FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES - 15/28 ============================ This is the Second Foundation. Our purpose is to keep LRH's plan on track (ref: Asimov). CofS has gone off the rails. This is an announcement of our support of FZBA, Freezone, and The Pilot. We are posting the LRH EDs to make ammends for our long delay in taking action. ARC, PROGRAM DIRECTOR SECOND FOUNDATION ============================ LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES This is a complete copy of the "Original LRH EDs" or Blue Volumes as issued by Bridge in 1983. The full contents for all 28 parts posted is in part 1. The volumes were divided into the 3 numbering Series, and subdivided into the classes of EDs (INT = International, WW = World Wide, SH = Saint Hill, etc.) and placed in reverse order (latest first) within type. This was quite confusing because of some EDs being in multiple classes with different numbers in each class. We rearranged everything in date order (earliest first) to give a better historical perspective and make these easy to find by date. The original table of contents is included in part 2 and the original page numbers are in "[]" at the beginning of each ED. See IMB 5 in part 2 for an explanation of the 3 Series of ED numbers and a list of valid (but expired) EDs not included. See LRH ED 345 INT in part 28 for a list of cancelled LRH EDs that were not included. These are only the EDs that are in the Blue Volumes. ************************************************** FZBA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** Part 15 403 ED 107 INT 3 Jun 70 ORDERS TO DIVISIONS 404 ED 10 SH 6 Jun 70 SH Pcs 405 ED 100 INT 11 Jun 70 AUDITING MYSTERY SOLVED 406 ED 32 WW 12 Jun 70 FUTURE PLANNING 407 ED 101 INT 21 Jun 70 POPULAR NAMES OF DEVELOPMENTS 408 ED 109 INT 1 Jul 70 GROUP ENGRAM Intensives 409 ED 33 WW 9 Jul 70 SO Actions 410 ED 110 INT 10 Jul 70 Registrar Pgm. No. 1 WHAT TO PUSH 411 ED 34 WW 18 Jul 70 LRH PRO SURVEY 412 ED 113 INT 21 Aug 70 FLUELESS AUDITING 413 ED 114 INT 21 Aug 70 STATS AND CURRENT ACTIVITIES 414 ED 117 INT 26 Aug 70 CURRENT CASES 415 ED 118 INT 26 Aug 70 CASE AND LETTER REG PROJECT #1 416 ED 119 INT 27 Aug 70 MY OWN OBJECTIVES =========================== 403 ED 107 INT 3 Jun 70 ORDERS TO DIVISIONS [p. 444-50] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 107 INT 3 June 1970 To: Class IV Orgs and Saint Hills for ACTION. AOs for Info. From: Ron Subject: ORDERS TO DIVISIONS FOR IMMEDIATE COMPLIANCE Reference: LRH ED 104 INT Auditing Sales and Delivery Pgm #1 LRH ED 106 INT What Was Wrong DIVISION IX 1. Immediately check out and get into action the following orders in their respective divisions. DIVISION I 1. Immediately recover the line that any single Dianetic or Scientology Grade is certified by HCO before being valid. This line goes from C & A to HCO Area Sec. Refuse to sign as official any certificate where the grade was not declared in the words of the Ability Attained Column, Class Charts '66, '68, '69 and '70. Refuse any "Did you get your Level 0 ability?" Accept only the pc declaring full statement for all three flows as soon as these are released in HCO PL form. 2. Recruit staff members and auditors and get their hats on, specializing in Dept 1 actions. 3. Take Ethics action on anyone not cooperating with or goofing up this program of recovering Scientology and its gains in your org. Stamp heavily on non-compliance. DIVISION II 1. Post several copies of any Class Chart you have, '68, '69, '70 where it can be seen by (a) Public (b) Students (c) Auditors. 2. Mail copies of the Class Chart with letter reg letters. 3. Begin a campaign to get back in any pc who has been given "fast grades" so his grades can actually be put in. When doing this do not make the org guilty. "Have you attained your gains as per this Chart?" is the campaign. "If not come into org for a free check." Then sell them more auditing to actually attain their Grades O-IV. 4. Contact Dianetic pcs and get them to complete Dianetics and start on grades. 5. Registrar to sell only numbers of hours (and courses), not to sell a result. State all hours bought will be delivered and held in reserve if not delivered. A result can be described but the time to attain it is not specified. Don't sell "singles" or "triples" as the Registrar isn't the C/S. 6. Registrar to answer any complaint "You didn't give me my results" with "You should not have attested". Don't make the org guilty or start a flap. 7. Continue any successful actions without selling results. 8. Don't change general prices. Just take the labels off. This is true until you have in hand the new price schedule. It doesn't materially change prices. 9. Remove old price postings. 10. Get CF in shape so it functions for the letter reg and trace back all these quicky lower grade deliveries. Use them to sell more auditing and really get the grades in. 11. Prefer to sell training. Use the arguments - a student gets tons of auditing - cheaper - need to be trained anyway to go clear - study is high gain. An org becomes most solvent on training. 12. Realize there are dozens of processes and lots of hours in well run TOTAL LOWER grades. Don't continue to be conned by any tale of 20 minutes from O to IV. It takes weeks. 13. Handle any backlog complaints - waiting for auditing - by advising Academy Training. Explain that Academy payments and classes are now credited at Saint Hill (actually paid) on an SHSBC course so a person can be trained locally for awhile and go to an SH for the rest at no greater fee. 14. PROVIDE MIMEOED MATERIALS NEEDED IN TRAINING AND PROCESSING. 15. Provide books, meters and magazines. 16. Don't undersell Dianetic Training or Processing. DIVISION III 1. Don't let any wild overall price change occur. The public avoids them. The UK Price List has been issued. Other Continental Price Lists will follow. If not received, cope. Do not accept any price list from anyone except myself. Shifting prices and packages without my authority has given you bad times. Processing is now by the hour, not by result from O to IV. 2. It is more costly to process than train. Help push Training for both Dianetics and Scientology. Real solvency depends on students not pcs. You can do this by making promotion funds available for training more heavily than auditing. 3. Back up this program to get Scientology back in FULL use by helping finance it. 4. Get solvent and fat money wise. 5. Push to see that staffs get paid. 6. Have future plans on org facility expansion without bankrupting the place. Some orgs have publicly inaccessible and inadequate quarters which are very costly in limiting business volume. DIVISION IV 1. Assume all technical actions in C/Sing, HGC and Dept of Training. 2. When a pc goes to Review Qual is credited with the time taken from the hours the pc bought. 3. Only send a pc to Review when the C/S gives up. Don't let Review give the major actions that belong to the HGC. 4. Get your Supervisors (a) interested in the students' progress and (b) using two way comm (listen style) to speed up the students' progress, (c) get in Learning Drills on slow students. 5. Get blown students back in and using (a) (b) and (c) in 4 above get them going again. 6. Come down hard on any SP giving out with Scn materials being "old" or "not used now" or "background data" and any other mechanism to impede its use. (Modern C/Ses are having to study "The Original Thesis" and other basic books to find out about the subject. The data is not old. It is basic.) 7. Completely throw out the idea that a fast result is a good result in auditing. Deliver auditing in volume as per the "Processes Taught" Column of the Class Chart. Do not skip any gradient going up in C/Sing. Get him on TRs and repair the pc's life before even beginning serious auditing. Do ALL the processes. To full End Phenomena. End Completely this brush off that is currently passing for tech. 8. Get studied all current HCOBs and data on this program. Be sure you get HCOBs now coming out that fill in these gaps to get Scientology back into its own. 9. Determine that students know their business and pcs get full gains and get this being worked at hard through the division. 10. Check this giddy impulse to do things so fast they're not done at all. Validate auditors who do a thorough job, Supervisors who are interested in and work with students to push them through. Preach attaining honest lasting results, real lower grades, real understanding of the mind. 11. Courses should be fast, auditing drawn out. This is the exact reverse to what has been happening. Slow courses and fast auditing destroy the subjects of Dianetics and Scientology. Fast courses and long long hours of auditing are the route to real gains and solvency. 