FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES - 04/28 repost ============================ This is the Second Foundation. Our purpose is to keep LRH's plan on track (ref: Asimov). CofS has gone off the rails. This is an announcement of our support of FZBA, Freezone, and The Pilot. We are posting the LRH EDs to make ammends for our long delay in taking action. ARC, PROGRAM DIRECTOR SECOND FOUNDATION ============================ LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES This is a complete copy of the "Original LRH EDs" or Blue Volumes as issued by Bridge in 1983. The full contents for all 28 parts posted is in part 1. The volumes were divided into the 3 numbering Series, and subdivided into the classes of EDs (INT = International, WW = World Wide, SH = Saint Hill, etc.) and placed in reverse order (latest first) within type. This was quite confusing because of some EDs being in multiple classes with different numbers in each class. We rearranged everything in date order (earliest first) to give a better historical perspective and make these easy to find by date. The original table of contents is included in part 2 and the original page numbers are in "[]" at the beginning of each ED. See IMB 5 in part 2 for an explanation of the 3 Series of ED numbers and a list of valid (but expired) EDs not included. See LRH ED 345 INT in part 28 for a list of cancelled LRH EDs that were not included. These are only the EDs that are in the Blue Volumes. ************************************************** FZBA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** Part 4 039 ED 137 WW 13 Dec 66 BOARD OF INVESTIGATION 040 ED 142 WW 15 Dec 66 FILM PRODUCTION 041 ED 143 WW 15 Dec 66 AUDIO VISUAL EDUCATIONAL AIDS 042 ED 144 WW 15 Dec 66 AUDIO VISIO 043 ED 145 WW 15 Dec 66 BOARD OF INVESTIGATION, DEPT OF TRAINING 044 ED 206 SH 15 Dec 66 "To look at the sad ..." (Psychiatry) 045 ED 188 INT 19 Dec 66 COOPERATION 046 ED 158 SH 20 Dec 66 GROUNDS & CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 047 ED 195 INT 20 Dec 66 ROUTING, IDEAL 048 ED 157 WW 20 Dec 66 TECH & QUAL PRE-EXAMINATIONS 049 ED 158 WW 20 Dec 66 BOARD OF INVESTIGATION 050 ED 235 SH 21 Dec 66 ELECTRICAL 051 ED 160 WW 21 Dec 66 (cancellation of BofI) 052 ED 237 SH 22 Dec 66 BOARD OF INVESTIGATION 053 ED 163 WW 22 Dec 66 AUDIO - VISIO 054 ED 239 SH 23 Dec 66 PROMOTION SH, AFFLUENCE REINFORCEMENT 055 ED 256 SH 30 Dec 66 BOARD OF INVESTIGATION 056 ED 174 WW 2 Jan 67 SEWAGE PLANT 057 ED 179 WW 3 Jan 67 BOARD OF INVESTIGATION 058 ED 221 INT 4 Jan 67 INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF INVESTIGATION 059 ED 276 SH 6 Jan 67 COLLEGE TAPE PLAYS 060 ED 244 INT 17 Jan 67 TECHNOLOGY REASSEMBLY PROJECT 061 ED 196 WW 18 Jan 67 EMERGENCY CONDITION, SAINT HILL 062 ED 345 INT 18 Mar 67 STATUS, OFFICE OF LRH 063 ED 461 SH 18 Mar 67 CABLE DESIGNATIONS 064 ED 294 WW 18 Apr 67 REPAYMENT 065 ED 638 SH 2 Jun 67 E-METER CANS 066 ED 424 INT 2 Jun 67 BLOWN STUDENT - ACTION TAKEN 067 ED 798 SH 12 Aug 67 SH CONDITION 068 ED 802 SH 15 Aug 67 "CONGRATULATIONS ... SH IN AFFLUENCE" 069 ED 805 SH 16 Aug 67 "SH GROSS INCOME ..." 070 ED 793 SH 18 Aug 67 EMERGENCY CONDITION ASSIGNED SH 071 ED 470 WW 25 Aug 67 DANGER CONDITION 072 ED 537 INT 25 Aug 67 EMERGENCY CONDITION 073 ED 536 INT 30 Aug 67 ACCOUNTING ERRORS =========================== 039 ED 137 WW 13 Dec 66 BOARD OF INVESTIGATION [p. 1033] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 195 SH 137 WW Execs and above 13 December 1966 BOARD OF INVESTIGATION 1. A Board of Investigation is convened on the HCO Exec Sec SH. 2. The Board is to establish activity on post. 3. Letters out is down. 4. Letters in is down. 5. Book Sales showing backlog characteristics. 6. Personal HCO Exec Sec SH stat in a state of collapse. 7. Further other executives senior to the post seem to be handling the functions of the post - i.e., magazine promotion for SH, legal SH, and most of the post functions such as grounds, watching ethics, etc. 8. The following Board is convened: Reg Sharpe, Chairman, J.J. Delance, Yvonne Gillham. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 040 ED 142 WW 15 Dec 66 FILM PRODUCTION [p. 1032] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 202 SH 142 WW 15 December 1966 FILM PRODUCTION 1. The films under production should consist of two types: (a) Lecture films (b) Films illustrating existing books and tape. 2. We have almost no films in either category. 3. Lecture films can be made at any time there is a lecture as the stage and lighting are complete. 4. A very large number of books and tapes exist, any one of which can be text adapted to filming. For example, "Notes on Lectures" is full of ARC material and illustrations. There are several lectures on the Comm Formula. The anatomy of the human mind basic texts make a film. There is no need to develop new ideas for films. The work should be on adapting texts and lectures already existing, since animation and illustration with a background spoken text are what is required. The spoken text need not be spoken by me but can be spoken by anyone with excellent diction, reading from a quoting excerpted text. 5. It is noted that the projector purchased to dub film is not set up and the arrangement is not being used. A full projector unit and a glass door exist for this action. 6. We must begin to produce useful films and start on a useful library. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 041 ED 143 WW 15 Dec 66 AUDIO VISUAL EDUCATIONAL AIDS [p. 1031] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 203 SH 143 WW 15 December 1966 AUDIO VISUAL EDUCATIONAL AIDS 1. An Educational Aids Unit is added to the Audio-Visual Section. 2. This is to use the existing designs of such things as E-Meter boards and produce them for sale to orgs and the public. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 042 ED 144 WW 15 Dec 66 AUDIO VISIO [p. 1029-30] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 204 SH 144 WW 15 December 1966 AUDIO VISIO 1. The statistic of audio visio film unit is changed from film exposed to a dual stat of footage completed and distributed plus cost of unit. 2. The statistic therefore is really copies made and distributed with a second. 3. This does not necessarily mean copies sold. It does mean copy footage delivered. 4. The second statistic which will be a dotted line will be in pounds on the same graph. It must include wages and costs of film, editing, processing supplies and equipment acquired. 5. Delivery may be to any unit or org paid for or not but must be via the Dissem Div SH regardless of the unit eventually receiving it. 6. The statistic therefore is reported by Dissem. 