ever used pay or other factors to depress morale? J. (3) Has good work been invalidated? 4. Work out how you are going to hire enough staff. 5. Work out how you are going to get staff better post trained. 6. Plan how to get principal posts understudied (apprenticed). 7. Plan how to utilize staff members more effectively to increase each Div's production and the production of the org in terms of students and pcs. 8. Work out how to increase production of every division. 9. Get promotion more effective, more real and sent to the correct publics telling each public what you can do that he will buy. 10. Work out better sales procedures with better literature and more active sales points. 11. Plan up your finance to get more people, more income, more pay, more production, better facilities. 12. Work out how to improve Ethics until it is a protection of upstats and is not used to protect downstats. 13. Look over Staff Cases and Morale PL and get in Dept 13 Personnel Enhancement Div V so that all staff get adequate auditing, training and care. 14. Send me a full report on all the above. 15. Get these 10 points each handled in your org as required. 16. Become expert on straightening out these points. 17. Increase your GDSes so you can afford staff staff auditing. 18. Expand your org. 19. Move straight up and above these 10 points of societies' aberrations and own it. PROGRAM CODE NAME: OM No. 2 PROGRAM COMM: To me via LRH Comm WW. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb:gal =========================== 421 ED 124 INT 5 Sep 70 WHAT THE PUBLIC DEMANDS [p. 401-3] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 124 INT 5 September 1970 To: PES Registrars Letter Registrars OES Dissem Sec From: RON Subject: WHAT THE PUBLIC DEMANDS Earlier this year we surveyed what the public was asking for during a certain period in each continental area. These numbers should be used with caution as they largely reflect what the registrar was pushing or the magazine was advertising. These however are of use in that you can (1) GET SUCCESS STORIES ON THEM (2) PUSH THEM with some possibility of good response. Public demand is not our current problem. DELIVERING rapidly and in good quality is. Our delivery is far less in quantity than demand. So this gives us also a table we can use somewhat to establish what to deliver. If each staff auditor did 25 well done hours a week and each course supervisor demanded 1500 points a week and if you have auditors, supervisors and tech services you can deliver. An Auditors Association as per LRH ED 120 INT gives you a personnel pool to draw from for delivery and HCO should hire other Admin personnel to keep the org going. A new Dept 13, Personnel Enhancement keeps the staff audited. DEMANDS BY AREA (Table taken for a short period. Does not include all orgs.) (Table is the number of people asking for the service.) UNITED STATES 1. HAS - 1497 2. Special Intensives - 710 3. Dn Hours of proc. - 674 4. Academy level training - 531 5. HGC Grade processing - 528 6. HSDC - 412 7. HQS -402 8. Scn processing - 313 8a. Group processing - 302 10. Scn. triples - 196 11. Dn. triples - 143 12. SHSBC - 60 13. Power - 41 14. Minister's Course - 2 15. Money process - 2 16. Finance Course - 2 17. C1 V Interneship - 2 18. Cramming, Review, HGC interneship, OEC, HDG, HSDC & HAA package, HAS Go-audit, Public Speaking Course - 1 UNITED KINGDOM 1. Dn processing - 55 2. HSDC - 33 3. Special intensives - 21 4. HAS - 20 5. Scn. processing - 6 6. Scn. triples - 6 7. Academy levels training - 8 8. Academy package - 8 9. HGC grade processing - 6 10. Dn. triples - 4 11. HQS - 4 12. Psychosomatic intensive - 1 13. Money course, co-auditing, tape plays, mini course - 1 ea. EUROPE 1. Dn proc. - 196 2. HAS - 95 3. Scn proc. - 94 4. Special intensives - 80 5. Scn. triples - 40 6. HSDG - 37 7. Academy training - 27 8. HQS - 27 9. Scn. grade proc - 24 10. Academy package - 23 11. Power - 7 12. SHSBC - 5 AFRICA 1. Dn training - 20 2. Dn training - 15 3. Scn. processing - 6 4. HAS - 6 5. Academy training, academy package, Scn. triples - 3 6. HGC grade processing - 2 7. Dn. triples - 2 8. Special intensives - 2 9. HQS - 1 ANZO 1. Dianetic auditing - 254 2. HSDC - 85 3. Dianetic triples - 81 4. HAS - 46 5. Special intensives - 45 6. HQS - 24 7. Scn triples - 23 8. Scn processing - 7 9. Academy training - 5 10. Academy package - 3 11. Target course, conditions course, group processing, co-audit, extension course, tape plays -1 PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS SURVEY REFLECTS CONDITIONS BEFORE EXPANDED GRADES WAS ANNOUNCED BUT WOULD STILL REFLECT PUBLIC DEMAND. That a person asks for Dianetic Auditing does not prevent anyone from selling it to him and still using Scn Rudiments and Repair and actually completing his full Dianetic Grade. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb:gal =========================== 422 ED 125 INT 6 Sep 70 THE TECH SEC PGM (HGC) No. 1 [p. 399-400] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 125 INT 6 September 1970 To: OES Tech Sec Qual Sec From: RON Subject: THE TECH SEC PGM (HGC) No. 1 References: (1) LRH ED 120 INT Auditors Assn. (2) HCO PL 10 July 70 Training Requirements Eased (3) LRH ED 113 INT Flubless Auditing (4) LRH ED 123 INT Org Mgnt. Pgm. No. 2 (5) HCOB 21 Aug 70 Session Grading, Well Done, Definition of (6) C/S Series (7) HCO PL 16 Apr 70 Tech Services Issue II (8) SO ED 66 INT How to Get in Tech Services for 29 June 70 Service and Delivery to Academies PGM PURPOSE: To Improve Org. MAJOR TARGET: To Produce And Deliver Tech. PRIMARY TARGETS: 1. OES (or Tech Sec if one exists) to assemble above from LRH Comm or HCO or own files. 2. Person doing this Pgm to allocate one hour each day at a specific time each day to get this Pgm in. OPERATING TARGETS: 1. Hire auditors. 2. Insist on getting the AUDITORS ASSOCIATION LRH ED 120 INT activated and functioning to give you an auditor's pool. 3. Insist on staff and staff staff auditors delivering 5 well done auditing hours a day or 25 hours a week if on full pay evening and week-end. See HCOB 21 August '70 Session Grading, Well Done, Definition of. 4. Be sure E-Meters are used and obtained (these are in full supply now in any area). 5. Reestablish the Class HGC Auditor who is retained in the Tech Div to really groove him in. 6. Get in HCO PL 10 July '70 Training Requirements Eased, so students will audit for HGC for Honors. 7. Get in LRH ED 113 INT on Flubless Auditing. 8. Have extra auditors who are retained to HGC Class on call to take care of expansion and contraction of incoming pc flow. 9. Get C/S checked out fully on C/S Series. 10. Provide auditors for staff staff auditing Dept 13. 11. Get in Tech Services by getting it manned. (See HCO PL 16 Apr '70 Issue II Tech Services.) (See SO ED 66 INT 29 June '70 How to Get in Tech Services for Service and Delivery to Academies.) 12. Get any Advance Reg (or backlog pcs) being pulled in by Tech Services and scheduled. 13. Furnish trained auditors Class III or above to Div 5 ARC Brk Section. 14. Get Div 6 and Pub Div people and Registrar and Div 2 people informed fully of your auditing successes above and beyond success stories. AND FORCE THE PUBLICITY OF WHAT YOU REALLY DO IN HGC. 15. Force public sales foy and utilization of HGC by Letter Reg, Registrars and Public Divs. 16. Actively procure pcs to audit by expanding Tech Services and looking in on Pub Div crses. 17. Maintain high quality tech in high volume. PGM CODE: TSPgm No.#l PGM COMM: Via LRH Comm WW to CS-5 Flag. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb:gal =========================== 423 ED 126 INT 14 Sep 70 "PLEASE CONTINUE YOUR THURS RPTS..." [p. 398] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 126 INT 14 September 1970 PLEASE CONTINUE YOUR THURS RPTS. ARE ALWAYS APPRECIATED AND VERY VITAL. COVER THE SAME POINTS BUT MAKE D FOR STAFF PGM NO 2. A. Org actions personally accomplished since last Thursday. B. Org outnesses noted. C. Org outnesses personally corrected. D. Progress made on Staff Programme No. 2 13092RED LOVE, RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ka:gal =========================== 424 ED 126 INT 22 Sep 70 WHY ORGS SAG [p. 394-7] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 126 INT 22 September 1970 To: LRH Comm EC All staff From: RON Subject: WHY ORGS SAG Reference: LRH ED 123 INT Org Management Pgm No. 2 HCO PL 29.8.70 Personnel Series No. 1 Issue I PERSONNEL TRANSFERS CAN DESTROY AN ORG HCO PL 29.8.70 Personnel Series No. 2 Issue II PERSONNEL PROGRAMMING HCO PL 29.8.70 Personnel Series No. 3 Issue III RECRUIT IN EXCESS HCO PL 30.8.70 Personnel Series No. 4 RECRUITING ACTIONS HCO PL 10.9.70 Personnel Series No. 5 TRANSFERITIS HCO PL 12.9.70 Personnel Series No. 6 TRAINING HCO PL 13.9.70 Personnel Series No. 7 HATS - VITAL DATA HCO PL 16.9.70 Personnel Series No. 8 ETHICS AND PERSONNEL (Applies to E/Os) HCO PL 15.9.70 EXEC RESPONSIBILITY FOR TRAINING STAFF HCO PL 13.9.70 Organization Series No. 1 BASIC ORGANIZATION HCO PL 14.9.70 Organization Series No. 2 COPE AND ORGANIZE HCO PL 14.9.70 Organization Series No. 3 Issue II URGENT: HOW TO ORGANIZE AN ORG HCO PL 22.9.70 HATS The WHY, the real WHY behind org sags and troubles and why the 10 3rd Dynamic group aberrations of the society can invade an org (as given in LRH ED 123 INT) is our loss of and failure to expand and follow up the full use of hats HATS We developed the whole idea of "hats". It is even our term. During the earlier periods of expansion HATS were in heavy use. We