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file1383695023414.jpg2022-02-21 09:58365 KB
fileBehavior and Its Causes. Philosophical Foundations of Operant Psychology - Terry L. Smith (auth.) 1994.pdf2022-02-21 09:585980 KB
fileBehaviorism.pdf2022-02-21 09:58300 KB
fileExperiments with People - Revelations From Social Psychology.pdf2022-02-21 09:5821973 KB
fileThe Manipulation of Human Behaviour - Albert D. Biderman, Herbert Zimmer.pdf2022-02-21 09:582572 KB
fileThe Role of Pavlovian Conditioning in Sexual Behavior- A Comparative Analysis of Human and Nonhuman Animals - Chana K. Akins, 2004.pdf2022-02-21 09:58261 KB
fileThought Manipulation. The Use and Abuse of Psychological Trickery - Sapir Handelman.pdf2022-02-21 09:58809 KB
filezzgiP2h-EwSFG8tcz8s9DaeAnDzp8dWcqZtYzElIlG4.jpg2022-02-21 09:5898 KB