The Book of Fives

Sutta 208

The Tooth Stick


"Beggars! There are five bad results from not brushing your teeth.
What five?

The vision is unclear.

Bad breath.

Sensativity to the subtlties of taste is impared.

One's food is contaminated by phlegm and mucus.

And the enjoyment of food is diminished.

Indeed, Beggars, these are five bad results from not brushing your teeth.

"Beggars! There are five good results from brushing your teeth.
What five?

The vision is clear.

Sweet breath.

Sensativity to the subtlties of taste.

One's food is not contaminated by phlegm and mucus.

And the enjoyment of food is undiminished.

Indeed, Beggars, these are five bad results from not brushing your teeth.