FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES - 05/28 ============================ This is the Second Foundation. Our purpose is to keep LRH's plan on track (ref: Asimov). CofS has gone off the rails. This is an announcement of our support of FZBA, Freezone, and The Pilot. We are posting the LRH EDs to make ammends for our long delay in taking action. ARC, PROGRAM DIRECTOR SECOND FOUNDATION ============================ LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES This is a complete copy of the "Original LRH EDs" or Blue Volumes as issued by Bridge in 1983. The full contents for all 28 parts posted is in part 1. The volumes were divided into the 3 numbering Series, and subdivided into the classes of EDs (INT = International, WW = World Wide, SH = Saint Hill, etc.) and placed in reverse order (latest first) within type. This was quite confusing because of some EDs being in multiple classes with different numbers in each class. We rearranged everything in date order (earliest first) to give a better historical perspective and make these easy to find by date. The original table of contents is included in part 2 and the original page numbers are in "[]" at the beginning of each ED. See IMB 5 in part 2 for an explanation of the 3 Series of ED numbers and a list of valid (but expired) EDs not included. See LRH ED 345 INT in part 28 for a list of cancelled LRH EDs that were not included. These are only the EDs that are in the Blue Volumes. ************************************************** FZBA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** Part 5 074 ED 469 WW 30 Aug 67 WW EMERGENCY CONDITION 075 ED 473 WW 1 Sep 67 WW EMERGENCY CONDITION 076 ED 856 SH 5 Sep 67 "5RRR CONDITION OF EMERGENCY ..." 077 ED 482 WW 6 Sep 67 "DANGER CONDITION ASSIGNED..." 078 ED 499 WW 14 Sep 67 "SAINT HILL IS IN EMERGENCY..." 079 ED 568 INT 15 Sep 67 ARC BREAK REGISTRAR 080 ED 576 INT 15 Sep 67 WARNING ON AUDITOR ARTICLE 081 ED 571 INT 19 Sep 67 "PUT CONDITIONS CARD..." 082 ED 572 INT 20 Sep 67 "FAILURE TO APPLY ... ETHICS ..." 083 ED 513 WW 20 Sep 67 "DUE TO THE CONTINUED DROP ..." 084 ED 521 WW 20 Sep 67 "THOSE SELECTING PERSONNEL ..." 085 ED 523 WW 21 Sep 67 "ONLY ONE CONTINENTAL LIAISON ..." 086 ED 529 WW 22 Sep 67 "DUE TO REORG ..." 087 ED 535 WW 23 Sep 67 "WW IS TO ADMINISTER ADVANCED COURSES..." 088 ED 581 INT 23 Sep 67 "ALL WW ORDERS ..." 089 ED 536 WW 25 Sep 67 "ALL FEES PAID FOR CC ..." 090 ED 505 INT 28 Sep 67 INT. ETHICS OFFICER WW PROG. CLEAR ORGS 091 ED 592 INT 28 Sep 67 SPECIAL PROGRAMME FAST ACADEMIES 092 ED 593 INT 3 Oct 67 POWER PROC. CANCELLED FOR OUTER ORGS 093 ED 558 WW 4 Oct 67 "INTERNATIONAL GROSS INCOME TAKES ..." 094 ED 559 WW 4 Oct 67 "...WW MIMEO LINES..." 095 ED 561 WW 4 Oct 67 "WW IS ASSIGNED CONDITION OF NON EX..." 096 ED 571 WW 6 Oct 67 "28 SEPT GRAPHS VERY SICK..." 097 ED 570 WW 7 Oct 67 WW DESPATCHES 098 ED 617 INT 8 Oct 67 FRANCHISE 099 ED 575 WW 9 Oct 67 "SEA ORG OFFICERS HAVE POWER TO..." 100 ED 602 WW 10 Oct 67 E-METER CALIBRATION DRILL 101 ED 601 WW 10 Oct 67 QUAL DIV CALIBRATION OF E-METERS 102 ED 607 INT 11 Oct 67 PROPER MAG TITLES 103 ED 617 WW 18 Oct 67 COMPLETED WW REORG 104 ED 620 WW 19 Oct 67 "THE EC WW MUST START..." 105 ED 633 INT 21 Oct 67 CLEAR SPEECHES 106 ED 640 WW 23 Oct 67 BOARDS OF INVESTIGATION 107 ED 647 INT 26 Oct 67 NINE DIVISION ORG 108 ED 666 WW 27 Oct 67 "DUE TO RISING STATS WW..." 109 ED 1143 SH 8 Nov 67 SEA ORG MISSION SAINT HILL 110 ED 724 WW 8 Nov 67 ADVANCED COURSES 111 ED 667 INT 9 Nov 67 ACADEMY CHECK SHEETS 112 ED 746 WW 13 Nov 67 WW MOVE 113 ED 747 WW 13 Nov 67 MISSION WW 114 ED 601 INT 20 Nov 67 ORG EXEC COURSE CHECK SHEET 115 ED 830 WW 21 Nov 67 OUT TECH BOARD 116 ED 1222 SH 22 Nov 67 DAILY MAIL STORY =========================== 074 ED 469 WW 30 Aug 67 WW EMERGENCY CONDITION [p986-8] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 469 WW 833 SH 30 August 1967 WW EMERGENCY CONDITION 1. A general condition of EMERGENCY is assigned WW on a basis of leveling or dropping composite outer org graphs. All WW personnel is included. 2. If the outer org stats do not remarkably improve fast the feeder line for SH will fall off bringing about a decline of SH. 3. The Letter-In Letter-Out graph for Day indicates conclusively that outer orgs have ceased in their day orgs to handle CF intelligently and are riding on "walk-in-the-door-business" and are generating none. 4. The Guardian WW stat is good and shows improved money handling. But with this has also come a general decline of promotion, leveling graphs and utter stagnation in outer orgs which if neglected will see a collapse of one or more orgs and a depression at SH. 5. The outer orgs probably improved their cash bill ratios by SAVING money on promotion and essential services. The only way to do it (get cash-bills straight) is TO MAKE MORE MONEY. 6. It is shocking that nothing has been done effectively to bring at least the day letter-in letter-out ratio out of a REVERSED stat. Letters out should be five times letters in. Somebody somewhere is saying that GOOD letters are the target not QUANTITY. QUANTITY IS THE ANSWER, proven so a dozen times. Find the "Must be good letter" or "letters cost too much" influence and stamp on it and get up volume. 7. Now, these things (leveling graphs) are usually traced to non-compliance. 8. In this case the programmes on which there has been non- compliances are (1) Quantity and to hell with quality letters. (2) The recruitment at flat out speed of org execs and getting them through the Org Exec Course and back home. Somebody is sitting on this one with a "we are looking over stats ...." and other delay excuses. This course MUST get populated FAST and the programme GOING. This omission all by itself accounts for leveling graphs as the programme was already stalled for a year and forgotten when I caught the ball a few months ago. But I bet nobody is really pushing that ball except me. So GET SOME STAFF ON IT AND GET THE EXEC COURSE FULL. I also bet somebody put a stop on the line by charging orgs a fee for it or saying to existing execs in outer orgs - "We are training your replacement to send us some people so we can kick you out." GET THE STOPS OFF THIS PROGRAMME. SPEND MONEY ON IT. PUT WW STAFF ON IT. (3) Each org to put out its own magazine. I'11 bet they don't or we're not furnishing the copy or they are sending only to some choice list instead of their total CF or they are economising or they are turning out trash with locally written (not LRH) articles. They MUST get into swing with quality AND ON POLICY local magazines and WW better really start SHOVING HARD on this one. 9. The whole fault is WW is not forcing outer orgs to get in new people and forcing them to service everyone in CFs. 10. Orgs do this badly. They sit and sink while servicing walk-in public. They have to be forced to widen their areas of contact. As I did this almost single-handedly for years, it is a hat that WW has not picked up. FORCE OUTER ORGS TO EXPAND. 11. SA promotion effectiveness is a screaming disgrace. They've gone utterly stagnant while remaining solvent. 12. It also means local tech is out in outer orgs and the areas are full of ARC Breaks not caught. In such a case I always order orgs to pick up and smooth out AT ANY ORG EXPENSE every ARC broken pc they can find in their files or areas as A SPECIAL PROGRAMME. They put in an ARC Break registrar who liaisons with accounts and with Review and with CF searching for ARC Broken pcs and students. A special genned in full time auditor is put in Review and AT NO CHARGE to pcs is kept busy on ARC Breaks only WITH IT BEING AN ETHICS OFFENSE TO USE HIM OR THE ARC BREAK REGISTRAR FOR ANY OTIIER STUDENT PC OR DUTY. And you clean up the whole field from years and years back. This ARC Break auditor cures the ARC Breaks with Level III tech and sends the person to the usual registrar when done. THIS is his stable datum: IF YOUR PC IS NOT SMILING AND HAPPY AT THE END OF SESSION YOU ARE NOT AUDITING. 13. The ARC Break Registrar has a special dual stat - how many ARC Broken PCs have been found, in files, etc., how many contacted. The ARC Br Auditor has a special dual stat - how many ARC Breaks (not pcs) found, how many handled. 