THE ARMY OF DARKNESS by Sam Raimi & Ivan Raimi 1 GRAINY BLACK AND WHITE - CLOSE-UP - A MAN'S DESPERATE FACE 1 This is Ash, mid twenties, square jaw firmly set and a pair of haunted eyes which dart about quickly in fear. Ash speaks to the CAMERA with urgency: ASH Why would you say that I am insane? I wouldn't say that I've lost my mind simply because I've heard the voices and seen the godless things moving in the woods. If anything, I think more clearly now than ever before. I know now that there is such a thing as a living Evil. A dark and shapeless thing that lives not in the spaces we know, but between them. In the Dark. In the night. And it wants the exact same thing as you and I: a chance at warm life on this Earth. It doesn't care that is already had that chance ...once. Now listen closely because there isn't much time. Listen and believe, because it's all true. DISSOLVE TO: 2 EXT. A LOG CABIN - NIGHT 2 nestled in a dark forest. Through the window, we see the tiny figure of Ash picking up a book from a desk. ASH (V.O.) I first saw the damn thing at that blasted cabin. The Necronomicon. An ancient Sumarrian text, bound in human flesh and inked in human blood. It contained bizarre burial rites, prophesies...and instruction for demon resurrection. It was never meant for the world of the living. DISSOLVE TO: 3 INT. CABIN - NIGHT 3 Ash flips through the pages from the BOOK OF THE DEAD. ASH (V.O.) The book awoke something dark in the woods. SUPERIMPOSE: 4 BOOK OF THE DEAD - CAMERA PANNING STRANGE SCRIPT 4 inscribed on the pages. Illustrations of demonic faces with white eyes. 5 EXT. WOODS - NIGHT 5 We take the point of view of a wind-like demon, swooping low through the woods toward the cabin. CAMERA rips through the cabin door and comes upon a SCREAMING Ash. ASH (V.O.) It got into my hand and it went bad. 6 CLOSE ON ASH'S POSSESSED HAND 6 twisting into a claw, before the flashing thunder clouds. ASH (V.O.) So I lopped it off at the wrist. 7 INT. CABIN - NIGHT 7 ASH severs his hand from his wrist with the chainsaw. 8 BLOOD RED CLOUDS 8 sweep past the moon. ASH (V.O.) In order to rid myself of the foul thing, I read from a passage in the book that was supposed to open a hole. A hole in Time that would send the Evil back. And it worked. 9 A BANDAGED, ONE HANDED ASH 9 recites the incantation from the Necronomicon. 10 EXT. CABIN - NIGHT 10 The Time vortex is created. Trees and a 1973 Delta 88 Oldsmobile are sucked up into the funnel cloud. ASH (V.O.) ...I just didn't plan on coming along. 11 EXT. CABIN - NIGHT 11 Ash, now armed with shotgun and chainsaw, is swallowed by the funnel-cloud of the Time vortex. 12 INT. TIME VORTEX 12 Ash is rocketing through a funnel of swirling clouds. He is swept away from us, hand over foot, through the dark void of Time. 13 ANIMATION - A TENDRIL OF SMOKE 13 swirls through blackness as a chorus of women's voices build to eerie crescendo, from a musical note to a SCREAM. The smoke swirls, pulls in upon itself, like a thing alive, and forms the words: "BRUCE CAMPBELL" "Vs" The smoke is wisked away, then reforms as... "THE ARMY OF DARKNESS" The title billows past CAMERA REVEALING... 14 INT. TIME VORTEX 14 A GRANDFATHER CLOCK its hands winding backwards at an insane rate, spins angrily past, revealing other debris that has been swept up into this funnel cloud. Tumbling weightless through this void we find... 15 ASH 15 He SCREAMS but there is no sound. No scream. Only the steady BEATING of his heart. 16 ANGLE ON ASH FRONT SCREEN PROJECTION 16 He shields his eyes from a sudden bright light. The funnel cloud electrifies. 17 ASH'S BODY 17 RIPS at the fabric of Time. 18 EXT. CLOUDY SKY - DAY 18 All is quiet. Then, an electrical disturbance in the shape of a human body flashes briefly and is gone. A moment latter, Ash appears and tumbles from the sky, falling past CAMERA. 19 EXT. BARREN WASTELAND - DAY 19 ASH falls to the dust. His double barrelled shotgun lands beside him. The '73 Oldsmobile comes CRASHING to the ground a moment later. 20 ASH 20 looks up from the dust to behold... 21 TWENTY-FIVE MOUNTED HORSEMEN 21 in 12th century armor ride up over a hill. They halt before Ash. 22 WARRIOR #1 22 thrusts his longsword into the air, shouting: WARRIOR #1 Hail to him who has come from the sky to deliver us from the terror of the Deadites! Hail! 23 ASH 23 stares in confusion at the strange medieval figures. 24 TWENTY-FIVE WARRIOR 24 join in the chant and hail Ash, but suddenly stop as... 25 ARTHUR 25 the muscular commander of the group, gallops his horse into frame, followed by FOUR HORSEMEN who are his lieutenants. Arthur lifts his iron visor and evaluates Ash. 26 ARTHUR'S P.O.V. 26 The Delta 88 Oldsmobile. The chainsaw, strapped to Ash's back. The handless stump of Ash's right arm. The Shotgun. 27 A FRIGHTENED ASH 27 waves a shaky hand. ASH Take is easy now chief. I don't know how I got here and I'm not lookin' for any trouble. 28 WISEMAN JOHN 28 An elderly man, in a long black cloak, steps forward. WISEMAN JOHN My Lord Arthur, I believe he is the promised one, written of in the Necronomicon. 29 ARTHUR 29 Brings his sword down across Ash's chest. Ash cries out in pain as... 30 ASH'S CHEST 30 is cut. A thin red gash. ARTHUR He bleeds. As a man bleeds. The one written of in the Book would not bleed. 31 ARTHUR GESTURES 31 and CAMERA PANS to four prisoners bound in iron shackles. ARTHUR Likely, he is one of Henry's men. I say to the pit with him! If he is truly the promised one... he will emerge. WARRIOR #2 AND #3 Aye! The pit's a fair test! GOLD TOOTHED WARRIOR To the pit with the blackard! 32 GOLD TOOTH 32 charges his horse at Ash. But he is met with the wooden stock of Ash's shotgun as it swings into frame, cracking against his jaw. 33 WIDE SHOT - GOLD TOOTH - STUNTMAN 33 He tumbles from the horse. 34 ASH 34 leaps atop Gold Tooth's horse and jerks the reigns. 35 LONG SHOT - ASH'S HORSE 35 rears up, kicking it's hooves into the air. 36 ASH 36 gallops off as Warrior #2 runs at him. Ash kicks him in the face as he gallops past. The Warrior is sent reeling. 37 TRUCKING SHOT - ASH 37 galloping over a hill. He is almost thrown by the horse, but manages to hang on for dear life. ASH Where the hell they put the stirrups on this thing!!?? 38 CLOSE SHOT - ASH'S FEET 38 grasping at the side of the horse, hoping to find some purchase. 39 LONG SHOT - ASH - STUNTMAN 39 he rides past CAMERA, almost falling from the horse. 40 ANGLE ON ARTHUR 40 ARTHUR LIEUTENANTS! Fetch me the blackard. 41 TWO OF ARTHUR'S ARMORED HORSEMEN 41 unsheathe their broadswords and gallop after Ash. The remaining Warriors watch for sport. 42 HIGH SHOT - TWO HORSEMEN 42 They are gaining an Ash. 43 ASH 43 glances behind him. 44 ASH'S P.O.V. - TRUCKING SHOT - TWO HORSEMEN IN PURSUIT 44 They diverge to either side of CAMERA. 45 ASH 45 whips his horse. ASH GIDDYPU! 46 THE FIRST HORSEMAN 46 rides up alongside Ash and swings his Broadsword. WHOOSH!!! 47 ASH 47 ducks the blade. 48 THE SECOND HORSEMAN 48 rides up alongside Ash's other flank. He swings and lands the flat part of his blade along Ash's back. THUNK! 49 ASH 49 ducks as the first horseman swings his blade again. WHOOSH! ASH looks left... 50 THE SECOND HORSEMAN 50 winds up for another blow. 51 ASH 51 yanks back upon his horse's reigns. 52 THE THREE HORSES 52 running side by side. Ash's horse drops back suddenly. 53 THE SECOND HORSEMAN 53 swings. 54 HIS BROADSWORD 54 slams the First Horseman across the face. 55 THE FIRST HORSEMAN 55 is knocked from his steed. 56 TRUCKING SHOT - THE FIRST HORSEMAN 56 is moving fast when he hits the ground. His armored form tumbles end over end in the dust, clanging to a halt against a rock. 57 THE SECOND HORSEMAN 57 turns around and gallops back toward Ash. 58 WIDE SHOT - ASH AND THE SECOND HORSEMAN 58 ride at one another. 59 TRUCKING SHOT - THE SECOND SWORDMAN AS HE RIDES 59 swinging his Broadsword. 60 TRUCKING SHOT - ASH AS HE RIDES 60 He inserts the stump of his right arm into the female end of his chainsaw arm bracket. FOOMP! He twists his stump and the chainsaw bracket locks into place. CLINK! He thrusts his chainsaw arm outward, pulling on the starter cord; PUTT-PUTT-PUTT... The engine won't turn over. He curses and yanks again. 61 THE SECOND HORSEMAN 61 draws close. He leans from his horse and swings his Broadsword mightily. The flat portion of the blade connects. THUNK! 62 ASH 62 is knocked from his steed. He tumbles to the dust, narrowly escaping his own horse's hooves. 63 ASH 63 rolls to his feet and spins to the sound of approaching hooves! 64 THE SECOND HORSEMAN 64 charges and swings his broadsword. 65 ASH 65 raises his chainsaw. CLINK! He deflects the blow. Ash swings the chainsaw in a roundhouse motion, clipping the Second Horseman as he rides past. 66 TRUCKING SHOT - THE SECOND HORSEMAN 66 is knocked from his horse. 67 LOW TRUCKING SHOT - THE SECOND HORSEMAN 67 bounces along the rocky ground, kicking up dust. 68 A SWORD HANDLE 68 slams against the back of Ash's skull. 69 ASH 69 crumples. He looks up in pain to... 70 ARTHUR 70 above him. The sun over his shoulder. 71 EIGHT MOUNTED WARRIORS 71 gallop up, dismount and surround Ash with swords drawn. ARTHUR Bring the prisoner! The warriors surge upon Ash. His sawed-off shotgun and chainsaw are taken from him. ASH No! 72 GOLD TOOTH AND OTHER WARRIORS 72 secure Ash to a set of iron shackles that painfully extend his arms. A collar forces his neck upward. ARTHUR To the castle! 73 WARRIOR #2 ON HORSEBACK 73 prods Ash along with a rod attached to his spiked iron collar. The Warriors gallop off, forcing Ash and the other prisoners to run alongside them. 74 WISEMAN JOHN 74 Picks up the chainsaw and sawed off shotgun from the dust. He is troubled by the strange objects. Sunlight glints off the blade of the chainsaw, blinding the CAMERA. DISSOLVE TO: 75 THE HOT ORB OF THE SUN 75 blazing in the sky above the wasteland. DISSOLVE TO: 76 EXT. PARCHED LAND - DAY - A WEARY ASH 76 bound in his iron shackles, whipped by Gold Tooth, who rides alongside him. GOLD TOOTH Move along now! DISSOLVE TO: 77 LONGSHOT - A WIND SWEPT LANDSCAPE OF CRAGGY ROCK 77 CAMERA PANS along the line of Arthur and his horsemen, to find a 12TH CENTURY BATTLE CASTLE built on the edge of a great cliff. A drawbridge is lowered. Arthur's warriors ride over it. 78 CAMERA TRACKING WITH ASH 78 shackled alongside other prisoners, is prodded inside the castle walls. 