had a Hats Officer. We had a drill to collect hats and reissue at any transfer. A person leaving couldn't even collect his pay unless he turned in his hats. All the know-how of Scientology Admin operates as a buffer to society's aberrations. That know-how contained in HCO Policy Letters kept our orgs sane. When it went out the aberrations of the society could move in. Earlier on there were not so many PLs. They were kept loose in post hats. We attained much more material. In 1966 I appointed Divisional Organizers at WW. They were supposed to collect all this up per division. They did not collect and issue PLs but tried to run divisions. In other words there was a failure to break down policy into divs and disseminate it to orgs. Enough trained personnel existed to keep it running for awhile. But hats started to go out in several orgs. And as new personnel came on they had a huge mass of policy but they had no breakdown of it into exact hats. The new 1965 org board (like the Class & Grade Chart in tech) was never gotten in, really in, in terms of post hats. This omission cost us our 3rd Dynamic tech. There went high pay, good facilities, good quarters, top quality service. All the know-how was in the file cabinets. It was not specialized into post hats. It was not checked out on staff members. Wide checking has established this lack of full post hats known on every post as the reason WHY wherever stats are down. In support of this when I issued the LRH No. 1 Programs and where they were checked out fully in an org on its staff members, the org stats tended to recover. Those No. Is were actually generalized hats of a kind. Where the No. Is weren't checked out well on the whole staff, nothing happened. Wide checking of various gross divisional stats in orgs where they were down showed behind them a total ignorance of any PLs related to how to get them up and no real hats. As an org's stat was down, its pay and appearance did not attract new recruits and PLs on recruiting weren't known either. Key posts then were left empty. This strained other posts and even more org posts were emptied. Fewer people to wear hats and no hats anyway. The 10 points given in LRH ED 123 INT could then become aberrated. THE ROAD BACK A HAT is now redefined as a write up of the post, a checksheet and a pack. It is fully checked out on the staff member. He also gets full credit for it in terms of study points. An Executive is responsible for all his juniors having hats (defined as above) and that they are checked out on them fully. HCO apparently found it easier to assign a condition than prepare a hat and check some one out. HCO is responsible for solving the problems of the org by heavy recruiting and hats, not Ethics. Dept 13 Qual must be organized to program and oversee the training of and AUDIT STAFF MEMBERS. It is to push home the idea of HATS mean full checksheets and packs for the hat. Div 2 must bring its Mimeo Files up to date so it can make checksheets and packs for hats as well as course materials. People have to be recruited and put on this action and they themselves must be checked out on the relevant PLs that give you a mimeo section and files. Flag is flat out providing post hat checksheets. Do not wait for them. Get your own. And get your Mimeo Files up to date so you can make hat packs. Scheduling has to be done to permit staffs time to study and time to get audited. This is the road back - (a) recruit, (b) get full hats that consist of a checksheet and pack per hat, (c) train people in on their hats fully. Until that time cope. It will take awhile. The 1965 org bd was never grooved in, its posts never given their hats totally. No new staff member could be expected to confront the totality of our know-how. It needs to be selected out for each post. And he sure can confront that part of it that applies to his own hat. An org will get smaller or stay small and poor until every staff member in it has a full hat consisting of write up, checksheet and pack and knows that material and is applying it on his post and producing. This is THE ROAD BACK TO THE IDEAL SCENE. It may be a bit to confront as there's a lot of work in it. An executive harrassed by all the local noise may believe he has many more pressing things to do. But if he will just haul up for a moment and look under that stat he will find the staff he is ordering (a) inadequate in number (b) ignorant of the first elements of the data that applies to the action. (c) Without full checksheets and packs for their hats. And there is where the noise is coming from. There is no valid reason whatever why a staff member should not be well audited, well paid, well trained. There is no valid reason why the org's products of pcs and students should not receive top