FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES - 12/28 ============================ This is the Second Foundation. Our purpose is to keep LRH's plan on track (ref: Asimov). CofS has gone off the rails. This is an announcement of our support of FZBA, Freezone, and The Pilot. We are posting the LRH EDs to make ammends for our long delay in taking action. ARC, PROGRAM DIRECTOR SECOND FOUNDATION ============================ LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES This is a complete copy of the "Original LRH EDs" or Blue Volumes as issued by Bridge in 1983. The full contents for all 28 parts posted is in part 1. The volumes were divided into the 3 numbering Series, and subdivided into the classes of EDs (INT = International, WW = World Wide, SH = Saint Hill, etc.) and placed in reverse order (latest first) within type. This was quite confusing because of some EDs being in multiple classes with different numbers in each class. We rearranged everything in date order (earliest first) to give a better historical perspective and make these easy to find by date. The original table of contents is included in part 2 and the original page numbers are in "[]" at the beginning of each ED. See IMB 5 in part 2 for an explanation of the 3 Series of ED numbers and a list of valid (but expired) EDs not included. See LRH ED 345 INT in part 28 for a list of cancelled LRH EDs that were not included. These are only the EDs that are in the Blue Volumes. ************************************************** FZBA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** Part 12 345 ED 53 INT 10 Dec 69 ORDERS TO ECs 346 ED 54 INT 10 Dec 69 SUPERIOR SERVICE IMAGE PROGRAM NO. 1 347 ED 15 WW 10 Dec 69 WW OBSERVATION 348 ED 16 WW 10 Dec 69 STAFF AND EC REMOVALS FORBIDDEN 349 ED 55 INT 10 Dec 69 FINANCIAL PLANNING PROGRAMME NO. 1 350 ED 56 INT 12 Dec 69 INTENTIONS 351 ED 17 WW 12 Dec 69 MUSICAL CHAIRS 352 ED 57 INT 14 Dec 69 WHAT TO SELL 353 ED 58 INT 14 Dec 69 Organization Program No 1 CORRECTION 354 ED 59 INT 14 Dec 69 MAGAZINES 355 ED 63 INT 16 Dec 69 ETHICS UPSTATS 356 ED 66 INT 16 Dec 69 INSTANT SERVICE PROJECT 357 ED 66 INT 16 Dec 69 ORG IMAGE PROGRAM NO. 1 US 358 ED 18 WW 16 Dec 69 EC WW ACTIONS 359 ED 67 INT 20 Dec 69 HOW TO RAISE STATS =========================== 345 ED 53 INT 10 Dec 69 ORDERS TO ECs [p. 535-6] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 53 INT 10 December 1969 ORDERS TO ECs TO ALL ECs: Executive Councils at WW and Continental Level should forward and work to get in recent LRH EDs giving various Programs of a basic nature. Income must be brought higher over the world. Tech-Admin ratio must not exceed 2 Admin to 1 Tech which means using auditors on tech not admin and training excess admin to be auditors. Any and all backlogs of pcs in Tech and Qual should be cleaned up. FSM programs must be gotten in in each org. The principal job that has to be done is to bridge the Dianetic boom in the field and Franchise into Scn orgs. I have removed earlier any arbitraries I could find that required Dianetic auditing before Scn and such like. A wide ARC type of program to get all these Dianetic auditors into Academies and Dianetic pcs into Grades is badly needed and you should work on it and get it done. Our main job is to preserve orgs and their staffs until the Dianetic field activity begins to feed back. It will do so if coaxed. I have set up, with EDs, key actions which need to be pushed and implemented. As soon as Ethics No. 1 is done and Organization No. 1 is done with Tech Admin adjusted, we can begin to use the Confusion and Stable Terminal data combined with Chinese School to teach all staffs by repetition and demonstration the form of the org and Dev T will fall off. But until the org board posting is settled down in orgs it would be wasted. All the programming I have done is very fundamental. It should only improve things providing staffs are very busy producing. We lack Admin trained staff, Tech trained staff. Programs I've given should remedy this. We are over the hump, it seems, on enemy attacks as he is now losing and we are fighting on his ground not ours. The Guardian's Office has the situation in hand admirably. Franchise WW has the Franchise sector in good control. The orgs can be built back with excellent financial planning if the ED MSH wrote on that is very exactly followed. We have built orgs back up before and can do it again if care is used on FP. The watchword is rebuild the orgs and bridge in the Dianetic interest now booming in the field. If Org staffs will just get busy doing the usual and ECs push my recent EDs, we'll have it made. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ldm:gal =========================== 346 ED 54 INT 10 Dec 69 SUPERIOR SERVICE IMAGE PROGRAM NO. 1 [p. 532-4] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 54 INT 10 December 1969 SUPERIOR SERVICE IMAGE PROGRAM NO. 1 TO ALL PESes: Dianetic Courses being taught and Dianetic auditing being used in Franchises shows that Dianetics is popular. By having Dianetic Auditing going in the field you have the makings of an org boom if it is handled right. It is an old maxim IF AUDITING IS OCCURRING IN THE FIELD ORGS WILL BOOM. It is no real concern of ours to try to hold the field versions Standard. They mess up pcs and students. They always will. A militant org attitude to keep the field straight is silly. Let them flub as you are trying to control something you cannot. You can only do the best you can by teaching the best you can in the orff. The real org action is to put it out that IN AN ORG WE USE AND TEACH HIGH GRADE STANDARD TECH IN DN and SCN. The whole org message is, If anyone gets roughed up in field training or processing THE OFFICIAL ORGS EXIST TO STRAIGHTEN OUT THE STUDENT OR PC. ALL HE NEEDS TO DO IS COME IN TO AN OFFICIAL ORG. If the org is trying to guarantee their training and processing in some group or franchise (and it can't) then it gets a black eye. If an org exists to handle the rough cases, then it is the place to go. A line to Franchises to the effect that the org will be happy to handle their rough cases or pcs if they send them in to the org (at the student or pc's own expense) will be received as very welcome news. An org is not just another Franchise and competitor and MUST NOT GIVE THAT IMAGE. The org is the benign source of the groups and Franchises and helps them out. THIS IMAGE MUST BE REBUILT FAST BY EVERY PES WITH FRANCHISES AND PUBLIC. It's all Standard in the org. If the field auditor needs help the org gives it by straightening up his individual students and pcs if they'll just come in. The image is that org service is superior because it is. The Official Org must be more standard than anything happening in the field or in Franchise. MAJOR TARGET: To establish and publicize the official org as the source of helpful standard actions. PRIMARY TARGETS: 1. The PES to see that all Franchises and potential FSMs in the zone of his org are known to him and in his address plates. 2. The PES to organize his lines of comm to FSMs and Franchise so that mailings to them are easily run off on address and so that he can duplicate messages easily. 3. To get PES's staff organized so this is a smooth action. VITAL TARGETS: To establish the org as the actual source of data and standard actions in his area. OPERATING TARGETS: 1. Develop mailing pieces for FSMs and Franchises concerning the willingness of the org to handle their rougher pcs and more difficult students. 