FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES - 06/28 repost ============================ This is the Second Foundation. Our purpose is to keep LRH's plan on track (ref: Asimov). CofS has gone off the rails. This is an announcement of our support of FZBA, Freezone, and The Pilot. We are posting the LRH EDs to make ammends for our long delay in taking action. ARC, PROGRAM DIRECTOR SECOND FOUNDATION ============================ LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES This is a complete copy of the "Original LRH EDs" or Blue Volumes as issued by Bridge in 1983. The full contents for all 28 parts posted is in part 1. The volumes were divided into the 3 numbering Series, and subdivided into the classes of EDs (INT = International, WW = World Wide, SH = Saint Hill, etc.) and placed in reverse order (latest first) within type. This was quite confusing because of some EDs being in multiple classes with different numbers in each class. We rearranged everything in date order (earliest first) to give a better historical perspective and make these easy to find by date. The original table of contents is included in part 2 and the original page numbers are in "[]" at the beginning of each ED. See IMB 5 in part 2 for an explanation of the 3 Series of ED numbers and a list of valid (but expired) EDs not included. See LRH ED 345 INT in part 28 for a list of cancelled LRH EDs that were not included. These are only the EDs that are in the Blue Volumes. ************************************************** FZBA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** Part 6 117 ED 809 WW 22 Nov 67 FDA SETTLEMENT 118 ED 810 WW 22 Nov 67 SUITS 119 ED 811 WW 22 Nov 67 LEGAL PLANNING 120 ED 740 INT 14 Dec 67 PROPER MAG TITLES 121 ED 918 WW 17 Dec 67 WW CONDITION UPGRADED 122 ED 945 WW 20 Dec 67 TAXATION 123 ED 1381 SH 22 Dec 67 AFFLUENCE ATTAINMENT 124 ED 774 INT 1 Jan 68 SUITS AGAINST MELBOURNE 125 ED 775 INT 1 Jan 68 MELBOURNE DOCUMENTATION 126 ED 776 INT 1 Jan 68 MELBOURNE DATA 127 ED 789 INT 5 Jan 68 AFFLUENCE ATTAINMENT 128 ED 1028 WW 8 Jan 68 "WORLDWIDE REMAINS IN UK..." 129 ED 1039 WW 8 Jan 68 "THE AUDITOR RE...CLEARING..." 130 ED 799 INT 10 Jan 68 REWARD TO UP STAT ORGS 131 ED 1084 WW 10 Jan 68 BOARD OF INVESTIGATION WW 132 ED 805 INT 11 Jan 68 SPEED OF SERVICE 133 ED 1078 WW 15 Jan 68 "A BOFI ... METER CONSTRUCTION ..." 134 ED 1091 WW 17 Jan 68 "ECWW ESPECIALLY THE NEW PUBLIC EXEC..." 135 ED 1038 WW 18 Jan 68 "IN SAME AUDITOR DESCRIBED YESTERDAY..." 136 ED 1095 WW 19 Jan 68 "HAVING COMPLIED...SECT 3 IS..." 137 ED 1120 WW 23 Jan 68 "A BOFI...OUT TECH..." 138 ED 1134 WW 26 Jan 68 LISTING STUDY MATERIALS 139 ED 829 INT 28 Jan 68 WORLD WIDE 140 ED 1162 WW 29 Jan 68 ADVANCE COURSE SALE DATA 141 ED 860 INT 7 Feb 68 WORLD SCIENTOLOGY AFFLUENCE 142 ED 854 INT 9 Feb 68 WW CONDITION 143 ED 874 INT 21 Feb 68 "HAVE ALL ARCHIVE COMM EV TAPE..." 144 ED 888 INT 27 Feb 68 "THE ADVANCED ORG IS NOT THE SEA ORG..." 145 ED 1282 WW 29 Feb 68 "WHAT IS REQUIRED IS IN ETHICS..." 146 ED 926 INT 9 Mar 68 "An aud...Class VII until..." 147 ED 1418 WW 10 Mar 68 ANALYSIS 148 ED 925 INT 11 Mar 68 "Any Student found falsely attesting..." 149 ED 1346 WW 11 Mar 68 "SEA ORG PERSONNEL..." 150 ED 954 INT 11 Mar 68 "Every student on a..." 151 ED 935 INT 13 Mar 68 NEW QUAL STAT GDS QUAL DIV 152 ED 944 INT 13 Mar 68 URGENT (Green Form) 153 ED 1379 WW 14 Mar 68 "WW AND SH STAFF..." 154 ED 1380 WW 14 Mar 68 "DUE TO US...UK BARRIERS..." 155 ED 1390 WW 15 Mar 68 "M 11 SH IS TO INVESTIGATE..." 156 ED 955 INT 17 Mar 68 "It is a possibility...outlaw areas..." 157 ED 946 INT 18 Mar 68 "ALL PREVIOUS...CLASS VIII COURSE..." 158 ED 1413 WW 20 Mar 68 "DEITSCH RECORDINGS..." 159 ED 1470 WW 31 Mar 68 "WHO SELECTED..." 160 ED 1471 WW 31 Mar 68 "STAFF OF AUDITOR ARE..." 161 ED 1482 WW 2 Apr 68 "WW AND...FDA CASE..." 162 ED 1484 WW 3 Apr 68 ACCOUNT SIGNATORIES 163 ED 1484 WW 3 Apr 68 "Those responsible for the "soft sell"" 164 ED 1039 INT 14 Apr 68 AMENDMENT - CONDITIONS 165 ED 1552 WW 18 Apr 68 "...PUBS PROMO..." 166 ED 1057 INT 24 Apr 68 "Ethics Officers who send SP's to AO..." 167 ED 1052 INT 25 Apr 68 AFFLUENCE ATTAINMENT 168 ED 1065 INT 28 Apr 68 "When the Success story stat..." 169 ED 1067 INT 28 Apr 68 THIS IS YOUR EXPANSION PROGRAMME End of series 1 =========================== 117 ED 809 WW 22 Nov 67 FDA SETTLEMENT [p. 960] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 809 WW Reissue of SECED 356 WW 28.7.66 Applies to Legal 22 November 1967 TIME MACHINE FDA SETTLEMENT Legal is to look into and expedite the final settlement of the FDA raid in Washington. This is needed for addition to the booklet on Melbourne and a final settlement must be reached. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 118 ED 810 WW 22 Nov 67 SUITS [p. 958-9] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 810 WW 1219 SH Reissue of SECED 355 WW 678 SH Applies to Legal & HCO Area SH 22 November 1967 SUITS 1. The Melbourne "Enquiry" has apparently been made to reach further by their printing a booklet of the "findings" and sending it to all Information Services in all countries. 2. This makes the Victorian government widely culpable. Gwen McCallister in the Salisbury Office has a copy of their booklet. 3. Truth Magazine now states data was sent to Smith in Rhodesia who replied. 4. Therefore the proper programme is: [the following are all indented under #4 above - Ed.] 1. Get, in the Mail suit, an English court to declare the Melbourne evidence inadmissible due to (a) Perjury knowingly accepted by the Q.C. who did not act (b) Findings declared before defense witnesses heard (c) Intimidation of witnesses (d) Refusal to let me appear to defend (e) Errors of record transcription uncorrected (f) Any other technical irregularities (g) Collusion of witnesses Legal is ordered to assemble and document fully this evidence and make a paper of it for publication and forwarding to the world's Information Services as well as getting the Enquiry branded as inadmissible evidence. The booklet should stress the criminal transportee background of Australian law. Mark the order - Time Machine 1 month. Avoid retrying Scientology or myself just try their technical evidence. 2. Forward the UK court findings to Canberra for the use of our solicitors there. 