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folderANTI-FEMINISM2022-02-21 08:39
folderREFERENCE2022-02-21 08:39
fileA Vindication of the Rights of Woman - Yale University Press. (Rethinking the Western Tradition) Mary Wollstonecraft, Eileen Hunt Botting (2014).pdf2022-02-21 08:391260 KB
fileDebate of the Romance of the Rose (The Other Voice in Early Modern Europe) - University Of Chicago Press. Christine de Pizan (2010).pdf2022-02-21 08:391082 KB
fileDialogue on the Infinity of Love - University Of Chicago Press. Other voice in early modern Europe. Bruce Merry, Rinaldina Russell, Tullia d'Aragona (1997).pdf2022-02-21 08:397909 KB
fileGender Trouble_ Feminism and the Subversion of Identity - Routledge Classics. Judith Butler (2006).epub2022-02-21 08:39359 KB
fileHow to Be a Woman - Ebury Publishing. Caitlin Moran (2011).epub2022-02-21 08:39337 KB
fileThe Second Sex - Vintage. Simone de Beauvoir, Constance Borde, Sheila Malovany-Chevallier (2011).epub2022-02-21 08:392554 KB