Fame Favors and Gains



A Hard Row

Evam me Sutam


Ekam Samayam,

Once Upon a Time The Lucky Man, Savatthi-town, Anathapindika Park, Jeta Grove came-a revisiting. There to the beggars gathered round he said:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "when fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."




The Hook

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

If the fisherman, beggars, were to cast a flesh-baited hook into a deep pool and some hungry fish there with eyes in his head that could see were to swallow that bait; I say, beggars, that for sure that fish, swallowing that fisherman’s bait, has been waylaid, has come upon hard luck, is subject to being treated in any way that fisherman wishes.

"The fisherman", beggars, is another word for Mara, The Evil One.

"Flesh-baited hook", beggars, is another word for fame, favors and gains.

Any beggar, beggars who, set on enjoying pleasure, tastes fame, favors and gains; I say, beggars, that for sure that beggar has swallowed the fisherman’s bait, has been waylaid, has come upon hard luck, is subject to being treated in any way Mara wishes.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




The Turtle

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Once upon a time, a long long time ago, beggars, a great family of turtles, used to live in a certain deep pool. And there, the number one turtle says to another turtle: "Friend turtle, such and such a place here should never be visited," but that turtle went to that place anyway, and there was pierced by the hunter’s harpoon. Then that turtle tried to return to the family and the number one turtle saw him coming from way off and said: "Hello there, friend turtle, long-time-no-see, I hope you have not been visiting that place that should never be visited?" "Well, yes, sir, I have visited that place," he said in reply. "Well then, friend turtle, I hope you were not pierced by the hunter’s harpoon?" and the turtle responded: "Na, I wasn’t pierced, but there is this twine that keeps trailing behind me." "Then for sure you have been pierced, friend turtle. Know that for sure you have been pierced in just such a way as your father and grandfather before you were pierced and were waylaid and came upon hard luck because of this twine. It is time, now, for you to depart, friend turtle, for you now belong to someone else."

The Hunter, beggars, is another word for Mara, The Evil One.

The Harpoon, beggars, is another word for fame, favors and gains.

Twine, beggars, is another word for being ensnared by the enjoyment of pleasure.

Any beggar, beggars who, set on enjoying pleasure, becomes entwined in fame, favors and gains; I say, beggars, that for sure that beggar has been pierced by the hunter’s harpoon, has been waylaid, has come upon hard luck, is subject to being treated in any way Mara wishes.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




The Long-Fleeced Nanny Goat

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

In the same way, beggars, as if a long-haired nanny goat were to be tossed into the briar patch: she would trip, stumble and fall with her long hair getting caught going this way, getting caught going that way. For sure that nanny goat has been waylaid, has come upon hard luck.

In the same way, beggars, some beggar here, rising up in the morning, attending to his bowl and robes, with his mind obsessed by fame, favors and gains, enters town on his beggars rounds and asked about Dhamma or Vinaya he trips, stumbles and falls, and he gets caught going this way, gets caught going that way. For sure that beggar has been waylaid, has come upon hard luck.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




The DungBeetle

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Imagine, beggars, a dungbeetle, a dung-eating, dung-filled, dung-full-up-stuffed dungbeetle just come across a great mess of dung, and because of that she becomes dung-proud, and looks down upon the other dungbeetles, thinking "It is I that am the great dungbeetle, the great dung-eating, dung-filled, dung-full-up-stuffed dungbeetle who has this great mess of dung before me!"

In the same way, beggars, some beggar here, rising up in the morning, attending to his bowl and robes, with his mind obsessed and overpowered by fame, favors and gains, enters town on his beggars rounds and being invited to a meal he eats his fill, is given a bowl full to take with him, and is invited back for the next day. When he returns to the residence he boasts and brags to the other beggars there saying: "I have just returned from a fine meal where I ate my fill, was given a bowl full to take with me and was invited back for tomorrow." and he looks down on the other beggars, thinking "It is I, and not these beggars, that gains food, clothing, medicine and shelter, of such mighty power and majesty is my good kamma." for sure that foolish beggar has been waylaid, has come upon hard luck and will suffer the unhappy consequences for many a long day.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




The Thunderbolt

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

It would be better, beggars for a thunderbolt to strike a seeker in training than that he should come upon fame, favors and gains before having attained the goal.

