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folderFranz Fanon2022-02-21 09:18
fileCan the Subaltern Speak - Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.pdf2022-02-21 09:192640 KB
fileCollected Essays - Library of America. James Baldwin (1998).pdf2022-02-21 09:188764 KB
fileCulture and Imperialism - Vintage. Edward W. Said (1994).epub2022-02-21 09:192133 KB
fileOn the Postcolony - University of California Press. (Studies on the History of Society and Culture) Achille Mbembe (2001).pdf2022-02-21 09:192619 KB
filePlaying in the Dark_ Whiteness and the Literary Imagination - Vintage. Toni Morrison (1993).pdf2022-02-21 09:199309 KB
filePostcolonial Theory and the Specter of Capital - Verso. Vivek Chibber (2013).pdf2022-02-21 09:1810012 KB