7. All film distributed must be given invoice just like any book. In case of distribution internally in the org, the invoice is "No Charge" but may note the value of the copy. 8. Until such time as films are actually being distributed the audio-visio section therefore has no statistic and it should be on the zero line where it in fact presently is. SCRIPTS 9. All scripts for shooting except where they are ad lib lectures must be reviewed by Financial Planning before any allocation of expense may be awarded. TAPE STATISTIC 10. The tape statistic of the audio-visio section consists of tapes distributed by number of lectures. 11. All tapes are distributed through the Dissem Div. 12. All tapes distributed must be invoiced regardless of whether internal or external to the org. 13. This statistic is reported by Dissem. 14. A second line on the same graph is to record the cost of the tape unit in terms of wages, new equipment and supplies of all kinds. 15. The left hand border of the graph may carry a dual scale, one for number of lectures, one for pounds. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 043 ED 145 WW 15 Dec 66 BOARD OF INVESTIGATION, DEPT OF TRAINING [p. 1028] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 205 SH 145 WW 15 December 1966 BOARD OF INVESTIGATION DEPT OF TRAINING A Board of Investigation is appointed to investigate the following points in the Dept of Training: 1. Are there continual shifts of staff in the Training Department making it difficult to groove anything in? 2. Are day org staff being checked out for staff status in the daytime in any Tech classroom contrary to orders to obtain such check-outs only in the Foundation and on their own time? 3. Are Supervisors doing star-rated check-outs on students contrary to the student rotational check-out system which should be in force? 4. Are Supervisors absent for long periods? 5. Is there excess traffic in classrooms during study hours? 6. Do students take breaks any time they wish? 7. Are bulletins and technical materials missing in student packets and are the original orders to issue and get back one level worth of materials at a time being followed? 8. Are the classrooms warm and if not is anything being done to impede it? The Board is to be composed of: George Galpin, Chairman Marilyn Routsong Joan Thomas L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 044 ED 206 SH 15 Dec 66 "To look at the sad ..." (Psychiatry) [p. 1027] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 206 SH 15 December 1966 [no title] To look at the sad and gloomy world of Psychiatry And contrast it with the happy cheerful faces of Scientology. To look at psychiatry's brutal hidden "treatments" of shock and surgery and death. And contrast to these the simple conversation that is processing in Scientology. And then for a psychiatrist to say "Scientology is potentially harmful". Must mean that Scientology is potentially harmful to the Dark Ages of Psychiatry. One can see the viewpoint. If Scientology totally succeeded, psychiatry would be no more. So it is potentially harmful - to psychiatry. No wonder the psychiatrist has wild things said in Parliaments. Poor chap. He's fighting for his life. LRH =========================== 045 ED 188 INT 19 Dec 66 COOPERATION [p. 906] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 188 INT All Staff 19 December 1966 IMPORTANT COOPERATION 1. We are going through a bit of a heavy period just now, the enemy made brave by his small win in Victoria. 2. I am now off your admin lines for ordinary org purposes as you are recovering and doing well and org matters are in the hands of boards and Ad Councils. 3. I am very much on your lines in actions to defend and disseminate Scientology. 4. What I need from each of you is prompt accurate execution whenever I ask you to do something. We are starting a crash programme to make out public break-through. 5. I have only some bits left of the OT Course to wrap up that research. 6. So what I am planning now is confusion to our enemies and the victory of Scientology. 7. To accomplish our objectives on this front I will want very fast compliance when I ask for something to be done and very thorough staff work when I need information from you. 8. There is undoubtedly some heavy weather ahead but for the first time in 16 years there are "stars to windward" as we make our way. 9. If we just remember we're all on the same team and that we are in a bit of a sprint against very little time and that we must work together, all will be well. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 046 ED 158 SH 20 Dec 66 GROUNDS & CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS [p. 1036-8] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 158 SH Estate Financial Planning Ad Council SH 20 December 1966 GROUNDS & CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS PROJECT BLOCK I 1. The first project for construction, now nearing completion, is Block I. This should be pushed along rapidly to final completion and useful possession by org. PROJECT WATER AND CESSPIT As fast as possible the cesspit should be built and water and sewage connected up for Lot 4. PROJECT LOT 4 COMPLETION As soon as the Cess Pit is in use, Project Lot 4 Completion should be begun. This is part Construction and part Grounds. 5. It consists of permanent walkways, ceiling off the western wall of Block II more properly, filling along the south side of the buildings, and neating up and grassing this entire area. 6. Plans for this should be under preparation now by a landscape architect. 7. It is doubtful if further buildings will be built on Lot 4, and they will, even if built, be delayed too long not to complete Lot 4 as a landscaped area with proper walks and grass and general landscaping. (A contributory reason is my unwillingness to bring increased trade into this area). 8. So Lot 4 should be finished off, preserving site shacks in case any further Lot 4 building is done. 9. The plan of this, completely and properly drawn is to be sent by the Estate Section for financial planning and Ad Council SH okay. 10. It must be understood that the plan completes all the bits of Lot 4 so none thereafter have to be constructed. 11. Professional planning is required (Not a nursery man type thing but actual Landscape Architecture). It must include full costing. PROJECT LOT 4 WOODS 12. A plan should be drawn complete by a competent professional, giving all the layout and construction in the wood on Lot 4. 13. This must include drainage, walks, bricking up trees, fill, steps, the lot. 14. It should be costed fully and submitted to Financial Planning and Ad Council. PROJECT PATHS 15. The next project is Paths and in this all paths must be paved or covered and edged in the grounds. 16. This includes any repair of the tennis court pavement or walkways. 17. This should be costed and submitted to Financial Planni and Ad Council SH for okay. PROJECT ROADS 18. The road between both gates should be repaved. 