FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES - 09/28 ============================ This is the Second Foundation. Our purpose is to keep LRH's plan on track (ref: Asimov). CofS has gone off the rails. This is an announcement of our support of FZBA, Freezone, and The Pilot. We are posting the LRH EDs to make ammends for our long delay in taking action. ARC, PROGRAM DIRECTOR SECOND FOUNDATION ============================ LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES This is a complete copy of the "Original LRH EDs" or Blue Volumes as issued by Bridge in 1983. The full contents for all 28 parts posted is in part 1. The volumes were divided into the 3 numbering Series, and subdivided into the classes of EDs (INT = International, WW = World Wide, SH = Saint Hill, etc.) and placed in reverse order (latest first) within type. This was quite confusing because of some EDs being in multiple classes with different numbers in each class. We rearranged everything in date order (earliest first) to give a better historical perspective and make these easy to find by date. The original table of contents is included in part 2 and the original page numbers are in "[]" at the beginning of each ED. See IMB 5 in part 2 for an explanation of the 3 Series of ED numbers and a list of valid (but expired) EDs not included. See LRH ED 345 INT in part 28 for a list of cancelled LRH EDs that were not included. These are only the EDs that are in the Blue Volumes. ************************************************** FZBA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** Part 9 263 ED 65 INT Dec 68 SERVICES, ILLEGAL OFFERING 264 ED 63 WW 12 Dec 68 RE LIFE ARTICLE 265 ED 66 INT 13 Dec 68 THE GREAT "CHARITY" SWINDLE 266 ED 67 INT 15 Dec 68 Electric Shock Cases 267 ED 67 INT 15 Dec 68 Attachement - Qs for White Form 268 ED 69 INT 16 Dec 68 WESTERN COUNTRIES 269 ED 70 INT 16 Dec 68 AN OPERATING STANDARD RULE 270 ED 64 WW 16 Dec 68 "FROM YOUR REPORTS..." 271 ED 65 WW 16 Dec 68 "Due to promotion backlog..." 272 ED 73 INT Dec 68 VITAMINS 273 ED 74 INT Dec 68 GOOD SERVICE 274 ED 75 INT 1 Jan 69 GOOD NEWS 275 ED 67 WW 8 Jan 69 ASHO INDEBITNESS TO SEA ORG 276 ED 77 INT 12 Jan 69 "URGENT ORG CLASS VII'S..." 277 ED 68 WW 12 Jan 69 "A CONDITION OF LIABILITY IS ASSIGNED ECWW..." 278 ED 69 WW 17 Jan 69 "DOWNTREND FND STATS..." 279 ED 82 INT 17 Jan 69 ATTESTATION REINSTATED 280 ED 85 INT 9 Feb 69 ORGANIZATIONAL INTENTION 281 ED 87 INT 20 Feb 69 APPLIES TO GUARDIAN'S OFFICE 282 ED 87 INT 20 Feb 69 Attachment 1 - LTR TO PSYCHIATRIST 283 ED 87 INT 20 Feb 69 Attachment 2 - FOLDER TO PSYCHIATRIST 284 ED 86 INT 22 Feb 69 APPLIES TO GUARDIAN'S OFFICE 285 ED 86 INT 22 Feb 69 Attachment 1 - (LTR TO Doctor) 286 ED 88 INT 9 Mar 69 INJUSTICES 287 ED 70 WW 9 Mar 69 PDH 288 ED 71 WW 13 Mar 69 "...TRUE JUSTICE AND RIGHT WRONGS..." 289 ED 86 INT 24 Mar 69 Addition End series 2 =========================== 263 ED 65 INT Dec 68 SERVICES, ILLEGAL OFFERING [p. 721-2] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 65 Int December 1968 SERVICES, ILLEGAL OFFERING The offering of higher services the org or Franchise is not authorised to give can result not only in EC removal but also can crash the stats of the org. The test cases of this was Joburg which, to get solvent, illegally started offering Power Processing. The org got briefly solvent, then crashed. It took a long long time to rebuild South Africa again and it was laid open to enemy attack due to its long weakness. The bad effects of offering unauthorised higher services are these: (1) The org is not schooled or equipt to handle them technically and have case and training failures; (2) The org cannibalizes its Div 2 Central Files by feeding on only upper level Scientologists without getting in any new people. This flow suddenly runs out and leaves the org flat on its face. Nobody is left in the files. No new names have come in. Equals no income. (3) The field of that org is suddenly jammed up with failed cases and/or falsely certified people and the field turns against the org. (4) The org is geared and organized to handle what it is authorised to handle and the sudden shift shatters its comm lines. You can see that if it takes 22 or more hard-trained efficient Sea Org members to get people through the CC and OT Sections and teach Class VIII, it takes some doing. An EC which would permit offering services it can't deliver really would of course really be in doubt and prone to think they were selling pie in the sky. This would only come from personal case failures or no gain. There'd be no excuse for this with VIIIs on the job. The difficulty lies with any inactivity in the Public Divisions. When these become inactive or hopeless or slothful, then people inflow drops. Then the EC facing insolvency tries an unusual solution, having neglected all the usual ones. At the present moment the real answer to heavy inflow would be for the old ARC Brk programme to be gotten in and every failed case of any kind in the whole area to be routed into the org fast. By giving FSMs a reality on VIIIs and the lists of any failed cases and then a shove and follow up by the Public Exec Sec making sure the list reduced to nothing, the whole field would clean up and, if other Public actions were also kept up and other Divs did their jobs the org would soar. By being hit hard for all our years we have developed a compression which, released, will spring outward into expansion. The battle made us develop org forms, actions and disciplines far in excess of ordinary requirements. All we need do is use them and expand. Offering higher services than can be delivered is an admission that one can't deliver the authorised services in the first place. We have 100% tech. It's time ECs realized this. ALL THE ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS AND PERSONNEL OF AN ORG EXIST ONLY TO PUSH THE PUBLIC IN FOR TECH ACTION, TO HOLD THE ORG FORM AND KEEP THE AREA CALM INTERNALLY AND EXTERNALLY WHILE TECH OCCURS. Love RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 264 ED 63 WW 12 Dec 68 RE LIFE ARTICLE [p. 796-799] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 63 WW 6 US Staffs only Not for public Issue 12 December 1968 RE LIFE ARTICLE AND LETTER It is interesting that "Life" Magazine in the US has been a violent foe of Dianetics and Scn for 18 years. Their connection to the enemy is not yet established. But it certainly exists. In their letters to the editor in their issue of 6 Dec 68 they made a very fatal error. They published and signed my name to a letter I never wrote them, which makes them guilty of forgery, doesn't it. In England the heads of the largest newspaper chain are also members of a UK World Federation of Mental Health Confederate board of directors. This is an old Intelligence trick to own or control a press chain in an enemy country. It was done by German agents, for instance, to keep Spain out of the war. Earlier the "Saturday Evening post" published an article full of quotes never made. It has gone downhill as a magazine over the years. WFMH connected publishers often do. So there's another one. So some of the US magazine and newspaper chains are controlled by the WFMH. They keep a continual flow of anti-Scientology handouts going to all magazines and governments. The Intelligence, espionage pattern is very plain here. In the "Life" article a psychotic is pushed into an org to get no case gain, his identity secret, to get discreditable data and he then writes an article. But he is already a mental patient. Our Documents and