FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES - 13/28 repost ============================ This is the Second Foundation. Our purpose is to keep LRH's plan on track (ref: Asimov). CofS has gone off the rails. This is an announcement of our support of FZBA, Freezone, and The Pilot. We are posting the LRH EDs to make ammends for our long delay in taking action. ARC, PROGRAM DIRECTOR SECOND FOUNDATION ============================ LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES This is a complete copy of the "Original LRH EDs" or Blue Volumes as issued by Bridge in 1983. The full contents for all 28 parts posted is in part 1. The volumes were divided into the 3 numbering Series, and subdivided into the classes of EDs (INT = International, WW = World Wide, SH = Saint Hill, etc.) and placed in reverse order (latest first) within type. This was quite confusing because of some EDs being in multiple classes with different numbers in each class. We rearranged everything in date order (earliest first) to give a better historical perspective and make these easy to find by date. The original table of contents is included in part 2 and the original page numbers are in "[]" at the beginning of each ED. See IMB 5 in part 2 for an explanation of the 3 Series of ED numbers and a list of valid (but expired) EDs not included. See LRH ED 345 INT in part 28 for a list of cancelled LRH EDs that were not included. These are only the EDs that are in the Blue Volumes. ************************************************** FZBA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** Part 13 360 ED 72 INT 9 Jan 70 LRH COMM STAFF PROGRAMME NO. 1 361 ED 73 INT 9 Jan 70 ETHICS PROGRAMME NO. 1 PROJECT 362 ED 74 INT 14 Jan 70 SOLVENCY 363 ED 75 INT 17 Jan 70 THE USES OF AUDITING 364 ED 81 INT 20 Jan 70 A VITAL TARGET 365 ED 81 INT 20 Jan 70 ADDENDUM 6 Aug 82 SPD 19 366 ED 21 WW 20 Jan 70 The UK Anzo Boom Cycle 367 ED 20 WW 21 Jan 70 SH Auditing Hours 368 ED 76 INT 26 Jan 70 1969 DOWNSTAT CORRECTIONS 369 ED 77 INT 27 Jan 70 THURSDAY REPORTS 370 ED 78 INT 28 Jan 70 SUMMARY OF INT NO. 1 PROGRAMS 371 ED 79 INT 30 Jan 70 FINANCIAL PLANNING PROGRAMME NO. 1 ADDITION 372 ED 79 INT 4 Feb 70 MAJOR AUDITING ACTIONS 373 ED 80 INT 5 Feb 70 ORGANIZATION AND INCOME 374 ED 84 INT 8 Feb 70 1969 LRH EDs 375 ED 85 INT 12 Feb 70 CURRENT ACTIONS 376 ED 22 WW 12 Feb 70 ETHICS IN ORGS WW ACTIONS 377 ED 83 INT 17 Feb 70 STAT RECOVERY, AN ANALYSIS OF BROAD OUTNESSES 378 ED 82 INT 18 Feb 70 ORG EXEC COURSE PASS 379 ED 87 INT 21 Feb 70 CHECKOUT ON F/N AND END PHENOMENA 380 ED 88 INT 26 Feb 70 STANDARD TECH AND INVALIDATION 381 ED 89 INT 1 Mar 70 RECRUIT! =========================== YEAR OF 1970 =========================== 360 ED 72 INT 9 Jan 70 LRH COMM STAFF PROGRAMME NO. 1 [p. 513] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 72 INT 9 January 1970 All Orgs, All SHs, AOs LRH COMM STAFF PROGRAMME NO. 1 People who are on Staff Programme No. 1 and doing well on it should be given their choice in full time training up as Auditors. What we're trying to do now is make lots of Auditors and keep them busy. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs:bk =========================== 361 ED 73 INT 9 Jan 70 ETHICS PROGRAMME NO. 1 PROJECT [p. 512] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 73 INT 9 January 1970 Applies to All Orgs, To all Bases, AOs & SHs ETHICS PROGRAMME NO. 1 PROJECT As soon as Ethics Programme No. 1 is complete in an Org or Unit, the LRH Comm is to see that the following action is started and completed. Those cases not on the Upstat E/O who are simply slow study or no study are to be given any needful Review, or to have completed any Review in progress, and are to be given a Dianetic Student Rescue Intensive. Those cases that are rough are to be finished on Dianetic Triples to the extent of at least 25 Dianetic items run triple and flawlessly to case gain. All cases in general should get Dianetic Triples finished because there's another set of processes coming up which depend on Dianetic Triples. Scientology Triples can be done before or after Dianetic Triples - it doesn't matter when, the two are disrelated. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs:bk =========================== 362 ED 74 INT 14 Jan 70 SOLVENCY [p. 510-11] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 74 INT 14 January 1970 To All Exec Sees D/Gs Finance Treasury Sees SOLVENCY A project of FP Prog #1 LRH ED 55 INT. The greatest help you can be to the enemy is to permit orgs to become insolvent. There is no single greater threat to any org than insolvency. SOLVENCY consists only of income greater than outgo and making enough money. There is no trick to making money. It almost has to be planned not to have any. It is much harder to walk back to solvency than to remain solvent in the first place. All an org is is a service activity that trains and processes and keeps up the admin lines necessary to do so. When you don't have enough auditors and supervisors there is no way to deliver service. One never backlogs. One keeps the auditors and supervisors busy busy busy. Auditing has a thousand uses. So does training. Any org has a tendency to spend all it makes and an equally silly one to make only what it needs. Orgs should have heavy reserves. In LRH ED 55 INT, you have the key to solvency. This ED should be followed carefully. The exact amount the org needs to get along on MUST BE KNOWN. If the org is already in debt AN ADDITIONAL SUM IS NEEDED WEEKLY TO RETIRE ITS DEBTS. This FP Prog #1 must be done by the EC. An additional sum to retire debts or build a reserve must be added. A sensible and strenuous effort must then be made to make that amount of money or more. An industrious attitude with a no-nonsense approach will provide solvency, good reserves, good staff facilities and pay. Often when an org gets into financial problems it tends to go frantic and dream up wild unusual solutions. The org got in trouble because it didn't do the usual actions! To go even more unusual is a fatal error. A businesslike approach of getting in people to train and process and delivering instantly valuable services is all that will make money. The #1 Program EDs tell one exactly how to do this. When we had only a hundredth of the tech we now have we had solvent, rich orgs. So it looks like we better get busier. Get FP #1 done so you know where you stand. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal =========================== 363 ED 75 INT 17 Jan 70 THE USES OF AUDITING [p. 508-9] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 75 INT 17 January 1970 To all Exec Sees LRH Comm for action Reference: LRH ED 54 INT SUPERIOR SERVICE IMAGE PROG. NO. 1, of which this is a project. THE USES OF AUDITING HANDLING WITH AUDITING REGISTRAR ADVICE FORM HCO Bs have been written to assist creating a Superior Service Image. They are: (a) HCO B 15 Jan 70 The Uses of Auditing. (b) HCO B 15 Jan 70 Issue II, Handling with Auditing. (c) HCO B of 19 Jan 70 Registrar Advice Form. The LRH Comm of the org (or HCO ES where there is no LRH Comm) should have these 3 HCO Bs checked out on: The Exec Sees The Registrar The Letter Registrar The Tech Sec The Qual Sec All C/Ses All the org's Auditors These 3 HCO Bs should also be included in the hats of the above. These HCO Bs are being made part of the Dianetics Case Super Internship checklist. A reason for a deteriorated org image (and GI) is a failure to really use auditing to its fullest extent. Selling people a couple of packages like Dn Triples and Scn Triples and calling it a day is both foolish and destructive to an org. Auditing has tremendous numbers of uses and applications. One applies it personally to the pc. Another reason for a deteriorated image is a failure to actually handle a pc's troubles. The HCO B 19 Jan 70 is the Registrar's Advice Form which shows what the pc wanted and which is put at once in the pc's folder so the C/S can have the data. Of course, in addition to the above, it goes without saying that the most destructive thing that can be in an org is a Tech or Qual backlog. A one-day wait for a Tech pc is too long and a 3 hour wait too long for a Qual pc. You need plenty of auditors and must keep them working full time and must never have a backlog in Tech or in Qual, day or foundation. If you ever permit a backlog to exist, there's your GI trouble right there. The org image depends in its largest measure on its broad handling of what pcs want handled. Anything ever released (except Power, R6EW and AO materials) is usable in any org today. The local LRH Comm or HCO ES IS TO INFORM ME VIA THE LRH Comm WW when you have completed this ED. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jz:bk =========================== 364 ED 81 INT 20 Jan 70 A VITAL TARGET [p. 490-2] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE FO 20 January 1969 LRH ED 81 INT A VITAL TARGET Trained Auditor Programme It is vital that we step up auditor training in all orgs. The VITAL target is TO HAVE TRAINED AUDITORS IN PLENTY IN ORGS AND FIELD. My data is that we must have specialized in preclears for quite a while, that staff training as auditors went out and that we began to develop backlogs of pcs. Backlogs of pcs must be avoided. Trained auditors by far make the better executives. Thus staff auditors get promoted to execs and the staff auditor vacancies aren't filled. We used to allow for this. Many Academy graduates came on staff as staff auditors routinely. HGC auditors then got promoted to executives. Staff training programmes permitted staffs to get to be trained auditors on a part time schedule. In London we used to hire typists and clerks from employment agencies. A large percentage of them, with no urging at all, saved up and took advantage of their 50% staff discount and got their HPA, then came back on as staff auditors and went on to other staff posts. Either training got too long or too involved or the route got barriered. In any event each org should take responsibility for getting the route unplugged. People who came on staff came from the public as just-a-job or from the Scientology field, got trained, became staff auditors, etc. I know in orgs where I have worked I usually had to unblock hiring. For some reason I had to do it. All sorts of barriers got put up to people who wanted on staff. I used to hear of people and by pass and get them to be put on. Also, I used to order a sign in PE to get PE attendees to join staff and a sign in the Academy to get graduates to join staff. This was SOP. When an org is signing up more pcs than students it will go broke or be poor. The 50% scholarship offer (50% of fees) mailed out used to work well. It could be mailed to FSMs to hand out to prospective students. If the scholarship only applied from Dianetics to HPA and not to segments, it would boom training. Some orgs just plain try to be clinics. The public loves to take no responsibility and be given it all as pcs. When they get to Solo and above they wish to hell they had become real auditors. You can jam the training line by making an Academy Course long and as heavy as an SHSBC. The REAL design of training (if anybody would really do it this way) is: Dianetics: Fast Course on Technique. Slide by on philosophic data. Academy: Fast Courses on Technique. Learn all the motions. SHSBC: A course taking in ALL the data, philosophic, with polishing of Technique. Class VIII: Sharp rapid STANDARDIZATION of auditing and case supervising with 100% gains. When you try to standardize Class VIII style the Dianetic course, or SHSBC, the Academy courses, you slow people down to nowhere. Now that we have Ethics in and VIIIs in every org WE CAN RESTORE ATTESTATION. When we knocked it off we also knocked down our stats. Ron's Journal 1968 will RESTORE ATTESTATION OF GRADES AND CLASSES. This will speed up training again and raise stats. It works only if you keep Ethics in. This is my immediate contribution to MORE AUDITORS. After all, early auditors weren't all that well trained. And training parallels the progress time track of the subject! BUT as we EXPAND we will CONTINUALLY FACE THE PROBLEM OF AUDITOR SHORTAGE. Therefore YOU make a contribution on your end of it by making the lines open. Post staff procurement signs. Get staff trained up. Get the public to get trained. Executives who aren't trained auditors have the highest mortality rate as executives. How can anyone really guide a Scientology org who doesn't know the subject. So let's keep this Target up there as a big Target: TO HAVE TRAINED AUDITORS IN PLENTY IN ORGS AND FIELD. Train staffs is part of the Target. Sign up more students than pcs is part of it. Push Training in Promotion is part of it. We used to tell people that training as an auditor made one more able to handle life and his fellows. It didn't mean one became a professional auditor and hung out a shingle. We better hit this campaign again. Anyway, it's a key Target, a big one. It is a Vital Target, what we have to do to make things go at all. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 365 ED 81 INT 20 Jan 70 ADDENDUM 6 Aug 82 SPD 19 [p. 493-5] 6 August 1982 ADDENDUM LRH ED 81 INT Reference: Scientology Policy Directive 19 THE INTEGRITY OF SOURCE LRH ED 81 INT A VITAL TARGET was written by LRH. At his request, CS-2 added a program in LRH ED 81R INT, which LRH approved. The revised issue also contained some revisions to the text. LRH ED 81R INT has been cancelled, as much of it was not written by LRH. Since he requested and approved the program, however, it has been revised for reissue as an Addendum to the original LRH ED 81 INT. In this way, what LRH wrote is clearly distinguishable. (Revisions to original program in script. Ellipses indicate deletions.) [For posting as text to the net, the script revisions have been placed inside <> marks. PROGRAM 1. Make this LRH ED known to the Execs and staff by reading it to them and posting a copy on the Staff Bulletin Board. LRH COMM _____ 2. Get Sales and Promo personnel in addition to Tech starrated in Qual on HCO PL <25 Sap 79 Iss I Urgent - Improtant Successful Training Line Up.> LRH COMM _____ 3. Start selling Training FAST in preference to processing. (no NOT let up on selling auditing too.) Use the argument - a student gets tons of auditing cheaper - study is high gain - training as an Auditor makes one more able to be at cause over the crashing world and handle his fellows. REGISTARS _____ 4. PROMOTE CHEAPEST ROAD TO CLEAR is through Training. REGISTRARS, DIR PROMO _____ 5. Use Fast Flow Training reinstated and co-auditing as selling points. REGISTRARS, DIR PROMO _____ 6. Give Reges a quota of at least one for one training/ processing and demand the quota is met and maintained. GO/ED, DISSEM SEC _____ 7. Make it clearly known to CF public that the Primary RD is suspended as a pre-requisite for all Academy Courses. The only pre-requisites are the , and additionally, Method One Word Clearing is a students and above only. REGISTRARS, DIR PROMO AND MKTG _____ 8. Issue promo offering free with full price purchase of Academy Levels 0-4, OEC or SHSBC. DIR PROMO _____ 9. , LETTER REGISTRARS _____ 11. Cram the Registrars hard if Training Money is down or isn't recovering and pull in and cram anyone found to be urging the Reges to mainly sell processing and include in the cramming cycle a clay demo on "What happens to an org who hasn't a full Academy and specializes mostly in processing." QUAL SEC _____ 12. Call in and get back on course blown students. D OF T, _____ 13. Get or keep Reges attending training courses regularly and F/Ning as students. A Reg who is winning at training is more apt to sell training than a Reg who's blown from course or having a rough time of it. TECH SEC, _____ 14. Find out about the training courses your org can or should deliver applying 7 points of an Ad (HCO PL 10 Feb 65 "Ad and Bool·r Policies") so you can offer training with certainty and real R and close sales one for one. REGISTRARS, DIR PROMO _____ 15. Force into full effect "What is a Course" PL 16 March 71 and supervisor assistance for Fast Flow students. (Flag Pgm Order 86RD "What is a Course") LRH COMM _____ 16. Prominently display a sign in attendees to join staff and sign in the Academy to get Graduates to join staff directing them to see the . (HCO PL 24 June 70R ISS 77) HAS _____ 17. Raise staff pay by training students as the primary production. If an org only audits and has no or few students it has to pay all bills and promotion from processing money. Realize an auditor can only