Self Illuminated


Once Upon a Time, the Lucky Man,
Savatthi Town, Anathapindika Park, came-a ReVisiting.
There he said:

Self-illuminated, Beggars,
live self-protected,
by not else protected;
by not else protected.

Self-illuminated, Beggars,
living self-protected,
by not else protected;
by not else protected,
look into the womb this way:
"What is the birth,
what is the beginning
of grief and lamentation,
pain and misery,
and despair?"

What is the birth,
what is the beginning
of grief and lamentation,
pain and misery,
and despair?

Here, Beggars, the common man,
not seeing Aristocrats,
unwise to the Aristocratic Dhamma,
untrained in the Aristocratic Dhamma,
not seeing Real men,
unwise to the Dhamma of Real men,
untrained in the Dhamma of Real men
holds the view:
material is self,
or self has material,
or material is in self,
or self is in material.
For such a one
that material changes and becomes something else.
For such a one,
that material changing and becoming something else
is the appearance of the birth
of grief and lamentation,
pain and misery,
and despair.

Or he holds the view:
perception is self,
or self has perception,
or perception is in self,
or self is in perception.
For such a one
that perception changes and becomes something else.
For such a one
that perception changing and becoming something else
is the appearance of the birth
of grief and lamentation,
pain and misery,
and despair.

Or he holds the view:
sense experience is self,
or self has sense experience,
or sense experience is in self,
or self is in sense experience.
For such a one
that sense experience changes and becomes something else.
For such a one,
that sense experience changing and becoming something else
is the appearance of the birth
of grief and lamentation,
pain and misery,
and despair.

Or he holds the view:
personalization is self,
or self has personalization,
or personalization is in self,
or self is in personalization.
For such a one
that personalization changes and becomes something else.
For such a one,
that personalization changing and becoming something else
is the appearance of the birth
of grief and lamentation,
pain and misery,
and despair.

Or he holds the view:
consciousness is self,
or self has consciousness,
or consciousness is in self,
or self is in consciousness.
For such a one
that consciousness changes and becomes something else.
For such a one,
that consciousness changing and becoming something else
is the appearance of the birth
of grief and lamentation,
pain and misery,
and despair.

But viewing material, Beggars,
as changing, corrupt, dying out, ending,
thinking "Before, as well as in the here and now,
material was a changeable, painful phenomena
subject to dying out,"
and thus with penetrating knowledge
seeing it as it really is,
he lets go of grief and lamentation,
pain and misery,
and despair,
and Letting Go is not dissatisfied,
and not dissatisfied,
lives pleasantly,
and living pleasantly,
they say "This Beggar is cool."

Or viewing perception, Beggars,
as changing, corrupt, dying out, ending,
thinking "Before, as well as in the here and now,
perception was a changeable, painful phenomena
subject to dying out,"
and thus with penetrating knowledge
seeing it as it really is,
he lets go of grief and lamentation,
pain and misery,
and despair,
and Letting Go is not dissatisfied,
and not dissatisfied,
lives pleasantly,
and living pleasantly,
they say "This Beggar is cool."

Or viewing sense experience, Beggars,
as changing, corrupt, dying out, ending,
thinking "Before, as well as in the here and now,
sense experience was a changeable, painful phenomena
subject to dying out,"
and thus with penetrating knowledge
seeing it as it really is,
he lets go of grief and lamentation,
pain and misery,
and despair,
and Letting Go is not dissatisfied,
and not dissatisfied,
lives pleasantly,
and living pleasantly,
they say "This Beggar is cool."

Or viewing personalization, Beggars,
as changing, corrupt, dying out, ending,
thinking "Before, as well as in the here and now,
personalization was a changeable, painful phenomena
subject to dying out,"
and thus with penetrating knowledge
seeing it as it really is,
he lets go of grief and lamentation,
pain and misery,
and despair,
and Letting Go is not dissatisfied,
and not dissatisfied,
lives pleasantly,
and living pleasantly,
they say "This Beggar is cool."

Or viewing consciousness, Beggars,
as changing, corrupt, dying out, ending,
thinking "Before, as well as in the here and now,
consciousness was a changeable, painful phenomena
subject to dying out,"
and thus with penetrating knowledge
seeing it as it really is,
he lets go of grief and lamentation,
pain and misery,
and despair,
and Letting Go is not dissatisfied,
and not dissatisfied,
lives pleasantly,
and living pleasantly,
they say "This Beggar is cool."