The Book of Fives


Mindless Napping

"Beggars! There are five bad things
about falling asleep absent-mindedly,
What five?

Unpleasant sleep.

Unpleasant re-awakening.

Seeing bad dreams.

Not being watched over by the gods.

And that sweet whatchacallum gets stiff.

Indeed, Beggars, these are five bad things
about falling asleep absent-mindedly,

"Beggars! There are five good things
that happen falling asleep consciously,
not unawares.
What five?

Pleasant sleep.

Pleasant re-awakening.

Not seeing bad dreams.

Being watched over by the gods.

And that sweet whatchacallum does not get stiff.

Indeed, Beggars, these are five good things
that happen falling asleep consciously,
not unawares.