Thunderbolt, beggars, is another word for fame, favors and gains.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




The Poisoned Dart

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

It would be better, beggars, for a poisoned dart to pierce a seeker in training than that he should come upon fame, favors and gains before having attained the goal.

Poisoned dart, beggars, is another word for fame, favors and gains.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




The Old Jackal

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Did you hear, beggars, that old jackal that was howling through the night?

"We did, Broke-Tooth!"

That old jackal is afflicted with mange. He is never at ease whether he has found some place to be alone, or at the root of some tree, out in an open field or in some empty cave. Whether he is walking or standing still or sitting down or lying down, there is where he finds hard luck and discomfort.

In the same way, beggars, some beggar here, rising up in the morning, attending to his bowl and robes, with his mind obsessed and overpowered by fame, favors and gains, is never at ease. Whether he is in his place to be alone or at the root of some tree, out in an open field or in some empty hut; whether he is walking, standing still, sitting, or lying down, there is where he finds hard luck and discomfort.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




The Hurricane-Like Winds
the Upper Atmosphere

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

There are winds in the upper atmosphere, beggars, that will tear some small bird that wanders there limb from limb in the same way as a hurricane can . . . so that here is a wing, here the breast bones, there a foot, there the tail feathers and there also, the head.

In the same way, beggars, some beggar here, rising up in the morning, attending to his bowl and robes, with his mind obsessed and overpowered by fame, favors and gains, setting out on his beggar’s rounds, not having enveloped himself in Satisfaction, without having set a guard at the doors of the senses, wanders into town, and there he comes upon women folk, having dressed recklessly in the morning, with their blouses incompletely protecting their charms from view. And that beggar, beggars, not having enveloped himself in Satisfaction, not having set a guard at the door of the senses, is torn apart with lust there and then, and returning to his hut, he renounces the training and returns to the lower life. . . and one here gets his kit bag, and one gets his strainer, and one his robes, and he also, his bowl.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




I See A Certain beggar

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Right here, beggars, I see a certain beggar whose mind, obsessed and overpowered by favors, at the breakup of the elements at death, finding consciousness relocated down the drain, in the way of woe, the second fall, or where the sun don’t shine, hell, Niraya.

Right here, beggars, I see a certain beggar whose mind, obsessed and overpowered by the lack of favors, at the breakup of the elements at death finding consciousness relocated down the drain, the way of woe, the second fall, or where the sun don’t shine, hell, Niraya.

Right here, beggars, I see a certain beggar whose mind, obsessed and overpowered at one moment by favors and at another moment by the lack of favors, at the breakup of the elements at death, finding consciousness relocated down the drain, the way of woe, the second fall, or where the sun don’t shine, hell, Niraya.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.

Honored with favors,
Disfavored, or both;
High minded, unshakable,
Living carefully,
A steady flame,
He overlooks the view
A good man




Not for a Golden Bowl
Filled with Silver

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

As far as that goes, beggars, I have seen a man, encompassing his heart with my heart, who would not for the sake of a golden bowl filled with silver flakes deliberately tell a lie, telling lies for the sake of fame, favors and gains.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




Not for a Silver Bowl
Filled with Gold

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

As far as that goes, beggars, I have seen a man, encompassing his heart with my heart, who would not for the sake of a silver bowl filled with gold flakes deliberately tell a lie, telling lies for the sake of fame, favors and gains.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




Not for a Golden Hundredweight

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

As far as that goes, beggars, I have seen a man, encompassing his heart with my heart, who would not for the sake of a gold hundred-weight deliberately tell a lie, telling lies for the sake of fame, favors and gains.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




Not for a Hundred Gold Hundred-Weights

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

As far as that goes, beggars, I have seen a man, encompassing his heart with my heart, who would not for the sake of a hundred gold hundred-weights deliberately tell a lie, telling lies for the sake of fame, favors and gains.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:




