FREEZONE BIBLE ASSOCIATION TECH POST LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES - 03/28 ============================ This is the Second Foundation. Our purpose is to keep LRH's plan on track (ref: Asimov). CofS has gone off the rails. This is an announcement of our support of FZBA, Freezone, and The Pilot. We are posting the LRH EDs to make ammends for our long delay in taking action. ARC, PROGRAM DIRECTOR SECOND FOUNDATION ============================ LRH EDs - THE BLUE VOLUMES This is a complete copy of the "Original LRH EDs" or Blue Volumes as issued by Bridge in 1983. The full contents for all 28 parts posted is in part 1. The volumes were divided into the 3 numbering Series, and subdivided into the classes of EDs (INT = International, WW = World Wide, SH = Saint Hill, etc.) and placed in reverse order (latest first) within type. This was quite confusing because of some EDs being in multiple classes with different numbers in each class. We rearranged everything in date order (earliest first) to give a better historical perspective and make these easy to find by date. The original table of contents is included in part 2 and the original page numbers are in "[]" at the beginning of each ED. See IMB 5 in part 2 for an explanation of the 3 Series of ED numbers and a list of valid (but expired) EDs not included. See LRH ED 345 INT in part 28 for a list of cancelled LRH EDs that were not included. These are only the EDs that are in the Blue Volumes. ************************************************** FZBA STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Our purpose is to promote religious freedom and the Scientology Religion by spreading the Scientology Tech across the internet. The Cof$ abusively suppresses the practice and use of Scientology Tech by FreeZone Scientologists. It misuses the copyright laws as part of its suppression of religious freedom. They think that all freezoner's are "squirrels" who should be stamped out as heritics. By their standards, all Christians, Moslems, Mormons, and even non-Hassidic Jews would be considered to be squirrels of the Jewish Religion. The writings of LRH form our Old Testament just as the writings of Judiasm form the Old Testament of Christianity. We might not be good and obedient Scientologists according to the definitions of the Cof$ whom we are in protest against. But even though the Christians are not good and obedient Jews, the rules of religious freedom allow them to have their old testament regardless of any Jewish opinion. We ask for the same rights, namely to practice our religion as we see fit and to have access to our holy scriptures without fear of the Cof$ copyright terrorists. We ask for others to help in our fight. Even if you do not believe in Scientology or the Scientology Tech, we hope that you do believe in religious freedom and will choose to aid us for that reason. Thank You, The FZ Bible Association ************************************************** Part 3 004 ED 5 WW 15 Sep 66 OIC Graphs 005 ED 6 WW 16 Sep 66 ASSEMBLY OF LEGAL FILE 006 ED 11 INT 19 Sep 66 CANCELLATION OF CONTINENTAL APPOINTMENT 007 ED 13 INT 20 Sep 66 OPERATION REPAIR 008 ED 18 WW 23 Sep 66 (Cancellation) 009 ED 24 WW 27 Sep 66 LEGAL WIN 010 ED 45 INT 4 Oct 66 ADDITIONS TO SEC ED 457 INT 011 ED 47 INT 5 Oct 66 ACCOUNTS CLEARANCE 012 ED 47 SH Fnd 7 Oct 66 CONDITIONS 013 ED 36 WW 7 Oct 66 TEMPORARY OPERATION OF NEW SOCIETY 014 ED 61 INT 17 Oct 66 AMENDMENT TO ED 57 INT 015 ED 42 WW 17 Oct 66 ORIGINAL HANDWRITTEN PAPERS & DESPATCHES 016 ED 47 WW 19 Oct 66 LOCATION OF NEW SOCIETY 017 ED 51 WW 21 Oct 66 GRAPH CHANGE 018 ED 52 WW 21 Oct 66 DUPLICATION 019 ED 53 WW 21 Oct 66 LAKE 020 ED 74 INT 25 Oct 66 TRAINING OF CLEARS 021 ED 83 INT 27 Oct 66 Urgent Programmes 022 ED 62 WW 1 Nov 66 POSTAGE REDUCTION 023 ED 100 INT 3 Nov 66 FOUNDATION SH 024 ED 104 INT 3 Nov 66 ADVISORY COUNCIL NOMINATIONS 025 ED 109 INT 7 Nov 66 FOUNDER ON DUTY, CURRENT PROGRAMMES 026 ED 110 INT 7 Nov 66 ADVISORY COUNCIL FORMATION 027 ED 68 WW 7 Nov 66 CONSTRUCTION ORDERS 028 ED 107 SH 8 Nov 66 WEEKEND FOUNDATION 029 ED 118 INT 11 Nov 66 INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF INVESTIGATION 030 ED 100 WW 22 Nov 66 O.T. CENTRAL COMMITTEE 031 ED 106 WW 28 Nov 66 HGC SH STATISTIC DISCOVERY, REMEDYING ORDERS 032 ED 109 WW 28 Nov 66 CHANGED STATISTIC 033 ED 110 WW 29 Nov 66 CORRECTION TO URGENT DIRECTIVE 034 ED 113 WW 30 Nov 66 DIVISION 7 SH 035 ED 148 INT 2 Dec 66 STAFF TAPE PLAYS 036 ED 149 INT 2 Dec 66 PROJECT SQUIRREL 037 ED 166 INT 7 Dec 66 PROJECT AFFLUENCE, SOLVENCY OF ORGS 038 ED 192 SH 12 Dec 66 LIVESTOCK =========================== SERIES 1 15 Sep 66 to 28 Apr 68 The Original LRH Executive Directives Bridge 1983 [Pages 852 to 1051 of the Blue Vols. which were grouped by type of issue in reverse date order (latest first) ] =========================== YEAR OF 1966 =========================== 004 ED 5 WW 15 Sep 66 OIC Graphs [p1051] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 17 SH 5 WW Dept I & R Personnel SH & WW HCO Area Sec SH All Divisional Secretaries 15 September 1966 OIC GRAPHS 1. Due to the high cost of producing Xeroxes of graphs each week, OIC SH will do the following: (a) Only 12 complete sets of Gross Divisional Statistics and one complete set of all graphs are to be made. (b) Of the complete set of graphs, the graphs pertaining to each Division are sent to the Secretary of that Division for Ad Comm by 5.15 p.m. on Friday. (c) The distribution of the 12 sets of Gross Divisional Statistics is as per HCO Policy Letter of 7 June 1966. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 005 ED 6 WW 16 Sep 66 ASSEMBLY OF LEGAL FILE [p. 1050] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 19 SH 6 WW All Staff 16 September 1966 ASSEMBLY OF LEGAL FILE 1. The following persons are assigned to the project of the assembly of all Legal Files under the supervision of the LRH Communicator WW:- Olive Gerrard Bill Lowrance Helen Kitchen The assistance of LRH Communicator SH will also be required. 2. All legal documents and letters of any sort are to be collected from any place in the org where they may be at present (this may require searching through desk drawers, cupboards and cabinets throughout the org), and assembled together so that any document, letter or file is easily locatable. A general cross-index of these files is also needed. 3. It is necessary to get this project complete as quickly and efficiently as possible. L, RON HUBBARD Founder =================== 006 ED 11 INT 19 Sep 66 CANCELLATION OF CONTINENTAL APPOINTMENT [p. 929] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 11 INT Exec Sees & above 19 September 1966 CANCELLATION OF CONTINENTAL APPOINTMENT 1. The change of continental org for Eastern U.S. from D.C. org to New York Org is cancelled pending further study. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 007 ED 13 INT 20 Sep 66 OPERATION REPAIR [p. 928] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 13 INT Applies to Treas Sec, LRH Aide WW and Qual Sec 20 September 1966 URGENT: TIME MACHINE OPERATION REPAIR (Qual has a consistently down statistic in many orgs. While this is being repaired we will at least repair past cases as well.) 1. The Treasury Secretary of each org is ordered to compile a list of names and addresses of every person who owes money by reason of Qualifications Division service. 