19. This includes possible gate changes. 20. The full plan must be drawn, costed, and submitted to Financial Planning and the Ad Council SH. PROJECT LAKE 21. The dredging of the Lake should be investigated as to costing and how to do it and where to put the silt. 22. This includes the dredging and repair of drainage pools 23. This also includes the reconstruction and sealing of the lower dam of the lake. 24. After this is done, lake landscaping actions can be done including the reconstruction of boathouse, rockery and paths. 25. The full plan of this should be costed and submitted to Financial Planning SH. PROJECT PARK 26. When the Lake is complete the park (which will now probably contain lake silt) should be done. 27. A full plan of this should be drawn, costed and submitt to Financial Planning SH. 28. Other later projects will of course occur but the above will require some time to complete. 29. The main point here is to keep an area which will be rebuilt neated up until such time as it is a project and then after the project is completed to go on to the next. 30. Obviously a great deal of money could be wasted by randomly improving areas only to have them messed up by a new project on them. 31. Similarly, not to consider a project as a whole and to draw it up and cost it and get approval for it may invite waste of funds. 32. Maintenance of an area consists of keeping it neat and keeping it up. It does not add new things to it or re-do the area. A great deal of maintenance is needed. 33. A Project is planned, drawn, costed and requires Financial Planning and Ad Council okay to be embarked upon. A Project means making something different of an area, adding or subtracting from it, changing it. 34. These two actions should not be confused as to do so is very costly. When one uses "maintenance" to rebuild, nothing gets maintained. Things are never costed or in fact completed. 35. When one does not plan a project all manner of mismatches can occur with a great waste of money and the project as such never really comes off or gets completed. Unplanned, uncosted projects have the earmark of not lasting, not looking well, being impossible to maintain when "completed". 36. When we fail to do a plan for a project we often rush into doing it with incomplete planning or costing and it just doesn't come off. 37. Non-professional drawing and planning should be frowned upon as it will prove incomplete, inadequate and costly and won't look good or last. 38. This is the sequence of projects now required. 39. Estate should at once be busy providing these plans and costing. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 047 ED 195 INT 20 Dec 66 ROUTING, IDEAL [p. 904-5] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 195 INT Dissem Sec Registration Pers Exec Sees 20 December 1966 ROUTING, IDEAL 1. Our original routing (reflected on the current Gradation Chart) had to be rearranged quite a bit to take care of "what had gone before" with students and pcs and so couldn't be completely adhered to. Some had had some of it. 2. Also the routing relationship intertwining training and processing had not been worked out to get a raw meat pc best up to the top. 3. I therefore give some "ideal" routes to intermesh training and processing. IDEAL PC ROUTE ONE (a) Dianetic Auditor's Course (b) Grades O - IV Processing (c> Power Processing (d) Solo Audit (Grade VI) (e> Clearing Course (if secure) (f) OT Course (if invited) 4. You will note it starts with a Course. Actually it could start with a PE Course and usually does, could be followed by a Co-audit and then the Dianetic Auditor's Course. 5. I don't think one could get all there is to be had in auditing or speed without taking things in the above order. IDEAL AUDITOR ROUTE ONE (a) PE (b) HAS (c) Dianetic Course (d) Academy Training to Level IV (e) Power Processing (f) Saint Hill Special Briefing Course (g) Solo Audit Course (h) Clearing Course (if secure) (i) Level VII (Interne Course) (if to be employed in an org) (j) OT Course (if invited) SAINT HILL ROUTING 6. When a person has done local organizational training or processing, the Registrar is often puzzled as to where to start the person at Saint Hill because of the previous bit and piece picture. 7. The above ideal routings show that the pc coming into SH for Power Processing intends also to take Solo and Clearing and OT Courses. 8. Where this pc has not had a Dianetic Course, the lineup is fouled up by taking Power, getting rehabs and then doing the Dianetic Course. 9. The SH Registrar should establish carefully what can be done to get the person on the Ideal Pc Route One. 10. If the person has had a Dianetic Course or been trained he should not be sent to one here (changes earlier directive). 11. And a pc if possible should not be sent to rehab or Power before a Dianetic Course is given the pc. 12. A lot of pcs cause themselves extra expense by not taking the SHSBC if they are ever going to. They quite commonly take the pc route, go Clear and then enroll in the SHSBC so this should be pointed out. However, a Clear does go through the SHSBC very quickly. 13. To do a Dianetic Course after Power and rehab is probably not nearly as good as doing a Dianetic Course before. It can be done either way, however. 14. People go Clear quicker (actually) and with less flub on the Ideal Student Route One and it is actually cheaper. Interne VII is not a vital part unless one is working for an org. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 048 ED 157 WW 20 Dec 66 TECH & QUAL PRE-EXAMINATIONS [p. 993] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 157 WW 159 SH Tech Div Staff Qual Div Staff Ad Council SH Tech Div Org WW Exec Sees WW TECH & QUAL PRE-EXAMINATIONS 20 December 1966 1. It is a violation of the fast flow management system for the Training Dept to examine a student before the student goes to Qual for examination. 2. This same condition existed once in the HGC where levels attained were examined by the D of P before the pc went to Qual. This made at least an overrun. But it is a violation of the fast flow system on which we run. It seeks to prevent something which hasn't occurred and occurred only rarely and could be caught in Qual anyway. UPSET STUDENTS 3. The Examiner when he sees a student is upset on flunking should send the student to review for a student assist before the student goes to cramming. 4. While a student assist is more or less specialized as an "S & D", the actual operation should consist of a 13 Oct 66 full form with all things on it handled as found (in the order of discovery). In doing such a form realize that an ARC Break can cause a needle not to read at all! 5. The student should never be just sent to cramming when upset by a flunk. 