14. Now you put a special staff member on programme (1) above to really get letter policy and quantity in. And you put TWO special staff members on (2) above to get the Org Exec Programme UNSTOPPED and at a howling avalanche in on SH and back home FAST. And you put a special WW staff member on (3) to get the ARC Br Programme in in in fast and correctly with all tech watched and the special stats as above coming in weekly appended to other stats. THESE WW PEOPLE MUST HAVE NO OTHER DUTIES. 15. Locally, in WW, you get ETHICS in on local WW staff and hold a hearing on a quiver of an eyelash. Remove all who have full in baskets and all who develop DEV-T. Appoint an ETHICS OFFICER WW and a DIR COMM WW and make them work on WW and then when that's smooth get to work on Ethics and Comm Procedure and Swiftness in outer orffs. 16. WW is essentially a PRODUCTION activity. You are supposed to get out the materials and hats for the outer orgs, supposed to keep them expanding, getting their staffs trained, keep them promoting and getting their mag materials to them. They are not getting the hat and tech materials they ask for obviously. 17. These outer orgs (as per current WW graphs) are NOT making Scientologists. They are making PCs. They have degenerated into a bunch of clinics. Therefore their Academies are bad, the courses not constantly scheduled and too long. They are trying to make duplicates of the Saint Hill Course not teach fast, minimum essentials courses. They haven't got their Dianetics courses in. Their instructors aren't on schedule. A lot of "opinion" is entereing the training line. Ethics isn't held in on students. So you have to groove their Academies in from top to bottom and SHORTEN and SPEED ACADEMY COURSES. One month for Dianetics, 2 weeks in a level up to IV or 10 weeks in all to complete O - IV. Adapt the old 50 Course booklets to a new Home Instruction Course. 18. Don't keep answering letters from org staffs in outer orgs as a sole WW activity. Use the comm lines to find what they need and get it produced and to them. Get over to CAUSE on production. GET TO THEM WHAT THEY NEED. 19. Study their org boards and get in a system of getting frequent copies by sending them a blank which contains posts. The big blueprint machine in the basement is there to do only that and I'll bet you have not sent out one photostat blank to any org so they can write in the names. It takes two big sheets lengthwise joined on edge with all posts in. You have to do a full SH Org Board Master of posts and Depts and Sections only. Then copy it and mail it (in 2 sheets) to each org EVERY QUARTER and post them in WW when they come back. This program belongs to the Div Org for HCO and I'll bet the current WW post holder has never heard of it! 20. My view is you are losing your purpose, letting key lines drop and get forgotten and are in the business of answering up when somebody writes you "Dear Pete - How are things at SH ..." and replying, "Dear Joe, Things are okay at SH. We had a fine day today with all the flowers ...." And THAT'S NOT YOUR JOB. 21. You were organized to take over my hats and I never wrote a "Dear Joe" in my life. I produced the written down wherewithal to teach and process and organize and got it into action in the outer orgs and kept them promoting and expanding. The technical creation part I've done. Your job is EASY. All you have to do is copy it mail it and get it applied. "Dear Joe" despatches are your social life so do it at home. 22. If WW graphs remain level as they are and SH graphs climb, SH is going to run out of public suddenly. And THAT WILL BE ON YOUR HEAD. 23. You are in Emergency. That means NO WW staff gets normal pay or bonuses but subtracted pay. 24. You'll be out of Emergency when the WW graphs start climbing all across the boards. 25. Too much attention on accounts, too little attention on promotion, too tolerant of lousy tech and slack ethics, ignoring the need of making new Execs in order to expand and completely ignoring ARC breaks, all in the outer orgs. 26. You are interiorized into a successful SH but the prosperity there is threatened by level graphs in outer orgs. So WW has not been doing its job, whatever else it has been doing. 27. If I have to follow this up, Danger Condition is the next step and it's right around the corner. You're in a REAL EMERGENCY. A delay in your graphs to me is the only reason it was not declared earlier, so it has now gone pretty far. 28. Get the above into RIGHT NOW CRASH PROGRAMMES with special staff. I'll be watching. Stop letting SH down! L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 075 ED 473 WW 1 Sep 67 WW EMERGENCY CONDITION [p. 983-5] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 473 WW 842 SH Reissue and Amendment of ED 469 WW 833 SH 1 September 1967 WW EMERGENCY CONDITION 1. A general condition of EMERGENCY BY TREND is assigned WW on a basis of leveling or dropping composite outer org graphs. All WW personnel is included. The condition is assigned by trend and although Day orgs are losing business to Foundations this is no reason Day orgs should be permitted to level off and then collapse. Don't rationalize statistics. 2. Also WW must review its graphs for false reports and must in the future send them through to me weekly so earlier action can be taken. 3. If the outer org stats do not remarkably improve fast the feeder line for SH will fall off bringing about a decline of SH. 4. The Guardian WW stat is good and shows improved money handling. But with this has also come a general decline of promotion, leveling graphs and utter stagnation in outer orgs which if neglected will see a collapse of one or more orgs and a depression at SH. 5. The outer orgs probably improved their cash bills ratios by SAVING money on promotion and essential services. The only way to do it (get cash-bills straight) is TO MAKE MORE MONEY. 6. Now, these things (leveling graphs) are usually traced to non-compliance. 7. In this case the programmes on which there have been non- compliances are (1) The recruitment at flat out speed of org execs and getting them through the Org Exec Course and back home. Somebody is sitting on this one with a "we are looking over stats ...." and other delay excuses. This course MUST get populated FAST and the programme GOING. This omission all by itself accounts for leveling graphs as the programme was already stalled for a year and forgotten when I caught the ball a few months ago. I bet nobody is really pushing that ball except me. GET SOME STAFF ON IT AND GET THE EXEC COURSE FULL. I also bet somebody put a stop on the line by charging orgs a fee for it or saying to existing execs in outer orgs - "We are training your replacement so send us some people so we can kick you out." GET THE STOPS OFF THIS PROGRAMME. SPEND MONEY ON IT. PUT WW STAFF ON IT. (2) Each org to put out its own magazine. I'll bet they don't or we're not furnishing the copy or they are sending only to some choice list instead of their total CF or they are economizing or they are turning out trash with locally written (not LRH) articles. They MUST get into swing with quality AND ON POLICY local magazines and WW better really start SHOVING HARD on this one. 8. The whole fault is WW is not forcing outer orgs to get in new people and forcing them to service everyone in CFs. 9. Orgs do this badly. They sit and sink while servicing walk-in public. They have to be forced to widen their areas of contact. As I did this almost single-handedly for years, it is a hat that WW has not picked up. FORCE OUTER ORGS TO EXPAND. 10. SA promotion effectiveness is a screaming disgrace. They've gone utterly stagnant while remaining insolvent. 