79 INT. CASTLE COURTYARD 79 SHEILA a striking, blonde haired maiden, rushes into frame. She searches the faces of Arthur's warriors and grows concerned. She pushes through a crowd of villagers and calls up to Arthur atop his horse. SHEILA M'Lord Arthur! Where is my brother? Did he not ride with you? ARTHUR Eye. And fought valiantly. But last night fell in battle to Duke Henry's men. SHEILA Her face does not immediately register the grief. She attempts to step forward but stumbles. She steadies herself against the stone wall. Her eyes harden as she sees the first of the shackled prisoners: a semi-conscious Ash. She flushes with anger and races up to him. She spits and kicks at him as he's dragged along. SHEILA Foul thing! A pox on your throat! Thou art a Murderer! A black Murderer! 80 VILLAGE WOMEN 80 restrain her. SHEILA cries as the Village Women attempt to soothe her. VILLAGE WOMAN #1 May you be consoled by their suffering in the pit. 81 THE PROCESSION, ASH AND THE FOUR OTHER PRISONERS 81 halt. Iron keys rattle. The shackles are unlocked. Ash and the prisoners rub their reddened wrists. They are pushed at swordpoint towards a circular iron grate that sits atop the ground. This is THE PIT. 82 ASH 82 looks to the jeering villagers that surround the pit, wondering what they have in store for him. 83 SHEILA 83 stares at him in hatred. 84 THE PRISONER NEXT TO ASH 84 eyes Ash curiously. This is Duke Henry the Red. DUKE HENRY You sir, are not one of my vassals. Who are you? ASH Who wants to know? DUKE HENRY I am Henry the Red. Duke of Shale. Lord of the Northlands and leader of its people. ASH You ain't leadin' but two things now, pal. Jack and shit. And Jack left town. 85 A STERN FACED ARTHUR AND HIS FOUR LIEUTENANTS 85 address the doomed men: ARTHUR There is an Evil that has awakened in this land. And whilst my people fight for their very souls against it, you, Duke Henry the Red, wage war on us. Your people are no better than the foul corruption that lies in the bowels of that pit! May God have mercy on your souls. 86 TWO OF ARTHUR'S MEN 86 crank a massive wench. Chains tighten and the heavy iron lid slides back, revealing a dark hole. The Pit. 87 FROM THE BOWELS OF THE IRON GRATED PIT 87 a echoed wailing rises up. 88 ASH, HENRY AND THE OTHER PRISONERS 88 stiffen in fear. 89 AN OLD WOMAN AMONGST THE JEERING CROWD 89 OLD WOMAN Aye. Into the pit with the bloodthirsty sons of whores! She jams a meat pie into her mouth and cheers excitedly as CAMERA PANS TO... 90 HENRY'S WARRIOR #1 90 as he's thrown down into the pit. He disappears into the blackness. 91 CAMERA PANS AND HALTS CLOSE ON ASH 91 watching with disbelief. We hear the warrior's echoed cry of terror, then a SPLASH as he hits bottom. 92 CLOSE ON THE EDGE OF THE PIT 92 looking down into the blackness we hear: HENRY'S WARRIOR #1 (O.S.) I beg of you... by all that's holy! Lower a rope! Lower... Oh, for the love of god! no! NO!!! AIIIIIiiieee! The sound of ripping and scratching. The SHRIEK of terror is cut short as... A GEYSER OF BLOOD erupts upward from the pit. Then silence. 93 ASH 93 is frozen in fear. TOWER GUARD (O.S.) There! He's escaping! ASH'S TERRIFIED GAZE jerks from the pit to... 94 TRACKING SHOT - HENRY'S WARRIOR #2 94 making a break for it! He's past the guards, heading for the open drawbridge. 95 THE TOWER ARCHERS 95 spot him and fire arrows. 96 ANGLE ON 96 PING! PING! They bounce off the Warrior's armor. He's makes it to the open drawbridge when... 97 ARTHUR 97 pulls back a iron arrow in his crossbow. ZING! He lets it fly. CAMERA SWISH PANS with arrow... 98 PAN HALTS ON HENRY'S WARRIOR #2 98 The iron arrow punctures the Warrior's armor, pegging him to a wooden post. He dies standing. 99 THE CROWD 99 Cheers. They turn their attention to the remaining prisoners: CAMERA PANS from their bloodthirsty faces to the next prisoner in line... 100 ASH 100 turns to Arthur and in a desperate, cowardly plea: ASH Hey, I never even saw these assholes before.. He spins to Duke Henry the Red. You gotta tell 'em you don't know me. We never met. Tell him. HENRY I do not believe that he shall listen. 101 THE WARRIORS 101 grab Ash and shove him into the pit. 102 ASH 102 tumbles down into the pit. He lands in a STEAMING pool of foul water at the pit's bottom. He stands and coughs out a mouthful of the rancid water. He looks about. 103 INT. PIT - ASH'S P.O.V. 103 UNDERGROUND CAVERNS disappear into the blackness. 104 ASH 104 spins to a small sound. 105 INT. PIT - ASH'S P.O.V. 105 Nothing. Just the mist rising from the water. 106 ASH 106 shifts his glance again. 107 A SHADOW 107 rounds a corner and disappears from sight. 108 ASH 108 doesn't notice the misty water behind him beginning to stir. Bubbles. A hand emerges. Silently, a pair of bone white eyes break the surface. 109 ASH 109 spins... but there's nothing there. As he turns back around, he is confronted by... A FEMALE EVIL DEAD It's rotted corpse rockets up from the water inches from Ash's face! 110 CLOSER 110 Putrid water drains from it's empty eye sockets and mouth. It jerks like a marionette as it advances. 111 ASH SCREAM 111 and backs against the steep rock wall of the pit. He tries to scale the steep face. He gets one foot up. 112 THE DEADITE'S HAND 112 clutches Ash's ankle and yanks him back down. 113 DOWN ANGLE ON ASH 113 He falls away from the wall, his arms flailing. 114 ABOVE THE PIT - GOLD TOOTH AND OTHER VILLAGERS 114 hoot and cheer for Ash to be devoured. 115 THE PIT - THE DEADITE 115 grabs Ash, and begins hammering him with her rotted fists. 116 ABOVE THE PIT - SHEILA 116 shouts for Ash's death. 117 THE PIT - ASH'S FACE 117 The Deadite's fist enters frame, slugging Ash. 118 LONG SHOT - ASH 118 is knocked back into a shallow pool of steaming water. 119 THE DEADITE 119 races toward Ash, leaps into the air and comes down with a kneedrop onto Ash's stomach. 120 ASH 120 cries out in pain. 121 ASH'S LEGS 121 cross to form a scissor lock around the Deadite's throat. He flips the beast. 122 ABOVE THE PIT - WISEMAN JOHN 122 rides into the castle, dismounts and pushes through the crowd with a bundle wrapped in cloth. 123 THE DEADITE 123 grabs Ash by the throat. 124 THE PIT - A BLOODIED ASH 124 is thrown against the rock wall of the pit. 125 THE DEADITE 125 advances. 126 ABOVE THE PIT - WISEMAN JOHN 126 shouts down at Ash. 127 THE PIT - ASH 127 trying to hear what the Wiseman is saying. His head jolts backward, barely avoiding the beast's wild swing. Ash squints to discern Wiseman John throwing something down to him: an object falling at him through the glare above. 128 THE CHAINSAW - SLOW MOTION 128 tumbling downward. Blinding beams of sunlight bouncing off its blade of steel. Ash's Excalibur! 129 ASH - SLOW MOTION 129 summons his strength and leaps upward. 130 LOW ANGLE - LOOKING UP - THE CHAINSAW - SLOW MOTION 130 Tumbling downward... 131 HIGH ANGLE- ASH 131 ascending, his teeth gritted, every muscle straining, he soars past CAMERA. 132 LONG SHOT - SLOW MOTION 132 Ash rising up through frame to meet the falling saw. 133 ASH'S STUMP 133 snags the chainsaw, locking in onto his wrist bracket.CLICK! 134 ASH WITH HIS CHAINSAW 134 He lands on his feet, in the path of the approaching beast. ASH Come on, you blasted piece of-- He thrusts out his chainsaw arm, yanking the starter cord and... VERRROOOOOOM!! 135 ABOVE THE PIT - THE WARRIOR AND VILLAGERS 135 gasp at the ROAR of the chainsaw. Blue exhaust billows up from the pit. 136 THE PIT - LOW ANGLE - THE DEADITE 136 lunges at Ash. 137 DEADITE HAND MEETS SAW 137 Buzzzzz!! 138 ASH 138 is splattered with black bile. 139 THE DEADITE'S SEVERED HAND 139 flies upward, past the face of the bewildered beast. 140 CAMERA MOUNTED TO THE HAND 140 as it ascends, Ash and the Deadite grow smaller below. 141 ABOVE THE PIT - THE DEADITE'S SEVERED HAND 141 flies up into frame and latches onto the face of a drunken spectator. It's fingers dig into the eyes and nose. He shrieks and flails about, into the screaming crowd. A Warrior tears the hand free from his face, tossing it back down into the pit. 142 THE PIT - ASH 142 raises the chainsaw blade and neatly bisects the falling deadite hand. He spins and with a roundhouse blow... 143 CAMERA MOUNTED ON ASH 143 Ash decapitates the beast. 144 ABOVE THE PIT - THE WARRIORS AND VILLAGERS 144 stop cheering from the Deadite. They're starting to like this guy's guts and style. 145 THE LAST REMNANTS 145 of the beast sink beneath the murky waters of the pit. 146 ASH 146 climbs the steep wall of the pit when a SECOND DEADITE emerges from the earthen wall before him. 147 ASH 147 slams the butt end of the chainsaw into the beast, knocking it back into the water. 148 ABOVE THE PIT - THE VILLAGERS 148 gasp as... THUMP! 149 ASH'S CHAINSAW ARM 149 comes up, over the edge of the pit. Followed by... THUMP! Ash's bloody hand. Then his bruised face. Covered in the black blood of the Deadites. He crawls to his feet. Ash tuns to the crowd, his list clenched. ASH All right now. Who wants to be next? Who wants some. 150 GOLD TOOTH 150 look at Ash stupidly. Ash shoves him. ASH You want some more? Huh?! Gold Tooth and the others give him a wide berth. Ash calls out to Henry. ASH Now climb on those horses and get out of here. 151 HENRY AND HIS TWO WARRIORS 151 quickly mount horses. ARTHUR Nay. Henry is my prisoners. He-- 152 ASH 152 slaps Henry's horse. ASH GIDDYUP NOW!! HYAAAH! 153 THE STUNNED CROWD 153 parts allowing... 154 HENRY AND HIS WARRIORS 154 to gallop off toward the open drawbridge and freedom. 155 ARTHUR 155 stares at Ash with hatred. ARTHUR For that, I shall see you dead. 156 ASH 156 removes his sawed off shotgun from Wiseman John's horse and turns to Arthur, then the crowd. ASH This is my boomstick. It's a twelve gauge, double barreled Remington pump. Next one of you primitives touch me... 157 ASH SPINS, 157 pointing the barrel just past Arthur. He, but no one else, has spotted the surviving Second Deadite crawling up from the pit on the forgotten chain. The crowds gasp is cut short by....BLAMMITY-BLAM! The shotgun belches flame. The blast cuts the chain, leaving the Deadite teetering at the pit's edge. 158 ANGLE ON 158 BLAMMITY-BLAM! The second shot blows the beast into a backflip, sending it summersaulting down into the pit. 159 THE SOUND OF THE GUNBLAST 159 echoes off the mountains like distant thunder. 160 SHEILA, THE WISEMAN, ARTHUR AND THE CROWD 160 look to Ash in reverence. 161 ASH 161 twirls the shotgun about western style: WHOOSH, WHOOSH, WHOOSH... and holsters it. ASH Bring me your hoo do man. 162 EXT. BLACKBIRDS 162 fly from a barren tree. 163 SOMETHING MOVES IN THE DARKNESS 163 It prowls, skimming the surface of the ground, moving swiftly past rocks and over the crest of a hill revealing... 