2. Send letters of advice to Franchise reception on how to direct persons the Franchise has not helped to your org. 3. Warn Franchises and FSMs about the dangers of putting unhelped cases back into their area and give them programs to prevent it including sending them to the org. 4. Originate further programs such as "Be sure that you have your case folder sent to the official org when coming for upper training and processing." 5. Explain the role of an org in your magazine. 6. Build ARC with Franchises. 7. Send nice leaflets for handouts by Franchises to leave around and FSMs to hand out concerning Scn services and Academy Training at orgs, the leaflets not to chop their own service lines. 8. Prevent Qual in your org from chopping at field and Franchise out-tech, have them explain instead that anyone with out tech should be sent to the org. 9. Alert the OES and HCO ES on "Rights of the Field Auditor" so as to reduce the warfare with Field and Franchise. 10. Advise the Letter Reg via the HCO ES of these points and keep a watching brief on the letter reg lines and on phone procurement. Don't let them chop the field, yet get the benign attitude across. 11. Alert the OES and keep a watching brief that your org is delivering very exact high level standard tech to students and pcs. 12. Periodically alert the E/O to watch out for any squirrelling in your own org. 13. Build the helpful standard attitude wherever possible. 14. Obtain staff cooperation on this image and its sales points. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ldm:gal =========================== 347 ED 15 WW 10 Dec 69 WW OBSERVATION [p. 645-6] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 15 WW 6 UK 10 December 1969 WW OBSERVATION The SO Observation Mission recently at WW and UK orgs gave Flag a very good view of WW and the UK activities and state of affairs. I was very glad to see how well basic staff was working at it. The Franchise Officer WW and his personnel are doing a highly commendable job. The Guardian WW and her staff are of course doing splendidly and winning all the way. These two stellar points and the AO and Station Ship are the bright areas of UK. I have written an LRH ED on Organization Program No. 1. This is intended for UK orgs primarily and they need it and fast fast fast. In fact I want all pc backlogs handled well and completely and done with within a fortnight and I don't ever want them to occur again ever. They have brought London into dangerous waters. Promote for students heavily when you have too many pcs. If all org staffs and execs will study up the ED on Org Program No. 1 and apply its very fundamental approach quickly they will be all right. SH should get and start working its ANZO CF. Publicizing the win in WA after the older one in NZ and the wins should liven up the area. London and other orgs should get their FSMs organized and in fast action for students and should press to get any Dn students now into Academies. The ECUK ARC Break should be patched up. There are lots of little details that could get attention. However if you ride with the recent EDs, Ethics Prog No. 1, Staff Training Prog No. 1 and Org Program No. 1 you will be out of the woods fast. When an org ceases to give total good service quickly it usually gets into the soup financially, staff pay drops and bills mount. Combine good service with high ARC in the world around you and troubles are soon over. In the last two years you've been given the finest tech in the world. You can even still use old tech. You have a total monopoly on the only mental tech on the planet, the enemy has barked for 19 years without hurting the field and is now in retreat. There are no excuses for anything but high pay. I was glad to hear from all my friends on tape as well as in the Thursday reports. I've worked hard understanding what's going on and turning out what will help so here's good luck to you now. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ldm:gal =========================== 348 ED 16 WW 10 Dec 69 STAFF AND EC REMOVALS FORBIDDEN [p. 643-4] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 16 WW 10 December 1969 STAFF AND EC REMOVALS FORBIDDEN MY ORDERS TO EC WW: Recently, I heard, ECWW removed 19 Execs from ECs over the world. Wholesale staff removals by ECUS caused the 1969 US stat decline I now find. DO NOT DESTROY ORGS. Staff removals except by full Ethics action or org closures by executive order are High Crimes. Only we can destroy staffs and orgs. The enemy has never succeeded. Even Melbourne needn't have closed. HELP ORGS SURVIVE. ECWW knows who they have removed. You better quick restore them to post. The DC-Seattle and other US staff removal actions upset US stats so they did not recover. These removals and the assignment of Treason to ASHO and Austin by J. Salmen when they were booming almost destroyed them. We are getting internal destructiveness. THIS TENDENCY MUST STOP. WW had better build up ARC with orgs so they'll comply and answer up. YOUR ORDERS ARE A. TO CANCEL ON YOUR OWN LINES ANY AND ALL SALVAGE PERSONNEL ACTIONS, B. BUILD UP ARC WITH ORGS AND RE-ESTABLISH THE FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE NATIVE TO SCN, C, BACK UP MY RECENT EDS PROGRAMMING ORGANIZATION NO. 1, TRAINING NO. 1, ETHICS NO. 1 AND D. HELP THE GUYS OUT THERE GET THINGS GOING. Our orgs are under obvious internal attack. Ethics No. 1 is the start of ferreting that out. We must not hurt these orgs or get savage with them or shoot them over long distance lines. You are operating on very poor data, mostly rumour. In the last few weeks I have gotten together a huge amount of observation of the US, UK, DK, EU areas. It shows small staffs trying but barely able to cope, nobody with time enough to answer your reports, in trouble with cash-bills ratio. It shows a Franchise area booming with Dianetics. It shows our orgs actively being prevented by wrong stresses on orders from sharing in this boom. ASHO took it it was not to teach a Dn Course and shipped thousands of advance payments to other courses. It was made a high crime in the US to audit Scn. Somebody is taking any hole in policy and using it to hurt us. That's internal kookiness. I'm cancelling anything that can be misinterpreted. You do the same. The SO has never been in your road. When it sees something going down for the 3rd time, it tries to help. That's no reason for WW to haul off from an org just because the SO put a CO on it before it vanished as in the case of Pubs and Central Org Europe. WW's challenge is Can it make SH boom right next door to it? Can it make the SH WW area a friendly safe place to come to? There's your challenge. Handle ABCD above and then make Saint Hill boom. The Dianetics popularity is putting auditing all over the field. Great. When they rough up cases we should get them. When those auditors are ready for Scn training we'll train them. But we won't if we have no orgs left. Get other Continental and org ECs up in morale and friendly and functioning to get ABCD done. It's awful close to the edge. You better work like blazes and knock off the relaxed life. Push these No. 1 programs. Get SH going. Reestablish ARC. Those are your orders. Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:fw =========================== 349 ED 55 INT 10 Dec 69 FINANCIAL PLANNING PROGRAMME NO. 1 [p. 530-1] [original actually written by MSH per LRH ED 78 INT of 28 Jan 70] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 55 INT 10 December 1969 Reissued To: All Exec Sees 12 April 1982 Deputy Guardians for Finance Treasury Sees FINANCIAL PLANNING PROGRAMME NO. 1 Carefully planned financial handling will result in an organization which is not only solvent, but expanding on a sound gradient scale. To do this an organization has to first of all assess the following: 1. How many basic staff members are required to run and handle the organization? 