files are often found in enemy hands. And now and then at SH or an org we find a lock smashed or a window broken. LOCAL AGENTS WFMH has confederates (we call "Black Hats") in every country and many states with sub-chapters in most US cities. These are always named "National" and have "Mental Health" in their name at nation or state level. There is a "National Institute of Mental Health" in Washington DC that is US government. The only one in the world really connected to a government. It does WFMH printing for it! at US expense. All the rest of the "National" groups are phonies. They are only private groups, following orders from overseas. In every US community, almost, local branch groups (such as Pasadena Mental Health etc as a sample) belong to the private state "National" Group. These small town groups are advertised as "local housewives" etc. But in fact are often composed of ex institution inmates, brainwashed, ready to stir it up as the "public" for WFMH. There is even one in East Grinstead. These local groups may be what give orgs trouble with Councils etc. They always have "mental health" in their name or "mental hygiene" as unchanged from an older form they use. These groups secretly shoot down chiropractors, churches, any Western culture or advance or healing action. The standard propaganda line is (a) everyone is insane (b) psychiatrists should be next to every world leader treating them weekly. (c) Anyone should be subject to seizure as insane without process as law ( a "Siberia" bill they seek to get passed and which once almost did pass the US congress.) (d) Scientology breaks up families. (e) Scientology prevents people from coming to their psychiatrist to seek real help. (f) There are not enough psychiatrists or "facilities" (g) All boundaries should be destroyed (h) All constitutions should be destroyed. (i) Any current campaign they may have to get something destroyed for a big Western take over. They are currently shipping insane people out for "community care". They drive them hopelessly insane in an institution and then push them out onto the community to make trouble. Every major assassin has (1) seen a member of WFMH before the assassination and (2) been defended by a member of WFMH after the act if still alive. Even the press (that of it not owned by WFMH and some that is!) has begun to establish that the attacks on Scn smell to high heaven. TBD A conspiracy formed at the WFMH Congress in London in August 1968 resulted in simultaneous identical political channel attacks on Scn in several countries. The "Life" Article was crudely timed to be part of this. The "letters to the Editor" also contain a typically enemy colour and campaign note such as a disconnected family named "Fridkin". It would be wise to use police re WFMH if quarters are broken into, etc. But this is not foolproof as psychiatrists are group training California police not to break up riots. At staff level you need not make any profession of smashing WFMH as we have it going hot at the top and they are ducking. But in answering questions about such articles you can say what you please. And every branch of every rightist group would be delighted to know these US "mental health" groups are controlled by a foreign group which has Communists on its board of directors. Chiropractors etc would also be delighted to know who has been shooting. The American Medical Association and the American Psychiatric Association and such are members of the main world group and are just pawns. WFMH is also incorporated in Delaware with a board different from its advertised board. At least one member of the Delaware board is a Communist, I believe. At least the name is the same as one hit by the Congress Un-American Activities Committee. The thing to realize about all this is that the acts of this group are often criminal in nature and they can be hit for it. It's really a wild organization. They are called "Mental Healing" but their literature talks only of world domination and seldom about any cases. They make big crashing mistakes such as saying they are part of the UN when they are not. Such as committing crimes of burglary. Such as murdering mental patients and calling it treatment. They just make big mistakes. They were founded by a psychotic named Clifford Beers and carry on the tradition. How would you like to run an organization composed of psychotics and psychiatrists? Be nearly impossible. So they are very frail indeed so can be obliterated successfully. But the biggest mistake of all was hitting Dianetics and Scientology from under cover for 18 years. We weren't even in their line of country. The public in effect takes little heed of articles or press. Hardly anybody read the "Life" article. Who reads a dead mag. But the "letter from me" which I didn't write is typical of WFMH. Forgery. It is interesting that WFMH says publicly there is "no difference between right and wrong" and "psychiatrists are only enlightened people who know this." By traditional law, sanity is defined as the "ability to tell right from wrong." Enough said? L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 265 ED 66 INT 13 Dec 68 THE GREAT "CHARITY" SWINDLE [p. 718-20] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 66 INT 13 December 1968 THE GREAT "CHARITY" SWINDLE One of the reasons Scientology is fought so hard and with such heavy finance and ferocity is that if it succeeded, it would then end one of the greatest "charity" swindles of all time. The group who fights Scientoloffy in the press and parliaments is fighting madly to retain control of (amongst other things less savory) a billion pound "research" racket. It goes this way: A group named so as to make people think it is part of governments over the world, has fund collection chapters and agents. These see all the rich people they can and the governments and explain that the lot of the "poor insane" (about whom they don't give a damn as evidenced by their killing them) is so horrible that millions are needed urgently. The rich people and the deluded governments then lay out fantastic sums of money, millions upon millions each year. The groups' representatives then take this money and whack it up amongst their pals. As simply to split it up would be caught by the tax people, the group invents a "reason why". It appoints insanity projects for research like, "The Depressive Project". Then each local member is paid several thousand a year, in addition to his income for his "research". This of course is a tax free sum. The members write up something like, "Depressives are often noticed to be depressed" and that's it for the year. The amounts are fantastic in size. We have the lists and boy would any tax agent love to see them! So, these swindlers built up a structure that would sooner or later cave in. In these times of actual advances in physics and mathematics sooner or later some independent project would come up with a datum that was real. Dr Wilhelm Reich, not one of their boys, was imprisoned and killed for making a breakthrough in the '50s. It could have ended the golden avalanche. Then, good Lord, there was Dianetics and Scientology all of a sudden, in one piece and actually working! This gave them an awful turn. It threatened this yearly harvest. Scientology is fought because it is effective. But if the answers are all found, then what happens to begging for funds to "research"? People say, "well, but Hubbard did it. Why don't you use Scientologg?" The enemy has been hit in the pocketbook, his most vulnerable spot. His world