Not for a Hundred Hundred-Counts
of Gold Hundred-Weights

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

As far as that goes, beggars, I have seen a man, encompassing his heart with my heart, who would not for the sake of a hundred hundred-counts of gold hundred-weights deliberately tell a lie, telling lies for the sake of fame, favors and gains.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




Not for a Hundred Hundred
of Gold Hundred-Weights

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

As far as that goes, beggars, I have seen a man, encompassing his heart with my heart, who would not for the sake of a hundred hundred hundred-counts of gold hundred-weights deliberately tell a lie, telling lies for the sake of fame, favors and gains.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




Not for All The Gold in the World

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

As far as that goes, beggars, I have seen a man, encompassing his heart with my heart, who would not for the sake of all the gold in the world deliberately tell a lie, telling lies for the sake of fame, favors and gains.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




Not for Any Material Thing

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

As far as that goes, beggars, I have seen a man, encompassing his heart with my heart, who would not for the sake of any material thing in the world deliberately tell a lie, telling lies for the sake of fame, favors and gains.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




Not for the Sake of His Life

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

As far as that goes, beggars, I have seen a man, encompassing his heart with my heart, who would not for the sake of his life deliberately tell a lie, telling lies for the sake of fame, favors and gains.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




Not for the Sake
of The Fairest Lass in the Land

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

As far as that goes, beggars, I have seen a man, encompassing his heart with my heart, who would not for the sake of the fairest lass in the land deliberately tell a lie, telling lies for the sake of fame, favors and gains.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




A Man Might Escape a Woman

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Even alone by himself with a woman, beggars, a beggar might escape from obsessing in mind about her, yet be unable to escape obsessing in mind about fame, favors and gains.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




A Man Might Escape
The Fairest Lass in the Land

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Even alone by himself with the most beautiful lass in the land, beggars, a beggar might escape obsessing in mind about her, yet be unable to escape obsessing in mind about fame, favors and gains.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




A Mother's Advice
To Her Beloved Son

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

A loving mother, beggars, a devoted lay disciple, speaking to her only son, might say: "Grow up to be like housefather Citta or Hatthaka of Alavaka, my dear" for these set the standard for householders who are followers of the Teacher. . . but if you should give up the world for the homeless life, become like Sariputta or Moggallana" for these set the standard for those who have given up the world for the homeless life. . . but whatever the case, my dear, while you are still in training and have not yet reached the goal you have set in your mind for yourself, may fame, favors and gains not come to you!"

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




A Mother's Advice
To Her Beloved Daughter

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

A loving mother, beggars, a devoted lay disciple, speaking to her only daughter, might say: "Grow up to be like Khujjuttara or Velukantakiya, my dear" for these set the standard for householders who are followers of the Teacher. . . but if you should give up the world for the homeless life, become like Khema or Uppalavanna" for these set the standard for those who have given up the world for the homeless life. . . but whatever the case, my dear, while you are still in training and have not yet reached the goal you have set in your mind for yourself, may fame, favors and gains not come to you!"

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




The Attraction, The Danger
And The Escape

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Whatsoever shaman or brahman, beggars, does not know the attraction, the danger, and the escape from fame, favors and gains, for me such a one is no shaman among shaman or brahman among brahman and furthermore such do not live having attained or know for themselves here and now the purpose of shamanship and brahmanship.

But whatsoever shaman or brahman, beggars, who does know the attraction, the danger, and the escape from fame, favors and gains, for me such a one is a shaman of shaman or brahman of brahman and furthermore such live having attained, knowing for themselves here and now the purpose of shamanship and brahmanship.




The Origin and Conclusion

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Whatsoever shaman or brahman, beggars, does not know the origin and the conclusion, the attraction, the danger, and the escape from fame, favors and gains, for me such a one is no shaman among shaman or brahman among brahman and furthermore such do not live having attained or know for themselves here and now the purpose of shamanship and brahmanship.