6. If the student is not upset, examinations should not send to a student assist. 7. If the student in cramming doesn't get right on with it, Cramming sends the student for a student assist and then gets the student back. 8. We must handle such problems when they occur. A student left in an ARC Break can't handle cramming and won't progress. Further an unhandled ARC Break can go into a "sad effect" so don't monkey with it when students are upset in examination. 9. This one datum, unknown to colleges, gives them a startlingly high suicide rate, it's that serious. We can handle it and we never have suicides. But let's just remember to handle it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 049 ED 158 WW 20 Dec 66 BOARD OF INVESTIGATION [p. 992] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 158 WW 213 SH Execs and above 20 December 1966 BOARD OF INVESTIGATION 1. As statistics of the HCO SH Division have slumped again since the report of the Board of Investigation on HCO Exec Sec SH post per ED 195 SH 137 WW and as no issuable finding was received for delivery to Ad Council SH and issued, a second board is convened. 2. It is to: (a) Investigate activity on post of HCO Exec Sec SH. (b) Investigate activity on post of each SH divisional secretary (Exec, HCO, Dissem). (c) Find out why gross income has plummeted since 24 Nov 66 and what happened around that date that sent it down. (d) What can be done to get HCO Exec Sec SH post taking over items slopping into mine and other lines. (e) Investigate effectiveness of Ethics in raising stats or if Ethics not aware of that part of its functions. (f) Give me directives to raise SH stats for its HCO Divs and relief of lines of seniors. 3. The Board is to consist of: Monica Quirino, Chairman Leon Steinberg Joan Thomas L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 050 ED 235 SH 21 Dec 66 ELECTRICAL [p. 1026] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 235 SH Estate Section Div 7 SH ELECTRICAL 21 December 1966 TIME MACHINE 1 MONTH 1. A complete chart of all electrical circuits is to be drawn at once and locations spotted and the boxes themselves marked inside and outside, inside with the fuses exactly located, outside with a code letter on the box using decals. 2. The completed charts are then to be posted in a conspicuous place in the basement. A chart telling exactly where each box is must also be included. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 051 ED 160 WW 21 Dec 66 (cancellation of BofI) [p. 991] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 160 WW 230 SH Execs and above 21 December 1966 ED 158 WW 213 SH of 20 December 1966, "Board of Investigation" is hereby cancelled. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 052 ED 237 SH 22 Dec 66 BOARD OF INVESTIGATION [p. 1025] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 237 SH Dissem Treasury Those concerned 22 December 1966 BOARD OF INVESTIGATION 1. A Board of Investigation is convened herewith to look into Registration and Selection Slip Routing. This line, mishandled, cost Saint Hill a heavy drop in income, it is reported. Points to be covered: (a) Effectiveness of new routing form. (b) Why routing form is unreadable and badly mimeoed. (c) How Area Cashier developed a backlog. (d) Why Distribution should demand administration from Body Registrar and not Dissem. (e) Who ordered Body Registrar to do any administration beyond record of Interview. (f) If Body Reg lines have been blocked by anyone, giving the names of persons demanding Body Reg do otherwise than sign up people. (g) How to improve flow of pcs and in particular selectees within the org. (h) If there is cross-ordering going on such as Dist Div ordering a personnel of Dissem Div and if all such orders were cleared at secretarial level and, if not, who violated proper channels. (i) Any excess paper or procedure now being used on lines. (j) Any arbitraries put in by anyone that jam selectee, FSM or sign up or Body Reg lines. The board shall consist of: Monica Quirino, Chairman Sheena Fairchild Ken Delderfield. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 053 ED 163 WW 22 Dec 66 AUDIO - VISIO [p. 990] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 163 WW 236 SH Audio Visio Pers Dissem Sec Exec Sees Office of LRH AUDIO - VISIO 22 December 1966 1. The entire Audio - Visio Section and activities are reassembled as a single section in the Office of LRH WW and under the Exec Div 7 Sec for administration. 2. This includes all tape, film, camera, record equipment and supplies for PRODUCTION. 3. The produced item is sent to the Dissem Div for stock and sale. 4. This includes educational aids. 5. Promotion of produced items is to be drawn up by the section and given to the Dissem Div Organiser for making leaflets and ads for issue. 6. PETER PHILLIPS is appointed Audio Visio Section Officer. 7. All regulations and policies regarding such production remain in force. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 054 ED 239 SH 23 Dec 66 PROMOTION SH, AFFLUENCE REINFORCEMENT [p. 1021-4] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 239 SH Saint Hill only 23 December 1966 IMPORTANT PROMOTION SH AFFLUENCE REINFORCEMENT 1. The Board of Investigation called by Ethics Order 397 SH signed by Assistant Guardian SH to investigate the income affluence of 24.11.66, strengthens already recognized factors in Saint Hill Income affluences. 2. I therefore extend its findings and recommendations as follows: FSM PRIZE PROGRAMME 3. A continuing and consecutive prize programme for FSM's is to be developed and the FSM Programme in general is to be strengthened. 4. The prize programme is to be arranged on a quarterly basis. The programmes are to be numbered. One programme ends and the next begins on the next day. 5. Prizes are to be increased in value and standardized. AUDITOR 6. As income peaks always follow an Auditor by one month, the Auditor must therefore be mailed monthly as follows: (a) An Auditor Minor is to be sent out to the entire list we have every two months and so timed that it is mailed on Jan 1, Mar 1, May 1, July 1, Sept 1, Nov 1. This is a thinner more elementary Auditor. Twice each year the Minor Issue must contain a magazine supplement of from 16 to 24 pages of photos illustrating some phase of Saint Hill or Scientology actions, properly scripted and photographed. This is to go on Sept 1 and Mar 1. (b) An Auditor Major Issue is to be issued on Feb 1, Apr 1, June 1, Aug 1, Oct 1, Dec 1. It is the vital statistics motif of the original Auditor containing proper ads and specializing in the names and faces of people, graduates from SH and Academies, etc., long lists, lots of lists of names even in tiny types, as provided by correspondents in orgs and by SH. This issue is a fat Auditor and goes to the SH list only which also receives the Minor Issue. 