headquarters began to show more and more deficit. He was down to his last fifty million! Rich people began to say, "Why don't you use Scientology?" So they frantically campaigned over the world to discredit it. Governments were being whipped into line (this group appoints all the "Health" ministers for both parties ) Because they began to wonder. "If it's all done, why don't they use it?" was beginning to be asked. "Why all this dough for research? When it's all done in Scientology?" The average member of this enemy group couldn't care less about the insane. But they care about their million pound swindle over the world. One violent opponent of Scientology in this group who had been howling against it in the press, finally backed up and admitted he knew nothing at all about it. Not a thing! This isn't the only motive this international group has. It is their finance motive. But in itself it would be enough. They can bribe a lot of people with all that money. This is one of their secrets - how they finance themselves and pay their agents and get past the tax collector. What an unsavory group they are! And you can point your finger with accuracy at any politician who supports them. He's under blackmail or is bribed. Sort of an odd commentary on the governments of the West, isn't it? Birds of a feather? They sure have bad luck anyway. The biggest mistake they ever made was to attack Scientology. But what could they do? There it was, the whole subject of the mind fully researched. We weren't even in their line of country! We ran into the biggest single swindle of the century. It desperately tried to discredit us. And we're knocking it in the head, bang! For who can stand in the way of truth? L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 266 ED 67 INT 15 Dec 68 Electric Shock Cases [p. 715-7] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 67 INT 15 December 1968 Electric Shock Cases We are getting a lot of Electric Shock cases. They are coming in on petition lines. Whereas most of these are innocent victims, the chance remains they are being sent in. Such cases came in on Phoenix in 1954/55. They were instructed (under shock and drugs) to come in for processing, get it and go insane. One case, a girl, showed up with a cheque from attorneys. The money was put aside and she was placed in a motel. Sure enough her parents showed up in 24 hours demanding to know why we had "driven her insane" and sure enough the girl was now insane but nobody had processed her or refused her processing. So the very crestfallen "parents" just had to take her away. The enemy plays it very dirty. Human life and sanity are trash to him. He has an unlimited supply of sanitarium cases and a complete disregard of law, human rights or the Nuremberg Code (established effective in all nations after the Nazi war criminal trials and signed by all nations which prohibits all experimental physical treatments). To play it safe, do this on all new cases. 1. Always do the white form (pc assessment or history) on a meter. Do it all. It's an assessment. Note reads on the white form. 2. If any response greets "electric shock", date it and how many times. 3. Add the question "Were you instructed to come here" Clean it up as you can. 4. Get a full documented confession including (as found) who so instructed the person and where. 5. See whether the person should be continued in processing or not. Many of these "insane" persons were never insane in the first place and process with remarkable ease. Many others enter such fantastic enturbulation into the org that it isn't worth it at all. Taking in "insane cases" is a good way to crash stats and a wide open door to the enemy. The long run look at the "insane case" shows very poor chances. His brain and nerves are damaged by excessive drugs, shock and convulsions which the "psychiatrist" introduces as "treatment". This is covered by the way in DMSMH Book 3, Therapy, Chapter 1, Ist two paragraphs. (Page 173 in the DMSMH paperback, page 165 in the hard cover). When an "insane case" was brought in to Wash DC the place would become enturbulated and the stats drop. Such a case can actually only be handled under institutional conditions and then mostly to give the person rest and security. "Insane cases" are made. We recently tried to recall one insane case who had not become so by modern "treatment". We could not find even one insane case who had not been in psychiatric hands. So, such cases seem to be modernly made. What is called "insanity" is actually a pain crazed condition. This would normally pass off. Brutality and injury to "treat" it only confirm it and we get an apparently "insane" person. Psychiatric treatment of a person not already in a weakened despersed condition would be bad but would not result in "insanity". A pain crazed person then so treated is very hard to fish out of the mess. But more important to us, a person who has been institutionalized does not know what has happened to him. He was drugged so as not to know and during it was implanted and severly injured physically. So when we fix him all up and he seems to be all right, if he remains unsure of what happened to him, he again introverts (goes inward) and his nerves are injured. This often makes him a very very untrustworthy being even when processed. Understand me - he is now sane enough. He just isn't very capable. So if our target is able people, we won't recruit many from the physically injured patients of psychiatry. Enturbulation is the key point. They don't flow, they enturbulate. You find their areas enturbulated. That's the prime symptom of the condition. When they exteriorize from the injured pain wracked body they are sane enough. But if they stay around it, they reinteriorize. Sort of like trying to drive a wrecked car. "Insanity" isn't an illness. It's an injury. When more injuries called "treatments" are piled on top of it, it becomes very hard to treat just because the person is now desperately injured. He hurts. His nerves as physical structures carry only hurt messages. So he is enturbulated. It's the same thing trying to process a man in agony from a car injury and trying to process an "insane" person. You can't really get their attention until they cool down. Why western governments allow these violations of the War Crimes Nuremberg Code (they all signed) I don't know unless they themselves are aberrated into vicious cruelty. In our line of country just be very careful of the electric shock cases. And don't expect much. And be alert to them being sent in on an org to mess it up. We want smooth orgs. L. RON HUBBARD Founder ========= (attachment) 267 ED 67 INT 15 Dec 68 Attachement - Qs for White Form ELECTRIC SHOCK CASES Additional Questions for White Form per above ED. (1) Electric Shock? ________ Read Date ______ How many times ______ (2) (a) Were you instructed to come here? ______ Read Clean it up as you can. (b) Get a full documental confession including who and where. (c) See whether person should be continued in processing or not. =========================== 268 ED 69 INT 16 Dec 68 WESTERN COUNTRIES [p. 711-4] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 69 INT 16 December 1968 WESTERN COUNTRIES One has to ask a question seriously concerning the American - European - Anzo world - normally called "the West" Are they capable of surviving? The business of police is public safety, which in any terminology means the personal safety of the person and the goods of the individual or group. In any governed society the government takes responsibility