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fileA Defence of Free-Thinking in Mathematics - George Berkeley.pdf2022-02-21 08:14443 KB
fileA Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge - Berkeley George.epub2022-02-21 08:14126 KB
fileDe Motu and the Analyst_ A Modern Edition, with Introductions and Commentary - Springer Netherlands. (The New Synthese Historical Library 41) George Berkeley (auth.), Douglas M. Jesseph (eds.) (1992).pdf2022-02-21 08:1414535 KB
fileGeorge Berkeley.png2022-02-21 08:1433 KB
filePrinciples of Human Knowledge and Three Dialogues (Oxford World's Classics) - Oxford University Press, USA. (Oxford World's Classics) George Berkeley (1999).pdf2022-02-21 08:143987 KB
fileThree Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous - Berkeley George.epub2022-02-21 08:14103 KB