The Book of Twos




Two, me Beggars, are fools.

What two?

He who carries a load that has not come to him,
and he who does not carry a load that has come to him.

Indeed, Beggars, these are two fools.



Two, me Beggars, are sages.

What two?

He who carries a load that has come to him,
and he who does not carry a load that has not come to him.

Indeed, Beggars, these are two sages.



Two, me Beggars, are fools.

What two?

He who perceives the impropper as propper,
and he who perceives the propper as impropper.

Indeed, Beggars, these are two fools.



Two, me Beggars, are sages.

What two?

He who perceives the impropper as impropper,
and he who perceives the propper as propper.

Indeed, Beggars, these are two sages.



Two, me Beggars, are fools.

What two?

He who perceives an error as not an error,
and he who perceives what is not an error as an error.

Indeed, Beggars, these are two fools.



Two, me Beggars, are sages.

What two?

He who perceives an error as an error,
and he who perceives what is not an error as not an error.

Indeed, Beggars, these are two sages.



Two, me Beggars, are fools.

What two?

He who perceives what is not Dhamma as Dhamma,
and he who perceives what is Dhamma as not Dhamma.

Indeed, Beggars, these are two fools.



Two, me Beggars, are sages.

What two?

He who perceives what is not Dhamma as not Dhamma,
and he who perceives what is Dhamma as Dhamma.

Indeed, Beggars, these are two sages.



Two, me Beggars, are fools.

What two?

He who perceives what is not Discipline as Discipline,
and he who perceives what is Discipline as not Discipline.

Indeed, Beggars, these are two fools.



Two, me Beggars, are sages.

What two?

He who perceives what is not Discipline as not Discipline,
and he who perceives what is Discipline as Discipline.

Indeed, Beggars, these are two sages.



In two, Beggars, the no-goods prosper.

In which two?

In he who is not disturbed by what should disturb,
and in he who is disturbed by what should not disturb.

Indeed, Beggars, in these two the no-goods prosper.



In two, Beggars, the no-goods do not prosper.

In which two?

In he who is not disturbed by what should not disturb,
and in he who is disturbed by what should disturb.

Indeed, Beggars, in these two the no-goods do not prosper.



In two, Beggars, the no-goods prosper.

In which two?

In he who perceives the impropper as proper,
and in he who perceives the proper as improper.

Indeed, Beggars, in these two the no-goods prosper.



In two, Beggars, the no-goods do not prosper.

In which two?

In he who perceives the impropper as impropper,
and in he who perceives the propper as propper.

Indeed, Beggars, in these two the no-goods do not prosper.



In two, Beggars, the no-goods prosper.

In which two?

In he who perceives an error as not an error,
and in he who perceives what is not an error as an error.

Indeed, Beggars, in these two the no-goods prosper.



In two, Beggars, the no-goods do not prosper.

In which two?

In he who perceives an error as an error,
and in he who perceives what is not an error as not an error.

Indeed, Beggars, in these two the no-goods do not prosper.



In two, Beggars, the no-goods prosper.

In which two?

In he who perceives what is not Dhamma as Dhamma,
and in he who perceives what is Dhamma as not Dhamma.

Indeed, Beggars, in these two the no-goods prosper.



In two, Beggars, the no-goods do not prosper.

In which two?

In he who perceives what is not Dhamma as not Dhamma,
and in he who perceives what is Dhamma as Dhamma.

Indeed, Beggars, in these two the no-goods do not prosper.



In two, Beggars, the no-goods prosper.

In which two?

In he who perceives what is not Discipline as Discipline,
and in he who perceives what is Discipline as not Discipline.

Indeed, Beggars, in these two the no-goods prosper.



In two, Beggars, the no-goods do not prosper.

In which two?

In he who perceives what is not Discipline as not Discipline,
and in he who perceives what is Discipline as Discipline.

Indeed, Beggars, in these two the no-goods do not prosper.