handle one person at a time whereas a supervisor handles a class full of students and is therefore capable of delivering to more than one person at a time. ED/CO _____ 18. Permit and encourage staffs to get trained as Auditors on a part-time schedule outside production hours. GO/ED, HAS _____ 19. ... _____ 20. Offer a free 12 1/2 hour intensive to the Registrar who each month sells more training than processing and make Tech Deliver. GO/ED _____ 21. Signify Pgm progress and completion to . LRH COMM _____ Original Program by CS-2 Revised and Reissued as Addendum by Flag Mission LRHEDs Authorized by AVC Approved by WDC for the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL CSI:WDC:AVC:FMLRHEDS:CS-2:iw =========================== 366 ED 21 WW 20 Jan 70 The UK Anzo Boom Cycle [p. 633-6] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 21 WW - 5 SH 20 January 1970 To All staffs WW, SH The UK Anzo Boom Cycle The Income and flows of the UK Anzo area is not now properly organized and needs reorganization. When WW, 1967, was ordered to be self-supporting it had Pubs and other income. Today WW is trying to stagger along on 10%s only. Yet it must defend and promote all areas. Originally WW (pre SHSBC) was actually unable to get along on these 10%s. The 10%s were so minor compared to SHSBC income they were not used. The basic idea of attaching a management org to a service org (as a Continental to a Central Org) is partially to prevent the management org from getting unreal as it has a service org right there. It is worth a great deal of money to a service org to have a management org attached to it as the public then gives that service org higher importance and it has more business. If this is understood and used by a service org it makes more than the additional cost of supporting the management org. SH is the org at Worldwide and as such should make additional money, more than enough more to support WW ban or no ban. Since the removal of ASHO to LA and establishing the little org in DK, SH has not really tried to recover and has not only not used WW's importance but has not really included itself in as the top UK-Anzo org. There are 70 million English speaking people in England and several more in Ante and Scn orgs have a total monopoly on helping psychesomatic illness. Nearly all the English are psychosomatically ill. WW's support really ought to be SH. There are two reasons for this: A. WW would have a much higher reality on service orgs and B. by using the importance of WW, SH would greatly increase its income. SH needs to work the UK and Ante orgs to make them feed traffic to SH. A working org combine exists (as shown in LRH ED UK of 12 Jan 1970 issued by the CO of 'Diana') with SH as the top service org. WW, by its prominence assists the attractiveness of SH. Both WW and SH have been very financially irresponsible during 1969 to run up such heavy debts. While WW did pay off a lot of Pubs bills it let get run up in 1968, the SO has kept Pubs going, however. One writ served on WW was one too many. My own plan of operation for the area has never been activated. It is a simple one ordered in about May 1968 to boom the UK. I could see the attack's consequences. This plan, which I will here more fully describe, consists of WW seeing that SH took the lead as an org in the UK and that SH worked with other UK orgs, giving them support, personnel and FSM commissions and promotion to MAINTAIN SH INCOME DESPITE ANY BAN. SH would then also support WW. For SH to include itself out from UK actions and ECUK to be in London and for "UK orgs" to be HASI, HAPI and a couple tiny ones, is all very self-defeative. For SH to be over staffed in Admin and other orgs to be understaffed is foolish. The UK set up as a unit is given in LRH ED 12 Jan 70 issued by C/O Diana. I do not understand what may continue to keep this UK set up from forming and functioning. Each UK org and WW cannot continue as isolated non-cooperative units and SH cannot continue as an aloof organization. WW should see that SH as the top UK org (even though it includes Anzo in its sphere) works with the lesser UK, Anzo orgs. These feed people in at the bottom and they work on up to SH. If this cycle does not exist, there is no income. If the cycle is understood and made to happen, SH will do great. And can support WW easily. The ECs of all the orgs involved, especially EC WW, SH and HASI, should list up all the reasons why this cycle cannot exist and should list all the actions needful to make it exist. For if it isn't forced into being, some of these orgs may fail. I know for the moment stats are up. This is due mainly to my intervention three or four months ago and the Dianetic Program starting to come home. But SH should have a L10,000 a week income and other orgs high pay. I have developed programs to help. For instance all SH taught processes can be used. Small package sales (like a L22 5 hour intensive) enormously assist small orgs. Dianetics and its multitude of uses in healing can be worked hard. When I hear of Scn org staffs low paid or unpaid I tend to get upset. Because there's no reason for it at all. The following is needed: A coordination amongst orgs in the UK and Anzo. A well established and understood flow cycle. Lots of org auditors being made. No backlogs ever. Small cost packages of auditing (like L22 less discounts) for specific ailments. A scholarship permitting a O-IV Scn speed training in grades in Academies for L125. The broad theory and thousands of processes taught on the SHSBC. Dianetic Courses running all over the place and in all orgs and HDG in orgs. Low level (HAS, HQS, PE) Courses running in orgs Coaudits and Group Auditing done in orgs. All orgs depend on WW's defenses. Thus the support should be on service lines not percentages. You can, in ECs, do any of this on your own. But I want to see from every EC involved a list of what stops exist. And when you have found them, just abolish them. Don't wait for me to tell you to sit down or stand up. I want to see the UK and Anzo orgs cooperating and a cycle flowing where groups and franchises move people to lower orgs and lower orgs move people in and move them on up to SH UK and SH supporting WW which in turn supports and defends all orgs. Anything that bends this flow out of line or stops it must be abolished. Given books being sold in the field, given lots of Dianetic Courses being taught in the field, given lots and lots of Dianetic auditing going on in the field, given orgs pushing the FSM program each one for itself, given orgs in UK and Anzo organized and cooperating as in this ED, you have a boom, not in the making but in progress. Each org pushes people on up to SH and SH supports WW and WW uses funds to defend all orgs Bridging from Dianetics to Scn is not any big hump if FSMs are working. The boom is available but YOU have to make it happen. It is up to YOU to produce it. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:fw =========================== 367 ED 20 WW 21 Jan 70 SH Auditing Hours [p. 637-8] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 20 WW 4 SH 3 SH FDN 21 January 1970 To: EC WW EC SH All Staff WW & SH SH Auditing Hours I have just seen the SH and SH Fdn stats for their Div IVs for 16 Jan 70. I can't believe it. SH Fdn Jan 15 - hrs of successful auditing for the week - 5 SH Day Jan 15 - hrs of successful auditing - 35. Qual income SH Day and SH Fdn are both very small. In DC in the late 50s, not a large org and much smaller than SH, Div IV delivered from 80 to 100 hrs of auditing a DAY. On Flag just taking care of the ship we deliver as much auditing in 2/3rds of a day as SH and SH Fdn deliver in a week. With over a hundred people around at SH and WW it should require over 100 hrs a week in winter just to take care of the current aches, pains and sniffles of staff! So I don't believe these graphs as no Scn org would ever deliver as little as that. The smallest org in the world delivers more, far more. SH AND SH FDN MUST TAKE LRH ED 75 INT, Use of Auditing, etc. TO HEART and get it in, in, in, in! Now I'm not cross with anyone. All I'm trying to communicate is this: AS THE WORLD'S SENIOR ORG YOU MUST GET BUSY AUDITING. I imagine there's some rule that staff has to pay for its auditing. This you had