2. This list is to be airmailed to me. 3. To each of these persons the LRH Aide is to send a questionnaire to establish their current state of case, grade attained, and any difficulty and future plans and any fault with past service. This is to be called a "Survey" and general case data. This questionnaire must give me enough data to estimate errors made. 4. On the basis of these replies I will do an analysis of the gross outness of Qual. 5. A letter will then be sent to each one who is not satisfied directing that he or she report to the Qual Division of their local org. 6. The general analysis will be sent to the various Qual Divisions for their actions. 7. This is a remunerative project as well as a vital one from public viewpoint as these are the failed cases. When they are properly re-handled they will possibly pay their Qual bill and obtain further service. We musn't have dissatisfied people around, not now when Clear is a wide open road. 9. So please expedite this project. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 008 ED 18 WW 23 Sep 66 (Cancellation) [p. 1002] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 18 WW 25 SH Estates Manager, Dir I & R. SECED 732 SH 404 WW 23 September 1966 1. Paragraphs 12 to 16 inclusive are cancelled. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 009 ED 24 WW 27 Sep 66 LEGAL WIN [p. 1001] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 24 WW 30 SH All Staff 27 September 1966 LEGAL WIN 1. We were recently served with orders to tear down buildings and summoned to appear for a civil hearing on it. 2. The court threw the East Grinstead Urban District Council's case out as improper. 3. The orders were invalid and the matter was dismissed. 4. We could have recovered costs and didn't pursue it. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 010 ED 45 INT 4 Oct 66 ADDITIONS TO SEC ED 457 INT [p. 927] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 45 INT 4 October 1966 Applies to LRH Comms, HCO Steno, Exec Sees and Secs ADDITIONS TO SEC ED 457 INT 1. The Ad Council WW may designate on an Ad Council ED if it is necessary that any extra copies go to any other WW terminals such as specific ES Communicators, etc. 2. The Treasurer shall receive a copy of all WW or INT EDs. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 011 ED 47 INT 5 Oct 66 ACCOUNTS CLEARANCE [p. 926] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 47 INT 5 October 1966 All Staff ACCOUNTS CLEARANCE 1. SECED 196DC, dealing with Accounts Clearance, sign ups and Certs and Awards, is cancelled as it contains misduplications of Policy. 2. SECED 151 INT, which defined "Accounts Clearance" and made it a pre-requisite for Certs and Awards and for new sign ups, is still in force and this policy must be firmly held. 3. However, so that Policy is not used to prevent necessary Tech actions from being taken, SECED 151 INT is hereby amended as follows: 4. Any student or preclear who is on org lines already may have credit extended for review actions without limit, and may have credit for small Tech and Qual Division specialities like S & D or Rehab when ordered to it. 5. This does not affect the technical necessity that a person ordered to an S & D may not be declared by Ethics to be no longer PTS until he or she has fully paid for the S & D. An outstanding debit for Review auditing, incurred as above, would not preclude Ethics declaring the person no longer PTS as long as the S & D is fully paid for. 6. The policy that no Certificate or Award is given without Accounts Clearance is also not altered. Thus even if credit were granted for a Rehab as in para 4 above, the Grade Certificate would not be given until Accounts Clearance had been obtained. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 012 ED 47 SHFnd 7 Oct 66 CONDITIONS [p. 1049] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 47 SH Fnd 7 October 1966 CONDITIONS 1. The Saint Hill Foundation is in general emergency by income. HCO Div Normal Operation Dept 5 Affluence Dept 4 and 6 Emergency Div III Emergency Div IV Affluence Div V Affluence Div VI Danger Div VII Emergency 2. This is so mixed a set of statistics it can only mean that many posts are not manned. 3. Therefore the Saint Hill Foundation must follow the Emergency formula, the key points of which are:- 1. Tighten Ethics 2. Promote 3. Reorganize. 4. As soon as 1 & 2 are in hand, and within a week, the Foundation must reorganize on the Six Department System and extend its operation to seven days. 5. It cannot be permitted to just go "down the drain" in income and enrolments when book sales, completions, new names are doing so well. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 013 ED 36 WW 7 Oct 66 TEMPORARY OPERATION OF NEW SOCIETY [p. 1000] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 36 WW 48 SH Execs & Above 7 October 1966 TEMPORARY OPERATION OF NEW SOCIETY 1. "The Society for The Prevention of Cruelty" will operate temporarily out of the Office of LRH WW until its organization is completed and finances are set up for its operation more or less independent of the main Scientology organization. 2. It will need desk space for at least two people, experienced secretarial help, an outside telephone extension and secure filing equipment. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 014 ED 61 INT 17 Oct 66 AMENDMENT TO ED 57 INT [p. 925] ED 61 INT 17 October 1966 AMENDMENT TO ED 57 INT ED 57 INT of 13 October, 1966 "Clear 83!" reads ED 57 INT. This should, in fact be ED 59 INT. Please correct your copy. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 015 ED 42 WW 17 Oct 66 ORIGINAL HANDWRITTEN PAPERS & DESPATCHES [p. 1048] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 63 SH 42 WW A11 Staff 17 October 1966 ORIGINAL HANDWRITTEN PAPERS & DESPATCHES 1. All original handwritten papers and despatches (LRH) go to The Guardian Librarian for safe keeping. To ensure that these do arrive there the following line is established: 1. The LRH Communicator WW takes all handwritten despatches and papers each day and makes a xerox copy of each. 2. He routes the xerox copy to the person addressed and the original to the Guardian Librarian. 3. The Guardian Librarian files the paper under the Division, Department and Section to which it refers. 2. The LRH Communicator has priority use of the Xerox Machine on this line. If it is in use, the person using it steps aside until the LRH Communicator has completed the xeroxing of these articles. 3. If you do have any LRH originals now, forward them to the Guardian Library so they can be kept and preserved. 4. They are valuable and will be even more so as time goes by. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 016 ED 47 WW 19 Oct 66 LOCATION OF NEW SOCIETY [p. 999] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 47 WW 72 SH Execs & Above 19 October 1966 LOCATION OF NEW SOCIETY 1. "The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty" belongs in the Dist Div SH, Dept of Success, for admin purposes, and is hereby transferred to that Department. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 017 ED 51 WW 21 Oct 66 GRAPH CHANGE [p. 998] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 51 WW 81 SH Execs & above 21 October 1966 GRAPH CHANGE 1. WW gross summary graphs will hereafter omit Saint Hill and contain only summaries of other orgs. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 018 ED 52 WW 21 Oct 66 DUPLICATION [p. 1047] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 82 SH 52 WW 21 October 1966 DUPLICATION 1. The current tendency to use little or no ink in mimeo machines and no carbon in the Xerox must cease. 2. Legibility of orders and mimeos is a necessity. Unless the condition improves at once a board will be convened. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 019 ED 53 WW 21 Oct 66 LAKE [p. 997] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 53 WW 83 SH Estate Section 21 October 1966 LAKE 1. The lake is to be temporarily repaired at once with a few hessian sacks filled with clay. These filled sacks can be stuffed in existing holes to effect a repair. 2. Later we will rebuild the whole ramp by building a barge and using hessian sacks. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 020 ED 74 INT 25 Oct 66 TRAINING OF CLEARS [p. 924] EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 74 INT Applies to all Clears 25 October 1966 TRAINING OF CLEARS 1. Persons who go Clear on the PC route (Solo Audit Course Saint Hill who did not do the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course) may skip lower level Academy requirements if they enroll on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course after going Clear. 2. The "PC route" consists of a person being audited up through the grades including Power Processing and VA and then enrolling on the Solo Audit Course at Saint Hill, making Grade VI and then enrolling on the Clearing Course. They have little or no Academy training in most cases. 3. After going Clear, some of them realize they need training as an auditor to help others and better guide their own lives and handle others. Those who do wish to take such training on the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course may enroll at once on the Saint Hill Course. 4. There is no alteration of charges for them as the SHSBC must be paid for. But the requirement of lower level Academy training before Saint Hill Course enrollment is relaxed for them. 5. It should be noted that it is more costly to take this PC route as the Solo Audit Course is given to those who successfully complete the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. But Academy training up through the lower grades is required for SHSBC initial enrollment. 6. Most Clears who are not fully trained suddenly recognize the need of it. This ruling is therefore made to permit them to obtain that training quickly. 7. The route through Academies and the SHSBC and then Solo Audit and Clearing Courses is more economical. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 021 ED 83 INT 27 Oct 66 Urgent Programmes [p. 923] EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 83 INT 27 October 1966 Applies to Day Orgs and Foundations and every Ad Council Time Machine URGENT - IMPORTANT - URGENT Urgent Programmes ACKNOWLEDGMENT REQUIRED FROM AD COUNCILS There are just a few urgent programmes in force at this time. If these are being put in in your org, please inform me. If they are not please inform me. These programmes are: (1) Get in an excellent Qual Div or Dept. If you have been put back to a 6 Dept System, note recent Pol Ltrs that still give you Qualifications. This programme was intended to pick up all the failed cases in your area, correct overruns and poor auditing and to provide staff training facilities as well as get in good tech in your org. If this is not in progress then you are not "on programme". (2) Get the staff status system going in your org so your staff has a better idea of it as an org. This now includes giving the Org Exec Course to all your executives. (3) Continental Execs were to be thoroughly trained so a competent Continental Org could exist in every Continent. Along with these programmes there were some promotional pushes outlined for HCO Dissem in the same SecEds. These were the key programmes and if something else is being done, without these going in, you are just coping and cannot expand. Please let me know where you stand on this matter. Whether or not you get to do Power Processing on the public depends entirely on the above and your having one or more Class VIIs. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 022 ED 62 WW 1 Nov 66 POSTAGE REDUCTION [p. 996] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 62 WW 95 SH 1 November 1966 URGENT POSTAGE REDUCTION As the org has wasted about L10,000 so far this year in excess postage, immediate and emergency steps must be taken to reduce postage costs without reducing flow. This not only can be done, it must be done. These measures are in force at once pending a Board of Investigation. (1) No First Class Airmail mailing of any kind may exceed 6s. (2) Airletters must be used wherever possible. (3) Airweight letterhead paper and envelopes must be provided to all typing posts. (4) The Advance Schedule Packets must be reprinted on airweight paper (time limit 3 weeks to complete). (5) The Clearing and OT Courses must reorganise procedures and materials to comply with (1) above at once, using airweight papers and envelopes. (6) The Franking Machine weekly amount may not exceed L100. (7) Ethics hearings will be convened on anyone using (5) to develop a stopped flow. XEROX Xerox copying earlier this year was costing L125 a week. Measures were taken to reduce this but new Xerox loads are again advancing it. Dir Comm must submit ways and means of reducing Xerox cost again. Time limit one week. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 023 ED 100 INT 3 Nov 66 FOUNDATION SH [p. 921-2] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 100 INT Applies to SH Fnd Info other orgs 3 November 1966 FOUNDATION SH 1. Any and all SecEds and Exec Letters relating to Foundations are cancelled for the SH Foundation only, the original Policy Letter and recent (Oct 66 and early November 66) Policy Letters relating to various sized orgs and formations of Ad Councils apply. 2. The Saint Hill Foundation is to operate five nights a week only. If and when Saturday and Sunday are used, a weekend Foundation then must be formed separate from the Evening Foundation, with its own staff. 3. The pay of the Foundation SH staff shall be computed on a basis of 40% of its average income for the past 60 days. In this must be included deductions from pay of day org students and pcs for Foundation services. Pay will be raised or lowered accordingly by quarterly review of the Evening Foundation SH gross average income for the past quarter. This modifies Foundation pay policy. 4. All day services may be provided in the Evening Foundation except Clearing and OT Courses. 5. Bonuses paid day staff apply to Foundation Tech and Qual staffs and is in addition to the 40% above. 6. The Foundation will be formed as a Six Department Org as per recent Poi Ltrs. 7. The Foundation will form an Ad Council as per recent Pol Ltrs. 8. An LRH Comm Fnd will be appointed by the day SH org to represent the Day Org as the senior org on the Fnd Ad Council. 