FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES - 14/28 ============================ This is the Second Foundation. Our purpose is to keep LRH's plan on track (ref: Asimov). CofS has gone off the rails. This is an announcement of our support of FZBA, Freezone, and The Pilot. We are posting the LRH EDs to make ammends for our long delay in taking action. ARC, PROGRAM DIRECTOR SECOND FOUNDATION ============================ LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES This is a complete copy of the "Original LRH EDs" or Blue Volumes as issued by Bridge in 1983. The full contents for all 28 parts posted is in part 1. The volumes were divided into the 3 numbering Series, and subdivided into the classes of EDs (INT = International, WW = World Wide, SH = Saint Hill, etc.) and placed in reverse order (latest first) within type. This was quite confusing because of some EDs being in multiple classes with different numbers in each class. We rearranged everything in date order (earliest first) to give a better historical perspective and make these easy to find by date. The original table of contents is included in part 2 and the original page numbers are in "[]" at the beginning of each ED. See IMB 5 in part 2 for an explanation of the 3 Series of ED numbers and a list of valid (but expired) EDs not included. See LRH ED 345 INT in part 28 for a list of cancelled LRH EDs that were not included. These are only the EDs that are in the Blue Volumes. ************************************************** FZBA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** Part 14 382 ED 23 WW 2 Mar 70 RECRUITMENT IN ORGS 383 ED 91 INT 25 Mar 70 PROGRESS 384 ED 92 INT 25 Mar 70 TECH VOLUME AND 2 WAY COMM 385 ED 10 UK 3 Apr 70 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR APPOINTEES IN TRAINING 386 ED 95 INT 8 Apr 70 FLAG EXECUTIVE BRIEFING COURSE 387 ED 96 INT 18 Apr 70 HCO DEPT ONE 388 ED 7 SH 18 Apr 70 SHSBC 389 ED 98 INT 19 Apr 70 MIMEO 390 ED 27 WW 19 Apr 70 THANK YOU SCN UK 391 ED 28 WW 21 Apr 70 BOOM UK 392 ED 29 WW 27 Apr 70 RECENT SO ORG AUDITING MISSION 393 ED 99 INT 27 Apr 70 CASE SUPERVISION ED Clarified 394 ED 3 EUROPE 6 May 70 COMMENDATION OF Cent. Org at Copenhagen. 395 ED 100 INT 10 May 70 LOWER GRADES UPGRADED 396 ED 102 INT 20 May 70 THE IDEAL ORG 397 ED 103 INT 21 May 70 FAST FLOW GRADES CANCELLED 398 ED 14 UK 29 May 70 LONDON FND RECOVERY 399 ED 31 WW 1 Jun 70 CONFLICTS OF ORDERS 400 ED 104 INT 2 Jun 70 AUDITING SALES AND DELIVERY PGM #1 401 ED 105 INT 3 Jun 70 HEAVY TRAFFIC WARNING 402 ED 106 INT 3 Jun 70 WHAT WAS WRONG =========================== 382 ED 23 WW 2 Mar 70 RECRUITMENT IN ORGS [p. 629-30] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 23 WW 2 March 1970 To: HCO ES WW (for Hat) From: Ron Subject: RECRUITMENT IN ORGS Reference: LRH ED 49 INT 9 Dec 69 ORG PROG. NO. 1 HCO P/L 1 March 70 STAFF APPLICATION FORM LRH ED 89 INT 1 Mar 70 RECRUIT! Recruitment has been neglected in Scn orgs for a long while. Although I have now finally traced the mid '68 slump to VIIIs, unauthorized and contrary to instruction invalidations of auditors and a consequent slump in auditing volume (remedied in HCO B 26 Feb 70 "Standard Tech and Invalidation") the following fact also emerges. Almost exactly 2 1/2 years before the '68 slump, there was a terrific heavy recruitment program that awarded Power in return for a 2 1/2 year contract. 2 1/2 years later you began to run out of staff in orgs but there was no push to get more. A few stayed on. A few signed 5 year contracts for higher training (and blew, some of them or didn't come home because of no notes signed). So it all fell down to new untrained staff which we have been trying to deal with. Franchise boomed. Well, of course. Their org contract ended and they went into Franchise. So this means you've got to launch and maintain A HUGE ORG RECRUITING TRAINING DRIVE. Actually, as usual, we have to do the impossible at once. We need hundreds of auditors, scores of trained admin people. So POLICY ON THIS FOR YOUR HAT is that we must overrecruit, make too many auditors and train train train in tech and admin. Dear little Valerie Obin in London ages ago (1960-61?) as HCO Area Sec and I had literally reams of telex (SH to Lnd) traffic on this. She ran out of staff. I told her to put up notices in the PE Course room, on the public board and to pull auditors onto staff from courses, as I recall. Most of our good Execs came in from being a staff auditor in the HGC. Our free Dn Cse idea made some auditors last year but a lot were just freeloaders. The solution is to get them to sign an undated note and the 2 1/2 year contract, the note being forfeit. I am doing you a PL 1 March 70 Staff Application Form you can push. Also some of these HDGs sure don't teach a fast course. One month grows into four. Right at SH, Course basics were reportedly madly out. If you speeded training you would help recruitment over the world. This is our biggest problem. Staffs - auditors - trained people. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jz:gal =========================== 383 ED 91 INT 25 Mar 70 PROGRESS [p. 476] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 91 INT 25 March 1970 To: All Staff From: Ron Subject: PROGRESS References: Thursday Reports Thank you very much for all your Thursday Reports. Keep them coming. It is remarkable how informative they are and how much they help. Staff members are very alert. They know what is out when they see it. Much of the data required to compose the No. 1 LRH ED Programs came from Thursday Reports from staff members over the world. Stats are going up nicely in most places over the world. The devoted and valuable work put in by staff members is very very appreciated. You are a great bunch. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dr:gal =========================== 384 ED 92 INT 25 Mar 70 TECH VOLUME AND 2 WAY COMM [p. 474-5] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 92 INT 25 March 1970 To: All EC Members Tech Sees Qual Sees Staff Training Officers Course Supervisors From: Ron Subject: TECH VOLUME AND 2 WAY COMM Reference: No. 1 Pgms I've been busy studying the problems of volume auditing and training and have made a vital discovery. We lost a key basic process! TWO WAY COMM is missing in today's line up in Academies, on Courses and in HGCs. It goes this way - to get volume auditing going, you need auditors. To make auditors you need fast training. The reason fast training isn't occurring is because 2 Way Comm seems to be out between Course Supervisors and Students. Course Supervisors in most instances are not asking students if anything is wrong or how to help them and then letting the students talk. While the Supervisor LISTENS. I am putting together new practical for Course Supervisors. But meanwhile it's very elementary. (1) Detect a student's concern. (2) Get the student to talk about his problems and troubles in study. (3) Listen. (4) Do what one can to help without evaluating. (5) Let the student get back to it. Students who drift off of courses or who are very slow LACK SOMEBODY TO TALK TO! When a student's progress is slow or he or she appears to be troubled or struggling, a good Supervisor notices it early. He gets the student to talk about it. He listens and acknowledges. He does what he can to help without evaluating and lets the student get back to studying. This action went out when Supervisors were found to be lecturing and evaluating on data which data, entered on the course, upset the high workability of tech as it is found in HCOBs and on tapes. This was at the time when Supervisors ceased to be named Instructors and became Course Supervisors. This was in the early days of the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. Two Way Comm with students tended to vanish also. Giving a student off line data and letting the student discuss his troubles are two different things. Qual In Qual there should also be a Consultant Service which uses a meter and Two Way Comm to find out about cases before patch up or review. The Qual Consultant should also handle students who are slow or dropped out. This letting the pc tell his side of it is very valuable. One can handle them much better. By analysing what they say and how they say it helps the Case Supervisor also. I.E., Natter = ARC Brks and overts. The pc's comm has been chopped. An old old session evaluated for him. Etc. Etc. Etc. Get It In Two Way Comm should be gotten in on all Courses fast. It will speed training and add up eventually to volume auditing by making trained auditors available. This is the way to unlock that flow. In the HGC pcs can be Two Way Commed by the Tech Sec. In Qual someone can two way comm those sent to Review to help the person and get more accurate data for C/Sing. The Process Two Way Comm is not a rote process. That's why it is hard to teach. The trick is to get the person to talk, to keep him looking and talking until he has a Cog and Very Good Indicators - and sometimes an F/N at the end (not vital). If you can LISTEN you have it progressing. If you can get a person to talk about his troubles and listen and ack, you really can run it. THIS IS YOUR PRIMARY BLOCK ON VOLUME AUDITING. No Two Way Comm in training! I hope it helps. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dr:gal =========================== 385 ED 10 UK 3 Apr 70 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR APPOINTEES IN TRAINING [p. 672-3] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 10 UK 1 NY 3 April 1970 To: HCOES WW Gdn WW Executive Director Appointees UK and NY ALL STAFF UK and NY From: Ron Subject: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR APPOINTEES IN TRAINING 1. The HCOES WW has been asked to nominate and the Guardian WW to appoint Executive Directors for all UK orgs and NY. The US appointment is activated by D/G US. 2. These are EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS IN TRAINING. For 60 days after assuming post NO ORDER ISSUED BY THEM HAS VALIDITY. No staff may comply with orders issued by them. 3. Their condition is Power-Change. 4. During this 60 day period they must accomplish the following: A. Assemble from the earliest times of their org a complete list of the successful actions the org has done in the past, covered in detail. B. Assemble from the earliest times of their org a complete list of errors and unsuccessful actions which injured the org or its staff. In compiling A and B they may contact in person or by correspondence any former staff member or consult with any existing staff member. In such compilation they may not distract or change the duties of any staff member. 5. When lists A and B are compiled, the ED in Training must write-up the successful actions BY DIVISION. 6. When (5) is done, they are to write-up their potential hat. 7. These three write-ups (A, B, and hat) must be forwarded to EC WW and to Flag for approval or modification. This will be a test of competence and will also serve to furnish them with operating policy. 8. With these 3 write-ups their complete case folders should be sent to Flag so that any needful C/S programme will be furnished. 9. While awaiting decision they are to study full time on the OEC. 10. Flag will specify auditing. 11. Flag will return the lists and hats with current policies. 12. When the auditing is done and the purposes of the post handled by an auditor with two way comm, the ED in Training will inform Gdn WW he or she is ready to take post. 13. The Gdn WW will inform the HCOES WW who will then issue a letter of appointment as Executive Director of that org with full authority, under WW and Flag, and responsibility for that org. This procedure is developed and this ED issued to prevent any sag in stats or any upsets in the org by reason of this action of appointment. This procedure also will bring to view things which can be restored to the org operation and practices which can be eliminated. Note: The appointment of an Executive Director in Training or in final appointment does not change the existence or actions of Executive Secretaries or ECs. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 386 ED 95 INT 8 Apr 70 FLAG EXECUTIVE BRIEFING COURSE [p. 473] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 95 INT 8 April 1970 To: WW and UK Executives All Staffs From: Ron Subject: FLAG EXECUTIVE BRIEFING COURSE Reference: LRH ED 10 UK 1 NY, "EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR APPOINTEES IN TRAINING" Flag is instituting a FLAG EXECUTIVE BRIEFING COURSE. The course will be conducted on Flag. The curriculum will consist of the technology of upper level executive management, using existing materials with a very high concentration on practical drills. Payment for the course will be by note from the org benefiting, maturing in one year, easily handled by greatly increased stats. ANYONE NOMINATED AS A FUTURE EXECUTIVE OF AN ORG WITH LONG RANGE STATUS WILL BE REQUIRED TO TAKE THIS COURSE. This includes the persons nominated as UK Org Executive Directors. There is no exact enrollment date. The course is individually taught. The exact intention of the Flag Executive Briefing Course is to bring executive action up to the high level of precision now only attained in auditing. Enrollees will not be subject to Sea Org discipline (which in any event is very mild today). They will wear their own clothes and have cabins. The course duration will be about sixty days. The course cost will be $2000 (by 1 year note) and includes all living expenses. Air transport 2 ways is at org expense. Application can be made to Flag via any OTL. Address Course Registrar Division 2 Flag. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:bk =========================== 387 ED 96 INT 18 Apr 70 HCO DEPT ONE [p. 472] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 96 INT 18 April 1970 To: All Staff From: Ron Subject: HCO DEPT ONE Reference: Org Pgm No. 1 LRH ED 49 INT HCO PL 17 Apr 70, "Dept 1" A bit of a breakthrough on org pattern and the importance of Dept 1 will be of the greatest interest to you. It spots the change where in a few places we began to get smaller less prosperous orgs. Dept 1 went out. Getting Dept 1 in is your next step on Org Pgm No. 1 when No. 1 is complete. It's actually the next project that should be pushed. I think you'll find it quite magical. (Thanks for your Thursday Reports. They sure help!) L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 388 ED 7 SH 18 Apr 70 SHSBC [p. 686] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRHD 7 SH 18 April 70 To: A11 Staff OES SH Tech Sec SH Qual Sec SH Cse Supers SH From: Ron Subject: SHSBC I've got some reports here that the SHSBC is a bit floppy. It may be the reports are a bit old. I'm sure no one there at SH would intentionally let me down. The SHSBC original was my own course for a very long time. It should be a sparkler. Any poorly attended course can be made into a well attended course by snapping it all up at every point. All processes on the old SHSBC are now valid. Class VI is IN as the class again. You have the most complete process library. Use this to get students in. And get the course very sharp. High interest from Supers to students. Top service. Two way comm with slow students. Be friendly. Use more supervisors. Run a campaign to get back all past blows by using 2 way comm and w/h pulling. Summer is coming on. Let's boom the place with UK students. Love, RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ks =========================== 389 ED 98 INT 19 Apr 70 MIMEO [p. 470-1] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 98 INT 19 April 1970 To: HCO ES From: Ron Subject: MIMEO As you will hear, you are about to get all local promotion make up in your org. Pubs will cease to do it. This brings up MIMEO and/or PHOTOLITHO machines. About 15 years ago I examined this subject and found that no org could prosper or even function without a MIMEO machine. This could be interpreted as one of these small photolitho machines or as a mimeograph. We have never had any trouble running mimeo sections. When WW started mailing out already cut stencils for HCOBs and PLs it was just being accommodating. It did however tend to reduce the local mimeo sections. Over several years the final result has been scarcity of materials. This makes an outness in courses, in staff know how and has obviously cut deeply into income. Now that orgs will be doing their own local promotion a MAKE UP SECTION in Div 2 will take on new importance. If you have a mimeo or photolitho you can promote quickly. You can reach people like FSMs easily. You can issue mimeo orders for students and staff. And most importantly you can make up HCO B and PL deficiencies. This doesn't mean you never get anything (like a mag or prom piece) printed. It does mean you can fill in the dead spots promotionally with mimeo. If Address is plated and in some kind of shape you can do a lot with specialized promotion like to all past students or all past pcs etc. You can offer them special things. Personally I don't think I could run an org without a mimeo or photolitho machine. Routing forms, bits and pieces of admin, if lacking can tie the place in knots. HCO, if it has a mimeo and an address file can always set wheels in motion when stats go down. I have been having a spot of trouble the last half year trying to reach to some org staffs because the mimeo-bulletin-ED-FL lines were stumbling across an absence of a make-up, mimeo section in several orgs. This points out a larger outness. If you don't have makeup mimeo under your direct control and in an org you tend to lose out in a number of ways. A Roneo Stencil Cutter and a Roneo mimeograph machine and file cabinets and mimeo typewriters are not all that expensive. Other brands and types are quite good. There are also photolitho systems, the only drawback is that they require more skill, are more expensive and work turned out on them, when used for general magazines is not all that good. Looking back over the years, I can't see how an org could run without a make-up, mimeo section. Thought I'd just pass it on to you as a tip. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dz:bk =========================== 390 ED 27 WW 19 Apr 70 THANK YOU SCN UK [p. 628] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 27 WW 11 UK 19 April 1970 To: All Staff From: Ron Subject: THANK YOU SCN UK I was very pleased with the win you had in getting the government to take notice of and remedy any actions taken against British Scientologists. The pluck of David Gaiman and the way you backed him up was wonderful. If you keep up the pressure and don't relax, if you make it financially without foreign students, you can win all the way, as I see it. In actual fact your win makes it obvious that being a British Scientologist is the safest thing to be in England! The British Scientologist will enjoy special protection. I of course worry about you and I miss you. And I wish there was more I could do to help. I watch things carefully to see how it is going and no day passes without my giving attention to England. I am counting on you a lot. If we all do our jobs well and have a bit of luck all the bans and visa trouble will come to pass away. I miss you and miss my home. So keep going, keep the stats up and keep the pressure on and even this tide will turn. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jz:gal =========================== 391 ED 28 WW 21 Apr 70 BOOM UK [p. 627] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 28 WW 12 UK 21 April 1970 To: All Staff From: Ron Subject: BOOM UK Reference: Thursday Reports Thank you for all your excellent Thursday Reports. Would you do me a favor in your next Thursday Report and tell me: WHAT WOULD IT TAKE TO BOOM UK? I'd like you to put down several suggestions on this so that I have enough data from you to assist in this. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 392 ED 29 WW 27 Apr 70 RECENT SO ORG AUDITING MISSION [p. 626] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 29 WW 13 UK 27 April 1970 To: All staff UK Orgs AOUK UK Stn Ship From: Ron Subject: RECENT SO ORG AUDITING MISSION I wish to thank you for the flood of appreciation in your Thursday Reports and on SO No. 1 lines regarding the Intensive I ordered SO Missionaires from the UK Station Ship, Linda Parselle, Judy Fuller and Murray Chopping to give you. This was essentially a present from me to you and I'm very glad you liked it. In doing the process on FSMs remember that they have to have finished any review cycle, should have had their Dn Triples, Scn Triples and Power to get the most benefit and you should tell them so. Then you can give them the process as a present in your turn. It's okay if you sell it to the public as an Intensive providing you set them up for it as noted above. My main though thought was giving you a hand. I think you are doing great. All you have to solve is getting more public to reach for the org and get the particles of the reach into your files, persuade more reach and then there comes the flood. Glad you were happy about it. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 393 ED 99 INT 27 Apr 70 CASE SUPERVISION ED Clarified [p. 469] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 99 INT 27 April 1970 To: EC Scn Orgs, SHs C/Os, AOs All Auditors Tech Sees Qual Sees From: Ron Subject: CASE SUPERVISION ED Clarified Reference: LRH ED 93 INT of 30 Mar 1970 "Case Supervision" The above referenced LRH ED is cancelled at the request of VIIIs. Auditing volume stats are rising and no serious cases of out C/Sing are reported except as follows: (a) Short C/Sing to "get lots of completions" (b) Telling Dianetic Clears they can't now go on up to Power, R6EW and Clear and OT grades. (c) Auditing pcs who have exteriorized in earlier auditing (to handle this see HCO B 22 Mar 70 Exteriorization and High TA). I am sure that these matters will be handled without further changes in the C/S line up now existing. Interne checksheets will be furnished soon to orgs. Continue with your present line up and congratulations on rising auditing volume stats. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:kjm:gal =========================== 394 ED 3 EUROPE 6 May 70 COMMENDATION OF Cent. Org at Copenhagen. [p. 619] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 3 EUROPE 6 May 1970 To: All staff European Orgs From: Ron Subject: COMMENDATION OF Central Org Europe at Copenhagen. The Central Org Executives and Staff are highly commended for their excellent statistics and work. The principle cause they assign for their growing condition is following out the LRH No. 1 Programs. They also dropped their PE and use testing and testing ads and an HAS Course to start people. All the staff was checked out on the No. 1 Programs. All the staff is trained in tech and have gone on with their OEC. The progress of this org shows what hard work and knowing the org data can do. This success shows the brilliant future which every org can have in Europe. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 395 ED 100 INT 10 May 70 LOWER GRADES UPGRADED [p. 468] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 100 INT 10 May 1970 To: All Staff From: Ron SUBJECT: LOWER GRADES UPGRADED Reference: HCO PL 10 May 1970 Multiple Declare Cancelled If you want to know why your org is having trouble with some pcs, read the above new PL. Declaring several Grades at once was NEVER AUTHORIZED. There are several processes per grade as per the Classification Chart under "Trained In". These are all run if necessary to produce an attest as per the "Abilities Attained" Column. This amounts to losing the whole subject of Scientology processing! WOW. YOU HAD BETTER GET THIS IN FAST ON ALL NEW PCs. And you rehab old pcs by asking the "Ability Attained" Question. It is vital you get IN IN IN HCO PL 10 May 70 and save your org any further field upsets. I've lately found more newly audited pcs have not attained these abilities and some (from whom we had trouble!) went from Grade O to Va in 20 minutes! NO GRADE NOT ATTESTED TO BY ITSELF MAY BE A COMPLETION ON YOUR STATS. Multiple declare of 4 grades at once would count only as 1 completion. So change your Tech-Qual lines fast. It's vital. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 396 ED 102 INT 20 May 70 THE IDEAL ORG [p. 463-4] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 102 INT 20 May 1970 To: All staff From: Ron Subject: THE IDEAL ORG Reference: Current "Data Series" PLs The ideal org would be an activity where people came to achieve freedom and where they had confidence they would attain it. It would have enough space in which to train, process and administrate without crowding. It would be located where the public could identify and find it. It would be busy looking, with staff in motion not standing about. It would be clean and attractive enough not to repel its public. Its files and papers, baskets and lines would be in good order. The Org Board would be up to date and where the public could see who and what was where and which the staff would use for routing and action. A heavy outflow of letters and mailings would be pouring out. Answers would be pouring in. Auditors would be auditing in Div IV HGC and Qual would be rather empty. Supervisors would be training students interestedly and 2 way comming all slows. The HCO Area Sec would have hats for everyone. And checked out on everyone. There would be a pool of people in training to take over new Admin and Tech posts. The staff would be well paid because they were productive. The Public Divisions would be buzzing with effective action and new people and furnishing a torrent of new names to CF. The pcs would be getting full grades to ability attained for each, not 8 minutes from O to IV, but more like 30 processes. And they would be leaving with high praises. The students would be graduating all on fire to audit. One could look at this ideal org and know that this was the place a new civilization was being established for this planet. The thousand or more actions that made it up would dovetail smoothly one with another. And the PR Area Control would be such that no one would dream of threatening it. Such an ideal org would be built by taking what one has and step by step building and smoothing, grooving in and handling each of its functions, with each of its divisions doing more and more of its full job better and better. The business is always there - the skill with which it is handled and the results on pcs and students is the single important line which makes it possible to build the rest. The ideal org is the image one builds toward. It is the product of the causative actions of many. Anything which is short of an ideal org is an out-point that can be put right. The end product is not just an ideal org but a new civilization already on its way. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dz:gal =========================== 397 ED 103 INT 21 May 70 FAST FLOW GRADES CANCELLED [p. 460-2] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 103 INT 21 May 1970 To: All staffs OES Tech Sec Qual Sec All Org Auditors Class VIIIs C/Ses From: Ron Subject: FAST FLOW GRADES CANCELLED Reference: HCO PL 10 May 70 A large number of HCO PLs and HCO Bs are being cancelled. The HGC has been permitted to slip into Qual. Lower grades have become unmocked with the result that lower grade results ARE NOT BEING ATTAINED. The effect is actually throwing away Scientology. These lower grades have MANY PROCESSES. EACH GRADE HAS MANY PROCESSES. If you wonder what happened to income, what happened to your field it is just this: The HGC slipped into Qual, people ceased to gain the Ability required of each lower grade, Scientology was no longer being delivered in full. Every process of the "trained in" Column of the 1968 Classification Chart IS USED. In particular, HCO Pol Ltr 14 March 1968 "Policies Governing The Qualifications Division. Fast Flow" is cancelled. The Qual Org Board reverts to HCO PL 2 Nov 67. Dept 13 is Examinations, Dept 14 is Review, Dept 15 is Certs and Awards. A pc completing ONE lower grade must go to the Examiner who asks him the question contained in HCO PL 6 April 1970 for each grade. This attest form itself is not valid. But the questions for the grade are taken from an old SH booklet on grades. This gives you a ready source for the Examiner's question. All three flows of a triple grade and its havingness can be run as THE LAST ACTION OF THE GRADE. It should only be done after the pc has had any other processes listed for that grade. C/S The C/S operates now in Div IV the Tech Div, Dept 12. Any EDs or PLs or HCO Bs requiring otherwise are being cancelled. HGC The HGC holds onto its pcs, setting up a case, correcting outnesses in auditing a process. "To Review" is a misused and abused term. An HGC auditor can certainly handle a chain that wasn't finished in last session. ONLY WHEN THE DIV IV C/S OR TECH SEC OR D OF P GIVES UP ON A CASE DOES IT GO TO REVIEW. REVIEW There is no C/S in Qual. A Review Auditor looks over the folder and the case, finds out what hasn't been or needs handling and puts the case back together again. The Review Auditor never does major actions. These are done in the HGC. Internes can be trained in Qual but they audit in the HGC. EXAMINER AND GRADE DECLARES The Examiner can put the pc on a meter, can give the pc the end phenomena of the grade he is there to declare in print or ask it and ask if he has attained it. IF THERE IS ANY DOUBT IN THE PC's MIND OR IF THE METER IS POOR OR BAD INDICATORS ARE PRESENT the Examiner sends the pc back to the HGC! The pc is usually accompanied to the Examiner by the Auditor and brings the pc's folder. The Examiner can look at the folder to see what was run and COMPARE it to THE 1968 CLASS CHART COLUMN "TRAINED IN". If the pc has had very little auditing on the grade (such as just a single flow of the grade process) the examiner would do well not to ask the pc anything but send the pc and auditor back to the HGC. Procedure would be (a) Pc and his auditor go to Examiner; (b) Examiner looks at folder to see if it's okay and enough auditing (the "Trained in" processes) done for the grade; (c) Examiner sends them back to HGC if he won't examine; or (d) puts pc on cans; (e) notes meter ok; (f) asks or shows the end question for the grade; (g) if pc says no it's back to the HGC, if pc says yes it's on to Certs and Awards. After every session there is also an examination as per current policy and the Exam rpt goes in the folder as has been done. It is the declare exam for a grade that has reverted to '66 exam procedure and which is given above. THE EXAMINER REFUSES TO EXAMINE ANY TWO OR MORE GRADES AT A TIME. POWER EACH POWER PROCESS IN V IS SEPARATELY EXAMINED. STUDENTS This doesn't change students but they still must attest. LEVELS NOT DESCRIBED Any level not described on the '68 Classification Chart still requires that the pc or Pre OT declare it and that all folders show he made it. CANCELLED PLs ETC. The full list of cancellations will be issued in PL form; HCOBs, EDs and VIII materials are all being corrected. This will be issued shortly. It is a considerable emergency that this ED be gotten into effect at once! SO Missions and other