11. It also means local tech is out in outer orgs and the areas are full of ARC Breaks not caught. In such a case I always order orgs to pick up and smooth out AT ANY ORG EXPENSE every ARC broken pc they can find in their files or areas as A SPECIAL PROGRAMME. They put in an ARC Break registrar who liaisons with accounts and with Review and with CF searching for ARC Broken pcs and students. A special genned in full time auditor is put in Review and AT NO CHARGE to pcs is kept busy on ARC Breaks only WITH IT BEING AN ETHICS OFFENSE TO USE HIM OR THE ARC BREAK REGISTRAR FOR ANY OTHER STUDENT PC OR DUTY. And you clean up the whole field from years and years back. This ARC Break auditor cures the ARC Breaks with Level III tech and sends the person to the usual registrar when done. THIS is his stable datum: IF YOUR PC IS NOT SMILING AND HAPPY AT THE END OF SESSION YOU ARE NOT AUDITING. 12. The ARC Break Registrar has a special dual stat - how many ARC Broken PCs have been found, in files, etc., how many contacted. The ARC Br Auditor has a special dual stat - how many ARC Breaks (not pcs) found, how many handled. 13. Now you put TWO special staff members on (1) above to get the Org Exec Programme UNSTOPPED and at a howling avalanche in on SH and back home FAST. And you put a special WW staff member on (2) to get the ARC Br Programme in in in fast and correctly with all tech watched and the special stats as above coming in weekly appended to other stats. THESE WW PEOPLE MUST HAVE NO OTHER DUTIES. 14. Locally, in WW, you get ETHICS in on local WW staff and hold a hearing on a quiver of an eyelash. Remove all who have full in baskets and all who develop DEV-T. Appoint an ETHICS OFFICER WW and a DIR COMM WW and make them work on WW and then when that's smooth get to work on Ethics and Comm Procedure and Swiftness in outer orgs. 15. WW is essentially a PRODUCTION activity. You are supposed to get out the materials and hats for the outer orgs, supposed to keep them expanding, getting their staffs trained, keep them promoting and getting their mag materials to them. They are not getting the hat and tech materials they ask for obviously. 16. These outer orgs (as per current WW graphs) are NOT making Scientologists. They are making PCs. They have degenerated into a bunch of clinics. Therefore their Academies are bad, the courses not constantly scheduled and too long. They are trying to make duplicates of the Saint Hill Course not teach fast, minimum essentials courses. They haven't got their Dianetics courses in. Their instructors aren't on schedule. A lot of "opinion" is entering the training line. Ethics isn't held in on students. SO you have to groove their Academies in from top to bottom and SHORTEN and SPEED ACADEMY COURSES. One month for Dianetics, 2 weeks in a level up to IV or 10 weeks in all to complete O - IV. Adapt the old 50 Course booklets to a new Home Instruction Course. 17. Don't keep answering letters from org staffs in outer orgs as a sole WW activity. Use the comm lines to find what they need and get it produced and to them. Get over to CAUSE on production. GET TO THEM WHAT THEY NEED. 19. Study their org boards and get in a system of getting frequent copies by sending them a blank which contains posts. The big blueprint machine in the basement is there to do only that and I'll bet you have not sent out one photostat blank to any org so they can write in the names. It takes two big sheets lengthwise joined on edge with all posts in. You have to do a full SH Org Board Master of posts and Depts and Sections only. Then copy it and mail it (in 2 sheets) to each org EVERY QUARTER and post them in WW when they come back. This program belongs to the Div Org for HCO and I'll bet the current WW post holder has never heard of it! 19. My view is you are losing your purpose, letting key lines drop and get forgotten and are in the business of answering up when somebody writes you, "Dear Pete - How are things at SH" and replying, "Dear Joe, Things are okay at SH. We had a fine day today with all the flowers ..." And THAT'S NOT YOUR JOB. 20. You were organized to take over my hats and I never wrote a "Dear Joe" in my life. I produced the written down wherewithal to teach and process and organize and got it into action in the outer orgs and kept them promoting and expanding. The technical creation part I've done. Your job is EASY. All you have to do is copy it mail it and get it applied. "Dear Joe" despatches are your social life so do it at home. 21. If WW graphs remain level as they are and SH graphs climb, SH is going to run out of public suddenly. And THAT WILL BE ON YOUR HEAD. 22. You are in Emergency. That means NO WW staff gets normal pay or bonuses but subtracted pay. 23. You'll be out of Emergency when the WW graphs start climbing all across the boards. 24. Too much attention on accounts, too little attention on promotion, too tolerant of lousy tech and slack ethics, ignoring the need of making new Execs in order to expand and completely ignoring ARC breaks, all in the outer orgs. 25. You are interiorized into a successful SH but the prosperity there is threatened by level graphs in outer orgs. So WW has not been doing its job, whatever else it has been doing. 26. If I have to follow this up, Danger Condition is the next step and it's right around the corner. You're in a REAL EMERGENCY A delay in your graphs to me is the only reason it was not declare earlier, so it has now gone pretty far. 27. Get the above into RIGHT NOW CRASH PROGRAMMES with special staff. I'll be watching. Stop letting SH down! L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 076 ED 856 SH 5 Sep 67 "5RRR CONDITION OF EMERGENCY ..." [p. 1007] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 856 SH All Staff 5 September 1967 5RRR CONDITION OF EMERGENCY FOR SAINT HILL BY TREND. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 077 ED 482 WW 6 Sep 67 "DANGER CONDITION ASSIGNED..." [p. 982] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 482 WW All Staff 6 September 1967 1. DANGER CONDITION ASSIGNED. DUE TO SH EMERGENCY WHICH STEMS PARTLY FROM WW INATTENTION TO OUTER ORGS. BOARD CONVENED AS APPOINTED BY LRH COMM WW TO INVESTIGATE CAUSES OF ANY WW APATHY AND INEFFECTIVENESS AND IF WW GOT IN EMERGENCY ED STIPULATIONS AT ONCE. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 078 ED 499 WW 14 Sep 67 "SAINT HILL IS IN EMERGENCY..." [p. 981] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 499 WW 878 SH All Staff 14 September 1967 SAINT HILL IS IN EMERGENCY BY TREND BUT IS ON MIDDLE PAY WITHOUT BONUSES. THE CONDITION WILL BE UPGRADED ON A RECORD AFFLUENCE OR INCREASE BY TREND. WW IS IN DANGER FOR NOT WEARING MY FORMER MANAGEMENT HATS AND FOR PERMITTING SLUMP IN SH AND NY AND LEVEL DAY OUTER ORG INCOME GRAPHS. IT IS ON REDUCED PAY NO BONUSES. CONDITION WILL BE UPGRADED WHEN OUTER ORGS INCOME GRAPH HAS RECORD AFFLUENCE OR INCREASE BY TREND. WW IS TO LOOK INTO BREAKDOWN OF CLEAR CHECK OUT AND CHANGES IN IT. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 079 ED 568 INT 15 Sep 67 ARC BREAK REGISTRAR [p. 896] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 568 INT All Staff 15 September 1967 ARC BREAK REGISTRAR 1. Added to the programme of ARC Br Registrar is contacting any person who is not enrolling or re-enrolling as a student after a declare of release or any person who may have been misdeclared and re-routing them back to a PROPER examination for proper declare or cancellation of incorrect declare cert. 2. Attention is called to HCO Pol Ltr 15 Sept '67 as it applies to the ARC Break Registrar programme. 3. You may find in outer orgs that at least 2 out of every eight declares are in error, the person not having attained the grade they were awarded. Also many persons will be found who have been refused a grade they attained. 4. Pcs will freely discuss this point in letters if asked about having declares they didn't feel they attained or being refused grades they knew they had. 5. In such cases it is enough to call for a re-examination. The person will almost always come in. 6. The proper routing for a misdeclare is to the ARC Break Auditor in Review or to Div 4 as seems indicated. The person has cheered up - in which case he is not sent to the ARC Br Auditor but, to be given a grade he really attained, is sent to Dept 15, and for further work to attain a grade he was erroneously given, and which is now cancelled, to Div 4. Only if he is gloomy after re-examination is he sent (in this declare matter) to Review as the truth of it has not been established and must be. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 080 ED 576 INT 15 Sep 67 WARNING ON AUDITOR ARTICLE [p. 892-3] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 576 INT OF VITAL INTEREST TO EXEC COUNCILS 15 September 1967 IMPORTANT WARNING ON AUDITOR ARTICLE 1. The next minor issue of the Auditor goes to our WHOLE LIST. 2. It carries the following article and you must be prepared for it. References are HCO Pol Ltr 15 Sept 67 Issues I & II, concerning Clears to Examine in Dept. 13. 3. This may come as a shock to those orgs who have no Division of Review to have people storming in to have their errors in Release declares put right BY A CLEAR and if you haven't followed org pattern or have not yet found a Clear for Examiner I just hope you get into BAGS of ghastly trouble for the world Release stat is rocketing up and income is an even plane and that means you have been making declaration errors by the ton and people are not coming back for more. 4. So I designed the programme to help orgs who are trying to have a good Division of Review and to just shatter those that haven't been listening to me say "Get a Good Review Division." 5. YOU MUST PUT RIGHT ALL ERRORS IN RELEASE DECLARES in your area NOW NOW NOW before you fall on your heads. 6. Any lack of income is traceable directly to Incompetent Examination on Release Grades as this hides incompetent tech and above all else will make the public cross with you. So here's the article: (Print Article ONLY Clears) LRH Article for next minor issue of Auditor. Publish in next Minor WITHOUT FAIL. * * * * ONLY CLEARS TO EXAMINE INCORRECT DECLARES TO BE REDONE In their enthusiasm to help people and in a sometimes mistaken effort to help, org examiners in past years have sometimes declared a person a release who was not or have failed to award a grade of release actually attained. While rare, such instances can be upsetting to pcs. Now, in HCO Policy Letter of 15 Sept 67 Ron has directed that ONLY CLEARS MAY BE EXAMINERS. We have today over half a thousand Clears and orgs can afford to use them on such a post. Only a Clear can attain a high degree of accuracy in examination of grades of Release and Clear since he has a far higher power of awareness and a deep sense of honesty removed from any other considerations. Therefore today, if you think you have been incorrectly examined for a grade of Release you should apply at once to your local org and ask for a re-examination. If you were declared a grade of release you did not think you had attained or were denied a grade you thought you had attained you should go to your local org for a re-examination WITHOUT CHARGE. Tell the Registrar (Div 2, Dept 6) that you wish to be re-examined because of what you feel was an incorrect examination and she will write a no-charge examination slip and route you to Div 5, Dept 13 to the Pc Examiner and you will have your examination to correct whatever might be in error in your declarations or lack of them. This offer only lasts until 1 March 1968 so act quickly. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 081 ED 571 INT 19 Sep 67 "PUT CONDITIONS CARD..." [p. 895] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 571 INT All Staff 19 September 1967 PUT CONDITIONS CARD IN EVERY PERSONNEL FOLDER HEREAFTER OF ALL PERSONNEL OF ANY SECTION DEFT BUREAU BRANCH DIVISION ORG ANY TIME A CONDITION ABOVE OR BELOW NORMAL IS ASSIGNED. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 082 ED 572 INT 20 Sep 67 "FAILURE TO APPLY ... ETHICS ..." [p. 894] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 572 INT Execs and above 20 September 1967 1. FAILURE TO APPLY THE EXACT POLICIES OF SCN ETHICS BY AN EXECUTIVE PLACES THAT EXECUTIVE IN A CONDITION OF NON EXISTENCE. DISMISSING PERSONNEL WITHOUT PROPER HEARINGS ACCEPTING FALSE REPORTS FAILURES TO ASSIGN CONDITIONS TO DOWN STATS OR UP STATS ARE ALL ETHICS ERRORS. ANY FAILURE TO APPLY CORRECT REPEAT CORRECT ETHICS POLICIES AND ACTIONS MUST ALWAYS BE FOLLOWED BY THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL PLACING THAT EXECUTIVE IN A PERSONAL CONDITION OF NON EXISTENCE AND FILING IT ALSO IN HIS FILE. THE CONDITION IS UPGRADED TO DANGER WHEN THE EXECUTIVE HAS PASSED ALL ETHICS POL LTRS AND TO EMERGENCY WHEN HE MERITS IT AND NORMAL WHEN HIS STATS ARE UP. ONLY MINIMUM PAY NO BONUSES MAY BE PAID ANYONE IN NON EXISTENCE OR DANGER. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 083 ED 513 WW 20 Sep 67 "DUE TO THE CONTINUED DROP ..." [p. 980] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 513 WW 901 SH All Staff 20 September 1967 1. DUE TO THE CONTINUED DROP IN PC COMPLETIONS THE LRH COMM WW IS TO SELECT EXECUTIVES FROM WW WHO HAD THE HIGHEST STATS FOR SH DIVISIONS WHEN THEY HEADED THEM AND TRANSFER THEM TO HEAD THOSE SH DIVISIONS AS DIVISIONAL SECRETARIES EXEMPTING ONLY DAVID ZIFF AND THOSE SH DIVISIONS WITH CONSISTENT AFFLUENCE. 2. PERSONNEL SH IS DECLARED IN NON EXISTENCE FOR UTILIZING NO PERSONNEL DATA IN SELECTING SECRETARIES AND STAFF PLACEMENT AND FOR CONTINUALLY DENYING TYPIST TO DIV. 3. 3. ETHICS AND TECH ARE BOTH OUT IN SH AND COMM IS DEPLORABLE THEREFORE THE HCO EXEC SEC SH THE HCO SEC SH AND THE TECH SEC SH ARE DEMOTED. 4. PERSONNEL SECTION SH MUST BE COMPETENTLY FILLED WITH THE BEST STAT WW PERSONNEL FOR THOSE SH POSTS FOR WHICH THEY HAD HIGH STATS. SH CAN BE EXPECTED TO COME OUT OF IT. 5. WW KEY PERSONNEL ARE THE LRH COMM WW. THE LRH PERSONAL SEC WW MAY BE UTILIZED IN THIS REFORMING OF SH TO GET BACK THE FORM OF THE ORG AND RAISE ITS DIVISIONAL STATS ANY ADVANCE COURSE PERSONNEL MAY BE USED ALSO IN THIS. 6. THE WW POSTS OF CONTINENTAL LIAISON ARE JUNIOR POSTS NOW. SH HAS BEEN ROBBED THIN OF ITS EXECUTIVES BY WW. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 084 ED 521 WW 20 Sep 67 "THOSE SELECTING PERSONNEL ..." [p. 979] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 521 WW 908 SH All Staff 20 September 1967 THOSE SELECTING PERSONNEL IN OUTER ORGS TO BE TRAINED ON THE ORG EXEC COURSE ARE REPRIMANDED. THEY HAVE LOST WHOLE PURPOSE OF PROGRAMME WHICH IS QUOTE TO FIND NEW HIGH STAT ORG PERSONNEL OVER THE WORLD AND BRING THEM IN AND TRAIN THEM ON THE ORG EXEC COURSE. UNQUOTE. TO SELECT ONLY OLD TOP EXECUTIVES IN OUTER ORGS IS TO UPSET THOSE ORGS BY COSTING THEM THEIR TOPS FOR AWHILE AND TO GIVE US NOBODY NEW. CANCEL PREVIOUS SELECTIONS TO IT AND GET TO WORK FINDING NEW MATERIAL TO TRAIN. THE ORG EXEC COURSE IS AN AWARD FOR HIGH STATS FOR JUNIOR EXECUTIVES AND STAFFS OF OUTER ORGS TO OBTAIN FOR US NEW SKILLED EXECUTIVES IN THOSE ORGS AS THEY EXPAND. NON EXPANSION THOSE ORGS AND FAILURE TO IMPLEMENT THIS PROGRAMME ARE THE DIRECT CAUSES OF THE WW DANGER CONDITION NOW ASSIGNED. THEREFORE TO IMPLEMENT THE PROGRAMME WITH ONLY OLD EXEC SECS IS TO ACT SO AS TO CONTINUE THE DANGER CONDITION. SO WAKE UP BEFORE IT GETS ANY LATER. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 085 ED 523 WW 21 Sep 67 "ONLY ONE CONTINENTAL LIAISON ..." [p. 978] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 523 WW Personnel Concerned 21 September 1967 ONLY ONE CONTINENTAL LIAISON OFFICER FOR BOTH HCO AND ORG SHOULD BE APPOINTED AT THIS TIME MAKING ONLY FIVE IN ALL TO PERSONNEL SHORTAGE CAUSED BY TRANSFERS TO SH. THEY NOW FORM THE AD COUNCIL WW. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 086 ED 529 WW 22 Sep 67 "DUE TO REORG ..." [p. 977] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 529 WW All Staff 22 September 1967 DUE TO REORG NOT BY DISCIPLINE ALL NEW POSTS WW ARE IN NON EXISTENCE AND MUST APPLY FORMULA INTERNATIONALLY INCLUDES ANY AND ALL NEW POSTS AND ALL THEIR PERSONNEL AND CLERKS. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 087 ED 535 WW 23 Sep 67 "WW IS TO ADMINISTER ADVANCED COURSES..." [p. 976] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 535 WW 927 SH All Staff 23 September 1967 WW IS TO ADMINISTER ADVANCED COURSES AND IS TO HAVE OWN REGISTRAR CF LTR REGISTRAR CASHIER AND TREASURY OFFICER TO DO SO AND HANDLE ALL WW INVITATIONS REGISTRATION INVOICING BANKING AND DISBURSEMENTS AND SALARIES ALL UNDER RESPECTIVE AND CORRECT EXEC SEC AS SECTIONS. SUCH WW FINANCE FUNCTIONS NOT UNDER TREASURER WW. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 088 ED 581 INT 23 Sep 67 "ALL WW ORDERS ..." [p. 891] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 581 INT Execs and above 23 September 1967 URGENT ALL WW ORDERS EDS DIRECTIONS TO YOUR ORG DATED PRIOR TO 1 OCTOBER 1967 BUT NOT MY OWN EDS AND POL LTRS ARE CANCELLED. CONVENE BOARD OF I IN YOUR ORG APPOINTED BY LRH COMM OF YOUR ORG TO INVESTIGATE WHAT IS NEEDED AND WANTED FROM WW BY WAY OF ASSISTANCE AND MATERIAL AND SERVICE AND WHAT ARBITRARIES EXIST THAT SHOULD BE WITHDRAWN AND SEND FINDINGS TO YOUR NEW CONTINENTAL LIAISON OFFICER AT WW FOR HIS ADVICE AND CONSIDERATION SO HE CAN MAKE PROPOSALS TO AD COUNCIL WW TO WHICH HE BELONGS TO ASSIST YOU IN EXPANSION AND TO ESTABLISH A GREATER REALITY AT WW ON YOUR NEEDS AND SITUATION. WW HAS BEEN REORGANIZED TO INCREASE REALITY AND YOU HAVE YOUR OWN CONTINENTAL LIAISON OFFICER THERE TO SERVE YOU AND WHO IS AT YOUR ORDERS. USE HIM TO EXPEDITE AND SAFEGUARD ALL YOUR INTERESTS BEST = RON. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 089 ED 536 WW 25 Sep 67 "ALL FEES PAID FOR CC ..." [p. 975] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 536 WW 928 SH All Staff 25 September 1967 ADVANCED COURSE FEES ALL FEES PAID FOR CC AND OT COURSES MUST BE BANKED IN RESERVE AFTER 2PM THURSDAY 28 SEPT AND MAY NOT BE USED FOR ORG EXPENSES. THE ADMIN EXPENSES ONLY FOR THESE COURSES MAY BE REFUNDED TO WW. SET UP A WW LTR REG AND CF LINE AND REGISTRATION INVOICE BANKING LINE AT ONCE FOR THESE COURSES AND WW INCOME TRANSFER ADVANCE PAYMENTS FOR THESE COURSES TO THE WW RESERVE ACCOUNT. GET THE DRILL IN SMOOTHLY WITH NO LAG OR BALL UP EXEC SECS WW RESPONSIBLE FOR ORGANISING TRANSITION SMOOTHLY AND ON TIME. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 090 ED 505 INT 28 Sep 67 INT. ETHICS OFFICER WW PROG. CLEAR ORGS [p. 890] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 585 INT All Staff 28 September 1967 INTERNATIONAL ETHICS OFFICER WW PROGRAMME CLEAR ORGS 1. The first duty and assignment of the International Ethics Officer WW is: To find any former or current staff member in any org who has been dismissed or demoted when he had high statistics or any person promoted when he had down stats to order a board and discover who dismissed or demoted him or promoted him and who prompted it and to look for any suppressive person in the org past or present and on evidence, issue an SP Order. 2. The first target of an SP is upstat org personnel. He causes them to be dismissed or demoted in order to bring down the org. He promotes or employs only down stat people. 3. Any org that will not recover (as in cases that don't respond to processing) is PTS to an SP and has had or has an SP active in it. Therefore orgs which aren't recovering well are the first ones in which Int E/O WW is interested. 4. The Int E/O WW will send out questionnaires to staffs and Scientologists who may know of such instances (dismissing or demoting upstat staff members) and follow up all leads. 5. The International Special Programmes Execution Officer WW will record and check up on this Special Programme. 6. I am to be advised when the programme is complete. 7. The object, of course, is to remove all SPs from Scn orgs or their vicinity and to rehabilitate or reinstate wronged staff members. ANYONE KNOWING OF SUCH INSTANCES MUST ADVISE Int E/O WW. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 091 ED 592 INT 28 Sep 67 SPECIAL PROGRAMME FAST ACADEMIES [p. 888-9] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 592 INT All Org Execs and Supervisors Int E/O WW Int SPE WW 3 October 1967 URGENT SPECIAL PROGRAMME FAST ACADEMIES 1. Any Academy Supervisor who has students who have been more than 2 weeks on a level or 2 weeks getting a class in a day org or 2 months for a level and two months for a class in the foundation, goes into a Condition of Non Existence. If not so placed then the Dir Training is to be assigned the condition. If he is not so assigned then the Tech Sec is to be so placed. If the Tech Sec is not so assigned then the Org Exec Sec of that ore will be so assigned. If the Org Exec Sec is not so assigned, the HCO Exec Sec of that org will be removed from post as incompetent and denied further enrollment on Advanced Courses as the neglect is purely suppressive. Many reasons may exist for overlong attendance on Academy Courses. 2. They are (1) Out Ethics in the Org or Div 4. (2) Bad Qual that fails to run a correct Remedy B with whole track listing. (3) Unreal and lengthy check sheets (the most frequently used methods of stopping students). (4) Non Extant HCO. (5) A poorly run Academy, no tight scheduling, supervisors who lecture, suppressive and capricious admin. (6) The excuse that only SH graduates can be employed in the org, which in itself is a scathing comment on the efficiency of their own Academies. 3. Academies MUST be well run with a quick turnover of students. 4. This is a basic programme of several years standing and I mean it to be in. 5. The new International Special Programmes Execution Officer WW must turn over to the International Ethics Officer all failures to comply with this ED and forward this Programme. 6. This does not apply to the SHSBC. Only Academies, Levels Dianetic and I to IV. 7. If the reason for overlong time on course is traced to another Dept by a Board, that Dept goes into non-existence also. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 092 ED 593 INT 3 Oct 67 POWER PROC. CANCELLED FOR OUTER ORGS [p. 886-7] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 593 INT Info INT SPEO WW 3 October 1967 POWER PROCESSING CANCELLED FOR OUTER ORGS CANCELS ALL EDS AND POL ON OUTER ORGS SELLING POWER PROCESSING 1. The special programme whereby outer orgs were to sell Power IS CANCELLED. Pcs who have actually paid for Power before this date may be processed but none thereafter. 2. It is an award of a down stat case. The reason advanced earlier was that they had cases that needed Power to crack them. The bulk of these cases are suppressive. To distract outer orgs from their purpose of contacting the public and processing hordes of people is being forgotten just for a few Ethics type cases. 3. By selling Power in outer orgs, as proven in the illegal action of South Africa, distracts the org by making upper HGC income easy and so forgetting lower levels. This resulted in SA contracting in size and forgetting the public. 4. So it is proven that an outer org selling Power will contract! 5. All Internes sent to SH for Class VII will complete their training and will be returned to their orgs or retained at SH and the org compensated as below. Saint Hill must train Class VII Internes for their own HGC only. 6. I realize this will cause a turmoil. But it would cause a greater one if outer orgs ceased to expand! A recent board brought this in as a finding. When SA began to sell Power it contracted as it ceased to promote to the public and ceased to work in lower grades and levels due to the flood of income. 7. The purpose of an org is to interest and train the public. Power is too high for public use. The org goes completely unreal to a public still worrying about "What is wrong with Bessy?" "What is Life?" 8. Any org that has sent Internes to SH or has them returned, in compensation is given: If the Interne is Not Returned (1) Full credit at SH for all monies so spent and precisely accounted for, the credit to be used to train Executives in Tech at SH in the SHSBC. If the Interne is Returned classed VII (2) 25% of the full precisely accounted for expense in book stocks. WW to supply the books (which are SH property). 9. The Individual auditor returned to the Org as a Class VII has priority (if also Clear) on all Tech executive posts. 10. ANY ORG SELLING POWER PROCESSING HEREAFTER SHALL HAVE ITS EXEC COUNCIL CHANGED BY WW. Any reports of any org doing this shall be sent to the International Ethics Officer at WW who shall take appropriate action on that org's Exec Secs. 11. The role of an org below the level of SH is to get the PUBLIC up through the lower grades and any org not doing this will soon collapse anyway. 