FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES - 11/28 ============================ This is the Second Foundation. Our purpose is to keep LRH's plan on track (ref: Asimov). CofS has gone off the rails. This is an announcement of our support of FZBA, Freezone, and The Pilot. We are posting the LRH EDs to make ammends for our long delay in taking action. ARC, PROGRAM DIRECTOR SECOND FOUNDATION ============================ LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES This is a complete copy of the "Original LRH EDs" or Blue Volumes as issued by Bridge in 1983. The full contents for all 28 parts posted is in part 1. The volumes were divided into the 3 numbering Series, and subdivided into the classes of EDs (INT = International, WW = World Wide, SH = Saint Hill, etc.) and placed in reverse order (latest first) within type. This was quite confusing because of some EDs being in multiple classes with different numbers in each class. We rearranged everything in date order (earliest first) to give a better historical perspective and make these easy to find by date. The original table of contents is included in part 2 and the original page numbers are in "[]" at the beginning of each ED. See IMB 5 in part 2 for an explanation of the 3 Series of ED numbers and a list of valid (but expired) EDs not included. See LRH ED 345 INT in part 28 for a list of cancelled LRH EDs that were not included. These are only the EDs that are in the Blue Volumes. ************************************************** FZBA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** Part 11 322 ED 27 INT 20 Sep 69 LRH COMM STAFF PROGRAMME No. 1 323 ED 31 INT 26 Sep 69 "Ethics Officers who send SP's..." 324 ED 28 INT 2 Oct 69 GUARDIAN PILOT, EXPANSION 325 ED 29 INT 12 Oct 69 DIANETIC TRIPLES 326 ED 32 INT 22 Oct 69 INCOME & STAFF PROG NO. 1 327 ED 38 INT 23 Oct 69 ETHICS OFFICERS 328 ED 7 WW 26 Oct 69 ECUS 329 ED 37 INT 23 Nov 69 REFORM MAILING RESULT 330 ED 39 INT 23 Nov 69 ETHICS PROGRAM NO. 1 331 ED 6 US 23 Nov 69 No East Coast ASHO 332 ED 6 US 23 Nov 69 ANZO CFs 333 ED 40 INT 25 Nov 69 REGISTRATION 334 ED 10A WW 29 Nov 69 Defense Billing 335 ED 42 INT 29 Nov 69 FORCE OF EDs 336 ED 43 INT 29 Nov 69 ORG SERVICES 337 ED 3 SH 29 Nov 69 R6EW 338 ED 10 WW 29 Nov 69 SOLVENCY OF WW AND SH AND SH FND 339 ED 11A WW 29 Nov 69 Ethics and Finance 340 ED 44 INT 2 Dec 69 FREELOADERS 341 ED 46 INT 7 Dec 69 Western Australia BAN INVALIDATED 342 ED 14 WW 9 Dec 69 US GRAPH DECLINE 343 ED 48 INT 9 Dec 69 THURSDAY REPORTS 344 ED 49R INT 9 Dec 69 ORGANIZATION PROGRAM NO. 1 =========================== 322 ED 27 INT 20 Sep 69 LRH COMM STAFF PROGRAMME No. 1 [p. 565-8] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 27 INT 20 September 1969 IMPORTANT LRH COMM STAFF PROGRAMME No. 1 (Note: This STAFF Programme is targeted for action by org, Continental and WW and AO and SH LRH Comms. Without interrupting or halting local area programmes, STAFF PROGRAMME No. 1 must be gotten into effect by LRH Comms as a first order of business and pushed through to conclusion.) DATA: 1. The paperback DMSMH has pushed itself again into best seller levels in the US and is almost everywhere in the world publicly very popular. 2. Scientology auditors are vital to back up Dianetic tech. 3. We only fail where we do not know and apply our hard won data in the fields of Ethics, Tech, Admin and study. 4. The opposition is still there but weakening markedly under the assault of the Guardian's offices which continue. 5. Pubs org is getting books out and distributed over the whole world even behind the Iron Curtain as well as in the most militant Western nations. Books are going into many languages. 6. The AOs have improved tech on OT Grades. 7. Study materials as contained in the HDG pack unlock all slow training if exactly followed. 8. The liaison of medicine, Dianetics and Scientology can and are handling many social problems never before touched. 9. Our organization staffs, if well trained, using our admin and tech contain a potential which can be enormously expanded. 10. We have arrived at a point of technical perfection which must be backed up by administrative and tech know-how on the part of every staff member. 11. Our orgs have proven conclusively they can survive. 12. By org staff education we can achieve expansion, better pay, better facilities and smoother operating conditions. 13. It is an historical fact that growing Dianetic popularity once overwhelmed untrained and poorly prepared Dianetic organizations by pure volume of business. MAJOR TARGET: TO CONSOLIDATE EXISTING ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES AND SO FACILITATE EXPANSION, BETTER PAY, IMPROVED FACILITIES AND HIGHER ORGANIZATION AND STAFF SECURITY. VITAL TARGETS: 1. All staffs fully trained on the OEC. 2. All staffs fully aware of technical potentials in auditing. 3. To get known and fully applied all our data on ethics, tech, admin and study. 4. To reduce confusion and overwork by a few by fully educating staffs into the functions of every part of an org and their posts in particular. 5. To improve service delivery by increasing the technical skill and confidence of every staff member and in particular the skill of technically assigned personnel. 6. To vigorously apply the technology of study itself as contained in the HDG pack to this broad educational effort. 7. To ready a staff and their executives to handle the expansion and increasing influence of Dianetics and Scientology. 8. To expand smoothly and unfalteringly. PRIMARY TARGETS: 1. Each org (and executive unit) to have a full time LRH Comm in the day org and Foundation. 2. To have a day org and Foundation Staff Training Officer assigned full time in Dept 14 without other duties to expedite and keep track of the training level of every staff member and staff applicant including himself and to have full records up to date continually and full responsibility for all progress and attendance. 3. The E/O to back up the LRH Comm and STO fully in this Staff Programme. OPERATING TARGETS: 1. The LRH Comm to make known this LRH ED to the Executive Council and staff by reading it to them and to get these orders executed without delay. 2. Personnel to immediately appoint the staff training officer in Dept 14. 3. The Staff Training Officers to immediately review and take examination on the HDG study pack, the examination to be given by the Qual Sec and the STOs to be letter perfect on this study and training data, knowing that failure to apply it to all training rigorously can extend training by months and make any such programme as this fail. 4. The Ethics Officer to study at once Ethics policies relating to students and back the programme up fully. 5. The Executive Council to meet and determine how to continue all existing cycles and services and prevent their interruption by intelligent dove-tailing with this LRH ED INT, and issue local orders accordingly. They are particularly to prevent current income loss by reason of Staff Programme No. 1 and yet get Staff Programme No. 1 expedited, realising its accomplishment will result in great org and personal benefits. 6. Personnel to commence Org recruitment on the basis of the recent HCO Pol Ltr awarding an HDG Course to new applicants. 7. The Public Divisions to increase standard promotional actions to prevent income slump. 8. The letter registrar to be given assistants to increase letter outflow. 9. Tech and Qual to improve and increase their current services despite this Programme's demands. 10. The Qual Sec to personally crash programme all Supervisors on the HDG Training Pack including himself and the OES whether they have their HDC or not and getting it applied rigorously on all public courses thus speeding public training and reducing class sizes by pushing through any overdue students to a happy result on any course being taken. 11. As soon as the above operating targets are met under the directives of the EC and at his own initiative the Staff Training Officer is to implement and carry through the training of every staff member (and applicant) to HDG at a vigorous rate including any VIII who is not already an HDC and HDG. 12. Auditing assignments using staff members as pcs are to be made by the Dir of Review, with Case Supervision on these done by any Class VIII who is an HDC or any well trained HDG to the end of having the required 3 well done sessions necessary to HDC. 13. C & A to issue the HDG (not the interim HDC) to every staff member who has qualified as soon as qualified by study and 3 well done sessions and Course Supervision. 