Pay attention! Give ear! This is for your Good! For Your Profit for many a long day. Don't play with your food!


That, which is bodily pain,
the bodily disagreeable
the experience of being connected bodily
with the disagreeable
this is said to be 'pain

Three types of pain:
The pain of pain;
the pain of the confounded;
the pain of reversal.

The aristocrat of truths with regard to pain:

Birth is pain,
Aging is pain,
Sickness is pain,
Death is pain;
Grief and lamentation,
pain and misery,
and despair are pain;
Being yoked to the unloved is pain,
Being separated from the loved is pain
Not getting the wished for, that too is pain.
To be concise:
the five stockpiled shitpiles binding up individuality are pain.