Dental Care

Dental problems tend to show themselve in the worste places the woods is a common one. I know several Outdoorsmen who dint have any problem until the bite into that frozen Snickers and sometimes elevation will also reveal hinded cavitys produce excruciating pain. Always use protective glove, when working to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

Visit your dentist before any big trips may prevents any dental problems. And brush and floss after each meal. Always pack an emergency dental repair kit. I posted several items which are commonly packed knowing how to use them can prevent a lot of suffering.

Dental Infections and Abscesses

When a tooth decays or is chipped, infection may occur at the gumline or at the base of a root. An Abscess (pus pocket)may format the base of a tooth and create pressure, swelling, and severe pain. Dental infections occasionally spread beyond the tooth to the floor of the mouth, the face, and the neck producing severe illness.


Severe, usually throbbing dental pain associated with swelling in the gum line at the base of the tooth.
Tapping the offending tooth causes pain, but the tooth is not usually sensitive to hot or cold.
Fever may be present.
If the infection spreads beyond the tooth, the cheek and face on the affected side will appear swollen. If the infection spreads to the floor of the mouth, the victim may have difficulty opening his mouth, swallowing, or even breathing.


1. Administer oral antibiotics such as penicillin 500 mg every 6 hours
2. Rinse the mouth with warm salt water every 4 hours.
3. Administer pain medication such as ibuprofen (Motrin' 800 mg every 8 hours with food) or hydrocodone and acetaminophen (two Vicodin tablets every 4 to 6 hours) as needed.
4. Make every effort to locate a dentist as soon as possible since dental infections can spread and cause serious illness. Extraction of the offending tooth, or root canal therapy is usually required to completely treat the infection.

Knocked-out (Avulsed) Tooth

If a tooth is completely knocked out, it may be salvageable if replaced into the socket within 30 to 60 minutes.


* The tooth has been totally avulsed from its socket and can often be found in the victims mouth or on the ground.
* The tooth itself should be in one piece and not broken.
* There may be bleeding from the socket and around the gum.


1. Clean the debris off the tooth by rinsing gently (don't scrub!) with either sterile saline solution, milk, or disinfected water and gently replace the tooth into the socket. Note. Handle the tooth only by the crown, not by the root. The root is very fragile and if it dies the tooth will not make it.
2. lf you cannot replace the tooth immediately, store it in a container containing a sterile saline solution, milk, or saliva, in that order of preference.
3. Bleeding can be controlled with direct pressure and by the use of a tea bag.


The common toothache is caused by inflammation of the dental pulp and is often associated with a cavity.


Pain may be severe and intermittent and is made worse by hot or cold foods or liquids.


1 .If the offending cavity can be localized, apply a piece of cotton soaked with a topical anti-inflammatory agent such as eugenol (oil of cloves) over it.I have bought it at heathfood and baking supply stores, if you buy it pure cut it with olive oil (1 to 4)otherwise it with leave burns in the mouth.
2. Place a temporary filling material, such as Cavit, zinc oxide and eugenol cement, or dental wax into the cavity or lost-filling site to protect the nerve and lessen its sensitivity to hot or cold liquids and food.
3.Administer pain medication such as ibuprofen (Motrin 800 mg every 8 hours with food) or hydrocodone and acetaminophen (two Vicodin tablets every 4 to 6 hours) as needed. Tylenol with Ibuprophen works if you don't have prescription meds

Loose Tooth

A tooth may be knocked loose and partially displaced within the socket. The tooth will usually survive, but may need to be sprinted by a dentist.


*The tooth is in its normal position but rocks back and forth when touched
* The tooth may be partially displaced from its normal position and sitting at an abnormal angle.


1. Reposition the loose tooth with gentle, steady pressure.
2. Eat a soft foods to avoid any further trauma until the tooth heals.
3. See a dentist as soon as possible for treatment.

Some other Backwoods fixen tips

You can relieve pain and bleeding in the mouth by placing a damp non-herbal teabag on the site. Leave it there for 10 mins.

So you dont have a teabag how about a alcohol swab inhale for a min or two through the nostril opposite of the affected tooth. This numbs the nerve sending pain impulses ( I have never tried this method).

Lost a filling and you dont have a kit your can melt some candle wax and allow it to cool until soft, place wax into cavity and smooth it with you finger, bite down to seat it and remove excess.

Lost your brush? I think everyone has heard about using a thin green twig as a toothbrush just chew it until soft and fibery then you can use it the scrub between teeth. Also you can wittle a toothpick from a twig to use on the trail.