grade level service. The WHY is totally contained in losing our tech of Admin as well as our tech of auditing and training. The WAY we get it all back is to recruit and fully HAT a staff and define that hat as a write up, a checksheet and a pack. To eradicate the 10 points of 3rd Dynamic aberration out of an org all we have to do is work industriously to get in and then MAINTAIN Hats and people fully trained on them. EXPANSION Some people who do not know policy knowledge believe public demand or state of mind influences org expansion. It does not. There is not one Gross Divisional Stat controlled by the public. They are ALL under the control of the org. The "enemy" was quite loud and impudent for a while. This was effective only on staff morale. It did not reduce public demand. The majority of the unholy dozen are out of the running, ruined, insane or dead. This is not an actual barrier now. While it may still ebb and flow we are following a policy of full speed ahead. What is actually holding us back is loss of our post admin know-how and losing sight of its value. We expand as we determine to, not as we are prevented. It has taken me 13 months of hard study of field data and orgs, including Missionaire reports and your Thursday reports to isolate THE why. And this is it. HATS INCOMPLETELY DEFINED AND NON-EXISTENT. That even lies back of our loss of auditing tech. The Exec hats that would have kept it in were not only not worn, they were not even compiled. So if we continue to cope with things and spend part of our time each day in organizing hats and getting them worn we will come right out of it. We are not bad off. We have coped. But we must not continue only to cope. We must recruit, compile hats and train people on them and so get things rolling. We don't need any miracle from above. We need HATS. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb:gal =========================== 425 ED 128 INT 27 Sep 70 THURSDAY REPORTS [p. 392-3] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 128 INT 27 September 1970 To: All Staff LRH Comms From: RON Subject: THURSDAY REPORTS Reference: LRH ED 27 INT LRH Comm Staff Pgm No. 1 Any other ED. I do appreciate your Thursday Reports. These reports are continued, despite the expiry of LRH ED 27 INT LRH Comm Staff Pgm No. 1. You have no idea how much help these have been in advising of local conditions and keeping in comm with the actual org scene. I like to hear from you and appreciate what you say. It has been possible to change many things for the better because you observed and reported these situations. Your Thursday Report data is integrated into the general overall scene. Some immediate and direct results of your Thursday Reports have been (a) A general effort to restore staff auditing. (b) The Auditors Association Pjt for your area so you could get auditors and FSMs. (c) Serious reforms to attain decent staff pay levels. (d) The discovery that Scientology tech had dropped out of full use. (e) The revelation of the numerous command channels under which your org operated and the evolving of the Bureaux single channel command line which is now being organized. (f) The discovery that HATS had become unknown and needed redefinition as a checksheet and pack and the reissue of hats and training in them. While no Thursday Report gave these as concrete suggestions the outnesses noted in Thursday Reports gave the need to resolve situations and the (a) to (f) above were seen by me to be very needful. FORMAT The Thursday Report should give (A) Production personally accomplished since last Thursday. (B) Org outnesses noted. (C) Org outnesses personally corrected. (D) Personal progress made in personal training and processing. Gradually little by little things are moving back to where they should be, in no small part due to your Thursday Reports to me. Thank you. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb:bk =========================== 426 ED 16 SH 13 Oct 70 NEW PERSONNEL ENHANCEMENT [p. 681-2] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 16 SH 13 October 1970 To: All SH Staff Subject: NEW PERSONNEL ENHANCEMENT Reference: LRH ED 123 INT. HCO PL 8 Aug 1970 Issue III HCO PL 22 Sept 70 Issue II. I am very happy to see you have a fully manned Dept 13 Div V Dept of Personnel Enhancement. This means two things: (a) You can get some auditing (b) You can get your hats straightened out and GDSes up so that you can be better paid. The functions of this new department are given in HCO PL 8 Aug 1970, Issue III REORGANIZATION OF THE CORRECTION DIVISION. The Ideal Scene and stats of new Dept 13 are given in HCO PL 22 Sept 1970 Issue II. In LRH ED 123 INT the ten social aberrations that get into orgs are listed. On the principle found in "Problems of