for personal security. If the government itself aids and abets the actions of criminals, condones or legalizes raids upon possessions and attacks on the person, then it is no longer a government but a hostile enemy of the people. When a government collects taxes it is supposed to give service. When it collects taxes and turns any part of them over to those who attack the people to assist the attack on them and provides no protection in return then it has ceased to be a government and is a kind of curse, like a locust swarm or a plague. If protection was proportionate to taxes and was actually furnished, even then there would be no real complaint even if the taxes were high. The definition, by Classic International Law, determining a Sovereign Power is "the ability to protect the lands and people of the country from foreign aggression." If the government cannot or does not do this it is then, in International Courts, no longer defined as the Sovereign Power of the State. Modern governments realize they cannot defend their land against atomic bombs (as there is no defense) and since 1950 when Russia stole the formula of fission have degenerated into the shadow of the real government. Western governments and peoples are under ceaseless and unrelenting attack from the Communist forces in the "cold war". The enemy has for a long time been inside, getting laws passed, degrading the society, seizing persons in the name of "psychiatry", pushing up taxes, inflating money - Well it's pretty obvious what the enemy is doing. But if this is so - and we know now it is - then where are the Western governments? Where are their 007s and Steeds of Avenger fame. Where, even, are their pavement pounders. SH suffers a small crime on the average of once a month - theft or breaking in. Out of this long list, not one crime has ever been solved by the police to whom each was reported. SH on the other hand has solved several of these on its own. Interesting statistic isn't it. Over the years we have had a lot of crimes against us in orgs in various countries - petty theft, etc. And even staff members injured and killed in LA and DC years ago. And where were the police? The enemy in '63 dressed up Baltimore longshoremen (the enemy recruits in labour unions for members) gave them guns and badges and they raided our DC HQ and seized everything they could grab. These were called "Federal Marshals" in the press. We have had a lot of action by police and governments against us WITH NO EVIDENCE OF CRIMES BUT LOTS OF EVIDENCE OF DOING GOOD but we have not had ANY protection of any kind. The orders the governments followed in attacking us were originated by REDS, by the usually foreign psychiatrist, operating as per Communist instructions to destroy all Churches and Scientology in particular. The governments took THEIR orders. We were citizens of the country, with honourable decent records and intentions. So where were the governments? Where were the police? We in desperation, conceiving that the society appeared lawless, developed our own codes of justice and our own ethics officers. SINCE THAT TIME WE HAVE MADE HEADWAY. Not only that, we have also found the enemy and have him badly rattled. So, the point is, if this handful of us could accomplish all that and stay alive and grow as well, and if the governments concerned could not handle it and were themselves being mowed down and turned against their own people, we come to two conclusions A. We are largely on our own. B. On our own we can make steady progress. This then leads to the conclusions that 1. We must be an awfully effective group 2. And, wildly enough, we are better than the combined governments of the West in defense from Red attacks. All right, those are fantastic conclusions. But they add up to that by all processes of reasoning. This is no bid to revolution. It's just a summary of bald facts. We, the dark horse, came up from the dusty rear of the field and got about 100 furlongs ahead. So who are these other guys? The police and the governments? They were obviously the losers in this cold war. They couldn't win on the battlefield or in the conference chamber and they not only let the side down, they helped the enemy. Either the police were tied down by the corruption in politics or they didn't care. I think we ought to give policemen a piece of our mind. What are they doing letting their citizens be chopped up? The job we're doing is their job. They get paid for it. Sooner or later one of two things happen in a state: (a) The people and government get tired and the whole thing folds up, or (b) The people start siding with the winner against the government, We didn't set out to be a political force. We don't care to be one. BUT WE ARE BEING FORCED INTO TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE WEST. Wow. Assistant Guardians here and there at the peak of the late 1968 enemy offensive, were getting calls from unions and public groups TO ASK FOR HELP OR DIRECTION in handling the local government on matters of their own, not ours. And that's the beginning of a government. The people are on our side in these weak states. Now in a governed area that is newly or strongly governed we are being included and welcomed by the new government. We didn't promote any of this, really. The people of Western nations would rather die than become puppets in a Communist State. They do not have much faith in their losing governments. As we were an unsuspecting object of attack by the enemy we had to measure up to it or die as a group. We measured up to it. We did not die. We expanded. So now what happens? We are caught up in world forces. The West is losing steadily as governments. We refuse to be a revolutionary force. We will continue to try to cooperate with the West. But it looks to me that this is what will be forced into existance: As we totally dominate the technology of the mind, as we are winning where the West was losing, as Western governments turned on us and were thereby shown to be weak or corrupt, the public as the years roll on will force us into a position of control of order whether we like it or not. That's the way the tide is swinging. We have a lot of hard battles ahead, I am sure. We will have to be carefull not to be classed as a revolutionary force. We will have to keep our truth and integrity in the face of all opposition and carry on and continue to win. And just by doing what we are doing, I predict that the West will survive and that Communism will succumb. And that we will make our target of a cleared 4th Dynamic. If we really keep on working hard at our jobs. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 269 ED 70 INT 16 Dec 68 AN OPERATING STANDARD RULE [p. 710] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 70 INT Reissued From Flag Order No. 1668 16 December 1968 AN OPERATING STANDARD RULE No matter how stiff the Ethics action is you have to apply to keep the show on the road, remember this: YOU MUST KEEP THE DOOR OPEN ONLY IF ITS A CRACK. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 270 ED 64 WW 16 Dec 68 "FROM YOUR REPORTS..." [p. 795] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 64 WW 16 December 1968 FROM YOUR REPORTS I GET IDEA ECWW IS RUNNING A LITTLE ORG CALLED WW NOT ALL CONTINENTAL EC'S. WW AND ITS STAFF IS THERE TO RAISE STATS AND GET IN ORDER AND TECH OVER THE WORLD AND WW STAFF IS THERE TO ASSIST ECWW IN DOING THIS. YOU ARE IN DANGER CONDITION UNTIL FACT EVIDENT. LOVE=RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 271 ED 65 WW 16 Dec 68 "Due to promotion backlog..." [p. 794] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 65 WW 8 PUBS To CO Pubs Org For Info 16 December 1968 Due to promotion backlog in most orgs and the cost and comm lag Pubs was having, SO staff has ordered all orgs to revert to earlier procedure, cancelling Ziff's midsummer or earlier order to not promote except via Pubs. This is your least profitable and most trouble line. All orgs are now being ordered to have, in their Div 2, a mimeo or photo offset machine and a compilations unit. This was standard for 18 years. To sell books, it is vital you continue, ordered or otherwise, to get out shooting boards for magazines and flyers and send them out to orgs routinely and regularly. Otherwise, your books won't be advertised and books is your profit line. Shooting boards aren't. But if they don't go out, then you lose on books. It is to your profit to do flyers for books and magazines in which books (and other things) are advertised whether paid for as boards or not. Meanwhile, orgs are dwindling since this arbitrary order that only Pubs was to do promotion printing. Dwindling stats in orgs and Pubs follow this Ziff order. The order he had from me was while at SH he was to do SH printing. That is all. It's cancelled. Each org is now to have a Compilations Section in Dept 5 Div 2 and is to have a mimeo or photo offset and is to do promotion whether given boards or not. Pubs should do all it can to get books out and to furnish articles and shooting boards to help these compilations units. But the responsibility is on the org to promote and get out its mag. "The Auditor" will be compiled and printed by Pubs and paid for by SH and ASHO. But all other promotional actions including SH & ASHO and every other org are now the responsibility of individual orgs. Love RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 272 ED 73 INT Dec 68 VITAMINS [p. 709] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 73 INT Decemeber 1968 VITAMINS Vitamins, Guk, Guk Bombs, Vitamin E are in NO way essential to the results of processing. I did not develop this approach basically and researched it about 1954 and 1955 as a possible bio-chemical approach to radiation. My papers on the matter are NOT complete. In that it is possible for such preparations to be adulterated, carelessly or intentionally varied, and in that this could cause a loss of gains or even stomach, colonic or heart trouble having nothing to do with processing, the following order is to be placed prominently in Tech Services, plainly visible to students and pcs: ANY ORDERS OR RECOMMENDATIONS FROM ANYONE TO TAKE VITAMINS IS UNAUTHORIZED AND IS CANCELLED. IF VITAMINS ARE TAKEN AT ALL THEY SHOULD BE BOUGHT BY THE PERSON TAKING THEM FROM ANY RANDOM CHEMISTS AND NOT FROM PREPACKAGED SOURCES FOR "THE SCIENTOLOGY TRADE". THE REASON FOR THIS IS A SUSPECTED ADULTERATION OF PRE-PACKAGED GUK AND-VITAMIN E BEING SOLD TO SCIENTOLOGISTS. NO BRANDS OF SUCH ARE AUTHORIZED. The pre-packaged Guk source is being analyzed. It is thought to cause, as Guk, heart palpitations and a prepackaged Vitamin E "for Scientologists" is thought to cause colonic upsets. Further data on this is being obtained by chemical analysis. Meanwhile this warning is being sent out. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 273 ED 74 INT Dec 68 GOOD SERVICE [p. 708] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 74 INT Decemeber 1968 GOOD SERVICE The public expects good service. By this they mean positive scheduling, accurate billing, accurate addressing, good technical rendition of training and processing, The most frequent source of ARC Brks with the public, as has been pointed out many times in Policy, is INACCURATE BILLING. This is handled by an invoice filing system and every person who buys anything has a folder in accounts if he pays more or less than the actual cost of service. Giving credit is seldom done these days except in Qual. You can lose money and customers by inaccurate billing. A second cause of ARC Brks is a person's name in the mailing address list twice or three times so he gets 2 or 3 mailing pieces. A third cause is Ltr Reg letters writing to offer a service the person has already taken. This only happens when Ltr Regs write without the person's folder before them or when CF is backlogged. A fourth cause is failing to answer a person's questions in letters. Another cause is an ethics injustice. Another is making it hard for people to help - too tough an Issue Authority. Most orgs do face to face handling extremely well. Its the accounts, mailing and admin bits that go slack. A source of down stats is making CF into "hot" and "cold" files and failing to write the cold ones. It's illegal to put tons of CF folders off the line. It ARC Brks people also not to hear at all. Scientology Org staffs do remarkably well. They have worked under constant hammer from the enemy. It has been hard. It is almost unreasonable of the public to complain of things like billings as we always correct them. But the public does have for comparison sleek admin from airlines etc. I regard attacks on or criticisms of orgs and staffs as a personal affront actually and when somebody complains too hard about an org I usually ask him why he or she isn't on staff straightening it up and making it go right. I recommend that approach to the critic. And I also recommend admin attention to the items above. Love RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== YEAR OF 1969 =========================== 274 ED 75 INT 1 Jan 69 GOOD NEWS [p. 707] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 75 INT 1 January 1969 GOOD NEWS To start the New Year Right, AD19 begins with Tech getting in-in-in over the world, stats going up, celebrities coming in, English MPs beginning to appear for processing, and staffs everywhere on the ball. It is not a good New Year for the World Federation or their local "National" mental "health" organizations. We have brought their status under review at the UN, have a law against psychiatry going into the UN general assembly and are busy chopping down their appropriations charity gifts and a few more actions even more effective. We were obviously the wrong people to declare war on. Well, I suppose you don't win empires without wars. Nice if you could but you evidently don't. All this is a good action in itself as it takes the heat off a few million poor devils in their private and expensive prisons. So any attacks on that crowd is a good action in itself. For the rest of the world, we hope 1969 will be a more sensible year with less wars, less cries of alarm, more competence in the governments. We've gotten this far - After Dianetics 19. We're in better shape than ever. And we're getting on with it. So happy New Year to you ! Love RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 275 ED 67 WW 8 Jan 69 ASHO INDEBITNESS TO SEA ORG [p. 793] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 67 WW 38 SH 4 ASHO 8 January 1969 ASHO INDEBITNESS TO SEA ORG 1. The groundwork laid by LRH and Saint Hill Staff through years of hard work and experience, plus Sea Org Missions, has benefited ASHO which is now reaping the rewards. 2. As ASHO has inherited three-quarters of SH's business as is reflected by their stats, it is only right that ASHO should assume half of Saint Hill's debt to the Sea Org for Missions. 