14. Staff applicants to be put on staff by personnel as soon as qualified by the STO and C & A as HDGs. 15. At the responsibility and initiative of the STO, backed up by the EC, E/O and under the watchfulness of the LRH Comm, every person who has attained HDG as soon as he has attained it or anyone who already has it is to be started on the OEC. 16. On completion of the OEC three times through each staff member is to be examined by the STO and certified by C & A as a Hubbard Senior Executive. This award does not change a person's post but should result in a bonus. 17. So long as this staff training programme is in effect, the LRH Comm is to require from every staff member and applicant A THURSDAY REPORT. This is a written report on Post and Org actions. It is not a public student report. It is to be checked off on a staff list by the LRH Comm and forwarded to me via the LRH Comm WW and OTL DK except AOs which come to me direct to OTL DK and forwarded by it. All other individual staff member and staff student reports are cancelled. The report form is to cover these points. A. Org actions personally accomplished since last Thursday. B. Org outnesses noted. C. Org outnesses personally corrected. D. Progress made on Staff Programme No. 1. On completions relating to these orders, the LRH Comm is to personally report to me. Note: 1. Current staff training programmes are to be left in effect only where they do not conflict with Staff Programme No. 1. 2. Staff Status 0, I and II are to be ignored at this time. 3. When all the executive secretaries and secretaries including the LRH Comm have their HDG and HSE the fact should be specifically reported to me by the LRH Comm. 4. When the whole staff has these 2 certs the LRH Comm is to report it urgently. 5. When Public Division personnel have their HSE they should be given a PRO Course in the org by arrangement with an AO. 6. When Div III personnel have completed as HDG and HSE they should be put through the Finance Pack by the STO. I remind the HCO Exec Sec of every org that their primary duty is to hold the form of the org. Any conflict between Staff Programme No. 1 and existing orders should be bridged with minimal confusion by the LRH Comm WW who in this has authority to modify any actual or supposed orders from me that may be found or thought to be in conflict with Staff Programme No. 1. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH: rs: gal NOTE: LRH ED 27 INT was discontinued by LRH ED 121 INT, STAFF TRAINING PGM NO. 2. =========================== 323 ED 31 INT 26 Sep 69 "Ethics Officers who send SP's..." [p. 561] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 31 INT 26 September 1969 (LRH ED 1057 INT of 24 April 1968) Reissued Ethics Officers who send SP's to AO or SO are to be declared hereafter in Doubt by Int. Ethics Officer or Flag Master at Arms, Sea Org. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal =========================== 324 ED 28 INT 2 Oct 69 GUARDIAN PILOT, EXPANSION [p. 563-4] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 28 INT 2 October 1969 GUARDIAN PILOT EXPANSION THE PRODUCT OF THE LRH COMM AND THE GUARDIAN'S OFFICE Is AN ORG. (THETA) [The actual ED has the symbol for theta rather than the word - Ed.] THE PRODUCT OF AN ESTATE SECTION IS AN ORG. (MEST) THE PRODUCT OF DEPT 21 (27) IS AN ORG. (SOURCE) The Theta and Mest which become an org must be produced. As we often have a hard time to keep an org there, it is obvious that we are undermanning Dept 21 (27 in a 9 Div Org). The Guardian's Office has been extremely successful. While this is mainly because of the stellar personalities in it, the position on the org board (Source) is also important. On the operational theory that one strengthens what is succeeding and drops what is failing, I think we should strengthen the Guardian's Office. I think it would be a good idea to give a trial run to a form of Dept 21 (27) as follows: LRH Comm (his Actions and any staff) The Guardian (A/G for an org) Deputy G (D A/G) for Intelligence Deputy G (D A/G) for Legal Deputy G (D A/G) for Policy Knowledge Deputy G (D A/G) for Personnel Deputy G (D A/G) for Finance Deputy G (D A/G) for Tech Deputy G (D A/G) PRO Estate Manager (Any buildings, grounds, maintenance, cleaning.) More than one function can be performed by one person, of course but LRH Comm and Guardian (or A/G) must be held without additional posts. This clarifies rather than burdens Dept 21 (27) with more duties as the org still performs all its own functions. The EC has the same duties it always has. However, this gives supervision to those points which produce an org. This new Dept 21 (27) gives a lateral control. The EC gives a vertical control. These points are the ones I am always having to stress and handle and it would seem they need particular attention from the Office of LRH. I think existing orgs and their staffs do well. But I also think we need more people engaged only in putting an org there for the EC to run. Let's look this over and give it a try before it becomes policy. It can be put into effect as feasible. The object of all this is to have people publicly and internally engaged in putting an org there and keeping it there and solvent as different than running an org. These posts at WW and Continental levels would put orgs there. I can think of no function of the LRH Comm or the Guardian's Offices that do not have an org or orgs as a product. Therefore where we don't have an affluent, stably expanding org, these functions must be missing. So let's look it over and try it. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ldm:bk =========================== 325 ED 29 INT 12 Oct 69 DIANETIC TRIPLES [p. 562] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 29 INT 12 October 1969 DIANETIC TRIPLES Be sure you get, duplicate, issue and use HCOB 5 Oct 69 HCOB 5 Oct 69 Issue II HCOB 6 Oct 69 These cover Dianetic Triples. About 10 times the result occurs in triples. People on whom singles have been run must now be run on flows 2 & 3. Some people who had a somatic recur after singles will lose it in triples. This has now all been tested out. It takes a very smooth auditor to run triples so singles are still run on pcs to qualify an HDG. This is very good news, better than you think. These HCOBs belong in your Dn Checksheet along with other additions to the course already issued. You should also send them to Dianetic students who qualifled and are HDG. DON'T FORGET TO SELL SCN Grades to Dn Completions and Academy Courses to HDGs. If your Dn Course takes more than a month, your use of HDG Training policy is madly out. Don't use triples to repair a dissatisfied case. Use an Scn Review to do that. Use Dn triples on those who ran well on singles. Otherwise it's a "GF 40 and handle." Good luck. Love, RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs:bk =========================== 326 ED 32 INT 22 Oct 69 INCOME & STAFF PROG NO. 1 [p. 559-60] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 32 INT 22 October 1969 INCOME & STAFF PROG NO. 1 The Training of org staffs on the HDG and OEC is a vital action both personally and for an org. The cycle which occurs is that the form of the org goes out by being unknown, the pay of staff members decreases, some staff leave, staff members are too few to get the form and functions of the org in. Stats stay down until some knowledgeable Scientologist or a Mission comes in and builds it back up. Our Admin technology is very good, very workable. But it cannot work if it is unknown or not used. The actual sequence of building up an org is first Ethics, then Tech, then Admin. Staff Programme No. 1 gives its HDG first for then as almost everyone on staff now knows what tech is and what results should be expected and what study policy should be in to run the courses and process pcs, it is less likely that the staff as a whole will tolerate out-tech. It increases the R, the reality of staff members on the actual service being sold. Then if one gets people through the OEC there is a general staff reality on the org pattern and functions. As that agreement exists now, Org Reality is increased. And income of the individual staff member and the org will go up and up and up. There is NO mystery whatever about down stats and low units or pay. The staff is not functioning as a team because they do not know what should be going on. They are the ones who do the work. So if they don't know what work has to be done they do useless things and even though they may be working like blazes there is neither income nor expansion. Due to the ignorance and treason of