2. How much is required for the basic organizational needs to merely KEEP the organization there: (a) How much is the rent weekly? (b) How much is the telephone weekly? (c) How much is the electricity weekly? (d) How much is the water weekly? (e) How much are rates weekly? (f) How much are basic admin supplies like pens, paper, file folders, carbon paper, staples, paper clips, etc, weekly? 3. How much is required for basic promotional actions: (a) How much are envelopes, stationery and stamps for so many letter registrar letters out weekly? (b) How much is needed to keep up book stocks weekly? (c) How much is required to keep up and mail out advance registration packets weekly? (d) How much does it cost on a weekly basis to mail a magazine or broad mailing to your full address list once a month? (e) How much does it cost on a weekly basis to mail out statements to people who owe the organization money? (f) How much does it cost to mail out information packs to your new names weekly? (g) How much does it cost to advertise your basic PE courses weekly? 4. How much does it cost weekly to keep in your basic communication lines: (a) How much is your weekly 10% to WW? (b) How much does it cost weekly to pay your 1070 (c) How much is your weekly 5X to your general liability fund so as to build up a reserve in case of necessary legal expenses? After carefully figuring out your weekly costs as per above, you now know exactly how much income you will require weekly in order to exist and to promote. If you do not make this amount of income weekly, you will know at once that you are spending more than you are making, at which point everything must be done to sell more services to your public. An organization could be in the situation where it has spent more than it has made, in other words it has greater bills than it has money with which to pay them. Now this places an organization into a danger condition as regards the society which runs on the basis generally of "pay within 30 days or else." An organization in this situation, therefore, has got to make more money than simply its basic weekly costs. Therefore, all excess monies over its basic weekly costs must be used to pay off its bills, carefully paying such on a date line payment basis and as per policy with regard to threatening creditors. When an organization is no longer in a danger condition as regards society and now has more income than it has in bills, it can gradually use its excess income to do more promotion, to expand its staff to make more income to do more promotion and to buy more facilities to increase promotion and so on. There are many ways an organization can obtain service facilities like chairs, desks, typewriters, address machine, and mimeo or off-set machines without driving the organization into debt and causing it to have vast monthly payments which exceed its ability to pay. Inexpensive second hand equipment can be obtained while the org sets aside so much money until outright purchase can be made or it can lease equipment with an option to buy. There is definitely a maxim with regard to money and it is: THE LESS AMOUNT OF INCOME AN ORGANIZATION OR AN INDIVIDUAL HAS, THE MORE CAREFULLY AND WISELY FINANCIAL PLANNING MUST BE DONE. Even if an organization is in the position of having more income than bills such basic data as this will help in planning for better expansion. Therefore, each Executive Council of each organization should meet weekly to review its basic operational costs in order to really get in this Financial Planning Programme. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH::kjm Copyright c 1969, 1982 By L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED =========================== 350 ED 56 INT 12 Dec 69 INTENTIONS [p. 529] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 56 INT 12 December 1969 INTENTIONS The exact intentions in all programs and any orders are: 1. Well organized orgs (Org Program No. 1) 2. Stable terminals on vital posts. (No more musical chairs.) 3. High staff solvency. (2 to 1 Admin-Tech ratio to be established and kept.) 4. Superior tech service. (Standard Dn, Standard Scn. All Tech people into Tech & Qual.) 5. High ARC with the field. (ARC Brk clean ups and high ARC on all Comm Lines.) 6. A superior org image. (Clean up and polish up.) 7. No blocks on the lines to achieve these. (Arbitrary blocks on flows found and removed.) We can make a safe environment for the whole world. It begins by making a safe environment for the staff member in his org. We are making progress now against the enemy who held us back and dispersed us. The low point and turning point was months ago. We must now build back. WW has their orders and these are to back up the No. 1 programs in the LRH EDs. I wish to take this opportunity to thank all those staff members across the world who stood firm in the face of attack and turned the tide. They are the real heroes and heroines of these times. We are now forming up to take over the entire field of mental healing and get it forever out of the hands of bandits. We must begin somewhere. We are now fighting on enemy terrain for the first time. So we must begin to put our orgs there fully and stably as the first actions, work them carefully back to high service and high solvency for everyone. Whatever it takes to get this programming done, we will do. Love, RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs:bk =========================== 351 ED 17 WW 12 Dec 69 MUSICAL CHAIRS [p. 641-2] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 17 WW 12 December 1969 MUSICAL CHAIRS I have to hand a report from SO Dn Course Missionaires present in Jbg when the Inquiry there went into action. The immediate result was internal post shifts. It is absolutely dizzy how many internal transfers occurred, and how many posts were left without replacement. This is the view of front line troops hard hit and going into a dispersal under severe attack. WHEN YOU AT WW ORDER FIRINGS AND TRANSFERS YOU ASSIST THE ENEMY. You MUST breed confidence in you at WW and stability on post. Don't put out an image that you shoot troops in the back while they are under attack from in front. PUT OUT A HOLD-THE-POST IMAGE. If you do this the enemy is posed with a hard held position. In the SO a year ago we had some people who JUST HAD TO TRANSFER PEOPLE Post To Post. When you study Confusion and a Stable Terminal you will see this gives you your internal org Dev T out there and your WW received Dev T. Most of it comes from post changes inside those. The org staff members have shrunk due to VIIIs being let go off to Franchise leaving orgs without tech. This sets a great example to other staff this does! Your "non-compliance" is coming from a nobody there or a fresh on post. These jobs are worth something to these people. Remember that. You are winning against the enemy at last. Now is the time to form up and stabilize your orgs. Hence my LRH ED about it. That ED should not be the cause for more musical chairs. Tech staff however, has been spread out to Admin so they can't make It. All low pay is caused by violation of the Tech Admin ratio. The closer it gets to 1 to 1 the better