3. Hang the Victorian government with L250,000 additional damages re Rhodesia. 4. Sue the Rhodesian "government" as individuals since they are rebels. 5. Complete all suits. [end of indented section] NOTE 5. Our apparent difficulties in all this are totally traceable to non-compliance in our organizations in handling legal matters i.e. (A) Melbourne Office violated all instructions from Saint Hill (B) Here at Saint Hill now we had not filed writs or even replied to our Canberra solicitors' 4 months old queries. 6. Our troubles are all stemming from non-compliance and inattention to our own orgs. 7. We MUST remedy this condition. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 119 ED 811 WW 22 Nov 67 LEGAL PLANNING [p. 957] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 811 WW Reissue of SECED 357 WW 28.7.66 amended 22 November 1967 TIME MACHINE LEGAL PLANNING booklets: In addition to other legal actions we will issue 4 (1) Melbourne Enquiry Rebuttal (2) FDA Rebuttal (3) Success Booklet (4) The Character of Scientology. 2. These booklets will present with photo-lithe pages the actual documents involved, will be paper backed, will have full colour covers and will be issued to all Scientologists and Information Services in the world. Legal must begin their documentation. They may also be used in court defenses and suits. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 120 ED 740 INT 14 Dec 67 PROPER MAG TITLES [p. 878] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 740 INT ED 607 INT Reissued 'UNDERSTANDING from JB' had been omitted Execs WW US Exec Council London Exec Council AF Exec Council ANZO Exec Council 14 December 1967 PROPER MAG TITLES 1. The following orgs issue the following mags: CERTAINTY from London ABILITY from DC REALITY from LA AFFINITY from Auckland (for New Zealand) COMMUNICATION from Auckland (for Australia) UNDERSTANDING from Johannesburg. 2. These orgs above may not issue any other mags than with the above titles. Any other mag titles being issued from the above orgs as a second title are cancelled. The Area Mag Programme did not apply to the above orgs as they were already issuing magazines. 3. For these orgs to be issuing other mags with strange titles than their long standing and well-known mag titles tends to confuse and disperse your public and to give the appearance that the standard and familiar mag has been dropped. 4. Your schedule is now as follows: Issue a major on even months, minor on odd months. Major goes to current in comm people. Minor to whole CF even though some names are years out of comm. Material Secretary WW is designing shooting boards per these formats and these are sent monthly to you by the first of each month one month prior to their deadline for issue. 5. As an addendum, Continental org mags should promote Continental org services as well as the Continental area. 6. The US Exec Council should also review the status of Ability and Reality under the US Continental area. 7. The Exec Council WW should review the workability of Communication being issued from Auckland and handle accordingly. 8. Area orgs continue, of course, to use area mag shooting boards from WW with titles now being issued. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 121 ED 918 WW 17 Dec 67 WW CONDITION UPGRADED [p. 955] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 918 WW All Staff 17 December 1967 WW CONDITION UPGRADED WW is upgraded to Emergency. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 122 ED 945 WW 20 Dec 67 TAXATION [p. 954] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 945 WW 20 December 1967 TAXATION AS PLANNING AND ACTION ON TAXATION IS VARYING FROM AGREED PLANNING AND HAS ENGAGED ATTENTION BY SENIORS SINCE AUGUST 1967 AN ALERT IS HEREBY ISSUED THAT SHOULD DAMAGE RESULT TO COMPANY OR MY INTERESTS BY REASON OF TAX ACTION A CONDITION OF DOUBT WILL BE ASSIGNED TO ALL ON THESE LINES AND HEAVY SUIT FILED BY ME ON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS FOR NEGLIGENCE SINCE THE NECESSARY RECORDS AND STRATEGY ARE ALL IN ORDER AND ONLY NEGLECT CAN CAUSE LOSS. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 123 ED 1381 SH 22 Dec 67 AFFLUENCE ATTAINMENT [p. 1003] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1381 SH 22 December 1967 AFFLUENCE ATTAINMENT Affluence attainment consists of (1) Hard work. (2) In Ethics. (3) Standard Tech. (4) Doing the things that won, not new things untried as yet. (5) Applying the formula of the condition one is in. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =================== YEAR OF 1968 =========================== 124 ED 774 INT 1 Jan 68 SUITS AGAINST MELBOURNE [p. 877] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 774 INT (Seced 123 INT reissued) Applies to Legal Officers, Executives and Attorneys 1 January 1968 SUITS AGAINST MELBOURNE Each office is independent in its legal actions against the local newspaper carrying the Victoria libel and slander. The Continental Office is not the only suit to be filed. The exception is London where Saint Hill is handling. In South Africa, any office in a different state independently files the suits against any paper near it that carried the story. The suit must also name Anderson personally and the State of Victoria along with the local paper. It is mandatory to do the above. Any Australian Office outside Victoria is to sue on its own against any local paper as above. The New Zealand Office is also to sue and may do so on any past story of the Enquiry (no earlier stories appeared outside ANZO as I blocked them). The U.S. papers were wary and none carried the story so far as I know. The rumour is the U.S. papers considered the story stank and was dangerous to touch (which it was). This matter of suing papers, etc., may go on for some years. Such actions start and grind away slowly. One handles them when they stall or need data to go on. They will all be successful and the extent of damage in any area should be estimated for suit purposes as high as possible where it can be stated in suit papers. L10,000,000 sterling is a good figure and fitting for Victoria. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 125 ED 775 INT 1 Jan 68 MELBOURNE DOCUMENTATION [p. 875-6] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 775 INT (SECED 122 INT Reissued) Applies to all Legal Officers, executives and attorneys concerned. Data to be collected by the Legal Officer Saint Hill and Xerox copied for use in this and other areas 1 January 1968 MELBOURNE DOCUMENTATION Compilations of data for court presentation of our case against Victoria et al stresses only these points and includes no Scientology data of any kind or data rebutting their assertions. We must avoid letting any attorney of ours get caught in the attempt of defenders to push the case over into "proving their Enquiry findings about Scientology" as that is not proper ground for attack or defense for us as "opinion" enters into it, and it would require endless effort and waste time. And the attorneys could get us further bad publicity by continuing to repeat the Melbourne slanders. The slanders we are trying are only those published in the newspapers we are suing, not the whole parade of libel and slander issued by the Victorian government. To avoid Scientology being retried we must write up our suits and present our case stressing the following: That libel and slander occurred, was issued and published in the paper we are suing, out of proceedings in Victoria that were irregular in the extreme and included criminal acts by the instigators. We should not sue for just "libel and slander" but for "libel and slander arising from irregularities and proceedings which contained criminal actions by the defendants" or the proper paraphrase. The paper, Anderson and the State of Victoria should all be named in each of our suits. DOCUMENTATION Our documentation must be as follows: (1) A coyy of the minutes of the secret meetings of hostile witnesses and "suggested testimony" they "agreed upon" (2) affidavits as to that document's validity, that the document was seen in the Enquiry room and known to Anderson (everyone had a copy but us). These are obtainable from witnesse now out of Melbourne jurisidiction but present at the proceedings. Also they can be obtained from various persons in our Melbourne office. (3) Evidences and affidavits of intimidation of our witnesses including some Scientologists being forced by threat to spy on the organisation. These are obtainable, additional to those evidences we have, from persons in Melbourne and the Melbourne Office. (4) Verification of the statement that my personal safety could not be guaranteed if I came to Melbourne. (5) Evidences of efforts by us to enter my testimony in the enquiry including copies of applications to the Attorney General of Victoria Rylah and his response, applications to the enyuiry and its response and application to have my testimony taken in England and its refusal. (These last are part of the proceedings.) (6) Evidences of perjury. Doug Moon's admission of it and Anderson's toleration are part of the enquiry record. (7) Evidences of the enquiry's refusal to pay expenses as is ordinary in such matters. (8) Evidences of our attorneys' refusal to expose irregularities and their statements favouring the government. And their general neglect and refusal to take clients instructions resulting in deterioration of the affair. (9) Affidavits from Melbourne personnel that our former attorneys attempted in late October 1965 to get our Melbourne Office to close and de-register, coupled with these attorneys' letter one week earlier stating they were not going to act for us, and their refusal to give the government a message which when cabled by me to the "Prime Minister" caused the Victorian government to cease to claim "a bill before Christmas" and state "six months delay". The above papers make a conclusive case which if pressed will give us a win. All efforts on the part of the opposition in any trial to prove how bad Scientology is should be squashed. We must remain in a favourable position of being able to try without ourselves being tried further. We could of course repute as false all they stated in their "findings" but this is lengthy and not actually germane to our suit. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 126 ED 776 INT 1 Jan 68 MELBOURNE DATA [p. 872-4] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 776 INT (Seced 119 INT reissued and amended) Applies to all Legal Officers and HASI Attorneys and executives concerned 1 January 1968 MELBOURNE DATA The Victoria State Parliament of Victoria after a two year "enquiry" released a slanderous attack as "findings" to International press and was legislated against Scientology on the basis of their "enquiry". Both the state and Federal prime minister have been apprised of the criminal and illegal nature of their proceedings. Now that the Enquiry "findings" are published, the initiative is out of the hands of the Victorian State Government. These facts now emerge: (1) Our solicitors there and previous org officers never took or executed any instruction of mine. (2) Our solicitors withdrew by letter to Saint Hill one week before advising the Melbourne office to de-register its name and close. In 1964 these solicitors refused to complain of the collusion of witnesses as it would "overthrow the Victorian government". They refused orders to advise the Victorian cabinet of their liability in this. There was no proper accountings to us of funds sent to them by Scientologists for defense. Thousands of pounds were received by them as defense donations for which I have had no accounting. (3) Our losses there are explained by previous executives going off policy on the Wearne matter and refusing to execute my orders which were fairly routine defense actions. The situation deteriorated because of: (a) Our solicitors being pro-government (b) Ordinary defense not being undertaken (c) No counter action of any kind being executed. (4) The action is now no longer dependent on any Australian action. By Victoria's government releasing "findings" to and making statements to the international press, which then published the "findings" and allegations abroad initiative has passed into our hands. This is what we are doing with it: (A) Melbourne officers have refused to close as advised by local solicitors. This in any case is the extreme penalty in