The Book of Fives

Suttas 34-37



General Lionheart


Once upon a time the Lucky Man, Vesali-town, the Peaked Roof House in Great Woods residing, when Siha, the general came to call.

There, after greeting Bhaggava with closed palms, Siha took a low seat to one side and asked:

"Is it possible, Bhante, to show the consequences of giving in the here and now?"

"It is, general." said the Lucky Man,
"The giver is here and now considered good and is liked by many.

Again, good and wise men gather round the giver,
and this is an advantage in the here and now.

Again, the giver gets a good reputation.

Again, General, whenever the giver enters a council or meeting,
whether of householders or royalty or religious leaders or sorcerers,
he enters fearlessly, confidently.

And again, General, at the breakup of the body at death
the giver finds consciousness again in a happy state among the gods."

"Well, Bhante, as for the first four of these consequences of giving visible in the here and now,
I do not need to go by faith to the Lucky Man,
for I am able to see them for myself.
I am a generous person, Bhante,
and I am considered good and am liked by many;
many good and wise men are my companions;
I have a good reputation:
People say: 'The General Siha is a giver,
he works for and serves the Sangha;'
and whenever I enter a council or meeting,
whether of householders or royalty or religious leaders or sorcerers,
I do so fearlessly, confidently
...but when the Bhaggava says:
"And again, General, at the breakup of the body at death the giver finds consciousness again in a happy sate among the gods.'
this is something of which I have no personal experience and go by faith."

Even so Siha. Even so.



"Beggars! There are these five advantages to be had by giving:
The giver is here and now considered good and is liked by many.
Again, good and wise men gather round the giver.
Again, the giver gets a good reputation.
Again, the giving housefather is not one who deviates from good ethical standards.
And at the breakup of the body at death the giver finds consciousness again in a happy state among the gods."


The Right Time to Give

"Beggars! There are these five right times for giving:
When there is a newcomer, it is the right time for giving,
Again, when there is one who is taking leave, it is the right time for giving,
Again, when there is one who is sick, it is the right time for giving,
Again, when food is hard to get, it is the right time for giving,
And again, at harvest-time, he gives the first fruits of his labors to those of high ethical conduct."


The Food Giver

"Beggars! There are these five gifts given by the food giver.
What five?

Life, beauty, ease, energy and strength of wits.

But, Beggars, giving such as such as this, he shares in five benefits.

What five?

Life, beauty, ease, energy and strength of wits,
Both hear and in the hereafter.