12. Man up Division IV with competent auditors, supervisors, a good C/S, an able Tech Services and plan how to man it up in the future as it expands and carry on an orderly program of providing technical manpower for the Division, not depending on any one else to do so. 13. See that students do a lot of mutual auditing. Don't get stumped in finding things to audit on each other. Force them over onto the Class Chart and every process known. 14. Get the division traffic lines flowing smoothly. 15. Handle backlogs by preaching training and getting more staff. 16. Whenever a pc goes Exterior (or any in your folders who have) have him called in for an Interiorization Rundown. Don't end off his auditing and don't audit past exterior without giving the Interiorization rundown. This can be done at any stage of Dn or grade processing AND DOES NOT COUNT AS PART OF ANY GRADE. 17. Get out of any rut that goes contrary to this program. DIVISION V 1. The purpose of Division V is to CORRECT malfunctions in the org. Realize that the whole org has moved into Div V and squashed it. Begin a program of unloading functions. 2. Shift the C/S to Div IV. There is no Div V C/S. The Review Auditor does his own C/Sing on cases he repairs. 3. Refuse to do any major actions on cases. Repair them so they will now run and shift them back to Div IV. 4. Get in DECLARE discipline at the Examiners. Refuse to declare more than one grade at a time. Get the pc to state the ability he has attained, not "I'm Level 0 now" but the exact wording of that grade. Refuse flatly to pass any pc run only on one process for a grade as disclosed by folder inspection. Get the earliest Examiner discipline in. Folder, meter, pc statement as to the exact end phenomena of the grade. Student by examination and meter check for false completion. 5. Refuse to back down when anyone in Tech starts yelling you're invalidating their gains or repute. That's how all this decline started - an invalidation of Qual opinion by the Tech Sec at SH 1965. Wiped out Qual. Five years later the subject was gone over the whole world and having to be put back. 6. Provide helpful service to students and pcs. Make them feel especially safe in Qual. 7. Really repair students with your interest, 2 way comm and learning drills (they'll be coming out in HCOB again shortly). 8. Really repair pcs using assessed lists like the GF, L1B, L4A, ruds, etc, so they're flying. 9. Take credit from Tech for every auditing hour (or part thereof costs an hour) you spend on a pc. Take all pc repair from hours pc has bought. Only if he has run out of Tech hours and needs repair do you charge him. Try to get him to buy a new package of hours as soon as possible - but of course a pc needing repair isn't likely to buy more until repaired. 10. Get in your Staff Training Officer (who in small orgs can also be Cramming) and begin to push the staff through Staff Status I and II and III and OEC so the org form will be held and thus keep the org from being in a continual correction status. 11. Get your Certs and Awards requiring all certs to be signed by the HCO Area Sec (or HCOES) before they are valid. Get the signed cert routed back for presentation by the Registrar to the pc or student. 12. Give me a great big hand getting this Auditing Sales and Service Pgm #1 IN so that it stays in and Totally assume the function of org correction for which Qual was designed. Qual was meant to do Product Correction and Org Correction. It got so bad Qual became the Product Division not the Product Correction Division. So help me out by getting the org to be a service org producing pcs run on all grade processes for each grade and auditors who know they use what they learn. DIVISION VI 1. The PR value of this situation is dicey. If you broadcast to all past pcs and students that since I left the post of Exec Dir WW the pcs haven't been given their full grade gains and the students not permitted to use what they studied you'd get an invalidation of your org by the field. Therefore the routine is to coax people back in who are not satisfied with their gains and sell them more auditing (so the full processes can be run for each grade). If they complain, ask them why they attested. 2. Do a PR survey of the field by small samplings on Scientology lower grades and Academy training, find what they like and don't like and advise your Div secretaries, EC and CS-6 at Flag so Auditors and Continental Mags can handle with a public field program. 3. Handle any public repercussion sensibly. 4. Push the general idea that auditing takes a while, not how fast it is. This "fast" idea has all but destroyed results. "Permanent gains take a while to do." 5. Push the idea that the cheapest best way to get auditing is to get HSDC and Academy training where students give each other the large amounts of auditing necessary. 6. Run down and kill in its tracks any wild rumour that a "Dianetic Clear" can't go on up the grades or have Power or go real Clear and OT. 7. Knock out any rumours about "old processes" "unused materials" "background data only" now current in org. 8. Bolster Dianetics. 9. Restore real Scientology. 10. Don't abandon any line that is working well. DIVISION VII If you have no Div 7 you sure better get one as it handles all services to the public which are many and vital. 1. Set up public Testing if not in. 2. Route people coming off test line to HAS. Don't route to PE. 3. If you continue PE, route people to testing or HAS from it. 4. Run the HAS with ALL TRs. It has been reported that even drug users come off drugs doing TRs. TRs get gain and reality better than data does. 5. Push training more than auditing. 6. Institute Group Auditing. 7. Use any line you have that is producing. 8. Display a Classification and Gradation Chart prominently in your area. 9. Give activities that handle any amount of people. When some public program pulls in a mob, Div VII provides a service for it it can have. The operating formula is "Provide a Service they can have at a cost that covers the expenses (including promotion, quarters and wages) of the service." Don't let any high public volume be killed just because "they didn't buy many intensives." You keep mass servicing them and they'll buy something eventually. Keep them interested and active. Just don't go broke doing it. Realize that Divs II and IV support the org with individual packages of auditing or higher courses. But just because the mobs Div VII collects does not instantly buy intensives is no reason not to collect a mob. Not to provide interesting valuable service for mobs is a terrible mistake. To expect them to instantly buy big packages is a skipped point in a sequence. One crowd went on for years paying 10s a night to public co audit. They eventually got trained, most of them. Yet one org recently cancelled a Health Crusade that produced 120 bodies an hour "because they didn't buy intensives - only two people did" so the receptionist pushed them back out into the street! Div VII had not provided a public service action to route them to - like HAS or group auditing at a cost both these people and the org could afford. This was a Div VII oversight that made a campaign fail! 10. Work out ways to handle public so they are interested. 11. Study past actions of public handling and reinstitute and reinforce. 12. Don't drop current successful actions. DIVISION VIII 1. Get all FSMs working. 2. Get all FSbls checking to see that ex-pcs made their gains off lower grades and if not routing them back in to get a FREE REPAIR and buy auditing. 3. Get the FSMs to send in people who exteriorized for a FREE REHAB and the org will sell them enough hours to do an Interiorization Intensive. Remember that it's hours, not result that's sold. 4. Get a supply of the Original Thesis and Evolution of a Science and push them. 5. Spread the idea that the older material is more basic and is of great use today. 6. Push FSMs to sell more training on the basis that anyone can receive much more auditing as a student and will need training anyway to go upper grade. 7. Get the idea revived that student selections get a 15 % commission to FSMs. 8. Work with Div VI and Div VII to get crowds coming in, getting low level public mass service and smooth out how it can be sold and mass serviced so that it pays for itself. The org benefits by the few who get intensives and higher courses. 9. Don't drop any successful action now being done. 10. Force Grade honesty into Franchises as per this Pgm. GENERAL We have a lot of the earlier #1 Pgms more or less in hand. We can now begin to work in earnest. If we don't get the above orders in action now we'll have an even rougher time of it. We have Dianetics to push and Scientology to get back in actual full operation. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal =========================== 404 ED 10 SH 6 Jun 70 SH Pcs [p. 683-5] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 10 SH 6 June 1970 Applies also to: AOUK AOSHDK ASHO To: Tech Staff SHs From: Ron Subject: SH Pcs The NEW LOOK of restoring Scn lower grades gives us a different viewpoint of most folders. I have just gone over the folder of a pc recently audited extensively at an SH. It gives the present interpretation now that Quickie Grades are at end. She is "roller coastering". She is not PTS she is simply unflat on all lower grades. When she said she had no gains someone told her she had had. 1. Although just run on Interiorization Rundown (she hadn't ever been Ext, she said, but the auditor said it read on the meter) the essential 2 way Comm on Ext Int was not given in a next session. They seldom fully cognite unless this is done. 2. Her Dianetics is far from flat. She never attained the Class Chart ability for Dianetics. Yet was audited on up. 3. Her Zero Grade is not done. Although "given Scn triples O to IV" no End Phen ever attained. All the processes of Zero were not run - only the upper Os like 0-0, O-A etc. (and all for O - IV multiple declare). 4. Her Grade I was never done. None of the many Gr I process were run and versions of problems were not even touched. Not even a Problems Intensive was given. And here is her "Rollercoaster" or hung up case. A person all hung up on Problems get little or no case gain and sags where her problem keys in again. Only problems can prevent case gain. When you have no case gain and if Grade I is not totally flat then you haven't actually bridged the gap between a humanoid and a Scientologist. I didn't say this is true of this particular case but it would hold as a general probability. 5. Overts in all forms is not flat as the case is hung up on a Sec Check once given. 6. Change, the keynote of Gr III has not been handled. 7. Few Service Facs were found - only the 3 for triples and no others. Grade IV is thus incomplete. 8. Power not run to EP. 9. RGEW incomplete. 10. Grades above this not attained fully and pc is hung up in an OT cycle she could never end with all these lower grades out. This is not a condemnation of the auditing done. The auditing actually done was good except Evaluation existed. The C/S lacked any program for the case and jumped about without any smooth advance. All this is what comes of calling the SHSBC materials "background" or "old" or "not used anymore" and other ways of selling Class VI short and of cutting checksheets down in Academies. When lower orgs didn't do their grades you weren't any longer able to deliver. The pcs weren't prepared. If you didn't train auditors either because the course materials were "not used anymore" then there went your Tech. There are signs of C/S desperation in this folder. All that's out is that this pc - like so many more - had all the lower grades very very out. In resistive cases, grades out is a major factor. Repair The repair of the SH situation lies in honest delivery, use of all materials in auditing and training, honest training using 2 way comm not ethics on slow students. Retreads of a properly checksheeted SHSBC should be strongly advocated. The situation is so far from hopeless that you can capitalize on it heavily. Recall blown students and stop telling them how old it all is and get them to use it. Get students to audit students for gain, not practice. Get all brush-off quickie grade pcs back in and handled properly. Above, I give you a typical case analyzed from its folder. To get such a case whizzing you would have to (A) By prepared lists and ruds (properly assessed) repair past sessions and life. (B) Complete Dianetics using triples to its end ability attained. Maybe 25 - 30 hours. (C) Do every process of every lower grade on up. To each true E/P for the process and ability gained for the grade. Do the remaining processes of the grade and rehab then those already "run" (D) Check Power for EP and complete it if incomplete. (E) Put back on RGEW to get a full result. (F) Send to an AO. This tech program applies to practically every pc that entered Scn after 1964. Students Retreads and recall of blows and the use of 2 way comm and repairing past propaganda that the material is no longer in use can get the SHSBC back in. Situation This is your general technical situation. SHs haven't had it all to the same degree of roughness - ASHO went completely mad a few months back and fed a "clear cognition" (evaluation) to all incomplete Dn pcs and told them they could not now have Power or upper auditing. This is being handled and the practic stopped. "Quickie Grades" and unreal case programming must end not only in SHs but in Lower orgs. There's a fantastic amount of work ahead of every SH to remedy the matter in SHs and by furnishing real VIs to get tech in in lower orgs. I care not whether the program is popular. I only care that it is honest and beneficial and will recover our tech and stats. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:iw =========================== 405 ED 100 INT 11 Jun 70 AUDITING MYSTERY SOLVED [p. 442-3] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 108 INT 11 June 1970 To: All Staff Registrars Treas Sec D of T Pub Divs From: Ron SUBJECT: AUDITING MYSTERY SOLVED Reference: LRH ED 77 INT requesting data in Thurs Reports on why low auditing hours. First I want to thank you for your very helpful data received in Thursday Reports in general. I appreciate receiving your reports every week. From your data I have been able to solve the riddle of Low Hours of Auditing that was being delivered by orgs. This led to even more important discoveries. The overall reason for low auditing hours is very simple almost no auditors! Rapid additional tech surveys then revealed that the proper delivery of Scientology began to go out some years back with Fast Flow and "Quickie Lower Grades" This has triggered off the campaign you see beginning with the HCO PL 10 May 70 and LRH EDs 104 to 107 INT now coming to you. Trouble we had with some cases in AOs traced straight back to "Quickie Lower Grades" Literally dozens of vital Scientology major processes that give people the real end phenomena of lower grades (as per the Classification Chart) had vanished from use. So you had nothing to audit. Dianetics tended to save the day for you because Scientology had drifted down to superficial application. The tons of Dianetics pcs and Dianetic auditors now completing give you a vast backlog of potential Academy students - if you reach for them. With full lower grade processing back in you can attract students. It is true that it is far cheaper to be a student and get all one's auditing as a student from students. Your solvency depends on training students both on Dianetics and in the Academy. It is costly to audit pcs. You may do so of course but it pegs your income and pay very low if you only audit. A lot of PLs (Fast Flow) have been cancelled and the lines are being put right to recover the full benefit of Scientology lower levels. So your answers and your cooperation concerning this "Auditing Mystery" were very very valuable and led to some very basic and needful actions. Thank you! Now let's get the show on the road again for Scientology. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dz:gal =========================== 406 ED 32 WW 12 Jun 70 FUTURE PLANNING [p. 624] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 32 WW 10 SH 12 June 1970 To: All Staff From: Ron Subject: FUTURE PLANNING Reference: Auditing Sales and Delivery Pgm No. 1 Series of EDs. I have been studying the UK scene very hard and have located several things that could be remedied. Staff pay and general WW and SH well being are a concern to me. The Auditing Sales and Delivery Pgm No. 1 and a more standard price list should make a difference. That people can now enroll directly on the SHSBC from HDC and can have their Academy fees credited will revive the SHSBC IF a very smart course is conducted. Getting back any blown students with 2 way comm and using 2 way comm on the course to handle slows should get you going. If all old UK Academy students are contacted you should have quite an inflow. If you push getting students heavily you will be far more solvent. By combining certain functions and making some org pattern changes you may be able to make pay better. This is being studied. At higher levels I have recently been able to speed up completions at higher benefit levels. And Lower Levels are now coming back into their own. All the data you are now teaching on the SHSBC is very valid. It is not "old" or "background" or "not used". The future does not depend upon "lifting the ban" or "the inquiry". I am advised by reliable government sources that they will do nothing to Scientology whichever side gets in. I carried this burden of threat for 20 years mostly alone and said little. Now I'm getting lots of help. Inquiries, bans, bunk. It only proves it's a crazy world and needs you. You and you alone govern the future of your success with GDSes! All you have to do is keep those up. They went down because you lost the subject. So get it back and sail along. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dz:gal =========================== 407 ED 101 INT 21 Jun 70 POPULAR NAMES OF DEVELOPMENTS [p. 465-7] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 101 INT 21 June 1970 To: ECs URGENT Registrars Tech Secs All Staff FSMs From: Ron Subject: POPULAR NAMES OF DEVELOPMENTS Reference: Recent Tech Programs 1. There are several technical programs and developments which will be very popular and already are enthusiastically received. 2. It is Vital that the terms used to publicize these and inform the public about them are standardized and made acceptable. Therefore use these terms: 3. EXTERIORIZATION INTENSIVE: This is called just that. "We are better than we think. Many people have gone Exterior and have been audited past it. This made them uncomfortable. A new technical development makes it possible to continue to audit them. This was previously forbidden. The tech breakthrough is available. A lower level "Thetan Exterior" is not yet Clear unless he has taken the Clearing Course. It is necessary to have an Exteriorization Intensive before you can be audited further if you have ever gone exterior in auditing. People audited past exterior without an Exteriorization Intensive develop somatics because they get more powerful. This is a major 1970 technical breakthrough." 4. PROGRESS PROGRAM: What is called a "Repair Program" on the first issue of the C/S Series HCOB just being issued is re-named a PROGRESS PROGRAM. It has been found that case gain which has not been earlier achieved can be consolidated by a PROGRESS PROGRAM. It takes 25 hours, can be done by a Class I or above as long as it is C/Sed by an VIII who has starrated on the new C/S Series. This is quite a technical development in itself. It is the answer to a pc who had "Quickie Grades" and didn't actually reach full abilities in earlier Scientology auditing. It is followed by an Advance Program which follows below. 5. ADVANCE PROGRAM: This is what was called a "Return Program" in the C/S Series The name is being changed from "Return" to "Advance" as more appropriate. It gets the pc really up to where he should be. It may take 50 hours or more. 6. EXPANDED LOWER GRADES: Pcs won't like being told they "have to have their lower grades rerun". Actually that's not a factual statement anyway. The lower grades harmonic into the OT Levels. They can be run again with full 1950-1960 to 1970 processes as given on the SH Course all through the 1960s. These are now regrouped and sorted out and are called EXPANDED LOWER GRADES. Only this route will now be sold. There are no Dianetic or Scientology single - triple or "Quickie Lower Grades" anymore. 7. DIANETIC CLEAR: There is such a state. It is not however attained by feeding people Scientology cognitions as was done in LA. Only about 2% go actually Clear on Dianetics. A Dianetic Clear or any other Dianetic pc now goes on up through the grades of Scientology and onto the proper Clearing Course. The Dianetic Clear of Book I was clear of somatics. The Book I definition is correct. This is the End Phenomena of Dianetics as per the Class Chart and Book I. 2% no more make Dianetic Clear accidentally. They still need expanded lower grades to make Scientology Clear. Becoming a Dianetic Clear does not stop them from getting Power Processing. Modern Power is to its total End Phenomena. 8. CLASSIFICATION CHART: This chart "Classification and Gradation Chart" has been reissued many times. All issues are more or less valid. To save print, the processes run column appears in "Processes Taught" on the Auditor side of the Chart. All these processes and more are used in Expanded Lower Grades. The chart is Valid. 9. QUICKIE GRADES: Persons were too demanding to be done quickly. On many cases these grades as given were valid but a large number of cases needed Expanded Lower Grades. 20 minutes from Grade O to IV and 5 minute Power was far more than many could stand up to. These need a PROGRESS PGM and an ADVANCE PGM. This is true of persons at Va or RGEW or on CC or OT Levels. All these who haven't fully made it need a PROGRESS PGM and an ADVANCE PGM "to pick up all the latent gain they missed" 10. DIANETIC PCS: Dianetic pcs should be audited on Dianetics until no somatics, then go up through Expanded Lower Grades to Power, RGEW, Clearing Course and OT Levels. 11. TRAINING: Any pc who has trouble needs training and the amount of time required in Expanded Lower Grades and so on makes it cheaper to be trained. Students audit each other. Sell training in preference to processing. 12. OLD TIME AUDITORS: Everything Class IVs and VIs ever learned is ALL true, ALL in use. Use them. You will need them to get in Progress and Advance Pgms. DO NOT UNDERSELL THEIR VALUE OR STATUS. 13. DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM: This terminology and approach is a short outline of the direction tech is taking. You should tell people this. Here are the facts: In 1968 I developed Class VIII as auditing from an OT viewpoint. In 1969 I developed Standard Dianetics, reviving and redeveloping the subject in full. In 1970 I have redeveloped Case Supervision and all of mid-grade Scientology. None of its materials are old and its earliest books apply mainly to OTs! When this bridge from Dianetics through full Scientology to OT VI is in, in, in, I will then release OT VII. This is the developmental project. 14. FLAG: A glance at all this development and refinement should tell you what Flag is. And its real not rumoured atmosphere. Flag is the basic research area of Dianetics and Scientology. Over half its crew are Clears today and many are OTs. It is probably the calmest, if one of the busiest areas on the planet! Two years ago it had a largely unprocessed crew. That was two years ago, a long time in Dianetics and Scientology. That's all past. All these groovy goodies listed were developed by me and tested and disseminated with the help of Flag. It takes a calm, smooth environment to do work like this. You can mention that too, if you like. I only mention it because people coming here are "so surprised how beautiful and safe it all is now on Flag". Such statements are received here with wonder. It's been that way for two years ever since we sent away some bad hats and got the crew processed. That's the way the world will go too! Raw and then cleared. It's its own testimony to Dianetics and Scientology that I could change a ship so thoroughly from rough to smooth in only a few months. The subjects do work you know. Place is quiet like a mill pond. So all these developments are coming from me to you with love from the calmest and happiest if the hardest working spot on the planet. Use them well. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 408 ED 109 INT 1 Jul 70 GROUP ENGRAM Intensives [p. 441] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 109 INT 1 July 1970 To: OESs Tech Sees From: Ron Subject: GROUP ENGRAM Intensives Reference: HCOB 27 Feb '70 GROUP ENGRAM PROCESS HCOB 11 Mar '70 IMPORTANT NOTE ON GROUP ENGRAM INTENSIVE HCOB 5 May '70 GROUP ENGRAM INTENSIVE WARNING HIDDEN OVERTS HCOB 27 May '70 UNREADING QUESTIONS AND ITEMS The Group Engram Intensive, while productive of excellent results on many people, is not recommended until a full Progress and Advance Program have been accomplished with total success. It is a heavy action. No permission is granted to use it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal =========================== 409 ED 33 WW 9 Jul 70 SO Actions [p. 623] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 33 WW 11 SH 9 July 1970 To: All Staff From: Ron Subject: SO Actions To bring about a better working relationship between WW and the Scientology org network and the Sea Org, we are returning the center of the SO in UK to its original home at Saint Hill. There are many plans afoot for the UK. You will like them for you have been personally consulted about them and they are based on your own requests and requirements. A much closer contact is needed between WW and the SO so that minor matters can be worked out amicably. There have been discussions of bypass and this needs correction by closer liaison. There is no wish to unstabilize either WW or SH. So give them a welcome. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 410 ED 110 INT 10 Jul 70 Registrar Pgm. No. 1 WHAT TO PUSH [p. 438-40] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 110 INT 10 July 1970 To: ECs REGISTRARS From: Ron Subject: Registrar Pgm. No. 1 WHAT TO PUSH Reference: Auditing Sales and Delivery Pgm. No. 1 Well I've seen it all now. From 10 Registrars answers on demand of the public IT'S FOR TRAINING, far less for processing. Yet processing was apparently pushed. YOU DON'T WANT TO BE IN THE PROCESSING BUSINESS. The economics of it will kill your org. At 2 to 1 Admin Tech ratio, if (all discounts off and FSM pd and all that) you got $250 from pcs for the week you'd have $86.66 for the auditor and $86.66 for each of two Admin people. But this pays for no org, promotion, quarters or reserves so it works this way: $200 for the org and $16.66 each for the auditor and 2 Admin people. That's how the Qual stat says around $16.66 per staff member. Students are unlimited income. Org too small, hire a hall. Add a Supervisor, Course Administrator or a Tech Services for every 30 or so students. Expansion in service and income becomes possible. So for this and many even better reasons PUSH TRAINING into Academy or onto Dianetics Course. This questionnaire sent out to Registrars shows that (a) HAS Course is pushed (which is nonsense) and (b) The HAS Courses being given stink. So the Registrar should (a) TRY TO BY-PASS HAS and get student straight into Academy. And (b) Raise hell with the Puhlic Div and Tech people about any sloppy HAS course - the HAS has to he an excellent VERY BRIEF course that talks mainly about getting trained in the Academy. If you had an excellent HAS course and pushed students from it to Academy you'd also win. ARBITRARIES A Registrar that goes along with arbitraries is a dull one. HAS is NOT a requisite to the Academy Zero Course. HQS is not a requisite. Why put people on it? The Dianetics Course is NOT a requisite to the Academy. It was to the SHSBC but not the Academy. So you can push people direct onto the Academy or the Dianetics Course. All Academy materials are for use. That's where they'll get and give auditing! While it is true that good auditors learn to be on the Dianetics Course, why require it for the Academy? When they get to an SH or at an SH they'll need an HSDC but not at once. EXPANDED GRADES Expanded Lower Grades are a salvation to a Registrar. It takes a long time. It is cheaper to be an auditor. One also has to become an auditor at R6EW level and really go clear. So why not be an auditor to begin with - save time and money! SHSBC As the SH Course now credits all actual cash paid for Academy and credits the time and classes spent in the Academy in training, it saves time to be trained in an Academy. The SHSBC does not cut into anyone's Academy. An SHSBC allows for enrollment directly without Academy. But this hurts no one. Some orgs ceased to have Academies and cut the flow line which made this change of SHSBC necessary. PROCESSING Don't cut out processing. Sell plain hours below Power. Power begins the result package. Below that it's hours, not grades. Auditors got lazy and were trying to shorten lower grades, leaving no hours to sell. Quickie Lower Grades were no good at all. Prevented pcs from going Clear on the CC. But now you have Expanded Lower Grades. So you can sell them. If the applicant won't listen to anything else but processing. You know, training is not to make a Professional with a shingle out. It's vital to be trained just to handle life. It's not for nothing that we lose our best auditors out of tech onto our Admin posts! They do better! In handling life. GRAPH BUG Apparently floods of people were coming in to the Registrars. The mail in and Interview graphs have been soaring. But bodies in the shop and completions have been in a crash downtrend. This is the riddle. Ten Reg's have now answered up. Until we hear from them all we won't know all. BUT the indication so far is that people were coming in for training and being offered auditing. The training demand is there unmistakably. Plain hours of auditing were also in demand, not packages or grades. The HAS Course was being pushed by Registrars instead of being by-passed. And the HAS Course was lousy and its students weren't resign-ups. The ACADEMY is what you push - or of course the Dianetics Course. It's actually better to sell Academy courses. They'll eventually take Dianetics. Dianetic students can audit Academy students. DECISIONS People don't like confusing prices or having to make a decision. You can strengthen the decision they have made, not change their minds. CONCLUSION So far so good. Follow the above. DID YOU KNOW THAT THE REGISTRAR REGULATES THE ORG INCOME? It's true. It's what the Registrar sells and how it's sold that put other staff in clover or in rags. So let's get affluent! You'll be hearing more when I know more about your situa- tion. Meanwhile get in the above NOW. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:mes:bk =========================== 411 ED 34 WW 18 Jul 70 LRH PRO SURVEY [p. 621-2] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 34 WW 11 SH 18 July 1970 To: All Staff at WW and SH From: Ron Subject: LRH PRO SURVEY Reference: Recent visit to area of LRH PRO. I wish to thank you very much for your answer to the Programme survey. Your data is of considerable interest and is of great use in formulating the steps necessary to achieve the Programme for SH and WW. Centralization of higher level activities is now in progress. Two programmes to handle the Tech situation and to obtain auditing for WW and SH Staff are now in formulation and I will be writing them up and sending them through shortly. These situations became very plain in the survey and I have added No. 18 Tech Quality and No. 19 Staff Cases to the Outline. The items on this programme outline are not listed in order of importance. No. 7, establishing better SO cooperation and ironing out has already occurred for the area and so the programmes have in fact already begun and at least one item can be marked "done" No. 20 will also have to be added as "staff pay". No. 17, Reestablishing SH as the World's Premier Org should have two parts, No. 17 (a) being "To reestablish SH as a functioning Dianetics and Scientology Org producing full services as a Class VI Org" and 17 (b) "Reestablishing SH as world's premier Org" No. 21 will also have to be added as "Providing SH with the packs, tapes and materials to teach all courses" No. 22 will be "Improve SH and WW staff morale". It is peculiar that only this one area over the world has anything wrong with its general morale. But this would not be unusual in view of its loss of its tech. The morale factor was visible in your Thursday reports which was why I sent my LRH PRO to you. Her visit seems to have improved things on this point. I intend of course to push the outlined programme on through. No ethics actions are contemplated from here. On the contrary full protection for those with high stats will be followed rigorously. It shouldn't take too long to reestablish SH as a fully functioning Org No. 17 (a). So I do appreciate your answers and I wish to thank those who have stuck by their posts come whatever. It will get better now. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rr:gal =========================== 412 ED 113 INT 21 Aug 70 FLUELESS AUDITING [p. 436-7] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 113 INT 21 August 1970 To: OESs Tech Sees C/Ses HGC Auditors Review Auditors From: RON Subject: FLUELESS AUDITING I frequently get folders coming from various areas which contain the auditing of various orgs and franchises and the C/Sing of many C/Ses. The most recent batch, in sessions around June and July of this year show (a) That better auditing is being done in general. (b) That small flubs are preventing full case results. When you look at a 2 hour session and see that the auditor chopped the cog to save 30 seconds, when you see an auditor fail to fly a rud and then start in on a major action, when you see a session ended off with the TA at 4.0, you wonder what's going on. Then when you see a C/S give a well done for the session, you know. It's these little tiny icky-picky points that hang up the pc and rob the HGC of all those smiling faces. These points may be small but there goes the end result. Exact, precision auditing iswhat it takes. There is a new look on C/Sing, will shortly be out as a book. Now the only thing that can keep your tech quality from showing up as winning cases are these corny flubs. I say "corny" because you all know better than to leave a chain unflat and unrepaired, better than to start a major action without setting the case up with an F/N, better than to run multiple somatics or unreading items. Now the message is just this: We have come a long way in handling tech. We have Dianetic technique in the