164 EXT. TEMPLE RUINS - LONG SHOT - NIGHT 164 A massive grouping of freestanding rectangular stones, each twenty feet tall. The remains of an ancient temple. In the center of the ruins there burns a roaring bonfire. As old Woman stirs a cauldron atop the flames. Nearby, Arthur converses with his four Lieutenants. 165 EXT. WITHIN THE RUINS - NIGHT 165 CLOSE UP - ASH opens his mouth to allow a spoonful of food to enter. No sooner has he swallowed then a piece of fruit is offered. He waves it away with a satisfied burp and turns to drink from a goblet on wine, brought to his lips by a female hand. 166 ASH AND SHEILA 166 sits across the flames from Arthur and his men. She bandages Ash's wounds. 167 SHEILA 167 is dresses in a revealing tunic. She looks good. SHEILA I pray thee to forgive me. I believed thee one of Henry's men. She touches Ash's hand. Ash turns away ASH First you wanta kill me, now ya wanna kiss me. He spits out a mouthful of grape seeds. ASH Lady, just leave me alone. SHEILA I'm sorry m'lord. Please understand... T'is a cruel time for us. The Wisemen say you are the promised one. Our only hope against the darkness that has descended on this land. ASH They're mistaken. She stares deeply into his eyes. SHEILA I think not. I feel that there is reason for your being here. It is no accident. 166 WISEMAN JOHN AND TWO OTHER CLOAKED WISEMEN 167 approach. They sit in tall stone chairs across the fire from Ash. ASH Well what is it? Can you send me back or not? WISEMAN JOHN Only the Necronomicon has the power. A power which we both require. It contains passages that can dispel the Evil from this place and return you to your time. ASH The Necronomicon. Yeah, that's the thing that got me here. WISEMAN JOHN It is in a place far from here. It can only be retrieved by the Promised one. Other Warriors have tried. Their widows grieve still. We have waited long years for you. Out only hope is the Necronomicon. Thou must undertake to quest for it. Alone must thou travel to a distant cemetery. There thou shalt find it. ASH Me? Now way, no day. Only place I'm goin' is home. A sudden gust of wind whips up the flames of the fire. 169 DOGS 169 around the fire begin to snarl and fight. 170 ASH AND SHEILA 170 turn to see... 171 THE OLD WOMAN 171 now standing too close to the fire. Her robes ignites. She does not respond as flames sweep up her body. She continues to stir the caldron. 172 ASH 172 His haw drops. He slowly stands as... 173 THE BURNING WOMAN 173 spins sharply to him. Her voice changes as she SHRIEKS; POSSESSED WOMAN YOU SHALL DIE! Her eyes are bone white. She is POSSESSED by the dark spirit. Her burning body is violently jerked about in the air by invisible hands. Her blackened lips pull back in a wild animal snarl. With two voice at once; POSSESSED WOMAN YOU SHALL NEVER WIN THE NECRONOMICON. WE SHALL FEAST UPON YOUR SOUL, AND THEN THE SOUL OF MAN! 174 THE POSSESSED WOMAN 174 collapses. Her face turned away from the Wisemen as it lays in the dust. 175 CLOSE ON POSSESSED WOMAN'S FACE - GROUND LEVEL CAMERA 175 Unseen by all, her bone white eyes flare open! A nasty grin forms on her face as she lies in the dust. Behind her, the Wisemen approach. 176 WISEMAN JOHN 176 kneels and reaches for her. 177 ASH'S HAND 177 clutches Wiseman John, not allowing him to touch her. ASH It's a trick. Get an axe. 178 THE POSSESSED WOMAN 178 awakens from her false slumber with a terrible BARK. In a frenzy she hurls WISEMAN JOHN into the bonfire. He SCREAMS and rolls in the dust, extinguishing the flames. 179 PAPER MACHE STONE ARCHWAY 179 With her great strength, the Possessed Woman pushes upon one of the giant stone archways. It topples over, crushing two warriors beneath it. 180 A GIGANTIC STONE 180 topples the next stone. BOOM! Which topples the next, which sets off a chain reaction. BOOM! BOOM! Like giant dominoes, they fall. 181 ASH 181 watches the spectacle in horror as he sees... 182 ANGLE ON 182 The gigantic falling stones coming right at SHEILA! 183 THE FALLING STONE'S P.O.V. - SHEILA 183 She SCREAMS! 184 SHEILA'S P.O.V. - THE FALLING STONES 184 coming toward CAMERA. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! 185 ASH 185 does a flying leap and tackles SHEILA, knocking her out of the stone's deadly path. 186 ASH AND SHEILA 186 rolls across the dusty stone courtyard. 187 CLOSE SHOT - ASH 187 rolls into frame and glances up to see... 188 THE POSSESSED AND BURNING WOMAN 188 rushing through the air at him with a SHRIEK! 189 WIDE SHOT - THE POSSESSED AND BURNING WOMAN 189 latches onto Ash like an iron trap, knocking them both to the ground. 190 ASH 190 rolls the Possessed Woman over, and into the path of... 191 ANGLE ON 191 The falling, gigantic domino-like stones. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! 192 EXT. WITHIN THE TEMPLE RUINS - PAPER MACHE STONE 192 THE POSSESSES WOMAN SHRIEKS in agony as... SMASH! The multi-ton stone crushes her legs to paste. Her legs are pinned but still she battles on, clutching Ash about his throat! 193 ASH 193 gasps for breath as he reaches behind him, into the flames of the fire, his fingers groping for a weapon. 194 POSSESSED WOMAN - STOP MOTION ANIMATION 194 Her blackened lips pull back and her mouth opens to an impossibly large size, like a snake about to eat an egg. 195 ASH 195 grasps a flaming log with his bare hands and rams it down the monster's oversized throat. She chokes. 196 GOLD TOOTH AND THREE OTHER WARRIORS 196 grab the beast and pull it off of Ash. Arthur comes to meet them. He carries a double-bladed battle axe. 197 THE POSSESSED WOMAN 197 vomits out the flaming log, taking off a man's head. POSSESSED WOMAN The Evil lives. Slay me and ten will rise to take my place. All will die. ALL WILL - CHOP! 198 IN SILHOUETTE, THE AXE 198 is brought down upon her throat. The possessed body flails and spasm beneath the Warrior's grip. 199 THE HEAD 199 rolls, and comes to a halt at Ash's feet. It's eyes pop open! POSSESSED WOMAN'S HEAD ---DIE! 200 ARTHUR 200 grabs the laughing head and tosses it into the darkness. The head sails away as the laughter receded. WISEMAN JOHN Now. Will thou quest for the Necronomicon? 201 CLOSE ON ASH 201 He considers. 202 INT. CASTLE - BLACKSMITH'S WORKSHOP - DAY 202 Ash and the blacksmith step into the shop. 203 ASH 203 points to the hand piece on a hanging suit of battle armor. 204 THE BLACKSMITH 204 pounds upon the hand armor, modifying it. 205 SHEILA 205 knits a grey woolen garment as she watches Ash. 206 BLACKSMITH'S WORKSHOP - DAY 206 THE BLACKSMITH attaches the shock absorber spring to the iron hand. 207 ASH 207 tightens the tension on the shock absorber springs with a ratchet like device. 208 ASH 208 extends his arm triggering the tightly wound spring. WHOOSH! CLANG! 209 SHEILA 209 gasps. 210 ASH'S SPRING-DRIVEN IRON HAND 210 SNAPS open with great force. 211 ANGLE ON 211 WHOOSH CLANG! ASH'S SPRING DRIVEN HAND clenches closed with such great power, that it bends a iron goblet. 212 CLOSE ON ASH 212 He studies his new hand. It will do nicely. DISSOLVE TO: 213 EXT. CASTLE TURRET - NIGHT 213 ASH stares over the castle wall to the foreboding wasteland with apprehension. The wind blows upon his hair. Sheila appears behind him. She drapes a grey garment over Ash. A magnificent cape. Ash draws her body close to his. He wraps the cape around her. Together they stare off into the night, then turn to one another and kiss. DISSOLVE TO: 214 EXT. LANDSCAPE OF CRACKED GROUND 1500MM LENS - DAY 214 Arthur's castle in the distance. In the foreground, five men on horseback appear over a ridge, thundering toward us. Their long wool capes billowing up behind them in the wind. 215 CLOSER ON RIDERS - TRUCKING SHOT 215 Arthur and Wiseman John ride, flanked by two of Arthur's Warriors. CAMERA PULLS BACK TO REVEAL... ASH He wears an iron breastplate with the insignia of Arthur's army that compliments his new spring-powered iron hand. His chainsaw juts from it's saddle holster on the horse's back. Ash's cape billows as he rides. DISSOLVE TO: 216 EXT. MOUNTAIN - DAY 216 The Horsemen wind down a trail. Suddenly the horses rear up. The men gain control of the frightened steeds. ASH What's going on? ARTHUR points to... 217 THE TRAIL THAT LIES BEFORE THEM 217 It disappears abruptly into a swirling wall of mist that emits an eerie whistling. WISEMAN JOHN This is the edge of the land ruled by the Dark Spirit. This path will lead you to an unholy place. A cemetery. There, the Necronomicon awaits. 218 ASH 218 anxiously eyes the wall of swirling mist. 219 THE TWO WARRIORS 219 finish placing saddlebags of water and food onto... ASH'S HORSE which nervously pounds the earth with it's hooves. WARRIOR #1 Lord Arthur, he is supplied. Now I beg of you, let us leave this foul place. ARTHUR A moment. 220 WISEMAN JOHN 220 moves close to Ash. WISEMAN JOHN As thou removest the Book from it's cradle, you must recite these words. Clatoo, verata, Nicto. ASH Clatto Verata Nicto. Okay. WISEMAN JOHN Repeat them. ASH Clatto Verata Nicto. WISEMAN #1 Again. ASH I got it. I got it. I know your damn words. All right? Now you get this straight: I get the book, you send me back. That's the deal. After that I'm history. Ash rears up on his horse and gallops into the mist 221 ARTHUR AND WISEMAN JOHN 221 watch as Ash disappears. 222 IN A SEA OF MIST 222 The sound of THUNDEROUS HOOFS. A form materializes out of the fog: It is Ash. 223 CLOSER ON ASH 223 He whips the horse. ASH HAAAAAA! 224 ANGLE ON ASH 224 He gallops past. CAMERA PANS as he disappears into the thick fog. FADE OUT. 225 EXT. TRAIL'S ENTRANCE TO WOODS 225 ASH rides out of the wall of mist. He finds himself on a trail leading into a thick forest. 226 EXT. WOODS 226 LONG SHOT - ASH rides slowly on through the darkening woods. 227 CLOSER ON ASH 227 He hears a sound and look to... 228 A SECTION OF WOODS 228 A branch SCRAPING against the bark of a tree. 229 ASH 229 hears a woman's soft laughter. He glance to... 230 A BUBBLING BROOK 230 and nothing more. 231 THE EVIL FORCE P.O.V. 231 powers through the woods toward Ash. 232 ASH 232 kick his steed and bolts. 233 THE EVIL FORCE 233 sweeps over the forest floor, gaining velocity. 234 ASH 234 frantically weaves his horse around storm felled trees which jut from the ground. 235 THE EVIL FORCE 235 rips through the trees, splintering them to toothpicks. It burrows underground, and resurfaces, always closing upon Ash. 236 ASH 236 jerks upon the reins and his steed leaps a fallen tree. He gracefully leaps a second tree. But as he leaps over the third, he is ripped off the horse by a low branch. He falls hard to the mud as the horse gallops off. He groggily stands and stumbles onward. 237 THE EVIL FORCE 237 follows Ash down a wooded trail. 