7. Special editorial staff and provisions must exist for this magazine, not a mish-mash with other publication matters. 8. Failure to make these deadlines and follow policy of issue shall be considered and Ethics matter. 9. Bonuses exist for the Auditor staff for every issue mailed exactly on or within a week before the deadline for it. 10. The HCO Exec Sec WW is to see that this staff exists and that it has correspondents in all orgs to send in names and pictures. AREA COLLECTIONS 11. As area collections play a heavg role in affluences, Mike Stainsforth is to be given a facility differential on this post and no other to include a Communicator and a courier or messenger. 12. The orders of Hank Laarhuis, Treasury Sec, to Brian Livingstone, Dir of Income, consisting of "thank you", "outflow of ARC", "encouraging further payments at an increased rate" and "establishing himself (Dir Income) as a terminal at Saint Hill" should be written up by Hank Laarhuis as a general all org Pol Ltr for Founder approval and meanwhile kept in force. CREDIT 13. Saint Hill's firm no-credit policy is to be continued. 14. It is notable that SH has been the only org in Scn enforcing this and that such enforcement has maintained a solvent org. OTHER CHANGES 15. The general financial health of the organization means what do we do with income. 16. In the first half of 1966 the org on high income went insolvent. I spotted this as a wholly crystal ball hunch in early August after my return to Saint Hill in late July. Later figures demonstrated that (roughly) L144,000 of income had been wasted in the first half of 1966 and had to be salvaged in the second half. 17. I put Mary Sue on this as an added duty, taking it away from exec sees. 18. The org went plus as far as it had been minus. 19.My lack of ample and rapid comm with Saint Hill made therefore a L288,000 per annum facility differential. 20. This also, under direction, gave Mary Sue a L258,000 per annum facility differential on financial planning. 21. The org has entirely recovered and become healthy. 22. Thus we see that the salvage of affluence is a fantastically important factor, while maintaining economy of operation. 23. We could have constantly repeated affluences and still have an org go insolvent by crazy useless spending. 24. By formula one must spend affluences on delivery facilities and on maintaining the affluence of course. 25. This in the affluences of the first half of 1966 was utterly neglected. Saint Hill, paying no rent, would be building anyway. Therefore no proper part of the earlier affluences was spent on actual delivery facilities and maintaining promotion. Even book stocks and meter stocks were let go entirely empty without replacement, despite their contribution to affluences. 26. Therefore the sums of overages of affluences must be allocated to: (a) Delivery facilities (b) Promotional maintenance of affluence (c) Replenishment of stocks. 27. So it is one thing to make money. 28. It is another thing to spend it so that it will make money. 29. Therefore maintaining these SH affluences also depends on increasing delivery facilities to deliver and spending money efficiently to create more affluences and keeping up our stocks. LEGAL SECTION 30. At the same time as this affluence was occurring legal threats to the existence of the org were building up due to consistent legal ineptitude and non-compliance by the org. This could have nullified all future income, let alone affluences, had I not handled it. 31. It was possible to handle because of earlier intelligenc operations which I earlier set up and which Mary Sue and her staff effectively handled and made real. 32. What we have lacked is an efficient legal section. 33. So to safeguard the org, let alone affluences, I hereby create a Legal Branch in the Office of the Guardian. 34. All other Legal sections in the org are abolished. 35. DARRELL TEPOORTEN is appointed Legal Secretary of the organization pending board resolution. He has full authority to organize, under the Guardian, a full Legal Branch with necessary clerks, files and facilities with authority to appoint or dismiss attorneys for any org under the authority of the Guardian. 36. A Policy Letter creating this branch should be begun by the Board resolving his appointment and the Policy Letter then drafted and passed by Board and Guardian. ACCOUNTS 37. The two weak points of Scientology orgs have been legal and accounts summaries for governments and sets of books or balanc sheets and reports for various legal and tax agencies. 38. Non-Compliances have in past years been the order of the day in both these activities. 39. It should be discussed whether or not to move the Treasurer's Office to the status of a Guardian Branch as the Guardian is the only one who consistently handles these threats to income and affluence. GUARDIAN 40. As the Guardian played a heavy role in protecting affluences and the org, it should be discussed how to expand her office and lower the personal load she carries. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 055 ED 256 SH 30 Dec 66 BOARD OF INVESTIGATION [p. 1020] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 256 SH 30 December 1966 BOARD OF INVESTIGATION A Board of Investigation is convened to establish the following three points (reference Dissem Sec SH Desp of 19 Dec 66). 1. Who was responsible for leaving the post of Book Store Officer SH unfilled for many weeks? 2. Who ordered Advance Reg packets to go surface mail when the only intention was to lighten them? 3. Who let the org run out of books and meters? The Board is composed as follows: Otto Roos, Chairman Marilyn Routsong Ken Delderfield L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== YEAR OF 1967 =========================== 056 ED 174 WW 2 Jan 67 SEWAGE PLANT [p. 1019] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 257 SH 174 WW Execs and above 2 January 1967 SEWAGE PLANT RIGHT OF WAY ACROSS PARK 1. A sewage plant is to be built in the Park and all contemplated arrangements regarding Cock Robin Wood or receiving the Jones' farm effluent are abandoned. 2. The former legal section drew a deed of conveyance which I do not recall approving as written, committing us to the construction of a 4 to 5000 pound road, stock fences lopping trees, forever maintenance, L800 on the cost of the sewage plant to take the farm effluent and all to get a site in Cock Robin Wood which Jones acted as "my agent" on his request to buy for L700. 3. I feel advantage has been taken of the situation all around, committing the org to at least L5000 needless expense without executive and owner approval. 4. Attention is called to the fact that all Legal is now in the Office of the Guardian and all other legal units have been terminated and should be absorbed in the Office of the Guardian under Darrell Tepoorten. 