9. Lack of enrollment despite excellent completion statistics can be explained in the Foundation only by its failure to use proper line routing for completions. The certificate or award is ONLY handed to the recipient by the Registrar and only on the appropriate routing form. The Foundation, by this omission, is losing all its re-enrollments and repeated sign ups. 10. A special effort must now be made, because of this omission, to bring back and re-enroll or sign up past completiong for a higher grade, cert or classification. 11. Two Body Registrars must be put in at once. 12. Meanwhile the proper line for those completing must be gotten in in the Foundation at once. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 024 ED 104 INT 3 Nov 66 ADVISORY COUNCIL NOMINATIONS [p. 919-20] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 104 INT 3 November 1966 All staff members All Orgs ADVISORY COUNCIL NOMINATIONS VOLUNTEERS WANTED In accordance with HCO Poi Ltrs re Ad Council 1 & 2 Nov 66 AREA AND CONTINENTAL REPRESENTATIVES are required to serve on Ad Councils. Therefore, IF YOU WISH TO SERVE ON AN AD COUNCIL AS A REPRESENTATIVE as an additional duty to your staff post, read HCO Pol Ltrs 1 & 2 Nov on Ad Councils which lists the posts, and fill out this form. You will serve in the org where you are already on staff but may represent a junior org or body with which you are familiar. You will not be sent to another org. WW, SH, Continental Exec Divs and Continental and even Area Orgs require representatives. Filling out this form gives the Ad Council to which you aspire a list of nominees. This list will be sent to the body to be represented so they can elect a representative. To HCO Sec ____________________________ (Org where you are on staff) Subject: Ad Council Nominations. I, Name ______________ Age ____ Sex ____ Current staff position __________ wish to volunteer as a nominee to represent ____________________ or ________________________ (Junior Org or Body) (Alternate Orff or Bodies) on the _________________ (Ad Council name) I understand my name will become part of a nomination list to be sent to the represented org or body for an election. My Case Grade is __________ My Cert, Class is ___________ My experience in Scientology and Orgs is _______ ________________________________ The Area I come from is ______________________ I have knowledge of what I wish to represent because ___ ________________________________ (To HCO Sec: Compile the names into nomination lists to get representatives from (Area, Continental) orgs and bodies and send above particulars on candidates with the names. Add a comment on the candidates' statistics). L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 025 ED 109 INT 7 Nov 66 FOUNDER ON DUTY, CURRENT PROGRAMMES [p. 916-18] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 109 INT 7 November 1966 FOUNDER ON DUTY CURRENT PROGRAMMES NEW AD COUNCILS 6 DEPT ORGS 1. As you may have noticed in the last few days I have taken over momentarily to bridge the gap until the new Ad Council formation (Policy Letters 1 & 2 Nov 66) is in. 2. The boards of directors of various organisations should be in the process of appointing or confirming Exec Sees from WW on down to Area Orgs. Existing or newly appointed Exec Secs should be very busy getting their Ad Councils formed on the new pattern and should have this all done by 1 December 66 at the latest. 3. This new pattern of representation should be very successful. The formation of new Ad Councils is covered by the 1 & 2 Nov 66 Pol Ltrs and also by a lecture SHSBC, 1 November 1966, which gives the theory. Orgs by this should have better statistics and should be easier to manage. PROGRAMMES 4. The earlier programmes which should be in progress are: (a) Contact and rehab all persons who may have been over-run since 1950. (b) Get in your Qual to make (a) effective and also to get in your staff status system and Org Exec Course well. (c) Contact anyone with outstanding and past due bills from Tech or Qual and get them in and patch them up so there are no failed cases about. 5. The above three were the three key programmes we should be working on aside from getting the org pattern in in general and keeping the show on the road. 6. The earliest programme we have may also be incomplete which is simply to get an org there. This may never have been completed, especially in the small area orgs. One or two Continental Orgs which had bad periods a couple of years ago might also look at this earliest programme as a necessary action. Of course getting in a Qual Div is part of doing that. 7. Two late Oct 66 Pol Ltrs cover the 6 Dept and 6 Section System as adapted. These should help getting the org there. CLEARS 8. Probably few orgs are taking full advantage of the news about Clears. I note one Org, DC, had no Clears in its upper management. 9. The road to Clear starts with books or personal contact and then to the Area or Continental Org. 10. "Your road to Clear starts here" should be pressed. POWER PROCESSING 11. I note you will get Power Processing for the public if you meet certain Qual requirements, as per a Guardian Executive Directive, and have a Class VII Auditor. 12. But truly where orgs are falling down is in contacting raw public. I note many orgs have a fixation on only Saint Hillers on staff and on servicing Saint Hillers or old customers only. 13. Area org staffs ought to have their greatest reliance oo Grade 0 - IV Releases and Classes on staff. We did well with HDA and HCAs in days gone by. 14. Staff procurement is best done from PE and Academy Courses if you're short on staff. DIANETICS 15. You can run Dianetic Courses and Coaudits (and you real should if you are not). This is particularly true of Foundations. 16. PE attendees should be sent to Dianetics Courses and Coaudits if not to the HGC and Academy. 17. After all, Dianetics started the wheels going. 18. You can use Dianetics in your HGC if your auditors are trained. 19. There is a full packaged Dianetics Course available from Saint Hill. Two very elementary lectures and a good bulletin. PROMOTION 20. If your stats are down there are two you can bring up - letters out and completions. 21. If your completions are up and enrollments down then you just don't have your re-registration body line in. Only a registrar finally hands out Certs and Awards. Thus you get repeat sign ups to next grade or cert. If you have a body line that doesn't do this on completed students and pcs you are wasting your repeat business. Handing Certs and Awards out before the group by Dir Certs and Awards is nice and easy but it will cost you your shirt. A proper body routing form on this is available from Saint Hill. 22. You can sort out your mail list to find all the next grades and certs pcs and students have and tell them "You are ready for (next grade or cert)", and get things going well. MAGAZINES 23. Every org may have a magazine. I note poor mags and/or poor magazine ads do orgs in. So no mag at all must be ruinous. Any org can issue a mag to its own mailing list regardless of the Continental Mag going too. DIVISIONAL ORGANISERS WW 24. The newly appointed Divisional Organisers at WW shoud help immensely. (See recent pol Ltr on them.) GENERAL 25. In general I find orgs doing quite well but they could have a better bills - cash ratio and they also should be expanding faster. 26. I think the new type Ad Council will help and new mag certainly will. 27. If you concentrate on the programmes noted above and get them going even better, you will be in good shape. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 026 ED 110 INT 7 Nov 66 ADVISORY COUNCIL FORMATION [p. 913-5] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 110 INT 7 November 1966 ADVISORY COUNCIL FORMATION [A drawing shows 10 people around a table, like a meeting of the board of dirctors of a company. What looks like the chairman is arm wrestling with one of the other executives. At the foot of the table, one board member is whispering to another, see the caption below - Ed.] "Why can't we simply take a vote like most companies" 1. In accordance with HCO pol Ltr 1 & 2 November 1966 Exec Sees should form their Ad Councils as soon as possible on the basis of Exec Sees and Secretaries and then proceed to add to it various representatives. 2. I have sent out a volunteer form to all staffs to be turned in to the HCO Sec of each org from which nomination lists can be made up. This was to speed things up. You can re-submit the form asking for special post volunteers as required. 3. An Ad Council can add as many members as it likes but some care should be taken not to overwhelm the org majority too heavily as it might then be hard to govern with it. 4. A Continental Ad Council should have an area representative (a volunteer from its own Continental Org staff) who is familiar with that area. 5. One gets, let us say, three volunteers from the Joburg staff to serve as the Durban representative. One sends these names to the Durban Ad Council so it can elect one as its "Continental Ad Council Representative for Durban". Thereafter Durban sends its pleas and reports and requirements to their Continental representative who brings them before the Ad Council at its meetings. 6. The Continental Africa Advisory Council communicates to Durban via the LRH Communicator Durban who is the Continental Ad Council representative on the Durban Ad Council and sends info copies to the Continental Ad Council Representative on the Continental Ad Council. 7. While this does not prohibit an HCO Exec Sec Africa from giving orders to the HCO Exec Sec Durban it will be found more effective to pass important matters through Ad Council lines as in the paragraph above. 8. Thus, for example, Continental Ad Council Africa has a representative on it for each Area Org (Durban, Port Elizabeth, Capetown) and the Exec Sees of the Johannesburg Org representing it. It also has other representatives on it as mentioned in the Policy Letters, such as an FSM representative, a Students representative, a Pc representative, who represent for the whole of the Continental sphere. 9. Then by broad publication of these names, people can bring suggestions, grievances and planning before Continental Africa. 10. The Joburg Org Ad Council would have representation for its own functions but no Area representatives. FSMs and students and pcs also have representatives on the Joburg Ad Council for the Joburg area. 11. Governmental representatives may also be invited to be represented by the same method of nomination. Saint Hill could send a list of volunteer staff members as nominees to the East Grinstead Urban District Council for that body's election as a representative. Similarly the local police could also have a representative on the Saint Hill Ad Council but in this case the police would be asked to select from a list. Informing such bodies, "As you sometimes have matters you wished handled by Saint Hill, we wish to give you representation on the Advisory Council of Hubbard College. By addressing your representative on the Advisory Council he can bring up matters before it for you and obtain cooperation for you and can keep you informed as to matters in which you may be interested. We enclose a list of nominations, which persons on our staff have volunteered to serve as your representative and in your interest. If you will select or elect one of these and inform us, we will place the person on our Advisory Council and you thereafter have a direct influence, a vote and a communication line with this body which handles the affairs of Saint Hill. We feel that we would mutually benefit from this without any cost to yourself." The list should describe the fitness and qualifications of each volunteer for the post in terms the invited body will understand, such as "Resident of East Grinstead for 30 years etc." 12. By having such representatives a lot of misunderstandings will break down. That it is different or unprecedented should not deter us and they can even in refusal see that we are willing to cooperate to the full. 13. If it appears that purely org representatives will be too outnumbered by adding outside bodies (even though these are really org members representing but serving part time) one can have non-voting representatives called "Associate Representatives." 14. As we are really a public body in our activities we should not set up ridges between ourselves and governments. It does not matter really what body you invite to be represented so long as you really do have dealings with that body that can be smoothed out. 15. The primary purpose of Ad Councils is to govern their sphere of Scientology positively and effectively. This is best done by those influenced having a say. 16. Staff members, let us say, of the HCO Division in an org, have in their HCO Area Secretary a representative on the Ad Council. And so with other Divisions. And they have a representative of their Division on the Continental and WW Ad Councils as well. Thus where problems arise for a staff member, let us say, in HCO Perth, he can be heard in the Perth Ad Council and via that, in the Anzo Ad Council. If orders and programmes aren't real, he can say so. Similarly, he can receive positive instructions from his Ad Council to help get the stats up. 17. Thus we are working out a network for the government of Scientology on a representative pattern which should be highly effective. The government form is "republican", i.e., by representation, which is what "republican" means. 18. Ad Council members should be required by the HCO Exec Sec to read the HCO pol Ltrs of 1 & 2 November 66 to help out procedure. If that procedure is not followed the Ad Council meetings will last forever. 19. Finance is the main stumbling block of representative governments. They tend to go into debt unless they plan their finances ahead against expected income. 20. The Exec Sees should draw up their financial planning schedule about a month ahead, appropriating for promotion etc., by Division, and getting this passed at an Ad Council. Unlike governments, Scientology orgs can't be permitted to go into endless debt. Having an appropriation scheduled, the Exec Sees sign only cheques for that, not a cheque every time somebody comes in with one. 21. Modern thinking about companies is that they are bottomless pits of money. It is all right to "take the company." Well, one cannot take more out of a company than it gets into it, so outgo must be held below income. Dateline paying and other mechanisms can get a company out of debt. But only if staff cooperates and financial planning is realistic, in advance, and passed by an Ad Council before expenditure. 22. I believe we are at a point where expansion and solvency in orgs is inhibited unless representative cooperation is undertaken to see that these occur. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 027 ED 68 WW 7 Nov 66 CONSTRUCTION ORDERS [p. 1045-6] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 106 SH 68 WW Applies to Estate Sect 7 November 1966 CONSTRUCTION ORDERS EXISTING PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES IN CONSTRUCTION, GROUNDS AND MAINTENANCE AND CLEANING REMAIN IN FORCE WEEKEND INSPECTION 1. The drains that should have been put across the road were 3 in number, to be extended into the sides where the water runs. There has only been one poor one, not wide enough. The grate borrowed from another drain is too light and is bending badly. 2. Two more drains must be built, and proper grates made for three. 3. The existing drain must be extended and the grate borrowed for it straightened and put back where it comes from. One additional drain across the road goes just at the Southern walkway from the car park. The second additional drain takes the water from the road down from the construction arcons* and the old concrete car strip. * Arcon: British trade name for a prefabricated hut. 4. The Block 2 area-way, entrance and walks are littered and must be picked up. "Wet paint" is still scrawled on a glass door in paint and must be removed. 5. A curtain partition authorised for the NW tower ground floor Block 1, to support that turret, is not being put in and will be needed to erect the NW tower's SE side. 6. Our vehicles look bad. A tractor scoop is lying out in the mud abandoned. 7. A plaster head and other debris is adrift in the Block 2 area. 8. Water and sewage must be supplied Block 2. 9. I want to see our standards raised way up. It all looks poor and tired in the construction area. A pile of gravel is on the verge back of the pavilion, killing a tree. Materials which are excess are strewn about. GROUNDS 10. The grounds are doing better. However, piles of leaves must not be left on the grass or a burned area will result under the pile, as the grass will die. ROADS 11.I am glad some action is occurring on road repair. REORGANIZATION 12.The Estate Branch must be reorganized into its separate Sections. 13. Four to six men should be on grounds, grounds projects, grounds care and grounds pickup. They should be separate from other functions. They care for appearances. Cleaners of buildings are in addition to these. 14. One man should be on cars, clean up, care and use, meaning all vehicles. 15. Maintenance of buildings and manor should be separate from construction and arranged so. 16. Construction personnel should be adequate to care for construction and should not pull men off grounds and maintenance as doing so hasn't worked. 17. We must raise appearances. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 028 ED 107 SH 8 Nov 66 WEEKEND FOUNDATION [p. 1044] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 107 SH 8 November 1966 WEEKEND FOUNDATION 1. The Weekend Foundation may begin at any time announced by the Ad Council Fnd, SH. 2, It should be considered separate from the Evening Foundation and Day Org but comes under the same Ad Council (Fnd SH) and combines its statistics with the Evening Foundation. 3. Its staff should be separately paid for weekend work. 4. If running on a minimum staff, it yet must have Ethics and Registration and Reception represented. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 029 ED 118 INT 11 Nov 66 INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF INVESTIGATION [p. 912] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 118 INT Execs and above 11 November 1966 INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF INVESTIGATION 1. A Board of Investigation is appointed to Review the Bills - Cash statistics of each organisation in the world and where these are not optimum, to review the personnel record of the principal executives in accordance with HCO Policy Letter 10 Nov 1966 "Good and Bad Management", recommending removals, and replacements whose statistics are good and who are not disqualified by HCO Pol Ltr 10 Nov 66. The Board shall consist of: Ray Thacker, Chairman, John Lawrence, Anton James. All statistic and personnel and despatch files at Worldwide are available to them as well as local Area and Continental SecEds and EDs of the past as issued by these executives. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 030 ED 100 WW 22 Nov 66 O.T. CENTRAL COMMITTEE [p. 994-5] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 100 WW 139 SH All Clearing Course and OT Course Students All Org Staffs All Academy Students All Preclears 22 November 1966 O.T. CENTRAL COMMITTEE A Temporary Central Committee is hereby appointed to put into effect HCO Policy Letter of November 10, 1966, "O.T. Personnel" APPOINTMENTS AND HATS The Committee will consist of the following persons:- JOHN McMASTERS Committee Chairman SHEENA FAIRCHILD O.T. Activities Supervisor Continental J.J. DELANCE Committee Supervisor Continental RALPH PEARCY Committee Treasurer YVONNE GILHAM Committee Communicator DUTIES The Committee will co-ordinate and get complied with HCO Policy Letter of November 10, 1966, "O.T. Personnel" and see to it that: 1. Continental Committees are formed. 2. Continental Companies are formed. 3. That projects, programmes and missions are proposed and appointed. 4. That appointed projects, programmes and missions are completed. 5. That Continental and the Central Companies stay solvent and stable. TIME AND LOCATION The Committee will have as their temporary quarters: SEA PROJECT QUARTERS They will meet evenings and/or weekends at first until such time as traffic and Committee duties warrant more time being spent on the post. ORG. BOARD PLACEMENT The Central Committee is at present placed in the Office of LRH and is under LRH as head of O.T. Operations. HAT PURPOSES. The Hat Purposes are as follows:- 1. Central Committee Chairman: Responsible for coordinating the entire Central Committee and its functions and proposing and passing on proposed O.T. projects and missions. 2. O.T. Activities Supervisor: Responsible for seeing that each appointed project, programme or mission is understood, undertaken and completed; and may originate and pass on proposed O.T. projects. 3. Continental Committee Supervisor: Responsible for seeing that the Central Committee and Companies are formed, and oversee and supervise their Continental operation. 4. Central Committee Treasurer: Responsible for seeing that the Central Committee, Continental Committees and Companies are, and stay, solvent - that the Companies are legally formed per the Laws of the Land - and that all financial matters are handled concerning any of the Companies. 