Work", stable data and confusion you will find that the reason social aberrations and confusion get into an org is that POSTS ARE NOT HELD WELL. The answers exist in the PLs of the recent Personnel Series. An Org Bd and Hats which are checksheets and packs bolster up the posts of the org and stabilize the org. The 3rd Dynamic aberrations do not then enter the org. As it is stably posted it acts as a buffer to the social confusions and its own lines flow and the org produces better WITH MUCH LESS CONFUSION. It is the role of Dept 13 to programme and get the hats on staff members and get their cases flying. For you at SH just now it is vital that the org recruit up and get manned and hatted on vital posts so it can deliver. This alone can continue the luxury of a well manned functional Dept 13. At last you will get some auditing. At last you will be able to benefit from properly hatted staff. The public demand exists as attested by your letters in and Reg interviews. That the org is not taking advantage of this or getting paid for it is obvious in the badly reversed cash-bills stat. By recruiting and using department 13 well the org will soon be hatted, audited and better paid and will be delivering high quality service. I have developed NEW POWER and sent a trained Missionaire to groove it in, This will bring back the wins we used to get. Don't let your SHSBC decline, Man up your Tech Dept. Don't let your new Staff Staff C/S get all involved with "folder error summaries" "before you can be audited." (See HCOB 6 Oct 70 C/S Series 19, FESs that handles this stop.) Don't get too specialized in cases and in that forget hats or you won't be able to afford a Dept 13 for long. By recruiting and using staff where they will send up the Gross Divisional Statistics you will have I hope a much better time of it. I know the reorganized Qual unstabilized or emptied some posts. We have to make that up by recruiting new staff and hatting them quickly. Flag trained your new Executive Director well. I've done anything I could to give you help. Now it is up to you and up to the staff. Good luck. Love, RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:iw =========================== 427 ED 129 INT 4 Nov 70 ORG ABERRATION RESULTS [p. 387-91] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 129 INT 4 November 1970 To: LRH Comm - HCO ES From: RON Subject: ORG ABERRATION RESULTS Reference: LRH ED 123 INT of 4 September 1970 ORG MGMT PGM No. 2 The enthusiastic and rapid compliance with the surveys asked for in LRH ED 123 INT are most appreciated. Orgs indicated where social aberration had gotten into them very clearly. A compilation of the data sent was made up by LRH Personal Communicator, Ken Urquhart. The most aberrated areas stated by those orgs after compilation here turned out to be: HIRING TRAINING APPRENTICESHIPS UTILIZATION PRODUCTION in that order. Justice and Morale were also on a few lists lower down the line. The heaviest were Hiring, Training, Apprenticeships and Utilization. Production (on which the org repute and income depend) was not seen as vital as it should have been, though obviously down. Conclusions In "Problems of Work" (a book very important to staff members) and in the Stable Terminal Policy Letters we find that confusions are handled from a stable terminal. If there are aberrations in the society which should be barred out of orgs, it would have to be done by making (a) the Org a stable terminal and (b) each post a stable terminal. This would be the buffer that would 1. Keep the org sane and 2. Keep staff members happy. As to production to better a product, Organize! See the current Org Series Poi Ltrs for more data as they come out. Thus that orgs have let in social aberration and themselves become somewhat aberrated is evident from responses. The areas chosen show that Recruitment The Org Bd Hatting Actions Hat Training are the prime offenders. The Division which takes care of these functions and sees that they are done is Div 1 HCO. We therefore conclude that HCOs have not done their job and are not doing their job and in the future MUST do their job. Historical HCO was originally organized as the division I used to operate the org. The HCO Area Secretary was looked on as my secretary. When I began to use LRH Comms HCO became less used and ceased to fully function. In 1965 HCO apparently found it easier to use Ethics than to hat people. Ethics came in, org bd and hats went out and there went the stability of orgs and in came social aberration. Remedy An org needs a fully trained Executive Director (Flag Executive Briefing Course) who uses HCO to run the org. We have a new org board called the "Executive Director Org Board" which is different only in that HCO is used as the senior division to