paid the staff will be, allowing for them doing their jobs. 2 to 1 is the outside ratio. So in making decisions on personnel, reorganize toward 2 to 1 or better and then HOLD THE LINE ON TRANSFERS. When any reorganization is done, shift as few posts as possible. Keep as many stable as you can. Staffs aren't checker pieces. During the period where they had obsessive transfers being ordered on Flag they had 250 crew members! And nothing was being done, but nothing. There are now about 80 in the crew, holding their posts, getting the job done and things are going smoothly and very well. 250 with no production, 80 with excellent production. The primary differences were (a) Obsessive post shifts (b) An SP in the Ethics post (Baron Berez) (c) Indiscriminate personnel procurement - tons of drug cases. Flag also had port relations trouble in that period, done from outside but not handled inside. In a time of stress you want your "troops" holding firm in the face of attack. That means posts held and not vacated. At this time you are lucky to have anyone in any org. It is remarkable and a great tribute that so many held firm. A transfer or dismissal action is no light matter. I have issued several No. 1 Programs. If you back these on your lines to orgs and in answering despatches, confidence in you and compliance will build back up. At this writing you have a long and careful way to go. The orgs and field need ARC from you on your lines. The watchword is get high quality service being done with high ARC and stabilize staffs in orgs over the world. As you are making it now against the enemy so you must rebuild. We won't let up on the enemy until we have taken over all mental healing and gotten it out of the hands of bandits. We can make a safe world. It begins by making a safe org for its staff. I know you will cooperate if you know what's important to do. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs:gal =========================== 352 ED 57 INT 14 Dec 69 WHAT TO SELL [p. 524-8] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 57 INT 14 December 1969 TO OES TO LIST SERVICES POSSIBLE TO HCOES TO ADVISE REGS WHAT TO OFFER WHAT TO SELL The speed up and finality of result of modern tech has thrown smaller orgs into a poor position. They do not have enough things to offer. It used to be before F/Ns that a name in CF meant repeating service. Now it means only a couple of Intensives and a review or two, a Dianetic Course and Academy Courses. This very broadly done would seem enough. And for the moment, until everyone in CF has had these, there's plenty to do. It is better to have students anyway than pcs. But it remains that a small org really needs more things to offer as major services that bring in larger amounts at a time. Therefore I have issued HCO Pol Ltr 15 Dec 1969 "Class of Orgs" in which all small orgs become Class IV and have cancelled HCO Pol Ltr 6 Feb 66 which makes small orgs assume lower classification. This opens the gates wider. Any official org is permitted to now sell and deliver: 1. DIANETIC COURSE TO HDC. This is being taught in the field also and in Franchises. This is not bad. It means lots of auditing going on out there which is good. Providing your org gives TOP service and you make it known you are there to salvage and handle the pcs auditors have trouble with, you're in clover. So the fact that YOU teach a Dianetics Course can be not too hot in income getting as it is authorised elsewhere. You however make sure you issue an official org certificate as per the recent PL on Wildcat courses. People would always rather come to an official org if your teaching is superior and the org more professional. 2. DIANETIC HDG. This is where you can make a heavy sales action. Every HDC can be persuaded to come in and do an HDG Course. You may not get the HDC student. You should be able to get the HDG as you're the OFFICIAL org that can do it. So the trick is to be sure C & A gets the addresses of all HDC Certs applied for from outside and work this as HDG candidates as well as Academy candidates. As the HDG can teach his own Dianetics Course, you better be sure you teach an awfully smooth textbook HDG course. As these HDCs may or may not be up to the mark, as auditors, you give them a retread if they appear to need it. You also look into their cases for Review sales and even for Scn triples. This, teaching HDG, is your chance to take your place as the real official org. If you handle him very professionally with lots of paternal help he will thereafter look up to your org. Thus HDG is an excellent action and must be pushed. In this you become the benign top cats. Don't sell Standard Tech at C & A and cause upsets. Sell HDG and straighten it all out. 3. DIANETIC INTENSIVE. This is essentially the same as any other old time intensive, 25 hours. You audit it triple flow. Just standard Dianetics, triple. And be sure it sets a wonderful example of pure Standard Tech if you want to keep your org image dominant over a field educated in Dianetics. 4. SCIENTOLOGY TRIPLES. As Franchises also audit this, although required to charge as much as orgs, you do triples as you have been but you he very sure to give the case a look over first. If this is a rough case by TA position and needle behavior, you set the case up (in Review usually) by Review type actions so that you begin Scn Triples only on a loose needle and a normal TA. These actions can be done as a pre-intensive Review. Or by the auditor as part of the intensive. I wish to introduce no change on how it is being done locally - whether by the Intensive auditor or another Review auditor. But if I were C/Sing and to save Admin, I would put the whole action in The Tech Dept, build up the tech action considerably to be sure the case was well set up before I let it loose on Scn triples. Maybe 2 or 3 sessions maybe more would occur before I let it go into triples (or singles either). Pull their overts, prepchecked various things assessed, fly their life ruds, do S & Ds. All (and only) until I had a normal needle and TA. This might take a lot of hours. It might not. Thus the so-called "25 hour intensive" is a misnomer. I would just put the 25 hour price on it and leave the hours off and sell it as "Complete Preparation and Triple Scientology Grades O-IV." The sales action would stress preparation so as to get the most out of the intensive. 5. DIANETIC REPAIR INTENSIVE. With all the Dianetic Auditing done in the field the official org should feature that it repairs Dianetics. This would be by flat fee and again skip the hours mention. It should be the same as a 5 hour intensive. You complete the chains and take generally the Scn actions needful to handle the Dianetics. Then you sign up the person for a Scn Triple Grade Intensive. 6. STUDENT RESCUE INTENSIVE. This is a speed up for study. It is terribly effective providing always that the person's case is in normal condition. If not he should have other auditing first. Thus he has to be looked over firnt 7. ACADEMY TRAINING. This has no change. However you should realize that a 50% scholarship is standard procedure on students that do well and FSMs can offer the scholarship - you don't just have everyone on a scholarship! It isn't just a cut price. Somebody other than the Registrar must give the scholarship. The Registrar mustn't. The trick here is to get all the Dianetic students in the field to decide to also be Scientology auditors. Without downgrading the value of Dianetics. Scn repairs Dianetic flubs is in their course materials. A good, crisp Academy is a full Academy, a sloppy one is an empty one. Slow students and poor instruction pack students into the courses without anyone coming off. This keeps auditors out of the field, makes enrollment lessen and louses it up. So you want fast completions. The Student Rescue will do it on the student. But bad Admin, poor material availability, slow checkouts, poor supervision will backlog your graduations. So you can advertise a fast, exactly scheduled Acad and if you actually provide it you'll have students in plenty. The quality of student handling is more important than sales talks to fill your Academy. 