5. Committee Communicator: Responsible for liaison with any other Bodies (such as Governments, Institutions, Intelligence, Scientology Organizations) and is responsible for the accumulation and keeping of data about such Bodies, and Areas, as would be useful to any O.T. operation. The Communicator keeps records, copies of orders, minutes, project records and data for the Central Committee and Company and necessary ones for the Continental Committees. These Hats may be altered or revised as the Committee Members get into the operation of the Committee and evolve the lines and functions. They are laid out here as a guide to be used until such time as better and more concise ones can be formulated or these improved upon. APPOINTED PROJECTS The following are appointed and approved O.T. Projects 1. The Sea Project 2. The Greek Project L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 031 ED 106 WW 28 Nov 66 HGC SH STATISTIC DISCOVERY, REMEDYING ORDERS [p. 1041-3] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 154SH 106WW All Executives SH Exec Secs Fnd SH Qual Director Fnd SH Info Exec Sees and Execs WW 28 November 1966 URGENT DIRECTIVE HGC SH STATISTIC DISCOVERY REMEDYING ORDERS 1. I have just concluded my own investigation, helped by the Guardian, of the curiously level HGC completions statistic and the lack of Solo and Clearing Course students, and have found a startling situation which if not corrected could easily bring the organization into a bad state of income by reason of no-service to pcs. It could also let our affluence recoil on us because of non-delivery. 2. The Advance Registrar, completely contrary to 16 years of practice, is carefully monitoring the inflow of pcs without any objection from Tech Services, with a result of low, even idle HGC activity and letting the HGC SH dwindle toward the vanishing point. 3. Pcs are backlogging. Not in the org, but in their homes because only a small number are being brought in on the orders of the Advance Registrar. This is the hidden backlog. It operates as a low quota system on the HGC. 4. The SH HGC meanwhile has dwindled from 29 auditors to 11 and puts in the actual hours (150) of about 7 auditors. The Advance board is filling up. 6. We have just had an income affluence. This means that further backlog is occurring and soon, as pcs find they have to wait too long, they will cease to enroll and cause a slump in the whole org. 7. By affluence formula we must deliver. We cannot if Advance Registration does not keep the HGC flooded by calling in already enrolled pcs. 8. I know the HGC was overmanned in July for its completion delivery but it is seriously undermanned now. If I had not found this it might have vanished. This is the curious level stat of HGC completions and the hidden quota system. 9. These unprocessed pcs can't register in either the SHSBC or the Solo Audit and so the stats of the Solo Audit and Clearing and OT Courses tend to be paralyzed. 10. For sixteen years in any succesful org we never let the HGC prevent inflow of pcs and utterly forbade Registration from arranging an easy schedule to suit the HGC. The order of sixteen years standing has been "Drive the business in on Tech and make it cope. NEVER permit Tech to stretch out an easy quota schedule to suit itself. Registration must not cooperate with Tech. It is up to Tech to handle the business that comes into it, regardless of volume." 11. This is being violated. 12. If Advance Reg call-in of pcs does not parallel the enrollment statistic, watch it. Expansion and income will stop and soon execs will start going mad trying to promote into a public soured by non-delivery and no service. Business will slump because we are not delivering. Whenever you see a Tech completions statistic that is lower than and does not parallel an enrollment statistic you can expect an eventual slump of income. When you see a nearly level Tech completions-statistic for training or processing or both, you know somewhere somebody has an illegal quota system going. 13. In this case the illegal quota system was in Advance Registration, telling pcs to come in at a rate which kept the HGC inactive and let it dwindle. 14. We're in income affluence. Therefore we must arrange a crash delivery programme. 15. Therefore the following direct, explicit orders are in immediate effect to economize on our time and care for our hidden backlog of pcs at home, waiting to be called in. (a) HCO PERSONNEL PROCUREMENT is to start hiring provisional Class VI Auditors at once. There is no limit on the number. (b) THE TECH SEC is to arrange a crash programme of special training for new HGC Auditors. (c) THE TECH SEC is to transfer to Admin any auditors who have gotten more bonus fines than pay. (d) THE TECH SEC is to groove in and speed up Tech Service lines. (e) THE QUAL DIVISION is to move at once entirely to the South-East corner room of Block II on Lot 4. This will shorten HGC lines and save time. (f) THE DIRECTOR OF TRAINING is to move the class now in the SE corner room Block II into the former Qual Div "Canteen" and to do any re-arrangement needed of classes and rooms in assigned training areas to help speed up student completions (which statistic is good but which, however, must be speeded due to our affluence of enrollment. (g) THE DISSEM SEC is to use the promise of Power Processing to Outer Orgs ED to get in internes for Class VII. (h) THE ADVANCE REGISTRAR is to speed up calling in pcs and begin to reduce the backlog heavily by Jan 1 so that it is gone by mid-February and cease to take it easy on the HGC and cease to use a uniform quota system of call-in but to approximate the enrollment statistic at once and go well above it weekly after January 1 to clear all backlog. (i) THE ESTATE MANAGER, following affluence formula of deliver quarters, is to fully complete and equip all auditing rooms in Block II as follows: (1) a good looking but small desk to be used for auditing instead of tables, with 3 lock drawers, (2) a pair of handsome, comfortable chairs, (3) 2 standing ash trays, (4) window curtains, (5) 3 certificate frames per room into which certificates may be slipped easily and removed, and which can be hung without damaging plaster with nails, (6) coat space and hooks in the area. The idea is to make these rooms into durable, handsome private offices, each assignable to one or more specific staff auditors, not indiscriminate use, where the auditor can put his certificate in the frame on the wall and where a professional atmosphere can prevail. Each auditor occupying the room is to have his own separate locked drawer. This includes Qual Div auditing rooms. Any defects to the comfort of auditors and pcs is to be remedied by the Estate Manager. Approval of design and prices must go to Financial Planning. 16. As the org condition is affluence, no Ethics action is ordered or contemplated on any of the personnel who overlooked or helped establish or did this illegal quota action on Advance pcs, particularly since I consider it an honest blunder, unintentionally brought about. 17. However, I require the following persons to report to SH Foundation Review, to be called in by the Qual Director SH Foundation, and a personal report by the Qual Dir Fnd SH based on the Review findings on the actual state of case of each one, (1) including TA position, state of needle and an HCO Poi Ltr Form 26 Jul 65. (a) The Advance Schedule Registrar and all personnel in that section (b) the HCO Director of Routing, Personnel and Appearances, the HCO RAP Personnel Procurement Officer, the Tech Sec, the Director of Processing, the Director of Tech Services and all personnel in that department. There is a two week time limit on this review action and it is not issued as a punishment. 