bag, we have all our Scientology back. We have VIII auditors and C/S tech that's great. And we are using these things now. That's a whole fistful of plus points. Now don't drop the whole lot by letting a lot of little petty, corny errors creep in every few sessions per case. Just one is enough to make a case run badly. An auditing goof unrepaired for more than 24 hours can make a pc ill. So let's get those F/N VGIs to the examiner one for one. If you do you'll have it made - made - made. It's like we made the Andes like a breeze but can't tie our shoelaces. Come on. One for one at the Examiner with F/N VGIs. Do that for me will you? Love, RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rr:bk =========================== 413 ED 114 INT 21 Aug 70 STATS AND CURRENT ACTIVITIES [p. 432-5] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 114 INT 21 August 1970 To: All Staff From: RON Subject: STATS AND CURRENT ACTIVITIES A happy hopeful sign is that the US Continental GI has risen after the Dianetics Grand Convention in LA. At the Convention "Get Trained to get Audited" and "Expanded Lower Grades" were the heavily pushed items. This has not been as heavily pushed in other areas as the Convention was attended by 4,500 people from all over the country and from all orgs and franchises who got the direct message that the way to get audited was to get trained. An org will stay poor and small if it tries to be a clinic only. It takes courses to push an org into expansion. The major outnesses which are coming in on the lines now which are counter to expansion are: 1. Blown Students The use of 2 way comm on students there and ARC Break pgms on those blowy, furnishing all needed materials and scheduling classes precisely and single-hatted Supervisors are the things being worked on to get all courses going well. No incomplete student should be left blown and every effort should be made to handle courses with good 2 way comm, all materials, real Supervisors for the course and precise course hourly time scheduling. 2. Getting early books sold It is amazing that even high level C/Ses could not C/S until they had star-rated THE ORIGINAL THESIS, EVOLUTION OF A SCIENCE, DMSMH, 8-80, 8-8008, etc. They had to find out what the MIND was all about. Processes were being ordered and run without knowing WHAT was being worked on. Knowing these books made all that difference. They are vital as a vanguard to any expansion. So get basic books stressed and sold. 3. Registrars and CF It was found Registrars had slipped down to Public Division body lines. When Central Files Div 2 isn't kept up and used you never get repeat business. About 80% of the org's income in most orgs was being wasted while the Registrar got all tied up selling HAS Course instead of major services to HAS Course graduates and working with old customers. Public Divs bring future income to the Orgs. Div II is the main income line. These 2 Registrar functions (Public Div Registrar and Div II Registrar) are being sorted out. CFs being straightened up and put back into use. 4. New Qual The Tech Div was pried out of Qual and Qual has been given a new departmental line up. Dept 13 is now Personnel Enhancement with a stress on getting the staff member audited and programmed and staff staff auditors back in after all these years. Dept 14 is to straighten up the org. Dept 15 contains everything that used to be Qual. This new Qual Div is fully worked out and a life saver. 5. Heavy concentration on GDSes To get a GI you have to get up your GDSes. To get up your GDSes you have to get up your Departmental stats. Getting the whole staff concentrating on the GI only is defeating. They all have their own stats and if they get those up they'll see a resulting GI. 6. Keep pushing Dianetics Just because we have Expanded Lower Grades is no reason not to continue to push Dianetics. We have a success story from someone, a professional pc for 20 years in Dn and Scn, who finally got some Dianetic Training. His perceptions turned on and he's flying! 7. Retreads With the new Academy checksheets and Expanded Lower Grades this is a wonderful time to start working to retread auditors of recent quickie grade vintage and get them going again. 8. Flubless Auditing If you train so well and C/S so well you don't get corny auditing flubs you'll have a sparkling field very soon. REFERENCE Recent HCO Poi Ltrs that will help you get the stats up are HCO PL 24 June 70 Management Cycle HCO PL 24 June 70 Issue II Personnel Pools HCO PL 25 June 70 Revised and Reissued 17 July 70 Exp Lower Grades Chart of Abilities Gained and Inabilities Lost HCO PL 1 July 70 Issue II A Note on Checksheets HCO PL 5 May 65 Reissued 4 July 70 Classification Gradation and Awareness Chart HCO PL 9 July 70 LRH Comm - Single Hatting HCO PL 10 July 70 Training Requirements Eased HCO PL 14 July 70 Registrar Statistic HCO PL 8 August 70 Issue III Reorganization of the Correction Div (Qual) HCO PL 22 Nov 67 Reissue 18 July 70 Out Tech HCO PL 20 July 70 Cases and Staff Morale HCO PL 20 July 70 Interneships (for lower orgs) HCO PL 20 July 70 Issue II Targets Checksheet HCO PL 20 July 70 Issue III 2 Way Comm Checksheet HCO PL 22 July 70 Issue III Tech Retreads and Retraining HCO PL 22 July 70 Class VIII Contracts HCO PL 30 July 70 The Tech and Ethics of Confessionals HCO PL 30 July 70 Registration Breakthrough HCO PL 3 Aug 70 Registrars May Now Talk Money HCO PL 13 Aug 70 Wrong Publics HCO PL 16 Aug 70 Statistic Mismanagement There are other PLs and Pjt orders etc, in between the above PLs, but this list and this LRH ED shows you which way things are going and what needs improving and what's being concentrated upon. In the last year getting in LRH No. 1 Pgms by orgs large and small have demonstrated the most consistent stat rise over the world. Those orgs that checked out staffs on these, beginning with LRH Comm Staff Pgm No. 1 (Training HDC - HDG and OEC) last September, and got the LRH No. 1 Pgms in got a very healthy grip on life. This was in spite of their concentrating on processing people, having only a fragment of Scientology in action, neglecting their CF customers and neglecting elementary Training Supervisor actions in their Courses. Along in April, by International stats, this tapered off. The LRH No. 1 Pgms ceased to be heavily nudged. Ceased to be heavily used and checked out and the lack of full Scientology grades caught up with orgs. If any org were to revert to pushing in these LRH No. 1 Pgms again and correct the outnesses and points 1 to 8 in this ED, their stats would surely begin to rise once more if they are down, or rise higher if they are up. Flag Special Briefing Course graduates are now beginning to graduate on Flag. Amongst other actions they are also being trained to check out LRH No. 1 Pgms on orgs. Flag's first VIP pc has just gone home floating. With me C/Sing and Quentin doing the auditing and Flag admin in Div 5, it really went well. Like silk. Very standard C/Sing, very standard auditing. But completely flubless. There's the trick. A new Org Ed with all Ideal Scenes and Stats is under preparation for early release. Stats all corrected. Div 5 the major change. The Dianetics Text Book will be going to the printers soon. The new 0 - IV and SHSBC Checksheets are all issued. So we're very interested and very busy. We watch your Thursday Reports closely and every one gets read - and those who don't send one get noted. Stat Management and GDS and Departmental stat concentration is the order of the day. We've found that anyone not managing and operating by stats is wide open to hideous errors and injustice. Justice can't operate at all without stats. Flag, of course, is basically tech concentrated and tech oriented. And has naturally the world's finest auditors so we know what's working and what isn't. There's a lot of sympathy and appreciation with org and field problems and Flag works hard to help handle them. Hope you're getting the October Congress set up well and well in advance. Love, RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rr:bk =========================== 414 ED 117 INT 26 Aug 70 CURRENT CASES [p. 428-31] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 117 INT 26 August 1970 To: C/Ses Auditors Tech Sees Qual Sees Registrars Letter Registrars Franchises From: RON Subject: CURRENT CASES Whenever there is an advance in tech, a certain number of Incomplete cases become visible. Currently you are getting the biggest number of Incomplete cases I hope we will ever see in any one period, The tech advances are very valuable and the result is the exposure to view of Incomplete Cases. The reasons for this are: DIANETICS was all complete from the early 60's with R3R but we got quickie Dianetics, 1 lock, 1 secondary, 1 engram. SCIENTOLOGY was fully