better abolish. Contracted staff deserves auditing. Day staff gets Foundation auditing, Fdn staff gets day auditing. But in any event you have to get auditing going. If you have auditors you keep them busy. You feed in staff pcs to make up auditing time. When you have too many public pcs you grab any and all auditors in the org for a part time auditing day. If you train up staff auditors you don't charge them, you get them on contract and they sign undated notes in case they don't finish their contract. But you train up auditors! Anyone on SH or SH Fdn staff should be an HDC or near it by now. For staff only consider that as arequisite to the SHSBC and let them have their SHSBC Class VI Training. Also get internes. I guarantee that if SH and SH Fdn have a lot of auditors in Tech and Qual and if they are kept busy, whether on staff or the public you will attract business like a magnet. GET AUDITING BEING DONE. If you have some idea that a pc can only have Dn and Scn Triples and that's it, get rid of it. A pc before Power or after can absorb a hundred or more hours easily. Push short intensives. Get your Health Crusade going. Get local residents well. Get some friendly doctors to send their "bizarre aches and pains" cases to you for free as a favour to the doctor. All this develops paying pcs. Get auditors off Admin posts and skim your Admin Tech ratio down. Those who aren't auditors and are still in excess, put them on full time training fast. When your day org stats gets to 500 Hours delivered a week and your foundation 200 Hours, you will just be beginning to get into stride. Get rid of the arbitraries and get auditing being done. If you have a lot of auditors to keep busy - as well as lots of students to train - the PES SH and SH Fdn will have to step very lively to get enough paying pcs to keep them busy. As the most senior Scn Org in the world, you MUST set an example. GET BUSY. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal =========================== 368 ED 76 INT 26 Jan 70 1969 DOWNSTAT CORRECTIONS [p. 505-7] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 76 INT 26 January 1970 To ECs All Orgs To All Staff 1969 DOWNSTAT CORRECTIONS In 1969 several actions contributed to low stats. TRIPLE PRICING Scn Triples were not quickly or realistically priced. Triple grades or Triple Flow Dn should be twice the price of single grades or single flow Dianetics. In this way, singles can be and should be sold. An equal amount can then be charged for the remaining 2 flows. When Dn Triples or Scn Triples are sold as an original package, they should be twice as much as singles used to be. While pricing should be a local matter, it became set by Policy when some misguided areas lowered prices to a point of local insolvency. One can always charge more than the required price. Franchise and field are required to charge the same as orgs but may charge more. DN BEFORE SCN 2 PLs by someone else, now cancelled, required a person to be audited on Dianetics before any Scn auditing. This is contrary to the LRH ED saying don't drop any Scn action or service. The only danger to orgs was that they went off Scn usual actions. Requiring Dn auditing before Scn auditing was a wild change and hit orgs hard. They should have just gone on selling and auditing Scn as usual. However, the Dn field boom has begun to flow back into orgs. The Dianetic boom should be reinforced in the field. Orgs should do lots of HDG selling to HDC field graduates. Also a scholarship for O-IV Scn training should be made known to all Dn field grads. Everything above L125 or $500 is awarded as a scholarship to successful Dn HDCs. We know who these field grads are because orgs issue the certificates to field Dn graduates. The Dn boom saved us in the long run but failure to carry on with Scn as usual was hard on orgs. AUDITOR SCARCITY The Tech Admin ratio of orgs must never be more than 2 Admin to 1 Tech. As orgs increase in size (to 75 staff members for instance) the ratio should tend toward 1 to 1. One org was way out to 5 to 1, another 3.4 to 1. Auditors were generally scarce in the Tech-Qual Divs in orgs, even when they were on other posts. Auditors in general became scarce. The answer (as in Org Pgm No. 1) is to get the Tech Admin ratio to 2 to 1 at once and shave it toward 1 to 1. Those in excess on admin who are not auditors should be put on full time training. The action is MAKE AUDITORS. USE AUDITORS TO AUDIT. The should be a very heavy push on this. Any and all lack of pay in orgs comes from a failure to heavily produce pc and student completions. Backlogs of pcs in Tech or Qual are utterly unthinkable. You just never have them. You produce. The PES promotes and Registrars sign up without any regard to the comfort of Tech or Qual. The OES copes. That's the way it has always been. And never any backlogs. One org had 70 pcs backlogged in their HGC! The auditors were on Admin posts. There were only 3 auditors in Tech. Those in Tech and &ual were not very competent in that org, getting only 1 completion every 3 days! When jogged up on their tech they began to get 3 completions every day. An org is a pc-student factory. If no people are auditing and training where's the pay going to come from? Admin is there to get in and handle pcs and students and keep the org safe and solvent. ADMIN CHECKLIST The various files - CF, address - and admin pieces of an org should be kept in PT. A list of these is being made up. However, an org that can't keep its internal admin up wastes its customers madly. In 1969, it was found that the CF and address functions in orgs were generally not being kept up. FINANCE Financial Planning has been out in most orgs. Their cash-bills ratio was worsened by great carelessness in money handling. With down income expenses were neglected. FP Prog. No. 1 lets an org get a start on solvency. Having people in Finance or on EC posts who have not do the finance pack - it is short - is suicidal to an org. FSM The FSM networks broke down in lesser orgs in 1969. One has lots of FSMs and pays them promptly on selections. Every org, big or small, should have FSMs. FREELOADERS A lot of orgs lost auditors they had trained. These went to higher orgs or into Franchise or got training on a promise to work in orgs. This is being solved by requiring undated notes before training people without charge to them. Makes them less eager to break their contracts. USES OF AUDITING Auditing was not being given full use by the org. These points were the major reasons for the stats of 1969. I have issued a number of LRH EDs giving programs to remedy some of these and other points. If you get these Program No. Is in, which began with LRH ED 27 INT 20 September 69 LRH COMM STAFF PROG. NO. 1, you will not only pull out of it, you will soar. YOU SHOULD INFORM ME IF IN YOUR LOCAL AREA OTHER REASONS EXISTED FOR 1969 STATS. DUE TO THESE NO. 1 PROGRAMS GOING IN AND THE DETERMINATION AND HARD WORK OF STAFFS, STATS ARE CURRENTLY RISING OVER THE WORLD. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jz:gal =========================== 369 ED 77 INT 27 Jan 70 THURSDAY REPORTS [p. 503-4] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 77 INT 27 January 1970 To: Every Staff Member RE: THURSDAY REPORTS Thank you for all your Thursday Reports. They help a great deal, giving me a first hand view of what's going on in your org. Keep them coming. AUDITING MYSTERY Here's something you can help me solve. I have no idea of why such a tiny microscopic amount of auditing is being done in some orgs. Do you know of any reason, order, threat, rule, HCO P/L, HCO B or idea that would be used to prevent auditing being delivered to the public and staff? When I see "5 hrs" as the weekly amount delivered by a Foundation or "28 hours" as a weekly amount delivered by a day org, I can't believe my eyes. On Flag just to care for the people's health and grades, we deliver 28 hours in half a day and we have no big auditing staff. We deliver about 300 hours, not counting solo, a week to 108 people, the number on staff, just to keep cases moving technically, handle aches and pains and sniffles. In Wash D.C. when MSH was D of P, we delivered 80 to 100 hours a day! In slack times! So this is one awful screaming mystery to me. I don't know how anyone