The Fingernail


Once upon a time, Bhagava, round Savatthi revisiting, Jeta woods, Anathapindika's park
There, Bhagava raised up an itty-bitti-bit-a dust on a nail-tip and said to the Beggars:

Now what do you think, Beggars?

Which is the greater,
that bit of dust I have taken and raised up on my nail-tip
or this great Earth?

Nail Tip

That which is greater, bhante,
is this great Earth
of small measure is that bit of dust
Bhagava has raised up on his nail-tip
not even a hundredth part does it come to,
not a thousandth part,
not a hundred-thousandth part
does that bit of dust
Bhagava has raised up on his nail-tip come to
compared with this great Earth.

Even so, Beggars, the Aristocratic listener,
succeeding in view,
is a person who has overcome,
has thoroughly burnt off,
thoroughly given up
that which is the greater du-k-kha,
of small measure is that which remains,
not even a hundredth part does it come to,
not a thousandth part,
not a hundred-thousandth part,
does it come to;
that former pile of du-k-kha of his
which has been thoroughly burnt off,
thoroughly given up,
is of small measure
compared to being here seven more times tops
Such a great attainment is it beggars,
this all-conquering Dhamma,
such a great attainment is it,
this gaining the eye of Dhamma.