3. It is the responsibility of CS-3 and 2 D/Guardian for Finance WW to establish the total indebitness Saint Hill has incurred with the Sea Org dating from the first Sea Org Mission to the date ASHO came into being as an organization, in order that this figure can be divided equally between Saint Hill and ASHO. 4. Weekly payments towards ASHO's debt with the Sea Org are paid within and from 35% allocated amount for ASHO's operating expenses, and will be no less than $500 p.w. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 276 ED 77 INT 12 Jan 69 "URGENT ORG CLASS VII'S..." [p. 706] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 77 INT 12 January 1969 URGENT ORG CLASS VII'S ARE FORBIDDEN TO C/S FOLDERS OF ACADEMY AND SHSBC STUDENTS STUDENTS PCS OR FRANCHISE PCS. STUDENTS ARE FORBIDDEN TO AUDIT ORG LINE PCS DIANETIC COURSE REQ IS 25 HOURS AUDITING OF PCS OF STUDENTS OWN PROCUREMENT TRAINING REGISTRATION IS TO BE PUSHED. CONDITION OF ENEMY FOR NON COMP THIS ED RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 277 ED 68 WW 12 Jan 69 "A CONDITION OF LIABILITY IS ASSIGNED ECWW..." [p. 792] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 68 WW 12 January 1969 A CONDITION OF LIABILITY IS ASSIGNED ECWW AND LRH COMM WW FOR. A. WEAK HCOS B. LETTING CLASS VIII'S CASE SUPERVISE STUDENTS PCS AND FRANCHISE PCS THUS DESTROYING ORGS INCOME. C. INDULGING IN DEVT AND CONFUSING BEING BUSY WITH GETTING MAJOR ACTIONS DONE. THEY ARE TO CHECK OUT STARRATE ON ALL DEVT POL LTRS. BEST=RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 278 ED 69 WW 17 Jan 69 "DOWNTREND FND STATS..." [p. 791] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 69 WW 2 NY 1 NY FND 17 January 1969 DOWNTREND FND STATS AND MANY BAD SO 1 LTRS YOUR AREA. INFO HERE NO SEPARATE FND EC AND SOMEONE ALSO POORLY HANDLING PUBLIC SINCE 31 OCT. HEREAFTER NO DAY EC MAY BE PAID EXTRA FOR WORKING ON FND ONLY FND STAFF ARE PAID FOR FND WORK. APPOINT FULL FND EC PLUS A FND VIII C/S. MISSION BEING READIED HERE IF NO ACTION. BEST=RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 279 ED 82 INT 17 Jan 69 ATTESTATION REINSTATED [p. 704-5] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 82 INT 20 January 1969 BPI Auditor ATTESTATION REINSTATED ATTESTATION OF ALL CLASSES (EXCEPT VIII) AND GRADES IS REESTABLISHED. ED 29WW 16SH 1EU 1US which cancelled attestation on SHSBC and any ED cancelling attestation is revoked. HCO pol Ltr 14 March 68 FAST FLOW and HCO Poi Ltr 29 Mar 65, Issue II, HCO Pol Ltrs 6 Feb 68 and 7 Feb 68 and HCO Pol Ltr 24 Feb 68 are returned to force in all courses, Academies, and SHSBC (but not Class VIII). A programme which placed Class VIIIs in every org to safeguard tech has now been completed and Class VIIIs are graduating regularly from Advanced Orgs. This will keep tech in and effective. A few auditing errors which came out of FAST FLOW made it necessary to safeguard tech application. This has now been done fully and completely. FAST FLOW means the student attests his theory or practical class when he believes he has covered the materials and can do it. There is no examination. The students own attestation is accepted and he is certified. If he has made a false attestation it shows up in his auditing. However, he will not now be ordered to retrain if he errs in his auditing. He will be fined as an Ethics matter. The fine will be proportionate to the cost of the auditing done incorrectly. This is effective at once. HCO Pol Ltr 14 Mar 68 must be gotten in in Qual Divisions over the world. With SO VIIIs on the job over the world tech will be safeguarded. With the Class VIII Course now being given in Advanced Orgs, any defects can be remedied. Only about 8% of those trained made it slow for the 92%. Thus the speed of training is now fully up to the student. It has also been found that examinations serve as invalidation and that only invalidation knocks an auditor off his stride. I am sorry for any inconvenience or slow this temporary suspension of Fast Flow may have brought about. The first release of the new non-examination system was a test. It was withdrawn and any holes in it patched up. Fast Flow on training as well as auditing is now fully and permanently released. It was not suspended on grades or auditing. It is now restored to training. Class VIII was a great break through in auditing. It pushed results to 100%. With Class VIIIs around the simplicity and directness of auditing is in full view and results will be higher than ever before. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 280 ED 85 INT 9 Feb 69 ORGANIZATIONAL INTENTION [p. 702-3] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 85 INT 9 February 1969 ORGANIZATIONAL INTENTION To clarify the functions and purposes of Scn organizations, this was the original intention: WORLDWIDE was to provide Supreme Control over Scn and orgs over the world. CONTINENTAL ORGS under the guidance of WW took FULL RESPONSIBILITY for their Continental Areas. CENTRAL ORGS under the guidance of Continental took FULL RESPONSIBILITY for their zones. AREA ORGS took fuV responsibility for their own Areas. WW founded new continental orgs. Continental Orgs founded Central Orgs. Central Orgs founded Area Orgs. Area Orgs founded Franchise Centres. This was the original pattern of intention. In actual practice it works out that WW, Continental and Area Orgs all had to be alert to forming Franchises and new orgs below them. To this is now added Gung Ho Groups and Scn Groups have been reinstated. FSMs fan out in many directions. The only outness at current writing seems to be a failure of Area and Central Orgs to select (for commission) up to a higher org. SEA ORG The Advent of the Sea Org did not unsettle this in any way. The SO runs Advanced Orgs. It provides publicity etc. to feed people in at the bottom in actual orgs and eventually gets them out the top at the AOs. The SO naturally has considerable authority. But actually it is not really the senior org to WW. It just puts WW right if and when it slips like a business efficiency service. The SO therefore is not there to give WW orders. It is there as an outside floating force, giving aid, publicising and pushing up good will (which is its current function). The SO has a lot of action defending Scn but actually the Guardian's Office and A/G offices over the world are the real front line in Scn defense. The SO tries very hard not to put orgs in Danger Condition by by-pass and leans over backwards to put the lines into the hands of org ECs and especially WW. The trend is more and more authority and autonomy for WW and other orgs. We actually lose a bit each time a senior org is called in by a junior and each time the SO has to make a beachhead. Hard as it is, we are actually working toward more and more initiative and independence of action by every EC. That is the only way to grow strong and survive. Orgs are now coordinating well. The pattern is working as outlined above. No change of structure is envisioned that I know anything about. We have evolved a winning pattern. The only neat up has been the formation of 3 public divisions and their smooth art. But the overall org to org relationship has not changed. Franchises are growing swiftly, We are expanding. We need mainly to increase our public reach, ally ourselves with other groups and make ourselves known to the better elements of the Community and state. Our org pattern of relationship org to org is not likely to change. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 281 ED 87 INT 20 Feb 69 APPLIES TO GUARDIAN'S OFFICE [p. 693-7] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 87 INT SEA ORG 20 February 1969 APPLIES TO GUARDIAN'S OFFICE MAJOR TARGET: To assimilate and utilize the individual members of psychiatric organizations and to inhibit the personal economic and professional destruction of individual practitioners in the field of mental healing. INFORMATION - It is largely the psychiatric front organisations which attack Scientology and make the big money from government handouts. It is not the individual practitioner. WARNING: This in no way modifies our stand or policy or attack upon brutalities, inhuman treatment and the planned social degradation campaigns of psychiatric and psychological front organisations. PRIMARY TARGET: 1. Appoint one specific person to execute fully this programme, with the title Deputy Chaplain (for the programming only). 2. Provide the person with the FP for stationery, stamps typing. 3. Print up cheaply in a 3 fold sheet the attached mailer. 4. Obtain phone books of your area or mailing lists of psychiatrists from other sources. 5. Include interview and answering actions in the above on any responses. 6. Advise PES and PRO so that proper responses can be made. OPERATING TARGET: 1. Look up in phone books or elsewhere any and all psychiatrists psychologists in what you may consider your area. 2. Write the attached letter to psychiatrists on Church of Scn stationery, 3. Write the attached letter to psychologists on the attached stationery. 4. Send any answers to the Ltr Registrar with copies of this programme and the letters and pamphlets so that a psychiatric file can be made up and handled thereafter on regular C/F lines to procure as pcs or students. 5. To see that the letter reg does continue to handle and if not to resume control and get them registered, ********* ENCLOSURES: 1. Sample Ltr to Psychiatrist 2. Folder Text to Psychiatrist. L. RON HUBBARD FOUNDER ========== (attachment 1) 282 ED 87 INT 20 Feb 69 Attachment 1 - LTR TO PSYCHIATRIST LTR TO PSYCHIATRIST HUBBARD SCIENTOLOGY ORGANISATION __________________ __________________ Dr. ______________ __________________ __________________ Dear Dr. ____________ We are sure you will be interested in the attached folder concerning psychiatrists. It is sent to you in all courtesy. Sincerely, D/Chaplain ========== (attachment 2) 283 ED 87 INT 20 Feb 69 Attachment 2 - FOLDER TO PSYCHIATRIST FOLDER TO PSYCHIATRISTS HUBBARD SCIENTOLOGY ORGANISATIONS Dear Doctor: Scientology has no wish whatever to drive the individual psychiatrist from personal practice or injure him economically. A score of years ago, a situation developed in which the psychiatric front organisations refused to accept or help with research on a breakthrough in the humanities and drove further research and practice out into the public. There is no reason why this grave oversight on the part of large front groups should recoil on the individual psychiatric practitioner. Scientology has survived the attacks inspired by these groups. It has come of age. Two decades of steady research have placed Scientology organisations in the position of a near but unwanted monopoly on results in mental healing. Hubbard's first class was composed of the leading psychiatrists of Washington, DC, and they used what he taught them to great profit and advance of cases until a Dr. Oberholtzer, a key figure in psychiatric front groups and head of St. Elizabeth's Hospital, who had no knowledge of the subject, furiously forbade their use of it as "heretic." Since that time Scientology organisations developed millions of members over the world, all in the face of this unreasonable prejudice by psychiatric front groups. To attempt to restrain knowledge and prevent the use of new data is hardly in the spirit of our times. But all this is neither here nor there. The fact remains that Scientology organisations are decent and responsible and they obtain results far in advance of older schools. We have no faintest wish to exclude the individual practitioner from this parade of case successes. We do not in any way wish to victimize him simply because some front groups made a mistake. Out of courtesy, for years we stayed out of the field of the insane and the physically ill. Unfortunately, as Scientology grew, the many abuses in the handling of the insane came to the notice of Scientologists. You are now getting a public outcry against them. Thus we are taking responsibility in this field. We only wish to help you, an individual, and we have no wish to see you carried down. Therefore, we are making to you personally, the following offer. ------ You will find no real trouble handling most of your patients with Scientology. It is, like all schools, a discipline function al in its own framework and functional only when one is trained. 1. If you will take an oath not to use shock or brain surgery on any of your patients hereafter; 2. If you will take an oath not to mix Scientology with older practices; 3. If you will promise to follow the Auditor's Code scrupulously; 4. We will grant you a 50% professional discount on all services; 5. Process your own case successfully up to what we call a Grad IV Release; 6. Train you up to a Class IV auditor status and award you a proper qualifying certificate; 7. Defend you personally during training and auditing and publicly in any time of outcry against psychiatry. Please believe us when we assure you that we are very since in this. We see no reason why you personally and all your original purposes should be thrown away just because some front group saw fit to try to throw away an important development two decades ago. The crowd is overwhelmingly on our side, public opinion is overwhelmingly against older practices. Results are obtainable predictably for the first time. This is a sincere effort to reunite the field of mental healing, so badly split up by some misguided people. We have no wish that you should suffer. Hubbard Scientology Organisation =========================== 284 ED 86 INT 22 Feb 69 APPLIES TO GUARDIAN'S OFFICE [p. 699-701] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 86 INT REFER ALSO LRH ED 87 INT 22 February 1969 APPLIES TO GUARDIAN'S OFFICE MAJOR TARGET: To secure the alliance and cooperation of and train medical doctors. PRIMARY: 1. Use same personnel and set up as psychiatric project. 2. Obtain lists of purely general practitioner Medical Doctors in your area. OPERATING TARGETS: 1. Send each G.P. M.D. a copy of the attached text folder. 2. See that any replies get onto org lines for routine handling. 3. See that PES and PRO remain knowledgeable as to this programme and its results. 