5. Orders are to forget Cock Robin Wood, get new site plans approved and build the sewage plant in the Park. 6. A new concrete mixer and a temporary road are authorized for this construction. 7. It is our contention that the right of way across the Park is null and void due to abuse (it has been widened to 160 feet!), has not been fenced for stock traffic and is only a footpath. The tractor traffic on it has driven all over the Park, spoiling turf, creating bog holes and the right of way is therefore closed and may be legally defended as such. 8. The Park right of way is not vital to his operation as he has a lower road of access to his fields. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 057 ED 179 WW 3 Jan 67 BOARD OF INVESTIGATION [p. 1018] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 260 SH 179 WW Execs and above 3 January 1967 BOARD OF INVESTIGATION A Board of Investigation is convened to determine: (a) Whether or not Ethics is well maintained amongst students. (b) If there is any discouragement of progress or about progress. (c) What factors are responsible for any good feeling about the course and what can be done to intensify them. The Board will consist of: David Ziff, Chairman Jill van Staden, Member Ron Broadbent, Member. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 058 ED 221 INT 4 Jan 67 INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF INVESTIGATION [p. 903] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 221 INT Execs and above 4 January 1967 INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF INVESTIGATION 1. A Board of Investigation is appointed to review the Bills - Cash statistics of each organisation in the world and where these are not optimum, to review the personnel record of the principal executives in accordance with HCO Policy Letter 10 Nov 1966 "Good and Bad Management", recommending removals, and replacements whose statistics are good and who are not disqualified by HCO Pol Ltr 10 Nov 66. 2. Due to interruption of the original Board (ED 118 INT) it is felt a new Board should be appointed as follows: Hank Laarhuis, Chairman Yvonne Gillham, Member Phoebe Mauerer, Member. 3. More investigation was needed on the first Board and the present Board should compose an Exam designed to locate any "worker oriented" staff member and submit it to LRH Comm WW for approval, then have all execs in all orgs take the exam. The Board may also look for other ways of obtaining information. 4. All statistic and personnel and despatch files at Worldwide are available to them as well as local Area and Continental SecEds and EDs of the past as issued by these executives. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 059 ED 276 SH 6 Jan 67 COLLEGE TAPE PLAYS [p. 1017] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 276 SH 6 January 1967 COLLEGE TAPE PLAYS 1. At those times when I do not lecture in person - Tues and Thurs at 5:00 p,m. - a regular tape play is to be instituted for students at Saint Hill. There must always be a lecture by me at those times. 2. Staff may attend these tape plays. Attendance is not compulsory at tape plays for either students or staff. 3. A Tape Supervisor is to be appointed for the Dept of Training who is to take care of all tapes and also of tape plays. Such an appointee must be fully familiar with the tape library and have good training on tapes and their care and handling. 4. Tapes for these tape plays must be chosen on the basis of: (a) General interest in auditing and Scientology (b) Non-inclusion in existing curriculi (c) Quality. 5. There are a great many such tapes. Amongst them are the Philadelphia Lectures and other sets. The tapes need not be from such sets but may be. 6. Quality of speakers used at any and all stations is to be improved at once and no "six inch oval speakers" or "the latest thing in miniature speakers" will be tolerated. Good 12 to 15 inch speakers with woofers and tweeters is what is meant by a proper speaker. My bookcase speakers in my ground floor office (2 large speakers, woofers, tweeters, amplifiers and selector panel) is the required type of set up at all listening stations. By actual test, students dope off on anything of less quality. 7. It is not the tape quality that monitors the speaker required. A poor tape requires the finest possible speaker set up to get anything out of it. 8. There are a great many tapes from all years, sets and series and even Congress tapes. The only restriction is in choosing tapes deliberately that concentrate on data no longer in use. 9. This programme should be well publicized to staff. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 060 ED 244 INT 17 Jan 67 TECHNOLOGY REASSEMBLY PROJECT [p. 902] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 244 INT (Re-issue of SECED 109 INT) Applies to Saint Hill Only Time Machine Saint Hill 17 January 1967 TECHNOLOGY REASSEMBLY PROJECT 1. The Dissem Division Department of Promotion is to compile all Academy materials and Scientology materials in accordance with the September 1965 Issue of the Gradation Chart and HCOB 22nd September 1965. 2. This is entirely a collection and grouping of all tapes, notes, HCOB's, books and charts and scales. It does not involve any rewrite. It is entirely a grouping and cataloguing function. The headings are: 0 - Communication 1 - Problems 2 - O/W's 3 - ARC and ARC Breaks 4 - Service Facsimiles A - Instruction Technology. 4. All of our literature and materials on each subject is to be found and placed in a large box bearing (each box) its level name and a complete catalogue for each box made as it is collected. 5. Authority for drawing books and tape copies for this purpose is contained herein. 6. Where an HCOB, Book or tape spans two or more levels, a copy and listing of it goes into each level to which it applies 7. Time allowed is 30 days from date of this ED. This should be adequate due to the start made last year on this. 8. The first publication of this project will be its catalogue which will be a copy of the contents of each box. 9. When the catalogue is issued, I will begin the assembly and writing of books for each level. 10. Meanwhile Academies can make do on what they can locally collect for the level subjects and will be further helped by the issue of the catalogue. 11. This project will include Academy books, public books, training films for each level and a complete round up of training tech from 0 to V. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 061 ED 196 WW 18 Jan 67 EMERGENCY CONDITION, SAINT HILL [p 1015-6] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 300 SH 196 WW All Staff 18 January 1967 EMERGENCY CONDITION SAINT HILL 1. An Emergency Condition by Trend is assigned to Saint Hill. 2. There was a radical change in personnel or operating conditions right around the first or second week in November. 