The Book of Fives


The Well-Said


Once upon a time Bhagava, Savatthi-town, Anathapindika's Park, came-a revisiting.
There, to the Beggars gathered round, he said:


And: "Eldest!" the Beggars gathered round responded.

Then Bhagava said:

Five, Beggars, are the dimensions
making up the well-said,
the not badly said,
the blameless,
unblamable by the wise.
What five?

What is said, is said at the right time.

What is said, is said truthfully.

What is said, is said in a polished manner.

What is said, is said sticking to the point.

What is said, is said with a heart of friendly vibrations.

These, beggars, are the dimensions
making up the well-said,
the not badly said,
the blameless,
unblamable by the wise.