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fileA dose escalation study in sheep of the effects of the benzodiazepine CNS 7056 on sedation, the EEG and the respiratory and cardiovascular systems_ bjp2002022-02-21 01:59218 KB
fileAcute Cannabinoids Impair Working Memory through Astroglial CB1 Receptor Modulation of Hippocampal LTD_ Jin Han et al_ Cell 2013.pdf2022-02-21 01:591786 KB
fileAdolescent Cannabinoid Exposure Permanently Suppresses Cortical Oscillations in Adult Mice_ Sylvina M Raver_ Sarah P Haughwout_ Asaf Keller_ Neuropsychoph2022-02-21 01:591728 KB
fileCannabinoid modulation of hippocampal long-term memory is mediated by mTOR signaling_ E Puighermanal et al_ Nature Neuroscience 2009.pdf2022-02-21 01:59470 KB
fileCNS 7056_ A Novel Ultra short acting Benzodiazepine_ Anesthesiology_ 2007.pdf2022-02-21 01:59415 KB
fileSniffing neuropeptides_ a transnasal approach to the human brain_ Jan Born_ Tanja Lange_ Werner Kern_ Gerard P McGregor_ Ulrich Bickel_ Horst L Fehm_ Natu2022-02-21 01:59100 KB