The Eight Worldly Concerns


Once upon a time, Savatthi Town, Anathapindika Park, Jeta Grove, The Lucky Man came a revisiting. There, to the Beggars gathered round, he said:

Eight, Beggars, are the worldly conditions that obsess the worldly; the world revolves around these Eight worldly conditions.
What Eight?

Gain and Loss
honor and dishonor
praise and blame
pleasure and pain


Such are the Eight worldly conditions, Beggars, that obsess the Worldly; the Eight worldly conditions around which the World revolves.


Gain and Loss, honor and dishonor,
Praise and blame, pleasure and pain;
Impermanent, human conditions ... ending things;
things vulnerable to reversal!
Recognizing and reflecting, the wise consider these:
things vulnerable to reversal!
By the pleasant not stirred up in heart,
nor by the unpleasant repulsed,
Tranquilized, gone past all that,
neither collaborating nor resisting,
Walking the path free of lust, sorrowless,
knowing the highest knowing
passed beyond