international bankers (who back Mental Health psychiatrists) money is inflating all over the world. It now costs much more to live. We have learned the hard way that we cannot increase prices. This means we have to increase volume in order to increase income. The best way is to educate every staff member into the service he is selling and give him excellent knowledge of policy and org form. Any staff, if educated on our Admin tech, can increase volume ten times easily. So we have no choice. There is no reason whatever not to have well paid staffs and plenty of money on which to run. All staffs need to do is become sharp on the org form and its actions and why and to have a good reality on the service. When I hear of an org "giving away its Central Files to districts where the people are" as Washington did I know at once that in that org no one knew what a CF was or how to use it. When I hear an executive "closing the foundation" because it makes a neater org board and see the gross income collapse I know nobody there has a clue about why foundations. Poor premises, lack of facilities, low units, bad service all come from general ignorance of Tech and Admin. Your surest route to solvency and good service is Staff Programme No. 1 in action. I am counting on LRH Comms in every org to make it an actuality. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ldm:bk =========================== 327 ED 38 INT 23 Oct 69 ETHICS OFFICERS [p. 556] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 38 INT 23 October 1969 ETHICS OFFICERS I have had a report that there were orgs without ethics officers on post. Their stats are down. The cycle one follows to get stats UP is 1. Ethics 2. Tech 3. Admin An LRH Comm who has permitted an org to be without an Ethics Officer is flirting with disaster. Ethics may not be popular but it is no coincidence that when Ethics goes out income falls. It happens every time. You will find those who don't like Ethics the most have very out ethics. It is a direct order to LRH Comms that an Ethics Officer must be on post and checked out on his hat and functioning. Any executive who refuses to cooperate in placing an Ethics Officer on post should be reported to the nearest Sea Org Unit by anyone in that org. An Ethics Officer protects good staff members from the org decline which is inevitable when Ethics goes out. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ldm:bk =========================== 328 ED 7 WW 26 Oct 69 ECUS [p. 666] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 5 US 7 WW 26 October 1969 ECUS The reorganization or existence of the 3 Executive Councils US, ECUS, EC WUS, EC EUS is to be accomplished as per the Deputy Guardian US. ECWUS is reported working well and its principals should be protected. It is recommended that only one EC Continental exist in the US and that it be made up from the three ECs and that other executives in excess be used as appointees to the new Deputy Guardian's Office posts as just announced. The Deputy Guardian US, by reference to this ED, has full authority to effect this reorganization as he judges best. Any staffs of these ECs is similarly to be reorganized and utilized. Any problems resulting from this reorganization should likewise be referred to the D/G US. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ldm:gal:iw =========================== 329 ED 37 INT 23 Nov 69 REFORM MAILING RESULT [p. 557-8] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 37 INT 23 November 1969 RE: LRH ED 14 REFORM MAILING RESULT The work spent on this mailing by the Guardian's Office, Public Divisions and the Public Exec Sees is appreciated. 318,885 were sent out in Auckland, San Francisco, Durban, Bulawayo, Capetown, Los Angeles and UK. These briefly described Scn, asked what should be done with the subject and what reforms should be undertaken. The returns had little or no value. Less than 10% replied. Most people had never heard of Scn. The list however produced a very positive result. The categories we mailed to were: a. All members of national government and its agencies b. Members of state and provincial governments c. Members of city government and councils d. All newspapers e. All press agencies f. All public information agencies g. All local civic groups h. All doctors i. All psychiatrists j. All members of mental health groups k. All churches and ministers l. All reform groups m. All political party headquarters and their members n. All tradesmen o. All business associations p. All schools and colleges q. Police r. Lawyers s. Children's groups -- child welfare, NAPCC etc. t. Women's Groups, garden clubs etc. u. Men's groups, Rotarian's etc. Of all these that were mailed to, only a few lawyers, a very few schools, a few men's clubs and a tiny church response occurred. In short all the above categories are completely useless for dissem purposes. THIS IS VERY VALUABLE AS AN ETHNIC SURVEY. It is of great interestto Div 6, Dept 16, the Dept of Ethnics. It shows TWO AREAS that are USELESS for Dissem purposes. 1. DO NOT DISSEM TO GROUPS. They have their own axes to grind and are founded (including governments) to push their own special interests and ignore any other interests whatever. 2. DO NOT DISSEM TO PROFESSIONALS IN THE SOCIAL "SCIENCES" in any of the above categories as they are fixated on their own solutions or cynically know there is no solution. These data apply to the US, UK, Rhodesia, South Africa and Australia. Dianetics is recently in use by Medical Doctors in Europe and there is interest in it amongst GPs in the UK so is an exception in Europe. But Europe has been overrun by war and its doctors know there is no good medical answer. Thus mailings to MDs in European countries about Dianetics is not tested good or bad. Thus a whole lot of hard work on this mailing back in '68 pays off. It saves any other investment of time and money disseminating Scn to the above types (a) to (u). Actually it follows out earlier experience which said the same thing. So if you have any programme of mailing or public lectures or dissem to (a) to (u) cancel it, waste no money on it. This also proves rather conclusively that the birds who should be interested in raising the IQ and social behavior of a society aren't interested in any method or type of betterment. They do (almost all the groups and categories from (a) to (u)) support illegal seizure, brutality and murder as they support psychiatry. Thus this gives us a new view of what type runs things. And it tells us why we have a hard time now and then. The social order puts the SP in charge of society at this time. It is far from hopeless. There are a thousand other categories of people left for dissem. It is up to us to find them. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ldm:bk =========================== 330 ED 39 INT 23 Nov 69 ETHICS PROGRAM NO. 1 [p. 552-5] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 39 INT 23 November 1969 Applies to All Orgs, To All Bases, AOs & SHs ETHICS PROGRAM NO. 1 To LRH Comms to ACTIVATE THE PURPOSE OF THIS PROGRAM IS TO GET ETHICS PROTECTION FOR ACTUAL UPSTATS AND PREVENT OPPRESSIVE INFLUENCES ON ORG STAFF MEMBERS. OBSERVATION: The great majority of staff members are trying to do their jobs. They are impeded when Ethics is out in an org. In 1968 we tended to drop out Ethics in the US by granting a moratorium on the US. We dropped out Sec Checks as a Reform measure. The Guardian WW commented in Sept 1969 there were only 3 Ethics Officers on post in all the world. Stats in some areas are in Danger Condition. The second action of this condition is Ethics, the first being to handle the situation on by-pass. Undoubtedly WW is seeking to remedy this situation. However, as the orders below are very standard, nothing in them cancels any WW order and are to be undertaken regardless of any other actions in progress. MAJOR TARGET: TO GET IN ETHICS IN SCIENTOLOGY ORGS FROM WW ON DOWN TO CITY OFFICES. PRIMARY TARGETS: 1. LRH Comm to see that a full time ACTING Ethics Officer who can operate an E-Meter, has had good case gain and study record is appointed and on post. IF ONE IS SATISFACTORILY ON POST THE LRH COMM GIVES HIM THESE ORDERS TO EXECUTE AS PRIORITY. 