238 ASH 238 running for... 239 EXT. WOODEN SHED 239 a grain storage house in the clearing ahead. 240 ASH 240 comes upon the shed's door. Locked. He heaves his body against it but it won't give. 241 INT. SHED - CLOSE ON INTERIOR DOOR 241 A log, that serves as the door's bolt, holds fast. 242 THE EVIL FORCE 242 emerges from over the ridge. 243 ASH 243 unscrews his iron hand and holsters it. He slings the chainsaw from his shoulder and snaps it onto his stump bracket. Click. He threads the chainsaw starter cord through the V-SHAPED SLOT that extends from his breastplate. CLICK. He thrusts out his arm and the chainsaw ROARS to life! 244 INT. SHED - CLOSE ON INTERIOR DOOR 244 The blade bites into the log that bolts the door. 245 THE EVIL FORCE 245 draws closer. 246 INT. SHED 246 CLOSE ON CHAINSAW BLADE halfway through the log. Sawdust flies. 247 EXT. SHED 247 ASH Come on! Come on! The chainsaw dies. He jerks out his arm to restart it. Putt. Putt. ASH Blasted piece of junk! 248 THE EVIL FORCE 248 draws closer. 249 ASH 249 delivers a mighty kick to the door. 250 INT. SHED 250 ANGLE ON DOOR The partially cut log gives way. Ash tumbles into the storage shed. He slams the door shut and slides the remainder of the log across the latch, re-bolting it. 251 THE EVIL FORCE 251 Hammers at the door of the Shed. BANG! 252 INT. SHED 252 A terrified Ash braces his back against the door. BANG! Earth shaking in its intensity. The planks of the door shudder behind Ash. 253 CLOSE ON LOG BOLT 253 It cracks. 254 ASH 254 presses himself against the door for all he's worth, praying that whatever it out there, won't get in. BANG! Splinters fly. 255 CLOSE ON LOG BOLT 255 BOOM! The crack widens. 256 THE DOOR FRAME 256 behind Ash begins to buckle beneath the hammering blows. 257 ASH 257 begins to SCREAM. And the BANGING halts. 258 LONG SHOT - INT. SHED 258 All is quiet. Ash hugs the door. Shaking in the silence. And that's when it hits. LIKE A LOCOMOTIVE! Ash and the door he braces are blasted away from the wall of the Shed as the Evil Force brings it's tremendous power to bare. 259 INT. SHED - SAM-O-CAM - INTERVOLOMETER 259 TRACKING WITH ASH AND THE DOOR as they are swept up at super speed in the grip of the Evil Force. Ash is seen rocketing through the long hallway of the Shed, spinning head over heels. Ash rips through other doors, taking them with him. Ash is now sandwiched between two doors as he flies through the air. 260 EXT. SHED - SIDE SHOT 260 The roof of the shed ripples, sending tiles and wood beams flying as the EVIL FORCE surges through the shed like a tidal wave. 261 EXT. REAR DOOR OF SHED 261 It blows out from the place in a flying stack along with the other doors. The flying doors slam against a tree and fall to the ground in a stack. 262 THE EVIL FORCE 262 with Ash out of sight, glides forward, into the woods. 263 EXT. SHED- DUSK 263 LOOKING DOWN UPON - THE STACKS OF DOORS. All is quiet. We hear the sound of a bolt moving. The doorknob turns slightly. The door swings upward and opens... revealing a somewhat flattened Ash who picks his groggy and bruised self up. He beholds... 264 EXT. ABANDONED MILL 264 An empty place of stone and wood. Driven by the wind, the Mill's giant grinding wheel slowly turns with a squeak. 265 INT. MILL 265 ASH enters the Mill. ASH Anybody here?! The place is quiet. Ash slumps down against a wall to catch his breath. ASH This place'll do for the night. Get the book in the morning. 266 INT. MILL - THREE SHOTS - INTERVOLOMETER 266 Shadows lengthen on the floor and stretch across the walls. 267 ASH 267 peers through the window. 268 EXT. MILL - LONG SHOT THE SUN - DAY 268 a gigantic ball of fire as it sets behind the Mill. The wind kicks up. 269 INT. MILL 269 ASH listens as the cabin CREAKS like an old ship beneath the force of the gale. 270 THE WOODEN SHUTTERS 270 on the window quietly KNOCK. Ash shivers and rubs his arms for warmth. ASH Damn this cold. 271 ASH 271 looks about the Mill and spots an iron stove. 272 GASOLINE 272 pours out of Ash's chainsaw over some logs in the stove's belly. 273 ASH 273 lights the fire with his Zippo lighter and huddles near the flame for warmth. ASH 'least I won't freeze to death. He turns to a tiny sound. 274 WIDE SHOT - ASH 274 behind him, through the window, a large gnarled hand sweeps past. 275 ASH 275 spins, raises his shotgun and fires. BLAMITY-BLAM! The window is ripped away in a shower of glass. 276 ASH'S P.O.V. - THROUGH THE BROKEN WINDOW 276 Only the night woods. The "gnarled hand" comes back, sweeping down in front of the broken window, but it's revealed to be just a tree branch swaying in the wind. 277 ASH 277 reloads. He moves to the front door and peers out through a crack. 278 ASH'S EYEBALL 278 through the crack in the door. 279 ASH'S P.O.V. - THE WOODS BEYOND 279 CAMERA pushes through the crack to the woods beyond. There is movement. 280 LONG SHOT - EXT. MILL 280 The tiny figure of Ash steps from the Mill. 281 CLOSE UP - ASH 281 He sweeps the barrel of the shotgun toward the sound of sticks breaking. 282 ASH'S TERRIFIED HORSE 282 It rears up on it's hind legs. It's front hoofs come down toward Ash. 283 A STARTLED ASH 283 leaps aside just in time. 284 ASH 284 snags the horse's reigns. ASH Easy, boy. The horse calms. Ash ties it to a tree, patting it's head. A shadow passes behind him. He turns toward the Mill. 285 ASH'S P.O.V. THROUGH THE MILL'S OPEN DOOR 285 He sees am image of himself inside the Mill. Peering out. 286 EXT. MILL 286 ASH stares in disbelief, then the wind slams the front door of the Mill, halting Ash's view. Ash races for the Mill. 287 INT. MILL 287 ASH races through the door and toward CAMERA when...SMASH...Ash's reflection shatters. He's run into a mirror. Shivering, he picks himself up from the pile of broken glass. He moves to the fireplace and hunches before the flames, CAMERA PANS TO.... 288 THE SHATTERED MIRROR PIECES 288 Each piece of mirror reflects an image of Ash. From the eight pieces of mirror spring... 289 EIGHT TINY ASHES 289 Two inch high versions of himself. They leap from the mirror fragments and land on the floor. 290 ASH 290 is unaware of them as he kneels close to the fire. 291 TINY ASH #1, #2, AND #3 291 grab a discarded dinner fork. Like men on a battering ram, they race forward to jam it into Ash's buttocks. 292 ASH 292 SCREAMS in agony and jerks forward, banging his head into the stove pipe. 293 TINY ASH #4, #5, AND #6 293 lift the barrel of the shotgun in Ash's direction. Another leaps upon the shotgun's trigger. BOOM! 294 ASH 294 barely dives away from the blast the would have taken his head off. 295 THE TINY ASHES 295 SHRIEK with uncontrollable laughter. They jump away from the shotgun and scurry off across the floor. 296 ASH 296 pulls the fork from his buttocks and heaves it. 297 TINY ASH #1 297 is running for his life, as fast as his tiny legs will carry him. 298 TRACKING SHOT - THE FORK 298 a giant projectile as it ROARS AT CAMERA. PAN with it as it WHOOSHES past. FA-THONG! 299 THE FORK 299 skewers tiny Ash #1 to the wooden wall of the mill. 300 ASH 300 stumbles over a broom handle that has been thrust out in front of him by other tiny ASHES. His head slams into a stove pipe. He crumples. He lands with his cheek pressed against the hot stove. SSSSSSssss. He pries his face loose with a spatula. 301 A BUCKET OF GREASE 301 is pushed off a high shelf. CLANG! 302 IT LANDS ON ASH'S HEAD 302 and spills slippery grease about the floor. 303 ASH 303 with an upside-down bucket on his head, slips and falls, back and forth on the grease. He stands and tries to dislodge the bucket. He trips over the broom handle, again thrust in his path. He falls backward, onto a crochet basket with knitting needles jutting from it. 304 BUCKET-HEADED ASH 304 SCREAMS and jerks upward, slamming his bucket head into the stove pipe. CLANG! Ash rips the bucket from his head then yanks the needles from his buttocks. He looks about for the little imps. 305 TINY ASH #2 305 crouching behind a log attempting to hide. BUT... 306 ASH 306 has seen him. He "accidentally" elbows the log and Tiny Ash #2 into the stove's fire. ASH Ooops. 307 TINY ASH #2 307 is burned alive. 308 ASH 308 glances downward at the pitter patter sound of tiny feet. 309 TINY ASH #3 309 is dashing across the open expanse of floor. Ash's gigantic foot comes down to crush the little man. Tiny Ash #3 raises a rusty nail into the path of the descending foot. RIP!! 310 THE NAIL RIPS 310 through Ash's shoe. 311 ASH 311 jerks his leg upward in pain. Ash dances about the place hopping on one foot, HOWLING. He strays into the greasy area of the floor and stumbles over the broomstick again thrust in his path, swung there by Tiny ASHES #6, #7 and #8. He almost regains his balance when he strays into the oil patch, falls, and hits his head on the stone floor. BLACKNESS. 312 ASH 312 awakens on the floor of the Mill, like Gulliver he is bound with tiny ropes. Directly above him, on the edge of a table... 313 TINY ASHES #4 AND #5 313 suspend Tiny Ash #6 by his legs. 314 TINY ASH #7 AND #8 314 stand atop Ash's face. They push from either side of his nostrils, plugging his nose. Ash's mouth opens as he gasps for air. As he inhales... 315 SUSPENDED TINY ASH #6 315 is released. 316 TINY ASH #6 - SLOW MOTION - WIND FAN 316 He free falls for a moment, then the tiny body arcing to form a perfect swam dive, plunges down into Ash's opened throat. 317 ASH 317 inhales the living beast whole. He chokes violently. He breaks his bonds an he hacks for breath. He puts his finger down his throat, trying to make himself vomit up the little man, to no avail. He looks about to crush some of the little ASHES but they are gone. He places his hand on his stomach and dizzily stumbles to a chair. He goes pale. ASH Nasty little thing's inside me. He stands indignant but double over in sudden pain. Well let's see how you like a little hot water! He grabs the hot kettle from the stove and pours the scalding contents painfully down his throat. He sets down the kettle and waits for a moment. A tiny SCREAM emits from Ash's stomach ASH emits a bark of LAUGHTER. He clutches as his chest. Then his arm. He rips back his shirt sleeve. 318 CLOSE ON ASH'S ARM - STOP MOTION ANIMATION 318 We can see the outline of Tiny Ash #6's body squirming down Ash's arm, just beneath the skin. 319 ASH 319 watches in horror as... 320 THE TINY FIGURE 320 squirms down his wrist and disappears into his iron hand. The Iron hand snaps open and closes uncontrollably. The possessed iron hand swings at him. 321 THE IRON HAND 321 connects with an uppercut that knocks Ash out of frame. 