run the org. HCO is simply drawn two or three inches higher than the rest of the division and the Executive Director keeps it manned and doing its job. You can get an Executive Director and meanwhile man up HCO and force it to do its full job. You don't have to wait for a trained Executive Director to get this situation in hand. Functions All too often we see a Class VIII with no OEC posted as HCO ES. This is very bad utilization. You need an Org Exec Course HCO ES and HCO Area Sec. HIRING HCO is the recruiting division and should be hiring people. Only about 60% of those hired will make the grade so hiring has to be continual. One MUST overhire in order to have people. HCO must NOT use the org as a personnel pool. To man a new function one does NOT unmock another division. ONE HIRES NEW PEOPLE. The Auditors Association Project is a correct personnel pool for technical staff. The Academy and courses are other personnel pools. A going division is NOT a personnel pool. A wrong way to put an HCO there is to unmock Div 4 and 5 and post HCO. A right way to put an HCO there is for the HCO ES to recruit one from outside the org, hat them, train them. Replace a good staff member with a recruit trained on that post and put the good staff member on as HCO Area Sec. Make HCO into a trained Hatted TEAM. HCO then recruits, hats, sees to training and puts the org there. Cure The cure for this aberration is then an HCO that knows its policy and does its job. UTILIZATION Without an HCO the Org Ed is not properly posted up and posting itself becomes unreal. An HCO that doesn't post tech people in Tech and Qual and Admin Trained people in IX, I, II and Finance people in III and Admin and PR people in the public divs is not doing its job. When HCO lets 3 unused people loaf around one division and undermans another it is failing. HCO keeps the Org Bd adjusted and posts manned. APPRENTICESHIP Staff members as deputies IN TRAINING for a post are vital. But the most vital posts for IN TRAINING status are tech and Qual posts. Putting a green, unhatted, untrained staff member abruptly on a post with no groove in can be quite destructive. TRAINING We have a lot of training outnesses. The most basic of these is the HCO Hat Check. These MUST be done. There not only have to be hats (defined now as write ups, checksheets and packs for the post) but they have to be checked out. We have got to step up ALL training QUALITY. Training consists of a trained training personnel who can train, the materials from which to train and the use of training drills and know how and two way comm with students to clean up their studies. By failing to make a Good auditor on a course we are undermining the entirety of Scientology. But the most gross outness in orgs in training is the FAILURE OF CASE SUPERVISORS TO TRAIN THEIR STAFF AUDITORS. We never used to take a staff auditor off a course or out of the field and expect him to audit well for the org. Instead we trained him up. And the Case Supervisor then ORDERED THE AUDITOR TO CRAMMING FOR EVERY FLUB, giving the materials to be crammed. We have never had flubless auditing emerge unless we did this. Case Supervisors who accept a flub without ordering cramming on it are in treason, no less. For here's what happens: A whole area subjected to flubby auditing begins to doubt the possibility of results and ceases to try for a good product. This results in no student enrollments and a field of flubbed pcs. Failure to force flubless auditing in puts an area into doubt. Income goes low and recruitment becomes difficult. The org tries to go total income oriented, loses its HCO "for economy", the org packs up. To reverse this flow: BUILD AN HCO and make it Org Ed the org and make the org know the org bd. Recruit. Hat. Train. Get in On Post Training. Utilize the people. Produce. Action Therefore, by the evidence of responses from orgs, orgs must begin a de-aberration program. The key is an HCO that actually does its job. It could be that HCO stats of letters is wrong. We will work this out and give HCO stats like total hats issued and checked out, etc. But this needn't halt our action now. We must get HCOs doing something useful instead of using ethics. Course Supervisors must get on the ball. Case Supervisors must continue the action of cramming for every flub. Coincidentally, every recently issued HCO Policy Letter gives know how on Personnel and Organization and should be checked out and followed. Thank you for all the work that went into this survey. GET IN A TRAINED HCO. SEND IN AN EXEC DIRECTOR FOR TRAINING. COPE while you organize. And the org will de-aberrate swiftly. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb:gal =========================== 428 ED 130 INT 19 Nov 70 NEW COMMAND CHANNELS [p. 384-6] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 130 INT 19 November 1970 To: All staff Subject: NEWS NEW COMMAND CHANNELS To relieve orgs from the burden of receiving orders from many different bosses (some say there are as many as 29 senior bodies) a new command channel pattern is being set up. A Central Authority for each area has been established over the last few months which channels all orders in one channel to the org. These are called Continental Liaison Offices. All US orgs are now under the US LIAISON OFFICE 811 Beacon Ave, Los Angeles, California, 90057, U.S.A. This includes the EC Continental which will become part of it as EC Continental section Branch 19 USLO. All European and South African organizations now come under EUROPEAN LIAISON OFFICE Vesterbrogade 6511, Copenhagen V, DENMARK. ECEU is now in its EC Continental Branch 19, EULO. An African Liaison Office is being organized and until it is South Africa may continue to contact WW. All UK and ANZO orgs now contact the UK Liaison Office of which EC WW is now a part in EC WW Section and EC UK/ANZO section Branch 19 UK LIAISON OFFICE. STATISTIC CABLES GO EXACTLY AS BEFORE. THERE IS NO CHANGE. DATA The assembly of all available data in a Continental Liaison Office and a coordination with Flag programmes will make for far more direct and sensible programmes based on the actuality of the existing scene in orgs. A new system, long in development, is now going into full use by which data is properly evaluated. You will some day have a Bureau Liaison Officer in the Dept of the LRH Comm who will be the single channel from your end of it. This makes then a very smooth and effective global network. Keep on as you're going for the moment. This is just news of what's happening. FEBC The large number of students now on the Flag Executive Brieing Course will in due time be returning to the orgs which sent them as Executive Directors and LRH Comms and HCO Secretaries. The record of FEBC Graduates is excellent. They really get the stats up and the staff paid and the orgs producing. Until they return it is up to orgs to keep the show on the road. ORG ED The Org Ed in use in the Liaison Offices and a new Executive Org Board which goes in when an executive director exists for the org is almost exactly the 1967 HCO P/L org bd. You are using it now with only minor changes. The Executive Director runs the org through HCO on this board. HOW YOU CAN HELP Get the org bd you have properly posted and get hats issued and fully checked out. Get your Auditors Association going locally so you have an adequate tech staff pool. All over the world demand by pcs and students is far higher than delivery. It takes tech staff to deliver. THE PRODUCTS OF AN ORG ARE COMPLETED, SATISFIED PCs AND SKILLED AUDITORS. THE GROSS INCOME IS THE PRODUCT OF RISING GROSS DIVISIONAL STATISTICS. You can help by really pushing for those two things, the product of the whole org and rising GDSes. This will let us get the command channel in, Executive Directors on post. When we have this done we will be ready for a sweeping expansion in every area. We have back all our Tech, our Tech of Admin (Policy) and serious plans for expansion. Smersh is folding up. We intend to drive right on fast and hard. Tough years of opposition delivered into our hands the know how and veterans in the driver's seat. You can help by holding the fort and keeping things going until we can get the whole show on the road. We are the wave of the future. We're right on schedule. It might not look hopeful from where you are butit sure looks good from here. Love, RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:kjm:gal =========================== 429 ED 131 INT 8 Dec 70 LIFE REPAIR BLOCK [p. 381] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 131 INT 8 December 1970 To: OESs URGENT Subject. LIFE REPAIR BLOCK THERE IS NO POLICY THAT REPAIR/SW MUST BE DONE ON ALL PCs. There is Class VIII tech concerning unnecessary reviews and unnecessary repairs. Many orgs report their lines jammed by "having to do FESs and Life Repairs before permitting any auditing". This was called to attention in a recent HCOB 6 October 1970 C/S Series 19. An examination of jammed flow lines in Academies and HSDCs from information available in the Flag Data Bureau reveals that Folder Error Summary and LIFE REPAIR auditing requirements are being used to forbid auditing and not deliver course student co-auditing as promised. This may not apply to all orgs. But someone somewhere is pushing FES and Life Repair as senior policy. It is not. The senior policy is "deliver what was promised". The neglect of making new auditors and failure to get in the Auditors Association Project gave orgs auditor scarcity. Orgs have only 2 major