data sources show that when we ceased to require all grade processes be run and ceased to examine each grade for ability attained we threw away 90% of Scientology. I have been looking for a long time to find why Class IV orgs found so little to sell, so little to audit and why they were doing so badly. This is it. Scn orgs are service organizations. When they cease to give full service and full gains they have trouble. Therefore this ED is being sent to you swiftly. Follow what I've given you here. Pry Tech and Qual Divs apart with a crowbar. Begin to produce in your Production Division. PURPOSES OF QUAL HCO PL 9 Jul 65 "There's no reason to start running intensives in Qual" HCO PL 31 Jul 65 "Review must take over any non-optimum product" HCO PL 20 Nov 65 No. 77 "Quickly repairs any flat ball bearing" HCO PL 1 Feb 66 Dir Rev " of goofs...." In short we're back to original policy. The basic structure got varied and the subject got lost. That's the motto of this ED. Good luck and high stats. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dz:gal =========================== 398 ED 14 UK 29 May 70 LONDON FND RECOVERY [p. 671] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 14 UK 29 May 1970 To: All UK Staff From: Ron Subject: LONDON FND RECOVERY The EC and all staff of the London Foundation are COMMENDED for the increasing stats and general recovery of the London Foundation. To do this required and requires hard work, devotion and good service. I wish to thank all my London Foundation staff personally for beginning to be cause over their area. They are valued and appreciated. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ks:iw =========================== 399 ED 31 WW 1 Jun 70 CONFLICTS OF ORDERS [p. 625] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 31 WW 15 UK 1 June 1970 To: All Staff From: Ron Subject: CONFLICTS OF ORDERS ANY order or ED or PL is cancelled issued by EC WW EC UK ANZO or any UK EC if contrary to the UK Price List ED WW UK or the SO ED UK Academy Prices or the SHSBC Special Offer. A major reason for stat decline is the price confusions instigated in the last two years. Another is failure to deliver Grades on pc's attestation to Ability Attained Column '68 Classification Chart or to run all the processes for the grade as given in the "Trained In" Column of that chart, the major process of the grade being run last. Any conflict of orders is resolved by referral to my recent EDs and PLs which are based on a six months' intensive study of the UK scene greatly assisted by Thursday Reports as well as other observation. Dianetics should continue to be pushed heavily while we reactivate org uses of Scientology and make Scientology auditors. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dz:gal =========================== 400 ED 104 INT 2 Jun 70 AUDITING SALES AND DELIVERY PGM #1 [p. 456-9] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 104 INT 2 June 1970 To ECs IMPORTANT REGISTRARS TECH SECS FOR CLASS IV ORGS LRH Comms for Urgent Compliance Subject: AUDITING SALES AND DELIVERY PGM #1 A careful survey has revealed the following vital necessities. 1. ON ANY AUDITED GRADE (DN, O-IV) SELL ONLY AUDITING HOURS. ONLY SOLO GRADES CAN SELL A RESULT (EXCEPTING POWER). 2. DELIVER ALL THE HOURS SOLD. Violation of these two actions began the decline of lower orgs. Apparently the idea of Solo auditing grades drifted down on the basis that lower orgs will come eventually to parallel higher areas. Power, in fact, began this trend. But Power was then a matter of fifty hours of auditing! So lower orgs began to sell a result. Such as Comm Release. Soon they didn't deliver all they sold. Declaring only when the pc attested the last grade result specifically, on a meter at the Examiner, went out, first at SH when a Tech Sec got into a violent protest of "Qual Invalidating Results." Gradually other orgs ceased to make pcs actually declare they had attained the ability of the grade. In an effort to raise completions and in confusing particle fast flow with quick auditing, auditors began to use only one process for a grade. Protest of having the pc sent to Examiner every 10 minutes led to "Multiple Declare" The pc declared all lower grades at one time without specifying their abilities. Grades, the very rock basis of result were then neglected. The field in some places became dissatisfied. Student enrollment fell off because gains were not there. Dianetics was released in a highly refined form and fortunately also. Just in time. Orgs began to use Dianetics heavily. Scientology suffered from too brief application. NOW we begin the road back. We will reinforce any Dianetic action, use, student training and sales. But we will drop the nonsense of "Single Dianetic Intensive" or "Triple Dianetic Intensive" WE WILL JUST SELL DIANETIC AUDITING HOURS. WE WILL SELL DIANETIC COURSES AS ALWAYS. We will NOT sell results and terminate auditing on results from IV on down. We will sell AUDITING HOURS. A five hour Intensive. A 25 Hour Intensive. 50 or 75 hours. THIS CHANGES NO PRICES. It sure clarifies a price list. A price list now exists for the UK and others will be issued that do not raise or lower prices for the rest of the world. We have learned that when you raise prices you lose the flow completely. When you lower prices you do not pick up more people. Crazy but very true. In Scientology from Grade IV down you sell the same thing - hours of auditing. Not result. And in Dianetics or Scientology you deliver every hour you sell. Now no-one must get the idea you can't tell the pc about grade releases or Comm Releases etc. You can. Only how long It takes to get there is only estimated. What he buys is HOURS. And what is delivered IV or below is HOURS. When the pc actually truly makes the end result of a Grade, he must tell it to the Examiner. Exam procedure reverts back to its earliest form - meter, folder, pc statement. The pc MUST NOT be auditor coached to give the right responses. And if the pc hasn't made that grade then the Examiner sends the pc back for more auditing. The "major process of the grade" is given last with the pc totally set up for it. Every other process of that grade (see Taught Column '68 Classification Chart) is run first and any other process of that