2. LRH Comm to see that the E/O has or does cover the Ethics Section of the OEC rapidly in addition to handling his post. Until this is done the E/O is to be known as an ACTING E/O. Any E/O who has not covered this OEC Ethics section to be known only as "ACTING E/O" until he or she has covered the OEC section on Ethics and has proven competent on post. 3. ACTING E/O to be provided with a place to work, ethics folders and a place to file them and lock them up, and materials of the post. 4. ACTING E/O to be posted as such on org bd. 5. Sign, ETHICS OFFICER to be placed on desk. 6. LRH Comm to report compliance on above actions 1 to 5. VITAL TARGETS: 1. To get ethics in in the org. 2. To help the field with Ethics matters. OPERATING TARGETS: 1. Get a full list of staff members. 2. Make up a folder for each one if none exists or any missing. 3. Check list for (a) Case gain. (b) Good study record. (c) TA is no unusual range high or low (above 4, below 2) and needle clean. (d) Good post stats. (e) No current drug history or connections. (f) No past psychiatric history. (g) File any results and full notes and data in the Ethics Folder of that person. (h) Assign the status of ETHICS UPSTAT by putting a blue tape on each folder to each staff member who passes (a) to (f) above with flying colours and no black marks in connection to (a) to (f) and putting a copy of the E/O in the folder of each person who passed. (i) Issue the full typed list of ETHICS UPSTATS as an Ethics Order for your org, send a copy to your EC, to your Continental EC, to EC WW, Info E/O International and a copy to your nearest OTL for Info of CS-1. On this order also state full number of people in your org. (j) Indicate by despatch via your LRH Comm to LRH Comm WW "Full compliance with Operating Order No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 of Ethics Program No. 1 per LRH ED INT 23 Nov 69" and enclose a copy of the Upstat E/O you issued. 4. Examine the Ethics folders of all those not included in the Ethics Upstat Order. (a) Select the one who got lowest (worst) marks on (a) to (f) (passed the fewest of (a) to (f)). (b) Investigate the person's post for outnesses. (c) Investigate the person's connections prior to Scn. (d) Summarize the folder and send a copy of the report to the nearest Assistant Guardian with an Info Copy to the Guardian WW referring to this ED. (e) Repeat 4(a) to (d) on any remaining non-upstat personnel you consider on the basis of investigation to be depressing stats by reason of your investigations. (f) Report compliance on Op Order 4 via your LRH Comm to LRH Comm WW. 5. (a) Order all those who did not make Upstat and who were not considered any menace, to Review each one with a note for the C/S stating what was found to be out in the general investigation so that it can be remedied. Note the fact in the person's folder. I.e. "Poor Study Record. Has psychosomatics despite earlier auditing. Has long drug history" etc. (b) Report Compliance with Op Order 5(a) via your LRH Comm to LRH Comm WW with a list of those so sent. 6. Survey any org applicants taking the HDC or HDG Course as per new hiring Poltr wherein they are trained free of charge. (a) Do a check as in Order No. 1 (a) to (b). (b) Recommend termination of those not making satisfactory progress on the Course and who have outnesses as in 1 (a) to (f). (c) Require Ethics clearance of all future applicants before hiring. (d) Report compliance of 6(a) to (c) via your LRH Comm to LRH Comm WW noting this LRH ED INT. 7. Check over field franchise areas of enturbulence. (a) Investigate area for a possible suppressive person. (b) Apply examination as per 1 (a) to (f) to the personnel. (c) Send the results to your nearest Assistant Guardian with Info to Guardian WW. (d) Inform you org's Franchise Officer and Franchise WW. (e) Report Compliance with Op Order No. 7 of this ED. 8. (a) Having done all of the above, now OPEN YOUR LINES TO ROUTINE E/O TRAFFIC AND ACTIVITIES FOR THE ORG AS COVERED IN E/O POLTRS. You have cleaned up any backlog. Your business now is to see that it doesn't occur again. (b) Complete your study of Ethics Poltrs. (c) Have "Acting" removed from your name on Org Ed (d) Inform via your LRH Comm, LRH Comm WW with Info HCOES WW and Guardian WW that you are fully on post with all backlogs handled. 9. Continue as E/O of your org, handling the routine duties. ORDERS COMM LINES: Where "via LRH Comm to LRH Comm WW" occurs include any or all intermediate LRH Comms. You can only err on Comm lines by not informing enough seniors. PROTECTION: If threatened with removal for turning in any adverse report or refusing to make any false report, inform the Guardian WW urgently on direct lines. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 331 ED 6 US 23 Nov 69 No East Coast ASHO [p. 665] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 6 US 23 November 1969 No East Coast ASHO Earlier this year the possibility of a US East Coast ASHO was considered. It was however rejected as an idea and the staff being formed for it was disbanded. On the chance that rumor lines carried the infermation that an ASHO would be established on the East Coast of the US, this disclaimer is issued. The only American Saint Hill Organization is in Los Angeles and the only US Advanced Org is also in Los Angeles. Full Scientology upper level services and courses are only available in Los Angeles. DIANETICS by the way is NOT a prerequisite in any org for auditing or for any training except Grade V and Class VI. US Field Auditors, Franchises and smaller official orgs have been limiting their activities to Dianetics despite the LRH ED that NO SCN SERVICES SHOULD BE INTERRUPTED OR CHANGED. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:fw =========================== 332 ED 6 US 23 Nov 69 ANZO CFs [p. 651-2] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 8 WW - 1 SH-DK 23 November 1969 ANZO CFs To LRH Comms WW, SH-DK, AOUK to activate OBSERVATION: AOSH DK is getting students from SA and Europe as these cannot enter UK. However, students from NZ and Australia can enter the UK. The ANZO CF has evidently been sent by SH to AOSH DK. AOUK and SH in UK should operate the CF line to New Zealand and Australia. AOSH DK should operate the CF line to South Africa and Europe. MAJOR TARGET: To properly apportion, bring to date and use the CFs of SA and ANZO and Europe to their correct orgs. PRIMARY TARGET: 1. Assign one or more persons in each org, SHUK, AOUK and AOSH DK to this project. 2. Have them understand these orders. 3. Provide any shipping money needful without delay, the org receiving to pay the shipment cost. VITAL TARGET: To get this action done neatly and WITHOUT DELAY. OPERATING TARGET: 1. Make your orders known to the Dissem Sec of each org where you are appointed. 2. Select out WITHOUT DAMAGE OR MIXING UP OR LOSS OF COVERS the CF folders that do NOT apply to your org. 3. BOX them neatly as business papers. 4. Run off a tape matching them, as feasible, in address. 5. Escort the shipment as feasible to its destination. 6. Report compliance to LRH Comm WW. Table of who gets what SH gets all UK NZ and AUST CF. AOUK gets all UK NZ and AUST AO Folders. AOSH DK gets European, South African type folders. 7. The two appointed to this project in the org, having done 1 to 6 above now RECEIVE what has been sent their org. 8. They place in CF file cabinets, for which funds must be provided if needed, the folders received, BANDING THEM WITH YELLOW TAPE TO INDICATE THEY ARE NEW TO THEIR CF. 9. They see that these names are added to their address files. 10. They call attention to letter registrars of these new (to that org) CF folders for use. 11. Usual CF personnel can combine any duplicate folders and should correct any addresses and the persons on this project should so inform them. 12. Report completion of this ED to LRH Comm WW via LRH Comm your org. INFORMATION: A CF folder is very valuable and loss or mishandling is a primary cause of down stats in an org. Arbitration: In event of any disputes or questions on this LRH ED the matter is to be settled by referral to EC WW. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs:gal =========================== 333 ED 40 INT 25 Nov 69 REGISTRATION [p. 551] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 40 INT 25 November 1969 Reg Hats Pub Div Hats REGISTRATION The following letter from an experienced and successful ex-Registrar London is of interest. "Dear Sir, Have been most interested in reading the results of the Broad Public Questionnaire and your ED 37 INT and HCO P/L of 23.11.69, Individuals vs Groups. As long as I can remember in Scientology orgs, the standard way to promote and make contact and that which produced the best results was (1) Word of mouth (2) Follow up letter registration after books being bought and new name added to address with the constant use of CF to get people in. When I was in England last year I recall hearing about one person finally coming in for processing and training, that I can remember writing to as far back as 1959. I always found that the follow up, follow up, follow up, follow up always got them in the end, and quantity of letters was it, plus the back up of the Auditor and local magazine regularised and maintained, constantly on time, constantly followed up, plus hard sell and a specific angle to the mag, plus usual back ups were needed. The 6 week to 3 months lag on failure to get the letters out and of course ARC Break programme, and the Registrar and Success seeing to it that results were obtained, all apply. I can recall that when I went in as Registrar in 1958/9 in London, I got promoted as "the person who will help you handle your problems." This has persisted (to some degree even till now), and it was very valid during my time at HASI London, even after I was no longer Registrar but in Tech and later Org Exec Sec. It established a stable terminal. It might be worthwhile renewing in all orgs as an action, i.e. advertise the Registrar as the person who helps you handle your problems. We do seem to do the best on the individual approach. Also suggest that Auditors and local mags are programmed in a specific order and gradient to achieve what we want to achieve in the way of promotion. Love , Ray Thacker" L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp:bk =========================== 334 ED 10A WW 29 Nov 69 Defense Billing [p. 550] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 10A WW, 1A SH & 1 SH End. 29 November 1969 Extract issued INT Defense Billing Any and all defense or legal expenses expended by WW on behalf of an org or area must be billed to that area. They in such areas must be told that if WW pays all their legal expenses then future damage suits which will be filed against the enemy in that area will be collectible 75% by WW and only 25% by the org. But if the org pays half, then it will collect 75% and WW only 25% of the resultant damage payments. Expected damage claims run into tax free millions. The 75% or 25% is computed on funds over and above cost of the action and lawyers fees or percentages paid. If the org pays all defense and legal fees it collects all except 10% to WW. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal =========================== 335 ED 42 INT 29 Nov 69 FORCE OF EDs [p. 549] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 42 INT 29 November 1969 FORCE OF EDs (Cancels LRH ED INT issued as by Telex 20041RED 20 April 1969) As stats dropped after the issuance of an LRH ED stating that LRH EDs would hereafter have only an advisory role, and as it has become necessary to issue some orders to regain the stat position, ALL LRH EDS HAVE THE FORCE OF ORDERS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED IN THEM AND THIS RESTORES TO FORCE ALL EDs TO 1 JAN 69. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs:gal =========================== 336 ED 43 INT 29 Nov 69 ORG SERVICES [p. 548] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 43 INT 29 November 1969 ORG SERVICES Your attention is called to HCO PL 23 Nov 69 Amended which UPGRADES AND EXPANDS ORG COURSES AND SERVICES. SHs should at once resume their Dn Courses. Field Auditors and Franchises should be informed YOU CAN AUDIT ANY PROCESS FOR WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN CERTIFIED. That means ever certified. The point of Standard Tech and Standard Dianetics is so our orgs can guarantee their services. Thus WE in the orgs are sure of results. Look over this PL carefully and increase or restore your service. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:jp:bk:iw =========================== 337 ED 3 SH 29 Nov 69 R6EW [p. 687] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 3 SH, 1 AOSH DK, 1 ASHO 29 November 1969 Ltr Regs Regs Tech Sec OES R6 E W The Dianetics HDC is REMOVED AS A REQUISITE in Solo Grade 6 Course SHes. The processes for the level are to be removed from the packs and given to the pc_when he has passed study requirements for the grade and when he is ready to run his Solo. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:fw =========================== 338 ED 10 WW 29 Nov 69 SOLVENCY OF WW AND SH AND SH FND [p. 648-50] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 10 WW, 1 SH & SH Fnd. 29 November 1969 SOLVENCY OF WW AND SH AND SH FND Having noted that the orgs WW and SH are running at expense above income the standard orders long standing for them during financial stress are fully invoked and are in full force and are to be enforced by the EC WW and EC SH. 1. P.O.s may be signed only for the following actions in WW and SH & SH Fnd. (a) Gas (b) Electricity (c) Fuel (d) Water (e) Telex-Telephone by PO for each call or message. (f) Postage (g) Airletters (h) The Auditor (i) Auditor envelopes or mailers (j) Bulk mailing Auditor (k) Guardian defense actions including legal and PRO. Telex - Telephone Trunk calls and telexes require a PO, properly signed before placement of the call. Exception: Guardian internal UK trunk calls. PO Signatures D. Gogerly, Treasurer is responsible for signing POs and in his absence his deputy. Dateline Paying Dateline paying is to be strenuously adhered to. Funds to cover emergency payments require the signatures of each EC Member for WW or for SH as well as the Treasurer WW or his deputy. Pubs Nominal funds for moving Pubs to WW are allowed. Salary Payments of salary that have been in excess of the condition assigned are to be withheld from wages until the matter is paid back. Tax Tax payable on behalf of staff is not to be spent but used only for tax. Emergencies Any emergencies arising may be resolved in addition to this ED or in excess of it by referring the matter to a special meeting of the EC WW, but only for the immediate concern and not as a blanket continuing order. Statements The CAO is to issue statements to all orgs and debtors and provide a system for doing so monthly using especial address plates for this. Franchise 10%s NO franchise 10%s are to go anywhere but WW and no order is valid that they should be paid elsewhere to any other org or activity. Franchise WW is to make every effort to get these 10%s paid in. Income All income sources must be policed to be sure they are functioning and income is arriving at WW, SH and SH Fnd. Services & Delivery Every effort must be made to improve or repair service and service quality. Any and all disappointed result cases must be handled. Lines All normal lines must be put in such as C & A back to registrar for re-signing, new names to CF with letters out. CF and Address CF and address must be gotten up to date by special teams quickly. UK and ANZO must be heavily worked. Defense Billing Any and all defense or legal expenses expended by WW on behalf of an org or area must be billed to that area. They in such areas must be told that if WW pays all their legal expenses then future damage suits which will be filed against the enemy in that area will be collectible 75% by WW and only 25% by the org. But if the org pays half, then it will collect 75% and WW only 25% of the resultant damage payments. Expected damage claims run into tax free millions. The 75% or 25% is computed on funds over and above cost of the action and lawyers fees or percentages paid. If the org pays all defense and legal fees it collects all except 10% to WW. Reserves It is vital that WW SH and SH Fnd begin to accumulate reserves. The tendency of an org to spend all that it makes is to be sharply curbed. Dianetics The spread of Dianetics is laying a firm foundation for future Scn business if well taught. My June LRH ED advice to drop no Scn services was disregarded by various unauthorized orders forcing all pcs and students onto Dianetics and even by putting the tape talk to Dn Graduates on the HDG Course instead of the HDC Course. Thus you see Franchises and Dn activities and various field areas doing well but it has not gotten to the upper orgs yet. Any other outnesses of this kind that broadly explain any lowered stats should be handled and reported to me. This situation in general is very good and the future excellent. So get busy. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs:gal =========================== 339 ED 11A WW 29 Nov 69 Ethics and Finance [p. 647] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 11A WW 2 SH 2 SH Fnd 29 November 1969 Ethics and Finance Due to the falling stats of SH and the level stats of WW, (the stats of SH Fnd not to hand) the Ethics Programme No. 1 just issued in an LRH ED INT is to be gotten in by the E/Os in WW for WW, SH for SH and SH Fnd for SH Fnd as a priority item. It is vital that Ethics upstats be identified and any areas of oppression spotted so they can be handled. Qual and Finance As soon as a staff member is handled by Ethics Programme No. 1: The Qual Sec of each org is to arrange sessions in his own or another org and organize it rapidly for all the staff of his org to fly a rud and pull all overts. This will greatly assist stats. Time on post must not suffer unduly from these actions and usual org paying pcs must not be interrupted or put aside because of this. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:gal =========================== 340 ED 44 INT 2 Dec 69 FREELOADERS [p. 546-7] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 44 INT 2 December 1969 FREELOADERS An SO mission to orgs in the US recently uncovered undermanned orgs as a reason for low stats. According to this mission many people had joined staffs, signed contracts, gotten free services and then went off staff. This is nice work if one can get it. It leaves the good guys burdened with tech delivery with no proper income. Such contract breakers are to be designated FREELOADERS. They are ineligible for further services at any org until they have corrected their overt. The LRH Comm of each org is to have Accounts compile a list of these persons called FREELOADER LIST (name and place of org). The list is to state name and address of person, when contract was signed, amount of services received in cash including Training and Processing, the amount of time not served. The HCO Area Sec is to assist in compilation. Copies of this list are to go to A/G Continental Guardian WW All SHs Info Registrar All AOs Info Registrar The list is headed FREELOADER LIST Ineligible for further Training or Processing until matter handled. Accounts should send each one of these persons a statement. The list is retroactive as far back as the org has any record. Some of these persons went to a higher org without handling their contract. The account remains valid if not reimbursed by the higher org. If no record of services exists but a contract has been broken, charge $500 for each contracted year or portion thereof not completed. A copy of the list with the person's name circled should go into local Ethics Files. A Condition of Doubt is automatically assigned and may not be lifted until the matter has been handled. Their certs and awards are suspended. Such persons are not acceptable back on staff without permission of the Continental A/G. The completed list should be posted. Meanwhile in accepting new staff do not fail to warn them of the seriousness of contract breakage when they sign a staff contract. Recruit some good guys. L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ldm:bk =========================== 341 ED 46 INT 7 Dec 69 Western Australia BAN INVALIDATED [p. 546] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 46 INT 7 December 1969 Western Australia BAN INVALIDATED The terrific good news of the High Court INVALIDATION OF THE WESTERN AUSTRALIA BAN LAW brings a Highly Commended to MSH, to the Guardian WW and the Guardian's Offices WW and Perth. We lost in a lower court, appealed and won in the high court in Western Australia, which held not valid the Western Australia law that banned Scientology. It is poetic that this was the first law to go. In 1960 "Dr" Cunningham Dax the big WFMH brain chopper began the current war with a lot of lies in the Western Australia press. "Dr" Dax has now taken it on the lam and is hiding in Tasmania. He has fallen to torturing monkeys as his popularity waned in Australia and his family left him after he confessed on the stand in the Melbourne "Inquiry" that he had done in over 2,000 people with an ice pick or knife. So the High Court invalidation of the WA ban law starts a roll back from where Dax began it. We have a long way to go. The most advantageous use should be made of this win as it will influence every other case. All these cases, every one, has been directly traced to WFMH leaders. THIS SHOWS THESE CASES CAN ALL BE WON. And the Guardians Offices are the ones to do it. Man may get free after all! L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs:gal =========================== 342 ED 14 WW 9 Dec 69 US GRAPH DECLINE [p. 661-2] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER LRH ED 8 US 14 WW 9 December 1969 US GRAPH DECLINE I have reviewed the graph decline of Scn orgs in the US after receiving Thursday reports of outnesses. To clear up any mystery the following is of interest. Around March 1969 just as RJ sent stats soaring the EC US was apparently unmocking orgs with staff firings. We do not have complete data at Flag because the action was not reported directly but was picked off the OIC lines and is taken from subsequent records (not by 3rd Party reporting). If it was obscured from Flag it may not be generally known and was felt to be only a local action. I sent urgent orders to cancel EC US actions done on Wash DC and Seattle. Washington was "made a public division org by ECUS deputies by mistake" and was allowed to be open only a very few hours a day. In Sept 68 4 Class VIIIs were pulled into ASHO from DC. I tried on 13 March 69 by an LRH ED to cancel out wrongful dismissals. I tried by Telex 12031R to cancel out the org foundation shut down. DC was also ordered to send its CF to smaller orgs and Irene Jopling HCO ES DC was put in Treason by ECUS for daring to object to her DC org's CF being dispersed. In other words the ECUS actions of this period operated to strip orgs of their staffs and at least one org of its CF. Also apparently with the consent of HCO ES WW (since removed) HCOs and E/Os were unmocked and remained unmocked. In short, this is the cause of US stat decline. It is internal. It traces to HCO ES WW and ECUS. Austin and ASHO were put in Treason by HCO ES US. ASHO has never recovered nor really has Austin. Data available here is sparse but positive. US orgs were simply beaten down and stripped of personnel. Franchise has boomed mainly due to the excellent Franchise Officer WW who with his staff at WW has fought to defend his hat and keep Franchise booming. The same attention was not given US orgs. On the contrary they were mauled and neglected by a former HCO ES WW and ECUS. N.Y. was battered down by internal invalidation of its execs and interference by a person pretending to be an SO missionaire, Ron Zarro. During this period HCO ES WW (Nov 68 to Oct 69) was Edie Hoyseth. ECUS was Julia Salmen - Ken Salmen - Don Breeding, then Lee Handeland, Wally Handeland and Ray Derby. R. Shafron relieved Lee Handeland as HCO ES US and was on post during the major upset. The Deputy Commodore Pacific should convene a Comm Ev on the above named persons and any deputies and any ECUS personnel to establish the full details of this matter with records and an E-Meter, locate who if anyone turned traitor and who should be exonerated. However, US orgs should know what began their current decline and not incorrectly assign the reason to other things as they may be doing. Full action has been taken to prevent reoccurrence of any such instances. Better security measures are now in force. Orgs have been running undermanned without E/Os or adequate HCOs. It is time they came out of their decline. Every possible obstacle has been removed. Franchise finds interest in Scn and Dn very high and growing and if it's there for franchise it's triple there for orgs. If they staff up and deliver. I trust this blows a mystery. Security precautions are being taken so that no further subversion can occur again so high up. The US orgs do not realize they are at war and have not been alert. Man up, get in your security and get the show on the road. Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:nt:gal =========================== 343 ED 48 INT 9 Dec 69 THURSDAY REPORTS [p. 544] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 48 INT 9 December 1969 THURSDAY REPORTS I want to warmly thank staff members all over the world, each one, for his or her Thursday Reports. It is wonderful having these and reading them. It is great to know what you are doing and how you are doing. What is particularly enlightening about your Thursday report is that a staff member knows well and positively what is out in his org. The observations are very accurate. If the out points being mentioned were corrected and gotten in, the orgs would sail in those cases where they are not sailing. Your data is very welcome. The more you advance in knowledge of tech and policy the more aware you seem to be. Thank you for being there and doing all you do. It is deeply appreciated. Love, RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:ldm:bk =========================== 344 ED 49R INT 9 Dec 69 ORGANIZATION PROGRAM NO. 1 [p. 537-43] [Note, the "revised 14 September 1969" below is probably an error and should be 14 December 1969 since that is the date of LRH ED 58 INT.] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 49R INT 9 December 1969 Revised ES Hats 14 September 1969 as per LRH ED 58 INT ORGANIZATION PROGRAM NO. 1 HCOES for activation Where an org is forming or where its stats are low or its performance poor or it is failing it is URGENT that this LRH ED be put into immediate effect. As the form of the org is the first thought and action of the HCO Exec Sec, he or she should activate this ED as it applies, promptly and positively. LESS THAN FIVE STAFF Where an org has less than five staff do the following, no matter whether it is forming or performing poorly or failing. If the org has less than 3 persons in it bring it up to 3 persons or it isn't an org. Appoint this much org board HCOES OES PES The senior auditor of the three is the Org Exec Sec. The one who can type or manage is the HCOES. The one with the best public reach is the Public Exec Sec. These three beings give you the first glance at the 2 to 1 Admin-Tech ratio. An org may have 2 or less Admin personnel to every Tech personnel (auditor or instructor). There must never be more than 2 Admin to 1 Tech. No matter how many functions you see on a 9 division Org Bd each one of the above is responsible for all the major functions which appear in his org portion. This org board goes down to as few as 3 staff members as above or as high as thousands. In its most basic view, in such a tiny org the major duties are as follows: HCOES - Form of org, Reception, Registration, Procurement letters, Central Files, Ethics, Personnel, Appearance of org and staff, any LRH Comm and Assistant Guardian duties, Communications, Legal. The functions that MUST be covered for the org's basic survival are Form of the org, Reception, Registration and Central Files. These are the income getting actions of her org. Anyone who ever buys anything from the org whether via the PES such as a book or small course, is INVOICED with the person's name and address very legible and correct on the invoice and a copy of this goes to Central Files and into a folder and into a file cabinet. To omit these actions prevents the org from having a record for the Registrar to use to contact and sign people up and the org will probably fail or go broke. This one admin action is the most neglected and the most destructive. Addresses for mailings come from CF folders and out of this Address will grow. These folders never decay unless the person dies or asks to be taken off the list. Everything relating to comm with this person and new invoices etc, including phone notes goes in his folder. OES - The Org Executive Secretary - Org Exec Sec combines Accts, Tech and Qual functions. Elementary banking and bill paying (with the registrar and PES both able to invoice in, giving the money over to the OES with an invoice copy) is done by the OES. All auditing and major course supervision is done by the OES. The combination of duties may look all but impossible to combine but the strange part of it is, they do and I have done all three at once in a small unit. The trick is to arrange one's time. The major functions that must be done for the org to be successful are safeguarding funds by recording and banking and paying bills, auditing pcs, teaching students and correcting those cases that fail or students that are slow. If one of those functions is omitted, especially correction (Qual) then the org will falter and fail. PES - The Public Executive Secretary - Public Exec Sec works to get NEW people. He does not work on people who have already bought something unless they are dissatisfied or ARC Broken with service and muddying up his field at which time he severely gets the HCOES to bring them in and smooth them out and the OES or a higher org (preferably) to handle them as a tough case. If the HCOES fails to handle or the OES has out tech, the PES can have a very hard time of it. By low level public courses, lectures, Sunday Services, Invitations and contacts and book sales, the PES gets people into the org, drives them in in a number of ways. When they are in and getting some service the HCOES signs them up for higher level higher priced auditing and training. The PES also runs group processing sessions and co-audits and schedules such activities. As soon as possible he gets in a Field Staff Member Program using persons who have had service. Getting people to give their success stories is part of it. THE PES GETS OUT A TWICE MONTHLY NEWS LETTER TO HIS FSMs TELLING THEM WHAT IS BEING SUCCESSFUL AND WHAT IS NOT. HE COAXES FRANCHISES TO SELECT TO HIS ORG AND GIVES THEM ADVICE, PARTICULARLY BASED ON WHAT OTHER FRANCHISES ARE DOING WELL. HE KEEPS HIMSELF INFORMED OF WHAT IS SUCCEEDING AND KEEPS OTHERS ADVISED OF IT AND KEEPS THE PICTURE CURRENT WITH CONTINUAL REOBSERVATION. He also sells memberships as well as books, tapes, meters, insignia. Methods of getting new names and getting people into the org vary. One follows the formula of pushing what was successful and dropping what wasn't. However, all of the above functions are accomplished by the PES. He is also the PRO and seeks to establish PRO Area Control meaning keeping the area handled so the org is well thought of no matter how hard this is to do where there is an active enemy or a muddled up field or a hostile press. TECH BACKLOGS are the primary menace in an org. If it can't deliver auditing it will shortly find no pcs apply. Neither a tech nor qual backlog must ever exist and must be reduced. An org is far better off selling courses and when pcs tend toward backlog the org increases its tech staff on a long range and starts heavily pushing courses on a short range basis as there is no real limit to the number of students one can handle. Students also disseminate better and an org that only audits pcs stays small and is more expensive to run. ALL AUDITORS ACTIONS Whenever an org has a tech or qual backlog it is usual to call an "all auditors" action. Any admin personnel assist with scheduling and getting pcs in to the auditors without making pcs wait or wasting an auditor's time. All tech trained personnel in the org devote a certain number of hours in the day to delivering auditing for tech or qual and spend a certain amount of time on their regular posts until the backlog is gone. Too many of these "All Auditors" can cut an org to bits. They are only done so long as there is a backlog. If too frequent the HCOES should get in volunteer (but paid) field auditors to help (which was always MSH's successful solution to tech backlogs). The HCOES is personnel so if personnel stays short, particularly tech personnel, then the HCOES is not taking adequate personnel action and doesn't have a Program to get adequate or qualified staff auditors. Such programs are vital, their training and support costs money. The program "Steal the VIs and VIIIs from another org" is both dishonest and org wrecking and recoils on one's org eventually. Interne programs for students help this problem and is to be found in recent Policy Letters. The above describes a 3 man functioning org. Yet it also describes all orgs. It is a circle. The HCOES, mind, routes people to the org's body, the OES, who routes them to the PES as FSMs and the product of the basis of a field. From a field stimulated by processed trained people the PES routes new people to the HCOES and around it goes. If tech and org integrity and service are good, you get an expansion. More and knowledgeable people in the field stimulate more and more new people who then by being routed to the HCOES etc. Around and around. The cycle is only interrupted by inattentive or poor service resulting in ARC Breaks in the field which if not handled end expansion. Even the attacks of competitors and the press have never stopped this circle. Only inattentive service or staff inattention to functions or poor service halts it. AN ORG THAT BELIEVES ANYTHING ELSE IS DELUDING ITSELF. Thus organization and function is everything. THE BIGGER ORG No matter how many staff members an org may have the above portions, functions and actions apply. What occurs is that the HCOES, the OES and PES begin to acquire assistants. These have post titles. The org board seems to have a larger form. But it is