final valuable products. One is well trained auditors. The other is satisfied pcs. There is no policy designed to prevent these two final valuable products from occurring. Tech and Admin policy exist only to assist making these two products IN VOLUME. Applying new tech in such a way as to jam production is of course counter-purpose. With 20 years of valid valuable tech, I do not know why orgs instantly push all new tech into the showcase and discard all the "old" tech. New tech is NOT released because existing tech doesn't work. It is released to raise man higher. One auditor in Texas for 10 years (1950 to 1960) used DMSMH and his 1950 course only to conduct a fine flourishing practice. By never getting in what is already there, orgs seek to ride a PT line. In Mid 1970 I had to enforce the existence of all earlier tech by a reissue of the Gradation Chart. To many orgs all this looks like new tech! Despite the apparent upset, it has been necessary to restore technology. In 1969 we refined and restored Dianetics. All right it was a great success. Why did orgs then suddenly drop Scientology? There was in fact a tape and an LRH ED which said NOT to drop Scientology actions. In 1970 it was found that Scn actions had been dropped, not in 1969 but earlier by saying "that's old", "we don't do that now", "you're studying just for historical background", all entered in without reason. So we restored the whole of Scientology. The 1965 Gradation Chart WAS NEVER OUT but it was so considered in some areas. So we refined it and got it in again. Now, new ways to get case gains realized, FES and Progress and Advance, is being used apparently to stop student co-auditing according to reports to hand. You see what is happening. Tech keeps getting lost and when one tries to restore it, the effort is then used to slow the lines. The policies I am operating on are: KEEP ALL TECH IN AND USED. TRAIN AUDITORS IN DIANETICS AND SCIENTOLOGY WHO CAN AUDIT. TURN OUT PCs WHO HAVE ACHIEVED GAINS. BECOME SOLVENT ENOUGH TO EXPAND SERVICE. DELIVER WHAT WE PROMISE. Anyone setting policy contrary to those things or saying policy has been set so they can't be done is shoving a spoke in the wheels. So knock off "you can't co-audit on course because nobody has done your FES, LIFE REPAIR and SW" THERE IS NO SUCH POLICY. If you have people around who have to stop things send them out to stop Smersh and let's get on with making student lines and pc lines flow. The only way you can get inreal trouble is to violate the senior policies I have put in capitals above. Right now there is newer tech on Flag than is in use anywhere. It can completely handle a psyche in 4 to 8 hours. It requires flawless auditing. It requires well trained auditors trained ON WHAT YOU NOW HAVE. So help me out. Ask yourself, "What would I have to do to unjam student and pc flow lines and achieve the final valuable products listed above?" Ask yourself, not the staff, that question. Answer it and order it and DO IT. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rr:gal =========================== 430 ED 134 INT 16 Dec 70 PERSONAL COMM LINES [p. 380] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 134 INT 16 December 1970 To: All Staff Auditor Article Subject: PERSONAL COMM LINES There are five personal lines that come to me - SO No. 1 - letters from the public or SO or Scn staffs, petitions, Thursday Reports, Students Reports and Daily Reports from the immediate area. Some SO No. 1s and petitions do not reach me but are locally handled. This has to be since the volume is staggering. The data in these is briefed and answers are written for approval and signature and any that are not what I would answer are rewritten with what my answer is. This has to be because TIME would make it impossible for one person to handle such volume. It takes up to a score of people in Continental Offices and orgs and at Flag to answer these SO No. 1s and petitions from over the world. Opposition in press over the years has never affected this line's volume. The earliest days of Dianetics brought mail bags full of mail daily and the volume has if anything risen over the years. Writers on SO No. 1 and petition lines, like Daily Reports, Thursday Reports and Students Reports, are immune from discipline. The high theta volume of these lines is itself tremendous. I feel quite humble receiving all these lines and wonderful communications. It could be I have more friends than anyone else on the planet. But whether that's a fact, it is very certain that I love and appreciate them all. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal NOTE: In 1974 LRH changed the line, and replies are no longer proposed in the field. LRH ED 346 THE SO #1 LINE fully applies. ===========================