322 ASH 322 lands next to an iron vice. He reaches for the EVIL HAND. But the hand has grabbed a mallet that BONK-BONKS him on the head. Ash is groggy as he is grabbed by the hair and yanked down into the opened vice. 323 THE EVIL IRON HAND 323 cranks the vice's handle. 324 THE VICE 324 tightens around Ash's head. Trapped, he looks to... 325 THE EVIL HAND 325 rummaging through a wooden toolbox. It comes upon a crude wooden punch. 326 ANGLE - THE EVIL HAND - UNDERCRANKED 326 stabs rapidly at Ash's good hand. But Ash expertly dodges each stab with an opening of the fingers or a closing of the thumb is super fast motion. 327 ASH 327 with is head still wedged in the vice. ASH Why you dirty little...AHHHHHH!! 328 A PAIR OF IRON PLIERS 328 has entered frame and clamps down upon Ash's nose. He emits a nasal SCREAM and shakes the pliers loose. ASH Soon as I get out of this thing I... YIEEEE!! THE PAIR OF IRON PLIERS dip into Ash's mouth and clamps down upon a back molar. ASH No! Not the teeth! YANK! 329 THE EVIL HAND 329 jerks his rear MOLAR from his head and holds up the tooth for his inspection. It sets the tooth down nearly in front of him. The Evil hand forms a fist and crushes the tooth to dust. It scurries from view. 330 ASH'S HEAD 330 struggling in the grip of the vice. ASH Where the hell are ya!? 331 THE EVIL HAND 331 grabs a red hot fireplace poker from the fire. ASH I can't see ya!! HIS EVIL HAND raises a red hot fireplace poker and presses it against the right half of his body. ASH No, no--not the poke-- SSSSsssssssss! 332 ASH 332 jerks his head free from the vice with a SCREAM. He holds up his iron hand. It's back to normal. Again under his control. ASH Okay then. But he halts abruptly as he feels a strange sensation: His shoulder itches. He scratches it. The Itch grows. It itches madly. He rips back his shirt. Upon his shoulder... THERE BLINKS A THIRD EYEBALL!!! 333 THE CAMERA RACES INTO THIS HIDEOUS SIGHT 333 It is the eyeball of EVIL ASH. Beneath it, a mouth and nose begin to take shape on the surface of Ash's back. 334 ASH 334 SHRIEKS and SHRIEKS and races out of the mill. The CAMERA follows him in docu-horror style as he flees into the dark woods. 335 EXT. WOODS - 12MM LENSE - NIGHT 335 ASH staggers about in a frenzy, stumbling over logs and through the brambles. He races up to the CAMERA and cries out as this protrusion upon his shoulder becomes more pronounced. ASH Dear God, it's growing bigger! 336 THE PROTRUSION SWELLS AND GROWS LARGER. 336 It's taking the shape of a twin human head as it emerges from his shoulder. A head that looks similar to his own, but is Evil incarnate. He is now a man with two heads! 337 TWO HEADED ASH 337 Staggers through the woods like a drunkard, the two identical heads trading insults, and sharply butting against one another. 338 THE BAD ASH HEAD 338 opens it's mouth and bites the nose of the Good Ash head. 339 THE GOOD ASH HEAD 339 retaliates by gouging the eyes of the Bad Ash head. 340 TWO HEADED ASH 340 collapses against a tree. Under the light of the full moon we see a terrifying sight: 341 TWO ADDITIONAL ARMS 341 sprout from Ash's body! 342 A LEG 342 rips out of his stomach. Another foot POPS out from his back. 343 TWO HEADED ASH 343 Like a human spider he scurries about the forest floor, propelled by his four arms and four legs. Suddenly he stands and SHRIEKS as the EVIL ASH begins to pull away from the first. He literally splits into two. 344 SPLIT SCREEN - WIDE SHOT 344 When it's over, there are two ASHES. GOOD ASH and... 345 BAD ASH. 345 They square off beneath the moonlight. 346 HIGH SHOT AS THE TWO ASHES 346 circle one another like wolves. GOOD ASH What... are you? Are you me? BAD ASH WHAT... ARE GOO? ARE GOO ME?!! You sound like a jerk! GOOD ASH Why are you doing this?! BAD ASH Wanna know? 'cause the answers easy. It's cause I'm the bad Ash, and yer... 347 EVIL ASH 347 Dances a funny jig around Ash. He SMACKS Ash across the face as he sings: EVIL ASH ...Little goody two- SMACK!, little goody two- SMACK!, little good-- 348 EVIL ASH 348 the shotgun barrel is suddenly shoved into his frame, pointing at his nose. BLAMMITY-BLAM! The blast blows Evil Ash off his feet. 349 WIDE SHOT - EVIL ASH - STUNTMAN 349 blown backwards into a double backflip. 350 EVIL ASH'S BODY 350 slams against a tree, upside-down. Then slides to the ground, quite dead. 351 GOOD ASH 351 clutching the smoldering shotgun. GOOD ASH Good...Bad...I'm the Ash with the gun. 352 LONG SHOT - ASH 352 staring down at the body of his evil self. ASH I know better than to bury you whole. 353 EXT. MILL WHEEL - LONG SHOT - NIGHT 353 The giant blades of the Mill are illuminated with bright flashes of lightning. The wind kicks up leaves as Ash throws the body of his Evil Twin onto a workbench at the base of the windmill. The giant blades of the mill arc down into frame with a WHOOSH- WHOOSSH-WHOOSH! 354 MONTAGE SEQUENCE: 354 Ash's hand light a torch. 355 FRIGHTENED BATS FLY 355 from the base of the windmill. 356 CHAINS ARE PULLED TIGHT 356 across the body of Evil Ash to secure it. CLICK. SNAP. CLINK. 357 THE CHAINSAW 357 is switched on. It spews a plume of blue exhaust. 358 ASH 358 falters for a moment as he stares down at the form of his Evil twin. He grits his teeth... and lowers the saw to the grisly task. 359 EXT. NIGHT SKY - BLOOD RED CLOUDS 359 float past the moon. We hear the distant WHINE of the chainsaw. 360 EXT. GRAVEYARD - NIGHT 360 ASH with shovel in hand, drags a bloody burlap bag from the Mill. Grunting, he pulls the remains of his Evil twin to the base of an old Oak Tree in the graveyard. Ash mumbles nervously to the bloodies burlap bag at his feet as he digs a grave. ASH Now you see what's what. Man's body is his own personal property. Don't anybody try to take that away from him. 361 ASH 361 finishes digging and lifts the bloody burlap sack. As he heaves the bag into the grave, the Evil Ash head spills out. 362 INT. GRAVE - THE EVIL ASH HEAD 362 It's eyes pop open! It peers up at Ash from the grave. It croaks; EVIL ASH HEAD You'll never get that Book. I will come back for you. ASH Hey, what's that you got on your face? EVIL ASH HEAD Huh? 363 CLOSE SHOT - THE EVIL DEAD 363 It's eyes dart, looking for something on it's face when a shovelful of dirt is heaped atop it. 364 EVIL ASH HEAD - P.O.V. - EYEMO 364 as a shovelful of dirt is heaped atop the CAMERA. 365 ASH 365 buries it deep. He raises a crude burial marker high above his head; ASH (muttering under his breath) Rest in pieces. 366 ASH 366 backlit by the moon, brings the burial maker swiftly into the grave. A flash of lightning reveals... 367 THE GRAVEYARD 367 in the distance. A burial place of evil. The old mill wheel GROANS in the gale. ASH This must be it. The cemetery. 368 ASH 368 moves toward the cemetery. 369 ASH'S P.O.V. - THE CEMETERY 369 In the center, lies a massive slab of black stone. 370 ASH 370 draws closer, his teeth chattering as the wind blasts at him. He glances down to... 371 ASH'S P.O.V. - TRACKING SHOT - SKULL 371 sitting atop the ground, leering up at CAMERA with empty eye sockets. The wind whistles through the empty skull. The jaw bone drops open with a squeak. 372 CLOSE ON ASH 372 His hair is whipped up by the wind. He looks to... 373 THE MASSIVE BLACK STONE IN THE CEMETERY'S CENTER 373 backlit by the rising moon, creates eerie beams of light and shadow. 374 ASH 374 arrives at the foot of the massive stone. 375 UNDERCRANKED - THE STONE 375 Atop it sits... THE BOOK OF THE DEAD. 376 CAMERA PANS REVEALING... 376 A SECOND BOOK OF THE DEAD! 377 CAMERA PANS AGAIN REVEALING... 377 A THIRD! 378 CAMERA RACES BACK AT SUPER SPEED TO REVEAL: 378 THREE BOOK OF THE DEAD!!! 379 A BAFFLED ASH 379 steps close. ASH Wait. Three books? Nobody said anything about that. Ha! That Wiseman was so busy fillin' me fulla his secret words and phrases and, and, his... bullshit, he forgot to mention anything about that. Like do I take all of 'em of one or 'em, or what? Well... He reaches for the first book and opens it. 380 ANGLE ON 380 WHOOOOOOSH!!! To reveal a black hole. SCREAMS ERUPT from the dark abyss of the Book. It begins to suck things into it. 381 CLOSE ON BOOK OF THE DEAD - BACKWARDS MOTION 381 dead leaves and mist are sucked into the book. 382 ASH - MAKE-UP APPLIANCE 382 Wind hits Ash's face as he feels the suction of the book growing stronger. 383 ASH'S HAND - PUPPET 383 is stretched as it's pulled down into the book. 384 LONG SHOT - ASH PUPPET 384 Ash's arms stretch down into the book's black page. 385 ASH'S PUPPET HEAD 385 stretched and screaming, is also pulled on by the book. 386 ASH PUPPET 386 A taffy stretched version of Ash struggles against the pull of the black hole. He pulls free and snaps the book shut. 387 INTERVOLOMETER SHOT - ASH 387 His face vibrates like jello until it finally snaps back to normal. ASH Woah. Wrong book. He turns to study... 388 THE TWO REMAINING BOOKS 388 ASH tries to decide between them. At first he's sure which one it is. Then, chiding himself for being so easily duped, chooses the other. 389 THE BOOK 389 moves ever so slightly as he reaches for it. ASH Huh. Ash reaches for it again and the book bites him! 390 THE BOOK OF THE DEAD - PUPPET 390 Rodent teeth have appeared on the surface of the Book. The Book flaps it's pages and becomes airborne, flying right at CAMERA like a bat! 391 BATBOOK P.O.V. - CAMERA RIG - UNDERCRANKED 391 Swooping erratically around Ash's head. 392 THE BATBOOK 392 shrieking, chases Ash around, pecking at his neck. ASH Dear God, help me... ahhh!!! The Batbook is pecking at his eyes! 393 ASH 393 pulls it from his face and throws it. It lands back on it's pedestal. 394 ASH 394 faces the remaining book. He slowly reaches for it as the wind kicks up. Ash gently lifts it and turns it over. 395 CLOSE ON BOOK 395 It's cover is bound in the dried skin of a man's face! Two empty eye sockets stare out from it. This is the Book of the Dead... 396 ASH 396 bristles in fear. ASH Okay. The words. Say the words. KLATOO!... VERATA... uh... Uh... Necta... uh... Nectar... Necktie... uh... He hesitates, then calls out boldly. ASH KLATOO... VERATA... NECTtphhhhhhhhhh... He deliberately muffles the last word that he can't remember. The wind stops. It seems to have worked. He looks about with growing confidence. ASH Okay then. But he loses his smile as... a LOW RUMBLE is heard on the soundtrack. 397 LONG SHOT - CEMETARY 397 ASH A tiny figure among the gravestones which tremble and one by one are thrust from the earth. ASH Hey, wait a minute. Everything's cool! I said the words! I did! 398 EXT. CASTLE - NIGHT 398 A violent storm in the distance. Lightning flashes. 