12. The Org Exec Sec WW is to settle any disputes arising by reason of the cancellation of this Pr Prs For Outer Orgs programme. 13. Selling upper level services in lower level orgs is destroying the public's bridge and destroying as well the orgs below the level of SH. 14. Only at SH will Power Processing hereafter be available. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 093 ED 558 WW 4 Oct 67 "INTERNATIONAL GROSS INCOME TAKES ..." [p. 974] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 558 WW WW Staff Execs and above 4 October 1967 INTERNATIONAL GROSS INCOME TAKES 3 MONTHS TO CHANGE FROM WW SO FORGET FAST EXPLANATION IT WAS REORG OF WW ONLY TEN DAYS BEFORE COLLAPSE WHICH WASN'T EVEN IN HANDS OUTER ORGS AT TIME OF COLLAPSE. LOOK BACK OVER LAST THREE MONTHS AND YOU FIND SHIFT TO CASH BILLS INSTEAD OF GROSS INCOME OR SOME SUCH CHANGE. LOOKS LIKE I GRABBED LINES JUST IN TIME. I WAS WAITING TO SEE IF REORG WOULD BE BLAMED AS WOULD INDICATE A WW SERVICE FAC. I ERRED ONLY IN NOT NOTICING LEVEL GRAPHS BEFORE I DID DUE TO FAILURE AT WW TO SEND ME GRAPHS AND I WOKE UP TO OMISSION TOO LATE. I HAVE CANCELLED WW EDS ORDERS TO ALL ORGS SO ARBITRARIES OF OLD EXECUTIVES OFF LINE. CABLE EVERY ORG WHOSE GROSS INCOME COLLAPSED NOTE DANGER CONDITION ASSIGNED YOUR ORG. TOP EXECS TO PLUNGE IN TO HANDLE ERRORS IN YOUR ORGS ADMIN ETHICS AND TECH ERRORS. YOU WILL COME OUT OF DANGER WHEN GROSS INCOME ABOVE SUMMER AVERAGE. REMEDY GROSS ETHICS ERRORS AND FAILED CASES AND MISDECLARES AT ONCE. THEN GET IN ORG RUDIMENTS SO AS TO GET AN ORG THERE. ANY EXECUTIVE FAILING TO COMPLY WILL BE DENIED ADVANCE COURSES. RON UNQUOTE. DELD GET IN NEW WW FORM CRASH QUICK AND ALSO GET RUN OUT ANY RESENTMENT OF REORG ON WW STAFF AS WAS DONE BECAUSE WW FAILED AS WITNESS LEVEL GRAPHS AND COLLAPSE IN SEPT BE ALERT THAT WILD DESPATCHES RUMOURS MAY HAVE BEEN SENT OUT ON SEPT 11 TO OUTER ORGS ALONG WITH WW REORG ED AS I THINK YOU HAD AN SP ABOARD AT THAT TIME OR THINGS THROUGH SUMMER WOULD NOT HAVE GONE SO BADLY. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 094 ED 559 WW 4 Oct 67 "...WW MIMEO LINES..." [p. 973] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 559 WW 4 October 1967 URGENT IMMEDIATE VALID BEFORE PUBLICATION. WW MIMEO LINES ARE CLOSED TO ALL BUT MY OWN NEW EDS POL LTRS AND HCOBS AND NO OTHER MIMEOS NOW TO HAND MAY BE DONE AT ALL. ALL OUTGO WW CABLE TELEX TO ALL BUT SEA ORG ARE CLOSED ALL WW OUTGO DESPATCH TRAFFIC EXCEPT FROM ZIFF ARE TO BE BAGGED AND SENT VIA LAS PALMAS REASONS RECOVERY EDS POLS STALL DATED EFFORTS BEING MADE TO OBSTRUCT RECOVERY BY EXPLANATIONS WHICH ARE FALSE. WW IS OBVIOUSLY PTS. ABOVE WILL BE LIFTED WHEN ALL WW STAFF RECEIVE S AND DS AND REALITY RETURNS SCN MUST EXPAND HELP ME DISCOVER OBSTRUCTIVE PERSONS AND MEASURES. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 095 ED 561 WW 4 Oct 67 "WW IS ASSIGNED CONDITION OF NON EX..." [p. 972] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 561 WW WW Staff Execs and above CONDITION ASSIGNED 4 October 1967 WW IS ASSIGNED CONDITION OF NON EXISTENCE FOR BLAMING EFFORT TO HANDLE FOR THE COLLAPSE OUTER ORG GROSS INCOME AND FOR NOT PICKING UP THE BALL ON REORGANIZATION FAST ENOUGH THUS KEEPING ME ON ITS LINES BY RESENTING THE HANDLING OF SITUATION AND BEING PTS AND BY STALE DATING MIMEOS WHICH ATTEMPT TO HANDLE CONDITION WILL BE UPGRADED WHEN ALL STAFF GIVEN S AND DS AND ANY WORKING FOR COLLAPSE BY SPREADING TALES FOUND AND DECLARED BY WW WITHOUT FURTHER URGING FROM ME. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 096 ED 571 WW 6 Oct 67 "28 SEPT GRAPHS VERY SICK..." [p. 970] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 571 WW 6 Oct 1967 28 SEPT GRAPHS VERY SICK GET IN VARIOUS MEASURES OUTLINED DURING SEPT ESPECIALLY TWO POL LTRS HCO AND ORG EXECS GO INTO NON EXISTENCE IF NO COMMUNICATOR ETHICS OFFICER OR DIST DIV. POL LTRS NOW ENROUTE CRUSH HOME INTERNATIONALLY THE CLEAR ORGS PROGRAMME AND TOUGHEN ETHICS, REORG WW AND GROOVE IN LINES, L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 097 ED 570 WW 7 Oct 67 WW DESPATCHES [p. 971] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 570 WW All Staff 7 October 1967 WW DESPATCHES 1. Those execs despatches directed to DOs remaining unanswered and other despatches remaining unanswered should be sorted out by Dir Comm WW by Continental Areas and given to the Continental Liaison Officers at WW for the areas which sent them. 2. The Cont Liaison Officer is to see that each gets answered to the best of his ability and handle any pleas or requests for service by expediting that service. 3. No unanswered despatches from pre-reorg area must remain at WW. 4. It is the responsibility of the Dir Comm and the Cont Liaison Officers for the area which sent the despatch to see that they are answered. 5. A data sheet on the fact that Cont Liaison Officers for the area may be included with the despatches, the sheet should contain a rough short graph of the current WW organization. The sheet may not make it appear WW is smaller or greatly changed but must stress that a Cont Liaison Officer exists to serve the area. A different sheet should be used for each Cont area naming only that area. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 098 ED 617 INT 8 Oct 67 FRANCHISE [p. 884] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 617 INT All Staff Franchise 8 October 1967 FRANCHISE As a result of a recent Board of Investigation convened on instructions from the Founder, the following are to be put into effect immediately. 1. Franchise is transferred to the Office of the Org Exec Sec WW as a new Section called the Franchise Section, directly under the Org Exec Sec WW. 2. The original Franchise Programme is to be rehabilitated and put into effect. 3. A Franchise Section Officer, Franchise Communicator and a Franchise Typist are to be appointed. 4. Adequate working space and facilities are to be supplied to the Section personnel. 5. All records of Franchise Holders appointed by SH are transferred to WW. 6. All 10%s and monies received from Franchise Holders are part of WW income. 7. WW is responsible for supplying all technical material and supplies to Franchise Holders. 8. Franchise Holders will be able to obtain their supplies from the Mat Sec WW via the Franchise Officer. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 099 ED 575 WW 9 Oct 67 "SEA ORG OFFICERS HAVE POWER TO..." [p. 969] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 575 WW 964 SH 298 SH FDNS All Staff 9 October 1967 URGENT SEA ORG OFFICERS HAVE POWER TO IMPOSE OR CHANGE CONDITIONS AND MAY CHANGE ANY CONDITION I HAVE IMPOSED. THEY HAVE POWER TO DECLARE OR DISMISS OR CANCEL CERTS AND AWARDS WITHOUT FURTHER JURISPRUDENCE THAN THEIR STATEMENT. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 100 ED 602 WW 10 Oct 67 E-METER CALIBRATION DRILL [p. 968] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 602 WW 10 October 1967 E-METER CALIBRATION DRILL The Materiel Secretary WW is to see that in the next edition of the Book of E-Meter Drills a properly written drill on E-Meter calibration is added into the edition. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 101 ED 601 WW 10 Oct 67 QUAL DIV CALIBRATION OF E-METERS [p. 1006] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1004 SH 601 WW Execs and above 10 October 1967 QUAL DIV CALIBRATION OF E-METERS 1. Qual Sec SH is to see that all E-Meters are calibrated as per ED 870 SH 491 WW and Sec Ed 175 INT. 2. The use of the Decade Resistor Box is to cease immediately. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 102 ED 607 INT 11 Oct 67 PROPER MAG TITLES [p. 885] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 607 INT Execs WW US Exec Council London Exec Council AF Exec Council ANZO Exec Council 11 October 1967 PROPER MAG TITLES 1. The following orgs issue the following mags: Certainty from London Ability from DC Reality from LA Affinity from Auckland (for New Zealand) Communication from Auckland (for Australia). 