view of legislation being passed and to do so prematurely would put us in a bad light. HASI Melbourne has been ordered to protect assets and to stay open. (B) The Australian Federal Prime Minister wrote Mary Sue Hubbard some time ago that he had ordered an investigation of the "enquiry". This was not executed by the Victorian Government. It forms a peg to hang an injuction on in Canberra HASI Melbourne has been ordered to acquire new attorneys in Canberra, the Federal capital, to the end of proceeding against the state of Victoria and Anderson. (C) Parliamentary privilege is the only defense put forth for the Victorian actions by Victoria. This does not apply as the "enquiry" proceedings were conducted with great irregularities and included suggested testimony for hostile witnesses, condoned perjury and intimidation of witnesses. Criminal acts are not covered by "parliamentary privilege". Such actions are classified as criminal. (D) Anderson, a "Queen's Counselor" was the sole member of the "Board of Enquiry". A Roman Catholic, he refused evidence and our summing up because it was "against his own religious beliefs" amongst a flood of bizarre misconduct as a judge or "board". A Q.C. can't be proceeded against while court action is in progress but afterwards by law is open to actions being taken. (E) The Defamatory Act in the U.K. states that only evidence heard in a fair trial is open to press quote. This enquiry was not fair and was not a trial and refused to hear not only myself but most of our witnesses. The criminal nature of the enquiry misconduct wipes out Parliamentary Privilege. (F) The area of suit is now disadvantageous to the hostile elements in Victoria. By releasing their "findings" we can sue them on our ground but they can't sue us abroad as we have done nothing to them abroad. WHAT WE ARE DOING We are suing Anderson wherever his name can be connected to a paper in any country that ran the story. We will try it solely on a legal technical basis - criminal irregularities of jurisprudence. We will couple the state of Victoria to all suits and press for L10,000,000 in damages. This can go to the Federal Supreme Court of Australia, SA Courts, UK Courts, even the UN Courts on the basis of violations of charter. We are not suing for libel and slander. We are suing for "libel and slander arising from hearings conducted in an irregula manner containing criminal acts". While it may have been "a properly constituted enquiry" it was criminally conducted and all proper authorities there, when informed of the crimes closed their eyes to them and did not act. This makes the government and the parliament culpable. We must not issue press statements particularly libelous ones. Keep all your communications on this amongst our attorneys and properly constituted executives. It will be time enough to make press statements when we win, which we will, of course. We will not permit Scientology to be re-tried as a science as it has been mistried. The opposition will seek to win by re-trying it and quoting; the "enquiry". This must be blocked. Ample funds are available and only the best firms and barristers should be employed. We at last have it out of Victoria where we can get to work on them. Even if they pass a bill, based as it is on criminal misconduct of the hearings, it helps us in our case as incurring even greater damages. It is now our turn to shoot. Those actually filing suits may have copies of all pertinent papers from Saint Hill. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 127 ED 789 INT 5 Jan 68 AFFLUENCE ATTAINMENT [p. 871] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 789 INT Reissue of ED 1381 SH 22/12/67 5 January 1968 AFFLUENCE ATTAINMENT Affluence attainment consists of (1) Hard work. (2) In Ethics. (3) Standard Tech. (4) Doing the things that won, not new things untried as yet. (5) Applying the formula of the condition one is in. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 128 ED 1028 WW 8 Jan 68 "WORLDWIDE REMAINS IN UK..." [p. 953] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1028 WW 8 January 1968 WORLDWIDE REMAINS IN UK. THERE IS NO PLAN OR INTENTION TO MOVE WORLDWIDE MUCH LESS SH ORG NOW OR IN THE FUTURE, ALL BASES BEING FORMED ELSEWHERE ARE FOR ACTIVITIES ABOVE LEVELS TAUGHT AND USED AT SH OR IN ORGS CONTROLLED BY WW. THE VESSEL WHICH WAS BEING PURCHASED FOR WW HAS BEEN CANCELLED. THREE VESSELS NOW IN OPERATION OVERSEAS ARE DEVOTED TO ADVANCED LEVELS ONLY. THESE LEVELS ARE ATTAINED ONLY THROUGH SERVICES OF OUTER ORGS AND WW AND SH AT LEAST ONE BASE IS DEVOTED NOT TO COURSES BUT OT OPERATIONS INTENDED TO SAFEGUARD SH WW AND OUTER ORGS AGAINST ANY OPPOSITION. THE MISSION BEING A SAFE PLANET FOR SCIENTOLOGY. PERMISSION TO PRINT IN AUDITOR GRANTED. LOVE RON. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 129 ED 1039 WW 8 Jan 68 "THE AUDITOR RE...CLEARING..." [p. 952] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1039 WW 1465 SH 8 January 1968 THE AUDITOR RE ANNOUNCING CLEARING AT SH MUST BE A MINOR TYPE EVEN IF OUT OF SEQUENCE AND AN EXTRA. IT GOES OUT TO WHOLE LIST. ALSO ANNOUNCE JOHN MCMASTER WORLD'S FIRST CLEAR IS MAKING A TOUR OF ALL ORGS AND THAT ALAN WALTERS OT IV NOW A SEA ORG OFFICER IS RETURNING TO THE US TO SET UP CENTRES. RON. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 130 ED 799 INT 10 Jan 68 REWARD TO UP STAT ORGS [p. 870] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 799 INT All Staff All Orgs 10 January 1968 REWARD TO UP STAT ORGS 1. Per P/L 4/Oct/67 the individual statistic of any organisation (except SH) is: How many trained auditors exist in its area. 2. To encourage orgs to fill their Academies and train lots of auditors WW will award to the ORG TRAINING THE MOST AUDITORS IN THE NEXT THREE MONTHS ONE Saint Hill Special Briefing Course to be taken by any up stat contracted staff member of that Org. 3. A similar award will be made to the Foundation training the most auditors. 4. So get cracking, fill your Academies and graduate lots of auditors. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 131 ED 1084 WW 10 Jan 68 BOARD OF INVESTIGATION WW [p. 950] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1084 WW 10 January 1968 BOARD OF INVESTIGATION WW A Board of Investigation into delay of Info packets of the Advanced Ore ordered prior to 11 Nov 67 and to be issued by the end of November according to Jill van Staden and, by report, were to be delayed to the end of January 68. As this caused great embarrassment, considerable expense of emergency promotion including sending McMaster on a tour, the fixing of responsibility in this matter of delay is of importance. The Board is to consist of Tony Dunleavy Chairman Roger Barnes Secretary Ken Urquhart Member. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 132 ED 805 INT 11 Jan 68 SPEED OF SERVICE [p. 869] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 805 INT (Originally issued as Flag Order 340) 11 January 1968 SPEED OF SERVICE In the matter of courses and students SPEED of service is of vital importance. The prosperity of a business is directly proportional to the speed of flow of its particles (despatches, cables, goods, messengers, students, customers, agents, etc.). To prosper, service must be as close to instant as possible. Anything which stops or delays the flows of a business or delays or puts a customer or product on WAIT is an enemy of that business. Good management carefully isolates all stops on its flow lines and eradicates them to increase speed of flows. Speed of service is of comparable magnitude to quality of service and where exaggerated ideas of quality exist they must become secondary to speed. Only then can a business propser. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 133 ED 1078 WW 15 Jan 68 "A BOFI ... METER CONSTRUCTION ..." [p. 951] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1078 WW 15 January 1968 A BOARD OF INVESTIGATION COMPOSED BY LRH COMM WW IS CONVENED TO INVESTIGATE ANY CHANGE IN METER CONSTRUCTION ESPECIALLY CHARGING CIRCUIT. FINDINGS TO INCLUDE WHO SLIPPED UP OR AUTIIORIZED CHANGE. ALSO TO MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS ON REISSUE OF MARK FOUR THAT USED BATTERIES AS AN ADDED ITEM. BEST = RON. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 134 ED 1091 WW 17 Jan 68 "ECWW ESPECIALLY THE NEW PUBLIC EXEC..." [p. 949] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1091 WW 17 January 1968 ECWW ESPECIALLY THE NEW PUBLIC EXEC SEC SHOULD GET SH FND GOING AS IT IS WITHOUT AN LRH COMM AND LETTERS ARE DANGER BY TREND. IF SH FND SLIPS THAT CLOSE TO PESWW QUESTION QUESTION QUESTION. BEST = RON. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 135 ED 1038 WW 18 Jan 68 "IN SAME AUDITOR DESCRIBED YESTERDAY..." [p. 948] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1038 WW 1464 SH 18 January 1968 IN SAME AUDITOR DESCRIBED YESTERDAY ANNOUNCE CLEARING COURSE OT ONE OT TWO STILL TAUGHT IN EAST GRINSTEAD. QUOTE IT WAS THOUGHT FOR A WHILE THEY WOULD ONLY BE TAUGHT AT THE ADVANCED ORG BUT VOLUME AND DEMAND IS SUCH THEY WILL ALSO CONTINUE TO BE TAUGHT IN ENGLAND AS WELL AS AT THE ADVANCED ORG. THE AO SPECIALIZES IN THE HIGHER OT COURSES OT THREE OT FOUR AND OT FIVE. YOU CAN ENROLL AT ONCE IN THE SOLO AUDIT AND CLEARING COURSE IN ENGLAND JUST AS ALWAYS. THE HIGH RECORD OF THE CC IN THE UK CONTINUES. THE NEW FAST FLOW SYSTEM WITHOUT EXAMINATION IS NOW IN IN ENGLAND. UNQUOTE. RON. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 136 ED 1095 WW 19 Jan 68 "HAVING COMPLIED...SECT 3 IS..." [p. 947] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1095 WW 1506 SH 19 January 1968 HAVING COMPLIED SWIFTLY THEN SECT 3 IS SCHEDULED FOR STAFF IN TWO MONTHS. LOVE RON. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 137 ED 1120 WW 23 Jan 68 "A BOFI...OUT TECH..." [p. 946] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1120 WW 23 January 1968 DENMARK BOARD A BOARD OF INVESTIGATION IS TO BE NAMED BY LRH COMM WW TO ONE DISCOVER IF ANY OUT TECH HAS BEEN DONE BY JOAN OBERHOLTZER AND QUENTIN SCHNEHAGGE IN DENMARK TWO IF THEIR CONDUCT HAS INCLUDED DRINKING OR HAS BEEN IRREGULAR THREE IF THE GUARDIAN'S OFFICE HAS RECEIVED ANY REPORTS OR IF THE INT OR SH E/OS HAVE BEEN REPORTED TO ON IRREGULARITIES IN DENMARK FOUR IF JOAN MCNOCHER HAS IN ANY WAY CONDONED SUCH REPORTS OR STOPPED ACTION TO CORRECT ANY SITUATION IN DENMARK FIVE TO LOCATE ANY OUT ADMIN THAT PREVENTED HANDLING OF ANY OUT TECH IN DENMARK. IF THE BOARD FINDS AFFIRMATIVE ON POINT ONE THE OFFENDERS ARE TO BE ORDERED TO CRAMMING OWN EXPENSE SH AS ONE OF THE PENALTIES. IF THE BOARD FINDS POINTS FOUR AND FIVE EVIDENCE THEN A COMM EV MUST BE CONVENED AND IS TO INCLUDE WHY GUBBAY'S SP CONNECTION WAS NOT REVEALED TO ME AND WHY GUBBAY NOT DISMISSED MONTHS AGO AND GENERAL CONDUCT ON POST. BEST RON. The Board will consist of: Linda Nussbaum Chairman Don Breeding Secretary Kevin Kember. Member L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 138 ED 1134 WW 26 Jan 68 LISTING STUDY MATERIALS [p. 945] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1134 WW 1527 SH 26 January 1968 LISTING STUDY MATERIALS ANY FURTHER DELAY IN MARKING ALL ALL TAPES AND BULLETINS ON LISTING REGARDLESS OF EARLIER R6 MATERIALS WILL BE LOOKED ON AS A HIGH CRIME. ANY STUDENT GRADUATING FROM SHSBC WHO WILL NOT ATTEST HE CAN GIVE COMPETENT REM A REM B AND S AND DS AND PERFORM ALL LISTING ACTIONS EASILY MUST BE SENT TO CRAMMING TO REVIEW ALL LISTING TAPES AND TECH AND THEN BE REQUIRED TO ATTEST. BEST RON. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 139 ED 829 INT 28 Jan 68 WORLD WIDE [p. 868] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 829 INT 28 January 1968 WORLD WIDE Congratulations on record gross income. WW is assigned a POWER condition. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 140 ED 1162 WW 29 Jan 68 ADVANCE COURSE SALE DATA [p. 943-4] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1162 WW 2 AO 1539 SH 29 January 1968 URGENT IMPORTANT ADVANCE COURSE SALE DATA The Clearing and OT Courses were given to WW up to CC OTI OTII so the org would not appear to be unimportant. In actual fact really giving an Advanced Course (CC and OT Courses onward) would cost WW considerable money. (1) The Advance Courses have belonged to me from their beginning as per early pol ltrs. Thus all fees for them if collected at WW must be banked and forwarded on. (2) WW only gets 5% for admin of the course. If it gives them itself it also gets no 10% and may even have to pay 10% to some FSM. Also it costs more than 5% to administer an Advanced Course. So WW could LOSE up to 20% of the fee if it gives one actually. So WW would lose money giving Advanced Courses. (3) If the Advanced Org gives the course WW makes 10% if it gives the student an individual selection slip as an FSM. (4) WW does no real work for this 10% of Advance Course fees. It is total income. It is paid directly to WW by the AO. The WW Registrar and WW Ltr Reg therefore, on any application for the CC or OTI or OTII, should respond with (a) A WW printed, signed selection slip with the student's name on it and date of issue. (b) An AO Info package. (c) A copy of the Selection Slip to Dist Sec AO. EXCEPTION A staff member under 2 1/2 year contract can get the Advanced Courses at WW/SH. The full 50% fee is sent to the AO. There is no FSM. SPECIAL PROVISION If WW/SH sends its staff to AO it can have credit on the course fee as per usual staff arrangements. In short, it is best that WW has the apparency of giving CC and other Advanced Courses to help its image but for reasons of work and money, it is better to select to the AO. ON ADVANCE PAYMENTS reroute the student to the AO and take 10% of the fee. On mail requests for help, send the student a slip directing him to the AO and send AO the plea. PUT a solid line in to give every SOLO COURSE GRADUATE an AO selection slip as a standard action. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 141 ED 860 INT 7 Feb 68 WORLD SCIENTOLOGY AFFLUENCE [p. 866] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ADVANCED ORGANIZATION Yacht Royal Scotman ED 120 AO 860 INT 7 February 1968 WORLD SCIENTOLOGY AFFLUENCE The Sea Org is a roaring success. My Tape played to public, plus McMaster, Payer, Waiter's tours, Scotman mailings, general completion up to VI plus WW management and Review Mission WW produced the highest International Stats ever. Thus the Sea Org, as a factor in World Scn Affluence, must continue its programmes, L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 142 ED 854 INT 9 Feb 68 WW CONDITION [p. 867] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 854 INT 9 February 1968 WW CONDITION W/E 1 Feb '68 WW is declared in Affluence. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 143 ED 874 INT 21 Feb 68 "HAVE ALL ARCHIVE COMM EV TAPE..." [p. 865] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 874 INT AIRMAIL TO LRH COMMS 21 February 1968 HAVE ALL ARCHIVE COMM EV TAPE FINDINGS SHIPPED C/O SAINT HILL MANOR EAST GRINSTEAD SUSSEX ENGLAND THESE ARE TO BE SENT AS UNACCOMPANIED BAGGAGE DO NOT SEND ANY FILES OR ORDERS JUST THE TAPES YOU RETAIN ALL OTHER MATERIAL BEST RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 144 ED 888 INT 27 Feb 68 "THE ADVANCED ORG IS NOT THE SEA ORG..." [p. 864] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 888 INT 27 February 1968 THE ADVANCED ORG IS NOT THE SEA ORG AND HAS NO AUTHORITY BEYOND ITS LOCAL AFFAIRS. THE SEA ORG IS THE ETHICS ORG OF SCIENTOLOGY AND INTERVENES ONLY ON UNDERSTOOD INVITATION OF EC WW. ECWW IS THE CONTROL ORG OF ALL SCN ORGS, ONLY ON SPECIFIC MISSION INDEPENDENT OF ECWW. OTWW LIAISON AT WW IS THE LIAISON WITH WW ONLY. IT IS REACHED VIA WW BY ALL OTHER ORGS. THE AO CONTACTS AND USES OTWW LIAISON ONLY VIA SEA ORG TO WHICH OTWW BELONGS. OTWW DOES NOT RUN OR CONTROL OUTER ORGS. AO DOES NOT RUN OR CONTROL ANY ORGS BUT AO. ALL ORGS ARE RESPONSIBLE TO ECWW EXCEPT SEA ORG AND AO. ANYONE DISARRANGING OR VIOLATING THIS ADMIN PATTERN IS ASSIGNED A DANGER CONDITION BEST RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 145 ED 1282 WW 29 Feb 68 "WHAT IS REQUIRED IS IN ETHICS..." [p. 942] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 9 PERTH 1282 WW 29 February 1968 WHAT IS REQUIRED IS IN ETHICS STANDARD TECH HIGH STATS NO FAILED CASES AND PERTH 100 PERCENT THROUGH PE AS THE FIRST ALL SCN CITY LOVE RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 146 ED 926 INT 9 Mar 68 "An aud...Class VII until..." [p. 862] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 926 INT 9 March 1968 An auditor is not qualified as a Class VII until they have been through the Org Exec Course with all Ethics Policies Star rated. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 147 ED 1418 WW 10 Mar 68 ANALYSIS [p. 941] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1418 WW 70 SH 10 March 1968 ANALYSIS Once a month now for 6 months, every 30 days we have had a Mission at WW or its area to hold its Stats up and each one that has gone has found a collapsed Org. Mission SH, WW, Review Mission WW, Payer Mission, Mission WWII and LRH Mission to USA via telex. Condition from September forward has been no higher than Danger. The Org has depended on Sea Org for their statistics and have not backed us up. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 148 ED 925 INT 11 Mar 68 "Any Student found falsely attesting..." [p. 863] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 925 INT 11 March 1968 Any Student found falsely attesting on a Level, not only goes into Liability but is Starrated on checkouts from then on out, if ever restored to grace. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 149 ED 1346 WW 11 Mar 68 "SEA ORG PERSONNEL..." [p. 940] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1346 WW 11 March 1968 DELD OTWW INFO OT CEN COMM SEA ORG PERSONNEL AND AO APPLICANTS ARE NOT TO BE LIMITED BY CATEGORY. WE BADLY NEED PERSONNEL BUT DISREGARD ANY ALL LISTS SUCH AS ONE SECCHECKER ONE FLAG WAVER ONE COOK AS SUCH REQUESTS CONTRARY FLAG POLICY THAT ANY ALL APPLICANTS NAMES AND APPLICATIONS COME DIRECT TO FLAG. ANY AND ALL SCIENTOLOGISTS ARE CONSIDERED. ADVERTISE SEA ORG AND AO NEED SCNS PERIOD. BEST RON. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 150 ED 954 INT 11 Mar 68 "Every student on a..." [p. 858] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 954 INT 11th March 1968 Every student on a Dianetic Course, SH Course, SHSBC or Solo Audit Course, or Academy that we find untrained, (also applies to preclears) we are going to send out a Mission to investigate the whole channel right on down to the Org, instructor and Ethics Officer. And every time an applicant comes aboard the Royal Scotman who can't pass a sec-check, we're going to send out a Mission to WW and the offending Org. People who are found to be responsible for this lack of training or lack of security are going to be debarred the Advance Courses. This is not a threat, simply Sea Org planning to raise the technology of Scientology and raise the statistics of Scientology in the future. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 151 ED 935 INT 13 Mar 68 NEW QUAL STAT GDS QUAL DIV [p. 861] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 935 INT 13 March 1968 NEW QUAL STAT GDS QUAL DIV The GDS Qual stat all Orgs, including WW, is changed to a dual stat, the old one of Qual income and the Gross Income of the Organization divided by the number of persons on staff of the organization. Example: Gross Income L20,000, divided by 200 people is 100. The stat is graphed as 100. It should be realized that the WW Qual stat is a combination of all stats which already contain a division as above. WW again divides the number on WW staff into the combined Qual stat as calculated above, and graphs it to appropriate scale. This makes 2 Qual graphs. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 152 ED 944 INT 13 Mar 68 URGENT (Green Form) [p. 860] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 944 INT 13 March 1968 URGENT IMPORTANT Qual must write in on the green form, right after PTP, EVALUATION ____________ INVALIDATION __________ These two items are often reponsible for case slow downs and affect the gross income of an Org. ALSO where Ethics is out in an Org, SPs, by evaluation and invalidation of students and pcs can crash the stats. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 153 ED 1379 WW 14 Mar 68 "WW AND SH STAFF..." [p. 939] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1379 WW 52 SH 14 March 1968 WW AND SH STAFF AND EXECS MAY NOT BE SENT HERE FOR HIGHER LEVELS EFFECTIVE NOW. WE WILL GIVE THEM COURSES VIA AN OTSO TRAINING LIAISON UNIT TO BE FORMED BY OTWW LIAISON. DUE TO VISAS. LOVE RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 154 ED 1380 WW 14 Mar 68 "DUE TO US...UK BARRIERS..." [p. 938] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1380 WW 53 SH 14 March 1968 DUE TO US MOTIONS TOWARD ISOLATING THE DOLLAR AND UK BARRIERS TO VISITORS THE FUTURE OF SH MAY DEPEND ON UK SCOT IRISH SCANDINAVIAN EUROPEAN STUDENTS PCS THEREFORE THE PUBLIC ES MUST BEGIN TOURS LECTURES PROGRAMME MANY LECTURERS OF THESE AREAS BY COMPETENT SPEAKERS. ACT FAST. ATTN SPEOWW LOVE RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 155 ED 1390 WW 15 Mar 68 "M 11 SH IS TO INVESTIGATE..." [p. 937] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1390 WW 15 March 1968 M 11 SH IS TO INVESTIGATE ANY FURTHER EFFECT REGINA HAS ON PLANS AND STATS AND LOOK OVER INFLUENCE ON D/G AND OES/WW AND DISCOURAGE SUCH INFLUENCE NEAR ORG TOP. LRH L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 156 ED 955 INT 17 Mar 68 "It is a possibility...outlaw areas..." [p. 857] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 955 INT 17 March 1968 It is a possibility that slightly outlaw areas will produce high interest and dedication. This is suggested by the fact that according to ED 923 INT of 8th March, 1968, LAS VEGAS, Nevada, a tiny town produced the highest income of a franchise centre on record. It is also true that there is a great deal of money in Las Vegas. Suggested areas include: Chicago Soho (London) Las Vegas Harlem Tiajuana L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 157 ED 946 INT 18 Mar 68 "ALL PREVIOUS...CLASS VIII COURSE..." [p. 859] ED 946 INT 18 March 1968 [This was a Telex and so was one big runon paragraph - we have broken it up to make it easier to read - Ed.] ALL PREVIOUS TELEXES PROMOTION ETC. ON CLASS VIII COURSE ARE CANCELLED. CLASS VIII COURSE 1. GRADE ATTAINED CLASS VIII. A CLASS VIII IS AN OT AUDITOR TRAINED IN THE SPECIAL REVIEW TECHNOLOGY USED IN ALL QUALS FOR ALL LEVELS AND IN PARTICULAR THE REVIEW TECHNOLOGY OF OT SECTIONS. 2. PREREQUISITES: SHSBC COURSE. SECTION VI OT. GOOD ETHICS RECORD. 3. CURRICULUM: SECTION 1 "THE TECH OF ETHICS": ALL POLICY LETTERS ON SEC CHECKING, SUPPRESSIVES, PTS TECH, ETHICS, THE ORG EXEC COURSE. IF ALREADY DONE, THE STUDENT WILL STAR RATE ETHICS SECTION. SECTION 2 TECH: FIND ANY WEAKNESS BY EXAMINATION IN THE WHOLE OF THE LOWER LEVELS AND YOU STAR IT. SECTION 3 ADMIN: CLAY TABLE OF THE 10 DIVISION SYSTEM WITH ALL SECTIONS. THIS IS A FLOOR PLAN CLAY TABLE, NOT ORG BOARD. LAID OUT SHOWING ALL LINE FLOWS WITH SET UP OF STOPS SOLVED. SECTION 4 QUAL DETECTION AND REMEDY OF ALL PC OUTNESSES FROM LEVEL O (INCLUDING SUBZEROS) TO OT VI. SECTION 5: PUBLIC SPEAKING, HANDLING OF TAPE RECORDERS AND THEIR MEANING OF SYMBOLS AND INSIGNIAS. SECTION 6: SETTING UP AND HANDLING OF FRANCHISE, OF CENTRES, OF CITY OFFICES AND ORGS. OTHER SUBJECTS AS THEY MAY APPEAR TO BE LACKING IN TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE OF THE STUDENT. 4. PRICE: THE PRICE IS 1500 DOLLARS. ALL THOSE ENROLLING BEFORE JULY 15, 1968, WHETHER THEY TAKE THE COURSE OR NOT AND IF THEY PAY 10% WILL BE 1000 DOLLARS AS A SPECIAL CONSIDERATION. ONE DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE COURSE AT THE TIME HE OR SHE SIGNS UP FOR IT BUT MUST BE ELIGIBLE AT THE TIME HE OR SHE ACTUALLY STARTS THE COURSE. LOVE RON. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 158 ED 1413 WW 20 Mar 68 "DEITSCH RECORDINGS..." [p. 936] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1413 WW 20 March 1968 DEITSCH RECORDINGS MUST BE IMPROVED 1) USE BETTER MIKE 2) HAVE TIM TALK ACROSS MIKE TO REDUCE BREATH 3) COPY LOUDER WITH A FILTER 4) PUT INTRO IN ON WW TAPE BEGINNING. ALSO REVIEW QUALITY OTHER COPIES OF MATERIALS AS DEITSCH COPY TERRIBLE. BILL HIMSELF EXCELLENT. BEST RON. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 159 ED 1470 WW 31 Mar 68 "WHO SELECTED..." [p. 935] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1470 WW 31 March 1968 WHO SELECTED THE COVER FOR THE FDA BOOKLET? HEREAFTER THEY MUST BE OKAYED BY ME BEST RON. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 160 ED 1471 WW 31 Mar 68 "STAFF OF AUDITOR ARE..." [p. 934] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1471 WW 31 March 1968 STAFF OF AUDITOR ARE DROPPED ONE CONDITION FOR BEING DAMAGINGLY COMMERCIAL IN ITS ARTICLES AND ADVERTISEMENTS OF AUDITOR 35 AND FOR NOT PUTTING ENOUGH CONCENTRATION ON BOOK ADS AND FOR PUTTING EMPHASIS ON SPEED THROUGH COURSES RATHER THAN THOROUGHNESS AND VALUE OF TRAINING AND FOR LOW BOOK SALES. IF THIS CONTINUES THE STATS WILL CRASH IN SIX MONTHS. OF THE PUB STAT THE ONLY PART I AM INTERESTED IN IS THE GROSS BOOK SALES. BEST RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 161 ED 1482 WW 2 Apr 68 "WW AND...FDA CASE..." [p. 933] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1482 WW 27 US 27 DC 2 April 1968 WW AND US AND DC IF FOR ANY REASON WE LOSE THE FDA CASE A FREE FALL IS PROMISED ALL CONNECTED WITH ITS LOSS. THE LAST TIME THE US EXECUTIVES OF SCN ORGS VOTED SAVE EUNICE AGAINST FOLLOWING MY STRATEGY DESPITE MY LAWYERS PREVIOUS SUCCESS SHOWING IT WAS LOST BY BETRAYAL. ALREADY FAILURE BY WW TO SEE FEE PAID IS FORMING A NEW PATTERN OF DEFEAT. THE CASE MUST NOT BE LOST. IT MUST BE WON PERIOD. THE FULL FORCE AND FINANCES OF ECWW THE GUARDIAN AND INTELLIGENCE MUST BE THROWN INTO WINNING IT. BEST RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 162 ED 1484 WW 3 Apr 68 ACCOUNT SIGNATORIES [p. 932] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1484 WW 28 DC ED 16US 1075WW modified by deletion of first three paragraphs which are covered on P/L 2 April 68 "Signatories on Bank Accounts" 3 April 1968 ACCOUNT SIGNATORIES As regards the D.C. org, the Treasurer WW should be a single signatory. The ED issued giving the Asst Guardian DC sole signatory power IN DC, not as prohibiting the signatory of the Treasurer WW from also being a single signatory. Not all D.C. accounts were turned over to Asst. Guardian DC for sole signatory power either as D.C. had not followed policy with regard to what could be paid out of such. Most U.S. orgs are on policy in this respect, but those orgs who are not on policy should get their bank mandates upon receipt of this ED and send them immediately to the Treasurer WW. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 163 ED 1484 WW 3 Apr 68 "Those responsible for the "soft sell"" [p. 931] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1489 WW 3 April 1968 Those responsible for the "soft sell" approach to Auditor 32 are forgiven as the Auditor and the Pubs Org are very upstat now. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 164 ED 1039 INT 14 Apr 68 AMENDMENT - CONDITIONS [p. 856] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1039 INT 14 April 1968 AMENDMENT - CONDITIONS If a Student turns himself in for falsely declaring, then he is assigned a Condition of Danger, not Liability, as he has taken responsibility for it. The Condition of Liability stands if it is found that he has falsely attested and is turned in by someone else. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 165 ED 1552 WW 18 Apr 68 "...PUBS PROMO..." [p. 930] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1552 WW 107 SH 10 April 1968 ED 1335 WW 38 SH "PUBS PROMOTIONAL PIECES FOR S.H." IS CANCELLED HEREWITH. This is an effort to shunt printing back on SH which has never done it well and in effect 1. Reduces SH promotion and 2. Reduces income of the Pubs Org. To begin, the ED said that handling and printing SH promotional pieces cut deeply into financial planning of Pubs and blocked LRH lines. This could only be true if SH was not Billed for the pieces at a profit to pubs. HEREAFTER PUBS WILL PRINT ALL ALL SH PROMOTION AND SH WILL PAY COST INCLUDING ADMIN PLUS 10% AND THE ORG EXEC OFFICER PUBS WILL SEE TO IT ALL BILLING AND COLLECTION FROM SH IS BROUGHT TO DATE AND BILLED AND COLLECTED As this ED 1335 showed an impulse to reduce and contract the Pubs Org and to refuse responsibility for promotion, I request the Director of Pubs to assign German a condition of Liability and request as well ECWW to demote its personnel officer and find one who has better sense, this being the second error that has come to my attention in a month, the first being SPEO, appointing someone who will not complete an action cycle. The Pers Officer WW has not been consulting case, training or ethics record or stats in filling posts and this can easily crash WW. ECWW is reprimanded for permitting these personnel errors and for violating expansion policy with ED 1335 WW 38 SH. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 166 ED 1057 INT 24 Apr 68 "Ethics Officers who send SP's to AO..." [p. 854] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1057 INT 24 April 1968 Ethics Officers who send SP's to AO or SO are to be declared hereafter in Doubt by Int. Ethics Officer or Flag Master at Arms, Sea Org. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 167 ED 1052 INT 25 Apr 68 AFFLUENCE ATTAINMENT [p. 855] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1052 INT 25 April 1968 AFFLUENCE ATTAINMENT Affluence attainment consists of (1) Hard work (2) In Ethics (3) Standard Tech (4) Doing the things that won, not new things untried as yet. (5) Applying the formula of the condition one is in. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 168 ED 1065 INT 28 Apr 68 "When the Success story stat..." [p. 853] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1065 INT 28 April 1968 When the Success story stat diminishes in Div 6, the Tech Sec is Commeved. The best success story and promotion of Div 6 is standard tech applied, equalling happy PC's and students. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 169 ED 1067 INT 28 Apr 68 THIS IS YOUR EXPANSION PROGRAMME [p. 852] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1067 INT 28 April 1968 Replaces 5 Point Telex 14101R issued to LA and repeated to other orgs by WW THIS IS YOUR EXPANSION PROGRAMME 1. Appoint proper up-stat people to posts. 2. Apply Ethics completely without error. 3. Get in and use STANDARD TECH. 4. Make your org a place public knows it will get STANDARD TECH. 5. Cancel any additives that prevent the public from entering the org and getting service. 6. Insitute and Push the ED's and Policy Letters and tapes I made in Sept - October 1967. 7. Get public personally contacted in your org. 8. Get stats soaring at once. L. RON HUBBARD Founder ===========================