But whatsoever shaman or brahman, beggars, who does know the origin and the conclusion, the attraction, the danger, and the escape from fame, favors and gains, for me such a one is a shaman of shaman or brahman of brahman and furthermore such live having attained, knowing for themselves here and now the purpose of shamanship and brahmanship.




The Origin and Conclusion
The Attraction, the Danger, and the Escape

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Whatsoever shaman or brahman, beggars, does not know the origin and the conclusion, the attraction, the danger, the escape and The Way leading to the escape from fame, favors and gains, for me such a one is no Shaman among shaman or brahman among Brahman and furthermore such do not live having attained or know for themselves here and now the purpose of shamanship and brahmanship.

But whatsoever shaman or brahman, beggars, who does know the origin and the conclusion, the attraction, the danger, the escape and the way leading to the escape from fame, favors and gains, for me such a one is a shaman of shaman or brahman of Brahman and furthermore such live having attained, knowing for themselves here and now the purpose of shamanship and brahmanship.




Cutting Right Through
to the Marrow

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

fame, favors and gains, beggars! They cut through the skin, they cut through the sub-durra, they cut through the muscle, they cut through the tendons, they cut through the bones and press right on into the marrow!

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




Like the Rope-Binding Torture

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

fame, favors and gains, beggars! They cut through the skin, they cut through the sub-durra, they cut through the muscle, they cut through the tendons, they cut through the bones and press right on into the marrow!

In the same way as the Torturer, beggars, takes a strong rope and ties it tightly round the leg and putting a stick in the loop twists it even tighter ’til it cuts through the skin, it cuts through the sub durra, it cuts through the muscle, it cuts through the tendons, it cuts through the bones and presses right on into the marrow!

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




Even for the Arahant

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

I say, beggars, that even for a beggar who is Arahant, free from the no-goods, fame, favors and gains are an entanglement.

At this, Ananda spoke up and asked: "But sir, to what sort of Arahant would fame, favors and gains be an entanglement?"

Well, Ananda, I do not say that there would be any sort of entanglement to such a beggar’s freedom of mind, but in so far as fame, favors and gains interfered with the pleasant living in the here and now that was a result of his careful living, strenuous effort and firm resolution, then would fame, favors and gains be an entanglement.

Even this hard, Ananda, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, Ananda, train yourself this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.

Footnote: "pleasant living in the here and now" is an expression used to denote the purpose of attaining the jhanas for an arahant.





On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

It was because his mind was obsessed and overpowered by fame, favors and gains, beggars, that Devadatta caused a schism in the Order.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




The Root of Skill Dried Up
in Devadatta

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

It was because his mind was obsessed and overpowered by fame, favors and gains, beggars, that the root (mula) of skill dried up in Devadatta.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




Skill in Dhamma Dried Up
in Devadatta

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

It was because his mind was obsessed and overpowered by fame, favors and gains, beggars, that skill in Dhamma dried out in Devadatta.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




The Light of Dhamma Died Out
in Devadatta

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

It was because his mind was obsessed and overpowered by fame, favors and gains, beggars, that Light Dhamma died out in Devadatta.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




The Ruination of Devadatta

Once Upon A Time the Lucky Man, R¤jagaha, Vulture’s Peak came-a revisiting, this being at a time only shortly after Devadatta had caused a schism in the Order. There, to the beggars gathered round he said:

It was to the ruination of himself, beggars, that fame, favors and gains came to Devadatta. It was to his utter undoing, beggars, that fame, favors and gains came to Devadatta.

In the same way, beggars, as the kadalii bears fruit to the ruination of itself, to it’s utter undoing, in the same way, beggars, it was to the ruination of himself that fame, favors and gains came to Devadatta, it was to his utter undoing that fame, favors and gains came to Devadatta.

In the same way, beggars, as the bamboo bears fruit to the ruination of itself, to it’s utter undoing, in the same way, beggars, it was to the ruination of himself that fame favors and gains came to Devadatta, it was to his utter undoing that fame, favors and gains came to Devadatta.

In the same way, beggars, as the reed bears fruit to the ruination of itself, to it’s utter undoing, in the same way, beggars, it was to the ruination of himself that fame favors and gains came to Devadatta, it was to his utter undoing that fame, favors and gains came to Devadatta.

