The Book of Twos




Two, me beggars, are desires.

What two?

For gain and for life.

These beggars are the two desires.



Two, me beggars, are men hard to find in the world.

What two?

One who volunteers and one who is grateful and appreciative.

These, beggars, are the two men hard to find in the world.



Two, me beggars, are men hard to find in the world.

What two?

One who is content and one who is satisfied.

These, beggars, are the two men hard to find in the world.



Two, me beggars, are men who are hard to satisfy.

What two?

One who hoards gain upon gain and one who dissapates gain after gain.

These two, beggars, are the two men who are hard to satisfy.



Two, me beggars, are men who are easy to satisfy.

What two?

One who does not hoard gain upon gain and one who does not dissapate gain after gain.

These two, beggars, are the two men who are easily satisfied.



Two, me beggars, give rise to lust.

What two?

Pleasing features and lack of studious examinination.

These, beggars, are the two that give rise to lust.



Two, me beggars, give rise to anger.

What two?

Disgusting features and lack of studious examination.

These, beggars, are the two that give rise to anger.



Two, me beggars, give rise to contrary views.

What two?

The utterance of another and lack of studious examination.

These, beggars, are the two that give rise to contrary views.



Two, me beggars, give rise to high views.

What two?

The utterance of another and studious examination.

These, beggars, are the two that give rise to high views.



Two, me beggars, are breaches.

What two?

The slight breach and the significant breach.

These, beggars, are the two breaches.



Two, me beggars, are breaches.

What two?

The corrupt breach and the uncorrupt breach.

These, beggars, are the two breaches



Two, me beggars, are breaches.

What two?

The complete breach and the incomplete breach.

These, beggars, are the two breaches