8. GROUP AUDITING INTENSIVE. This should be reinstituted, using the old Group Auditing Handbooks. I know it disregards FNs. But also it gave major changes. My old group auditing tapes can also be used if available and when available. There was also a Tone 40 Group Intensive. This is usually sold as an occasion. It is normally Foundation or given weekends or before or after a Congress or Tape Play. It has a real price, not $1.00 or 10s. London used to give it for L5 maybe more. It lasted for several sessions of 1 hour each. 9. REVIEWS. In general selling a Review in Qual is poor practice. One sends a pc to Qual only on flubs. But if a case needs setting up, it's better to do a CASE REPAIR INTENSIVE in the Tech Division. 10. CASE REPAIR INTENSIVE. It is best to establish a reputation that an Official Org is there to handle any field flubs. This can be done as an intensive and should be advertised as such. 11. INTERNESIIIPS. The recent PL on Interneships should be well in in your org. 12. LIFE UPSET INTENSIVES. This is another 5 hour or so intensive. It is the ARC Brk routine mostly. The tech for this will be along shortly. But it exists already to some degree. The sales angle is that if you are upset with life, then you buy this Intensive. It is a flat price action. The above are some of the items an org can sell as major items. To these are added all the PES courses which are of course minor but vital actions, HAS, HQS, PE. The routine of course is from book purchase to major action or Book to minor course to major action. Or minor action to major action. Or just major action. To a small org's items for service several actions are in preparation and will be added. Marital Repair (using 3rd Party techniques), Marriage Counseling Course, (teaching how to do it), and several other courses covering a wider range of subjects. These will be issued each in its turn as prepared. Each will probably enjoy a brief flurry and then become a routine service. The thing to do right now is to work with the above 12 things as well as any other you are doing well that might have been overlooked in this ED. By examining CF folders you will find what gets bought is what people will buy and what people haven't had yet. Standard Dianetics, if the C/S can C/S it and the auditor audit it will do other things. It will let a person recuperate from illness or injury and it will handle beginnings of illness and it will end off chronic illnesses. These add up to RECUPERATION INTENSIVES and PSYCHOSOMATIC INTENSIVES and all this is HCOB 24 July 69 and a 5 hour intensive. By combining Ruds, Life Ruds, S & Ds and 24 July 69 you can handle almost anything in the way of chronic illness, colds etc. It isn't the auditing package you hope will sell or say must sell. It's the auditing package people consider they need and will buy. All this is monitored by what your auditors can audit. So you offer what you can deliver well that is popular. In the final analysis ANY auditing and training is a step toward a better community and a Cleared Planet. Your task is to offer what will be bought that you can deliver that will bring in enough to keep you easily solvent and keep tech being done. The other main point is DON'T BACKLOG. Don't backlog review or Tech ever. Get in field auditors, brief them, work them, get internes, use them. Force the OES to cope with auditor's schedules and quarters. If you sell only as much as you can lazily deliver or let backlogs occur you will go broke fast. Also, any org I ever ran personally had good testing I.Q., Personality, Aptitude. Then pcs have something to show. Also nobody makes a mistake about the case level. Further we have 20 years worth of Tech. It is far far better today BUT it has been working very very well for 20 years. There is no law against you using or selling any part of it. So get affluent. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs:gal =========================== 353 ED 58 INT 14 Dec 69 Organization Program No 1 CORRECTION [p. 523] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 58 INT 14 December 1969 Organization Program No 1 CORRECTION Correct LRH ED 49 INT on the functions of the PES Page 2, second full paragraph from the top. Cross out the PES paragraph and refer it to this ED. The reason for the change is that the PES gets out his FRANCHISE NEWSLETTER. HE DOES NOT GET out the Org Magazine. See the LRH ED 59 INT of 14 Dec for a full rundown on the magazine. The changed bit in LRH ED 49 INT is given below in Caps. PES - The Public Executive Secretary - Public Exec Sec works to get NEW people. He does not work on people who have already bought something unless they are dissatisfied or ARC Broken with service and muddying up his field at which time he severely gets the HCO ES to bring them in and smooth them out and the OES or a higher org (preferably) to handle them as a tough case. If the HCO ES fails to handle or the OES has out tech, the PES can have a very hard time of it. By low level public courses, Sunday Services, invitations, lectures and contacts and book sales, the PES gets people into the org, drives them in in a number of ways. When they are in and getting some service the HCO ES signs them up for higher level higher priced auditing and training. The PES also runs group processing sessions and co-audits and schedules such activities As soon as possible he gets in a Field Staff Member Program using persons who have had service. Getting people to give their success stories is part of it. THE PES GETS OUT A TWICE MONTHLY NEWS LETTER TO HIS FSMs TELLING THEM WHAT IS BEING SUCCESSFUL AND WHAT IS NOT. HE COAXES FRANCHISES TO SELECT TO HIS ORG AND GIVES THEM ADVICE, PARTICULARLY BASED ON WHAT OTHER FRANCHISES ARE DOING WELL. HE KEEPS HIMSELF INFORMED OF WHAT IS SUCCEEDING AND KEEPS OTHERS ADVISED OF IT AND KEEPS THE PICTURE CURRENT WITH CONTINUAL REOBSERVATION. He also sells memberships as well as books, tapes, meters, insignia. Methods of getting new names and getting people into the org vary. One follows the formula of pushing what was successful and dropping what wasn't. However, all of the above functions are accomplished by the PES. He is also the PRO and seeks to establish PRO Area Control meaning keeping the area handled so the org is well thought of no matter how hard this is to do where there is an active enemy or a muddled up field or a hostile press L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs:gal =========================== 354 ED 59 INT 14 Dec 69 MAGAZINES [p. 519-22] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 59 INT 14 December 1969 MAGAZINES To the PES I have a report here that at least one Continental Org only mails its magazine to its local state and has never heard of Major-Minor issues. I must assume then that Magazine policy has fallen out. I KNOW NO SURER WAY FOR AN ORG TO COLLAPSE THAN TO CURTAIL ITS MAGAZINE ISSUE. London once, out of "economy" years ago cut its Certainty magazine to 700 from 4,500 copies on the premise it had only 700 "hot files". London went $22,000 in the red promptly and at once. There is a long, consistent history of counter-intention on magazine distribution policy. Let us once and for all get the keynotes of this policy straight: 1. EVERY ORG PUTS OUT A MAGAZINE. This means bigger orgs such as Continental put out one to the overall area. It is usually printed at Continental level. Little orgs at least get out a mimeo and call it a magazine. It goes to their area of influence. Saint Hills are covered by "The Auditor" which goes out best from one central point. 