can deliver the small amount of auditing I see on the stats of some orgs. If it's auditor scarcity then we have already ordered excess admin staff (above 2 to 1) on full time training and Staff Prog. No. 1 should have given you lots of HDCs to be further trained. But I still don't see why auditing isn't being delivered in high quantities. It's not no pcs as one org had 70 backlogged! Another 150! A backlog in Tech or Qual will very soon give you no pcs! Who wants to wait. So that means no pay for staff, too. Backlogs are a wicked sin. A staff auditor in HGC or Qual is expected to deliver 30 hours a week with pcs plus admin time to complete the reports. It is up to the OES or Tech Services to tightly schedule pcs to keep all auditors busy. The only time I ever saw auditing hours fall in an org was when the Registrar was scheduling pcs. The registrar would ask the pc, "When do you want to be audited?" The pc would say "Thursday nights" and the Registrar scheduled all pcs. The org had 35 auditors, some working only 2 1/2 hours a week! It's up to the OES Tech and Qual to cope and schedule without backlogging. The Registrar and PES simply cram pcs at them and they MUST cope and must NOT BACKLOG. It's quite a job for the Reg and PES to keep a dozen auditors supplied with pcs. There can be all sorts of reasons some orgs are delivering low hours. Orders or conflicts of orders can cause it. I've run fresh out of guesses as to why and need help to understand and remedy it. Snoop around. Look. Find out why or what reason or order could possibly exist for so few hours of auditing being delivered. Also please give me your idea of how to increase the number of hours of auditing being delivered in your org after you've looked into it. An org depends for stable income in the main on fast training, lots of students. But auditing MUST be delivered by an org in quantity. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jz:gal =========================== 370 ED 78 INT 28 Jan 70 SUMMARY OF INT NO. 1 PROGRAMS [p. 500-2] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 78 INT 28 January 1970 To All Staff SUBJECT: SUMMARY OF INT NO. 1 PROGRAMS Synopses and Intentions LRH COMM STAFF PROGRAMME NO. 1 LRH ED 27 INT 20 SEPTEMBER, 1969 This is a plan to get all staff members up to HDC or HDG and get them through the Org Exec Course. It is done by part time training, the person carrying on his regular staff job. If staffs are all trained on the OEC it is very unlikely that the org form and functions will go out. Technical reality on the subject of auditing pcs is highly desirable on the part of Admin staff. This paves the way for better staff students to be pushed through to Class IV full time. It temporarily suspends working on Staff Status 0, I and II, when we have lots of OEC trained people we can revert to Staff Status training for newcomers. ETHICS PROGRAM NO. 1 LRH ED 39 INT ETHICS PROGRAM NO. 1 23 NOV. '69 The purpose of this is to pick out AND ADD TO persons who should have Ethics Protection because they are producers. LRH ED 63 INT 16 DEC '69 This reassures people they can become Ethics Upstats and not to be upset if not selected at once. ED 52 INT 10 DEC, '69 An effort to get an LRH Comm on post in orgs, an Ethics Officer and a Staff Training Officer. The Assistant Guardian is exempted from the Tech Admin ratio. See HCO PL 27 Jan 70 which shows how many should be in an org before appointing an LRH Comm. Even if an org only has 3 people it still has all these posts, the HCOES being the LRH Comm and Ethics Officer in addition to other duties and the OES holding the Staff Training Officer function. LRH ED 73 INT 9 JAN '70 The steps to take on those who didn't make Ethics Upstat, to give them a chance to become Ethics Upstats. The full intentions are to get Ethics in in Orgs, protect Upstats and bring others up to Upstat by auditing and training. ORGANIZATION PROGRAM NO. 1 LRH ED 49 INT 9 DEC '69 This is an effort to make it easy to reform an org whether the org is large or small. This gives how to attain your 2 Admin to 1 Tech ratio which must not be exceeded. If an org of any size is having any trouble operating, it should carefully follow this ED. If an org's Tech-Admin ratio is greater than 2 Admin to 1 Tech it will only be able to pay poorly and function badly. This is all in policy. Here in Org Prog. No. 1 it is condensed as a guide. This ED is to be used to stabilise and establish a workable org form which will produce with good GIs and pay. Orgs which have more than 2 Admin to 1 Tech should take from their excess Admin their best potential students and full time train them to swell Tech ranks and increase student-pc production. Org duties and actions are clearly outlined in this Program. SUPERIOR SERVICE IMAGE PROGRAM NO. 1 LRH ED 54 INT 10 DEC '69 Official orgs are really there to service groups, franchises and the public. They are supposed to be sources of superior service. The service must be superior to that available from groups, franchises and field auditors and should help them, handle their rough pcs and students and assist them to function. An org isn't a competitor to groups, franchises and field auditors. It is the unit to which these feed people and to which those in the field look for help, data and training. An org isn't just another Franchise. It must be a snap and pop senior that knows its business and does it. LRH ED 66 INT 16 DEC '69 Instant Service Project is part of the Superior Org Image. An org NEVER backlogs pcs or students. Never makes them wait. They sign up, they get service, no matter how that makes the OES sweat and figure and juggle auditors and space. An org can kill itself dead making anyone wait. LRH ED 75 INT 17 JAN '70 Auditing isn't being used broadly enough to do enough for people in orgs. Three HCO Bs were written to put this across. Signing up a pc for "Dn Triples" and "Scn Triples" and calling it handling cases is nonsense. There is enough to audit on one. All Class VI processes can now be used (a) if they read and (b) if they are run only to F/N. This gives orgs thousands of processes to run in addition to grades to handle specific complaints. We can keep a pc going for 100 hours just using Dianetics and Class VIII Scn actions. Class VI is in addition to this. Recent findings are that the small number of hours being delivered by orgs (despite huge backlogs) shows orgs deficient in scheduling pcs and deficient in rendering service. This must be handled fast as a gross outness. An org is a pc-student factory. FINANCIAL PLANNING PROGRAM NO. 1 LRH ED 55 INT 10 DEC '69 Survival of an org depends on solvency. Solvency depends on making more than it spends. This ED is a clever one actually written by MSH. She said, "IF they will just do this ED they will become solvent." It's true. It is very important to staffs that Financial Planning be done well as if it isn't, it threatens their pay as well as the org's survival. LRH ED 74 INT 14 JAN '70 This reinforces the data of solvency and Financial Planning. The above are the key programs being pushed by me and have already accounted for general world stat increases. If we keep working on these things all will be well. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jz:gal =========================== 371 ED 79 INT 30 Jan 70 FINANCIAL PLANNING PROGRAMME NO. 1 ADDITION [p. 499] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 79 INT 30 January 1970 Reissued To: All Exec Sees 12 April 1982 Deputy Guardians for Finance Treasury Secs FINANCIAL PLANNING PROGRAMME NO. 1 ADDITION (Adds to LRH ED 55 INT of Dec 10, 1969) As a result of the one compliance report received with regard to Financial Planning Programme No. 1, it is absolutely necessary that this ED be issued to amplify the previous ED 55 INT. The one organization reporting compliance has an average income of f3,500 per week, yet in doing FP Programme No. 1, found that its operating costs, promotional costs, and monies needed to pay sums due on writs against the organization amounted to E5,800 per week, whereupon it was gleefully decided that the organization would have to make more income. Now this was not the whole intention of Financial Planning Programme In presenting Financial Planning Programme No. 1, it was considered that the basic costs oi the organization would be LESS than its income, but that such basic costs would give the Executive Council an idea of how much they would have to make to barely survive and every once in a great while it would I require added effort by the organization to pull Its income up to its bare existence level. Therefore, the following is added to this programme: 1. After completing the actions listed in LRH ED 55 INT, the average weekly income for the past four months is to be calculated. 