Hello people! Here is the complete Garfield comics collection, all 14.134 (!) strips from June 19 1978 to February 28, 2017, in .gif and .jpg format. (different formats were not my own choice, seems like all strips posted online on Sundays are .jpg files) I have used WinRAR to compress each month's comics in a simple format (year - month) so they're easier to browse on mobile devices, using A Comic Viewer (my favorite) or any other app which supports .rar files. You will, of course, need WinRAR to uncompress and view the strips on your computer if you don't have a dedicated app. I will continue to update the collection by uploading a new torrent at the end of each month with the new strips. If for any reason you want to change the names of the folders or the .rar files you can use Advance Renamer instead of doing it one by one. It's a free powerful app capable of mass renaming and editing folder and file names in every possible way. Enjoy! /akpe