always the same org board, the same functions. Let us say now we have an HCOES, an OES and a PES. And we have two more staff members making five. One of these is an auditor. One is a typist. As you must never exceed 2 to 1 of Admin-Tech ratio and if possible keep it below that (it's less the bigger the org so that a fifty staff member org has half its staff in tech and will go awry financially if it doesn't have half in tech) as regards these two additionals, the auditor goes to the OES for auditing and training help and the typist goes to the HCOES to help write letters to people in CF. Now let us say we have 5 non tech staff applicants show up. Obviously 4 will have to go into pre-staff tech training but one can go to the PES temporarily. Meanwhile the OES has some students graduating so the HCOES persuades some to interne which helps the OES. And so it goes. The functions gradually build up. But they are always assistants to the HCOES or the OES or the PES. COMBINED HATS You normally fill posts by overload noted. But you always bend toward Registration and Tech Service and Promotion. In the HCOES portion hats can combine like LRH Comm-HCO Area Sec-Ethics Officer. As the Guardian's Office is very successful, in areas under pressure we try to keep this "single-hatted" on its own line to the Gdn WW. It is a catch-all front line troops org correction sort of hat. As the LRH Comm is a split off of the old HCO Area Sec hats these two combine very easily as HCO Area Sees were LRH's first communicators. Where there is an LRH Comm single-hatted the org would have to be a 40 or 50 staff member org. An E/O is more important to single hat in a larger org but if not single hatted must be a specific duty of the HCOES or the HCO Area Sec. The OES as he struggles up the line for more tech staff finds accounts something he can well shed and so, an accounts personnel comes under his early tech allocations. This is not stated in previous policy. The OES assigns his better auditors to Qual actions but he continues to do tech actions until the org is safely large. Early policy on VIIIs placed them in Qual. However it assumes an org is there. An VIII in a tiny org would have to be the OES and the Case Supervisor and also audit and it would be quite a lot of more staff members later before he was now not the Case Supervisor. Early on the OES splits apart training and processing as separate departments and then finally a Qual. Until he has the traffic for it he patches up the pcs other auditors flubbed. But if he is very clever in a small org, the OES shunts all the goofed up hard pcs up to a larger org right away and is satisfied to collect the FSM of it as such pcs stall his lines or may be beyond local skill. That's what larger orgs are for. The rougher pcs. The PES with his share of staff concentrates on his small courses, book sales and magazine actions as the logical zones to fill and with greater success tries to get a single-hatted Director of Clearing to handle FSM actions and see them through. SHRUNKEN ORGS We have covered the tiny org but the whole thing applies to an org that has shrunk. The only real reasons an org shrinks is because it (a) Followed illegal or destructive orders from above. (b) Failed to do its job as an org as outlined in the earlier part of this paper - in other words was disorganized. (c) Failed to give good service and got its field muddled up with ARC Breaks. (d) Didn't outflow (letters, magazines, had no PES functioning). (e) Didn't train or process its own staff. (f) Didn't look or act sufficiently professional in staff member appearance and conduct or in quarters. (g) Let huge backlogs occur without giving fast good tech service. (h) Monitored its rate of sign up against what a lazy OES was willing to get handled or would arrange to get handled. (i) Let its Admin-Tech ratio go kooky. (j) Was subjected to internal suppression which blew off good staff and lost its safe environment without anyone locating the SP. (k) Let itself be raided of auditors by the call of big money in Franchise. (1) Let staff procurement be turned into freeloading. To resolve these or other troubles one has to A. Confront what it was. B. Remedy it vigorously. C. Get in the pattern and actions given in this ED NOW NOW NOW. REORGANIZATION To use this ED to reorganize an org or to increase its effectiveness, restudy the basic functions of the HCOES, OES and PES as given here, consider that these three people are the working people of the org and need assistance. Don't consider them executives. Consider the HCOES with her hands full of interview-registration-comm-Ethics functions, consider the OES as having his hands full of pcs and students and doing accounts between Case Supervision and lecturing and consider the PES scrambling around the area selling new people the idea of coming in for service and running an FSM sales staff organizing groups and placing and collecting for books in bookstores and you see them in the expected light, acting but needing help. If you see these as high status orderers of destiny with uncalloused hands operating from mysterious forces with incomprehensible requirements, the org is up the chimney already. We at the top of Scientology work and work hard. And the duties are as roughly outlined at the beginning of this ED. All the way to the top I still C/S case folders or keep tabs on the C/Sing for pcs around. I still drive students to complete. I intervene when your books show cash-bills reversed. I work in the other two ES sectors, actually work in them and do my own research-writing hats besides. Right this moment, I am handling your org personally. The first question I'm asking, "Have you got Ethics Program No. 1 basically done?" Right away get the results packaged and sent off. The second question, "Have you got a backlog in Tech or Qual? How many auditors anywhere in the org? OK, get an All Auditors going now, today!" The third, "What's the state of ARC Breaks in your field? OK PES round them up and get them to the HCOES and then into Qual to get their overts pulled. Overts? You heard me. Overts. Then put in their Life Ruds." The fourth question, "Where's your Ethnic survey, PES, on what people think staff should be dressed like? To look more professional. Get it done, and on HCOES orders get the money squeezed out of the OES and buy some outfits for the Ethics Upstats and reliable contracted execs. And get this place cleaned and neated up." The fifth question, "What's your outflow? That's not good enough. Get it organized - magazine, Info packs, letters from letter reg. All hands onto any stuffing-mailing cycle." The sixth question, "How neat and complete is your CF? Get any and all folders out of mothballs and get a project going on it as you can." The seventh question, "What state is your Address in? Good. Work it over so it is the exact index of your CF as you can. Meanwhile use it." The eighth question, "What's your Tech-Admin ratio? All right, get the trained auditors into Tech and Qual and off Admin posts. Assign one to HCOES and one to PES up to a 2 to 1 ratio and put the rest on full time training. Get personnel staff member procurement going right away of people who will be Ethics upstats. OK, let's post it up holding as many posts stable as we can but double triple hatting them where we can't cover." The ninth question, "How is Staff Training Program No. 1 going? All right, smooth those out. Soon as they're ready get this staff audited." The tenth question, "What students do you have on courses that are slow or blowey? All right Registrar here's HCOB 23 November 69. OES to Starrate it for action on the Tech Auditors and Registrar to sell each slow student a five hour Student Rescue Intensive." The eleventh question, "Have you got your staff broken contracts list? Turn it over to the HCOES's people for further action. Oh, you say some of the VIIIs you trained up were lured off by a higher org and Franchise? Well, we'll make do here and audit with what we've got and I'll pass the contract breaker names to the Sea Org for their further attention, poor souls." "You say what do you do with the bill collectors and the enemy and the half complete project on surveying salesmen? Well, I'll tell you. You turn those over to the respective Exec Sees each comes under and the enemy to the Guardian's Office and get the show on the road. You'll never clear the planet sitting around here worrying. Remember the old maxim? When all else fails, do What Ron Said." Love, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder LRH:rs:gal ===========================