2. If the basic expenses of the organization are greater than the average weekly income, the operational costs must be reduced and the organizational expenses CUT BACK to a figure below that of the average weekly income. 3. If the organization also has past bills owing, then the organizational expenses must be CUT BACK even further to permit past bills to be paid. At least 10% to 15% of the average weekly income must be set aside to pay past due bills and so the cut back in expenses must take this figure into account. If you have completed Financial Planning Programme No. 1, immediately take the actions required in this ED and resubmit your compliance report to LRH Comm WW with a copy to the D/Guardian for Finance WW. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jz:ei:kJm Copyright c 1970, 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED =========================== 372 ED 79 INT 4 Feb 70 MAJOR AUDITING ACTIONS [p. 498] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 79 INT 4 February 1970 To: EC Subject: MAJOR AUDITING ACTIONS Reference: SUPERIOR SERVICE IMAGE PROG #1 LRH ED 54 INT AUDITING LRH ED 67 INT USES OF AUDITING LRH ED 75 INT I have just written HCO Pol Ltr 4 Feb 70 and HCO B 4 Feb 70. Both concern "PC APPLICATION FOR MAJOR AUDITING ACTIONS" The PL is a form to be filled out by a pc and the HCO B is how to use it. I have found in some orgs that pcs are not being prepared for Major Auditing Actions. The major action is simply given. The result is bad results. You need Dianetic Auditors, Class IVs and Class VIs on your staff and a Class VIII Case Supervisor, no matter what org you are. Don't use HCO PL 4 Feb 70 as a broad field mailing piece until you have such auditors on your Tech staff as you may get swamped. Get the auditors auditing. Then you can use HCO PL 4 Feb 70 as a broad mailing. IT WOULD BE A TERRIFIC IDEA TO GET ALL STAFF CASES UP AND SAILING. Then you'd have a broad org agreement on how much auditing can be done on a case and how much auditing can do. An excellent prelude to your broad mailing of HCO PL 4 Feb 70 would be (1) Tech Div manned and operating (2) Staff cases sailing. And your staff members all through the OEC at least once wouldn't hurt the action a bit. The Superior Org Image means a lot of high quality tech delivery. A lot of experience on preparing cases to fly. Love RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jz:sk =========================== 373 ED 80 INT 5 Feb 70 ORGANIZATION AND INCOME [p. 496-7] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 80 INT 5 February 1970 To: ECs All Staff Subject: ORGANIZATION AND INCOME Reference: LRH ED 49 INT 9 Dec 69 ORG PROG. NO. 1 LRH ED 27 INT 20 Sep 69 LRH COMM STAFF PROG. NO. 1 Data is coming in which points to the urgent necessity of training up executives and staff on the Org Exec Course. A survey showed only 63 of 805 Scn org staff members had done the OEC. With this few people in orgs having the know-how to run orgs, of course stats are down. At least get your Execs and staff through the OEC one time through. The outnesses reported in orgs are very big. All this is covered in the OEC. Org Prog. No. 1 LRH ED 49 INT will get an org running and keep it there long enough to get it really trained up and truly formed. There is a definite and positive relationship between an org being organized and its income. There is a definite relationship between a staff that knows its OEC and the income. Without organization, an org can't expand and is very liable to go broke. The No. 1 Programs should be driven in hard hard hard by the Executive Secretaries. You haven't got all that time. Get organized, get busy auditing and training with both Dianetics and Scientology and get all staff members really up on their OEC and get the show on the road. Sea Org Missions and Guardian actions are moving out over the world to get these No. 1 Programs known and in action in even the smallest orgs. Your Gross Divisional Statistics are being watched at WW, at the Sea Org and in every Guardian Office. The name of every Exec Sec and Secretary is appended to these stats at WW, in Guardian Offices and in every ship and base of the Sea Org. I see these stats and these names regularly. All these command points run by stats observed. Every person in them expects these GDS stats to go UP. It is important, it is urgent. It is watched. Where GDS stats remain low, there is a conviction that the Exec Sec or Secretary isn't driving, that the org is not well organized, and direct observation bears this out. Get organized, get busy. Don't let the side down. And don't let others let it down. We have a planet to win. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jz:bk =========================== 374 ED 84 INT 8 Feb 70 1969 LRH EDs [p. 485] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 84 INT 8 February 1970 1969 LRH EDs LRH EDs issued in 1969 remain in force throughout 1970. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jz:gal =========================== 375 ED 85 INT 12 Feb 70 CURRENT ACTIONS [p. 483-4] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 85 INT 12 February 1970 To: All Staff Subject: CURRENT ACTIONS Reference: LRH EDs 69/70 I thought you would like to know what is being pushed hard at the top. What we are trying to do just at this time can be summarized rather briefly: 1. We are pushing to get EDs, PLs and HCO Bs rapidly released and into the hands of every staff member in every org. 2. A mimeo or photo-lithe machine in every org is a target. 3. We are completing the master books of policy letters as rapidly as possible and they are being issued one book at a time. 4. Auditor training is being shoved on hard. 5. Basic org form and function is being stressed, getting a 2 to 1 or better Admin Tech ratio. 6. We are trying to get the volume of auditing of the public greatly increased in every org and pushing up student training. 7. There is heavy emphasis on getting all staffs audited. 8. The expense-income ratio of every org is being pushed into line. 9. We are trying to get every Staff Member up to Ethics Upstat. 10. Public Divisions are being guided into standard promotion to pull in lots and lots of new names for CF. 11. Tech, Qual backlogs are being cleaned up fast and further backlogs of pcs forbidden. 12. We are trying to improve the appearance and service image of orgs. No. 1 Programs All these and other points are covered in the No. 1 Programs appearing in LRH EDs. New EC WW There is a new EC WW and it is doing well and it and Continental ECs are being backed up hard by the SO. We are refining the command and comm lines. The next actions after the above will be getting good HCOs in in every org, which is already taking place in some orgs. With the points above stressed, there is the continual action along all divisional lines to get the stats up. The efforts put in so far have already raised the stats in most places. We are building very strongly now and what goes in will stay in. It is our full intention to strengthen and expand every org over the world and take over completely and utterly the entire field of mental healing. Step by step, point by point we will strengthen our orgs, smooth out the comm and command lines, exert total PRO Area Control around each org and, working thoroughly and carefully, win the future for this planet. We have a long way to go. Step by step, we will make it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jz:gal =========================== 376 ED 22 WW 12 Feb 70 ETHICS IN ORGS WW ACTIONS [p. 631-2] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 22 WW 12 February 1970 To: EC WW All Staff WW Subject: ETHICS IN ORGS WW ACTIONS Reference: HCO PL 12 Feb 70 What I want you to get solidly in is that the cycle of attention in management is