2. These orgs above may not issue any other mags than with the above titles. Any other mag titles being issued from the above orgs as a second title are cancelled. The Area Mag Programme did not apply to the above orgs as they were already issuing magazines. 3. For these orgs to be issuing other mags with strange titles than their long standing and well-known mag titles tends to confuse and disperse your public and to give the appearance that the standard and familiar mag has been dropped. 4. Your schedule is now as follows: Issue a major on even months, minor on odd months. Major goes to current in comm people. Minor to whole CF even though some names are years out of comm. Material Secretary WW is designing shooting boards per these formats and these are sent monthly to you by the first of each month one month prior to their deadline for issue. 5. As an addendum, Continental org mags should promote Continental org services as well as the Continental area. 6. The US Exec Council should also review the status of Ability and Reality under the US Continental area. 7. The Exec Council WW should review the workability of Communication being issued from Auckland and handle accordingly. 8. Area orgs continue, of course, to use area mag shooting boards from WW with titles now being issued. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 103 ED 617 WW 18 Oct 67 COMPLETED WW REORG [p. 967] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 617 WW 18 October 1967 COMPLETED WW REORG WW REORG WILL BE CONSIDERED COMPLETE AS REQUIRED IN EMERG FORMULA WHEN PATTERN IS 7 DIVISION WITH MATERIEL IN DIV 2 AND ADVANCE COURSES AS DIV 4. DIVISIONS TO BE MINIMUM SIZE FOR FUNCTIONS EXEC COUNCIL WW IN OFFICE LRH WW AND AD COUNCIL ALSO. NO LIMITS ON DIV 2 OR DIV 4 PERSONNEL BUT REST VERY ECONOMICAL AND WHEN SEA ORG OFFICERS ARE SATISFIED WW IS IN RESPONSIBLE HANDS AND CLEARED AS AN ORG. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 104 ED 620 WW 19 Oct 67 "THE EC WW MUST START..." [p. 966] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 620 WW 19 October 1967 THE EC WW MUST START PRESSURING CONT AREAS TO EACH SEND ONE ORG AND ONE HCO CONT L O TO WW FOR SIX MONTHS TERM CONT ORG PAYS TRANSPORT WW PAYS SALARY EXPENSES. HCO POL LTR 13 OCT ISSUE II GIVES COMM AND STATUS PROCEDURE FOR CONT L Os POL LTR NOW ENROUTE. UNTIL POSTS FILLED BY CONT ORG SELECTIONS EC WW IS TO APPOINT JUST ONE C L O FOR EACH CONT. C L Os CANNOT COME ONLY FOR PERSONAL TRAINING PROCESSING. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 105 ED 633 INT 21 Oct 67 CLEAR SPEECHES [p. 883] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 633 INT 21 October 1967 CLEAR SPEECHES Graduation speeches of all Clears are to be tape recorded. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 106 ED 640 WW 23 Oct 67 BOARDS OF INVESTIGATION [p. 965] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 640 WW & 8 US 23 October 1967 BOARDS OF INVESTIGATION Two Boards of Investigation are to be appointed by the LRH Comm WW to discover (1) In LA: (2) In DC: If anyone (and who) in LA has ever issued orders not to follow policy or not to follow HCOBs with full recommendations for Ethics action to be taken by the Int. E/O. If at a meeting of lawyers in DC regarding the FDA suit (which was lost) any Scientologist voted against following my outlined strategy in the case despite urgings by our attorney Mr. Brinkman to do so (and who so voted). As the case was lost the names of any and all so voting are to be revealed and turned over to the Int. E/O for action. The minimum assignment in each case is a Condition of Treason. Only persons below rank of Secretary may be appointed to these boards. Any threat to any person for membership on these boards will be handled by the Int. E/O by a Condition of Enemy assigned to the person or persons so threatening. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 107 ED 647 INT 26 Oct 67 NINE DIVISION ORG [p. 882] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 647 INT All Staff 26 October 1967 NINE DIVISION ORG 1. SAINT HILL is herewith promoted to a NINE Division Org as per HCO Policy Letter 26 Oct 67, the Public Division. 2. Every org having more than 50 staff members hereafter will become a nine division org. 3. Div 6, the Distribution Division, is simply deleted from the Org Divs and is expanded into three divisions under a new Executive Secretary, THE PUBLIC EXECUTIVE SECRETARY. 4. The new divisions run Congresses and PEs for their income. 5. A new small org also may care to run only the Public Divisions to get started. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 108 ED 666 WW 27 Oct 67 "DUE TO RISING STATS WW..." [p. 964] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 666 WW WW Staff 27 October 1967 DUE TO RISING STATS WW AND SUCCESS OF REORG WE WILL NOT ONLOAD WW AND WILL LEAVE MANOR PLAN AS BEFORE. WW NOT BEING MOVED. CANCEL ANY PLANS RELATING THERETO AND GET ON WITH RAISING STATS INT. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 109 ED 1143 SH 8 Nov 67 SEA ORG MISSION SAINT HILL [p. 1005] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1143 SH All Staff 8 November 1967 URGENT SEA ORG MISSION SAINT HILL In view of recently collapsing statistics of Saint Hill in all but the Qual Division SH which was helped so materially by Sea Org Mission WW, a Mission to Saint Hill has been ordered. Commander O'Keefe, Lt-Commander Smith and Lieut. Eltringham comprise Mission Saint Hill. They compose a Sea Org COURT OF ETHICS REVIEW. This Court will sit in the office of the Assistant Guardian SH in the Castle which is vacated for this purpose. As floods of Ethics Orders have been issued lately by SH and yet statistics declined, it is believed there may be an ABUSE OF ETHICS at Saint Hill. ANY AND ALL SH STAFF MEMBERS WHO HAVE ANY KNOWLEDGE OF ANYONE BEING REMOVED, CHITTED, DEMOTED OR ASSIGNED LOW CONDITIONS WHILE HAVING HIGH STATS IS ORDERED TO APPEAR BEFORE THIS SEA ORG COURT OF ETHICS REVIEW AND TESTIFY. Anyone withholding any such information may be disciplined. The Sea Org Members have unlimited Ethics Powers and may issue any ethics orders of any kind. This Sea Org Court of Ethics Review may also find that Ethics actions at Saint Hill are inadequate as statistics fell. Their orders are to find any possible abuse or misuse of Ethics at Saint Hill and handle it for the protection of SH staff members, students and pcs and if none is found to exist, to find that Saint Hill Ethics are insufficient to handle an out ethics situation. Your cooperation with these officers is invited. Prompt appearance before the court will help speed their mission which must not be delayed as their ships and men are waiting for them near to hand. They are here to protect the individual staff member from any irresponsible use of Ethics within the org or any offenses going overlooked while minor offenses are being used as a screen. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 110 ED 724 WW 8 Nov 67 ADVANCED COURSES [p. 963] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 724 WW 8 November 1967 ADVANCED COURSES The Advanced Courses including the Clearing Course and all the OT sections, which have never belonged to SH or WW, are being moved with all their equipment to the Sea Org. SH may be recompensed for their admin and equipment to date. All fees above that are the property, as assigned, of OPERATION AND TRANSPORT SERVICES, LTD. A small unit must be left at WW to continue the Advance Courses until they can be re-established a few weeks later. This small unit may enroll and administer the courses until advised otherwise. The Worldwide org will become a Field Staff Member for these courses and will be paid 10% of all fees of persons sent by WW and collected by O.T.S. Ltd. Other FSMs may exist. The courses will be taught at a base outside England by a company neither English or British. Rooms, food and the courses will be available as before. The rooms and food will be reasonable but are not included in the course fees. The fees are the same as before. Section III OT will be added when the courses are established in the new base. People may be advised and sent on to the base. No fees may be collected in England for the courses at the base. Operation and Transport Services Ltd has been incorporated for this express purpose. The Advanced Courses then will be transferred to the Sea Org and will for a short time remain as before conducted by a small unit with minimal files and gear and personnel at WW and will in the near future be conducted only at a Sea Org base, the personnel of the bridging unit joining the new base when it has fully caught up the entire enrollment and admin of all the Advance Courses. The shift must be made without disturbance to enrollment or course conduct. Material advertising the new base facilities and courses is to be made up by WW and approved by the Sea Org and furnished prospective students so that WW can collect its FSM 10%. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 111 ED 667 INT 9 Nov 67 ACADEMY CHECK SHEETS [p. 880-1] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 667 INT 9 November 1967 ACADEMY CHECK SHEETS The secret of getting a student through half a level (Theory or Practical) in TWO weeks, which is now demanded by policy is: (1) Have a Theory or Practical check sheet that can be done in ONE week by the average student. (2) Have a Dept of Review red hot on doing Remedy A, Remedy B and S & Ds that never miss. (See HCOB 9 Nov 67 which makes these easier to do.) (3) Get Ethics in on students fast and tolerate no out-Ethics student. Send at once to Ethics. (4) Detect a slow student at once, not waiting for a week, and send him to Review. If a Supervisor does these things and if Review Auditors are hot and Qual crushes out of existence all "backlogs" of pcs or students and if the Tech Sec, D of T and Qual Sec are brisk in getting the lines in and insist on accurate tech and keep their supervisors and auditors star-rated on vital tech, the org can't fail. When Ethics go out Tech goes out. When Tech goes out Admin goes out. Ethics, Tech and Admin procedures are interdependent and go in in that order. A student, a dept, a division or an org straighten up and improve when the order of (1) Ethics (2) Tech and (3) Admin know-how is followed. We live in a very aberrated world. That's why we're here. Its Ethics is out, that's why it's a bit hard at times to make progress. Our progress is proportional to the number of good Scientologists we make. Academies turn out auditors and Scientologists. The Saint Hill Course puts in the polish and expertise. Whenever an Academy tries to teach the SHSBC instead of Academy level check sheets it slows down the whole progress of Scietology. Academy trained auditors need only follow a few exact procedures today. If they are taught those hard and well, these auditors will get results. A few data taught very very well will benefit a student far more than a large but not complete body of data. So you can't teach in an Academy a small Saint Hill Course. Leave that to SH. Your ethics has to be in in in on the Academy student to prevent his squirreling. The ideal Academy student is a technician of limited but positive skills which he can do well without variation. So his checksheet must be short. He must be very in-Ethics. He must be sent to Review at the faintest sign of slow. And that's the secret. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 112 ED 746 WW 13 Nov 67 WW MOVE [p. 962] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 746 WW 13 November 1967 WW MOVE It is to be put to a vote to staff whether or not WW should onload, to a Sea Org Ship in the next few months, keeping in mind the vital functions of WW. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 113 ED 747 WW 13 Nov 67 MISSION WW [p. 961] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 747 WW Verbal then Reprint By Hand to WW 13 November 1967 MISSION WW In that the stats of WW have been verbally reported in affluence but in fact of graph evidence rose high, then dropped back, a FALSE REPORT has been given to MSH and Ken Delderfield who passed it on to Mission WW. Therefore Mission WW is reordered to WW. They are to find: (1) Who gave the false report to MSH and Delderfield. (2) The correctness of the gross income stat. (3) Any counter orders to orgs causing collapse of their stats. (4) Any reason for collapse of any org despite theta line put in in Sept 67. They are to issue any necessary orders. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 114 ED 601 INT 20 Nov 67 ORG EXEC COURSE CHECK SHEET [p. 879] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 691 INT 20 November 1967 ORG EXEC COURSE CHECK SHEET Part I Page I of the Org Exec Course Check Sheet (21 Sept 67 Reissued from 17 Aug 67) IS CANCELLED. The remainder of the check sheet (II - Staff Hat and onward) is valid. Part I is cancelled because it violates FAST FLOW MANAGEMENT POLICY. A needless inspection of the student's considerations on Admin is required in it. It assumes trouble before there is trouble. If the student has this trouble it will show up as on any other course and he can be sent to Review for a Remedy B. Furthermore the process given is OUT-TECH. It should be simply a proper Remedy B. The process given in Part I is a LISTING process which finds no item, a sure ARC Breaker. This would effectively wreck the course for the PC and is SUPPRESSIVE. If and only if the student is SLOW on the course one runs a Remedy B in Div 5 Dept Review in accordance with the recent HCOB of 9 Nov 67. The process listing question could be changed to "On the Org Exec Course who or what are you having trouble with?" as List 1A. List 1B and List 1C would be the same as given in the HCOB. ANY Org Exec Course student who has had the Part I process done as given on the 21 Sept 67 Org Exec Course check sheet must be sent to Review and the list that was done must be nulled properly or completed and the student given his item. The Ethics Officer WW must investigate who is responsible for this out tech and assign a Condition of Treason as it undoubtedly spoiled the course for many students and impeded the progress of orgs. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 115 ED 830 WW 21 Nov 67 OUT TECH BOARD [p. 956] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 830 WW 1246 SH 21 November 1967 OUT TECH BOARD A board is to be appointed by the LRH Comm WW to investigate any and all interpretations of Tech by Supervisors and find and eliminate any and all non HCOB & Tape arbitraries entered into SHSBC and discover their authors and recommend declare and publish a list of arbitraries they cancel. Their power includes all other courses. This board has the power to cancel all such arbitraries by published list. I have found 2 arbitraries pushed off on students at SH (1) Once a person is grade 1 you can't thereafter run problems on him. This is a lie and violates definition of Release. (2) When one does an S & D one can't run anything else. This is a lie. It means the auditor is forced to audit pcs with PTPs and ARC Breaks. This ruins pcs. Therefore these 2 arbitraries are suppressive and show out tech. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 116 ED 1222 SH 22 Nov 67 DAILY MAIL STORY [p. 1004] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 1222 SH Reissue of SECED 226 SH 9.12.65 Applies to Div 1 Legal DAILY MAIL STORY 22 November 1967 The legal action to be taken in this case has the very important end object of establishing legally our right to direct Scientology use and practice and the validity of a certificate as the licensing document of use. The de Grimstons were apparently denied a certificate yet practiced. By reason of registered marks, etc., we must get a court decision to validate our right of police of Scientology practice. We have the right. We should get it fully confirmed as legal precedence. Other advantages to us along this line may be found. Kick up a terrible fuss but all along the line of unauthorized practice and the paper, knowing it or suspecting it, never stating it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder ===========================