399 INT. CASTLE COURTYARD - NIGHT 399 A DOOR blows open revealing Wiseman John. He looks at the gathering storm with foreboding. WISEMAN JOHN Something is amiss. 400 HORSES IN THE CASTLE GROUNDS 400 WHINNIE in hear. Sheila steps into frame and stare fearfully out at the storm. 401 EXT. CEMETARY - NIGHT 401 ASH runs for his horse, clutching the Necronomicon. 402 A BONEY HAND 402 rips up from a grave and grabs his leg! 403 ASH 403 falls. 404 THE BOOK OF THE DEAD 404 is knocked from Ash's hand. 405 ASH 405 reaches for it when a SECOND skeleton hand rips from the ground and clutches his face. 406 THE FIRST SKELETON HAND 406 digs into Ash's mouth. It jerks his face sideways to show him... 407 A GROUP OF SIX ROTTED ARMS 407 that rip from the ground! 408 THE SKELETAL HANDS 408 toss Ash to... 409 THE ROTTED ARMS 409 grab Ash's head and bang it on a rock. Two of the six arms try to shake and slap some sense into him. A rotted fist is waved at him. Another rotted arm backhands him. The arms thrust his face toward the skeleton hands. 410 THE SKELETON HANDS 410 curl boney fingers, clenching them into fists. ASH No.. no more... The skeletal fists pepper Ash's face with punches. ASH Leave me alone! Leave me aHUUU! 411 THE SKELETAL FINGERS 411 last out and snag Ash's tongue between their boney pincers, shutting Ash up. With his tongue held, he tries to speak again, but the other skeletal hand slaps him, shutting him up. Both hands work double-time at slapping him. 412 UNDERCRANKED - ASH 412 His face has become a punching bag for the skeletal hands. They pull his ears and gouge his eyes. 413 ASH 413 open his mouth wide with in a SCREAM! 414 SIDE SHOT - COLLAPSIBLE SKELETON ARM 414 The boney fist is thrust into Ash's screaming mouth up to the skeleton's boney elbow. 415 EXTREME CLOSE SHOT - ASH'S EYES 415 They bulge as he swallow the arm. 416 STOP MOTION ANIMATION 416 A ROTTED ARM rips through the ground, punching Ash in the stomach. 417 SIDE SHOT - COLLAPSIBLE SKELETAL ARM 417 ASH jerks backward, vomiting out the skeletal arm. He tumbles to the ground. 418 THE ARMS 418 reach for him, but he is too fast. He stamps on one of the skeletal arms, pinning it to the ground. ASH (in a snarl) Keep you damn filthy bones outta my mouth. SNAP! He breaks the boney arm in two and runs away from the sea of limbs. A bone arm rips from the grave and reaches for the Book of the Dead but Ash scoops it up first. He leaps over another set of groping arms that rip from the ground! 419 ASH CLIMBS 419 atop the horse. He glances back in fear to see... 420 EXT. CEMETARY - OLD OAK TREE 420 The burial site of Evil Ash. A bolt of lightning strikes the grave marker. 421 EVIL ASH'S BURIAL MARKER 421 is thrust from the ground. A hand breaks the surface of the earth. 422 EVIL ASH'S BODY PARTS 422 fly up from the grave and assemble themselves into a lopsided, decayed version of EVIL ASH! 423 EXT. MILL - NIGHT 423 ASH stares in horror at his evil self. All around, skeletons rip from the earth and shriek as they come back to life! 424 A FEARFUL ASH 424 kicks the horse and rides off. 425 EXT. MILL - LONG SHOT - NIGHT 425 ASH ON HORSEBACK galloping back the way he came. In the distance we see the cemetery. More bodies arise from the ground. 426 EXT. WOODS - ASH - NIGHT 426 Now far from the danger but still he rides hard. ASH I'm through bein' their garbage boy. I did my part of the bargain. He pats the saddlebag, where the book is and grins. Now they owe me. Like in the deal. I want back. He whips his horse... HA! GIIDDUP NOW!! ...and rides off into the darkness. DISSOLVE TO: 427 EXT. CASTLE - LONG SHOT - NIGHT 427 ASH A tiny figure, rides toward the castle. 428 EXT. CASTLE WALL - NIGHT 428 GOLD TOOTH and two guards stand atop a tower and shout down to the gatekeeper. GOLD TOOTH Open the gates. The Promised one has returned! 429 EXT. CASTLE - NIGHT 429 THE DRAWBRIDGE swings down. 430 ASH 430 rides across the lowered bridge and into the torchlight of the castle. 431 INT. CASTLE COURTYARD - NIGHT 431 TWO WARRIORS hold Ash's horse as he dismounts. There are excited shouts from the villagers VILLAGERS The stranger has returned! He's brought the book! 432 INT. CASTLE COURTYARD - NIGHT 432 ASH is led to the THREE WISEMEN. WISEMAN JOHN The Necronomicon. Quickly. 433 ASH 433 pours a bucket of water over his head and begins drinking. WISEMAN JOHN Did you bring the Necronomicon! 434 ASH 434 slurps down more of the water, averting his eyes from the Wiseman. ASH Yes. It's just that... WISEMAN JOHN Just what?! ASH Nothing. Here Ash produces the Necronomicon. Now send be back. Like in the deal. 435 WISEMAN JOHN 435 takes the book and suddenly goes pale. WISEMAN JOHN No...I sensed something had gone awry. The book's power. It's gone. 436 THE CROWD 436 murmurs at this bad news. 437 ASH 437 suddenly looks very guilty. Wiseman John turns to him. WISEMAN JOHN When you removed the Necronomicon from it's cradle, did you speak the words? ASH Yeah. basically. WISEMAN JOHN Did you speak the exact words?! ASH Well, maybe not every single syllable, no. But basically I said them. Yes. 438 WISEMAN JOHN 439 bows his head, stung by this information. WISEMAN JOHN Dung eating fool! Thou hast doomed us. When thou misspoke the words the Army of the Dead was awoke. ASH Hey. We had a deal. You told me, you could clean this thing up, once I got you the book. You said there was a passage in there that could get rid of this thing and send me back. WISEMAN JOHN The passage is useless to us as long as these evil dead walk. They have a terrible desire for this book. And they shall come here to get it. Once in their possession, the Evil shall rule the Earth for one thousand years...Because of you...we are doomed. ASH You wanted the damn book. You got yer book. I did my part of the deal. WISEMAN JOHN We did strike a bargain. I will return you to your own time as promised. ASH Yeah. Well good. That was the deal. So uh...when do you think we can... 439 ASH 439 looks about at the condemned faces. 440 ASH'S P.O.V. - THE VILLAGERS 440 CAMERA PANS past the doomed faces in the crowd. ASH I mean...when can you send me... 441 ASH 441 sees Sheila, but looks away, consumed with the guilt that he's doomed her. ARTHUR The Wisemen were fools to believe that you were the Promised one. That one such as you could have saved us!. 442 ASH 442 is solemn. 443 ARTHUR 443 and the others turn away in contempt. 444 SHEILA 444 moves closer. SHEILA I still believe that thou wilt help us. ASH No.. They're right. I screwed up. I didn't come through for you, and... I'm sorry for it. SHEILA I still have faith in thee. In my heart I know thou wilt still succeed. ASH Sheila... It's over for me. I don't belong here and I'm going home. I didn't have what it took. It's over. He bows his head and moves off. A high pitched SHRIEK is heard! 445 ALL HEADS 445 look to the sky. 446 TWO WINGED DEADITES 446 possessed women with bat-like wings, swoop down. 447 TEN VILLAGERS 447 scream as they flee from the winged beasts. 448 WINGED DEADITE #1 448 Like a delta winged F-15, it banks towards Sheila. ASH No! 449 ASH 449 races to intercept. He plants himself between Sheila and the beast. 450 WINGED DEADITE #1 - POV 450 As it swoops at Ash. 451 ASH 451 opens his steel hand, then clamps it closed again on the handle of his sword. 452 ASKEW ANGLE 452 The immense shadow of the broad winged Deadite falls over Ash. 453 ASH 453 swings his sword upward. 454 CLOSE SHOT - THE BLADE 454 severs the tip of the Beast's rotted wing. 455 THE FLYING DEADITE 455 shrieks in pain as it soars over Ash. No longer aerodynamically sound, it crashes to the ground. 456 A GROUP OF WARRIORS 456 fire their arrows into the beast, pegging it to a tree. The bone white eyes of the creature darken. 457 ASH AND ARTHUR 457 spin to the sound of a woman's SCREAM. 458 SHEILA 458 in the clutches of WINGED DEADITE #2. SHEILA M'Lord Ash! Help me! The beast flies off with the fair maiden, soaring over the castle wall and into the distance. 459 ASH 459 shakes his fist at the receding beast. ASH Damn you! 460 THREE MOUNTED SCOUTS 460 come riding in through the castle doors. SCOUT An army of the dead! They have gathered in the wilderness and come this way. ARTHUR How far from here? SCOUT But two days ride. ARTHUR Then these winged ones are only the first of them. WISEMAN Perhaps we should go from this place while we can. GOLD TOOTH We could be safe in the mountains. WARRIORS Yes! To the mountains! We must flee! They'll take our souls! 461 ANGLE ON 461 BLAMMITY-BLAM! All eyes look to... 462 ASH 462 who stands on a high castle wall, clutching his smoldering shotgun. ASH Go ahead and run. Run home and cry to mama. I'm through runnin'. I stay we stay and fight. 463 ARTHUR 463 takes a challenging step forward. ARTHUR How will we stop an army of the dead at out castle walls? How will you fight that?! With more words? Most of out people have already fled. We are but forty men. ASH We'll get Henry the Red and his men to fight with us. ARTHUR We shall not stand in battle, alongside the likes of him. Our honor will not allow it. ASH Then you'll die. Honor and all. Now who's with me? 464 THE CROWD 464 is silent as they consider Ash's words. Then from the rear, the Village Blacksmith steps forward. BLACKSMITH I'll stand by you. 465 A WARRIOR 465 steps forward. Then another. WARRIOR #7 You may count on my steel. WARRIOR #8 And mine! 466 THE CROWD 466 steps forward vowing their allegiance to the cause. 467 ARTHUR 467 reluctantly joins them. 468 EXT. GRAVEYARD - STOP MOTION ANIMATION - NIGHT 468 EVIL ASH directs teams of skeletons to dig at the graves. EVIL ASH Dig! Dig faster! I want every black hearted, worm infested, son of a bitch that ever died in battle! We'll storm their castle and take the book! Then my lads, eternal life shall by ours! 469 STOP MOTION ANIMATION - THREE SKELETONS 469 hoist up a stone casket from the ground and with rusted swords pry it open, releasing another skeleton who stands to join their ranks. 470 TWO ARMORED SKELETONS 470 push a bruised Sheila to her knees before Evil Ash. 471 CLOSE ON SHEILA 471 looking up to Evil Ash in fear. His boney finger comes down into frame and strokes her lovely cheek. She pulls away in revulsion. 472 EVIL ASH 472 looks down at her with lust. EVIL ASH Why ain't you a sweet little thing? His boney digit caresses her lips. SHEILA Don't touch me! You foul thing! EVIL ASH Your gonna learn to live me missy. SHEILA The Promised one will come for you. SKELETAL EVIL ASH yanks her to her feet. EVIL ASH Darlin' I'm gonna save him the trouble. He clutches her squirming body in a boney embrace. 