complete in the mid 60's but had been followed on its developmental progress line rather than put into full use. Then we got quickie lower grades for two or three years until we began to get it back in just this year. CLASS VIII auditing assumed Dianetics and Lower Grades were being fully attested to. CLEAR AND OT GRADES also assumed Dianetics and Lower grades were already in. This year we really began to get in the Class and Grade Chart (the latest 1970 copy of which you should have now). It wasn't hammered in hard enough in 1965. So technical progress has been CLASS VIII - 1968 COMPLETE DIANETICS - 1969 COMPLETE SCIENTOLOGY - 1970 This is quite an achievement. Not less than these is the new C/S Series on how to lay out cases, which I developed and issued this year. TODAY'S CASES Any case starting from scratch, getting his real Class and Grade Chart End Phenomena for the Dianetics grade, getting his real EP for each Scientology grade, getting his Power to full EP, his R6EW and Clear and OT grades, will sail all the way. Cases done in the last few years however can fool you. As you look at their folders and work sheets, you will see that Class VIII and OT actions were done without lower grades or Dianetics achieved. You will see a Va who hasn't had Dianetics EP or lower grades. You will see a "Grade IV" who hasn't really had any Dianetics. The appearance of their folder summary of processes shows lots run and a pc with somatics or problems or unhappy. None of this skipping about did him any harm. It even did him good. But he thinks he has made it when he hasn't hit any End Phenomena for any grade at all. And he is flagrantly INCOMPLETE. All the major gain he could have had is waiting to be gathered up. COMPLETING CASES It is not at all difficult to complete these cases. It's all given in the C/S Series released in June. But the point I'm making is that it has to be done. These Incomplete Cases MUST be completed. For instance I took an "OT Grade" case and repaired the case with a good Progress Pgm and simply completed Dianetics. It took only 53 hours to repair the whole case and complete Dianetics to its EP. (That's not many hours! Somebody off the street will take buckets more.) I took 2 other "high grade attests", had them given repairs and completed their Dianetics. In all three cases (well repaired and completed with Picture Remedies, Health Form, Dn Triples throughout the engram auditing) I got three people who were healthy and happy for the first time in their lives. Now they go to Expanded Lower Grades, rehabbing processes run and running all the rest of the processes. Then we'll have real grade IV Releases. Then skipping Ppwer and RGEW which can't be rerun, we complete or rehab Clear. Then polish off the OT levels. And we are there! FIRST GLANCE It looks so hopeless at first glance. So many processes run and the guy still has earaches, problems, ARC Breaks and nightmares! Thick folder. Gruesome. But just follow the C/S Series and then the Class and Grade Chart and you're home! APPARENCY The full apparency as you look at these thick folders is that one is dealing with somebody who is SP or PTS or something. But of course anyone who is not a Dianetic Release will get somatics. And people unflat on Grade I have problems. And if they have problems it's a no-case-gain sort of thing. The fact is that 90% of their potential gain is waiting there ready to be picked up. All the auditing they had counts. HOURS It takes a lot of hours to really complete a case fully on Dianetics and Lower Grades. The way to get those hours done is by getting trained. Un- trained people who are only pcs have a fumbling time of it in Solo anyway. It takes a lot of time! You map as well get people to front up to that fact. A hundred hours on Dianetics is nothing. In the 1950s it was 3000! GRADE MIX UP So when you see one of these Incomplete, small gain cases with lots of top processes and no fundamental grade EPs, realize what you are looking at, cheer the guy up, follow the C/S series and the Class and Grade Chart 1970 and you've really got it made for him. EXTERIOR The auditing of the 1960s was, even so, better than anybody thought. It produced thetan exteriors. But these, audited past exterior, won't progress until they've had that rundown. Given that and made to do their Dianetics and Grades the results are excellent. FLUELESS AUDITING If your current HGC auditing is flubless and leaves no unflat chains or corny little goofs the way is faster. TRAINING It isn't just for auditing that pcs should be trained. One case never did get anywhere until he went on a Dianetics course. And an untrained pc who goes on Solo has a very lousy auditor! He deserves the best auditor he can get. And that takes training. STATE OF THE TECH I have been watching tech actions and results since the C/S series was gotten in full action by others and aside from corny little flubs, I've seen no trouble at all with cases. I've seen cases moaning and groaning about aches and pains and hidden standards and all that, but I'm seeing them smooth right out using the C/S Series approach. So I consider that Dianetics, Scientology the C/S Series and auditing application is now a very polished technology, easily gotten in by current training tech. HARD WORK It's been hard work to locate all the major outnesses and errors and get them resolved and communicated. Well, it's paying off. In grand style. The real major outness was sequence of application as per the Grade and Class Chart and the omission of the full technology being used. GAIN This gives us tremendous gains waiting in those cases referred to above as Incomplete and a potential of new cases flying. Now if you'll persuade people to get trained and train them instead of acting as a clinic, you'll really get things on the road. Your CF is crowded with incomplete cases no matter what grade the folder says they are. I'm having a ball straightening them out and I'm really happy to see the resulting smiling faces. Maybe that should be your stat! Smiling faces. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:sb:gal =========================== 415 ED 118 INT 26 Aug 70 CASE AND LETTER REG PROJECT #1 [p. 424-7] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 118 INT 26 August 1970 To LRH Comm or HCOES From: Ron Subject: CASE AND LETTER REG PROJECT #1 Reference: LRH ED 117 INT "Current Cases" PURPOSE: Improve your Field and raise stats. MAJOR PURPOSE: To Recover and get onto a Dianetics Course all Incomplete Cases not so far trained. PRIMARY TARGETS: 1. LRH Comm or HCOES to procure by hiring or assign to this project from excess staff (a) 1 auditor of any class (b) 1 typist. 2. Brief the personnel using LRH ED 117 INT "Current Cases" and these project orders. 3. Have the persons attest they understand and accept this project when briefed. 4. Check them out on HCO PL 15 Nov 60 (this for sure and any other Reg checksheet you can). 5. Provide work space and a typewriter and stationery and envelopes, ballpoint, pad, carbon paper, stapler, paper clips, a red and a black crayon. 6. Get the personnel chosen to work on the project. OPERATING TARGETS: 1. Have address run off a list of all persons ever audited but not Dianetics trained in your org. Failing such a routine action go straight to CF. 2. Locate the CF folder of every person ever audited in the org who has not been trained on Dianetics. Locate these one by one and do 3 with each, a few at a time. 3. Locate the Case Folder of every person ever audited in your org and join it up with the person's CF folder. 4. Get a list of the persons trained on Dianetics since mid '69 to verify status. 5. Set up as in 1 to 4 operating targets an assembly line so that you have (a) CF Folder (b) Case Folder (c) Any Dianetics enrollee card. Note: These can be done batch by batch perhaps a dozen in a batch and then returned to respective files so as not to totally disrupt CF and Folder Files. 6. The auditor member looks through the CF file and the folder and checks the card to make sure the person has not been trained on modern Dianetics. Those who have been are checked for "On Course" or "blown". 7. The auditor member writes down what he sees. I.e. "John Doe, 1327 Nash St, Xville, Audited June 1968 Incomplete Scientology. Incomplete grades, not trained in Dianetics." And any other comment on incompleteness. He writes in legible longhand with a carbon copy. 8. He puts his note in the front of the CF folder, MARKS THE FOLDER WITH A RED CRAYON SLASH TO SHOW IT IS DONE and passes it and the auditing folder to the typist. He keeps the carbon copy for his own record. 