
Women's Wiles

Eight, Beggars, are the wiles
with which women men begile.
What Eight?

By shape, Beggars, women men begile,
By laughter, Beggars, women men begile,
By fascinating speech, Beggars, women men begile,
By enchanting song, Beggars, women men begile,
By running tears, Beggars, women men begile,
By bedazzling ornament, Beggars, women men begile,
By potions of jungle herb, Beggars, women men begile
By touch, Beggars, women men begile.

These Beggars are the eight wiles with which women men begile.
And, Beggars, beings so ensnared are snared indeed.




Man's Works

Eight, Beggars, are the works
with which man enraptures women.
What Eight?

By appearances, Beggars, man enraptures women,
By a good sense of humor, Beggars, man enraptures women,
By spellbinding speech, Beggars, man enraptures women,
By raptures, Beggars, man enraptures women,
By bringing them to tears, Beggars, man enraptures women,
By gifts of bedazzling ornament, Beggars, men enraptures women,
By potions of jungle herb, Beggars, man enraptures women
By touch, Beggars, man enraptures women.

These Beggars are the eight works with which man enraptures women.
And, Beggars, beings so ensnared are snared indeed.