The Book of Tens

Sutta 58

The Root

"What would you say, beggars, if questioned like this by seekers:

What, friend, is the root of all things?
What brings all things to life?
What is the support of all things?
What is the confluence of all things?
What is at the interface of all things?
Ruled over by what are all things?
Directed at what are all things?
What is at the heart of all things?
What is the pitfall of all things?
What is the end of all things?

Thus questioned by seekers, beggars, what would you answer, what explanation would you make of this?"

"The Bhagava is the root of things for us, broke-tooth; The Bhagava is the resource; The Bhagava is the recourse. Good for us, broke-tooth, if that response which was well said occurred to the Bhagava. Hearing it from the Bhagava the beggars will retain it in mind."

"In that case, beggars, pay attention, give ear, I will speak!"

"Even so, broke-tooth!"

And this is what the Bhagava said to them: —

"This is what you should say, beggars, if questioned thus by seekers:

What, friend, is the root of all things?
What brings all things to life?
What is the support of all things?
What is the confluence of all things?
What is at the interface of all things?
Ruled over by what are all things?
Directed at what are all things?
What is at the heart of all things?
What is the pitfall of all things?
What is the end of all things?

Wanting is the root of all things, friend.
Work of mind brings all things to life.
Contact supports all things.
All things converge in sense experience.
Being high is at the interface of all things.
Ruled over by mind are all things.
Directed at wisdom are all dhammas.
Freedom is at the heart of all dhammas.
Falling into the deathless are all dhammas.
Ending in Nibbana are all dhammas.

Thus questioned by seekers, beggars, thus should you answer, thus should you explain this.