9. The typist looks over the file to get familiar with it. 10. The typist writes a letter to the person (not to a "name in a file" but to the person) using the auditor slip data. The letter must NOT be a form letter. It would go something like this: Dear Mr Jones: A staff auditor has just examined your case folder. In June 1968 you had 25 hours of auditing. We have found your Dianetics to be incomplete so far as can be told. Your Scientology grades are also incomplete as they were not fully attested and there is no evidence of Expanded Lower Grades. There are many ways this can be handled. The most certain is a course in Dianetics with co-auditing. There may be further data we do not have. Please drop in and see Miss Smith (your Registrar) for a consultation. We do not wish to leave this matter incomplete. Sincerely (Letter Reg Sig) Org Name This letter has 3 carbons. 11. The typist addresses the envelope, signs the letter and puts it in the envelope. The envelope must have a return address on it and the stationery of course must be org stationery. The typing quality must be good. 12. One copy goes into the CF folder, the other copy goes in to the BODY REGISTRAR for her file. 3rd copy to typist's own record in a folder. 13. The typist member puts a black crayon MARK ON THE CF FOLDER ALONGSIDE THE AUDITOR MEMBER'S RED ONE and routes the CF folder back to CF and the CASE FOLDER back to Tech Services. 14. All CF Folders and Case Folders in the org are so handled. CONDITIONAL TARGETS: 1. If the org has no CF then exhume a copy of invoices going back some years in Div III and mark those that purchased auditing with a red mark and find the case folder and unite it with the CF. Proceed as before in the Operating Targets. 2. If the org has no Case Folders note from CF folders what the person had and do the Operating Targets as above. 3. If the org has no CF Folders or Case Folders, exhume invoices and make out as you can doing the operating targets as above. 4. If the org has no CF folders, Case Folders or Invoices, locate any possible roll books, scheduling books or addresses that indicate sold auditing and proceed as you can doing operating targets above. 5. In event of flagrant deficiencies in CF buy folders and use this project to get one going as per Operating Targets but add, MARK A FOLDER AND BEGIN A CF with your project. 6. If CF is a jumble of not-filed papers, the LRH Comm or HCOES must call an all hands and GET FILING UP TO DATE AND CF IN ORDER FAST AS A PRIORITY ITEM and then run this project. 7. Case folders shipped off to an SE or AO are probably noted as such somewhere and SHOULD BE WRITTEN TO REGARDLESS OF GRADE. OP TGTS CONTINUED: 15. Provide means in the Comm Center and with the org's regular Letter Reg and Registrar to receive any letters returned undelivered and any answers by mail. 16. Try to find a better address for returned mail. 17. If no better address locatable give the returned letter to the CF clerk who retires the folder and sends it to address to retire the plate. 18. If the letter is answered by mail instead of the person coming in turn it over to the letter registrar via the Body Registrar. The Body Registrar can mark her carbon of the original. The regular letter reg can take the answer, get out the CF folder and really answer and handle so as to get the person in for Interview. The person is now on org comm lines and has been gotten there by the project. 19. When all CF and Case folders of any date have been examined and written to the project is complete for Dianetics. 20. The LRH Comm or HCOES should then debrief the project team by taking down separately from each one all their finding experiences and recommendations. These should be written up and sent to me. 21. The project members should be thanked and offered further posts in the org. PJT CODE NAME: CALR #1. PJT COMM LINE: Via LRH Comm or HCOES on channels to Flag, marked "CALR#1 Attn LRH Comm Flag, for LRH." L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal =========================== 416 ED 119 INT 27 Aug 70 MY OWN OBJECTIVES [p. 421-3] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 119 INT 27 August 1970 To: All Staff All Dianeticists All Scientologists From: RON Subject: MY OWN OBJECTIVES A clean cut statement of what I am trying to do might clarify some other areas and the order of importances. 1. I'm working to raise GDSes and Dept stats in all Scn and SO Orgs and hence GIs so that they will better survive to give better service. (a) This means people on post doing their jobs. (b) This means people in the field helping them out. (c) It's just a matter of individual production actually and getting on with it. 2. I'm working to raise general auditing volume and quality. (a) Small ignored flubs are costing auditors some of their results. (b) Completing actual grades in the sequence of the Grade and Class Chart 70, beginning with Dn Completion, has to be done on the vast majority of cases in the world. (c) I am organizing to get org staffs well audited. 3. I'm working to get training in in volume and quality. (a) Training is what gives the lasting gains and reality in Scn. (b) Without training we will run out of auditors. (c) Training from HAS to Class VIII is not all that good in any area as 2 way comm isn't even in, materials lacking and not exact enough supervision. Being remedied. 4. I'm working to get the totality of materials issued that have been researched. (a) We have Dianetics fully completed and written up and working very well, if only it would be fully used and when ruds or past auditing is out if Scn is applied. (b) The full upper grades are done, issued from Power to OT VI and even the new OT II can be issued. OT VII and VIII are done but need issue. (c) VIII Auditing has been fully developed and is highly successful, but is temporarily tripped up because SH's and orgs dropped Dn and Scn levels. (d) All Scn lower grades are back in where they belong and the Class and Grade Chart show them properly. The processes are reissued and working. (e) C/Sing has been reduced to a simple activity and released as the C/S Series to all orgs. (f) On Flag within the framework of auditing hours available, we are beginning to really complete cases level by level with marvellous results, proving conclusively we have arrived. 5. I'm working to get the End Phenomena of exteriorization fully applied. (a) We have now achieved what Buddhism tried and didn't attain 2,500 years ago. (b) We can exteriorize and are exteriorizing anyone. (c) Field and org use of this is clumsy as they have audited almost uniformly past Exterior and are spreading the Ext Rundown foolishly over several sessions instead of all at one go. (d) It has not fully dawned on anyone that we can handle this planet. (e) We have far far exceeded any target of any past religion or philosophy. 6. I am working to expand and smooth out comm lines to orgs and field and back to us. (a) Our data flow is sometimes faulty. (b) The new Bureaux system is working very well locally and is being extended. (c) Cross orders and dual and treble management can be handled by the Bureaux system. 7. I am working to recruit up orgs, the SO orgs, ships and Flag. 8. I am working to greatly improve the image and general situation of staffs as to: (a) Subsistence (b) Clothing (C> Pay (d) Facilities (e) Appearances 9. I am working to cool off Ethics. (a) Man can't really be trusted with justice. (b) My own reality is dismayed as to why all the stir ups in orgs and areas. Why don't people just get on with it? 10. I am working to push barbarity and murder out of the field of "mental healing" and replace it with humane ideas and practices. (a) Psychiatry, the extremist practitioner is losing ground heavily. (b) Psychological animalism is becoming ridiculous in magazines and media. (c) We are progressively tracing and spotting the persons causing the upsets in society. (d) We are undoing damage done to us by them in past years. 11. I am working to cohese all persons trained to date into a professional association in every country and getting things set up to take over "mental healing" facilities and social appropriations on the planet. 12. I am working to preserve the materials won after so much long, hard work and continue them in full use regardless of the state of the planet. (a) I am working for Mankind as a whole. (b) I am working for every individual. I know, whether anyone else does or not, that the spiritual beings on this planet have hit the end of the trail and that only Dianetics and Scientology can give them any further future We have a secure beachhead over the world. We have proven into the teeth of insane opposition that we not only can survive but can expand as well. All we need to do is work at it harder and keep going. It's no small achievement what we have already done. So keep going and we'll make it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rr:bk ===========================