18. I also require the HCO AREA SEC SH to report to me whether or not any staff auditor has filed a job endangerment chit by reason of lack of pcs or if anyone in Tech has filed any job endangerment chit on Dissem for slowing the report-in of already registered pcs or any obstacle met in seeking to handle them. 19. I also require the ORG EXEC SEC SH to inform me whether or not he knew that the staff auditors in the HGC SH had dwindled to 11 or any obstaclehe had met in seeking to correct it, and what he has done about the Interne programme recently to keep it enrolled. 20. I require the HCO EXEC SEC SH to report to me whether or not she or the Dissem Sec was aware that the Advance Registration Section was accidentally closing down the HGC SH and any obstacle they might have met in seeking to correct it. 21. ALL REPORTS submitted on this are to be sent TO THE LRH COMM SH and collected and held until the file is complete. Then it is to be given to me via the LRH Comm WW for my examination and I will then forward it to the Advisory Council SH with my recommendations so that this Urgent Directive may be reissued with any required amplifications or policy changes. Meanwhile this Urgent Directive is to be given swift compliance to correct a dangerous and increasing situation in the face of an enrollment affluence where we already have a backlog. I will appreciate the close cooperation of all staff in this matter as it could have been far more serious if let go. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 032 ED 109 WW 28 Nov 66 CHANGED STATISTIC [p. 1040] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 155 SH 109 WW Execs and above 28 November 1966 CHANGED STATISTIC The Clearing Course weekly statistic is changed from number of Completions to number of Clears. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 033 ED 110 WW 29 Nov 66 CORRECTION TO URGENT DIRECTIVE [p. 1039] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 156 SH 110 WW All Executives SH Exec Sees Fnd SH Qual Director Fnd SH Info ExecSecs and Execs WW 29 November 1966 CORRECTION TO URGENT DIRECTIVE Correcting ED 154 SH 106 WW 1. Qual is instructed to move from the Lower Hall to the SE Corner of Block II. 2. The class in that room is to move to the Lower Hall and/or as further arranged by the D of T amongst rooms already allotted training. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 034 ED 113 WW 30 Nov 66 DIVISION 7 SH [p. 1035] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 164 SH 113 WW To Ad Council SH Org Bd in Charge Estate Branch Manager DIVISION 7 SH 30 November 1966 1. The Estate Branch, its personnel and all its functions are moved from the WW Office of LRH to the SH Office of LRH. The reason for this is that the Estate Branch belongs to the SH Div 7 as it is solely a SH activity, not engaging in any outer org supervision. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 035 ED 148 INT 2 Dec 66 STAFF TAPE PLAYS [p. 911] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 148 INT All Staff 2 December 1966 STAFF TAPE PLAYS Where it has not been done already the HCO Sec is to arrange a staff tape play of the following tapes in the following order, scheduling it on one lecture a week: (1) The New Organization Structure 6503C09 SHSP 54 (2) The Org Board and Livingness 6504C06 SHSP 57 (3) Organization and Ethics 6505C18 SHSP 61 (4) The Five Conditions 6505C25 SHSP 77 (5) Organization 6608C23 SHSP 81 L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 036 ED 149 INT 2 Dec 66 PROJECT SQUIRREL [p. 909-10] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 149 INT 2 December 1966 Applies to HCO Exec Sees Intelligence Appointees Guardian Asst Guardians CONFIDENTIAL BRANCH 5 PROJECT PROJECT SQUIRREL 1. The Guardian's Intelligence Officer for the Western U.S. should make further appointments to execute "Project Squirrel" The project consists of the following: (a) Listing all SPs engaged in Squirrel actions or anti-Scientology actions. (b) Get each one investigated (proper evidences and witnesses, not rumour). (c) File a complete file on the person with evidences, affidavits, etc. (d) Take appropriate actions to bring any crimes to police attention. (e) Bring any suit necessary to cause their activities to cease. 3. It will be found uniformly (despite first view there is no evidence of it) that anti-Scientologists have in their background this life crimes for which they could be arrested. 4. When one finds such a crime one must get documents or witnesses and evidences sufficient for prosecution. 5. The evidences should be turned over to the police. 6. When the person is arrested, one then sues the person for anti-Scientology libels and slanders 7. If we do the above as our pattern, we will successfully bring the following facts into public consciousness: (a) People who attack Scientology are criminals. (b) That if one attacks Scientology he gets investigated for crimes. (c) If one does not attack Scientology, despite not being with it, one is safe. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 037 ED 166 INT 7 Dec 66 PROJECT AFFLUENCE, SOLVENCY OF ORGS [p. 907-8] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 166 INT For Action Ad Council WW 7 December 1966 PROJECT AFFLUENCE SOLVENCY OF ORGS GROUP A 1. Action is to be taken at once to improve the Cash Bills ratios of the following organisations: Durban Detroit Hawaii Miami Perth Auckland London Capetown GROUP B 2. Action has been taken or is in progress on the following organisations: Johannesburg Washington DC Toronto GROUP C The following orgs are commended for their improved Cash Bills ratio: Saint Hill Port Elizabeth Adelaide New York Twin Cities Los Angeles Seattle GROUP D The following org is improving somewhat but needs more income: Sydney 5. A Board of Investigation on the Exec Secs of the orgs listed in Group A with an end to discovering which (or both) Exec Sec is remiss in handling financial planning with recommendations. 6. These recommendations are now to be turned over to the Ad Council WW for further enquiry. TARGET 7. Every org in Scientology is to have a plus Cash - Bills ratio by 15 April 1967. 8. If this does not occur and is not in the process of occurring, the Advisory Council WW should act to replace Executive Secretaries. 9. If for any reason the Advisory Council WW has to act before that date it is well authorised to do so. 10. Great attention is to be paid to solvency in orgs and beginning at once, Saint Hill representatives may be sent to replace the Exec Secs as happened with Toronto if insolvency appears to be imminent. 11. All orgs must be watched and pushed hard toward affluence. L. RON HUBBARD Founder =========================== 038 ED 192 SH 12 Dec 66 LIVESTOCK [p. 1034] L. Ron Hubbard EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE ED 192 SH Execs and above 12 December 1966 LIVESTOCK 1. A full time stableman is to be employed to care for stock and tackle, fodder and water and stables. 2. The HCO Exec Sec SH is to negotiate the use of the old Ballard stone stables on a temporary rent and maintenance basis, to be passed by Asst Guardian SH and submission for approval to Guardian WW. 3. Livestock and their care, while remaining in Estate, are under the direct supervision of Diana Hubbard and the stableman comes under her orders. 4. Until such time as arrangements are made for the stone stables, the stock should be kept in the Park except the donkeys who may remain in the upper barn and field. L. RON HUBBARD Founder ===========================