In the same way, beggars, as a mule is conceived in the womb of a Donkey, it is so conceived to the ruination of the Donkey, to it’s utter undoing, in the same way, beggars, it was to the ruination of himself that fame favors and gains came to Devadatta, it was to his utter undoing that fame, favors and gains came to Devadatta.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.

It’s fruit the banana slays
It’s fruit the bamboo, it’s fruit the reed
Honors the bad man slays
Just as mule in womb of ass.




Five Hundred Cartloads

Once Upon A Time, The Lucky Man, R¤jagaha, Bamboo Grove, the Squirrel’ Feeding Ground came-a revisiting. At that time Prince Aj¤tasattu was acting as patron of Devadatta, calling on him morning and evening and daily having conveyed to him five hundred carts with five hundred bowls each capable of feeding five hundred bhikkhus.

Seeing this a number of bhikkhus came into the presence of the Buddha, sat down to one side and said:

"At this time, Sir, Prince Aj¤tasattu is acting as patron of Devadatta calling on him morning and evening and daily having conveyed to him five hundred carts with five hundred bowls each capable of feeding five hundred bhikkhus."

And, at that, The Lucky man said:

Do not pine after such fame favors and gains as are Devadatta’s, beggars, for as long as Prince Aj¤tasattu acts as Patron of Devadatta, calling on him morning and evening and daily having conveyed to him five hundred carts with five hundred bowls each capable of feeding five hundred bhikkhus, there is but decrease in skill in Dhamma to be expected for Devadatta, not increase.

In the same way, beggars, as a fierce dog is roused to fury when they place the scent of bile in front of his nose. In the same way, beggars, as long as Prince Aj¤tasattu acts as patron of Devadatta, calling on him morning and evening and daily having conveyed to him five hundred carts with five hundred bowls each capable of feeding five hundred bhikkhus, there is but decrease in skill in Dhamma to be expected for Devadatta, not increase.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




Not for the Sake of His Mother's Life

On another occasion, again at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

As far as that goes, beggars, I have seen a man, encompassing his heart with my heart, who would not for the sake of saving his mother’s life deliberately tell a lie, telling lies for the sake of fame, favors and gains.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




Not for the Sake of His Father's Life

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

As far as that goes, beggars, I have seen a man, encompassing his heart with my heart, who would not for the sake of saving his father’s life deliberately tell a lie, telling lies for the sake of fame, favors and gains.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




Not for the Sake of His Brother's Life

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

As far as that goes, beggars, I have seen a man, encompassing his heart with my heart, who would not for the sake of saving his brother’s life deliberately tell a lie, telling lies for the sake of fame, favors and gains.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




Not for the Sake of His Sister's Life

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

As far as that goes, beggars, I have seen a man, encompassing his heart with my heart, who would not for the sake of saving his sister’s life deliberately tell a lie, telling lies for the sake of fame, favors and gains.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




Not for the Sake of His Son's Life

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

As far as that goes, beggars, I have seen a man, encompassing his heart with my heart, who would not for the sake of saving his son’s life deliberately tell a lie, telling lies for the sake of fame, favors and gains.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




Not for the Sake of His Daughter's Life

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

As far as that goes, beggars, I have seen a man, encompassing his heart with my heart, who would not for the sake of saving his daughter’s life deliberately tell a lie, telling lies for the sake of fame, favors and gains.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves.




Not for the Sake of His Wife's Life

On another occasion, also at Savatthi, The Lucky Man said this:

Hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

As far as that goes, beggars, I have seen a man, encompassing his heart with my heart, who would not for the sake of saving his wife’s life deliberately tell a lie, telling lies for the sake of fame, favors and gains.

Even this hard, beggars, are fame, favors and gains; cutting, rough, obstructions to securing the ultimate refuge from bondage.

Wherefore, beggars, train yourselves this way: "When fame, favors and gains come to us, we will let them go, and not let them take lasting hold on our heart."

This is the way you must train yourselves