4. Be sure PES sends any speakers required under the "seminar" point in literature and that PES keeps a high standard in the PE Course. L. RON HUBBARD Founder ====== (attachment) 285 ED 86 INT 22 Feb 69 Attachment 1 - (LTR TO Doctor) (This is a three fold double sheet letter.) HUBBARD SCIENTOLOGY ORGANISATION __________________ __________________ Dear Doctor: As you may have read in the UK magazine "G.P." 3 Jan. 69, there is new medical interest in DIANETICS as a means of treating psychosomatic ills. The words means "through, Mind". The body of information contained in DIANETICS is of course available to all general practitioners. Our organisations have never entered the field of physical healing out of respect for the medical doctor whose proper province it is. Authoritative figures show that the general practitioner handles some 28% of the mentally ill quite in addition to the physical aspects of psychosomatic medicine. This is another field we have not entered. However, the technology of DIANETICS on actual research testing shows results (by standard tests and X-rays) in a large percentage of cases. There have been hundreds of cases in these series so the matter ceased to be experimental some years ago. All of our technical information in DIANETICS is available to the "G.P." We would be very happy to cooperate and assist in the use of this information as follows. Seminars We can supply trained speakers to any seminar which general practitioners would themselves care to organize. Free Courses Medical practitioners are welcome to attend free evening courses covering the basics. Discounts We will extend a 50% professional discount for any services to general practitioners for themselves. There may be other services we can render of which you could possibly apprise us. We do not accept the sick for processing unless directed by a medical doctor. The insane are difficult to handle without sanitarium facilities but under special arrangements the organization can send technically trained persons to one in special cases. The primary point we are making is that this body of technical information is professionally open to study and use. The discipline of administration, to achieve results, is very precise and requires specialized training. Our main activity is of course Scientology which concentrates upon the betterment of normal awareness, intelligence, communication and so on. It is fundamentally an applied religious philosophy. DIANETICS on the other hand was designed as physical betterment utilizing some new discoveries concerning the mind. Both subjects have a similar ethical discipline. DIANETICS is at its best dealing with bizarre aches and pains, hypochondria and other matters which are a cross to bear to the general practitioner. The medical doctor has not been generally aware that far from offering him any economic or professional threat, we have been at some pains to direct the physically ill to him and maintain from our point of view a calm public front in the field of healing. The only point which distresses us is the use of shock and surgery on the insane since it retards their recovery and gives us problems where they by-pass our usual guards and we find ourselves with someone who might have been easy to help but who now, through the brutality he has experienced, gives us new problems. We have never had any quarrel with the medical doctor or physical healing. It would be a shame for the body of technology called DIANETICS to be neglected. DIANETICS and our organisations are entirely at the disposal of the general practitioner or bona fide medical doctor. There is ample precedent for medical doctors sending patients to a Church or a minister. Our ministers are professionally trained and also supervised by senior consultants. We and our facilities are at your service. Whether you utilize us or not we wish you to know that. _____________ =========================== 286 ED 88 INT 9 Mar 69 INJUSTICES [p. 692] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 88 INT 9 March 1969 INJUSTICES As you will see by HCO Poi 24 Feb 69, JUSTICE we know that False Reports are the main cause of injustice. They are also the cause of down stats. False reports about staff members that bring about discipline of another are heavily actionable. Although the Sea Org is not now sending out many org investigatory missions, when it does they will be operating only to put in HCO Poi Ltr of 24 Feb 69 and get the false reports out of the area and find the inventor of them. This should greatly help any area to recover. But there is no real reason the area itself can't do it. Injustice is a hot button. We ourselves in Scientology are subjected to duress only by false reports coming from very aberrated vested interests who are terrified we will steal their shakey monopoly on the insane. We see that society reeks with false reports. Knowing what lies are printed about us, we can only assume that the adjacent columns are equally false. Aberration is derived from false data. Therefore false reports can almost spin an organization in. 19 years ago we did a lot of work trying to run "group engrams". All this time later (for us) we have the answers. They are 3rd Party Actions and False Reports. These cause a group to go downtone and downstat. These also are the basic cause of war. They must also be a basic cause in insanity. An org would recover from any slump if it carefully isolated within its group any and all false reports on one another and got HCO Poi Ltr 24 Feb 69 fully followed. This is another road to truth. Best, Ron L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 287 ED 70 WW 9 Mar 69 PDH [p. 790] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 7 US 70 WW only Sea Org Corrected and Reissued 9 March 1969 PDH PDH stands for Pain Drug Hypnosis. It is known to some psychiatrists as a means of compelling obedience. They sometimes use it on psychotics. The trouble with detecting PDH was learned in 1952 when we found FAC ONE (1,000,000 to 1,250,000 year ago incident). People think they have been PDH'ed when they haven't. You can easily get a panic going on PDH. We found out all about such panics in 1952 when a dozen people were certain another had PDH'ed them. It all went false when dated correctly. There haven't been any current PDHes. As we're attacking psychiatrists' inhumanity to man we can easily get a motivator keyed in. So cool off any flaps about PDH. Tell people the above facts, particularly 1952. Psychiatrists are so afraid of us they are attacking themselves! A recent "Time" magazine carried one of many such articles under "Medicine" Even if a Scientologist were PDHed, it would run out easily with modern auditing in very short order. Might as well be afraid of toe stubs. On psychotics it would be more serious as, not having an auditor handy he'd just go out and assassinate somebody. So cool off any such. Best, Ron LRH/nt/ei:sk L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 288 ED 71 WW 13 Mar 69 "...TRUE JUSTICE AND RIGHT WRONGS..." [p. 789] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 71 WW 8 US 13 March 1969 WITHOUT CRITICISM OR INVALIDATION OF EXISTING ACTIONS BUT ONLY TO BEGIN A NEW ERA OF TRUE JUSTICE AND RIGHT WRONGS ALL COMMEVS SINCE 15 APR 68 ALL ETHICS FILES AND CONDITIONS ON ALL ORG STAFF AND FSM'S CANCELLED. ALL STAFF MEMBERS DISMISSED SINCE 15 APR 68 RETURNED TO STAFF WITHOUT FAIL IF THEY WISH AND TO SAME POST IF TREND DOWNSTAT SINCE DISMISSAL. A/G'S AND ECUS EXCEPTED AND NOT TO BE REMOVED. ALL ORG STAFFS USˇASSIGNED A NO CONDITION UNTIL SO MISSION FINDS SOURCE OF FALSE REPORTS ON PERSONNEL. ALL ORDERS OF US EC'S ECUS AND WW RELATING TO US CANCELLED TO DATE. ORDERS OF ALL A/G'S US AND GWW REMAIN IN FORCE. HCOES EACH ORG ORDERED TO INFORM ALL FORMER STAFF AND FSM'S AT ONCE. FUTURE DISMISSALS US TO BE CLEARED BY ECWW BEFORE ANY ACTION. A/GUS TO ADJUST ANY INEQUITIES RESULTING FROM THIS ED. EXISTING US STAFFS THANK YOU AND CARRY ON. MY APOLOGIES FOR NOT EARLIER OBSERVING AND FOR ANY UPSET CAUSED. GIVE ME A BIRTHDAY PRESENT BY GETTING SHOW ON THE ROAD. LOVE=RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 289 ED 86 INT 24 Mar 69 Addition [p. 698] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE LRH ED 86 INT 24 March 1969 SEA ORG Addition Op Target 1 (a) Include copy of HCOB 12 Mar '69, "Physically Ill Pcs", with added note: "Many things have been said and alleged about Scientology which were not true. This is one of the true papers of Scientology" Also include a good glossary of Scientology terms that appear in the text. LRH Comm WW to prepare this. L. RON HUBBARD Founder ===========================