2. MAGAZINES GO OUT MAJOR ISSUE TO MEMBERS EVERY TWO MONTHS, MINOR ISSUE TO THE WHOLE CF LIST ON THE IN BETWEEN MONTHS. This means a magazine every month. Major and Minor alternate, one month a major, next month a minor. A major is fatter. In DC every quarter and certainly every 6 months what's left of the old Dianetic address plates get a minor to keep them alive. Post Offices only keep change of address 6 months in the US so the list tends to vanish if not used. When it was neglected it fell from 40,000 to 13,000! Jbg periodically ignores its full address list and wonders why it has trouble with stats. The truth is plain from years of experience: when orgs don't send out magazines they go broke. When they cut their lists they get poor. When they don't use Major-Minor alternate months they lose a lot of their list. 3. MAGS CARRY SIX KINDS OF ADS EVERY ISSUE. Training, Processing, Memberships, Books, Meters, Tapes 4. SAY IT IN THE MAGAZINE. Special events, tape plays, Congresses, Group Processing Coaudits, special courses, special offers, special editions are announced in the magazine. The magazine is for USE. Before it is finalized in make up, every divisional head must be sure it is saying what he is trying to sell. A lot of such offers and messages tend to go out in a flurry of special leaflets, special mailings, etc. While the can be done, a lot of them could be said better and with less sweat in the magazine. The magazine is the talking piece of the org. Without it the org is dumb. 4. THE MAGAZINE CARRIES THE ORG ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER. The addresses of other orgs are included the higher the level of magazine. 5. THE MAGAZINE IS NOT USED TO ADVERTISE UNOFFICIAL ORGS OR AUDITORS OR GROUPS. You don't spend your good money to advertise at high cost others who don't bring you direct income. 6. MAGAZINES MUST NOT CARRY SQUIRREL TECH. Standard Tech is your message. The Tech Sec must okay all tech references in a mag. 7. ENTHETA OR FLAPS ARE NEVER ADVERTISED ON ORG LINES. High ARC is the keynote of org lines. A publication like Freedom is a defense action and is for public consumption. It is not distributed to org mailing lists 8. A MAGAZINE IS AN INTERNAL "HOUSE ORGAN." If you will note that, major or minor, an org magazine only goes to names in CF you will see that it is destined for people who have already bought something. It is the Dissem Secs' method of contacting Scientologists It is not a public comm line. However as some of the people in CF are not Scientologists even though they bought a book or short course, some caution must be shown in making statements in the magazine. The confusion between Dissem and Dist divisions exists only because staff sometimes looks on a magazine or the CF as a public function whereas it is internal, enclosing the existing field of people who are already in Dianetics and ScientoloE as shown by members, CF, letter reg actions. CF, its address list are more or less owned by org terrain. The Public divisions on the other hand confront the broad public, the unowned terrain. 9. THE HCO ES AND DISSEM SEC COMPILE THE MAGAZINE. The Dir Pubs is the make up area but sometimes it is not manned which leaves it where the responsibility lies. 10. THE HCO ES AND THE HCO AREA SEC MAIL THE MAGAZINE. Actually the Dir Comm does the mailing in a large org but sometimes HCO is a thin area. The responsibility for mailing is as above. It is common for an "All Hands Evolution" including even student volunteers to get the mag mailed. 11. IF PUBS ORG DOES NOT SEND "SHOOTING BOARDS" THE ORG MAKES UP ITS OWN MAG. Pubs Org used to send shooting boards at least to Continental orgs. Smaller orgs may not get any. The failure to receive shooting boards does not relieve an org from sending out a magazine. 12. THE MAGAZINE IS THERE TO HELP DISSEM DIV 2. IT IS NOT THERE TO HELP THE PES OR DISTRIBUTION. If you think of the magazine as a mailing piece that helps the Letter Reg you will have it pretty close. This tells you at once that the mag is no real help to the PES as it doesn't go to anyone he should be in contact with. He can of course use extra copies of an issue to help his work and should. The magazine sells the books of the Dissem Div BUT it is there only to sell more books, meters, tapes to people who have bought books already. So it is no front line for book sales even though it should and must sell more books via its ads to people who have already bought books. It doesn't sell books to raw public since it doesn't go to raw public. NEW LOOK I hope this gives you a new look at magazines. It helps sell only those people already sold. It can't be counted on in any way to find new people. But it is vital to get those already on the lines to avail themselves of org services. The larger income of the org comes from selling major services to those already sold smaller services. You never sell an HAS or PE course in a magazine. You sell a 25 hour intensive or an Academy Course. Only then does an org get larger sums of money. It can't live on HAS Courses! The magazine is under the HCO ES because it is "conquered territory". The magazine is always working on already existing customers so it has to sell things THEY will buy, not things the raw public would buy. Thus an org has income. The PES gets new people to buy things and so gets them into the Central Files. This way CF expands. But the PES never counts on the magazine to do anything for him. He must use other channels. This may be a New Look to some. In summation, if you don't get the mag out as above you never really sell the major services of an org which brings in its major income. And in making up a magazine's ads you offer services people in your CF will buy. You have to do a fast CF survey of what they have bought, what percent have had it, what percent will buy it before you know what to stress. You have by the survey then what to write an article about and feature an ad about in your magazine. If 90% of your CF has had Triple Grades Scientology up to IV you would go broke offering it as a special service featured in your mag. But if only 10% have had it, on a fast look at CF, you sure better feature it and publish success stories on it. To that degree, if you really do look at what's popular and what you can sell, a locally made up mag is superior. If you have the boards from Pubs you can overpaste the ad or article you want to change and use the rest. The Maxim is any mag is better than no mag. A cleverly done mag planned against service can boost you into affluence fast. I hope this helps. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs:gal =========================== 355 ED 63 INT 16 Dec 69 ETHICS UPSTATS [p. 518] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 63 INT 16 December 1969 HCO ES Ethics Officers ETHICS UPSTATS Ethics Program No. 1 as per LRH ED 39 INT should be getting well along in your org. If it isn't, get it whizzing. In handling this program, some staff members become upset if they are not instantly appointed Ethics Upstats. They will all be Upstats eventually. As soon as the lists are done and available, I will be able to give a Case Supervision instruction so that the medium cases will be boosted up and the rough level handled by another process. If the Ethics Officer does his job well and thoroughly the results eventually will then be excellent. A Meter should be used in final determination as well as consultation of stats and records. But don't get all ARC Broken if you are not given an instant Upstat rating and don't accept one if it's wrong as then the eventual C/S I will send on it won't be correctly applied to the right cases. We are making a safe org environment with this program. It must be well done. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal =========================== 356 ED 66 INT 16 Dec 69 INSTANT SERVICE PROJECT [p. 516-7] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 66 INT 16 December 1969 To OES Tech Sec Tech Serv Dir Qual Sec Qual Reception To HCO ES Registrar RE Superior Service Image Program No. 1 Project No. 1 INSTANT SERVICE PROJECT OBSERVATION: Pc Backlogs in some orgs are depressing stats. In Tech and Qual no pc should ever wait. Not an hour much less a month. MAJOR TARGET: To achieve instant auditing service delivery in all orgs. PRIMARY TARGETS: 1. The LRH Comm or HCO ES is to find and cancel any system, any routing or order or ignorance which requires any delay in scheduling or auditing pcs. 2. Tech Service responsibility for scheduling and auditing any pcs is to be fixed by the HCO ES in cooperation with the OES. 3. The materiel, boards, etc. needed for a Tech Services action to be provided or rearranged for instant scheduling. 4. HCO ES to get auditors available in cooperation with the OES, whether from Admin staff or field. 5. Training programs to be scheduled for the crash creation of adequate future tech personnel. 6. Dissem Sec, Ltr Reg, Reg to advertise and make known and sell the idea of Instant Scheduling, thus forcing the OES to cope without further consultation AS THEY ALWAYS DID IN THE PAST REGARDLESS OF PC VOLUME. 7. Dir Tech to arrange so that auditors can be rapidly briefed on unfamiliar techniques. VITAL TARGET: LRH COMM OR HCO ES TO BRING UP ORG AWARENESS THAT FAST ACCURATE SERVICE IS ALL THE ORG IS BEING PAID FOR AND THEREFORE IT MUST BE DELIVERED. LRH Comm or HCO ES to make sure no excuses exist in anyone's mind to make this fact real. OPERATING TARGETS: 1. HCO ES to do a test run, "buying" auditing and getting scheduled and actually getting into session with an auditor. 2. Rework routing and scheduling to eradicate all barriers observed. 3. OES to dummy run the idea of getting 10 pcs all in the same morning and solving all reasons can't so they stay solved. 4. OES to dummy run 3 pcs into Qual in an afternoon or to dummy run 3 pcs to get reviews. Find and eradicate all reasons they can't get instant service. 5. C/S to look over and eradicate all slows on getting folders C/Sed and to auditors. 6. C/S to look over all problems and handle them on how to get a folder of a pc who has completed re-C/Sed without real loss of auditing time. 7. Conference to be held with HCO ES, OES, LRH Comm, Registrar, Tech Services, Dir Tech, Dir &ual even if double hatted to re-rework and smooth all actions. 8. Respective persons of conference to execute their parts in the rework of lines. 9. HCO ES, Registrar, Letter Registrar, any phone Registrar and PES to meet and to work out a fiendish scheme to keep OES lines jammed with pcs no matter what excuses may be offered. 10. Dissem to DO it. 11. OES to cope. 12. Compliance with INSTANT SERVICE PROJECT reported by LRH Comm Org to LRH Comm WW (Info EC WW) to LRH. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal =========================== 357 ED 66 INT 16 Dec 69 ORG IMAGE PROGRAM NO. 1 US [p. 663-4] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 8 US 14 WW 16 December 1969 US OFFICIAL ORGS ONLY ORG IMAGE PROGRAM NO. 1 US PES FOR ACTION IN EACH ORG (Nothing in this ED is written to down grade Franchises or 3rd Party them. They have however made it necessary to review the US org image.) What has happened exactly, in the US, is that Franchises have gone posh. Anyone can rent a 2 room posh office in a big building, furnish it up swank, dress well and put on a front. The orgs, handling the defenses of Scientology and carrying the major load are often too big to afford such quarters on a major scale. The org is honest, tries to do its job, handle all services, police the field and carry the data lines. The Franchise hasn't any such responsibilities. It is parasitic on org service, staff and protection. So the image got upgraded to the org's discredit. Taken unawares orgs did not upgrade. On the other hand it's the org that cleans up the messes these tiny offices make in areas in their worship of the buck. Austin for instance used to clean up the Dallas Franchise pcs who, out of cash, were kicked out by Dallas, the "Upstat Posh Office". Therefore an Org must look and act more professional than a Franchise. In the US the reverse is true. The Franchises have more posh offices than the org. So the org quarters and people must look and act more professional and must give service that is superior. In HCO Poi Ltr 11 Dec 69 Appearances is removed from Dept 1 HCO where it has never functioned and is transferred to the Public Divs. THIS PLACES APPEARANCE OF ORG AND STAFF ON THE PUBLIC EXEC SEC. This is a correct placement because it is a Public Relations Action. When stats are already down and bills up one cannot of course go out and rent the Empire State Building. But there are MANY things one can do at no cost and a lot one can do at small cost. Before this for instance, staff and field volunteers have painted up a whole org just for the cost of paint. Getting the HCO ES to assign cleaning stations where each staff member has a small area to keep neat solves a great deal of the messy appearance. When an Ethnic Survey tells one what the public thinks a top grade professional should look like, one can buy Ethics Upstats some clothes. But even without buying any clothes, some baths, haircuts, clean shirts and dresses and mouthwash can utterly shift a staff's appearance. Training up a staff's reception and auditing room manners is also sometimes necessary. Radios playing, staff chattering in reception or near auditing rooms add up to a very non-pro aspect and can be remedied. Staff cooperation is far far better than any Ethics actions. Further in proportional pay orgs appearance enormously affects their pay. The general attitude of the usual Scn org is one of a rushed friendliness and there certainly is nothing wrong with the beings. It's the mest and bodies in which the PES is interested. This org image must be pushed up rapidly. The PES should calculate how he is going to go about getting it done in his org and program it. It will make his procurement task a whole lot easier. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:fw =========================== 358 ED 18 WW 16 Dec 69 EC WW ACTIONS [p. 639-40] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 18 WW 16 December 1969 EC WW ACTIONS I understand with later data that the 19 EC members change was mostly appointing people to empty posts. I am sorry for any upset. However, hold all transfers to a minimum. But get Org Program No. 1 going. FP Prog No. 1 was actually written by MSH and is obviously vitally needed at WW and SH. And in all orgs. Their debt figures show neglect of basic FP as contained in FP Prog No. 1. If that is done, orgs have a chance. Admin-Tech ratio is silly in some areas. When it rises above 2-1 staffs go broke. Backlogs of pcs occur when the org is not training up excess staff. A reported 70 pc backlog in London is in fact inexcusable as was their out tech which slowed completions. The formula is to give a 2-1 or less toward 1-1 AdminTech ratio and put the remaining staff crash programmed to becoming auditors and thus expand service. An org has to give service and good service. That requires auditors. So you make auditors fast. This is no time to be inactive. The immediate area of WW needs fast, hot attention with FP Prog No. 1. SH needs attention. In its case its Admin-Tech ratio should be handled as above fast. I have programmed for recovery with Staff Prog No. 1, Ethics No. 1, Org Prog No. 1, Org Image Prog No. 1, FP Prog No. 1. I have gotten any and all stops off the lines I could find such as "high crime to audit anyone on Scn", orgs too low classed so they couldn't train even their own auditors, SHs to omit Dianetics Courses, all of which threatened org flows and incomes. I pulled off every stop observation and intuition could discover. Obviously backlogs occurred after RJ68 and have not been mended. These stopped further sign ups. Franchise lured off VIIIs and no action was done to replace them fast. The task now is to bridge the live Dianetic thriving in the field over to orgs. Ethics was let go out over the world. The confusion blowing off in the US is the result of Clarice Jackson taking over Ethics at AOLA. She is wildly popular, inundated with callers. Green, Deitsch and Garfield had NY completely messed up. AOLA's stats started up again the moment Ethics went in. Your trouble with compliance is the out-Ethics in orgs. HCO vanishing opened the door. So there's a lot to heal up and no time to let grass grow. For two months now I've been collecting the full picture. And for weeks I have been working on fundamental actions to put orgs there again. Your first duty is to get SH and WW on the FP mend with enough to spare to move your dateline toward PT rapidly. Your next duty is to see that all pc-review backlogs are chewed right up right now and never let one happen again anywhere. A backlog is a never-never-never! Then see that the FP line gets in in orgs fast. The programs for recovery are listed above. They belong to HCOESes, OESes and PESes each to his own. And they have to be pushed, pushed on a no-nonsense basis. Franchise is okay. I've tried not to rock the boat. It had a couple of bad-hats. Guys from ECUS like Nickels set an awful bad example by moving into Franchise, not even repaying his org, SFO. Such guys can pay back at $5000 to the org that paid their training and they deserted and all such future training of VIs and VIIIs will be after a note is signed and held. The worship of the buck enters in. But otherwise we're trying to keep Franchise very cool. The out-Ethics of the area of Franchise (such as Garfield, Green and Deitsch and running down our orgs and not paying percentage) has now been found and handled. It exploded under our noses, actually. That the SO is trying desparately to hold the fort is no restraint on WW actions. When ASHO-AOLA income fell and stayed fallen, the SO began to look and work hard. In effect Ethics went out in Scn orgs and command lines and pulled the SO in before even the SO knew what was happening. The SO delayed too long if anything. The major lesson, proved by all stats, is that Ethics cannot be relaxed. Not in the riot and commotion which is laughingly referred to as civilization today. So back up the Programmed Recovery. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs:gal =========================== 359 ED 67 INT 20 Dec 69 HOW TO RAISE STATS [p. 514-5] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 67 INT 20 December 1969 Reissued TO EVERY STAFF MEMBER 26 February 1982 to include the last 10 paragraphs which were never printed. HOW TO RAISE STATS Here is a bit of advice that will help you raise stats. AUDITING Auditing is for USE. The service being supplied by your org is auditing even when you are training auditors - for if they are well trained good auditing is furnished to the area around them. Staff members get auditing. They furnish auditing. Staff members get trained as auditors. By training other auditors well they furnish auditing. The admin done is done to furnish auditing and training of auditors. The Ethics put in provides an environment in which auditing is possible and in which it can be taught. All roads lead to auditing. Stats depend on auditing being done and being taught. People progress from left to right on the org board to be audited or trained in auditing. You are raising your area little by little by auditing. Auditing is something one does. It must be done. The HCOES the OES and the PES act to keep the org there and pass people through who are audited or being trained to audit. An org is an auditing factory that also trains people to audit. That's the basic way we will win the world - Auditing. The divisions and posts flanking tech are all auditing and training support posts that move people down the assembly line of auditing and training. That's why I say 2-1 Admin-Tech ratio. All persons on staff who are not needed on Admin (exceed the ratio) should be in full time training as auditors. Auditors are valuable. An org is valuable if it audits and trains auditors. If an org is valuable it will get paid by the public to be there. But it is only valuable if it audits and trains auditors. Small livingness courses, defense, policy, the OEC, promotion, all these are valuable too. But only to the degree they get people in to get audited and trained as auditors. The field is filling up with Dianetic courses and Dianetic auditors. That is great. But it means an org has to serve them and do even more auditing and upper level training to handle their rougher cases and to make higher level auditors. That's the heart of it. A 49 man org with only 3 auditors and one supervisor will flop. In a 49 man org 17 or more should be auditors and course supervisors. When more than 24 of them are (1 to 1),then the Admin actions under the HCOES and PES don't get done and the line slows. An org gets people (on any gradient) to get audited and gets people to be trained as auditors. That gives the org purpose - for only auditing can clean up a community. That gives action. That gives income. If an org isn't so oriented then no manner of highly skilled management will make it go. That's the way it is. SOURCE I am the source of Dianetic and Scientology Tech, know-how and org form. A staff member is the source of his stats. I am responsible for the potential of the auditing. An auditor is responsible for the application of the tech. I wrote the bulletins and data sheet. The course supervisor is fully and the only one responsible for getting it to the student. When you see this as a fact, you can easily become cause - over your post, over those about you, over your stats. You are also a living, causative being. I have faith in you. YOU ARE AND CAN BE CAUSE. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:th:pc Copyright c 1969, 1982 by L. Ron Hubbard ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ===========================