level. This means a lot of processes and a lot of hours for a grade before the pc declares. Dianetics triples in 1 1/2 hours as total Dianetics given is over ana done with. 20 minutes from Zero to IV is dead. 50 hours for Dn Triples is more real. 50 hours for O to IV grades is fast. GUIDING RULE THE AMOUNT OF CHARGE GOTTEN OFF A CASE IS PROPORTIONAL TO THE ABILITY GAINED. We are finding people who have been rushed up to OT IV who are totally unflat on Grade I! They have problems, man. They have hidden standards (which is just another problem). We are finding pcs who have been smashed through lower grades who "can't talk about things you know...." In every long or failing upper level case we are finding OUT LOWER GRADES. HURRY AND RUSH The "hurry and rush of our modern age" is no excuse at all for not delivering. The lower grades contain the solutions to all the basic outnesses that make a humanoid human. Comm, problems, overts, ARC Brks, Service facsimilies. And before a case even gets there he needs a life repair and his somatics handled. By Grade IV you should have an entirely new being! The mind just doesn't react or readjust fast enough for all this to happen in 20 minutes! It takes weeks and weeks of auditing to get someone all the way up to Grade IV! If it were done in 20 minutes total you would have a new unacceptable change and a new ARC Break! Class IV orgs should be telling people about Dianetic and Grade Results certainly. Be a Comm Release. For sure. But sell realistic hours of auditing and if he doesn't make it in 25 hours sell him more. Don't sell "Singles or Triples etc." What nonsense is this? The Registrar taking over C/Sing? It may take many sessions just to repair his life, get ARC Brks off about his wife! Much less process him on a grade! That's what the C/S is for. Count his Review time as part of his bought hours. Credit Qual with them. RECOVERY Let's get back to the old stand. Where lower grades were SOMETHING GREAT. Let's get back to C/Sing for the pc, not the auditor. Let's break out our Class VI notes and really begin to apply what we know. Dianetics is great. But a Dianetic Clear is just a release, not a real clear. And a vast body of new Dianetic audited pcs exist. And a horde of lick-and-a-promise Scn pcs of the last 2 or 3 years exist. Sell them all on the idea that the cheap way to get auditing is to be trained as an auditor and those who aren't up to that, sell them auditing hours. And audit all those hours. The public is always there. Any enemy action does not change our stats. They are changed inside the org or by higher orders only. An org is a service organization. It has something to sell and to deliver. Students by the course, auditing by the hour and thoroughly up the grades. Deliver the hours you sell. Tell people who are anxious for service faster than you can provide to buy a course and become an auditor and get all they want from fellow students. Let's recover our delivery of product and let "I can audit grades in 2 minutes" and "He's a good auditor, he did 15 pcs in an hour" and "You should buy Scientology triples now. That's 25 hours of which we deliver 16 minutes" go back into yesterday. Lest anyone feel invalidated or criticized by all this, I share my share of it. It gradually occurred. It sneaked up on me as it has sneaked up on you. But I spotted it. And as always, I'm the first to tell you when anything has gone wrong. I worked out the map out of this A. Boom Dianetics. B. Sell only auditing hours. C. Deliver the hours you sell. D. Use all the processes you know. E. Have the pc attest exactly the Ability of the grade. F. Let Tech be tech and Qual be qual and Tech sends to Qual only when the pc attains a grade or the C/S (now in Tech only) gives up. G. Let the pc use part of his intensive hours when he goes to Qual and credit Qual. H. E-X-T-E-N-D time in auditing before shooting in the last major action of a grade. Use Suppress and Inval on Dn lists and E-X-T-E-N-D his Dn Auditing. I. Sell training to all you can on the basis that only training gives low cost auditing from fellow students. And he'd better be a good auditor anyway when he gets to Solo. J. Comb your field for incomplete grade pcs and do it over again with lower processes. K. Get your FSMs cooperating. L. Hold any unused bought hours in credit for the pc. If you do these things now, you will find that things will promptly pick up. Avoid telling your field they haven't made it. Just coax them in by being concerned for them and wanting to make sure they have. People you will find are only concerned that their auditing may stop. They are rarely concerned how long it goes on. So let's get moving now on this new program and make a success of it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 401 ED 105 INT 3 Jun 70 HEAVY TRAFFIC WARNING [p. 455] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 105 INT 3 June 1970 To: All Staff From: Ron Subject: HEAVY TRAFFIC WARNING You are going to have a heavy traffic pick up in the next few months. You must have Class IV and Class VI and Dn Auditors in training or you will swamp. Although your Scn traffic in training and auditing may be at this time light, the recalling of pcs to get actual grade gains accomplished and the vast amount of auditing this will entail means you must have HDCs, Class IVs and Class VIs trained. We cannot launch any heavy campaign in your area until you have lots of auditors ready to supervise courses and audit pcs. Your stats will rise on Auditing and Sales Delivery Pgm No. 1 IF you really start using the gradients called for. This should permit you to get auditors trained ready for a bigger rush. Right now any large traffic inflow could swamp you. So be ready. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dz:bk =========================== 402 ED 106 INT 3 Jun 70 WHAT WAS WRONG [p. 451-4] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 106 INT 3 June 1970 To: ECs All Staffs Subject: WHAT WAS WRONG Reference: LRH ED 104 INT Auditing Sales and Delivery Pgm No. 1 If you went into a sports shop to buy an outboard motor and they charged you $500 and handed you its handle you would be upset. You wouldn't go to that shop any more. When a person comes in and buys auditing and is then not delivered its end result, he is upset. An org cannot run and be solvent if it has no product. The abilities listed for Scientology grades CAN be attained. In 1964 they took dozens of hours to reach. In 1969 an org spent only a few minutes on a grade with no attest by the pc. The whole line and whole delivery of product had gone out completely. Result - no income, unhappy public. Several things brought this about. It wasn't anyone's fault (see LRH ED 104 INT). But the point is it happened. The subject got thrown away. AND WE'VE GOT TO GET SCIENTOLOGY LOWER GRADES FULLY BACK IN NOW NOW NOW. I can see some blank stares. "But it only takes 2 minutes to run Grade O." "If we can audit so fast we don't need many auditors." "We haven't got auditors." "But all those other processes are OLD." "We were taught..." "But you said..." "But at SH they said they weren't used anymore and .." "We're so busy with all this paper we haven't got time to see about delivery and ..." Look. You're not long for this world if you keep getting paid for an outboard motor and deliver only its handle! We have got to get Scientology back in and being fully used and being taught. There are DOZENS OF PROCESSES REQUIRED to put in Scientology LOWER GRADES. Many are listed on the Class Chart of 1 January 68 and on the Chart of 1 Sept 69. Under "Subject Audited" on that Chart it only gives the TYPE. Under "Processes Taught" it gives the actual list. Please, please, please, please cease giving 20 minutes of auditing for all lower grades. It takes dozens of hours. When you sell auditing sell it in hourly lots. Don't sell "Comm Release", don't make it part of a multiple declare. Run all the processes on the pc. For each grade. Run them ALL. Run the triple process last. It will take hours and hours and hours. Before he even gets to Grade O the pc should have all his Dianetics any singles, all triples. And that's fifty hours if any thorough job is done. And he has to say to the Examiner he's attained the level in its words. Then he gets TRs, Drills, Comm Cycles. And then to begin Grade Zero he gets Valence Processes, half a dozen Comm Processes and finally the triple Grade Zero 0-0, O-A, O-B. And he has to say to the Examiner that he can comm to anyone about anything and anyone can comm to him about anything and he would permit others to talk to others about anything. And if he can't declare that to the Examiner he goes back to Tech to get the remaining disability handled by other unused comm processes. Now does that look like "26 minutes to Grade O"? That's what I mean about delivering only the handle of the outboard motor! THE GAINS ARE THERE TO BE ATTAINED. The subject works. But it won't work if it isn't applied! I can accept that this action will take a while to get in fully. I expect we'll still have Examiners who accept Multiple Declare of all Grades, HCO Area Sees who sign releases with no Examiner report to hand or Examiners who ask "You made Grade Zero?" PC: "What's that?" Examiner: "OK you pass." And we'll still have C/Ses saying "Give him all his triples." And auditors who say "I got all his grades in in 2 minutes." Even months from now there will be areas that never heard of this. And we'll still be repairing pcs for the next two years. But YOU should do all you can NOW to get this line in AT ONCE before you go down for the third time. The matter is URGENT. And it 's more IMPORTANT than any other single action. Regardless of how it went out, you've got to get the subject BACK IN fully used and delivered. I will do my part. You know that. So you do yours. I'll get out a temporary line up of all the processes. If you haven't got it, look them up fast. The data is all there in your org covered with dust probably. People have said "it's old," "it's background," "we don't use that now." But haul it out. Teach it, use it. DIANETICS The only way Dianetics can be sold short is not to deliver all of it to final result of no somatics, aches or pains whatever. I heard of "18 hours for Dianetic triples" recently which is pure hogwash. So don't let that get going down the drain. 50 hours of Dianetics is not very much. And it should ALL be triples. Singles are only for assists and student practice. And I don't know how anybody would even run Dianetics without first repairing somebody's life by two way comm and flying ruds. Don't confuse FAST flow with quick auditing. The public buys auditing volume in Lower Grades. It does not buy results as it doesn't understand them. SCIENTOLOGY A quick result is too often an impermanent result. By giving "quick results" you make auditing so cheap no one cares to be trained. And org high income comes from students, not pcs. "Quick result" has been used to cover up superficial no results auditing. Fast flow has been used to fail to deliver. Pcs audited in the last two years or more HAVE NOT ATTAINED FULL RESULTS FROM LOWER GRADE AUDITING. Some have. But I am finding people who are Grade IV who have lots of problems and hidden standards. I am having to C/S in lower grades on pcs from lower orgs whose "grades were attained" If you let Grade I Problems remain unattained, you will get the same percent of SPs in Scn ranks as in the public. Why? Because a person with a problem makes NO CASE GAIN. When grades went out and weren't given ETHICS came in! For the sake of haste, ease and the buck, the baby got thrown out with the bathwater. I want to see every Class IV Org and SH delivering and teaching all the processes of the grade. I want you to deliver what's promised. Full grade ability. When the public pays for an outboard motor, deliver an outboard motor. We have a lot of work ahead to repair all this. One bright side of it, we found the subject again. And another, you have an ocean of lower grade pcs "Grade IV" whose abilities must now be put in. And you have Dianetics to carry you while you get the subject back. We never got this Class Chart fully in and will proceed to do so now now now. Note: The Classification Gradation and Awareness Char of Levels and Certificates of 1 September 1969 issued with Auditor No. 50 or March 1970 are correct if the "Processes Taught" column is also used as "Processes Audited on Pc" L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:dz:gal ===========================