Rocktown Rebel

Retaliate Against Alex Jones’ Treacherous Psychological Warfare!

An insult to one is an injury to all!

On occasion, this blog will be compelled to comment on events that occur outside of our corner of the “prison planet”, this is one of those occasions.

We have it on good knowledge that amongst the several hundred anarchists present at Pittsburgh this past weekend were at least two Virginians. Two individuals who we the authors have been personally acquainted with in the past. Neither of these individuals were natives of the Blue Ridge area, and thus had no reason to inject themselves with unbridled loyalty and commitment into the local political struggles of the region, sacrificing time, money, energy, and safety to help their friends and neighbors. Yet they did so anyway at every opportunity, acting out of genuine camaraderie and the unrelenting sway of their ethical compasses.

These two individuals, like the majority of the g-20 disruptors in Pittsburgh last weekend, are anarchists. They were among those who put their bodies on the front-lines in New Orleans after Katrina, when the public authorities “were too busy cleaning up the tourist areas of the French Quarter and protecting shops to help the poorer city dwellers”. They were among those who worked year after year anonymously scaffolding virtually every libertarian project in the Blue Ridge, and, unlike other local activists, never cashed in, never sought prominence, celebrity, the spotlight of book-signing tours and self-aggrandizing Internet communiques. And in Pittsburgh, they were among the brave souls bombarded with the technocracy’s chemical and sound weapons for standing up, for refusing to allow business-as-usual to operate.

That these comrades of ours, and the hundreds like them, would be subject to the most obscene of slanders by those media agents who proclaim with great vigor to speak on behalf of Obama’s “free market”, of the global world order; this is of utterly no surprise. When self-appointed activist leaders, such as Alex Jones, stab in the backs the working-class grunts who make possible the mass-movements they parasitize off of, out of no motivation other than sheer cynicism and opportunism, to create a publicity stunt to generate more interest in their bankrupt channels of official dissent, when this happens the waters become murkier. Ambiguity and uncertainty are exploited, manipulated, and above all expanded and proliferated. The wells of communication are poisoned. And for what?

We will not degrade ourselves, stooping down to the level of dogs, by pedantically correcting every egregious factual error in the article entitled “Provocateur Cops Caught Disguised As Anarchists At G20″ on Alex Jones’ “Prison Planet” website[1]. We leave this to the myriad other anarchist bloggers who have already jumped at the opportunity to volunteer with such an endeavor.

This is the same news service, after all, that, forgoing an opportunity for rational analysis of the situation, reported that Virginia Tech shooter Cho Seung-Hui was a “Mind Controlled Assassin”[2] on the flimsiest of evidence; the fact that Mr. Seung-Hui, like many of his fellow-workers, was on anti-depressant pharmaceutical drugs, and a photograph[3] of an East-Asian man, who may or may not be Mr. Seung-Hui, posing in marine fatigues, available for a reasonable price at any military surplus store.

This is where we, as rednecks, as Virginia patriots, as workers of the world, come from when we denounce Alex Jones. Cho Seung-Hui, fellow Virginian, fellow worker, was not a “mind controlled assassin”, but a sad, lonely individual who was driven to senseless and malicious violence by a lifetime of sexual abuse, racial harassment, institutionalized marginalization, and social isolation. His victims, all fellow Virginians, all fellow workers, were not martyred by a grand sinister conspiracy, but by the senseless and chaotic cluster-fuck known as life under capitalism. In the face of a calamity that rippled through our communities like a shock-wave, Jones’ cronies rushed to the presses with the most sensationalistic lie their imaginations could innovate, with the sole purpose of capitalizing off of our suffering.

This alone is enough to denounce Alex Jones, to discredit him entirely as a source of factual journalism. Yet it’s far from the extent of Jones & co.’s crimes:

All this creates a context for Jones & co.’s latest deception. That context is psychological warfare against the libertarian left by parasitic right-wing third positionists who advocate anti-Semitism, racialist nationalism, schizophrenic masonic/Illuminati conspiracy theories, anti-feminism, and totalitarian-minded moral crusades, whose leaders sell this madness and disinformation to live comfortably as others starve. Far too long has this incessant milieu slandered us from afar, while infiltrating us and recruiting our ranks from within. Too much amnesty has been given within our camp to Jones and his accomplices, as if they were some lesser force of fascism in comparison to the Identity militias, the Klan, the skinheads, the Minutemen. At the forefront of our vision now stands this unavoidable fact: the only difference between Jones & co. and these other forces of fascism is a more pronounced aura of tact and sophistication on the part of the former.




















Retrieved on November 22, 2009 from