3. The Guardian WW and Assistant Guardian SH should attempt to isolate what this change was and revert the SH organisation to it. 4. It is plain by the gross income statistics that the org was progressing well right up to the Affluence of 24 Nov '66. Then something occurred or some change was made that began a decline. It is doubted this is seasonal. 5. It is noted that the Tech Division responded with a collapse about 5 weeks later and that Qual did likewise. There should not be a collapse of Tech and Qual 5 weeks after a high affluence! 6. In addition to the Guardian WW and Assistant Guardian SH orders to revert the org personnel or procedure to the period before Nov 24, the following emergency orders are specifically issued and will continue in force until the TREND of income has been rising for 12 weeks! 7. HCO Policy Ltr of 20 Nov '65, "The Promotional Actions of an Organization", and HCO Policy Ltr of 15 Dec '65, "Additions to 'The Promotional Actions of an Organization'", (promotional actions of the org by Dept and Div are:- [original has Div 5 to 7 on right side of page, Sec refers to the promotional action of the Div Sec who runs the division. The departments are listed under each division.] Div 1, Sec: 1 Dept 1: 2 - 8 Dept 2: 9 - 13 Dept 3: 14 - 17a Div 2, Sec: 18 Dept 4: 19 - 24 Dept 5: 25 - 33 Dept 6: 34 - 40 Div 3, Sec: 41 Dept 7: 42 - 44 Dept 8: 45 & 46 Dept 9: 47 - 50 Div 4, Sec: 51 Dept 10: 52 - 54 Dept 11: 55 - 62 Dept 12: 63 - 70 Div 5, Sec: 72 Dept 13: 73 - 76 Dept 14: 77 - 81a Dept 15: 82 - 85a Div 6, Sec: 86 Dept 16: 87 - 95 Dept 17: 96 - 107 Dept 18: 108 - 121 Div 7, LRH Comm: 122 Dept 19: 123 Dept 20: 124 Dept 21: 125 - 128) are in full force and are to be given priority by all SH Secretaries and Directors. They are to report their progress in implementing these each week in writing to the Ad Council SH which in turn is to forward its summary of progress to the Executive Council SH. 8. The recent orders making the "Auditor" a separate section are to be expedited expedited expedited and the Major - Minor issue schedule is to be implemented at once at once. 9. The recent analysis of affluences (ED 239 SH of 23 Dec '66) which I wrote is to be given a star rated check out to WW and SH Executive Secretaries and Secretaries, Organisers and Directors, and the Qual Sec is responsible for completing the list. ---- 10. My personal opinion is that WW and SH have become too concerned with minor corrections and have to some degree lost sight of actual PRODUCTION. 11. We have as a primary responsibility furnishing the impact of Scientology for the world from Saint Hill. To do this we use superlative results and standard promotional lines. How we are furnishing the impact is secondary to furnishing the impact itself. It is easy to do if one realises that all he has to do is do his job so as to obtain maximum production and promotion. 12. If we are sliding downhill by trend we have simply ceased to produce and promote to the degree that we can. It is as simple as that. What each staff member produces is covered in his statistic. What each staff member promotes is covered in the above named policy letters. There is no mystery about it, no "Well it's beyond me to raise the whole stats of the org". If you raise your own stat and promote what your post is supposed to promote, the whole org will rise and the forward momentum will be regained quickly. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 062 ED 345 INT 18 Mar 67 STATUS, OFFICE OF LRH [p. 901] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 345 INT 18 March 1967 STATUS OFFICE OF LRH This Office was a private company formed and owned by me in April 1952 Phoenix, Arizona. It owned tens of thousands of dollars book stocks, mailing lists, bulletins, magazines, files, HDA Courses, the Academy and granting rights to train, and tens of thousands in cash plus the total goodwill of Dianetics. It later received whole truck loads of old Foundation stocks stores when Purcell relented. No inventories ever taken. Office was taken over by HAS which passed it as part of assets/debts to HASI now to C of S Calif. Therefore, this Office is part of each org and title to it lies in C of S Calif. This is why you have that title for Department Twenty-One and LRH Comms, etc., not because I am a Director, Officer, Employee, Owner or Founder, but because Office LRH is a company you own. It was never paid for and can be part of any goodwill US sum. Value conservative at half million dollars. You make estimate in handling this ED addressed LRH Finance Committee, Guardian, Treasurer, Exec Secs for finance estimations. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 063 ED 461 SH 18 Mar 67 CABLE DESIGNATIONS [p. 1014] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 461 SH All Staff 18 March 1967 CABLE DESIGNATIONS 18 R RR Cable designations to LRH Comms at SH will be for LRH Comm WW, "Delderfield", and for LRH Comm SH, "Urquhart", as this gives a one word addressee or signature and one SH telex operators and messengers can't miss ARC. My signature is "Ron" and any other Ron is by last name only such as "Pook". L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 064 ED 294 WW 18 Apr 67 REPAYMENT [p. 989] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 5 NY 294 WW Info WW 10 April 1967 REPAYMENT Reference: ED 4 NY 293 WW dismissing three staff for funds importuning of same date 1. $15,000, overdue and owing from the NY organisation to LRH an individual as paid on behalf of that organisation in 1959, is hereby demanded in cash at once. 10% of all book sales since the start of that organisation must be calculated and deposited to the account as overdue and neglected. 2. The sum is to be paid into an Account in a New York bank with LRH and Eunice Ford as the signatories, either signature sufficing so that it can be drawn on for expenses in advanced projects to further the processing of Scientologists including New York staff at upper levels overseas. The account is to be called the LRH Goodwill Repayment Account. The check book and any papers for signature are to be airmailed via Saint Hill to me. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 065 ED 638 SH 2 Jun 67 E-METER CANS [p. 1013] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 638 SH All Staff 2 June 1967 E-METER CANS E-meters are to have included (1) Two cans and cord and (2) A complete "single electrode" unit with each meter. Pack them with meter in the box. Get cheap in quantity price on our purchases of (1) and (2). L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 066 ED 424 INT 2 Jun 67 BLOWN STUDENT - ACTION TAKEN [p. 899-900] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 424 INT Info all Orgs 2 June 1967 BLOWN STUDENT - ACTION TAKEN When a student blew the Solo Course recently the following order was issued, and complied with. --- LRH Comm WW Investigate Tech Div & Qual Div for persons in Acad and HGC in contact with this student for inability to detect or use the w/h technology, or apply Rem A & Rem B Book of Case Remedies. Handle what you find. When a student blows you also consider somebody missed w/hs or Rem A & B are out. And that Supervisors have goofed or Review has goofed in Qual. Best, Ron. --- The Founder LRH Comm WW 25 May 1967 Dear Ron, The investigation you ordered into Tech and Qual Divs for persons in contact with Ray McWade, a blown student, and the correction of what was found has been completed. Through exams on the technology on Missed Withholds, and the Book of Case Remedies, Remedies A & B, those persons with a low understanding of the data were isolated. It was questions on the actual application that got the most flunks. This was handled by extensive training in Qual of the persons found wanting. Internes were also examined and retrained where necessary. The week after the investigations were done the student completions of the Dept of Training rose very nicely out of a trough and the Gross Income rose L6000 approx in the next two weeks. And we have had no blows since that time. The exams will be repeated some time in the near future to ascertain the effectiveness of the retraining. Love, Ken --- L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 067 ED 798 SH 12 Aug 67 SH CONDITION [p. 1011] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 798 SH All Staff 12 August 1967 SH CONDITION Saint Hill is declared in Emergency Condition. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 068 ED 802 SH 15 Aug 67 "CONGRATULATIONS ... SH IN AFFLUENCE" [p. 1010] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 802 SH All Staff 15 August 1967 14R DELD TO MONICA AND EXEC COUNCILS WW AND SH. CONGRATULATIONS ON AUGUST 10 GI STAT. I DECLARE SH IN AFFLUENCE. PLEASE HEED AND TAKE NOTES ON THE FORMULAS IN FORMULA TAPE AND HOW TO USE. PERSONALITIES ARE BESIDE THE POINT. LOVE = RON L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 069 ED 805 SH 16 Aug 67 "SH GROSS INCOME ..." [p. 1009] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 805 SH All Staff 16 August 1967 SH GROSS INCOME BY 5 YEAR CURVE PREDICTION SHOULD BE FIFTY NOT TWENTY FIVE A WEEK. SLOW RISE ATTRIBUTABLE TO FAILURE TO INAUGURATE TRAINING OF HIGH STAT EXECS IN 66. THIS PROGRAMME OF FINDING LESSER HIGH STAT EXECS FROM OUTER ORGS MUST BE PUSHED PUSHED PUSHED. IF PROGRESSIVE INCOME CURVE REMAINS ON SUCH A LOW SLOPE AS 66/67 AND I HAVE TO AGAIN INTERVENE I WILL DECLARE WW AND SH IN DANGER CONDITION AND SUSPEND ALL BONUSES. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 070 ED 793 SH 18 Aug 67 EMERGENCY CONDITION ASSIGNED SH [p. 1012] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 793 SH 10 August 1967 EMERGENCY CONDITION ASSIGNED SH L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 071 ED 470 WW 25 Aug 67 DANGER CONDITION [p. 1008] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 834 SH 470 WW All Staff 25 August 1967 DANGER CONDITION 1. Division III, Treasury Division Saint Hill, is declared in DANGER CONDITION on the basis of Gross Divisional Statistic 17 August 1967. 2. It should be investigated for departures from standard Scn accounting procedure in credit collections or other divisional areas. 3. It is possible that it is ARC Breaking all its debtors by failure to follow the accounts credit system laid down by me years ago and often put back in - to wit - all invoices paying on a bill must be filed at once - daily - in a folder under the debtor's name. This folder is then summarized into other records but is also available at any time some debtor wants to know his accounts. The corny 1890 system much in vogue amongst accountants of entering all payments in a book of notes (and letting the invoices pile up to mountain height unfiled before getting around to it) may be in use in violation of accounts policy. 4. This Division will come out of Danger when it can PROVE to LRH Comm SH that IT HAS NOT ONE SINGLE ARC BROKEN DEBTOR IN ITS FILES and its graph stands at L15,000 at which time it goes into Emergency. 5. The Division has Probably also forgotten to handle accounts ARC Breaks amongst debtors and may very well be dunning people who have paid or failing to ack or report or correctly sumarize collections. 6. I am sure there is no ARC Break Registrar at Saint Hill. There should be one as liaison between Div II and III. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 072 ED 537 INT 25 Aug 67 EMERGENCY CONDITION [p. 897] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 537 INT Execs and above 25 August 1967 EMERGENCY CONDITION 1. The DIVISIONAL ORGANIZER FOR TREASURY WW is declared in EMERGENCY CONDITION. 2. The graph ending 10 Aug 67 shows a monotone for Credit Collections. If SH were added to it it would plummet down. 3. The custom of ARC Breaking Debtors of orgs by misreporting debts or failing to act must be cured by the Divisional Organizer for Treasury WW in all orgs in the world. 4. He must make sure that invoices of payments are FILED in the person's Div III folder at once and not held until they are a mountain awaiting entry into the notes payment booklet. The Scientology system is to FILE every day all invoices and bills. And to bill or pay only from complete folders. 5. A Debtor writing in to an org can have his bill summarized quickly from his file unless the invoices are NOT filed. 6. False billing or duns cause ARC Breaks. 7. The Divisional Organizer for Treasury WW will come out of Emergency when he can satisfy LRH Comm WW that there are no more ARC Broken debtors in any org who are not being reviewed and whose accounts are not straight and the Credit Collection graph stands at L4500, exclusive of SH. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 073 ED 536 INT 30 Aug 67 ACCOUNTING ERRORS [p. 898] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 536 INT BPI and Include in Auditor 30 August 1967 ACCOUNTING ERRORS 1. If your account in any org is incorrect or falsely reported to you or payments are not acknowledged, you MUST write to the ETHICS OFFICER of that org filing an Ethics Chit on the Treasury Secretary of that org and giving the error or omission so that action can be taken. 2. When you send a payment the org copy of the invoice is supposed to be filed the same day in your personal Treasury Folder and monthly summarized. If you write for a statement of your account it can then be quickly added up with all payments included. This applies as well to Review credits. 3. It will help get the lines straight if you file an Ethics Chit. L. RON HUBBARD Founder ===========================