473 EXT. GRAVEYARD - LONG SHOT 473 Silhouetted by the large full moon, Evil Ash forces his kiss upon Sheila. Around them, the skeletons sharpen their swords on tombstones. DISSOLVE TO: 474 EXT. VAST VISTA OF BARREN LAND - DAY 474 Ash rides toward the castle of Henry the Red that can be seen in the distance. 475 WIDE SHOT - ASH 475 is suddenly intercepted by FOUR OF HENRY'S HORSEMEN. They surround him. HENRY WARRIOR #1 He wears the insignia of Arthur! HENRY WARRIOR #2 Slay him! The draw their swords when... 476 HENRY THE RED 476 rides up between his warriors and Ash. HENRY Stay your arms! Henry turns to Ash. HENRY T'is the stranger who spared me from the pit. What brings you? ASH The Army of the Dead. HENRY What of them? ASH They're headed towards Arthur's castle. We need your help. Fight with us. HENRY So you are a vassal of Arthur now? You have taken up sides with him against me. ASH The only side I'm takin' is the one that's gonna stop those things. Henry laughs. HENRY Why should I endanger my people to save my enemy? ASH Because after they finish with Arthur they'll come after you. Together, we've got a chance. Besides, you owe me. 477 EXT. A CRAGGY MOUNTAIN TOP - NIGHT 477 EVIL ASH AND SHEILA ride side by side on skeletal steeds. Sheila lifts her black veil, revealing bone white eyes, set into a face now the texture of cracked leather. She looks with admiration to... 478 EVIL ASH 478 He is general of the army of Deadites. He thrusts a rusted sword into the air and shouts in a gritty voice: EVIL ASH Who rules?! 479 WIDE SHOT - ONE HUNDRED ARMORED SKELETONS 479 raise their swords into the air with a shout. 480 EXT. CASTLE - DAY 480 THREE TRUMPETERS stand atop the castle wall and sound their trumpets! CAMERA PANS to reveal... 481 THE 1973 DELTA 88 OLDSMOBILE 481 being pulled by a team of men and horses, inside the castle walls. Ash is behind the steering wheel. 482 INT. CASTLE - BLACKSMITH SHOP - DAY 482 ASH AND THE BLACKSMITH look under the hood of the Delta 88, parked in the Blacksmith's shop. 483 THE DELTA'S ENGINE 483 is shattered. 484 ASH 484 frowns. 485 ASH AND THE BLACKSMITH 485 pour molten iron into a large sand mold. 486 THE SAND 486 is brushed away revealing gear wheels. 487 HAMMERS 487 beat upon red hot iron, fashioning helicopter like rotor blades. 488 THE BLACKSMITH'S STOVE 488 is lowered into the Delta's engine compartment. 489 EXT. CASTLE COURTYARD - DAY 489 ASH walks along, inspecting a line of forty medieval warriors who stand at attention. He halts before a warrior and stares hard at him. The Warrior glances towards Ash. ASH You eyeballin' me boy? WARRIOR #9 No, M'Lord. ASH I can't hear you! WARRIOR #9 NO, M'LORD!! ASH You squeekin' like a mouse! Are you a mouse boy?! WARRIOR #9 NO, M'LORD! ASH Where you from, mouse?! WARRIOR #9 I hail from the village of Perth. ASH Only two things come from Perth: steers and queers. Which are you? 490 EXT. MOUNTAIN - DAY 490 ASH takes charcoal from a dead fire and chips of dried cow dung. He mixes them with sulfur. 491 THE BLACK POWDER 491 is bound up in a small satchel and affixed to an arrow. 492 GOLD TOOTH 492 lights the fuse with a torch. 493 ASH 493 draws back and releases the arrow. ZING! 494 THE ARROW 494 imbeds in a wooden post and EXPLODES. Large pieces of wood are sent flying. 495 ARTHUR'S WARRIORS 495 watch in awe. 496 EXT. CASTLE LOOKOUT TOWER - DUSK 496 THE CASTLE BELL is rung madly. The signal for battle stations. 497 A WARRIOR 497 rides in through the castle gates screaming: WARRIOR They're coming! The Deadites approach! 498 INT. CASTLE COURTYARD 498 A look of shock and fear on all the faces. ASH comes into frame. CAMERA CRANES UP with him as he scales the ladder to the lookout tower. He peers out to the darkening horizon. 499 ASH 499 hears them before he sees them: The sound of clicking bones. Painful moans of tortured souls, the clanging of approaching armor. 500 ASH'S P.O.V. - THE HORIZON 500 Fifty distant silhouettes of the Evil Dead appear on the horizon. Then fifty more. 501 EXT. BATTLEFIELD TRACKING SHOT 501 THREE KILTED SKELETON SCOTSMEN play rotted bagpipes as they march toward the castle. A haunted battle melody. Behind them... 502 SKELETON #1 502 plays the drums upon a set of hollow skulls. 503 SKELETON #2 503 takes a leg bone upon a third skeleton's ribs. A bone xylophone. A bone-o-phone. 504 SKELETON #3, #4 AND #5 504 blow into arm bones forming woodwind section. 505 FOUR VIKING SKELETONS 505 CAMERA TRACKING with these helmeted skeletons as they march. They are clad in rusting suits of armor, wielding swords and spears. Nasty grins on their faces. One hobbles past on his wooden leg. 506 EVIL ASH AND SHEILA 506 ride their steeds to a halt atop a hill. 507 A SKELETON AND DEADITE CAPTAIN 507 ride alongside Evil Ash and salute him sharply. SKELETON CAPTAIN M'Lord! We are positioned on both fronts! EVIL ASH Where are they keeping my book? SKELETON CAPTAIN #1 Most likely...there, in the castle's keep. It would be the safest place. It is behind two walls that must be taken first. EVIL ASH Excellent. Proceed. 508 SKELETON CAPTAIN #1 508 With a sweep of his arm, he waves the Army of rot. SKELETON CAPTAIN #1 Forward! 509 THE MACABRE MARCHING BAND 509 now pound the attack beat on their drums. 510 A LINE OF DEADITES 510 advance toward the castle. Some crouch behind wooden barricades which they roll before them. 511 EXT. CASTLE - ATOP THE WALL 511 ASH, ARTHUR AND THE WARRIORS ASH Arrows! ARTHUR Load! 512 TWELVE ARCHERS 512 pull back arrows on their bow strings. Each arrow has a small charge of black powder attached to it. Torch boy! 513 A TORCH BOY 513 runs behind the archers, lighting the fuses on each of the powder charges. As the last arrow is lit.... 514 ARTHUR 514 looks to the approaching army. 515 THE LINE OF DEADITES 515 rolls their wooden barricades closer. 516 ARTHUR 516 turns to Ash for the signal. 517 ASH 517 holds up a finger. He waits. 518 TWELVE ARCHERS 518 strain, their bows taut with the explosive arrows. The sound of the FUSE BURNING is loud. 519 THE BURNING FUSES 519 about to disappear into the powder charges. 520 ASH 520 waits one more beat. The turns to Arthur. ASH Fire! ARTHUR Fire! 521 TWELVE ARCHERS 521 fire a volley of smoking arrows. 522 SMOKING AND SPUTTERING ARROWS 522 rain down from the castle wall. 523 TWO WOODEN BARRICADES 523 are hit with the explosive arrows. They explode. 524 THREE DEADITES 524 are pierced by the explosive arrows. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! They burst apart in flames. 525 FLAMING DEADITES 525 roll on the ground unable to extinguish themselves. 526 A BURNING SKELETON 526 continues to advance only to collapse into a smoldering heap. 527 THE WARRIORS 527 CHEER Ash in sensurround. 528 A SCOUT 528 races up to Ash. SCOUT M'Lord! A second division approaching from the South. 529 ASH 529 turns to the South. 530 A SECOND WAVE A DEADITES 530 approach. ASH CATAPULTS...SOUTH! 531 INT. COURTYARD 531 THREE WOODEN CATAPULTS are wheeled into position. ARTHUR Powder! 532 GOLD TOOTH AND OTHER WARRIORS 532 hoist large sacks of black powder onto spoons of the catapults. Their fuses are lit. 533 ASH 533 gestures. Swords slice through lines which send giant sacks of black powder catapulting. 534 LONG SHOT - CASTLE 534 Three flaming projectiles whine as they hurl over the castle walls. 535 THREE FALLING SATCHELS P.O.V.'S 535 CAMERA CRANING DOWN toward the skeletons as they look upward in horror. BOOM! The first blast takes out a skeleton horse and rider. Bones fly. BOOM! FOUR DEADITES are obliterated. 536 EVIL ASH 536 turns to the Skeleton Captain #1 who rides alongside him. SKELETON CAPTAIN #1 Permission to regroup, m'Lord. EVIL ASH You needn't bother. 537 EVIL ASH 537 slices off the head of Skeleton Captain #1. He turns to the MOUNTED DEADITE next to him. EVIL ASH You are now my captain. I will now allow anything to stop me from possessing the Necronomicon. Get me into that castle. 538 THE NEW DEADITE CAPTAIN 538 gulps and races forward into the ranks shouting: NEW DEADITE CAPTAIN RAM THE GATES! 539 TWO GROUPS OF FOUR SKELETONS 539 use trees as battering rams and batter the large wooden doors of the castle. BOOM!-BOOM! 540 INT. CASTLE - THE CASTLE DOORS 540 begin to buckle beneath the hammering blows. 541 TWO VILLAGE WOMEN 541 scream! 542 TEN WARRIORS 542 wedge logs to buttress the buckling castle doors. 543 EXT. CASTLE 543 EVIL ASH Arrows! 544 A ROW OF SIX SKELETAL ARCHERS 544 fire a volley of arrows. As they reload. Behind them... 545 A SECOND LINE OF SIX SKELETAL ARCHERS 545 fire their arrows. 546 A VOLLEY OF DEADITES' ARROWS 546 pierce five Warriors atop the castle wall. They fall. 547 INT. CASTLE 547 TWO DEAD WARRIORS fall to the courtyard. Villagers lift them away on stretchers. 548 ARTHUR 548 shouts to Ash: ARTHUR Where is Henry?! ASH He'll be here. ARTHUR I think he will not. But know this. No matter how this battle fares, I was wrong to think you a coward. 549 EXT. CASTLE 549 The battering rams rips through the doors and the army of darkness pours into the courtyard. 550 A LEGLESS SKELETON 550 crawls in with a knife in its teeth. ARTHUR They're coming in. What now?! 551 ASH 551 looks terrified. He turns and runs from the castle entrance, dropping his sword, and hides in the blacksmith's shop, pulling the door closed behind him. 552 ARTHUR 552 shocked at Ash's cowardly desertion, turns to his men and shouts: ARTHUR Fall back! Man the Parapet! Protect the book or God save us all! 553 THE WARRIORS 553 retreat across the courtyard to rope ladders that scale the parapet. 554 ARTHUR'S MEN CLIMB ATOP THE PARAPET 554 The rope ladders are hastily pulled up, leaving no access. 555 INT. COURTYARD - SIX OF ARTHUR'S WARRIORS 555 are stranded in the courtyard. They fight for their lives but are quickly overcome. 556 EVIL SHEILA 556 takes out the last of the stranded warriors with her sword. 557 EVIL ASH 557 smiles at Sheila. He turns his attention to the guarded tower just beyond the parapet. EVIL ASH The book shall be mine! He raises his rusty sword. LADDERS! 558 TWELVE EVIL DEAD 558 storm the parapet with three crudely built wooden ladders as large rocks rain down upon them from above. 559 TWO WARRIORS 559 push away ladder #1. 560 FOUR SKELETONS ON LADDER #1 560 swing away from the wall and crash to the ground. 561 TWO SKELETONS ON LADDER #2 561 leap onto the parapet and battle the men with swords. 562 WARRIOR #2 562 knocks the deadite off the ledge and shouts back toward Arthur. WARRIOR #2 We can't hold this wall much longer! 563 A DEADITE ARROW 563 pierces his armor and he falls to his death. 