The Book of Fives

Suttas 229-230

The Black Snake



"Beggars! There are five bad things about a black snake.
What five?


A foul smell.

It belongs to anyone.

It is easily frightened.

And it is duplicitous with friends.

Indeed, Beggars, these are five bad things about a black snake

"Beggars! There are five bad things about the female gender.
What five?


A foul smell.

They'll belong to anyone.

They are easily frightened.

And they are duplicitous with friends.

Indeed, Beggars, these are five bad things about the female gender.



"Beggars! There are five bad things about a black snake.
What five?

It's anger is uncontrolled.

It carries a grudge

It's bite is deadly poison

It is forked toungued.

And it is duplicitous with friends.

Indeed, Beggars, these are five bad things about a black snake

"Beggars! There are five bad things about the female gender.
What five?

Uncontrolled anger.


A deadly poisonous bite.

Forked-tongue speech.

And duplicity with friends.

Indeed, Beggars, these are five bad things about the female gender.

Beggars! This is the deadly poison of womankind: they are almost always intensely passionate.

Beggars! This is the forked tongue of womankind: they are almost always slanderous in speech.

Beggars! This is the duplicity of womankind: they are almost always unfaithful.