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fileA classroom experiment to demonstrate ferroelectric hysteresis_ KNO3_ M Dawber_ I Farnan_ J F Scott_ 2003.pdf2022-02-21 02:05134 KB
fileBand structure and optical spectra of ferroelectric tryglycine sulfate_ B Andriyevsky et al_ 2007.pdf2022-02-21 02:05167 KB
fileDielectric Phenomena in Solids_ Kwan Chi Kao_ 2004.pdf2022-02-21 02:055051 KB
fileElectron emission from ferroelectrics_ G Rosenman_ D Shur_ J_Appl_Phys_88_6109_ 2000.pdf2022-02-21 02:052560 KB
fileFerroelectrics_ Indrani Coondoo_ 2010.pdf2022-02-21 02:0530493 KB
fileLithium Niobate Crystals_ Yu Kusminov.epub2022-02-21 02:051217 KB
fileLithium Niobate_ Defects Photorefraction and Ferroelectric Switching_ Tatyana Volk_ Manfred Wohlecke_ 2008.pdf2022-02-21 02:052358 KB
fileLithium Niobate_ Defects, Photorefraction and Ferroelectric Switching_ Tatyana Volk_ Manfred Wohlecke_ 2008.pdf2022-02-21 02:052358 KB
fileSurface structure of ferroelectric domains on the triglycine sulfate 010 surface_ H Bluhm_ R Wiesendanger_ 1996.pdf2022-02-21 02:05211 KB