The Eight Dimensions of the Day of Preparation


Once upon a time The Lucky Man, Savatthi Town, Anathapindika Park, Jeta Grove came-a revisiting.
There, to the Beggars gathered round he said:

And, Broke Tooth! they responded.

Beggars, Upholding The Eight-Dimensional Day of Preparation is very fruitful,
a thing casting a great, widespread radiance.

And how, Beggars,
does one uphold the Eight-Dimensional Day of Preparation
so that it is very fruitful,
a thing casting a great, widespread radiance?

Here, Beggars, the student of the Aristocrats reflects to himself:
"All life long, the Arahants let go of,
and live abstaining from harm to breathing things;
repelled by harm to breathing things, ashamed,
they put down stick and sword and live in friendliness,
for the benefit of all beings.

This night and day, then,
I too will let go of
and live abstaining from harm to breathing things;
repelled by harm to breathing things, ashamed,
I will put down stick and sword and live in friendliness
for the benefit of all beings.
In this way I will follow the example of the Arahants
and keep the Day of Preparation."

This is the way, beggars,
one upholds the first dimension of the Day of Preparation.

And again, Beggars, he reflects:
"All life long the Arahants let go of,
and live abstaining from taking that which is not given;
repelled by theft,
they put down taking the ungiven,
depending on the given
they live clean handed.

This night and day, then,
I too will let go of
and live abstaining from taking that which is not given;
repelled by theft,
putting down taking the ungiven,
depending on the given,
I will live clean-handed.
In this way too I will follow the example of the Arahants
and keep the Day of Preparation."

This is the way, beggars,
one upholds the second dimension
of the Day of Preparation.

And again, Beggars, he reflects:
"All life long the Arahants let go of,
and live abstaining from ungodlike conduct,
carrying themselves like gods,
they abstain from sex and family life.

This night and day, then,
I too will let go of
and live abstaining from ungodlike conduct,
carrying myself like god,
I will abstain from sex and family life.
In this way too I will follow the example of the Arahants
and keep the Day of Preparation."

This is the way, Beggars,
one upholds the third dimension
of the Day of Preparation.

And again, Beggars, he reflects:
"All life long the Arahants let go of,
and live abstaining from deceitful speech,
repelled by deceitful speech, truthful,
they stick to the truth,
they rely on the truth,
they keep their word to the world.

This night and day, then,
I too will let go of,
and live abstaining from deceitful speech,
repelled by deceitful speech, truthful,
I will stick to the truth,
rely on the truth,
keep my word to the world.
In this way too I will follow the example of the Arahants
and keep the Day of Preparation.

This is the way, Beggars,
one upholds the fourth dimension
of the Day of Preparation.

And again, Beggars, he reflects:
"All life long the Arahants let go of,
and live abstaining from the carelessness caused by narcotic drinks,
repelled by the carelessness caused by narcotic drinks
they abstain from the carelessness caused by narcotic drinks.

This night and day, then,
I too will let go of,
and live abstaining from the carelessness caused by narcotic drinks,
repelled by the carelessness caused by narcotic drinks
I will abstain from the carelessness caused by narcotic drinks.
In this way too I will follow the example of the Arahants
and keep the Day of Preparation.

This is the way, Beggars,
one upholds the fifth dimension
of the Day of Preparation.

And again, Beggars, he reflects:
"All life long the Arahants eat one-meal a day,
not eating at night
abstaining from eating at the wrong time.

This night and day, then,
I too will eat only one meal,
not eating at night,
abstaining from eating at the wrong time.
In this way too I will follow the example of the Arahants
and keep the Day of Preparation.

This is the way, Beggars,
one upholds the sixth dimension
of the Day of Preparation.

And again, Beggars, he reflects:
"All life long the Arahants abstain
from indulging in dancing, singing, and playing music;
looking at shows;
wearing garlands or adorning and ornamenting themselves
with garlands, ointments and perfumes;
repelled by such things,
they abstain from such things.

This night and day, then,
I too will abstain from
indulging in dancing, singing, and playing music;
looking at shows;
wearing garlands or adorning and ornamenting myself
with garlands, ointments and perfumes;
repelled by such things,
I will abstain from such things.
In this way too I will follow the example of the Arahants
and keep the Day of Preparation.

This is the way, Beggars,
one upholds the seventh dimension
of the Day of Preparation.

And again, Beggars, he reflects:
"All life long the Arahants abstain
from using high and broad beds,
repelled by high and broad beds,
they lie down on low beds,
proper beds, such as a grass mat.

This night and day, then,
I too will abstain
from using a high and broad bed,
repelled by high and broad beds,
I will lie down on a low bed,
a proper bed, such as a grass mat.
In this way too I will follow the example of the Arahants
and keep the Day of Preparation.

This is the way, Beggars,
one upholds the eighth dimension
of the Day of Preparation.

Beggars, Upholding The Eight-Dimensional Day of Preparation in this way
is very fruitful,
a thing casting a great, widespread radiance.