ETHICS TECH ADMIN We have found the whole mimeo - ED - PL - HCO B network was out. I have written HCO PL 12 Feb 70 to assist getting it in. I have your report on London. You did well. But you omitted one thing - Ethics. Therefore, I can predict that all your actions there will "mysteriously" fade in a few weeks. WHO in London was obstructing this line by negligence or outright willfulness. For whoever obstructs the ED PL HCO B line will also fail to make materials available and will obstruct all dissemination. It is an important indicator of the suppression of materials. I have been saying to various people for about 5 months YOU HAVE BEEN INFILTRATED. This means people have been put in on your lines. A whole network of orgs cannot by itself disintegrate in only a year and a half. It needs a lot of help. Foolishness and mistakes account for some of it. But OUT ETHICS is present as the big factor. On EC UK or EC LND it required active resistance to prevent the distribution. You will find this to be the case in each point of breakdown. By locating this, you also locate why stats are down in those areas. The DC situation just handled by OTL NY is interesting. A whole chain of SP Execs came out of Eleanor Turner (HCO ES 1960 on). They blew the engram and started to live. Turner actually turned the DC mail list over to Amprinistics! And that bunch mailed to it and ARC broke the field. When you put Wolhuter or Wolf hunter on as PES AF he at once changed several orgs to Pub Div Orgs and crashed their stats. You see it in the graph. I knew he did something! Then I found what he did. I wondered if EC WW would catch it - new appointee, weeks of crashed stats. This was accidentally cancelled by the Dec Class of Orgs FL. You are chiefly and mainly in the business at WW of EC personnel. Are your Ethics files adequate? Do you watch all GDS graphs? Your first job now is to get EDs and PLs and HCO Bs into the hands of every staff member in the world. In doing that FIND WHO DIDN'T and get him off your lines as such will not disseminate Dn or Scn either. We are building orgs. If we leave dead heads, SPs or infiltrators in these orgs unmolested, they won't rebuild. And they must be rebuilt. Ethics comes before Tech. Tech comes before Admin. Get in Ethics at the top and get Tech being done in volume. Then Admin will go in, we can put in HCOs and get sailing. You should have a program cycle for each org like this for WW action: 1) Ethics in at the top. 2) Tech in volume. 3) Build an HCO. 4) Build Public Divs. When you accomplish (1) for that org, push (2) for that org, etc. Then, providing you are very alert on your EC appointees, the orgs will stay there with high stats. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jz:gal =========================== 377 ED 83 INT 17 Feb 70 STAT RECOVERY, AN ANALYSIS OF BROAD OUTNESSES [p. 486-8] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 83 INT 17 February 1970 To: ECs All Staff All Orgs Subject: STAT RECOVERY AN ANALYSIS OF BROAD OUTNESSES As further observation is available it becomes very apparent why International Stats declined and how they are being made to recover rapidly. Inter Org Comm The comm lines amongst orgs were permitted to become nonfunctional. Orgs went out of comm with Continental and WW. This became very apparent recently when it was found that LRH EDs could not be distributed to every staff member in the world. Thus no real data, vital to management, was available and unreal orders could result from Continental and WW. The remedies under way for this are: A. Conversion of the LRH Comm line network into the network of comm between orgs, Continental ECs and WW and so observation and compliance can occur. B. Permitting orgs to re-mimeo materials received such as LRH EDs, HCO Bs and PLs. Curing any backlog of mimeo. C. Speeding up all comm lines. Auditing Delivery Scn Orgs have had the advantage over other Earth activities of having brighter staffs. People who are audited have higher IQs and are more effective and have better judgment. Somehow, auditing volume delivered was permitted to drop. Public pc backlogs piled up. Auditors were on Admin posts. A scarcity of auditors developed. And contracted staff members were not even audited when charged for it. It actually is possible now to audit a pc hundreds of hours. It is also the amount of auditing received rather than just grades which pushes IQ and ability out the top. If orgs had ceased to audit their staff members, they were losing a definite advantage, as orgs, of having brighter, better people. This is being remedied by: (a) Crash programming auditor training to get lots and lots and lots of auditors in orgs. (b) Pushing Admin-Tech ratio to 2 to 1 or better and training any admin excess personnel up as auditors fast fast fast. (c) Recruiting for staff members from Academies and courses and for staff and pushing their auditor training, if not full time at least part time. (d) Pushing in hard the HDG data on training in every org so tight scheduling and good 8C results in fast training. (e) Developing and giving Student Rescue Intensives to speed learning rate. Org Know How Our Orgs long had an advantage of being better organized and faster moving than other Earth Organizations. They had very advanced organizational technology in which the natural laws of organization had been isolated. But with only 8% of staff members over the world who had been once through the Org Exec Course, with policy and divisional policy packs unavailable, this organizational advantage was thrown away. I have always worked on the basis that every staff member, no matter how minor a post, must know all there is to know about the organization and its policies. I frown on having an expert or two at the top who are the only ones who know. You can't have a team where 7/8ths of those on it are in ignorance of what the team is trying to do. That's more like the army than an org! Such a condition, all by itself, will slow an org down to a crawl because it piles up tons of misunderstoods daily. It causes excessive blows and crashes stats. This is being remedied by: 1. Getting current EDs, HCO Bs and Pol Ltrs into the hands of every staff member. 2. Turning out full, printed HCO Pol Ltr packs for individual purchase. 3. Turning out divisional summaries so even a new division staff member can be briefed quickly on his division. 4. Making the Org Exec Course a requirement for full pay on the post. 5. Smoothing out any conflicts that have grown up in policy matters. 6. Getting all orgs onto standard org form and actions being done by an informed and knowledgeable staff. Stats went down because our advantages of good between org lines, well-audited staffs and well informed staff members somehow became neglected in Scientology orgs. In the same year and a half period, the SO orgs, where these three things get heavy attention, continued to prosper. These three things went out because of losses of trained staff to Franchise etc. but mainly because WE FAILED TO RECRUIT AND TRAIN AS RAPIDLY AS WE EXPANDED. Wherever we get these things in in an Scn Org, it immediately starts to raise its stats. The LRH ED No. 1 Programs contain these elements, amongst others. A staff member really has 3 hats - and used to each keep up 3 folders. (1) Post Hat, in which the person's hat write-up by outgoing persons, PLs of the post and the data about the post were kept. (2) Staff hat, in which material concerning one's duties as a staff member were kept, plus new EDs and PLs. (3) Tech hat, in which the HCO Bs relating to the post or newly issued were kept. These three hats should be in the possession of every staff member and are inspected for by the HCO Area Sec. We are working hard to remedy these matters. There is exactly no reason why a staff member in an Scn Org cannot do better than he ever would in Franchise. I estimate that the GI stats of any Scn org are about 1/250th currently of what they will be if the No. 1 Programs are gotten in, if the above three situations are fully corrected and if staffs produce. And the 1/250th is a conservative estimate. You cannot have a total monopoly in the effective mental tech of a planet, rivals or no rivals, without eventually clearing the planet. But you have to communicate, use it and apply it! I hope this analysis of the situation is of help. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jz:gal =========================== 378 ED 82 INT 18 Feb 70 ORG EXEC COURSE PASS [p. 489] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 82 INT 18 February 1970 To: All Staff STO Hat LRH Comm Hat C & A Hat From: Ron Subject: ORG EXEC COURSE PASS Reference: LRH ED 27 INT 1969 LRH COMM STAFF PROGRAM NO. 1 Modifying earlier requirements for a completion on the ORG EXEC COURSE: If a staff member after one time through the materials (including all PLs up to 31 Dec 69) can pass an examination 84% he can be given a completion on the Org Exec Course. The Examination given must be composed by the Qual Sec who must attest the questions were unknown to the student. The exam must consist of 50 questions of a non-controversial nature, each one counting 2 points. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jz:gal =========================== 379 ED 87 INT 21 Feb 70 CHECKOUT ON F/N AND END PHENOMENA [p. 482] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 87 INT 21 February 1970 To: LRH Comm OES Qual Sec Tech Sec All Auditors Subject: CHECKOUT ON F/N AND END PHENOMENA Reference: LRH ED 54 INT "SUPERIOR SERVICE IMAGE PROGRAM NO. 1" HCO B 20 FEBRUARY 70 "FLOATING NEEDLES AND END PHENOMENA" Your attention is called to new data on how to handle F/Ns. The LRH Comm is to be sure the HCO B "Floating Needles and End Phenomena" is (a) rapidly available to all auditors and is (b) placed in all Dn and Scn study packs and (c) checked out on all HGC and Qual Auditors. The OES is to make certain this HCO B is known and taught and used. This HCO B, if studied and used by org auditors, will greatly improve auditing results. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jz:gal =========================== 380 ED 88 INT 26 Feb 70 STANDARD TECH AND INVALIDATION [p. 480-1] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 88 INT 26 February 1970 To: Every Class VIII Every Class VIII Course Supervisor in an AO (Hat) Every staff auditor in an org Franchise All FSMs From: Ron Subject: STANDARD TECH AND INVALIDATION Reference: HCO B 26 FEB 70 "STANDARD TECH AND INVALIDATION" LRH ED 54 INT "SUPERIOR SERVICE IMAGE PROG. NO. 1" It has come to my attention that some auditors in orgs and the field have felt or been invalidated by Class VIIIs and Standard Tech. This is very far from the intention. Standard Tech is a way of auditing and C/Sing as covered in the above HCO B and in VIII materials. You audit by the rules, by the Auditor's Code, with TRs in, etc. Standard Tech isn't a process or a series of processes. It's how to make auditing work. Any auditor now can audit any processes or level for which he has been trained. There are no texts or books banned by Standard Tech. It outlawed no processes. Any process ever published is valid if (a) It reads on asking its question and (b) Is run to F/N and End Phenomena. If you felt invalidated by Standard Tech or if you were invalidated for auditing materials for which you were trained, please advise me and say WHO. Take the lid off. VIII is a way to get results. An VIII can help you do that without making you an VIII. VIII is the top class of auditor. But being an auditor at all makes you among the top class of beings. By all means eventually become an VIII. But meanwhile use what you know and audit up to the level for which you have been trained, even on HGC pcs. The VIIIs are there to help you get results. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jz:gal =========================== 381 ED 89 INT 1 Mar 70 RECRUIT! [p. 477-9] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 89 INT 1 March 1970 To: HCO ES (Hat) HCO Area Sec (Hat) Director of RAP Dept 1 (Hat) Info all staff From: Ron Subject: RECRUIT! Reference: HCO Pol Ltr 1 March 1970 "STAFF APPLICATION FORM" LRH ORG PROG. NO. 1 LRH ED 49 INT 9 DEC 69 Two and a half years before the 1968 slump we had a very heavy recruitment program and 2 1/2 year contracts. People on staff got Power if contracted. Your income is directly proportional to the number of trained auditors and sharp Course Supervisors you have on staff. These determine the number of admin staff you have. You must go all out to train auditors and supervisors while maintaining income enough to make you solvent. It simply doesn't matter how many auditors you train for staff. The economics of it will work out. So long as they are contracted you will be all right. You will find that you lose them to admin and Exec posts. The normal route to Execs is via the HGC and Academy. In the past, people usually paid for their courses and then decided to come on staff. However, so long as you can keep your income up, this is not important. Lots of auditors and auditing is real wealth in an org. Income will follow as it's quite a stunt keeping a lot of HGC auditors busy. (It is not done by auditing less than 30 hours a week per auditor as some Tech Services try to do.) Finding pcs for a crowd of HGC auditors auditing 30 hours a week each keeps the Pub Divs and Dissem on its toes. Fast, sharp Course Supervisors who don't take 4 months to make an HDC or six months for an HPA are jewels and greatly help this program. You need staff. You need trained staff. You need auditors. You need them in the org. You need them out in the field. So now a lot of ex staff is in the field and in many areas Franchise is booming. Orgs that are good get fat on their rough cases and the new auditors they want trained in Scn as well as people from the public. So the thing to do is recruit staff and make auditors and supervisors. (1) In your public course area you should have a sign inviting org staff member applications, contracted or not. (2) In your Academy or training area, you should have a recruitment sign. (3) Staff Application forms should also be posted (HCO PL 1 March 1970). Anyone contracting to come on staff must sign a note. If he gets his service and then blows, as some freeloaders have, you present the note to an attorney for collection. Each new service he gets requires as part of it a new note of hand. When his contract is complete, mark his notes paid and return them. If he goes to a higher org to be trained for you, it is on a new note and a new 5 year contract that begins when he resumes work in the org. The old 2 1/2 year contract is torn up as completed but the notes stand until the 5 year contract is complete. As long as you keep 2:1 Admin Tech ratio (closer to 1:1) you'll be in clover. The hottest SO Org there is is totally composed of trained auditors, Admin-Tech is 1:1 and its stats soar. It even has auditors on all its Admin posts. If you train hard and fast that's what happens. First you only have auditors in Tech and Qual with non-auditors on Admin. But as you train staff and recruit and train you get nearer to auditors on all posts. Power Any VIII or VII can run Power on a contracted staff member but not on the public in outer orgs. Most orgs have VIIs or VIIIs. (Be sure they have a new Power HCO B 21 February 70 they can get from their SH Qual Sec before they begin to do Power again.) Divisional Actions If you can get each Division humming, you will have lots to cover costs of such extensive recruitment and training. Keep It Up Don't slack off again in recruitment and training for staffs. Staff losses, even on completed contracts, are fairly high. Usually the real good ones stay on and wind up. But there is a fairly heavy turnover in the natural course of things. Expansion was a big factor in staff losses. They went to higher orgs and new orgs. We must have 150 top liner ex org staff members in the Sea Org for whom we are now recompensing at 2 courses for 1 on any incomplete contracts. But most had already completed their contracts. Franchise is full of people who completed org contracts and some who didn't and are now being billed. Ex org staff members turn up in big companies also. So our staff losses in completed contracts must be recruited for heavily. It takes a while to make a top grade staff member - lots of training and auditing. So we've got to get ahead of this and stay ahead of it for we're still expanding like mad! Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jz:gal ===========================