564 INT. COURTYARD 564 A VIKING DEADITE looks up as he hears... CHUG! CHUG! CHUG! 565 DEADITE'S P.O.V. 565 THE DOORS OF THE BLACKSMITH'S SHOP BURST OPEN Through the dust and smoke something appears...An iron beast...belching steam...It's angry iron blades whirling. Behold... 566 THE DEATHCOASTER 566 The stripped chaise of the Delta 88 Oldsmobile. A steam engine is mounted to it's center to power the craft. At the front and rear are spinning, helicopter like rotor blades. 567 GOLD TOOTH 567 shovels coal into the Deathcoaster's furnace. 568 ASH 568 is at the helm. He pulls a cord. 569 THE DEATHCOASTER'S STEAM WHISTLE 569 SCREAMS to announce its birth. 570 THE VIKING DEADITE 570 is cut to ribbons by swirling blades. 571 THE VILLAGERS ATOP THE PARAPET 571 cheer! 572 EVIL DEAD 572 at the base of the ladders look up in horror to see... 573 THE STEAM DRIVEN ROTOR BLADES 573 slicing through two Deadites at once. The cow-catcher in front pushes aside the halved Evil Dead. 574 ASH 574 operates a crude instrument panel with only two levers to steer the craft. It's a bumpy ride. 575 WIDE SHOT - THE DEATHCOASTER 575 Thwop! Thwop! Two more skeletons bite the dust. leathery hands pluck a SCREAMING Gold Tooth from the craft. 576 GOLD TOOTH 576 disappears beneath the squirming corpses. A moment later he re- emerges as a skeleton himself, except for the single gold tooth that shines against the white of the bone. He stands and joins the Deadites. 577 EVIL SHEILA 577 leaps onto the moving Deathcoaster to face Ash. EVIL SHEILA Thou didst find me beautiful once. ASH Honey...You got real ugly. 578 EVIL SHEILA 578 attacks with a SHRIEK! 579 ASH 579 spins out his double barreled shot gun and... BLAMMITY-BLAM! ...blows her off the craft. She does a back flip into the other Deadites. 580 ASH 580 pulls hard on the steering stick and it tears loose from the craft. 581 THE DEATHCOASTER 581 careens out of control. 582 ASH 582 tumbles from the helm and hits the ground. 583 THE DEATHCOASTER 583 flips, crushes a group of Deadites against a wall, and explodes. 584 ASH 584 picks himself up from the dust. He looks upward to... 585 LADDER #2 - ARTHUR 585 attempts to push the ladder away. A sword comes up into frame, stabbing Arthur. He is yanked to his death with a shriek! Evil Ash, with his bloody sword, leaps up from the ladder and onto the parapet. He's headed for the Book of the Dead. 586 BELOW IN THE COURTYARD - ASH 586 races to a set of ropes and pulley that ascend the parapet. Two deadites come at him. He grabs the rope with his steel hand and slices one end of it with his sword. 587 ABOVE HIM - A NET OF BOULDERS 587 plummet down atop the two deadites, crushing them. Simultaneously, Ash is tanked upward by the rope, to the parapet. 588 ASH 588 looks to... 589 EVIL ASH 589 approaching the Necronomicon. 590 ASH 590 kicks aside a hay bale and removes a mini-crossbow with four flame tipped arrows, loaded and ready. He fires. 591 A FLAME ARROW 591 imbeds in Evil Ash's leg and ignites his body. Another flaming dart hits his shoulder blade. The flames consume his body. He burns and SHRIEKS! 592 ASH 592 watches in horror as... 593 THE FLAMES RECEED 593 revealing a bone white skeleton with mismatched eyes. SKELETAL EVIL ASH! It races at Ash with a SHRIEK. 594 ASH AND EVIL ASH 594 bring their swords together with such great force that sparks fly. Ash is forced back against the stone pedestal that holds the Necronomicon. CLANG! With a deft stroke, Ash's sword is flung from his hand. 595 ASH'S SWORD 595 imbeds in a wooden beam. 596 EVIL ASH 596 grabs the Necronomicon, then swings his sword at Ash. 597 ASH 597 grabs a burning iron torch from its mount. 598 ANGLE ON 598 WHOOSH! KLANG! WHOOSH! KLANG! Man and Skeleton battle with flaming torch and sword. 599 ANGLE ON 599 KLANG! The torch is knocked from Ash's hand. It falls over the edge of the wall and lands in the courtyard below. It ignites a fuse. The burning fuse leads to a sack of black powder. The sack sits upon the spoon of a catapult. 600 ABOVE... 600 SKELETON ASH swings his sword. Ash leaps over the blade. The Skeleton swings downward, and Ash side steps it. 601 ASH 601 rabbit punches CAMERA. 602 CLOSE ON SKELETON HEAD 602 Ash's fist bursts out all it's rotted teeth. 603 ASH 603 delivers a right hook, spinning the skeleton's head around in a circle. 604 THE SKELETON 604 gives Ash a backwards roundhouse kick to the face. Ash tumbles over the edge. 605 ASH 605 falls to the courtyard below, alongside the catapult. He glances at the burning fuse. 606 EVIL ASH 606 leaps from the parapet and lands atop the catapult. The Skeleton looks down at Ash with a nasty grin of bone. 607 SKELETON ASH 607 Behold... He gestures to the Evil Dead that overrun the parapet and now battle the last twenty of Arthur's warriors for control of the Keep. 608 ANGLE ON SKELETON ASH 608 SKELETON ASH You're finished. He extends the Necronomicon to taunt Ash. SKELETON ASH I possess the Necronomicon. I've crushed your pathetic army. Now I'll have my vengeance! He raises his sword for the death blow... 609 THE SHRILL CALL OF BATTLE TRUMPETS 609 GUARD (O.S.) Duke Henry's men! They've come! 610 ASH AND THE SKELETON 610 turn... A jubilant CHEER rises from the castle as... 611 DUKE HENRY THE RED AND FIFTY OF HIS MEN 611 thunder down the hill, across the drawbridge and into the castle courtyard to attack the Deadites! 612 THE SKELETON - ATOP THE CATAPULT 612 turns back to Ash and raises his sword for the kill. 613 ASH 613 has grabbed a sword from a fallen warrior. With a single motion he slices the hand that holds the Necronomicon from Skeleton Ash. 614 ASH 614 snags the book with one hand and on the backswing, slices through the rope, springing the catapult. 615 THE SKELETON AND BURNING SATCHEL 615 are flung over the castle wall. 616 HIGH SHOT - LOOKING DOWN AT CASTLE 616 THE SKELETON PROJECTILE rockets up past camera, waving its boney arms. The burning satchel follows. BOOM! The skeleton is blown to bits in mid air. A CHEER goes up within the castle courtyard as Henry's Warriors crush the last of the Deadites. DISSOLVE TO: 617 GLORIOUS BEAMS OF MORNING SUNLIGHT 617 streak over the horizon. Ash enters frame. He holds the Necronomicon as he looks wearily out over the battlefield. 618 LONG SHOT - THE BATTLEFIELD - MORNING 618 Smoking skeletons lay scattered. Henry and Arthur's Warriors work together. They toss the deadite bones and armor into a bonfire. 619 CLOSE SHOT - TWO DEADITE SKULLS 619 engulfed by flames, crack in the heat. DISSOLVE TO: 620 EXT. SEASHORE - ARROWHEADS - DUSK 620 are dipped into the flame of a bonfire. They ignite. 621 THE INTEGRATED ARMY OF HENRY AND ARTHUR'S MEN 621 Form a row of archers. They fire their flaming arrows toward the sea. 622 THE ARROWS 622 strike a wooden ship that holds the body of Arthur. ASH (V.O.) We said goodbye to Arthur. Sure we had our problems. But in the end, he was all right. DISSOLVE TO: 623 EXT. SEASHORE - DUSK 623 ASH AND THE OTHERS watch the funeral pyre sail off. It's flickering flames play upon their faces. DISSOLVE TO: 624 INT. CASTLE COURTYARD - NIGHT 624 ASH (V.O.) Peace was made between the two peoples. And a new nation was formed. They offered my a chance to stay among them and teach them. A chance to lead them. To be King. But Sheila was gone. Besides, I had places to go. FLAMES OF THE FIRE - CAMERA PULLS BACK TO REVEAL... 625 THE WISEMEN 625 mix a vat of liquid over a fire as they recite a passage from the Necronomicon. A flask is dipped into the liquid. WISEMAN JOHN hands the flask of liquid to Ash. WISEMAN JOHN The Book tells us that each drop allows a man to sleep a century. Swallow six drops, and thou shalt awaken in thine own time. ASH (V.O.) Yeah. Right... Ash takes the flask and studies it. ...but what other choice did I have? DISSOLVE TO: 626 EXT. CASTLE - LONG SHOT - DAY 626 ASH rides off. ASH (V.O.) I had to find a place to crash. For a very long time. 627 EXT. CAVE - DAY 627 ASH with the aid of his horse, drags the Deathcoaster inside the cave. He sets the horse free. ASH YAHH!! It gallops off. 628 INT. CAVE - DAY 628 ASH Places a black powder charge at the mouth of the cave. He ignites the fuse and climbs into the car. ASH (V.O.) I locked the door. 629 INT. MOUTH OF THE CAVE 629 BOOM! The powder charge blows. The cave's entrance is sealed shut with an avalanche of rock. 630 INT. CAVE - DEATHCOASTER 630 The car headlights come on, piercing the blackness. 631 INT. DEATHCOASTER 631 ASH uncorks the flask filled with the Wiseman's brew. ASH (V.O.) I closed my eyes. He lets six drops fall into his mouth. One for each century he must sleep. ASH (V.O.) I took a drink. Ash is unaware that an extra drop has fallen into his mouth! A 7th drop! Ash swallows the liquid. ASH (V.O.) I didn't know if it was day or night. I started... to get drowsy... And I slept... 632 ASH 632 falls into a deep slumber. DISSOLVE TO: 633 THE DEATHCOASTER'S HEADLIGHTS 633 fade. DISSOLVE TO: 634 CLOSER ON ASH'S SLEEPING FACE 634 now in a different position. Time has passed. He needs a shave. ASH ...And dreamed. 635 THE HANDS ON ASH'S WRISTWATCH 635 wind faster and faster, then halt and rust in time lapse photography. The leather band rots away and the watch falls from Ash's wrist. 636 THE SUN 636 rises then sets. 637 THE MOON 637 follows. 638 A CRACK 638 forms along the surface of the aging rock wall. ASH (V.O.) Dreams last lasted centuries. 639 A BARREN TREE 639 sprouts buds, they swell forming leaves which change to the brilliant colors of fall then drop. 640 A FROST 640 covers Ash. 641 ICICLES 641 on the ceiling of the cave melt. The water drops down onto Ash's face. He stirs. 642 ASH 642 awakens in a heap of rusted scrap, which was once the Deathcoaster. His clothes and armor having deteriorated, he is buck ass naked as he staggers to the mouth of the cave. He digs at the rocks that block the cave's entrance. Sunlight streams into the hole he has created. 643 EXT. HILLSIDE 643 ASH climbs from the cave and steps into the sunlight. ASH (V.O.) And when I awoke... 644 ASH 644 beholds... 645 A FUTURISTIC CITY - 645 after the next Nuclear war: a dead land. 646 ASH'S P.O.V. 646 A FRACTURED CLOCK TOWER lays sprawled on its side. The time of mankind's death frozen on the cracked face of the clock. 647 A SHATTERED BRIDGE 647 abruptly ends, a third of the way across a river it once spanned. Upon it, rest heaps of futuristic, yet rusted taxicabs piled eight deep in some places. CAMERA PULLS BACK from a stunned Ash, amidst the atomized pieces of iron and bone. ASH ....I found that I had slept too long. 648 ASH 648 is so small a dot now, and so far away, that we almost can't hear his terrified SCREAM! CUT TO BLACK.